import chimera from chimera.idatm import typeInfo from chimera.selection import Selection, ItemizedSelection MOLECULE_HEADER = "@MOLECULE" ATOM_HEADER = "@ATOM" BOND_HEADER = "@BOND" SUBSTR_HEADER = "@SUBSTRUCTURE" SET_HEADER = "@SET" # The 'chimera2sybyl' dictionary is used to map Chimera atom types to Sybyl # atom types. chimera2sybyl = { 'C3' : 'C.3', 'C2' : 'C.2', 'Car' : '', 'Cac' : 'C.2', 'C1' : 'C.1', 'C1-' : 'C.1', 'N3+' : 'N.4', 'N3' : 'N.3', 'N2+' : 'N.2', 'N2' : 'N.2', 'Npl' : 'N.pl3', 'Ng+' : 'N.pl3', 'Ntr' : 'N.2', 'N1+' : 'N.1', 'N1' : 'N.1', 'O3' : 'O.3', 'O2' : 'O.2', 'Oar' : 'O.2', 'Oar+': 'O.2', 'O3-' : 'O.co2', 'O2-' : 'O.co2', 'O1' : 'O.2', # no sp oxygen in Sybyl 'O1+' : 'O.2', # no sp oxygen in Sybyl 'S3+' : 'S.3', 'S3-' : 'S.3', 'S3' : 'S.3', 'S2' : 'S.2', 'Sar' : 'S.2', 'Sac' : 'S.o2', 'Son' : 'S.o2', 'Sxd' : 'S.o', 'S' : 'S.3', 'Pac' : 'P.3', 'Pox' : 'P.3', 'P3+' : 'P.3', 'P' : 'P.3', 'HC' : 'H', 'H' : 'H', 'DC' : 'H', 'D' : 'H', 'F' : 'F', 'Cl' : 'Cl', 'Br' : 'Br', 'I' : 'I', 'Li' : 'Li', 'Na' : 'Na', 'Mg' : 'Mg', 'Al' : 'Al', 'Si' : 'Si', 'K' : 'K', 'Ca' : 'Ca', 'Mn' : 'Mn', 'Fe' : 'Fe', 'Cu' : 'Cu', 'Zn' : 'Zn', 'Se' : 'Se', 'Mo' : 'Mo', 'Sn' : 'Sn' } # keep added hydrogens with their residue while keeping residues in sequence order... def writeMol2Sort(a1, a2, resIndices=None): try: ri1 = resIndices[a1.residue] except KeyError: ri1 = resIndices[a1.residue] = a1.molecule.residues.index(a1.residue) try: ri2 = resIndices[a2.residue] except KeyError: ri2 = resIndices[a2.residue] = a2.molecule.residues.index(a2.residue) return cmp(ri1, ri2) or cmp(a1.coordIndex, a2.coordIndex) def writeMol2(models, fileName, status=None, anchor=None, relModel=None, hydNamingStyle="sybyl", multimodelHandling="individual", skip=None, resNum=True, gaffType=False, gaffFailError=None, temporary=False): """Write a Mol2 file. 'models' are the models to write out into a file named 'fileName'. 'status', if not None, is a function that takes a string -- used to report the progress of the write. 'anchor' is a selection (i.e. instance of a subclass of chimera.selection.Selection) containing atoms/bonds that should be written out to the @SET section of the file as the rigid framework for flexible ligand docking. 'hydNamingStyle' controls whether hydrogen names should be "Sybyl-like" (value: sybyl) or "PDB-like" (value: pdb) -- e.g. HG21 vs. 1HG2. 'multimodelHandling' controls whether multiple models will be combined into a single @MOLECULE section (value: combined) or each given its own section (value: individual). 'skip' is a list of atoms to not output 'resNum' controls whether residue sequence numbers are included in the substructure name. Since Sybyl Mol2 files include them, this defaults to True. If 'gaffType' is True, outout GAFF atom types instead of Sybyl atom types. 'gaffFailError', if specified, is the type of error to throw (e.g. UserError) if there is no gaffType attribute for an atom, otherwise throw the standard AttributeError. If 'temporary' is True, don't enter the file name into the "Recent Data Sources" list of the Rapid Access interface. """ if isinstance(fileName, basestring): # open the given file name for writing from OpenSave import osOpen f = osOpen(fileName, "w") needClose = True else: f = fileName needClose = False sortFunc = serialSort = lambda a1, a2, ri={}: writeMol2Sort(a1, a2, resIndices=ri) if isinstance(models, chimera.Molecule): models = [models] elif isinstance(models, Selection): # create a fictitious jumbo model if isinstance(models, ItemizedSelection): sel = models else: sel = ItemizedSelection() sel.merge(models) sel.addImplied() class Jumbo: def __init__(self, sel): self.atoms = sel.atoms() self.residues = sel.residues() self.bonds = sel.bonds() = "(selection)" models = [Jumbo(sel)] sortFunc = lambda a1, a2: cmp(, \ or cmp(a1.molecule.subid, a2.molecule.subid) \ or serialSort(a1, a2) multimodelHandling = "individual" # transform... if relModel is None: xform = chimera.Xform.identity() else: xform = relModel.openState.xform xform.invert() # need to find amide moieties since Sybyl has an explicit amide type if status: status("Finding amides") from ChemGroup import findGroup amides = findGroup("amide", models) amideNs = dict.fromkeys([amide[2] for amide in amides]) amideCNs = dict.fromkeys([amide[0] for amide in amides]) amideCNs.update(amideNs) amideOs = dict.fromkeys([amide[1] for amide in amides]) substructureNames = None if multimodelHandling == "combined": # create a fictitious jumbo model class Jumbo: def __init__(self, models): self.atoms = [] self.residues = [] self.bonds = [] = models[0].name + " (combined)" for m in models: self.atoms.extend(m.atoms) self.residues.extend(m.residues) self.bonds.extend(m.bonds) # if combining single-residue models, # can be more informative to use model name # instead of residue type for substructure if len(models) == len(self.residues): rtypes = [r.type for r in self.residues] if len(set(rtypes)) < len(rtypes): mnames = [ for m in models] if len(set(mnames)) == len(mnames): self.substructureNames = dict( zip(self.residues, mnames)) models = [Jumbo(models)] if hasattr(models[-1], 'substructureNames'): substructureNames = models[-1].substructureNames delattr(models[-1], 'substructureNames') sortFunc = lambda a1, a2: cmp(, \ or cmp(a1.molecule.subid, a2.molecule.subid) \ or serialSort(a1, a2) # write out models for mol in models: if hasattr(mol, 'mol2comments'): for m2c in mol.mol2comments: print>>f, m2c if hasattr(mol, 'solventInfo' ): print>>f, mol.solventInfo # molecule section header print>>f, "%s" % MOLECULE_HEADER # molecule name print>>f, "%s" % ATOM_LIST = mol.atoms BOND_LIST = mol.bonds if skip: skip = set(skip) ATOM_LIST = [a for a in ATOM_LIST if a not in skip] BOND_LIST = [b for b in BOND_LIST if b.atoms[0] not in skip and b.atoms[1] not in skip] RES_LIST = mol.residues # Chimera has an unusual internal order for its atoms, so # sort them by input order if status: status("Putting atoms in input order") ATOM_LIST.sort(sortFunc) # if anchor is not None, then there will be two entries in # the @SET section of the file... if anchor: sets = 2 else: sets = 0 # number of entries for various sections... print>>f, "%d %d %d 0 %d" % (len(ATOM_LIST), len(BOND_LIST), len(RES_LIST), sets) # type of molecule if hasattr(mol, "mol2type"): mtype = mol.mol2type else: mtype = "SMALL" from chimera.resCode import nucleic3to1, protein3to1 for r in mol.residues: if r.type in protein3to1: mtype = "PROTEIN" break if r.type in nucleic3to1: mtype = "NUCLEIC_ACID" break print>>f, mtype # indicate type of charge information if hasattr(mol, 'chargeModel'): print>>f, mol.chargeModel else: print>>f, "NO_CHARGES" if hasattr(mol, 'mol2comment'): print>>f, "\n%s" % mol.mol2comment else: print>>f, "\n" if status: status("writing atoms") # atom section header print>>f, "%s" % ATOM_HEADER # make a dictionary of residue indices so that we can do # quick look ups resIndices = {} for i, r in enumerate(RES_LIST): resIndices[r] = i+1 for i, atom in enumerate(ATOM_LIST): # atom ID, starting from 1 print>>f, "%7d" % (i+1), # atom name, possibly rearranged if it's a hydrogen if hydNamingStyle == "sybyl" \ and not[0].isalpha(): atomName =[1:] +[0] else: atomName = print>>f, "%-8s" % atomName, # untransformed coordinate position coord = xform.apply(atom.xformCoord()) print>>f, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f" % ( coord.x, coord.y, coord.z), # atom type if gaffType: try: atomType = atom.gaffType except AttributeError: if not gaffFailError: raise raise gaffFailError("%s has no Amber/GAFF type assigned.\n" "Use the AddCharge tool to assign Amber/GAFF types." % atom) elif hasattr(atom, 'mol2type'): atomType = atom.mol2type elif atom in amideNs: atomType = "" elif == "water": if == "O": atomType = "O.t3p" else: atomType = "H.t3p" elif == "N" and len( [r for r in atom.minimumRings() if r.aromatic()]) > 0: atomType = "" elif atom.idatmType == "C2" and len([nb for nb in atom.neighbors if nb.idatmType == "Ng+"]) > 2: atomType = "" elif sulfurOxygen(atom): atomType = "O.2" else: try: atomType = chimera2sybyl[atom.idatmType] except KeyError: chimera.replyobj.warning("Atom whose" " IDATM type has no equivalent" " Sybyl type: %s (type: %s)\n" % (atom.oslIdent(), atom.idatmType)) atomType = str(atom.element) print>>f, "%-5s" % atomType, # residue-related info res = atom.residue # residue index print>>f, "%5d" % resIndices[res], # substructure identifier and charge if