class AppWebService: """ This class serves as a port to web services and local executables. A typical example can be found in libs/MultiAlignViewer/ To initialize and launch the web service call: for initial launch, kw["params"] = (serviceName, title, inputFileMap, command) for session restore, kw["sessionData"] = sessionData Optional parameters: kw["finishTest"] = "key output file name" kw["progressCB"] = progressCallBackFunction : it pass a stdout.txt strings to the callback function from the stdout.txt the callback function will returen the progress between [0.0, 1.0] FinishCB: the finish callback funcion, two parameters returned: service: instance that is API-compatible with OpalService in opal_client fileMap: service.getOutputs() the output file map serviceName: the web service name when deploy the service after '-DserviceName' title: the name showing in the task manager after words 'Running %s via web service' %title inputFileMap: a map of input files {'filename': 'path to file'} command: the arguments list in strings (or filenames) to feed the binary file on the webservice finishTest: the file name of a fixed output file to test the false finish. If finishTest is specified, then it will be tested the existence in the end after self.backend.isFinished() return true. """ def __init__(self, finishCB, params=None, sessionData=None, finishTest=None, progressCB=None, cleanupCB=None): self.finishCB = finishCB self.finishTest = finishTest self.progressCB = progressCB self.cleanupCB = cleanupCB self.errorCount = 0 if params is not None: self._initApp(*params) else: self._initSession(*sessionData) def _initApp(self, serviceName, title, inputFileMap, command, wait=False, url=None, backend="opal"): self.params = (serviceName, title, inputFileMap, command, url, backend) Backend, makeInputFile = self._getBackend(backend) inputFiles = [] #print "###I am running WebServices.AppWebService. ###" for name, path in inputFileMap.iteritems(): inputFiles.append(makeInputFile(path, name=name)) service = serviceName #argList = script try: self.backend = Backend(service, url) except: import traceback, sys print "Traceback from web application request:" traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #print """ #Typically, if you get a TypeError, it's a problem on the remote server #and it should be fixed shortly. If you get a different error or #get TypeError consistently for more than a day, please report the #problem using the Report a Bug... entry in the Help menu. Please #include the traceback printed above as part of the problem description.""" from chimera import NonChimeraError raise NonChimeraError("Service '%s:%s' is unavailable. " "See Reply Log for more details." % (backend, serviceName)) if wait: success, fileMap = self.backend.launchJobBlocking( command, _inputFile=inputFiles) if success and self.finishCB: self.finishCB(self.backend, fileMap) if self.cleanupCB: self.cleanupCB(self.backend, True, success) self.task = None else: self.backend.launchJob(command, _inputFile=inputFiles) from chimera.tasks import Task self.task = Task(self._title(), self.cancelCB, self.statusCB) def _initSession(self, params, running, backendData, startTime=None): self.params = params # params = (serviceName, title, inputFileMap, # command, url, backend) # In older versions, only the first four parameters # are present, in which case we assume we are # using the real opal backend try: backend = params[5] except IndexError: backend = "opal" Backend, makeInputFile = self._getBackend(backend) self.backend = Backend(sessionData=backendData) if not running: self.task = None else: from chimera.tasks import Task self.task = Task(self._title(), self.cancelCB, self.statusCB) if startTime: self.task.setStartTime(startTime) try: self.backend.queryStatus() except RuntimeError: import traceback, sys traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.task.cancel() def _title(self): return "Running %s" % self.params[1] def sessionData(self): if self.task: # Use int so that sesRepr keeps the exact value startTime = int(self.task.getStartTime()) else: startTime = None return (self.params, self.task is not None, self.backend.sessionData(), startTime) def cancelCB(self): self.task.finished() self.task = None if self.cleanupCB: self.cleanupCB(self.backend, False, False) def statusCB(self): self.task.updateStatus(self.backend.currentStatus()) if self.progressCB and self.backend.status: pgs = 100.0 * self.progressCB( self.backend.getStdOut() ) self.task.updateStatus("progress : %d%% completed" %pgs) finished = self.backend.isFinished() if not finished: try: self.backend.queryStatus() except RuntimeError: import traceback, sys traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.errorCount += 1 if self.errorCount > 10: self.task.cancel() return if finished == 2: # Job has not started, wait some more return fileMap = self.backend.getOutputs() if finished > 0: # Test the existence of output file self.finishTest if self.finishTest: if self.finishTest in fileMap and len(self.backend.getFileContent(self.finishTest)) >0: # true finish: completed and generated the wanted output file self.task.updateStatus("Calculation completed, file %s was generated." %self.finishTest) callCallback = True else: # false finish: completed but not generated the wanted output file self.task.updateStatus("Calculation failed, file %s was NOT generated." %self.finishTest) callCallback = False else: # without output file testing, finish the self.task anyway callCallback = True else: # backend failed callCallback = False self.backend.getJobStatistics() if self.backend.times: self.task.setStartTime(self.backend.times[0]) self.task.setEndTime(self.backend.times[1]) self.task.finished() self.task = None self.errorCount = 0 if callCallback: self.finishCB(self.backend, fileMap) else: self._failedReturnInfo(fileMap) if self.cleanupCB: self.cleanupCB(self.backend, True, callCallback) def _failedReturnInfo(self, fileMap): # Failed from chimera import replyobj replyobj.error("%s failed; " "see Reply Log for more information\n" % self._title()) self.backend.showURLContent("Application stderr", fileMap["stderr.txt"]) self.backend.showURLContent("Application stdout", fileMap["stdout.txt"]) def _getBackend(self, backend): if backend == "opal": from opal_client import OpalService, makeInputFile return OpalService, makeInputFile elif backend == "local": from opal_local import LocalOpalService, localMakeInputFile return LocalOpalService, localMakeInputFile else: raise ValueError("unsupported backend: %s" % backend)