import Demo from chimera import WizShell import Tkinter, Pmw from chimera.HtmlText import HtmlText import Midas import chimera from chimera import CLOSE_SESSION from Demo import CLOSE_DEMO from DemoEditor import DemoEditor from chimera.update import checkForChanges import os import time class DemoGUI(WizShell.WizShell): """This class defines a graphical user interface to be used for navigating through demos within Chimera. Each panel in a DemoGUI represents a seperate step in the corresponding demo. Clicking 'Next' proceeds to the next panel and executes all related Midas commands. Depending on the content of the demo, some steps will allow you to click 'Back', reverting back to the last step (this is reflected both in the text in the DemoGUI and in the state of the Chimera session.) The 'AutoRun' button cycles through each panel, with a predetermined delay in between each step """ ## use all the WizShell buttons (Back, Next, Cancel) ## plus 'AutoRun' buttons = ('Next', 'Back', 'Close') help = "ContributedSoftware/demos/demos.html" def __init__(self, demo): """'demo' is an instance of a ChimeraDemo object. It contains all the necessary information to conduct a demo. """ self.demo = demo self.num_steps = demo.getNumSteps() self.demo_title = self.demo.getTitle() ## the delay, in milliseconds, to wait between each panel in 'AutoRun' ## mode self.global_auto_delay = 0 self.current_auto_delay = 0 delay = self.demo.getAutoDelay() if delay == 0: ## not specified in demo.src file. Use default. self.global_auto_delay = 5000 ## 5000ms == 5s else: self.global_auto_delay = delay * 1000 self.saved_positions = [] ## remember all models that were already opened before the demo ## was started s.t. when the demo is closed, it will only close ## models that it is responsible for opening.... self._openModelsOnStart = chimera.openModels.list() self._openExtsOnStart = chimera.extension.manager.instances[:] #from MultAlignViewer.MAViewer import MAViewer #em=chimera.extension.manager #for i in em.instances: # if isinstance(i, MAViewer): # self._openMAVOnStart.append(i) ## keep a reference to this directory, because will cd here when executing ## midas commands import os.path thisfile = os.path.abspath(__file__) thisdir = os.path.split(thisfile)[0] self.demoDataDir = demo.getDirectory() if demo.getImageSrc(): img_src = os.path.join(self.demoDataDir, demo.getImageSrc()) if demo.getImageBgColor(): bg_color = demo.getImageBgColor() else: bg_color = None else: img_src = os.path.join(thisdir, "chimera_icon_long.png") bg_color = 'black' ## use a panel size of 200 x 200, all it will contain is text WizShell.WizShell.__init__(self, self.num_steps, 200, 200, img_src, img_bg_color=bg_color) ## splice out the '_' from the demo name. nice_name is what we will # actually title this demo. This is needed because of wierdness on # some filesystems with spaces in file names, and currently, the demo # name is derived from the directory in which it resides nice_name = ' '.join(self.demo_title.split("_")) ############################# #cycle_img_loc=os.path.join(thisdir, "cycle.gif") #cycle_img = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=cycle_img_loc, master=self.panelFrame) #cycle_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self.panelFrame, text="stupid", image=cycle_img) #cycle_lbl.pack(side='top', anchor='ne') ############################### for n in range(self.num_steps): panel_title = self.demo.getPanelTitle(n+1) if panel_title: self.createTitle(n,panel_title) else: self.createTitle(n, nice_name) #num_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self.pInterior(n), # text="%d of %d" % ((n+1),self.num_steps), # font=smallFont # ) #num_lbl.pack(side='bottom', anchor='e', pady=6, padx=10) txt = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.pInterior(n), text_pyclass = HtmlText, text_relief = 'flat', text_wrap = 'word', text_height=8, text_width=50 ) txt.settext(demo.getDemoText(n+1)) txt.pack(side='top', anchor='nw', fill='both', expand=True, pady=5, padx=20) txt.configure(text_state='disabled', hscrollmode='dynamic', vscrollmode='dynamic', text_background=self.pInterior(n).cget('background')) ## at startup, need to execute any commands that are supposed to happen ## during the first panel start_cmds = self.demo.getDemoCmds(1) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.demoDataDir) self._closeSessionHandler = None try: self.doSeveralMidasCommands(start_cmds) finally: os.chdir(cwd) self.save_position( "demo_p%s_pos" % (self.getCurrentPanel()+1) ) ad = self.demo.getStepAutoDelay(self.getCurrentPanel()+1) if ad: self.current_auto_delay = ad * 1000 else: self.current_auto_delay = self.global_auto_delay if self.isLastPanel() and not self.loopVar.get(): self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='disabled') self._closeSessionHandler = chimera.triggers.addHandler(CLOSE_SESSION, self.Close, None) if self.demo.getAutoRunOnStart(): ## here, we need to do make it look as if the demo is in AutoRun mode, ## although it won't actually be so until 'AutoRun' is called self.autoVar.set(1) self.AutoRun(doNext=False) self.auto_handle =, self.Next) def fillInUI(self, parent): self.makeCounterMenu(parent) from chimera.tkgui import aquaMenuBar aquaMenuBar(self.menuBar, parent, pack = True) WizShell.WizShell.fillInUI(self, parent) def makeCounterMenu(self, parent): #navMenuButton = Tkinter.Menubutton(self.countFrame, # textvariable = self.panelCountVar, # font=self.small_font) top = parent.winfo_toplevel() self.menuBar = Tkinter.Menu(top, relief='groove', type="menubar", tearoff=False) top.config(menu=self.menuBar) ## File Menu self.fileMenu = Tkinter.Menu(self.menuBar) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.fileMenu) self.fileMenu.add_command(label="Save Demo As...",command=self.saveDemoAs) self.fileMenu.add_command(label="Close Demo", command=self.Close) self.fileMenu.add_command(label="Open in Editor", command = lambda : DemoEditor(self.getDemo().getSrcText()) ) ## Controls Menu self.controlsMenu = Tkinter.Menu(self.menuBar) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="Controls", menu=self.controlsMenu) self.loopVar = Tkinter.IntVar(self.controlsMenu) self.autoVar = Tkinter.IntVar(self.controlsMenu) self.controlsMenu.add_checkbutton(label="Auto", variable = self.autoVar, command=self.AutoRun) self.controlsMenu.add_checkbutton(label="Loop", variable = self.loopVar, command=self.loopCB) self.controlsMenu.add_separator() self.controlsMenu.add_command(label="Next", command = self.Next) self.controlsMenu.add_command(label="Back", command = self.Back) #navMenu.add_checkbutton(label="Auto", ) #self.loopVar = Tkinter.IntVar(self.countFrame) #navMenu.add_checkbutton(label="Loop", variable=self.loopVar) #navMenuButton.configure(menu=navMenu) #self.panelCountLabel.pack_forget() #navMenuButton.pack(side='right', padx=10, pady=5) def setNextNavState(self, new_state): self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(state = new_state) self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Next', state = new_state) def Next(self): """Override WizShell's 'Next' function, because we need to actually execute Midas commands when the 'Next' button is pushed. """ import os pos_cmd = "demo_p%s_pos" % (self.getCurrentPanel()+1) self.doMidasCommand("reset %s; wait 1" % pos_cmd) ## call WizShell.Next to advance to the next panel. This shows the text for the ## next panel, although this may temporarily not correspond to what is shown in the graphics ## window for a brief period of time, while the commands are executed.... if self.isLastPanel() and self.loopVar.get(): ## this function should never be called from the last panel if loopVar isn't set, ## because the 'Next' button will have been disabled self.closeOpenedModels() self.forgetPositions() WizShell.WizShell.Restart(self) else: WizShell.WizShell.Next(self) ad = self.demo.getStepAutoDelay(self.getCurrentPanel()+1) if ad: self.current_auto_delay = ad * 1000 else: self.current_auto_delay = self.global_auto_delay # get a list of commands that need to be executed when this panel is shown # +1 because the Demo maps are 1-indexed cmds = self.demo.getDemoCmds(self.getCurrentPanel() + 1) # get the current directory cwd = os.getcwd() ## change to the demo data dir os.chdir(self.demoDataDir) try: self.doSeveralMidasCommands(cmds) finally: ## change back to the original directory os.chdir(cwd) self.save_position( "demo_p%s_pos" % (self.getCurrentPanel()+1) ) #print "NOW, auto_delay IS %s" % self.current_auto_delay if self.isLastPanel(): if self.loopVar.get(): ## parent class automatically makes 'Next' button on last panel ## cancel dialog, want to override this here.. self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(text="Next", command = self.Next) else: ## disable 'Next' button, and re-make it say 'Next' ## (will say finish b/c of WizShell default self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(text="Next") self.setNextNavState('disabled') ## disable Auto menu entry (can't turn it on in last panel ## if loop is not set