hasattr(atom, 'charge') and atom.charge is not None: charge = atom.charge else: charge = 0.0 if substructureNames: rname = substructureNames[res] elif resNum: rname = "%3s%-5d" % (res.type, else: rname = "%3s" % res.type print>>f, "%s %9.4f" % (rname, charge) if status: status("writing bonds") # bond section header print>>f, "%s" % BOND_HEADER # make an atom-index dictionary to speed lookups atomIndices = {} for i, a in enumerate(ATOM_LIST): atomIndices[a] = i+1 for i, bond in enumerate(BOND_LIST): a1, a2 = bond.atoms # ID print>>f, "%6d" % (i+1), # atom IDs print>>f, "%4d %4d" % ( atomIndices[a1], atomIndices[a2]), # bond order; give it our best shot... if hasattr(bond, 'mol2type'): print>>f, bond.mol2type continue amideA1 = a1 in amideCNs amideA2 = a2 in amideCNs if amideA1 and amideA2: print>>f, "am" continue if amideA1 or amideA2: if a1 in amideOs or a2 in amideOs: print>>f, "2" else: print>>f, "1" continue aromatic = False for ring in bond.minimumRings(): if ring.aromatic(): aromatic = True break if aromatic: print>>f, "ar" continue try: geom1 = typeInfo[a1.idatmType].geometry except KeyError: print>>f, "1" continue try: geom2 = typeInfo[a2.idatmType].geometry except KeyError: print>>f, "1" continue # sulfone/sulfoxide is classically depicted as double- # bonded despite the high dipolar character of the # bond making it have single-bond character. For # output, use the classical values. if sulfurOxygen(a1) or sulfurOxygen(a2): print>>f, "2" continue if geom1 not in [2,3] or geom2 not in [2,3]: print>>f, "1" continue # if either endpoint atom is in an aromatic ring and # the bond isn't, it's a single bond... for endp in [a1, a2]: aromatic = False for ring in endp.minimumRings(): if ring.aromatic(): aromatic = True break if aromatic: break else: # neither endpoint in aromatic ring if geom1 == 2 and geom2 == 2: print>>f, "3" else: print>>f, "2" continue print>>f, "1" if status: status("writing residues") # residue section header print>>f, "%s" % SUBSTR_HEADER for i, res in enumerate(RES_LIST): # residue id field print>>f, "%6d" % (i+1), # residue name field if substructureNames: rname = substructureNames[res] elif resNum: rname = "%3s%-4d" % (res.type, else: rname = "%3s" % res.type print>>f, rname, # ID of the root atom of the residue from chimera.misc import principalAtom chainAtom = principalAtom(res) if chainAtom is None: if hasattr(res, 'atomsMap'): chainAtom = res.atoms[0] else: chainAtom = res.atoms.values()[0][0] print>>f, "%5d" % atomIndices[chainAtom], print>>f, "RESIDUE 4", # Sybyl seems to use chain 'A' when chain ID is blank, # so run with that chainID = if len(chainID.strip()) != 1: chainID = 'A' print>>f, "%s %3s" % (chainID, res.type), # number of out-of-substructure bonds crossResBonds = 0 if hasattr(res, "atomsMap"): atoms = res.atoms for a in atoms: for oa in a.bondsMap.keys(): if oa.residue != res: crossResBonds += 1 else: atoms = [a for aList in res.atoms.values() for a in aList] for a in atoms: for oa in a.bonds.keys(): if oa.residue != res: crossResBonds += 1 print>>f, "%5d" % crossResBonds, # print "ROOT" if first or only residue of a chain if a.molecule.rootForAtom(a, True).atom.residue == res: print>>f, "ROOT" else: print>>f # write flexible ligand docking info if anchor: if status: status("writing anchor info") print>>f, "%s" % SET_HEADER atomIndices = {} for i, a in enumerate(ATOM_LIST): atomIndices[a] = i+1 bondIndices = {} for i, b in enumerate(BOND_LIST): bondIndices[b] = i+1 print>>f, "ANCHOR STATIC ATOMS **** Anchor Atom Set" atoms = anchor.atoms() print>>f, len(atoms), for a in atoms: if a in atomIndices: print>>f, atomIndices[a], print>>f print>>f, "RIGID STATIC BONDS **** Rigid Bond Set" bonds = anchor.bonds() print>>f, len(bonds), for b in bonds: if b in bondIndices: print>>f, bondIndices[b], print>>f if needClose: f.close() if not temporary: from chimera import triggers triggers.activateTrigger('file save', (fileName, 'Mol2')) def sulfurOxygen(atom): if atom.idatmType != "O3-": return False try: s = atom.bondsMap.keys()[0] except IndexError: return False if s.idatmType in ['Son', 'Sxd']: return True if s.idatmType == 'Sac': o3s = [a for a in s.neighbors if a.idatmType == 'O3-'] o3s.sort() return o3s.index(atom) > 1 return False