import chimera from chimera.baseDialog import ModelessDialog, Cancel, OK, ModalDialog from chimera.tkoptions import FloatOption, EnumOption, SymbolicEnumOption, IntOption, StringOption, Option, BooleanOption, InputFileOption import Tkinter as Tk import Tix from math import log, pow, sqrt import tempfile, os, re import preferences import replyobj # augment PIL's tiff saving code with the ability to compress files # based on def _tiff_save(im, fp, filename): from PIL import TiffImagePlugin # check compression mode try: compression = im.encoderinfo["compression"] except KeyError: # use standard driver return TiffImagePlugin._save(im, fp, filename) # compress via temporary file #if compression not in ("lzw", "zip", "jpeg", "packbits", "g3", "g4"): if compression not in ("lzw", "lzw:2"): raise IOError("unknown TIFF compression mode") fp.close() import tempfile, os, subprocess t, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tif', dir=os.path.dirname(filename)) t = os.fdopen(t, 'wb') TiffImagePlugin._save(im, t, tmp) t.close() try: tiffcp = findExecutable('tiffcp') if tiffcp == None: raise IOError("TIFF compression failed: missing tiffcp program") retcode =[tiffcp, "-c", compression, tmp, filename]) if retcode != 0: raise IOError("TIFF compression failed: error %d" % retcode) try: os.remove(tmp) except OSError: pass except IOError, e: msg = "%s. Saved uncompressed version." % e try: os.rename(tmp, filename) except IOError as e: msg = "Unable to save uncompressed version: %s" % e from chimera import replyobj replyobj.warning(msg) from PIL import Image, TiffImagePlugin Image.register_save(TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile.format, _tiff_save) del Image, TiffImagePlugin # key is paper type name # value is tuple (width, height): size of imageable area in points # def mm2pt(mm): return mm / 25.4 * 72 def in2pt(inches): return inches * 72 paper_types = { # Note: only list papers that are taller than wide (Portrait mode) # extra paper types for AGFA "ChromaScript" # "35mm": ( in2pt(7), in2pt(10.5) ), "35mm": ( in2pt(7.333333), in2pt(11) ), # for Concurrence # # from Appendex B of Adobe's "PostScript Printer Description File # Format Specification Version 4.3" # # ISO/JIS Standard "A" Sizes "A2": ( mm2pt(420), mm2pt(594) ), "A3": ( mm2pt(297), mm2pt(420) ), "A4": ( mm2pt(210), mm2pt(297) ), "A5": ( mm2pt(148), mm2pt(210) ), "A6": ( mm2pt(105), mm2pt(148) ), "A7": ( mm2pt(74), mm2pt(105) ), # Other Standard Page Sizes "executive": ( in2pt(7.25), in2pt(10.5) ), "ledger": ( in2pt(17), in2pt(11) ), "legal": ( in2pt(8.5), in2pt(14) ), "letter": ( in2pt(8.5), in2pt(11) ), "postcard": ( mm2pt(100), mm2pt(148) ), # (Japanese) "tabloid": ( in2pt(11), in2pt(17) ), "other": (0, 0) } convert = { 'points': 1.0, 'inches': 72.0, 'millimeters': 72.0 / 25.4, 'centimeters': 72.0 / 2.54, } class UnitsOption(EnumOption): values = convert.keys() values.sort() class ImageUnitsOption(EnumOption): values = ['pixels'] class OrientationOption(EnumOption): values = ['portrait', 'landscape'] class PaperTypeOption(EnumOption): values = paper_types.keys() values.sort() class ColorsOption(SymbolicEnumOption): labels = ('3', '3 + black', '4', '5', '5 + black' , '6') values = (3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6) class SupersampleOption(SymbolicEnumOption): labels = ('1x1', '2x2', '3x3', '4x4') values = (1, 2, 3, 4) balloon = "How many pixels are sampled in the X and Y dimensions\n" \ "for each pixel in the final saved image. Higher values\n" \ "increase the smoothness of edges in saved images and\n" \ "increase calculation time." class _PrintModeOption(Option): SAME = "same as screen" def _addOption(self, **kw): self._var = Tk.StringVar(self._master) self._option = Tk.Menubutton(self._master, textvariable=self._var, relief=Tk.RAISED, borderwidth=2) = Tk.Menu(self._option, tearoff=Tk.NO) self._option["menu"] = modes = chimera.Camera.modes(printOnly=True) modes.sort(key=unicode.lower) modes.insert(0, self.SAME) for v in modes:, variable=self._var, value=v, command=self._set) return self._option def get(self): return self._var.get() def set(self, value): self._var.set(value) class OutputAlphaOption(SymbolicEnumOption): labels = ('false', 'true', 'same as chimera') values = (0, 1, 2) ONLY_STEREO_CAMERAS = 2 class AdjustFOVOption(SymbolicEnumOption): labels = ('no', 'yes', 'stereo cameras') values = (0, 1, 2) PAGE_SETUP = 'Page Setup' # preferences category UNITS = 'Units' PAGE_WIDTH = 'Page width' PAGE_HEIGHT = 'Page height' PAGE_ORIENTATION = 'Page orientation' PAPER_TYPE = 'Paper type' PRINTER_CMD = 'Printer command' IMAGE_SETUP = 'Image Setup' # preferences category USE_PRINT_UNITS = 'Use print units' DPI = 'Print resolution (dpi)' ADJUST_FOV = 'Adjust field of view' UNIT_PIXELS = 'Pixels per unit' PRINTER_DOTS = 'Printer dots per unit' COLORS = 'Colors per dot' SHADES = 'Shades per color' SUPERSAMPLE = 'Supersample' IMAGE_CREDITS = 'Image Credits' # preferences category ARTIST = 'Artist' COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright' POVRAY_AGREE = 'POV-Ray' # hidden preferences category LICENSE_AGREE = 'accepted license agreement' POVRAY_SETUP = 'POV-Ray Options' # preferences category POVRAY_EXE = 'POV-Ray executable' SHOW_PREVIEW = 'Show preview' POV_QUALITY = 'Quality' # 9 ANTIALIAS = 'Antialias' # On ANTIALIAS_DEPTH = 'Antialias depth' # 3 ANTIALIAS_THRESHOLD = 'Antialias threshold' # 1.0 ANTIALIAS_METHOD = 'Antialias method' JITTER = 'Jitter' # Off JITTER_AMOUNT = 'Jitter amount' # 0.5 OUTPUT_ALPHA = 'Transparent background' WAIT_POVRAY = 'Wait for POV-Ray to finish' # false KEEP_INPUT = 'Keep POV-Ray input files' # true DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY = 90 #chimera.triggers.addTrigger(PAGE_SETUP) #chimera.triggers.addTrigger(IMAGE_SETUP) def initializeCreditPreferences(): if os.environ.has_key('NAME'): artist = os.environ['NAME'] elif os.environ.has_key('USERNAME'): artist = os.environ['USERNAME'] elif os.environ.has_key('USER'): artist = os.environ['USER'] elif os.environ.has_key('LOGNAME'): artist = os.environ['LOGNAME'] else: artist = "" prefs = { ARTIST: (StringOption, artist, None), COPYRIGHT: (StringOption, "", None) } prefOrder = [ ARTIST, COPYRIGHT ] preferences.register(IMAGE_CREDITS, prefs) preferences.setOrder(IMAGE_CREDITS, prefOrder) class PageSetupCategory(preferences.Category): """images setup has it's own ui""" def __init__(self, master=None, *args, **kw): preferences.Category.