import sys import os import subprocess import datetime import time as timep import managerSSH import ADT import traceback import copy import threading import SystemUtility import sge import getpass import ConfigParser import tarfile #NOTE: Please remember that you really need to do not use spaces with the redirect commands > and < for SGE and MOAB otherwise managerSSH could confuse redirects #with shell prompt #path_module= os.path.dirname(__file__) #Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(),"setup.bor")) #PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY = Config.get("GRID", "path_remote_sgepy") #PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = Config.get("GRID", "python_remote_interpreter") #PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = Config.get("LOCAL", "python_local_interpreter") #if PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER.strip() in ["", None]: # PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = "/usr/bin/python" #if PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER.strip() in ["", None]: # PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = "/usr/bin/python" PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = "/usr/bin/python" PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = "/usr/bin/python" PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY = "" class Grid(object): """SuperClass of all the Grid Managers """ JOBS = {} #jobid:{timeStart:time,cmd:string,job:Job,gridCluster:nCluster,queue:nQueue} JOBS_DONE = {} remote_library_path = "" remote_mtz_path = "" remote_hkl_path = "" remote_mtzP1_path = "" FILE_TO_COPY = [] JOB_TO_SUBMIT = [] CUMULATIVE_TRANSFERING = 1000 EXCEPTION_TO_CUMULATIVE = [".mtz",".hkl",".cmd","r.gz"] FILE_RECEIVED = {} actualDirectory = "" type_grid = "abstract" def __init__(self): self.isExchangeFileOpen = False self.exchangeConn = None self.promptSFTP = "> " self.lo = threading.RLock() #self.lock = ADT.LogLock("",threading.Condition(self.lo)) self.lock = threading.Condition(self.lo) def getGridJobsToRemoteMachine(self,username,host,port,passkey,prompta,promptb,isnfs,listOfInitialOperations=[],home_frontend_directory="./"): if isinstance(passkey,dict): self.connection = managerSSH.Connection(host,username=username,password=passkey["password"],port=port) else: print "Trying connecting with passkey",passkey self.connection = managerSSH.Connection(host,username=username,private_key=passkey,port=port) self.promptA = prompta self.promptB = promptb self.username = username = host self.port = port self.passkey = passkey self.listInitial = listOfInitialOperations self.isnfs = isnfs self.home_directory = home_frontend_directory buff = "" if len(listOfInitialOperations) == 0: = self.connection.interactive() #return "" else: for opera in listOfInitialOperations: if "sublocalssh" == opera[0]:,buffo = self.connection.open_sublocal_interactive_ssh(opera[1],opera[2],opera[3],opera[4],opera[5]) buff += buffo else: if hasattr(self,"channel"): buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,opera[0],opera[1]) else: = self.connection.interactive() buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,opera[0],opera[1]) buff += "\n" buff += self.open_exchange_file() return buff def open_exchange_file(self): buff = "" if not self.isExchangeFileOpen and self.exchangeConn == None: try: if self.isnfs: self.exchangeConn = self.connection.open_sftp_channel() self.isExchangeFileOpen = True for opera in self.listInitial: comma = opera[0].split() if len(comma) == 2 and comma[0] == "cd": self.change_remote_dir(comma[1]) else: self.exchangeConn = self.connection.open_sftp_channel() self.sftpsubcha = self.connection.interactive() buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"rm -rf "+os.path.join(self.home_directory,"borges_middle"),self.promptA) self.exchangeConn.mkdir(os.path.join(self.home_directory,"borges_middle")) self.exchangeConn.chdir(os.path.join(self.home_directory,"borges_middle")) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"cd "+os.path.join(self.home_directory,"borges_middle"),self.promptA) for opera in self.listInitial: comma = opera[0].split() if "sublocalssh" == opera[0]: bluff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"sftp -oPort="+str(opera[3])+" "+str(opera[1])+"@"+str(opera[2]),'\'s password: ', stopif=self.promptSFTP) if not isinstance(bluff,tuple): buff += bluff buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,opera[4],self.promptSFTP) else: buff += bluff[0] elif len(comma) == 2 and comma[0] == "cd": self.change_remote_dir(comma[1]) self.isExchangeFileOpen = True return buff except: print "Error on opening sftp connection" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() else: return "File Exchanger Protocol is already open!" def close_remote_connection(self): try: self.connection.close() print "Remote Connection Protocol closed!" except: print "Error on closing ssh connection" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) def close_exchange_file(self): buff = "" if self.isExchangeFileOpen and self.exchangeConn != None: try: if self.isnfs: self.exchangeConn.close() self.isExchangeFileOpen = False else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"exit",self.promptA) self.sftpsubcha.close() self.exchangeConn.chdir("..") #print self.exchangeConn.getcwd() self.exchangeConn.rmdir("./borges_middle") self.exchangeConn.close() self.isExchangeFileOpen = False print "File Exchanger Protocol closed!