import Tkinter import Pmw class ScrolledTable(Pmw.MegaWidget): """A scrollable table widget that supports titles that stay put. The widget should be used like a Frame, with sub-widgets added using the Grid geometry manager. Do *not* set the column or row weights, unless you like unpredictable results.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw): # Define the megawidget options. INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('horizfraction', 0.05, INITOPT), ('hscrollmode', 'dynamic', INITOPT), ('labelmargin', 0, INITOPT), ('labelpos', None, INITOPT), ('scrollmargin', 2, INITOPT), ('vertfraction', 0.05, INITOPT), ('vscrollmode', 'dynamic', INITOPT), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups=('Columntitle', 'Rowtitle')) # Initialise the base class (after defining the options). Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components. interior = Pmw.MegaWidget.interior(self) # Create the vertical scrollbar self._vsb = self.createcomponent('vertscrollbar', (), 'Scrollbar', Tkinter.Scrollbar, (interior,), orient='vertical', command=self._vScroll ) if self['vscrollmode'] != 'none': interior.columnconfigure(4, minsize=self['scrollmargin']) self._vsb.grid(column=5, row=3, sticky='wns') # Create the horizontal scrollbar self._hsb = self.createcomponent('horizscrollbar', (), 'Scrollbar', Tkinter.Scrollbar, (interior,), orient='horizontal', command=self._hScroll ) if self['hscrollmode'] != 'none': interior.rowconfigure(4, minsize=self['scrollmargin']) self._hsb.grid(column=3, row=5, sticky='new') # Create the column clipper self._colClipper = self.createcomponent('columnclipper', (), 'Titleclipper', Tkinter.Frame, (interior,), bd=0) self._colClipper.grid(column=3, row=2, sticky='w') # Create the column frame self._colFrame = self.createcomponent('columnframe', (), 'Titleframe', Tkinter.Frame, (self._colClipper,), bd=0), y=0) # Create the row clipper self._rowClipper = self.createcomponent('rowclipper', (), 'Titleclipper', Tkinter.Frame, (interior,), bd=0) self._rowClipper.grid(column=2, row=3, sticky='n') # Create the row frame self._rowFrame = self.createcomponent('rowframe', (), 'Titleframe', Tkinter.Frame, (self._rowClipper,), bd=0), y=0) # Create the main content clipper self._clipper = self.createcomponent('clipper', (), None, Tkinter.Frame, (interior,), bd=0) self._clipper.grid(column=3, row=3, sticky='nsew') # Create the main content frame self._frame = self.createcomponent('frame', (), None, Tkinter.Frame, (self._clipper,), bd=0) self._frame.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='nsew') interior.columnconfigure(3, weight=1) interior.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) self.createlabel(interior, childCols=4, childRows=4) self._colTitles = {} self._rowTitles = {} if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic' \ and self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': self.__config = self._configureXY elif self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': self.__config = self._configureY elif self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': self.__config = self._configureX else: self.__config = self._configureFixed self._reqwidth = 0 self._reqheight = 0 self._clipper.bind('', self._configure) self._frame.bind('', self._configureContent) self.initialiseoptions(ScrolledTable) def columnTitles(self, withKw=0): """Return the column titles (a dictionary of column=>title). If 'withKw', the dictionary value is a 2-tuple of the title and the keyword dictionary used for title-widget construction. Also, in this case textvariable titles haven't been massaged into strings.""" return self._titles(self._colTitles, withKw) def setColumnTitle(self, column, title, **kw): "Set the title for a column (column index starts at 0)." self._setTitle(self._colTitles, column, title, kw) if not title: self._frame.columnconfigure(column, minsize=0) def rowTitles(self, withKw=0): """Return the row titles (a dictionary of row=>title). If 'withKw', the dictionary value is a 2-tuple of the title and the keyword dictionary used for title-widget construction. Also, in this case textvariable titles haven't been massaged into strings.""" return self._titles(self._rowTitles, withKw) def setRowTitle(self, row, title, **kw): "Set the title for a row (row index starts at 0)." self._setTitle(self._rowTitles, row, title, kw) if not title: self._frame.rowconfigure(row, minsize=0) def showTitles(self): "Show row/column titles of an empty table" self._updateColumnLabels(force=1) self._updateRowLabels(force=1) def _setTitle(self, dict, key, value, kw): if value: dict[key] = (value, kw) else: try: del dict[key] except KeyError: pass def _configureContent(self, event): if event.width == self._reqwidth \ and event.height == self._reqheight: return self._reqwidth = event.width self._reqheight = event.height self._configure(event, reuse=0) def _configure(self, event, reuse=1): reqWidth = self._frame.winfo_reqwidth() reqHeight = self._frame.winfo_reqheight() w, h = self.