self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='disabled') if self.autoVar.get(): ## in autorun mode, and on the last panel. here, we should turn autorun ## mode off, disable the autorun button, re-enable the next button (will ## say 'finish', and enable the 'back' button if necessary ## automatically turn off autorun if not self.loopVar.get(): ## turns checkbutton off self.autoVar.set(0) else: ## intent is to loop.. self.setBackNavState('disabled') try: except: pass self.auto_handle =, self.Next) else: ## if the current panel has undo functions, enable the 'Back' button if self.demo.hasUndos(self.getCurrentPanel() + 1) and (not self.isFirstPanel()): self.setBackNavState('normal') else: self.setBackNavState('disabled') else: if self.autoVar.get(): ## in autorun mode, but not on the last panel, just make sure ## the back button is disabled, and register an after to advance ## to the next panel self.setBackNavState('disabled') try: except: pass self.auto_handle =, self.Next) else: ## if the current panel has undo functions, enable the 'Back' button if self.demo.hasUndos(self.getCurrentPanel() + 1) and (not self.isFirstPanel()): self.setBackNavState('normal') else: self.setBackNavState('disabled') ################################## #if self.autorun_on: # if self.isLastPanel(): # # else: # # #else: ## autorun is *not* on # if self.isLastPanel(): # ############################### def setBackNavState(self, new_state): self.buttonWidgets['Back'].configure(state = new_state) self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Back', state = new_state) def Back(self): """Override WizShell's 'Back' function, because we [possibly ] have to execute Midas commands when the 'Back' button is pushed. """ ## figure out what needs to be done to 'undo' the current state undos = self.demo.getDemoUndos(self.getCurrentPanel() + 1) ## this should never happen, because the back button, will not ## get enabled if there are no undos, but just in case... if undos == None: undos = [] cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.demoDataDir) try: self.doSeveralMidasCommands(undos) finally: os.chdir(cwd) ## reset to the position of the models after all commands in the ## last panel were executed pos_cmd = "demo_p%s_pos" % ( (self.getCurrentPanel()+1)-1 ) self.doMidasCommand("reset %s; wait 1" % pos_cmd) ## call WizShell.Back WizShell.WizShell.Back(self) ## don't really need to resave this, do I?? #self.save_position( "demo_p%s_pos" % (self.getCurrentPanel()+1) ) ## now that you're on the previous panel, ## if *it* can't be undone or it is the first panel, disable the 'Back' button ## else enabled it if (not self.demo.hasUndos(self.getCurrentPanel() + 1)) or self.isFirstPanel(): self.setBackNavState('disabled') else: self.setBackNavState('normal') if self.getCurrentPanel()+1 == self.demo.getNumSteps()-1: ## this is the second to last panel, need to re-enable ## auto run and Next self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='normal') self.setNextNavState('normal') def Close(self, triggerName=None, closure=None, data=None): """This function will be called when dialog is dismissed, or demo is finished. Close everything and stop all motion. """ self.closeOpenedModels() try: except: pass WizShell.WizShell.Close(self) Demo.demoCancel(self) self.forgetPositions() if self._closeSessionHandler != None: chimera.triggers.deleteHandler(CLOSE_SESSION, self._closeSessionHandler) self._closeSessionHandler = None chimera.triggers.activateTrigger( CLOSE_DEMO, self.getTitle() ) def closeOpenedModels(self): self.doMidasCommand("freeze") em = chimera.extension.manager for ext_inst in [i for i in em.instances if not i in self._openExtsOnStart][:]: if hasattr(ext_inst, "emQuit") and callable(getattr(ext_inst,"emQuit")): try: getattr(ext_inst, "emQuit")() except: pass chimera.openModels.close( [m for m in chimera.openModels.list() if not m in self._openModelsOnStart] ) def forgetPositions(self): for pos in self.saved_positions: try: self.doMidasCommand("~savepos %s" % pos) except: pass def loopCB(self): if self.isLastPanel(): if self.loopVar.get(): self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='normal') self.setNextNavState('normal') self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(command = self.Next) else: self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='disabled') self.setNextNavState('disabled') self.buttonWidgets['Next'].configure(command = self.Close) def AutoRun(self, doNext=True): """This function will be called when the 'AutoRun' button