\n"+buff self.exchangeConn = None except: print "Error on closing sftp connection" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.stdout.flush() else: return "It is not opened!" def create_remote_link(self,fromfile,remotefile,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: nomeu = "./"+os.path.basename(remotefile) if self.isnfs: #print "======",self.exchangeConn.getcwd() #print fromfile,nomeu o = self.exchangeConn.symlink(fromfile, nomeu) """ while 1: try: filestat=self.exchangeConn.stat(nomeu) #print "from frontend:", filestat break except: #print "From frontend: Cannot stat "+str(nomeu)+" Trying again..." timep.sleep(3) esegui = True while esegui: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'stat '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),os.path.basename(remotefile))),self.promptB) #print "From submitter\n",out outlines = out.split() for word in outlines: if not word.strip().startswith("stat:"): esegui = False break """ else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"symlink "+fromfile+" "+nomeu,self.promptSFTP) #buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"symlink "+fromfile+" "+nomeu,self.promptB) """ esegui = True while esegui: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'stat '+str(nomeu),self.promptB) print out outlines = out.splitlines() for linea in outlines: if not linea.strip().startswith("stat:"): esegui = False break """ #print buff except: print "Error on create a remote link" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def create_remote_dir(self,remotedir,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: if len(remotedir) >= 1 and remotedir[0] != "/" and not remotedir.startswith("./"): remotedir = "./"+remotedir buff += self.remove_remote_dir(remotedir) if self.isnfs: #print "mkdir -p ",remotedir self.exchangeConn.mkdir(remotedir) #buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"mkdir -p "+remotedir,self.promptB) else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"mkdir -p "+remotedir,self.promptB) except: print "Error on create remote directory",remotedir #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def change_remote_dir(self,remotedir,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: if len(remotedir) >= 1 and remotedir[0] != "/" and not remotedir.startswith("./"): remotedir = "./"+remotedir if self.isnfs: #print "cd ",remotedir self.exchangeConn.chdir(remotedir) #timep.sleep(10) #NOTE: we do not use yy. We really need to take it? yy = self.get_remote_listdir() buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"cd "+str(os.path.abspath(self.get_remote_pwd())),self.promptB) else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"cd "+remotedir,self.promptSFTP) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"cd "+remotedir,self.promptB) #print buff except: print "Error on change working remote directory",remotedir #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def remove_remote_dir(self,remotedir,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: remotedir = "./"+os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(remotedir)) if self.isnfs: #print "rm -rf ",remotedir #self.exchangeConn.rmdir(remotedir) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"rm -rf "+remotedir,self.promptB) else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"rm -rf "+remotedir,self.promptB) except: print "Error on remove remote directory maybe it does not exist" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def create_remote_file(self,remotefile,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: if self.isnfs: a =, mode='w') a.close() else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"!touch "+remotefile,self.promptSFTP) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"put "+remotefile,self.promptSFTP) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"!rm "+remotefile,self.promptSFTP) #print buff except: print "Error on create remote file" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def remove_remote_file(self,remotefile,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: if self.isnfs: self.exchangeConn.remove(remotefile) else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"rm -f"+remotefile,self.promptSFTP) except: print "Error on delete remote file",remotefile #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def copy_directory(self,localdir,remotedir,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() nomeu = "./"+os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(remotedir)) buff = self.create_remote_dir(nomeu) buff += self.change_remote_dir(nomeu) tarro =,"transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(localdir): for fileu in files: tarro.add(os.path.join(root,fileu),arcname="./"+fileu) tarro.close() buff += self.copy_local_file(os.path.join(localdir,"transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff += self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join(localdir,"transfert.tar.gz")) buff += self.change_remote_dir("..") if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def copy_local_file(self,localfile,remotefile,remote_path_asitis=False,stayalive=True,force_cumulative=False,send_now=False): self.lock.acquire() aa = "" if send_now: aa = self.__real_copy_local_file(localfile,remotefile,stayalive=stayalive,remote_path_asitis=remote_path_asitis) elif os.path.basename(localfile)[-4:] in self.EXCEPTION_TO_CUMULATIVE and not force_cumulative: aa = self.__real_copy_local_file(localfile,remotefile,stayalive=stayalive,remote_path_asitis=remote_path_asitis) else: self.FILE_TO_COPY.append((localfile,remotefile)) aa = "Appending transfert file request for "+localfile+"\n" self.lock.release() return aa def __real_copy_local_file(self,localfile,remotefile,stayalive=True,remote_path_asitis=False): assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" nowDir = "" try: if remote_path_asitis: nowDir = self.get_remote_pwd() self.change_remote_dir(os.path.dirname(remotefile)) nomeu = "./"+os.path.basename(remotefile) if self.isnfs: #print "...........",self.exchangeConn.getcwd() o = self.exchangeConn.put(localfile, nomeu) while 1: try: filestat=self.exchangeConn.stat(nomeu) #print "from frontend:", filestat break except: #print "From frontend: Cannot stat "+str(nomeu)+" Trying again..." timep.sleep(3) esegui = True while esegui: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'stat '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),os.path.basename(remotefile))),self.promptB) #print "From submitter\n",out outlines = out.split() for word in outlines: if not word.strip().startswith("stat:"): #"File:" is not ok for non english SO esegui = False break else: o = self.exchangeConn.put(localfile, nomeu) while 1: try: filestat=self.exchangeConn.stat(nomeu) #print filestat break except: print "Cannot stat "+str(nomeu)+" Trying again..." timep.sleep(3) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"put "+nomeu,self.promptSFTP) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"!rm "+nomeu,self.promptSFTP) esegui = True while esegui: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'stat '+str(nomeu),self.promptB) #print out outlines = out.splitlines() for linea in outlines: if not linea.strip().startswith("stat:"): esegui = False break #print buff except: print "Error on putting local file into remote file" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() finally: if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() if remote_path_asitis: self.change_remote_dir(nowDir) return buff def chmod_remote_file(self,remotefile,mode,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: nomeu = "./"+os.path.basename(remotefile) if self.isnfs: self.exchangeConn.chmod(nomeu, mode) else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"!chmod "+str(mode)+" "+nomeu,self.promptSFTP) #print buff except: print "Error on getting remote file to local file" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def get_remote_listdir(self,typef="*"): self.lock.acquire() #out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'ls -1 '+str(typef)+' | sort -k1 -n',self.promptB) out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'echo $SHELL',self.promptB) shelltype = os.path.basename((out.splitlines()[-2])) if shelltype.upper() in ["TCSH"]: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'foreach file (.)',"foreach? ") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'ls -1 $file',"foreach? ") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'end',self.promptB) elif shelltype.upper() in ["BASH","SH"]: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'for each_file in .; do echo "`ls -1 $each_file`"; done;',self.promptB) listus = out.splitlines() listus = listus[1:-1] ab = [] for li in listus: miax = li.strip() if typef == "*" and miax != "" and len(miax.split()) == 1: ab.append(miax) elif miax != "" and len(miax.split()) == 1 and miax.endswith(typef[1:]): ab.append(miax) self.lock.release() #print sorted(ab,self.__cmp_pdb) return sorted(ab,self.__cmp_pdb) def __cmp_pdb(self, a, b): try: ai = a.split(".")[0] bi = b.split(".")[0] if len(ai.split("_")) > 1: ai = int(ai.split("_")[0]) else: ai = int(ai) if len(bi.split("_")) > 1: bi = int(bi.split("_")[0]) else: bi = int(bi) except: ai = a bi = b return cmp(ai, bi) def get_remote_file(self,remotefile,localfile,stayalive=True,tryonetime=False,relaunch=False,command=None,conditioEND=None,testEND=None,only_get_this=False,lenght_ext=4): #print "requiring",remotefile,"into",localfile self.lock.acquire() buff = "" if remotefile in self.FILE_RECEIVED: del self.FILE_RECEIVED[remotefile] self.lock.release() return "File: "+remotefile+" received!" else: lista_files = [] while 1: try: self.actualDirectory = self.get_remote_pwd() lista_files = self.get_remote_listdir(typef="*"+remotefile[-1*(lenght_ext):]) if len(lista_files) > 0 and remotefile in lista_files: #print "remotefile is",remotefile break else: #print "Nothing is ready yet, waiting 3 seconds..." self.lock.release() return False except: print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() #RECONNECT print "----- TRYING TO RECONNECT ------" SystemUtility.remote_reconnection(self.actualDirectory) atleastone = False for cus in range(len(lista_files)): if cus > 300: break fileu = lista_files[cus] base_fileu = os.path.basename(fileu) justcheck = True if base_fileu == remotefile: justcheck = False elif not only_get_this: justcheck = True else: continue self.lock.release() #print "JUSTCHECK",justcheck,base_fileu,remotefile response = self.__real_get_remote_file(base_fileu,localfile,stayalive=stayalive,tryonetime=tryonetime,relaunch=relaunch,command=command,conditioEND=conditioEND,testEND=testEND,onlycheck=justcheck) self.lock.acquire() if isinstance(response,bool) and response: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -rf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'../receveid.tar'))+' .././'+str(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(localfile)))+"/"+str(base_fileu),self.promptB) self.FILE_RECEIVED[base_fileu] = 0 buff += self.remove_remote_file(fileu) atleastone = True elif isinstance(response,str): #print "IT SHOULD BE A JUSTCHECK FALSE" buff += self.remove_remote_file(fileu) #print "response: ",response #else: # print "FILE: ",fileu,"give ",response if atleastone: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'gzip -9 ../receveid.tar',self.promptB) buff += self.__real_get_remote_file("../receveid.tar.gz",os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localfile),"../receveid.tar.gz"),stayalive=stayalive) #buff += self.__real_get_remote_file("../receveid.tar.gz",os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localfile),"receveid.tar.gz"),stayalive=stayalive) buff += self.remove_remote_file("../receveid.tar.gz") #print "================================================",buff tarro =,"../receveid.tar.gz"), "r:gz") tarro.extractall(path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localfile),"../")) tarro.close() os.remove(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localfile),"../receveid.tar.gz")) """ tarro =,"receveid.tar.gz"), "r:gz") tarro.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(localfile)) tarro.close() os.remove(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localfile),"receveid.tar.gz")) """ self.lock.release() #print "AAAAAAAAA",buff return buff def __real_get_remote_file(self,remotefile,localfile,stayalive=True,tryonetime=False,relaunch=False,command=None,conditioEND=None,testEND=None,onlycheck=False): assert self.isExchangeFileOpen buff = "" try: if not remotefile.startswith("../"): nomeu = "./"+os.path.basename(remotefile) else: nomeu = remotefile if self.isnfs: while 1: try: self.lock.acquire() filestat=self.exchangeConn.stat(nomeu) self.lock.release() #print "from frontend:", filestat break except: #print "Cannot stat "+str(nomeu)+" Trying again..." self.lock.release() if tryonetime or onlycheck: return False #print "Vado in sleep A" timep.sleep(3) esegui = True times = 0 correct = False while esegui: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'stat '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),nomeu)),self.promptB) outlines = out.split() self.lock.release() for word in outlines: if not word.strip().startswith("stat:"): esegui = False correct = True break if tryonetime: esegui = False if times == 10 and relaunch and command != None and not onlycheck: #rilancia self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,command,self.promptB) self.lock.release() timep.sleep(3) #print "Vado in sleep B" break times += 1 if onlycheck and not correct: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE A" return False elif tryonetime and not correct: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE Q" return False esegui = True if conditioEND != None: conditioEND = conditioEND.replace("*",os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),nomeu[:-4])) correct = False while esegui: if conditioEND != None and testEND != None: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,conditioEND,self.promptB) edere = out.splitlines() #self.lock.notify() self.lock.release() #TEMPORARY #print out #print edere #print "------------",edere[-2].strip(),str(testEND),edere[-2].strip() == str(testEND) #print self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,"pwd\n",self.promptB) #print edere[-2].strip(),str(testEND) if edere[-2].strip() == str(testEND): esegui = False correct = True else: #print "Test falso non sono uguali vado in sleep" if onlycheck: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE MMMMMM" return False #print "Vado in sleep C" timep.sleep(3) else: esegui = False correct = True if onlycheck and not correct: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE B" return False if not onlycheck: self.lock.acquire() self.exchangeConn.get(nomeu, localfile) self.lock.release() else: #print "RETURNING TRUE AT STAGE MIAO" return True else: times = 0 esegui = True correct = False while esegui: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'stat '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),nomeu)),self.promptB) outlines = out.split() self.lock.release() for word in outlines: if not word.strip().startswith("stat:"): esegui = False correct = True break if tryonetime: esegui = False if times == 10 and relaunch and command != None and not onlycheck: #rilancia self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,command,self.promptB) self.lock.release() #print "Vado in sleep D" timep.sleep(3) break times += 1 if onlycheck and not correct: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE C" return False elif tryonetime and not correct: return False #print "Superato primo test" esegui = True if conditioEND != None: conditioEND = conditioEND.replace("*",os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),nomeu[:-4])) correct = False while esegui: if conditioEND != None and testEND != None: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,conditioEND,self.promptB) edere = out.splitlines() self.lock.release() #TEMPORARY #print "uscito" #print out #print edere if edere[-2].strip() == str(testEND): esegui = False correct = True else: if onlycheck: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE OOOOO" #print out return False #print "Vado in sleep E" timep.sleep(3) else: esegui = False correct = True if onlycheck and not correct: #print "RETURNING FALSE AT STAGE D" return False #print "Superato secondo test" if not onlycheck: self.lock.acquire() buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"get "+nomeu,self.promptSFTP) self.exchangeConn.get(os.path.basename(nomeu), localfile) buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"!rm "+os.path.basename(nomeu),self.promptSFTP) self.lock.release() else: #print "Ritorno True" return True except: print "Error on getting remote file to local file" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if not stayalive: self.lock.acquire() buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return buff def get_remote_pwd(self,stayalive=True): self.lock.acquire() #print "Ho il lock" assert self.isExchangeFileOpen #print "Supero l'assert" buff = "" current = "" try: if self.isnfs: current = self.exchangeConn.getcwd() else: buff += self.connection.send_command_to_channel(self.sftpsubcha,"pwd",self.promptSFTP) #print buff lion = buff.split() for pat in lion: if pat[0] == "/": current = pat break except: print "Error on getting remote working directory" #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() if not stayalive: buff += self.close_exchange_file() self.lock.release() return current def submitJob(self,job): pass def getStatus(self,jobid,nqueue): pass def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): pass def isGridAlive(self): pass def removeJob(self,jobid,nqueue): pass def removeCluster(self,jobid): pass def submitJobs(self,job,nqueue): pass def setRequirements(self,requiString): pass def setRank(self,rankString): pass def getCMD(self,jobid): pass class SLURMManager(Grid): """Manager for SLURM jobs """ def __init__(self,partition=''): super(SLURMManager, self).__init__() self.type_grid = "slurm" self.partition = partition def submitJob(self,job,isthelast=False,forcesubmit=False): return self.submitJobs(job,1,is_array_job=False) def getStatus(self,jobid,nqueue): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): #print "JNP A version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed elif jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore elif jobid in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys() and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == 0: #print "JNP B version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed while True: try: cluster = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["gridCluster"] nq = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[-1])["queue"] break except: pass if nqueue < 0: return "NCV" #Non Corresponding Values dizio = self.getGridQueue() if cluster not in dizio.keys(): ntot = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["qtotal"] ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue]) = {} completed = True for tr in self.JOBS[jobid]: if len(tr.keys()) > 0: completed = False break if completed and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == ntot: self.JOBS_DONE[jobid] = copy.deepcopy(self.JOBS[jobid]) del self.JOBS[jobid] return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore return ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue],dizio[cluster]) def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): pass """ def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): if not hasattr(self,"channel"): #p = subprocess.Popen(['qstat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #out, err = p.communicate() #dit = sge.getJobStatsFromUser(getpass.getuser()) liOut = sge.getQueueRawData() else: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qstat '+self.qname,self.promptB) self.lock.release() liOut = out.splitlines() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. joc = {} #(cluster):{owner:user,submitted:time,runtime:time,status:stat,priorized:int,size:kb,cmd:command} toStart = False for linea in liOut: if linea.startswith("-----"): toStart = True continue if toStart: dati = (linea.strip()).split() if len(dati) < 7: toStart = False continue clus = int(dati[0]) prior = float(dati[1]) name = dati[2] user = dati[3] status = dati[4] submitted = dati[5]+" "+dati[6] #queue = dati[7] #master = int(dati[7]) joc[clus] = {"owner":user,"submitted":submitted,"status":status,"priorized":prior,"name":name} return joc """ def isGridAlive(self): pass def removeJob(self,jobid,nqueue): pass def removeCluster(self,jobid): pass def submitJobs(self,job,nqueue,is_array_job=True): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] while True: if len(threading.enumerate()) < 10: #print "Starting Thread Job..." new_t = SystemUtility.OutputThreading(self.