__config(reqWidth, reqHeight) if self['vscrollmode'] != 'none': vStart = self._vsb.get()[-2] self._height = float(reqHeight) self._vScale = h / self._height self._vScroll('moveto', str(vStart)) if self['hscrollmode'] != 'none': hStart = self._hsb.get()[-2] self._width = float(reqWidth) self._hScale = w / self._width self._hScroll('moveto', str(hStart)) self._updateColumnLabels(force=1, reuse=reuse) self._updateRowLabels(force=1, reuse=reuse) def _configureXY(self, reqWidth, reqHeight): # both scrollbars are automatic # never map/unmap more than one scrollbar at a time in # this routine. Since each mapping/unmapping will cause # a Configure callback, we want to have the 'ismapped' # states accurately reflect the Configure event fields. # This won't be true if we do multiple mappings between # Configure events. clipW = maxW = self._clipper.winfo_width() clipH = maxH = self._clipper.winfo_height() if self._vsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxW = maxW + self._vsb.winfo_reqwidth() if self._hsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxH = maxH + self._hsb.winfo_reqheight() if reqHeight > maxH: if self._vsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxW = clipW else: maxW = (clipW - self._vsb.winfo_reqwidth()) self._vsb.grid(column=5, row=3, sticky='wns') return maxW, maxH if reqWidth > maxW: if self._hsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxH = clipH else: maxH = (clipH - self._hsb.winfo_reqheight()) self._hsb.grid(column=3, row=5, sticky='new') else: self._hsb.grid_forget() elif reqWidth > maxW: if self._hsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxH = clipH else: maxH = (clipH - self._hsb.winfo_reqheight()) self._hsb.grid(column=3, row=5, sticky='new') return maxW, maxH if reqHeight > maxH: if self._vsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxW = clipW else: maxW = (clipW - self._vsb.winfo_reqwidth()) self._vsb.grid(column=5, row=3, sticky='wns') else: self._vsb.grid_forget() else: if self._vsb.winfo_ismapped(): self._vsb.grid_forget() else: self._hsb.grid_forget() return maxW, maxH def _configureY(self, reqWidth, reqHeight): # vertical scrollbar is automatic, horizontal is not clipW = maxW = self._clipper.winfo_width() clipH = self._clipper.winfo_height() if reqHeight > clipH: if not self._vsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxW = (clipW - self._vsb.winfo_reqwidth()) self._vsb.grid(column=5, row=3, sticky='wns') else: self._vsb.grid_forget() return maxW, clipH def _configureX(self, reqWidth, reqHeight): # horizontal scrollbar is automatic, vertical is not clipW = self._clipper.winfo_width() clipH = maxH = self._clipper.winfo_height() if reqWidth > clipW: if not self._hsb.winfo_ismapped(): maxH = (clipH - self._hsb.winfo_reqheight()) self._hsb.grid(column=3, row=5, sticky='new') else: self._hsb.grid_forget() return clipW, maxH def _configureFixed(self, reqWidth, reqHeight): # neither scrollbar is automatic clipW = self._clipper.winfo_width() clipH = self._clipper.winfo_height() return clipW, clipH def _titles(self, titleDict, withKw): # if returning keywords, assume rebuilding titles is # desired, therefore don't massage textvarible titles # into strings if withKw: from copy import copy return copy(titleDict) ret = {} for k, v in titleDict.items(): title = v[0] if not isinstance(title, basestring): # textvariable title = title.get() ret[k] = title return ret def _updateColumnLabels(self, force=0, reuse=0): if not reuse: for component in self.components(): if component[:6] == "column" \ and component[6].isdigit(): self.destroycomponent(component) maxHeight = 0 totalWidth = 0 cols, rows = self._frame.grid_size() if force and self._colTitles: cols = max(self._colTitles.keys()) + 1 for c in range(cols): slaves = self._frame.grid_slaves(column=c) if not slaves: width = 0 else: width = max(map(lambda s: s.winfo_reqwidth(), slaves)) self._colFrame.columnconfigure(c, minsize=width) if slaves or self._colTitles.has_key(c): if not self._colTitles.has_key(c): self._colTitles[c] = ("", {}) text, userkw = self._colTitles[c] kw = {} if not userkw.has_key('pyclass'): kw.update({ 'bd': 2, 'relief': 'groove' }) kw.update(userkw) if isinstance(text, basestring): kw['text'] = text else: kw['textvariable'] = text componentName = "column%d" % c if reuse: try: title = self.component( componentName) except KeyError: title = None if not reuse or title == None: title = self.createcomponent( componentName, (), "Columntitle", Tkinter.Label, (self._colFrame,), **kw) title.grid(row=0, column=c, sticky='ew') titleWidth = title.winfo_reqwidth() titleHeight = title.winfo_reqheight() if titleHeight > maxHeight: maxHeight = titleHeight else: titleWidth = 0 if titleWidth > width: self._frame.columnconfigure(c, minsize=titleWidth) totalWidth = totalWidth + titleWidth else: self._frame.columnconfigure(c, minsize=0) totalWidth = totalWidth + width if cols > 0 and totalWidth == 0: self._frame.update_idletasks() self._updateColumnLabels() return self._colClipper.config(height=maxHeight, width=totalWidth) def _updateRowLabels(self, force=0, reuse=0): if not reuse: for component in self.components(): if component[:3] == "row" \ and component[3].isdigit(): self.destroycomponent(component) maxWidth = 0 totalHeight = 0 cols, rows = self._frame.grid_size() if force and self._rowTitles: rows = max(self._rowTitles.keys()) + 1 for r in range(rows): slaves = self._frame.grid_slaves(row=r) if not slaves: height = 0 else: height = max(map(lambda s: s.winfo_reqheight(), slaves)) self._rowFrame.rowconfigure(r, minsize=height) if self._rowTitles.has_key(r): text, userkw = self._rowTitles[r] kw = {} if not userkw.has_key('pyclass'): kw.update({ 'bd': 2, 'relief': 'groove' }) kw.update(userkw) if isinstance(text, basestring): kw['text'] = text else: kw['textvariable'] = text componentName = "row%d" % r if reuse: try: title = self.component( componentName) except KeyError: title = None if not reuse or title == None: title = self.createcomponent( componentName, (), "Rowtitle", Tkinter.Label, (self._rowFrame,), **kw) title.grid(row=r, column=0, sticky='ew') titleHeight = title.winfo_reqheight() titleWidth = title.winfo_reqwidth() if titleWidth > maxWidth: maxWidth = titleWidth else: titleHeight = 0 if titleHeight > height: self._frame.rowconfigure(r, minsize=titleHeight) totalHeight = totalHeight + titleHeight else: totalHeight = totalHeight + height if rows > 0 and totalHeight == 0: self._frame.update_idletasks() self._updateRowLabels() return self._rowClipper.config(width=maxWidth, height=totalHeight) def _vScroll(self, cmd, *args): s, e = self._scroll(cmd, self._vScale, self._vsb, args, self['vertfraction']) y = -int(self._height * s) return s, e def _hScroll(self, cmd, *args): s, e = self._scroll(cmd, self._hScale, self._hsb, args, self['horizfraction']) x = -int(self._width * s) return s, e def _scroll(self, cmd, scale, sb, args, fract): if cmd == 'moveto': start = float(args[0]) elif cmd == 'scroll': start = sb.get()[-2] if args[1] == 'units': start = start + float(args[0]) * scale * fract elif args[1] == 'pages': start = start + float(args[0]) * scale if start < 0: start = 0 if scale > 1: start = 0 end = 1 else: end = start + scale if end > 1: end = 1 start = end - scale sb.set(start, end) return start, end def interior(self): return self._frame import Tkinter class SortableTable(Tkinter.Frame): """ typically you addColumn()s, setData(), and launch() however if you saved state with getRestoreInfo(), you just setData() and then launch() with the restoreInfo keyword 'automultilineHeaders' controls whether header titles can be automatically split into multiple lines on word boundaries 'allowUserSorting' controls whether mouse clicks on column headers will sort the columns. 'menuInfo', if provided, should be a (menu, pref dict, defaults dict, fallback default) tuple. The menu will be populated with checkbutton entries as columns are added, controlling what columns are displayed. The pref dict will be used to store displayed column preferences (under the key "SortableTable info"). The defaults dict controls whether the column is shown by default (i.e. if the addColumn() 'display' keyword is omitted). The dictionary should have column titles as keys and booleans as values (True = displayed). The fallback default is used if the column isn't in the dictionary. The menuInfo tuple can optionally have a fifth element ("displayCB") which, if not None, is called when a column is configured in/out of the table. It is called with a single argument: the configured column (whose 'display' attr corresponds to the state _after_ the change). ---- Alternatively, 'menuInfo' can be a tuple of (frame, pref dict, defaults dict, fallback default, displayCB, wrap length, num checkbutton cols). In this case a frame will be populated with checkbuttons. The differences: the user will be able to explicitly control when a set of columns is saved as the default (and when that default is restored); if 'wrap length' is not None, it controls the initial maxiumum column width (in inches) before wrapping occurs; if 'num checkbutton cols' is not None, the number of columns to lay the checkbutton out in (otherwise automatically determined). """ PREF_KEY = "SortableTable info" PREF_SUBKEY_COL_DISP = "default col display" PREF_SUBKEY_WRAP = "col wrap width" def __init__(self, master, automultilineHeaders=True, menuInfo=None, allowUserSorting=True, allowCopy=False): self.tixTable = None = None self.columns = [] self.sorting = None self.allowUserSorting = allowUserSorting self.allowCopy = allowCopy self.automultilineHeaders = automultilineHeaders self.menuInfo = menuInfo if menuInfo: prefDict = menuInfo[1] prefs = prefDict.get(self.PREF_KEY, {}) if isinstance(prefs.get(self.PREF_SUBKEY_COL_DISP, True), bool): # convert old-style or non-existent prefs to current from copy import copy if prefs: val = copy(prefs) else: val = copy(menuInfo[2]) prefDict[self.PREF_KEY] = {self.PREF_SUBKEY_COL_DISP: val} if isinstance(menuInfo[0], Tkinter.Frame): import itertools row = itertools.count() self._colChkButFrame = Tkinter.Frame(menuInfo[0]) self._colChkButFrame.grid(, column=0, sticky='w') self._colCheckButtons = {} if menuInfo[-2] is not None: f = Tkinter.Frame(menuInfo[0]) f.grid(, column=0, sticky='w') wrapVal = prefDict.get(self.PREF_KEY, {}).get(self.PREF_SUBKEY_WRAP, menuInfo[-2]) if isinstance(wrapVal, basestring): amount = float(wrapVal[:-1]) if wrapVal[-1] == "i": units = "inches" else: units = "cm" else: amount = wrapVal units = "inches" from chimera.tkoptions import FloatOption self._colWrapWidthOpt = FloatOption(f, 0, "Maximum column width", amount, self._colWrap, min=1.0, width=4) self._colWrapUnitsMenu = Pmw.OptionMenu(f, command=self._colWrap, initialitem=units, items=["inches", "cm"]) self._colWrapUnitsMenu.grid(row=0, column=2) f = Tkinter.Frame(menuInfo[0]) f.grid(, column=0, sticky='w') Tkinter.Label(f, text="Show columns").grid(row=0, column=0) Tkinter.Button(f, text="All", command=self._showAllColumns).grid( row=0, column=1) Tkinter.Button(f, text="Default", command=self.showDefault).grid( row=0, column=2) Tkinter.Button(f, text="Standard", command=self._showStandard).grid( row=0, column=3) Tkinter.Button(f, text="Set Default", command=self.setDefault).grid( row=0, column=4) Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master) try: from chimera import chimage self.upArrow = chimage.get("uparrow.png", self) self.downArrow = chimage.get("downarrow.png", self) except ImportError: self.upArrow = "^" self.downArrow = "v" self._sortCache = None self._lastBrowseSel = None self._highlighted = [] self._widgetData = {} def addColumn(self, title, dataFetch, format="%s", display=None, titleDisplay=True, anchor='center', wrapLength=0, balloon=None, font='TkTextFont', headerPadX=None, headerPadY=None, entryPadX=None, entryPadY=None, refresh=True, color=None, headerAnchor=None): """if