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw) _initializeCreditPreferences() itops = os.path.join(os.environ["CHIMERA"], "bin", "itops") \ + " -q -R %s | lpr" self._options = { # last argument to Option is: # [ tkoption, display name, dialog callback ] UNITS: preferences.Option(self, "inches", None, [UnitsOption, None, self.updateUnits]), PAGE_WIDTH: preferences.Option(self, 8.5, None, [FloatOption, None, None], UIkw={ 'min': 1e-10 }), PAGE_HEIGHT: preferences.Option(self, 11, None, [FloatOption, None, None], UIkw={ 'min': 1e-10 }), PAGE_ORIENTATION: preferences.Option(self, 'portrait', None, [OrientationOption, None, self.updateOrientation]), PAPER_TYPE: preferences.Option(self, "letter", None, [PaperTypeOption, None, self.updatePaper]), PRINTER_CMD: preferences.Option(self, itops, None, [StringOption, "", None]), } self.adjust = convert[self.get(UNITS)] def load(self, optDict, notifyUI=1): preferences.Category.load(self, optDict, notifyUI=1) self.adjust = convert[self.get(UNITS)] self.updateResolution() def ui(self, master): if self._ui: return self._ui self._ui = Tk.Frame(master) self.units = self._add_opt(UNITS, self._ui, -1) = Tix.LabelFrame(self._ui, label="Page Options") self.paperType = self._add_opt(PAPER_TYPE,, 0) self.pOrient = self._add_opt(PAGE_ORIENTATION,, 1) self.pWidth = self._add_opt(PAGE_WIDTH,, 2) self.pHeight = self._add_opt(PAGE_HEIGHT,, 3) pcmd = Tix.LabelFrame(self._ui, label="Printer Command:") pcmd.pack(fill=Tk.X) cmd = self._add_opt(PRINTER_CMD, pcmd.frame, -1) cmd._option.xview(Tk.END) def _add_opt(self, attribute, master, row): opt = self._options[attribute] closure = opt.closure() def cb(tkopt, o=opt, tkcb=closure[2]): o.set(tkopt.get()) if tkcb: tkcb(tkopt) initialValue = opt.get() if closure[1] is not None: name = closure[1] else: name = attribute tkOpt = closure[0](master, row, name, opt.defaultValue(), cb, attribute=attribute, **opt.UIkw()) tkOpt.set(initialValue) return tkOpt def add(self, name, defaultValue, callback, closure, notifyUI=1): raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" def remove(self, name, notifyUI=1): raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" def destroy(self, notifyUI=1): raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" def _destroyUI(self, notifyUI): raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" def updatePaper(self, option): pWidth, pHeight = paper_types[option.get()] if self.get(PAGE_ORIENTATION) == 'Landscape': pWidth, pHeight = pHeight, pWidth w = pWidth / self.adjust self.set(PAGE_WIDTH, w) self.pWidth.set(w) h = pHeight / self.adjust self.pHeight.set(h) self.set(PAGE_HEIGHT, h) self.updateResolution() def updateUnits(self, option): adjust = convert[option.get()] if adjust == self.adjust: return factor = self.adjust / adjust w = self.get(PAGE_WIDTH) * factor self.pWidth.set(w) self.set(PAGE_WIDTH, w) h = self.get(PAGE_HEIGHT) * factor self.pHeight.set(h) self.set(PAGE_HEIGHT, h) self.adjust = adjust def updateOrientation(self, option): orientation = option.get() w = self.get(PAGE_WIDTH) h = self.get(PAGE_HEIGHT) if (orientation == 'Portrait' and w > h) \ or (orientation == 'Landscape' and w < h): self.pWidth.set(h) self.set(PAGE_WIDTH, h) self.pHeight.set(w) self.set(PAGE_HEIGHT, w) #class ImageSetupCategory(preferences.Category): # """images setup has it's own ui""" # # def __init__(self, master=None, *args, **kw): # preferences.Category.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw) # _initializeCreditPreferences() # # self.resolution = None # self._options = { # # last argument to Option is: # # [ tkoption, display name, dialog callback ] # UNITS: preferences.Option(self, "inches", None, # [UnitsOption, None, self.updateUnits]), # UNIT_PIXELS: preferences.Option(self, 100, None, # [FloatOption, None, self.updateResolution], # UIkw={ 'min': 1 }), # PRINTER_DOTS: preferences.Option(self, 300, None, # [FloatOption, None, self.updateResolution], # UIkw={ 'min': 1 }), # COLORS: preferences.Option(self, 3, None, # [ColorsOption, None, self.updateResolution]), # SHADES: preferences.Option(self, 2, None, # [IntOption, None, self.updateResolution], # UIkw={ 'min': 2 }), # SUPERSAMPLE: preferences.Option(self, 3, None, # [SupersampleOption, None, self.updateSS]), # } # self.adjust = convert[self.get(UNITS)] # # def load(self, optDict, notifyUI=1): # preferences.Category.load(self, optDict, notifyUI=1) # self.adjust = convert[self.get(UNITS)] # self.updateResolution() # # def ui(self, master): # if self._ui: # return self._ui # # self._ui = Tk.Frame(master) # # self.units = self._add_opt(UNITS, self._ui, -1) # # image = Tix.LabelFrame(self._ui, label="Image Resolution") # image.pack(fill=Tk.X) # self.dots = self._add_opt(UNIT_PIXELS, image.frame, -1) # calc = Tix.LabelFrame(image.frame, label="Resolution Calculator") # calc.pack(fill=Tk.X) # self.printerDots = self._add_opt(PRINTER_DOTS, calc.frame, -1) # self.colors = self._add_opt(COLORS, calc.frame, -1) # self.shades = self._add_opt(SHADES, calc.frame, -1) # bg = calc.cget('background') # self.resolution = Tk.Text(calc.frame, width=1, height=2, padx=2, # background=bg, relief=Tk.GROOVE) # self.resolution.tag_configure("center", justify=Tk.CENTER) # self.resolution.tag_configure("underline", underline=True) # self.resolution.pack() # # aa = Tix.LabelFrame(self._ui, label="Antialiasing:") # aa.pack(fill=Tk.X) # ss = self._add_opt(SUPERSAMPLE, aa.frame, -1) # # self.updateResolution() # # def _add_opt(self, attribute, master, row): # opt = self._options[attribute] # closure = opt.closure() # def cb(tkopt, o=opt, tkcb=closure[2]): # o.set(tkopt.get()) # if tkcb: # tkcb(tkopt) # initialValue = opt.get() # if closure[1] is not None: # name = closure[1] # else: # name = attribute # tkOpt = closure[0](master, row, name, opt.defaultValue(), cb, # attribute=attribute, **opt.UIkw()) # tkOpt.set(initialValue) # return tkOpt # # def add(self, name, defaultValue, callback, closure, notifyUI=1): # raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" # def remove(self, name, notifyUI=1): # raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" # def