__submitJobs,job,nqueue,is_array_job) new_t.start() #print "...started!" break else: print "Too many thread",len(threading.enumerate()) timep.sleep(3) return 0,nqueue def __submitJobs(self,job,nqueue,is_array_job): workDir = "" if hasattr(self,"channel"): workDir = self.get_remote_pwd() print "WORKING DIRECTORY:",workDir if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") all_cmds = [] basecmd = """#! /bin/bash # Template for SLURM array job for ARCIMBOLDO_BORGES and ARCIMBOLDO_LITE # Cambiar el valor de wd, el rango es -t 1-n, empieza en 1 # Una vez empezados los parametros de SLURM, no poner lineas en blanco o deja de leerlos. """ text_partition = "" if self.partition != '': text_partition = "#SBATCH --partition="+self.partition+"\n" if isinstance(job.initdir,str): basecmd += "#SBATCH --job-name=p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+text_partition+"#SBATCH --time=05:00:00\n" if is_array_job: basecmd += "#SBATCH --array=0-"+str(nqueue-1)+"\n"+"#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n\n" elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): basecmd += "#SBATCH --job-name=p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+text_partition+"#SBATCH --time=05:00:00\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n\n" last_dire = "" glcount = 1 for i in range(nqueue): cmd = basecmd commandline = "" if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if job.initdir != "": commandline = "-D "+job.initdir+" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null" else: commandline = "-o /dev/null -e /dev/null --requeue" if i > 0: break elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): dire = "" nume = 0 summa = 0 for el in job.initdir: dire,nume = el summa += nume if i < summa: break #print "last_dire",last_dire,dire if last_dire != dire: cmd += "#SBATCH --array="+str(i)+"-"+str(summa-1)+"\n\n" commandline = "-D "+str(dire)+" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null --requeue" last_dire = dire else: continue #print "actual cmd" #print cmd cmd += "\nsrun " if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ''+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ''+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable else: cmd += ''+job.executable if len(job.args) > 0: data = job.getArgs(True) if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += " "+data if len(job.stdIn) > 0: data = job.getStdIn(True) if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += "<"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") == job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"output") if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += ">&"+data elif len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: data = job.getOutput(True,"output") if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += ">"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") != job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"error") if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += "2>"+data cmd += '\n' f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh","w") f.write(cmd) f.close() all_cmds.append(("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh",commandline)) glcount += 1 sent = 0 tosend = nqueue self.JOBS[job.getName()] = [] nproc = 0 for cmde in all_cmds: cmd,commandline = cmde try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): nproc = tosend while True: p = subprocess.Popen(['sbatch']+commandline.split()+[cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print "sbatch "+commandline+" "+cmd.replace('"','').strip() out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" print err #print "======================ERROR====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: try: lir = int(lineacorr.strip().split()[3]) entered = True break except: continue if not entered: print "SLURM not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.strip().split()[3]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue,"queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break else: nproc = tosend #print "Request for lock in submit",cmd print "COPYING",cmd,"INTO",os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) self.copy_local_file(cmd,os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),send_now=True,remote_path_asitis=True) while True: self.lock.acquire() print "EXECUTING", 'sbatch '+commandline+" "+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'sbatch '+commandline+" "+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),self.promptB) self.lock.release() #print "Lock free" #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print cmd #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: try: lir = int(lineacorr.strip().split()[3]) entered = True break except: continue if not entered: print "SLURM not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.strip().split()[3]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue, "queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) timep.sleep(3) def setRequirements(self,requiString): pass def setRank(self,rankString): pass def getCMD(self,jobid): try: return (JOBS[jobid])["cmd"] except: raise TypeError('The Job is not registered to the GridManager') class MOABManager(Grid): """Manager for MOAB jobs """ def __init__(self,partition='',fraction=1.0): super(MOABManager, self).