format is the type bool, use column of checkbuttons; if format is a tuple, then use a color well; the tuple should be two booleans: None okay, alpha okay. format can be a function that takes a data item argument and returns the displayable representation. """ titles = [c.title for c in self.columns] if title in titles: return self.columns[titles.index(title)] if display == None: if self.menuInfo: menu, prefDict, displayDefaults, fallback \ = self.menuInfo[:4] lookup = prefDict.get(self.PREF_KEY).get(self.PREF_SUBKEY_COL_DISP, displayDefaults) display = lookup.get(title, fallback) else: display = True if self.menuInfo and isinstance(self.menuInfo[0], Tkinter.Frame) \ and self.menuInfo[-2] is not None: wrapLength = self._userWrapLength() if headerAnchor is None: headerAnchor = anchor c = SortableColumn(title, dataFetch, format, titleDisplay, anchor, wrapLength, font, headerPadX, headerPadY, entryPadX, entryPadY, color, headerAnchor) if display != c.display: self.columnUpdate(c, display=display) self.columns.append(c) if refresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) if self.menuInfo: self._addColumnMenuEntry(c, display, balloon) return c def columnUpdate(self, column, **kw): immediateRefresh = kw.pop('immediateRefresh', True) needRefresh = column._update(**kw) if needRefresh and immediateRefresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) if self.menuInfo and 'display' in kw: try: self._vars[column.title].set(kw['display']) except: pass return needRefresh def destroy(self): = self._sortCache = self.userBrowseCmd = None if self.tixTable: self.tixTable.destroy() Tkinter.Frame.destroy(self) def getRestoreInfo(self): """return info needed for 'restoreInfo' arg of launch()""" saveSorting = self.sorting if saveSorting: sortCol, forward = saveSorting saveSorting = (self.columns.index(sortCol), forward) if self.menuInfo and isinstance(self.menuInfo[0], Tkinter.Frame) \ and self.menuInfo[-2] is not None: wrapInfo = (self._colWrapWidthOpt.get(), self._colWrapUnitsMenu.getvalue()) else: wrapInfo = None return (6, saveSorting, [int(s) for s in self.tixTable.hlist.info_selection()], [c._getRestoreInfo() for c in self.columns], self.highlightedIndices(), (self.title, self.titleFont, self.titleSticky), wrapInfo) def highlight(self, hlList): sortData = self._sortedData() old = set([sortData.index(hl) for hl in self._highlighted]) new = set([sortData.index(hl) for hl in hlList]) if old == new: return hlist = self.tixTable.hlist if hlist is None: return removeList = old - new addList = new - old clist = [c for c in self.columns if c.display] for row in removeList: for col,column in enumerate(clist): hlist.item_configure(row, col, style=column.textStyle) for row in addList: for col,column in enumerate(clist): hlist.item_configure(row, col, style=column.highlightStyle) self._highlighted = hlList def highlighted(self): return self._highlighted def highlightedIndices(self): sortData = self._sortedData() return [sortData.index(hl) for hl in self._highlighted] def launch(self, browseCmd=None, selectMode="extended", restoreInfo=None, title=None, titleFont="TkHeadingFont", titleSticky="ew", rows=10): self.initialRows = rows self.userBrowseCmd = browseCmd self.selectMode = selectMode if restoreInfo: version = restoreInfo[0] if version == 1: (version, sorting, selection, columnInfo) = restoreInfo elif version in [2,3]: (version, sorting, selection, columnInfo, highlight) = restoreInfo elif version in [4,5]: (version, sorting, selection, columnInfo, highlight, titleInfo) = restoreInfo title, titleFont, titleSticky = titleInfo else: (version, sorting, selection, columnInfo, highlight, titleInfo, wrapInfo) = restoreInfo title, titleFont, titleSticky = titleInfo if wrapInfo: amount, units = wrapInfo self._colWrapWidthOpt.set(amount) self._colWrapUnitsMenu.setvalue(units) existingCols = dict([(c.title, c) for c in self.columns]) if version < 3: for header, fetch, format, display in columnInfo: if header in existingCols: self.columnUpdate(existingCols[header], format=format, display=display) else: self.addColumn(header, fetch, format=format, display=display) elif version == 3: for header, fetch, format, display, anchor in columnInfo: if header in existingCols: self.columnUpdate(existingCols[header], format=format, display=display, anchor=anchor) else: self.addColumn(header, fetch, format=format, display=display, anchor=anchor) elif version == 4: for header, fetch, format, display, anchor, font in columnInfo: if header in existingCols: self.columnUpdate(existingCols[header], format=format, display=display, anchor=anchor, font=font) else: self.addColumn(header, fetch, format=format, display=display, anchor=anchor, font=font) else: for header, fetch, format, display, anchor, font, titleDisplay, \ wrapLength, hpadx, hpady, epadx, epady, color in columnInfo: if header in existingCols: self.columnUpdate(existingCols[header], format=format, display=display, anchor=anchor, font=font, wrapLength=wrapLength, headerPadX=hpadx, headerPadY=hpady, entryPadX=epadx, entryPadY=epady) else: self.addColumn(header, fetch, format=format, display=display, anchor=anchor, font=font, titleDisplay=titleDisplay, wrapLength=wrapLength, headerPadX=hpadx, headerPadY=hpady, entryPadX=epadx, entryPadY=epady, color=color) if sorting: colIndex, forward = sorting col = self.columns[colIndex] self.sortBy(col) if not forward: self.sortBy(col) sortData = self._sortedData() sel = [sortData[i] for i in selection] else: sel = None self.title, self.titleFont, self.titleSticky = \ title, titleFont, titleSticky if