destroy(self, notifyUI=1): # raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" # def _destroyUI(self, notifyUI): # raise RuntimeError, "not applicable" # # def updateUnits(self, option): # adjust = convert[option.get()] # if adjust == self.adjust: # return # factor = self.adjust / adjust # d = self.get(UNIT_PIXELS) / factor # self.dots.set(d) # self.set(UNIT_PIXELS, d) # d = self.get(PRINTER_DOTS) / factor # self.printerDots.set(d) # self.set(PRINTER_DOTS, d) # self.adjust = adjust # # def updateResolution(self, *args): # if self.adjust == -1: # res = 1 # else: # dots = self.get(PRINTER_DOTS) # printer = pow(self.get(SHADES), self.get(COLORS)) # # TODO: colors is based on image file depth # # 8 bits per color component, 3 components # colors = pow(pow(2, 8), 3) # sqDots = dots * dots # dotsPerColor = sqrt(log(colors) / log(printer)) # res = dots / dotsPerColor # if self.resolution == None: # return # res1 = 'Recommendation for printer' # res2 = 'is %g pixels per unit.' % res # textWidth = len(res1) # if len(res2) > textWidth: # textWidth = len(res2) # self.resolution.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) # self.resolution.delete('1.0', Tk.END) # self.resolution.insert(Tk.END, '%s\nis ' % res1) # self.resolution.insert(Tk.END, '%g' % res, 'underline') # self.resolution.insert(Tk.END, ' pixels per unit.') # self.resolution.tag_add('center', '1.0', 'end') # self.resolution.config(state=Tk.DISABLED, width=textWidth) # chimera.triggers.activateTrigger(IMAGE_SETUP, None) # # def updateSS(self, option): # chimera.triggers.activateTrigger(IMAGE_SETUP, None) class AntialiasMethodOption(SymbolicEnumOption): """Specialization of EnumOption class for antialias method""" values = [1, 2] labels = ['fixed', 'recursive'] from CGLutil.findExecutable import findExecutable povpath = findExecutable('povray') if povpath == None: povpath = "povray" povrayPreferences = { POVRAY_EXE: (InputFileOption, povpath, None), SHOW_PREVIEW: (BooleanOption, Tk.NO, None), POV_QUALITY: (IntOption, 9, None, { 'min': 0, 'max': 11 }), ANTIALIAS: (BooleanOption, Tk.YES, None), ANTIALIAS_DEPTH: (IntOption, 3, None, { "min": 1, "max": 256 }), ANTIALIAS_THRESHOLD: (FloatOption, 1.0, None, { "min": 0.001 }), ANTIALIAS_METHOD: (AntialiasMethodOption, 1, None), JITTER: (BooleanOption, Tk.NO, None), JITTER_AMOUNT: (FloatOption, 0.5, None, { "min": 0.001, "max": 2.0 }), OUTPUT_ALPHA: (OutputAlphaOption, 2, None), WAIT_POVRAY: (BooleanOption, Tk.NO, None), KEEP_INPUT: (BooleanOption, Tk.NO, None), } del povpath povrayPreferencesOrder = [ POVRAY_EXE, SHOW_PREVIEW, POV_QUALITY, ANTIALIAS, ANTIALIAS_METHOD, ANTIALIAS_DEPTH, ANTIALIAS_THRESHOLD, JITTER, JITTER_AMOUNT, OUTPUT_ALPHA, WAIT_POVRAY, KEEP_INPUT ] DialogTitle = "Save Image As" HistoryID = "SaveImage" DefaultFilter = "PNG" FilenameFilters = [ ("EPS", ["*.eps"], ".eps"), ("JPEG", ["*.jpg", "*.jpeg"], ".jpg"), ("PS", ["*.ps"], ".ps"), ("PNG", ["*.png"], ".png"), ("PPM", ["*.ppm"], ".ppm"), ("TIFF", ["*.tif", "*.tiff"], ".tif"), ("TIFF-fast", ["*.tif", "*.tiff"], ".tif"), ] StereoDialogTitle = "Save Stereo Pair As" StereoHistoryID = "SaveStereoImage" StereoDefaultFilter = "Stereo JPEG" StereoFilenameFilters = [ ("Stereo JPEG", ["*.jps"], ".jps"), ("Stereo PNG", ["*.pns"], ".pns"), ] RaytraceDialogTitle = "Save Image As" RaytraceHistoryID = "SaveImage" RaytraceDefaultFilter = "PNG" RaytraceFilenameFilters = [ # Doesn't work on all platforms, and JPEG sucks, so disable # ("JPEG", ["*.jpg"], ".jpg"), ("PNG", ["*.png"], ".png"), ] from OpenSave import SaveModeless, SaveModal class ImageSaveDialog(SaveModeless): title = "Save Image" name = "Save Image" help = 'UsersGuide/print.html' provideStatus = True extraButtons = ( "Citing Chimera", "Tips" ) def __init__(self, format=None, filterSet=None): if filterSet == "povray": filters = RaytraceFilenameFilters defaultFilter = RaytraceDefaultFilter title = DialogTitle historyID = HistoryID elif"stereo pair"): filters = StereoFilenameFilters + FilenameFilters defaultFilter = StereoDefaultFilter title = StereoDialogTitle historyID = StereoHistoryID else: filters = FilenameFilters defaultFilter = DefaultFilter title = RaytraceDialogTitle historyID = RaytraceHistoryID try: names = [x[0] for x in filters] f = names.index(defaultFilter) except ValueError: f = 0 self.quality = None SaveModeless.__init__(self, title=title, initialfile="image", filters=filters, defaultFilter=f, setFilterCommand=self._filterChange, clientPos='s', clientSticky='ew', historyID=historyID) if format: self.millerBrowser.setFilter(format) def fillInUI(self, parent): SaveModeless.fillInUI(self, parent) parent = self.clientArea parent.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) parent.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) parent.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) master = Tk.Frame(parent) master.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nsew") master.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self._ModelTrigger = None #self._SetupTrigger = None self._SizeTrigger = None self.raytrace = None splitFrame = Tk.Frame(master) splitFrame.pack(fill="both", expand=True) # Image Size from chimera import widgets imageSetup = Tk.LabelFrame(splitFrame, text="Image Size") imageSetup.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True, ipadx=2, ipady=2) _init_convert_pixels() self.matchAspect = Tk.BooleanVar(master) self.matchAspect.set(1) self.usePrint = Tk.BooleanVar(master) self.usePrint.set(preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, USE_PRINT_UNITS)) import itertools row = itertools.count() self.showUsePrint = Tk.Checkbutton(imageSetup, indicatoron=1, variable=self.usePrint, highlightthickness=0, text=USE_PRINT_UNITS, command=self._updateUsePrint) self.showUsePrint.grid(columnspan=2,, sticky=Tk.W) w, h = chimera.viewer.windowSize self.units = ImageUnitsOption(imageSetup,, UNITS, 'pixels', self.updateImageUnits) self.iWidth = FloatOption(imageSetup,, 'Image width', w, self.updateImageWidth, min=1e-10) self.iHeight = FloatOption(imageSetup,, 'Image height', h, self.updateImageHeight, min=1e-10) self.adjustFOV = AdjustFOVOption(imageSetup,, ADJUST_FOV, preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, ADJUST_FOV), self._updateAdjustFOV) matchAspect = Tk.Checkbutton(imageSetup, indicatoron=1, variable=self.matchAspect, highlightthickness=0, text="Maintain current aspect ratio", command=self.updateMatchAspect) matchAspect.grid(columnspan=2,, sticky=Tk.W) self.grow = Tk.Button(imageSetup, text="Grow to Fit", command=self.Resize) fitrow = self.grow.grid(row=fitrow, column=0, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=Tk.NSEW) self.grow.grid_remove() self.shrink = Tk.Button(imageSetup, text="Shrink to Fit", command=lambda f=self.Resize: f(False)) self.shrink.grid(row=fitrow, column=1, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=Tk.NSEW) self.shrink.grid_remove() self.printRes = FloatOption(imageSetup,, DPI, preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, DPI), self._updatePrint, min=1) # Image camera optionFrame = Tk.LabelFrame(splitFrame, text="Image Options") optionFrame.