__init__() self.type_grid = "moab" self.partition = partition self.fraction = fraction def submitJob(self,job,isthelast=False,forcesubmit=False): return self.submitJobs(job,1,is_array_job=False) def getStatus(self,jobid,nqueue): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): #print "JNP A version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed elif jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore elif jobid in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys() and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == 0: #print "JNP B version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed while True: try: cluster = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["gridCluster"] nq = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[-1])["queue"] break except: pass if nqueue < 0: return "NCV" #Non Corresponding Values dizio = self.getGridQueue() if cluster not in dizio.keys(): ntot = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["qtotal"] ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue]) = {} completed = True for tr in self.JOBS[jobid]: if len(tr.keys()) > 0: completed = False break if completed and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == ntot: self.JOBS_DONE[jobid] = copy.deepcopy(self.JOBS[jobid]) del self.JOBS[jobid] return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore return ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue],dizio[cluster]) def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): if not hasattr(self,"channel"): #p = subprocess.Popen(['qstat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #out, err = p.communicate() #dit = sge.getJobStatsFromUser(getpass.getuser()) liOut = sge.getQueueRawData() else: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qstat '+self.qname,self.promptB) self.lock.release() liOut = out.splitlines() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. joc = {} #(cluster):{owner:user,submitted:time,runtime:time,status:stat,priorized:int,size:kb,cmd:command} toStart = False for linea in liOut: if linea.startswith("-----"): toStart = True continue if toStart: dati = (linea.strip()).split() if len(dati) < 7: toStart = False continue clus = int(dati[0]) prior = float(dati[1]) name = dati[2] user = dati[3] status = dati[4] submitted = dati[5]+" "+dati[6] #queue = dati[7] #master = int(dati[7]) joc[clus] = {"owner":user,"submitted":submitted,"status":status,"priorized":prior,"name":name} return joc def isGridAlive(self): pass def removeJob(self,jobid,nqueue): pass def removeCluster(self,jobid): pass def submitJobs(self,job,nqueue,is_array_job=True): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] while True: if len(threading.enumerate()) < 10: #print "Starting Thread Job..." new_t = SystemUtility.OutputThreading(self.__submitJobs,job,nqueue,is_array_job) new_t.start() #print "...started!" break else: print "Too many thread",len(threading.enumerate()) timep.sleep(3) return 0,nqueue def __submitJobs(self,job,nqueue,is_array_job): workDir = "" if hasattr(self,"channel"): workDir = self.get_remote_pwd() print "WORKING DIRECTORY:",workDir if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") all_cmds = [] basecmd = """ #! /bin/bash # Template for SGE array job for ARCIMBOLDO-BORGES and ARCIMBOLDO # Cambiar el valor de wd, el rango es -t 1-n, empieza en 1 # Una vez empezados los parametros de SGE, no poner lineas en blanco o deja de leerlos. """ if isinstance(job.initdir,str): basecmd += "#SBATCH --job-name=p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#SBATCH --partition="+self.partition+"\n#SBATCH --time=05:00:00\n" if is_array_job: basecmd += "#SBATCH --array=0-"+str(nqueue-1)+"\n"+"#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n\n" elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): basecmd += "#SBATCH --job-name=p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#SBATCH --partition="+self.partition+"\n"+"#SBATCH --time=05:00:00\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n\n" last_dire = "" glcount = 1 for i in range(nqueue): cmd = basecmd commandline = "" if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if job.initdir != "": commandline = "-d "+job.initdir+" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -l walltime=1:00:00:00" else: commandline = "-o /dev/null -e /dev/null -r y -l walltime=1:00:00:00" if i > 0: break elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): dire = "" nume = 0 summa = 0 for el in job.initdir: dire,nume = el summa += nume if i < summa: break #print "last_dire",last_dire,dire if last_dire != dire: cmd += "#SBATCH --array="+str(i)+"-"+str(summa-1)+"\n\n" commandline = "-d "+str(dire)+" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -r y -l walltime=1:00:00:00" last_dire = dire else: continue #print "actual cmd" #print cmd if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ''+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ''+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable else: cmd += ''+job.executable if len(job.args) > 0: data = job.getArgs(True) if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += " "+data if len(job.stdIn) > 0: data = job.getStdIn(True) if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += "<"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") == job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"output") if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += ">&"+data elif len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: data = job.getOutput(True,"output") if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += ">"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") != job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"error") if is_array_job: data = data.replace("$(Process)","$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID") else: data = data.replace("$(Process)","") cmd += "2>"+data cmd += '\n' f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh","w") f.write(cmd) f.close() all_cmds.append(("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh",commandline)) glcount += 1 sent = 0 tosend = nqueue self.JOBS[job.getName()] = [] nproc = 0 for cmde in all_cmds: cmd,commandline = cmde try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): if nproc == 0: while True: if float(self.fraction) == 1.0: nproc = tosend break (canI,nproc) = sge.canSubmitJobs(getpass.getuser(),qname=self.qname,fraction=self.fraction) #nproc = 4 #TEMPORARY FOR TESTING if nproc >= 1: if tosend < nproc: nproc = tosend break else: timep.sleep(3) while True: p = subprocess.Popen(['msub']+commandline.split()+[cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #print cmd.replace('"','').strip() out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" print err #print "======================ERROR====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: try: lir = int(lineacorr.strip()) entered = True break except: continue if not entered: print "MOAB not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.split(".")