self.title == None: self.tableRow = 0 else: self.tableRow = 1 self.titleLabel = Tkinter.Label(self, text=title, font=titleFont) self.titleLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=titleSticky) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(self.tableRow, weight=1) self._constructEmptyTable() if self.menuInfo and isinstance(self.menuInfo[0], Tkinter.Frame): self._arrangeColCheckButtons() self.refresh(selection=sel) self.requestFullWidth() if restoreInfo: if version > 2: self.highlight([sortData[i] for i in highlight]) def middleRow(self): sortedData = self._sortedData() if sortedData is None or len(sortedData) == 0: return None v0,v1 = self.tixTable.vsb.get() middle = sortedData[int(0.5 * (v0+v1) * len(sortedData))] return middle def refresh(self, selection=None, rebuild=False): if not self.tixTable: return # cull dead data liveData = [d for d in if not getattr(d, '__destroyed__', False)] if len(liveData) != len( self.setData(liveData) return if selection is None: selection = self._selected() from color.ColorWell import ColorWell activeWellKeys = [] if rebuild: self._constructEmptyTable() hlist = self.tixTable.hlist else: # avoid deleting headers, since it makes entire widget # change size hlist = self.tixTable.hlist for row in range(getattr(self, '_prevRows', 0)): hlist.delete_entry(row) for k, widget in self._widgetData.items(): if isinstance(widget, ColorWell) and activeWellKeys.append(k) widget.destroy() self._widgetData.clear() # data in the sorting column may have changed... self._sortCache = None sortData = self._sortedData() for row, datum in enumerate(sortData): for col, column in enumerate([c for c in self.columns if c.display]): if col == 0: hlist.add(row) self._createCell(hlist, row, col, datum, column) activeWells = [] for awk in activeWellKeys: try: activeWells.append(self._widgetData[awk]) except KeyError: pass if activeWells and len(set([w.rgba for w in activeWells])) == 1: for w in activeWells: w.activate() # have to cache number of rows, since # hlist.info_exists(row) seemingly always returns True self._prevRows = len(sortData) for s in selection: if s in sortData: hlist.selection_set(sortData.index(s)) def removeColumn(self, columnName, refresh=True): titles = [c.title for c in self.columns] if not columnName in titles: return if self.sorting: sortCol, forward = self.sorting if sortCol.title == columnName: self.sorting = None del self.columns[titles.index(columnName)] if refresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) if self.menuInfo: self._removeColumnMenuEntry(columnName) def requestFullWidth(self): clist = [c for c in self.columns if c.display] if clist: # Attempt to display table full width. h = self.tixTable.hlist w = sum([int(h.column_width(c)) + 2*int(col.textStyle['padx']) for c,col in enumerate(clist)]) import tkFont fw = tkFont.Font(font=h.cget('font')).measure('0') # half an inch or so seems to be randomly added # so try to compensate... h.configure(width = max(w/fw - 5, 0)) def select(self, selection): sortData = self._sortedData() hlist = self.tixTable.hlist hlist.selection_clear() if self.selectMode in ["single", "browse"]: selection = [selection] for s in selection: if s in sortData: hlist.selection_set(sortData.index(s)) def selected(self): sortedData = self._sortedData() retVals = [sortedData[int(s)] for s in self.tixTable.hlist.info_selection()] if self.selectMode in ["single", "browse"]: if retVals: return retVals[0] else: return None return retVals def setData(self, data): if self.tixTable: curSel = self._selected() else: curSel = [] = data[:] self._sortCache = None dataSet = set([id(v) for v in data]) self._highlighted = [] remSel = [i for i in curSel if id(i) in dataSet] self.refresh(selection=remSel) if len(curSel) != len(remSel): self._browseCmd(None) def showRow(self, data): sortedData = self._sortedData() if sortedData is None or not data in sortedData: return row = sortedData.index(data) self.tixTable.hlist.see(row) def sortBy(self, column): if self.tixTable: selection = self._selected() else: selection = None if self.sorting: sortCol, forward = self.sorting self._setColumnSortIndicator(sortCol, None) if column == sortCol: self.sorting = (column, not forward) else: self.sorting = (column, True) else: self.sorting = (column, True) self._setColumnSortIndicator(*self.sorting) self._sortCache = None self.refresh(selection=selection) def updateCellWidget(self, datum, column, contents=None, widget=None): if contents is None: contents = column.displayValue(datum) if widget is None: widget = self._widgetData[(datum, column)] from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage if isinstance(contents, PhotoImage): widget.configure(image=contents) elif type(contents) == bool: widget.configure(image=self._ckButImage(contents)) else: color, noneOkay, alphaOkay = contents if hasattr(color, 'rgba'): from chimera import MaterialColor cval = color.rgba() else: cval = color widget.showColor(cval, doCallback=False) def saveTable(self): """ return strings ready for print out the table into text file """ #TODO to be tested!!! ss = '' for c in self.columns: ss += c.title ss += '\t' ss += '\n' for d in for c in self.columns: ss += str( c.displayValue(d) ) ss += '\n' return ss def tableValuesString(self, selectedOnly = False, separator = ','): from StringIO import StringIO f = StringIO() col = [c for c in self.columns if c.display] f.write(csvLine([c.title for c in col])) rows = self._selected() if selectedOnly and self.tixTable else self._sortedData() for r in rows: fields = [c.displayValue(r) for c in col] # Don't export images or other non-string