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) row = itertools.count() self.quality = IntOption(optionFrame,, 'JPEG quality', DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY, None, min=5, max=95, width=4) if self.millerBrowser.getFilter() != 'JPEG': self.quality.forget() ss = preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, SUPERSAMPLE) if ss > 4: # new maximum is 4 ss = 4 preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, SUPERSAMPLE, 4) from MovieRecorder.commonOptions import RenderingOptions self.rendering = RenderingOptions(optionFrame, row, renderingChangeCB=self._updateRendering, supersampleVal=ss, supersampleChangeCB=self._updateSS, includeScreenGrab=False) self.printMode = _PrintModeOption(optionFrame,, 'Image type', _PrintModeOption.SAME, self._updatePrintMode) self.lenticular = IntOption(optionFrame,, 'Lenticular images', chimera.Camera.lenticularImageCount(), self._updateLenticular, min=2, width=4) self.lenticular.forget() self.transparentBG = transpBG = Tk.BooleanVar(master) # The poorly named chimera.bgopacity tracks # whether the frame buffer is capable of transparency transpBG.set(chimera.bgopacity) bgb = Tk.Checkbutton(optionFrame, indicatoron=1, variable=transpBG, highlightthickness=0, text='Transparent background', command=self._updateBGTransparency) bgb.grid(, columnspan=2, sticky=Tk.W) # Image Information info = Tk.Frame(master) info.pack(fill=Tk.X) info.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) d = Tk.Label(info, text="Image description:") d.grid(row=0, column=0) self.description = Tk.Entry(info) self.description.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ew") imageCredits = Tk.Button(info, text="Image Credits", command=self.showImageCreditsDialog) imageCredits.grid(row=0, column=2) # switch to user's prefered units if 'pixels' not in convert: _init_convert_pixels() self.adjust = convert['pixels'] units = preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, UNITS) self._updateUsePrint() self.units.set(units) self.updateImageUnits() def map(self, event=None): self._ModelTrigger = chimera.triggers.addHandler('Model', self._computeMaxLineWidth, None) #self._SetupTrigger = chimera.triggers.addHandler(IMAGE_SETUP, # self._computeMaxLineWidth, None) self._SizeTrigger = chimera.triggers.addHandler( 'graphics window size', self._resetSize, None) self._computeMaxLineWidth() def unmap(self, event=None): if self._ModelTrigger: chimera.triggers.deleteHandler('Model', self._ModelTrigger) self._ModelTrigger = None #if self._SetupTrigger: # chimera.triggers.deleteHandler(IMAGE_SETUP, # self._SetupTrigger) # self._SetupTrigger = None def _computeMaxLineWidth(self, *args): supersamples, raytrace = self.rendering.get(savePrefs=False) if raytrace: # not relevant if raytracing self.status('', blankAfter=0) return # this should be called models are modified, when the # image size changes and when image setup parameters # change (DPI, supersampling) opengl_max = min( chimera.opengl_getFloat("max point size"), chimera.opengl_getFloat("max line width")) lws = [m.lineWidth for m in chimera.openModels.list(all=True) if hasattr(m, 'lineWidth')] max_lw = max(lws) if lws else 0 # compute tile scaling factor like C++ code does width = self.iWidth.get() height = self.iHeight.get() horizPixels, vertPixels, supersample = \ imageArgs(self.units.get(), width, height, supersample=supersamples) width, height = chimera.viewer.windowSize tileScale = float(horizPixels) / float(width) tmp = float(vertPixels) / float(height) if tmp > tileScale: tileScale = tmp tileScale *= supersample opengl_max /= tileScale if max_lw > opengl_max: color = 'red' else: color = 'black' self.status('effective maximum line width is %g' % opengl_max, color=color, blankAfter=0) #def Print(self): # self.Cancel() # image, options = self.getImage() # filename = tempfile.mktemp() #, **options) # cmd = preferences.get(PAGE_SETUP, PRINTER_CMD) # cmd = re.sub('%s', "'" + filename + "'", cmd) # os.system(cmd) # os.unlink(filename) def Apply(self): # now save the image self.Cancel() printMode = self.printMode.get() supersamples, raytrace = self.rendering.get() if not raytrace: preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, SUPERSAMPLE, supersamples) if printMode == _PrintModeOption.SAME: printMode = None if not chimera.nogui and raytrace and chimera.viewer.clipping: dialog = ClipWarning() if not return from chimera import tkgui if tkgui.tkFlavor == 'cocoa': # Work-around Tk Cocoa bug where Save Image dialog # remapped when save file dialog is shown. master = else: master = self.uiMaster() result = self.getPathsAndTypes() if not result: from chimera import replyobj replyobj.status("Image save cancelled.") return filename, format = result[0] quality = self.quality.get() saveImage(filename, self.iWidth.get(), self.iHeight.get(), units=self.units.get(), master=master, description=self.description.get().strip(), printMode=printMode, raytrace=raytrace, supersample=supersamples, format=format, quality=quality) def Tips(self): import help help.display( + "#tips") def CitingChimera(self): import help help.display("credits.html") def Resize(self, larger=True): vw, vh = chimera.viewer.windowSize iw = self.iWidth.get() ih = self.iHeight.get() vaspect = vw / float(vh) iaspect = iw / float(ih) from chimera import tkgui top = if larger: if vaspect < iaspect: w = int(vw * iaspect / vaspect + 0.5) if w != vw: top.wm_geometry('') elif vaspect > iaspect: h = int(vh * vaspect / iaspect + 0.5) if h != vh: top.wm_geometry('') else: if vaspect < iaspect: h = int(vh * vaspect / iaspect + 0.5) if h != vh: top.wm_geometry('') elif vaspect > iaspect: w = int(vw * iaspect / vaspect + 0.5) if w != vw: top.wm_geometry('') def fetchWindowSize(self): w, h = chimera.viewer.windowSize self.units.set('pixels') self.updateImageUnits() self.iWidth.set(w) self.iHeight.set(h) def _updateSS(self, option): self._computeMaxLineWidth() def _updateRendering(self, rendering): from MovieRecorder.commonOptions import RENDERING_RAYTRACE if rendering == RENDERING_RAYTRACE: self.printMode.forget() self.lenticular.forget() else: self.printMode.manage() self._updatePrintMode(self.printMode) self._computeMaxLineWidth() self._updateFilters() def _updatePrintMode(self, option): printMode = option.get() if printMode == 'lenticular': self.lenticular.manage() else: self.lenticular.forget() self._updateFilters() def _updateLenticular(self, option): count = option.get() chimera.Camera.setLenticularImageCount(count) def _updateBGTransparency(self): transparency = self.transparentBG.get() # The poorly named chimera.bgopacity tracks # whether the frame buffer is capable of # transparency save_bgopacity = chimera.bgopacity if not setTransparentBackground(transparency): self.transparentBG.set(save_bgopacity) def _updateFilters(self): printMode = self.printMode.get() supersamples, raytrace = self.rendering.get(savePrefs=False) if raytrace: defaultFilter = RaytraceDefaultFilter filters = RaytraceFilenameFilters self.title = ImageSaveDialog.title self.historyID = RaytraceHistoryID elif printMode.endswith("stereo pair") or ( printMode == "same as screen" and"stereo pair")): defaultFilter = StereoDefaultFilter filters = StereoFilenameFilters + FilenameFilters self.title = "Save Stereo Pair As" self.historyID = StereoHistoryID else: defaultFilter = DefaultFilter filters = FilenameFilters self.title = ImageSaveDialog.title self.historyID = HistoryID self.replaceFilters(filters, defaultFilter) self._toplevel.title(self.title) def updateMatchAspect(self, *args): if self.matchAspect.get(): self.grow.grid_remove() self.shrink.grid_remove() self.Resize() else: self.grow.grid() self.shrink.grid() def updateImageUnits(self, *args): units = self.units.get() if units == 'pixels': self.printRes.forget() self.adjustFOV.forget() else: self.printRes.manage() self.adjustFOV.manage() if units != preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, UNITS): preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, UNITS, units) try: adjust = convert[units] except KeyError: adjust = -1 if adjust == self.adjust: return if self.adjust != -1 and adjust != -1: factor = self.adjust / adjust w = self.iWidth.get() * factor self.iWidth.set(w) h = self.iHeight.get() * factor self.iHeight.set(h) if adjust == -1: # entering pixel mode w, h = chimera.viewer.windowSize self.iWidth.set(w) self.iHeight.set(h) elif self.adjust == -1: pass # leaving pixel mode, sanity check #w, h = paper_types[preferences.get(PAGE_SETUP, PAPER_TYPE)] #if self.iWidth.get() > w: # self.iWidth.set(w) #if self.iHeight.get() > h: # self.iHeight.set(h) self.adjust = adjust self._computeMaxLineWidth() def updateImageWidth(self, option): # adjust height to compensate for new width if self.matchAspect.get(): iWidth = option.get() w, h = chimera.viewer.windowSize self.iHeight.set(iWidth * h / w) self._computeMaxLineWidth() def updateImageHeight(self, option): # adjust width to compensate for new height if self.matchAspect.get(): iHeight = option.get() w, h = chimera.viewer.windowSize self.iWidth.set(iHeight * w / h) self._computeMaxLineWidth() def _resetSize(self, triggerName, myData, sizes): width, height, mmwidth, mmheight = sizes units = self.units.get() if units == 'pixels': self.iWidth.set(width) self.iHeight.set(height) else: adjust = convert['millimeters'] / convert[units] self.iWidth.set(mmwidth * adjust) self.iHeight.set(mmheight * adjust) self._computeMaxLineWidth() def _updateUsePrint(self): usePrint = self.usePrint.get() preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, USE_PRINT_UNITS, usePrint) if not usePrint: values = ['pixels'] else: values = convert.keys() try: values.remove('pixels') except ValueError: pass values.sort() self.units.values = values self.units.remakeMenu() if usePrint: self.units.set('inches') else: self.units.set('pixels') self.updateImageUnits() if not usePrint: self.fetchWindowSize() def _updatePrint(self, option): res = option.get() preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, DPI, res) self._computeMaxLineWidth() def _updateAdjustFOV(self, option): adjust = option.get() preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, ADJUST_FOV, adjust) #def showImageSetupDialog(self, *args): # import dialogs # d = dialogs.display("preferences") # d.setCategoryMenu(IMAGE_SETUP) def showImageCreditsDialog(self, *args): import dialogs d = dialogs.display("preferences") d.setCategoryMenu(IMAGE_CREDITS) def _filterChange(self, descript): if self.quality is None: return if descript.endswith("JPEG"): self.quality.manage() else: self.quality.forget() import dialogs dialogs.register(, ImageSaveDialog) def setTransparentBackground(transp, viewer=None, updateGUI=False): # keep in mind that the poorly named chimera.bgopacity tracks # whether the background is capable of being transparent if chimera.bgopacity == transp: return True chimera.bgopacity = transp try: if not chimera.nogui: from tkgui import app app.makeGraphicsWindow() if not chimera.nogui and updateGUI: dlg = dialogs.find( if dlg: dlg.transparentBG.set(transp) return True except RuntimeError, what: if transp: onoff = "on" else: onoff = "off" replyobj.warning( "Unable to turn %s background transparency (%s)." % (onoff, what)) chimera.bgopacity = not transp return False # since the old, confusing name was mentioned on chimera-dev, # make it accessible... setBackgroundOpacity = setTransparentBackground def _init_convert_pixels(): # add in conversion factor for pixels and graphics screen if not chimera.nogui: from chimera import tkgui win = res = tkgui.getScreenMMWidth() / win.winfo_screenwidth() convert['pixels'] = mm2pt(res) else: convert['pixels'] = convert['inches'] def imageArgs(units, width=None, height=None, supersample=None, dpi=None): """return 3-tuple with