is pushed. """ ## if you're not already in AutoRun mode... if self.autoVar.get(): ## when in AutoRun mode, user is not able to click 'Next' or 'Back' self.setNextNavState('disabled') self.setBackNavState('disabled') step_auto_delay = self.demo.getStepAutoDelay(self.getCurrentPanel()+1) if step_auto_delay and step_auto_delay != 0: self.current_auto_delay = step_auto_delay * 1000 else: self.current_auto_delay = self.global_auto_delay ## based on current panel, determine what next function should do, ## and schedule an 'after' callback if doNext: self.Next() ## you are already in AutoRun mode, and the user pressed the 'Stop AutoRun' ## button else: ## cancel the callback ## enable 'Next' button self.setNextNavState('normal') ## if the current panel has undo commands, enable 'Back' if self.demo.hasUndos(self.getCurrentPanel() + 1) and (not self.isFirstPanel()): self.setBackNavState('normal') if self.isLastPanel() and not self.loopVar.get(): self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='disabled') def doSeveralMidasCommands(self, cmds): """ just wraps 'doMidasCommand', but takes care of disabling 'Next' and 'Back' buttons s.t. user doesn't click 'Next' while commands for a certain panel are still executing... """ ## save the state of the 'Next' button and disable it cur_next_state = self.buttonWidgets['Next'].cget("state") self.setNextNavState('disabled') ## save the state of the 'Back' button and disable it cur_back_state = self.buttonWidgets['Back'].cget("state") self.setBackNavState('disabled') ## save the state of the 'AutoRun' button and disable it cur_auto_state = self.controlsMenu.entrycget('Auto',"state") self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state='disabled') ## do the commands try: for cmd in cmds: self.doMidasCommand(cmd) #finish ongoing motions: self.doMidasCommand("wait") finally: ## restore button states... self.setNextNavState(cur_next_state) self.setBackNavState(cur_back_state) self.controlsMenu.entryconfigure('Auto', state=cur_auto_state) def doMidasCommand(self, cmd): """ 'cmd' is the text of a Midas command This function will execute 'cmd' using the Midas command line """ from Midas import midas_text #code = None try: #code = Midas.midas_text.makeCommand(cmd) if midas_text.makeCommand(cmd): Midas.wait(1) except IOError, v: raise "Can't make command from %s" % cmd, v #if code is not None: # try: # exec code # Midas.wait(1) # except IOError, v: # from chimera import replyobj # replyobj.error("Error occured when executing midas command %s: %s" % (cmd, v)) def getTitle(self): return self.demo.getNiceTitle() def save_position(self, pos_name): self.doMidasCommand("savepos %s" % pos_name) try: i = self.saved_positions.index(pos_name) except ValueError: self.saved_positions.append(pos_name) def getDemo(self): return self.demo ##### methods for saving demos ###### # # def saveDemoAs(self): from OpenSave import SaveModeless SaveModeless(command=self._saveCB, title="Choose Demo Save Location", dialogKw={'oneshot':1}, historyID="Demo Save As", defaultFilter=0, filters=[("Demo", ["*.src"], ".src")] ) def _saveCB(self, okayed, dialog): if okayed: for path in dialog.getPaths(): self.saveDemo(path) def saveDemo(self, dest_demo_file): import chimera.replyobj import glob, os.path, shutil dest_demo_dir = os.path.dirname(dest_demo_file) current_demo_dir = self.getDemo().getDirectory() current_demo_src = self.getDemo().getSrcText() all_files = glob.glob( os.path.join(current_demo_dir, '*') ) demo_files = self.searchForFilenames(self.getDemo(), all_files) for f in demo_files + [current_demo_src]: if f == current_demo_src: dest_path = dest_demo_file else: dest_path = dest_demo_dir try: shutil.copy(f, dest_path) except IOError, what: raise chimera.UserError, "Error while writing file:\n%s\n" % what chimera.replyobj.status("Successfully saved demo '%s' (and all associated data) to %s" % ( self.getTitle(), dest_demo_file ) ) def searchForFilenames(self, demo, fname_list): """looks at all the commands in 'demo' to see which of the files in 'fname_list' are mentioned. returns a subset of that list""" import os.path ## get a list-- each elt is a list of commands for that step step_cmds = [p.getCmds() for p in demo.demoPanels.values()] import operator all_steps = reduce(operator.add, step_cmds) all_cmds = reduce(operator.add, [cmd.split(";") for cmd in all_steps]) found_fnames = [] for fn in fname_list: for c in all_cmds: if c.find(os.path.basename(fn))>=0 and c.find("open")>= 0: found_fnames.append(fn) break return found_fnames