values. sfields = [v if isinstance(v,basestring) else '' for v in fields] f.write(csvLine(sfields)) return f.getvalue() def _addColumnMenuEntry(self, col, display, balloon): # use a variable (and hold a reference) # so that we can have the checkbutton 'on' initially import Tkinter if not hasattr(self, '_vars'): self._vars = {} menu = self.menuInfo[0] v = Tkinter.IntVar(menu) self._vars[col.title] = v v.set(display) cmd = lambda c=col: self._colDispChange(c) if len(self.menuInfo) > 4 and self.menuInfo[4]: # displayCB defined cb = self.menuInfo[4] cb(col) cmd = lambda c=col, subcmd=cmd, cb=cb: (subcmd(c) or True) and cb(c) if isinstance(menu, Tkinter.Frame): if hasattr(self, 'title'): # we've been launch()ed for cb in self._colCheckButtons.values(): cb.grid_remove() self._colCheckButtons[col.title] = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self._colChkButFrame, text=col.title, variable=v, command=cmd) if balloon: try: from chimera import help except ImportError: pass else: help.register(self._colCheckButtons[col.title], balloon=balloon) if hasattr(self, 'title'): self._arrangeColCheckButtons() else: menu.add_checkbutton(label=col.title, variable=v, command=cmd) def _removeColumnMenuEntry(self, columnName): menu = self.menuInfo[0] if isinstance(menu, Tkinter.Frame): self._colCheckButtons[columnName].grid_forget() del self._colCheckButtons[columnName] for cb in self._colCheckButtons.values(): cb.grid_remove() self._arrangeColCheckButtons() else: i = menu.index(columnName) menu.delete(i) del self._vars[columnName] def _arrangeColCheckButtons(self): names = self._colCheckButtons.keys() if not names: return names.sort(lambda n1,n2: cmp(n1.lower(), n2.lower())) numCols = self.menuInfo[-1] numButtons = len(names) from math import sqrt, ceil if numCols is None: numCols = int(sqrt(numButtons)+0.5) numRows = int(ceil(numButtons/float(numCols))) row = col = 0 for name in names: self._colCheckButtons[name].grid(row=row, column=col, sticky='w') row += 1 if row >= numRows: row = 0 col += 1 def _browseCmd(self, tixArg): if self.allowCopy: self.focus_set() if not self.userBrowseCmd: return # prevent multiple callbacks if selection doesn't change # during browse curSel = self._selected() if self._lastBrowseSel != None \ and curSel == self._lastBrowseSel: return self._lastBrowseSel = curSel self.userBrowseCmd(self.selected()) def _ckButImage(self, val): if val: imageName = "ck_on" else: imageName = "ck_off" return"tix", "getimage", imageName) def _colDispChange(self, col): self.columnUpdate(col, display=not col.display) menu, prefDict = self.menuInfo[:2] if not isinstance(menu, Tkinter.Frame): displayStates = {} for c in self.columns: displayStates[c.title] = c.display prefDict[self.PREF_KEY] = displayStates def _columnHeader(self, hlist, column): frame = Tkinter.Frame(hlist) l1 = Tkinter.Label(frame, text=self._headerText(column), foreground=column.color, takefocus=True) l1.grid(row=0, column=0) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) if self.allowUserSorting: command = lambda e, c=column: self.sortBy(c) l1.bind("", command) l2 = column.indicator = Tkinter.Label(frame) l2.bind("", command) l2.grid(row=0, column=1) l2.grid_remove() if self.sorting: sortColumn, forward = self.sorting if sortColumn == column: self._setColumnSortIndicator(column, forward) return frame def _colWrap(self, *args): wrapLength = self._userWrapLength() needRefresh = False for col in self.columns: needRefresh = self.columnUpdate(col, wrapLength=wrapLength, immediateRefresh=False) or needRefresh if needRefresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) def _constructEmptyTable(self): if self.tixTable: self.tixTable.grid_forget() self.tixTable.destroy() clist = [c for c in self.columns if c.display] import Tix self.tixTable = t = Tix.ScrolledHList(self, options= """hlist.columns %d hlist.height %d hlist.header 1 hlist.selectMode %s hlist.indicator 0""" % (len(clist), self.initialRows, self.selectMode)) t.grid(row=self.tableRow, column=0, sticky="nsew") t.hlist.config(browsecmd=self._browseCmd) for colNum, column in enumerate([c for c in self.columns if c.display]): t.hlist.header_create(colNum, itemtype='window', style=column.headerStyle, window=self._columnHeader(t.hlist, column)) if self.allowCopy: self.bind("<>", self._copy) def _createCell(self, hlist, row, col, datum, column): contents = column.displayValue(datum) if isinstance(contents, basestring): hlist.item_create(row, col, itemtype="text", style=column.textStyle, text=contents) return # widgets... from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage if isinstance(contents, PhotoImage): lbl = Tkinter.Label(hlist, borderwidth=0) if hasattr(contents, 'button_press_callback'): lbl.bind('', contents.button_press_callback) widget = self._widgetData[(datum, column)] = lbl hlist.item_create(row, col, itemtype="window", window=lbl, style=column.imageStyle) elif type(contents) == bool: but = Tkinter.Checkbutton(hlist, command=lambda d=datum, c=column: self._widgetCB(d, c), indicatoron=False, borderwidth=0) widget = self._widgetData[(datum, column)] = but hlist.item_create(row, col, itemtype="window", window=but, style=column.checkButtonStyle) else: color, noneOkay, alphaOkay = contents from color.ColorWell import ColorWell if hasattr(color, 'rgba'): from chimera import MaterialColor cval = color.rgba() cb = lambda clr, d=datum, c=column:\ self._widgetCB(d, c, newVal=MaterialColor(*clr)) else: cval = color cb = lambda clr, d=datum, c=column:\ self._widgetCB(d, c, newVal=clr) well = ColorWell(hlist, cval, callback=cb, width=18, height=18, noneOkay=noneOkay, wantAlpha=alphaOkay) widget = self._widgetData[(datum, column)] = well hlist.item_create(row, col, itemtype="window", window=well, style=column.colorWellStyle) self.updateCellWidget(datum, column, contents=contents, widget=widget) def _headerText(self, column): if not column.titleDisplay: return "" rawText = column.title if not self.automultilineHeaders: return rawText words = rawText.strip().split() if len(words) < 2: return rawText longest = max([len(w) for w in words]) while True: bestDiff = bestIndex = None for i in range(len(words)-1): w1, w2 = words[i:i+2] curDiff = max(abs(longest - len(w1)), abs(longest - len(w2))) diff = abs(longest - len(w1) - len(w2) - 1) if diff >= curDiff: continue if bestDiff == None or diff < bestDiff: bestDiff = diff bestIndex = i if bestDiff == None: break words[bestIndex:bestIndex+2] = [" ".join( words[bestIndex:bestIndex+2])] return '\n'.join(words) def _selected(self): sel = self.selected() if not isinstance(sel, (list, tuple)): if sel: sel = [sel] else: sel = [] return sel def _setColumnSortIndicator(self, column, forward): if not self.tixTable or not self.allowUserSorting: return if forward is None: column.indicator.grid_remove() else: if forward: image = self.upArrow else: image = self.downArrow if isinstance(image, str): column.indicator.configure(text=image) else: column.indicator.configure(image=image) column.indicator.grid() def setDefault(self, default=None): # only application when column controls are in a frame prefDict = self.menuInfo[1] if default is None: if self.menuInfo[-2] is not None: amount = self._colWrapWidthOpt.get() wrap = "%g%s" % (amount, self._colWrapUnitsMenu.getvalue()[0]) else: wrap = None shown = {} for col in self.columns: shown[col.title] = col.display else: if self.menuInfo[-2] is None: shown, wrap = default, None else: shown, wrap = default if wrap is not None: self._setSubpref(prefDict, self.PREF_SUBKEY_WRAP, wrap) self._setSubpref(prefDict, self.PREF_SUBKEY_COL_DISP, shown) def _setSubpref(self, prefDict, subpref, val): # since main preference is a dict, need to create a new dict so that # the preferences system notices it has changed prevPrefs = prefDict[self.PREF_KEY] from copy import copy newPrefs = copy(prevPrefs) newPrefs[subpref] = val prefDict[self.PREF_KEY] = newPrefs def _showAllColumns(self): needRefresh = False for col in self.columns: needRefresh = self.columnUpdate(col, display=True, immediateRefresh=False) or needRefresh if needRefresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) def showDefault(self): # only application when column controls are in a frame kw = {'immediateRefresh': False} menu, prefDict, displayDefaults, fallback = self.menuInfo[:4] if self.menuInfo[-2] is not None: wrap = prefDict.get(self.PREF_KEY).get( self.PREF_SUBKEY_WRAP, "%gi" % self.menuInfo[-2]) self._colWrapWidthOpt.set(float(wrap[:-1])) if wrap[-1] == "i": val = "inches" else: val = "cm" self._colWrapUnitsMenu.setvalue(val) wrap = self._userWrapLength() # adjusts for Tk prob else: wrap = 0 kw['wrapLength'] = wrap needRefresh = False for col in self.columns: lookup = prefDict.get(self.PREF_KEY).get(self.PREF_SUBKEY_COL_DISP, displayDefaults) kw['display'] = lookup.get(col.title, fallback) needRefresh = self.columnUpdate(col, **kw) or needRefresh if needRefresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) def _showStandard(self): kw = {'immediateRefresh': False} menu, prefDict, displayDefaults, fallback = self.menuInfo[:4] if isinstance(menu, Tkinter.Frame) and self.menuInfo[-2] is not None: self._colWrapWidthOpt.set(self.menuInfo[-2]) self._colWrapUnitsMenu.setvalue("inches") wrap = self._userWrapLength() # adjusts for Tk prob else: wrap = 0 kw['wrapLength'] = wrap needRefresh = False for col in self.columns: kw['display'] = displayDefaults.get(col.title, fallback) needRefresh = self.columnUpdate(col, **kw) or needRefresh if needRefresh: self.refresh(rebuild=True) def _sortedData(self): if self._sortCache: return self._sortCache if self.sorting: sortData =[:] sortColumn, forward = self.sorting sortData.sort(lambda d1, d2: cmp(sortColumn.value(d1), sortColumn.value(d2))) if not forward: sortData.reverse() else: sortData = self._sortCache = sortData return sortData def _userWrapLength(self): amount = self._colWrapWidthOpt.get() if amount is None: return 0 if self._colWrapUnitsMenu.getvalue() == "inches": conversion = "i" else: conversion = "c" from chimera.tkgui import windowSystem if windowSystem == "aqua" and self.winfo_pixels("1i") == 72: # Tk aqua always reports 72 dpi; make a kludge adjustment amount *= (96.0 / 72.0) return "%g%s" % (amount, conversion) def _widgetCB(self, datum, column, newVal=None): widget = self._widgetData[(datum, column)] if column.displayFormat == bool: newVal = not column.value(datum) # set widget first, since setting attribute may rebuild table widget.configure(image=self._ckButImage(newVal)) column.setValue(datum, newVal) else: column.setValue(datum, newVal) def _copy(self, event=None): lines = list() for item in self._selected(): cols = [ c.displayValue(item) for c in self.columns ] lines.append('\t'.join(cols) + '\n') text = ''.join(lines) self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(text) def csvLine(fields, separator = ','): return ','.join([csvEscape(f, separator) for f in fields]) + '\n' def csvEscape(f, separator = ','): fq = f.replace('"', '""') if separator in fq or '\n' in fq: fq = '"' + fq + '"' return fq class SortableColumn: def __init__(self, title, dataFetch, displayFormat, titleDisplay, anchor, wrapLength, font, headerPadX, headerPadY, entryPadX, entryPadY, color, headerAnchor): self._setFetch(dataFetch) self.display = True self.font, self.fontFamily, self.fontSize = self._convertFont(font) for attr in ("title", "displayFormat", "titleDisplay", "anchor", "wrapLength", "headerPadX", "headerPadY", "entryPadX", "entryPadY", "color", "headerAnchor"): setattr(self, attr, eval(attr)) self._computeStyles() def displayValue(self, instance): val = self.value(instance) if isinstance(self.displayFormat, basestring): if val is None: return "" return self.displayFormat % val elif callable(self.displayFormat): return self.displayFormat(val) elif isinstance(self.displayFormat, tuple): return (val,) + self.displayFormat return val def value(self, instance): if callable(self.dataFetch): return self.dataFetch(instance) fetched = instance try: for fetch in self.dataFetch.split('.'): fetched = getattr(fetched, fetch) except AttributeError: return None return fetched def setValue(self, instance, val): if callable(self.dataFetch): raise ValueError("Don't know how to set values for" " column %s" % self.title) fields = self.dataFetch.split('.') for fetch in fields[:-1]: instance = getattr(instance, fetch) setattr(instance, fields[-1], val) def _computeStyles(self): for attr in ('headerPadX', 'headerPadY', 'entryPadX', 'entryPadY', 'anchor', 'wrapLength', 'headerAnchor'): exec("%s = self.%s" % (attr, attr)) family, size = self.fontFamily, self.fontSize if headerPadX == None: headerPadX = 0 if headerPadY == None: headerPadY = 0 if entryPadX == None: textPadX = ".05i" wellPadX = checkButtonPadX = imagePadX = 0 else: textPadX = wellPadX = checkButtonPadX = imagePadX = entryPadX if self.entryPadY == None: textPadY = wellPadY = checkButtonPadY = imagePadY = 0 else: textPadY = wellPadY = checkButtonPadY = imagePadY = entryPadY import Tix self.textStyle = Tix.DisplayStyle("text", anchor=anchor, font=(family, size), wraplength=wrapLength, padx=textPadX, pady=textPadY) self.highlightStyle = Tix.DisplayStyle("text", anchor=anchor, font=(family, size, "bold"), wraplength=wrapLength, padx=textPadX, pady=textPadY) self.checkButtonStyle = Tix.DisplayStyle("window", anchor=anchor, padx=checkButtonPadX, pady=checkButtonPadY) self.colorWellStyle = Tix.DisplayStyle("window", anchor=anchor, padx=wellPadX, pady=wellPadY) self.imageStyle = Tix.DisplayStyle("window", anchor=anchor, padx=imagePadX, pady=imagePadY) self.headerStyle = Tix.DisplayStyle("window", anchor=headerAnchor, padx=headerPadX, pady=headerPadY) def _convertFont(self, font): import tkFont fontInfo = tkFont.Font(font=font).actual() family, size = fontInfo['family'], fontInfo['size'] if isinstance(font, basestring): return font, family, size return (family, size), family, size def _getRestoreInfo(self): if callable(self._saveableFetch): raise ValueError("%s column is not saveable due to" " directly callable fetch value" % self.title) return (self.title, self._saveableFetch, self.displayFormat, self.display, self.anchor, self.font, self.titleDisplay, self.wrapLength, self.headerPadX, self.headerPadY, self.entryPadX, self.entryPadY, self.color) def _setFetch(self, dataFetch): if getattr(self, "_saveableFetch", None) == dataFetch: return False self._saveableFetch = self.dataFetch = dataFetch # some attributes may just happen to have the same name # as built-in functions (e.g. "id"), so don't eval pure # alphanumeric strings... if not (isinstance(dataFetch, basestring) and dataFetch.isalnum()): try: self.dataFetch = eval(dataFetch) except: pass return True def _update(self, dataFetch=None, format=None, display=None, anchor=None, wrapLength=None, font=None, headerPadX=None, headerPadY=None, entryPadX=None, entryPadY=None): changed = False if dataFetch != None: changed = self._setFetch(dataFetch) if format != None and format != self.displayFormat: self.displayFormat = format changed = True if display != None and display != self.display: self.display = display changed = True recompute = False if font: font, self.fontFamily, self.fontSize = self._convertFont(font) for attr in ('anchor', 'wrapLength', 'font', 'headerPadX', 'headerPadY', 'entryPadX', 'entryPadY'): shouldSet = eval("%s != None and %s != self.%s" % (attr, attr, attr)) if shouldSet: setattr(self, attr, eval(attr)) recompute = True if recompute: changed = True self._computeStyles() return changed def tableize(text, targetLen=25): """make long strings more 'table friendly'""" text = text.strip() if not text: return "" words = text.split() lines = [] curLine = words.pop(0) while(words): word = words.pop(0) if len(curLine) >= targetLen: lines.append(curLine) curLine = word continue addedLen = len(curLine) + len(word) + 1 if addedLen < targetLen: curLine += " " + word continue if targetLen - len(curLine) < addedLen - targetLen: lines.append(curLine) curLine = word else: curLine += " " + word lines.append(curLine) return "\n".join(lines) if __name__ == '__main__': app = Tkinter.Frame(width=200, height=300) app.pack(expand=Tkinter.TRUE, fill=Tkinter.BOTH) nextRow = 10 def addRow(): global nextRow for col in range(11): label = Tkinter.Label(table.interior(), text='R:%d, C:%d' % (nextRow, col), bd=2, relief=Tkinter.SUNKEN) label.grid(column=col, row=nextRow, sticky='ew') nextRow = nextRow + 1 b = Tkinter.Button(app, text='Add Row', command=addRow) b.pack() table = ScrolledTable(app) table.pack(expand=Tkinter.TRUE, fill=Tkinter.BOTH) for row in range(10): for col in range(11): label = Tkinter.Label(table.interior(), text='R:%d, C:%d' % (row, col), bd=2, relief=Tkinter.SUNKEN) label.grid(column=col, row=row, sticky='ew') for col in range(5): table.setColumnTitle(col, 'Column %d' % col) for row in range(8): table.setRowTitle(row, 'Row %d' % row) app.mainloop()