horizontal pixels, vertical pixels, supersample""" w, h = chimera.viewer.windowSize if not width: if not height: width, height = w, h if units != 'pixels': if 'pixels' not in convert: _init_convert_pixels() adjust = convert['pixels'] / convert[units] width *= adjust height *= adjust else: width = int(height * w / float(h) + .5) elif not height: height = int(width * h / float(w) + .5) if units == 'pixels': scale = 1 else: adjust = convert[units] / convert['inches'] if dpi is None: dpi = preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, DPI) scale = dpi * adjust if supersample is None: supersample = preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, SUPERSAMPLE) if supersample > 4: # new maximum is 4 supersample = 4 preferences.set(IMAGE_SETUP, SUPERSAMPLE, 4) elif not isinstance(supersample, int): raise TypeError("supersample must be an integer") if supersample == 0 and (width != w or height != h): supersample = 1 horizPixels = int(scale * width + 0.5) vertPixels = int(scale * height + 0.5) return horizPixels, vertPixels, supersample import threading, Queue class povrayProgress(threading.Thread): # Example: ' 0:00:01 Rendering line 51 of 240' HOWFAR = re.compile(r'.*line (\d+) of (\d+)') def __init__(self, subproc, *args, **kw): self._progress = 0 self._subproc = subproc self._queue = Queue.Queue() threading.Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kw) def __call__(self, subproc): # called in main thread try: import sys while 1: data = self._queue.get_nowait() sys.stdout.write(data) except Queue.Empty: pass return self._progress def run(self): stderr = self._subproc.stderr.fileno() while self._subproc.poll() == None: data =, 128) if not data: break self._queue.put(data) m = self.HOWFAR.match(data) if m: line, total = m.groups() self._progress = float(line) / float(total) # TODO: join? self._subproc = None def saveImage(filename=None, width=None, height=None, format=None, units="pixels", dpi=None, description=None, supersample=None, master=None, printMode=None, raytrace=False, raytracePreview=None, raytraceWait=None, raytraceKeepInput=None, hideDialogs=True, statusMessages=True, raiseWindow=True, quality=DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY, task=None): if chimera.nogui and chimera.opengl_platform() != 'OSMESA': raise chimera.UserError("Need graphics to save images (or use headless Linux version)") if statusMessages: from replyobj import status else: def status(*args, **kw): pass if printMode is None: printMode = if dpi is None: dpi = preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, DPI) horizPixels, vertPixels, supersample = \ imageArgs(units, width, height, supersample, dpi) savedSD = None # saved screen distance if units != 'pixels': adjustFOV = preferences.get(IMAGE_SETUP, ADJUST_FOV) if adjustFOV == 1 or (adjustFOV == ONLY_STEREO_CAMERAS and printMode != 'mono'): # if image is twice as wide as screen, # screenDistance is half as much savedSD = adjust = dpi * convert['millimeters'] / convert['inches'] image_width = horizPixels / adjust adjust = / image_width *= adjust if raytrace: if not checkPovrayLicense(): return # TODO: make default an argument or preference if raytraceWait is None: raytraceWait = preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, WAIT_POVRAY) if raytraceKeepInput is None: raytraceKeepInput = preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, KEEP_INPUT) if raytracePreview is None: raytracePreview = preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, SHOW_PREVIEW) if not chimera.nogui and not filename: if not master: master = result = SaveModal(title=RaytraceDialogTitle, initialfile="image", filters=RaytraceFilenameFilters, defaultFilter=RaytraceDefaultFilter, historyID=RaytraceHistoryID).run(master) if result is None: status("Image save cancelled.") return filename, format = result[0] if not filename: status("No file name specified when saving image.") return if not format: format = "PNG" if filename.endswith('.png') or filename.endswith('.jpg'): povfilename = filename[:-4] + '.pov' inifilename = filename[:-4] + '.ini' else: povfilename = filename + '.pov' inifilename = filename + '.ini' if task is None: from chimera.tasks import Task task = Task("raytrace image", None) ownTask = True else: ownTask = False task.updateStatus("Generating POV-Ray data file") import exports exports.doExportCommand('POV-Ray', povfilename) task.updateStatus("Generating POV-Ray parameter file") if savedSD is not None: = savedSD import SubprocessMonitor as SM cmd = [ preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, POVRAY_EXE), inifilename, "+I%s" % povfilename, "+O%s" % filename, "+V" # need verbose to monitor progress ] inifile = open(inifilename, 'w') print >> inifile, ( "Width=%d\n" "Height=%d\n" # add font path, CHIMERA/share/fonts "Library_Path=\"%s\"\n" "Bounding=On\n" "Bounding_Threshold=1\n" "Split_Unions=On\n" "Remove_Bounds=On\n" "Quality=%d" ) % ( horizPixels, vertPixels, os.path.join(os.environ['CHIMERA'], 'share', 'fonts'), preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, POV_QUALITY) ) if not preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, ANTIALIAS): print >> inifile, "Antialias=Off" else: print >> inifile, ( "Antialias=On\n" "Antialias_Threshold=%f\n" "Antialias_Depth=%d\n" "Sampling_Method=%d" ) % ( preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, ANTIALIAS_THRESHOLD), preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, ANTIALIAS_DEPTH), preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, ANTIALIAS_METHOD) ) if not preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, JITTER): print >> inifile, "Jitter=Off" else: print >> inifile, ( "Jitter=On\n" "Jitter_Amount=%f\n" ) % ( preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, JITTER_AMOUNT), ) oa = preferences.get(POVRAY_SETUP, OUTPUT_ALPHA) if oa == 1 or (oa == 2 and chimera.bgopacity): if chimera.viewer.depthCue: replyobj.warning("Depth-cueing disables transparent background") print >> inifile, "Output_Alpha=On" if format in ('PNG', 'Stereo PNG'): print >> inifile, ("; output PNG\n" "Output_File_Type=N8") elif format in ('JPEG', 'Stereo JPEG'): print >> inifile, ("; output JPEG\n" "Output_File_Type=J%d") % quality elif format in ('PPM'): print >> inifile, ("; output PPM\n" "Output_File_Type=P") if