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue,"queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break else: if nproc == 0: while True: if float(self.fraction) == 1.0: nproc = tosend break self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qsub '+str(self.qname)+" "+str(self.fraction)+"\n",self.promptB) self.lock.release() lis = out.splitlines() lineacorr = "" for lineacorr in lis: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Can"): break canI = bool(lineacorr.split()[1]) nproc = int(lineacorr.split()[3]) #print "I can process:",canI,nproc #nproc = 4 #TEMPORARY FOR TESTING if nproc >= 1: if tosend < nproc: nproc = tosend break else: timep.sleep(3) #print "Request for lock in submit",cmd print "COPYING",cmd,"INTO",os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) self.copy_local_file(cmd,os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),send_now=True,remote_path_asitis=True) while True: self.lock.acquire() print "EXECUTING", 'msub '+commandline+" "+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'msub '+commandline+" "+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),self.promptB) self.lock.release() #print "Lock free" #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print cmd #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: try: lir = int(lineacorr.strip()) entered = True break except: continue if not entered: print "MOAB not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.split(".")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue, "queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) timep.sleep(3) def setRequirements(self,requiString): pass def setRank(self,rankString): pass def getCMD(self,jobid): try: return (JOBS[jobid])["cmd"] except: raise TypeError('The Job is not registered to the GridManager') class TORQUEManager(Grid): """Manager for TORQUE jobs """ def __init__(self,qname='all.q',cores_per_node=4,parallel_jobs=100,maui=False): super(TORQUEManager, self).__init__() self.type_grid = "torque" self.qname = str(qname) self.maui = maui #while parallel_jobs%cores_per_node != 0 and parallel_jobs<1000: # parallel_jobs += 1 if parallel_jobs > 1000: print "ERROR: The minimum number of parallel jobs ",parallel_jobs,"that can be efficiently grouped in",cores_per_node,"cores per node is greater than 1000. for security reason is not allowed to send all those jobs in parallel! Contact the support of the ARCIMBOLDO Team, please." sys.exit(1) self.cores_per_node = cores_per_node self.parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs self.node_maximum = int(self.parallel_jobs/self.cores_per_node) def submitJob(self,job,isthelast=False,forcesubmit=False): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): if not forcesubmit and len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) > 0 and (len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) >= self.CUMULATIVE_TRANSFERING or isthelast): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT.append(job) for ju in self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT: a = self.submitJob(ju,forcesubmit=True) self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT = [] return 0,0 elif not forcesubmit and len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) > 0: self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT.append(job) return 0,0 while True: if len(threading.enumerate()) < 10: #print "Starting Thread Job..." new_t = SystemUtility.OutputThreading(self.__submitJob,job) new_t.start() #print "...started!" break else: print "Too many thread",len(threading.enumerate()) timep.sleep(3) return 0,1 def __submitJob(self,job): workDir = "" nqueue = 1 if hasattr(self,"channel"): workDir = self.get_remote_pwd() print "WORKING DIRECTORY:",workDir if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") all_cmds = [] basecmd = """ #! /bin/bash # Template for TORQUE array job for ARCIMBOLDO-BORGES and ARCIMBOLDO # Cambiar el valor de wd, el rango es -t 1-n, empieza en 1 # Una vez empezados los parametros de SGE, no poner lineas en blanco o deja de leerlos. """ if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if job.initdir != "": basecmd += "#PBS -d "+str(job.initdir)+"\n"+"#PBS -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#PBS -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#PBS -r y\n#PBS -o output.out\n#PBS -e error.err\n" else: basecmd += "#PBS -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#PBS -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#PBS -r y\n#PBS -o output.out\n#PBS -e error.err\n" elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): basecmd += "#PBS -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#PBS -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#PBS -r y\n#PBS -o output.out\n#PBS -e error.err\n" basecmd += "#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1\n\n" last_dire = "" glcount = 1 for i in range(nqueue): cmd = basecmd #print "actual cmd" #print cmd if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ' '+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ' '+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable else: cmd += ' '+job.executable if len(job.args) > 0: cmd += " "+job.getArgs(False) if len(job.stdIn) > 0: cmd += "<"+job.getStdIn(False) if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(False,"error") == job.getOutput(False,"output"): data = job.getOutput(False,"output") cmd += ">&"+data elif len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: data = job.getOutput(False,"output") cmd += ">"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(False,"error") != job.getOutput(False,"output"): data = job.getOutput(False,"error") cmd += "2>"+data cmd += '\n' f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh","w") f.write(cmd) f.close() all_cmds.append("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh") glcount += 1 sent = 0 tosend = nqueue self.JOBS[job.getName()] = [] nproc = 0 timep.sleep(30) #This should avoid NFS delay errors in telemachus for cmd in all_cmds: try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): while