# # --- movie licence agreement --- # MOVIE_LICENSE = 'Movie License' MOVIE_LICENSE_TEXT = '''Legal Disclaimer - Proprietary Media Formats Two of the video formats (MPEG-2 and MPEG-4) supported by Chimera's movie features are encoded using proprietary algorithms which are protected by patents. The MPEG-LA (licensing authority, http://www.mpeg-la.com) is the organization responsible for collecting royalties on MPEG-related technologies. Anyone who intends to use these technologies for commercial purposes is required by law to pay the appropriate fees to the licensing authority. While there has been no precedent of legal action taken against those who utilize these technologies for personal use, this can still be construed as a violation of the patent and may be subject to legal action. Chimera uses third party software called FFmpeg (http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net) to handle video encoding. More information on legal issues associated with using this software can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section of their Web site. By using Chimera's movie features, you assume full responsibility for any royalties that might be due as a result of utilizing this patented technology.''' MOVIE_LICENSE_HTML = ''' Legal Disclaimer - Proprietary Media Formats
Two of the video formats (MPEG-2 and MPEG-4) supported by Chimera's movie features are encoded using proprietary algorithms which are protected by patents. The MPEG-LA (licensing authority) is the organization responsible for collecting royalties on MPEG-related technologies.
Anyone who intends to use these technologies for commercial purposes is required by law to pay the appropriate fees to the licensing authority. While there has been no precedent of legal action taken against those who utilize these technologies for personal use, this can still be construed as a violation of the patent and may be subject to legal action. Chimera uses third party software called FFmpeg to handle video encoding. More information on legal issues associated with using this software can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section of their Web site.
By using Chimera's movie features, you assume full responsibility for any royalties that might be due as a result of utilizing this patented technology.
''' from chimera.baseDialog import ModalDialog class AcceptLicenseDialog(ModalDialog): title = "Accept MPEG License" buttons = ('Accept', 'Decline') provideStatus = False def fillInUI(self, parent): import Tkinter import Pmw license_lbl = Tkinter.Label(parent, text="You must read and accept the following agreement before\n" \ "using Chimera's movie features:", justify='left' ) license_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w', pady=5) from chimera.HtmlText import HtmlText self.infoText = Pmw.ScrolledText(parent, text_pyclass=HtmlText, text_relief='sunken', text_wrap='word', text_width=50, text_height=8 ) self.infoText.settext(MOVIE_LICENSE_HTML) self.infoText.configure(text_state='disabled', hscrollmode='dynamic', vscrollmode='dynamic', text_background=parent.cget('background') ) self.infoText.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nsew', pady=5) parent.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) parent.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) def Accept(self): ModalDialog.Cancel(self, value=True) def Decline(self): ModalDialog.Cancel(self, value=False) movie_license_prefs = None def acceptLicense(): MOVIE_LICENSE_AGREE = 'accept MPEG license' global movie_license_prefs if movie_license_prefs is None: # Inherit license agreement value from prior hidden category # generated by Movie Recorder. inheritMovieRecorder = (MOVIE_LICENSE_AGREE, 'Movie Recorder', 'accepted license agreement', None) from chimera import preferences movie_license_prefs = preferences.addCategory(MOVIE_LICENSE, preferences.HiddenCategory, inherit= [ inheritMovieRecorder ], optDict = { MOVIE_LICENSE_AGREE: False }, ) if not movie_license_prefs[MOVIE_LICENSE_AGREE]: import chimera if chimera.nogui: # Continue, without updating the license agreement return True dlg = AcceptLicenseDialog() movie_license_prefs[MOVIE_LICENSE_AGREE] = dlg.run(chimera.tkgui.app) return movie_license_prefs[MOVIE_LICENSE_AGREE]