# --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # Copyright (c) 2000 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. This software provided pursuant to a # license agreement containing restrictions on its disclosure, # duplication and use. This notice must be embedded in or # attached to all copies, including partial copies, of the # software or any revisions or derivations thereof. # --- UCSF Chimera Copyright --- # # $Id: prefs.py 38963 2013-07-23 23:32:40Z pett $ from chimera import preferences SCRIPT_PYTHON = "Python" SCRIPT_CHIMERA = "Chimera commands" SCRIPT_TYPE = "script type" DICT_NAME = "substitution dictionary name" FRAME_TEXT = "frame # substitution text" ZERO_PAD = "zero pad frame numbers" RMSD_MIN = "rmsd min" RMSD_MAX = "rmsd max" RMSD_AUTOCOLOR = "rmsd autocolor" VOLUME_CUTOFF = "volume cutoff" VOLUME_RESOLUTION = "volume resolution" VOLUME_ATOM_RADII_TREATMENT = "volume atom radii handling" RECORDER_RECORD_ARGS = "record args" RECORDER_ENCODE_ARGS = "encode args" RECORDER_ROUNDTRIP = "roundtrip" PLOTS_LAST_USE = "plots last use" RES_NET_WEIGHTING = "weight res interactions by #contacts" RES_NET_IGNORE_BONDED = "ignore bonded residues in network" RES_NET_SOLVENT_NODE = "treat solvent as one node" RES_NET_IONS_NODE = "treat ions as one node" RES_NET_EDGE_DISCARD_FRAC = "value edge-discard threshold" RES_NET_EDGE_DISCARD_WEIGHT = "weight edge-discard threshold" RES_NET_EDGE_HIST_MARKERS = "res net edge coloring histogram markers" RES_NET_EDGE_WIDTH = "res net edge width" RES_NET_INTERACTION_TYPE = "res net interaction type" options = { SCRIPT_TYPE: SCRIPT_CHIMERA, DICT_NAME: "mdInfo", FRAME_TEXT: "", ZERO_PAD: True, RMSD_MIN: 0.5, RMSD_MAX: 3.0, RMSD_AUTOCOLOR: True, VOLUME_CUTOFF: 10.0, VOLUME_RESOLUTION: 1.0, VOLUME_ATOM_RADII_TREATMENT: "ignored", RECORDER_RECORD_ARGS: "", RECORDER_ENCODE_ARGS: "", RECORDER_ROUNDTRIP: False, PLOTS_LAST_USE: None, RES_NET_WEIGHTING: True, RES_NET_IGNORE_BONDED: True, RES_NET_SOLVENT_NODE: True, RES_NET_IONS_NODE: True, RES_NET_EDGE_DISCARD_FRAC: 0.25, RES_NET_EDGE_DISCARD_WEIGHT: 0.5, RES_NET_EDGE_HIST_MARKERS: ( # non-difference network; unweighted ([((0.25, 0.0), "light gray"), ((0.5, 0.0), "dark gray"), ((0.75, 0.0), "black")], # non-difference network; weighted [((1.0, 0.0), "light gray"), ((3.0, 0.0), "dark gray"), ((5.0, 0.0), "black")]), # difference network; unweighted ([((-0.75, 0.0), "magenta"), ((0.00, 0.0), "black"), ((0.75, 0.0), "cyan")], # difference network; weighted [((-2.0, 0.0), "magenta"), ((0.0, 0.0), "black"), ((2.0, 0.0), "cyan")]), ), RES_NET_EDGE_WIDTH: 5, RES_NET_INTERACTION_TYPE: "H-bonds" } prefs = preferences.addCategory("MD Movie", preferences.HiddenCategory, optDict=options)