A residue template file should be named with the residue's name followed by the extension ".idatmres". The file should contain one line for each atom in the residue. The line should start with that atom's name, followed by whitespace, followed by that atom's IDATM type. If the atom type for that atom differs under some conditions (usually if the residue is terminal) then add whitespace followed by the condition when the type differs, followed by whitespace, followed by the differing type. The conditions currently supported are: syntax meaning atom name followed by "?" If an atom by that name exists in the residue, then use the conditional type. For example, for peptides the existence of atom OXT in the residue may influence the atom types of other atoms. atom name followed by "." If the named atom is terminal (doesn't connect to another residue) then use the conditional type. For instance, in peptides whether atom N is terminal determines its type. If the IDATM type is given as "-" (without quotes), then that atom's type will be computed despite the presence of the template. Comments can be inserted in a template file as lines that start with '#'.