chimera.nogui or not raytracePreview: print >> inifile, "Display=Off" else: print >> inifile, "Display=On" if not raytraceWait: print >> inifile, "Pause_when_Done=On" inifile.close() if raytraceKeepInput: inputs = [] else: inputs = [ povfilename, inifilename ] def afterCB(aborted, inputs=inputs, outputs=[filename], task=task, ownTask=ownTask): if task and ownTask: task.finished() import os for fn in inputs: try: os.remove(fn) except OSError: pass if aborted: for fn in outputs: try: os.remove(fn) except OSError: pass task.updateStatus("Starting POV-Ray") try: subproc = SM.Popen(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=SM.PIPE, daemon=True) except OSError, e: raise chimera.UserError, "Unable run POV-Ray executable: %s" % e progress = povrayProgress(subproc) progress.start() subproc.setProgress(progress) info = 'running "%s"' % '" "'.join(cmd) if not chimera.nogui and statusMessages: from chimera import dialogs, tkgui dialogs.display( + '\n') task.updateStatus(info) subprog = SM.monitor('running POV-Ray', subproc, title="POV-Ray progress", task=task, afterCB=afterCB) if raytraceWait: subprog.wait() if ownTask: task.finished() return # PIL limits images to C INT_MAX length import struct pil_max = 2 ** (8 * struct.calcsize("i") - 1) if horizPixels * vertPixels * (4 if chimera.bgopacity else 3) >= pil_max: raise chimera.LimitationError("Image too big -- make a smaller image or raytrace") status("Rendering high resolution image...", blankAfter=0) artist = preferences.get(IMAGE_CREDITS, ARTIST).strip() copyright = preferences.get(IMAGE_CREDITS, COPYRIGHT).strip() import libgfxinfo if chimera.nogui or libgfxinfo.has(libgfxinfo.FramebufferObject): # with FBO, assume we won't fall back to using the main window hideDialogs = False raiseWindow = False if raiseWindow or hideDialogs: from chimera import tkgui if raiseWindow: import CGLtk CGLtk.raiseWindow( # guarantee label balloon is gone (for command line interface) # encourage raise to take place if hideDialogs: tkgui._hideChildren(, None) tkgui.update_windows() # if background has opacity then save opacity opacity = chimera.bgopacity try: images = chimera.viewer.pilImages(horizPixels, vertPixels, supersample=supersample, opacity=opacity, printMode=printMode) except (MemoryError, OverflowError): # OverflowError if horizPixels or vertPixels won't fit in an int raise chimera.LimitationError("Not enough memory -- make a smaller image") except chimera.error, e: if (chimera.opengl_vendor().startswith('Intel') and e.message == "Microsoft SE exception C0000005"): raise chimera.NonChimeraError("Unable to save image. This is probably an Intel graphics (video) driver bug. Please update driver and try again.") raise finally: if savedSD is not None: = savedSD if hideDialogs: tkgui._showChildren(, None) if supersample == 0: # just grabbing screen contents, # if not in sequential stereo, # then we have the data for fancier stuff if not"sequential stereo"): printMode = "" # just a single image if printMode.endswith("stereo pair"): # collapse two images into one with right eye on the left # images should be the same mode and size from PIL import Image left, right = images combo =, (left.size[0] + right.size[0], left.size[1])) images = [combo] if printMode == "stereo pair": combo.paste(right, (0, 0)) combo.paste(left, (right.size[0], 0)) else: combo.paste(left, (0, 0)) combo.paste(right, (left.size[0], 0)) from chimera.version import release import time # We setup our options for TIFF, as the options are generally # a super set of what's available in other formats. options = { 'format': 'TIFF', 'software': 'UCSF chimera ' + release, 'date time': time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'), 'compression': 'lzw:2', } if artist: if isinstance(artist, unicode): artist = artist.encode('utf8') options['artist'] = artist if copyright: if isinstance(copyright, unicode): copyright = copyright.encode('utf8') options['copyright'] = copyright if description: if isinstance(description, unicode): description = description.encode('utf8') options['description'] = description if units == 'pixels': dpi = None elif units in ('points', 'inches'): options['resolution unit'] = 'inch' options['x resolution'] = dpi options['y resolution'] = dpi elif units in ('millimeters', 'centimeters'): adjust = convert['centimeters'] / convert['inches'] dpcm = dpi * adjust options['resolution unit'] = 'cm' options['x resolution'] = dpcm options['y resolution'] = dpcm status("Saving %d high resolution image(s)..." % len(images), blankAfter=0) if not chimera.nogui and not filename: if not master: master = if printMode.endswith("stereo pair"): filters = StereoFilenameFilters + FilenameFilters defaultFilter = StereoDefaultFilter dialogTitle = StereoDialogTitle historyID = StereoHistoryID else: filters = FilenameFilters defaultFilter = DefaultFilter dialogTitle = DialogTitle historyID = HistoryID result = SaveModal(title=dialogTitle, initialfile="image", filters=filters, defaultFilter=defaultFilter, historyID=historyID).run(master) if result is None: status("Image save cancelled.") return filename, format = result[0] if not filename: status("No file name specified when saving image.") return if not format: format = "PNG" saveFilename = "" # fix options for non-TIFF formats if format == 'TIFF-fast': format = 'TIFF' del options['compression'] elif format in ('PNG', 'Stereo PNG'): options['format'] = 'PNG' options['optimize'] = True if dpi is not None: options['dpi'] = (dpi, dpi) from PIL import PngImagePlugin pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() if options.has_key('artist'): pnginfo.add_text('Author', options['artist']) if options.has_key('description'): pnginfo.add_text('Title', options['description']) if options.has_key('date time'): pnginfo.add_text('Creation Time', options['date time']) if options.has_key('software'): pnginfo.add_text('Software', options['software']) if options.has_key('copyright'): pnginfo.add_text('Copyright', options['copyright']) options['pnginfo'] = pnginfo elif format in ('JPEG', 'Stereo JPEG'): options['format'] = 'JPEG' # Do not optimze JPEG images without increasing # PIL.ImageFile.MAXBLOCK to size of image as per # import PIL.ImageFile minSize = 1024 * 1024 if PIL.ImageFile.MAXBLOCK < minSize: PIL.ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = minSize #options['optimize'] = True options['quality'] = quality if dpi is not None: # PIL's jpeg_encoder requires integer dpi values options['dpi'] = (int(dpi), int(dpi)) elif format in ['EPS', 'PS']: # will be converted from TIFF via itops saveFilename = filename filename = tempfile.mktemp() else: options['format'] = format if len(images) <= 1: def fn(filename, i): return filename elif printMode.endswith("sequential stereo"): def fn(filename, i): eye = ("-left", "-right")[i - 1] suf = filename.rfind('.') if suf == -1: return filename + eye return filename[:suf] + eye + filename[suf:] else: def fn(filename, i): suf = filename.rfind('.') if suf == -1: return "%s%03d" % (filename, i) return "%s%03d%s" % (filename[:suf], i, filename[suf:]) for i in range(5): try: for n, image in enumerate(images): n += 1 # start at one image_filename = fn(filename, n) if os.path.exists(image_filename): os.remove(image_filename), **options) status("%d image(s) saved." % n) except IOError, e: if format == 'JPEG' \ and str(e).startswith('encoder error -2'): # buffer too small, try again PIL.ImageFile.MAXBLOCK *= 2 continue raise chimera.NonChimeraError, "Unable to save image: %s" % e break if format in ['EPS', 'PS']: if format == 'PS': name = 'PostScript' else: name = 'Encapsulated PostScript' status("converting image(s) to %s." % name) # convert the temp-file TIFF to (E)PS itops = findExecutable('itops') from SubprocessMonitor import call cmd = [itops, '-a', '-r'] if format == 'EPS': cmd.append('-E') for i in range(len(images)): i += 1 # start at one convertFilename = fn(filename, i) stdout = open(fn(saveFilename, i), 'wb') call(cmd + [convertFilename], stdout=stdout) status("%d image(s) converted." % i) os.unlink(convertFilename) status("Finished saving image(s).") return images def PovrayLicenseText(): # suck in povray/povlegal.html filename = os.path.join(chimera.__path__[0], "helpdir", "povray", "povlegal.txt") try: f = open(filename, 'r') text ='iso8859-1') f.close() except IOError: text = None return text class PovrayCheckLicense(ModalDialog): title = "Accept POV-Ray License" buttons = ('Accept', 'Decline') provideStatus = False text_width = 78 def __init__(self, master=None, *args, **kw): ModalDialog.__init__(self, master, resizable=True, *args, **kw) def fillInUI(self, parent): label = Tk.Label(parent, text="You must read and accept the following" " license agreement before raytracing an image" " with POV-Ray:", justify='left', height=2) import tkFont font = tkFont.Font(root=parent, font=label.cget('font')) label.config(wraplength=(self.text_width * font.measure('n'))) label.grid(row=0, sticky=Tk.W, pady=5) #label.grid(row=0, pady=5) text = PovrayLicenseText() if text: text_pyclass = Tk.Text height = 25 else: text = "Read contents of POV-Ray End-User License." from chimera.HtmlText import HtmlText text_pyclass = HtmlText height = 2 import Pmw self.infoText = Pmw.ScrolledText(parent, text_pyclass=text_pyclass, text_relief=Tk.SUNKEN, text_wrap=Tk.WORD, text_width=self.text_width, text_height=height, text_highlightthickness=0) self.infoText.settext(text) self.infoText.configure(text_state=Tk.DISABLED, hscrollmode='dynamic', vscrollmode='dynamic', text_background=parent.cget('background')) self.infoText.grid(row=1, sticky=Tk.NSEW, pady=5) parent.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) parent.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) def Accept(self): self.Cancel(value=True) def Decline(self): self.Cancel(value=False) def checkPovrayLicense(): if preferences.get(POVRAY_AGREE, LICENSE_AGREE): return True if not chimera.nogui: dialog = PovrayCheckLicense() agree = else: text = PovrayLicenseText() if text: text = ("You must read and accept the following" " license agreement before raytracing an image" " with POV-Ray:\n\n") + text if not text: text = "You must read and accept the POV-Ray End-User License at ." print text import sys sys.stdout.write("\nDo you agree to the Pov-Ray End-User License (y/n)? [n] ") yesno = sys.stdin.readline() agree = yesno[0] in "yY" preferences.set(POVRAY_AGREE, LICENSE_AGREE, agree) return agree class ClipWarning(ModalDialog): title = "POV-Ray clip warning" buttons = ('Continue', 'Cancel') provideStatus = False text_width = 50 __dsVar = None def __init__(self, master=None, *args, **kw): ModalDialog.__init__(self, master, resizable=True, *args, **kw) def fillInUI(self, parent): label = Tk.Label(parent, text="Warning: clipping is turned on (see Side View" " tool) and will severely slow down POV-Ray raytracing.", justify='left', height=2) import tkFont font = tkFont.Font(root=parent, font=label.cget('font')) label.config(wraplength=(self.text_width * font.measure('n'))) label.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, sticky=Tk.W, pady=5) off = Tk.Button(parent, text="Turn off clipping", command=self.__turnOff) off.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=1) if ClipWarning.__dsVar is None: ClipWarning.__dsVar = Tk.IntVar( ClipWarning.__dsVar.set(False) ds = Tk.Checkbutton(parent, variable=ClipWarning.__dsVar, text="Don't show dialog again") from tkFont import Font font = Font(font=ds.cget('font')) font.config(size=int(0.75*float(font.cget('size'))+0.5), weight='normal') ds.config(font=font) ds.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=Tk.SE, pady=1) parent.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) parent.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) def __turnOff(self): chimera.viewer.clipping = False def run(self, master): if self.__dsVar.get(): return True return, master) def Continue(self): self.Cancel(value=True) def Continue(self): self.Cancel(value=True) if chimera.nogui: #preferences.addCategory(IMAGE_SETUP, ImageSetupCategory) preferences.register(POVRAY_SETUP, povrayPreferences) preferences.setOrder(POVRAY_SETUP, povrayPreferencesOrder) initializeCreditPreferences() povray_options = { LICENSE_AGREE: False } preferences.addCategory(POVRAY_AGREE, preferences.HiddenCategory, optDict=povray_options) del povray_options image_setup_options = { UNITS: "pixels", USE_PRINT_UNITS: False, DPI: 100, ADJUST_FOV: ONLY_STEREO_CAMERAS, SUPERSAMPLE: 3, } preferences.addCategory(IMAGE_SETUP, preferences.HiddenCategory, optDict=image_setup_options) del image_setup_options