''' Created on 2 Dec 2014 @author: jmht ''' import logging import os import shutil import sys from iotbx import reflection_file_reader import ample_util # Avoid circular dependencies import exit_util import cif_parser # Avoid circular dependencies _logger = logging.getLogger() _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def del_column(file_name, column, overwrite=True): """Delete a column from an mtz file and return a path to the file""" mtzDel = ample_util.filename_append(file_name, "d{0}".format(column) ) cmd = [ "mtzutils", "hklin1", file_name, "hklout", mtzDel ] stdin = "EXCLUDE 1 {0}".format( column ) logfile = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "mtzutils.log" ) retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd, stdin=stdin, logfile=logfile) if retcode != 0: msg = "Error running mtzutils. Check the logfile: {0}".format(logfile) _logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg if overwrite: shutil.move(mtzDel,file_name) return file_name else: return mtzDel def add_rfree(file_name,directory=None,overwrite=True): """Run uniqueify on mtz file to generate RFREE data column""" mtzUnique = ample_util.filename_append(file_name, "uniqueify", directory=directory) cmd = ['uniqueify', file_name, mtzUnique] logfile = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "uniqueify.log" ) retcode = ample_util.run_command(cmd, logfile=logfile) if retcode != 0: msg = "Error running command: {0}. Check the logfile: {1}".format(" ".join(cmd),logfile) _logger.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg if overwrite: shutil.move(mtzUnique,file_name) return file_name else: return mtzUnique def get_labels(file_name): """Return the F, FP and FREE column labels""" reflection_file = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file(file_name=file_name) if not reflection_file.file_type()=="ccp4_mtz": msg="File is not of type ccp4_mtz: {0}".format(file_name) logging.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError,msg content=reflection_file.file_content() ctypes=content.column_types() clabels=content.column_labels() ftype='F' if not ftype in ctypes: raise RuntimeError,"Cannot find any structure amplitudes in: {0}".format(file_name) F=clabels[ctypes.index(ftype)] # FP derived from F FP='SIG'+F if not FP in clabels: raise RuntimeError,"Cannot find label {0} in file: {1}".format(FP,file_name) FREE=_get_rfree(content) return F,FP,FREE def get_rfree(file_name): """Return the Rfree label""" reflection_file = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file(file_name=file_name) if not reflection_file.file_type()=="ccp4_mtz": msg="File is not of type ccp4_mtz: {0}".format(file_name) logging.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError,msg # Read the file content=reflection_file.file_content() return _get_rfree(content) def _get_rfree(content): rfree_label=None #print "GOT ",content.column_labels() for label in content.column_labels(): if 'free' in label.lower(): column = content.get_column(label=label) selection_valid = column.selection_valid() flags = column.extract_values() sel_0 = (flags == 0) # extract number of work/test reflections n0=( sel_0 & selection_valid).count(True) n1=(~sel_0 & selection_valid).count(True) #print "Number of 0 (work):",n0 #print "Number of 1 (test):",n1 #print float(n0)/float(n1)*100 if n0>0 and n1>0: if rfree_label: _logger.warning("FOUND >1 RFREE label in file!") rfree_label=label return rfree_label def to_hkl(mtz_file,hkl_file=None,directory=None,F=None,SIGF=None,FREE=None): if directory is None: directory=os.getcwd() if hkl_file is None: name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mtz_file))[0] hkl_file=os.path.join(directory,name+".hkl") if F is None or SIGF is None or FREE is None: F,SIGF,FREE=get_labels(mtz_file) cmd=['mtz2various','HKLIN',mtz_file,'HKLOUT', hkl_file] logfile="mtz2various.log" stdin = """LABIN FP={0} SIGFP={1} FREE={2} OUTPUT SHELX FSQUARED END""".format(F,SIGF,FREE) ret = ample_util.run_command(cmd=cmd, logfile=logfile, directory=None, dolog=False, stdin=stdin) if not ret==0: raise RuntimeError,"Error converting {0} to HKL format - see log: {1}".format(mtz_file,logfile) else: os.unlink(logfile) return hkl_file def processReflectionFile(amoptd): """Make sure we have a valid mtz file. If necessary convert a given cif file. Set the mtz variable in the given amoptd to the reflection file to use Return True if it all worked or raise an exception if it failed """ # We've been given a sf_cif so convert to mtz if amoptd['sf_cif']: if not os.path.isfile(amoptd['sf_cif']): msg="Cannot find sf_cif file: {0}".format(amoptd['sf_cif']) exit_util.exit_error(msg) if not os.path.splitext(amoptd['sf_cif'])[1].lower() == ".cif": msg="Cif file extension is not .cif Please rename the file to give it a .cif extension." exit_util.exit_error(msg) cp = cif_parser.CifParser() amoptd['mtz'] = cp.sfcif2mtz(amoptd['sf_cif']) # Now have an mtz so check it's valid if not amoptd['mtz'] or not os.path.isfile( amoptd['mtz'] ): _logger.critical("Cannot find MTZ file: {0}".format( amoptd['mtz'] ) ) sys.exit(1) # Get column label info reflection_file = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file(file_name=amoptd['mtz']) if not reflection_file.file_type()=="ccp4_mtz": _logger.critical("File is not of type ccp4_mtz: {0}".format( amoptd['mtz'] ) ) sys.exit(1) # Read the file content=reflection_file.file_content() # Check any user-given flags for flag in ['F','SIGF','FREE']: if amoptd[flag] and amoptd[flag] not in content.column_labels(): _logger.critical("Cannot find flag {0} label {1} in mtz file {2}".format( flag, amoptd[flag], amoptd['mtz'] ) ) sys.exit(1) # If any of the flags aren't given we set defaults based on what's in the file if not amoptd['F']: if 'F' not in content.column_types(): _logger.critical("Cannot find column type F for flag F in mtz file: {0}".format( amoptd['mtz'] ) ) sys.exit(1) amoptd['F'] = content.column_labels()[content.column_types().index('F')] if not amoptd['SIGF']: l='SIG'+amoptd['F'] if not l in content.column_labels(): _logger.critical("Cannot find column type {0} for flag SIGF in mtz file: {0}".format( l, amoptd['mtz'] ) ) sys.exit(1) amoptd['SIGF'] = l if amoptd['FREE']: # Check is valid rfree=_get_rfree(content) if not rfree or not rfree==amoptd['FREE']: _logger.critical("Given RFREE label {0} is not valid for mtz file: {0}".format( amoptd['FREE'], amoptd['mtz'] ) ) sys.exit(1) else: # See if we can find a valid label in the file rfree=_get_rfree(content) if not rfree: # Need to generate RFREE _logger.warning("Cannot find a valid FREE flag - running uniquefy to generate column with RFREE data." ) amoptd['mtz'] = add_rfree( amoptd['mtz'], directory=amoptd['work_dir'],overwrite=False) # Check file and get new FREE flag rfree=get_rfree(amoptd['mtz']) if not rfree: _logger.critical("Cannot find valid rfree flag in mtz file {0} after running uniquiefy".format(amoptd['mtz'])) sys.exit(1) amoptd['FREE'] = rfree return True