True: p = subprocess.Popen(['qsub',cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #print cmd.replace('"','').strip() out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" #print err #print "======================ERROR====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0].isdigit(): entered = True break if not entered: print "TORQUE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue,"queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break else: #print "Request for lock in submit",cmd print "COPYING",cmd,"INTO",os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) self.copy_local_file(cmd,os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),send_now=True,remote_path_asitis=True) while True: self.lock.acquire() print "EXECUTING",'nohup qsub '+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)+" | tee nohup.out") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'nohup qsub '+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd))+" | tee nohup.out",self.promptB) self.lock.release() #print "Lock free" #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print cmd #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0].isdigit(): entered = True break if not entered: print "TORQUE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue, "queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) timep.sleep(3) def getStatus(self,jobid,nqueue): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): #print "JNP A version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed elif jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore elif jobid in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys() and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == 0: #print "JNP B version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed while True: try: cluster = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["gridCluster"] nq = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[-1])["queue"] break except: pass if nqueue < 0: return "NCV" #Non Corresponding Values dizio = self.getGridQueue() if cluster not in dizio.keys(): ntot = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["qtotal"] ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue]) = {} completed = True for tr in self.JOBS[jobid]: if len(tr.keys()) > 0: completed = False break if completed and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == ntot: self.JOBS_DONE[jobid] = copy.deepcopy(self.JOBS[jobid]) del self.JOBS[jobid] return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore return ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue],dizio[cluster]) def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): if not hasattr(self,"channel"): #p = subprocess.Popen(['qstat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #out, err = p.communicate() #dit = sge.getJobStatsFromUser(getpass.getuser()) liOut = sge.getQueueRawData() else: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qstat '+self.qname,self.promptB) self.lock.release() liOut = out.splitlines() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. joc = {} #(cluster):{owner:user,submitted:time,runtime:time,status:stat,priorized:int,size:kb,cmd:command} toStart = False for linea in liOut: if linea.startswith("-----"): toStart = True continue if toStart: dati = (linea.strip()).split() if len(dati) < 7: toStart = False continue clus = int(dati[0]) prior = float(dati[1]) name = dati[2] user = dati[3] status = dati[4] submitted = dati[5]+" "+dati[6] #queue = dati[7] #master = int(dati[7]) joc[clus] = {"owner":user,"submitted":submitted,"status":status,"priorized":prior,"name":name} return joc def isGridAlive(self): pass def removeJob(self,jobid,nqueue): pass def removeCluster(self,jobid): pass def submitJobs(self,job,nqueue): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] while True: if len(threading.enumerate()) < 10: #print "Starting Thread Job..." new_t = SystemUtility.OutputThreading(self.__submitJobs,job,nqueue) new_t.start() #print "...started!" break else: print "Too many thread",len(threading.enumerate()) timep.sleep(3) return 0,nqueue def __submitJobs(self,job,nqueue): workDir = "" if hasattr(self,"channel"): workDir = self.get_remote_pwd() print "WORKING DIRECTORY:",workDir if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") all_cmds = [] basecmd = """ #! /bin/bash # Template for TORQUE array job for ARCIMBOLDO-BORGES and ARCIMBOLDO # Cambiar el valor de wd, el rango es -t 1-n, empieza en 1 # Una vez empezados los parametros de SGE, no poner lineas en blanco o deja de leerlos. """ if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if job.initdir != "": basecmd += "#PBS -d "+str(job.initdir)+"\n"+"#PBS -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#PBS -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#PBS -r y\n#PBS -o output.out\n#PBS -e error.err\n" else: basecmd += "#PBS -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#PBS -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#PBS -r y\n#PBS -o output.out\n#PBS -e error.err\n" elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): basecmd += "#PBS -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#PBS -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#PBS -r y\n#PBS -o output.out\n#PBS -e error.err\n" last_dire = "" cmd_last = "" glcount = 1 for i in range(nqueue): cmd = basecmd if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if i > 0: break elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): dire = "" nume = 0 summa = 0 for el in job.initdir: dire,nume = el summa += nume if i < summa: break #print "====================nqueue:",nqueue,"summa",summa,"dire",dire if last_dire != dire: if (summa-i) == self.parallel_jobs: cmd += "#PBS -d "+str(dire)+"\n"+"#PBS -t "+str(i+1)+"-"+str(summa)+"\n" if not self.maui: cmd += "#PBS -l nodes="+str(int(self.node_maximum))+":ppn="+str(int(self.cores_per_node))+"\n\n" else: todo = int((summa-i)/self.cores_per_node) todo_rest = (summa-i)%self.cores_per_node if todo == 0: cmd += "#PBS -d "+str(dire)+"\n"+"#PBS -t "+str(i+1)+"-"+str(summa)+"\n" if not self.maui: cmd += "#PBS -l nodes="+str(1)+":ppn="+str(summa)+"\n\n" else: if todo_rest == 0: cmd += "#PBS -d "+str(dire)+"\n"+"#PBS -t "+str(i+1)+"-"+str(summa)+"\n" if not self.maui: cmd += "#PBS -l nodes="+str(todo)+":ppn="+str(int(self.cores_per_node))+"\n\n" else: cmd_last = cmd cmd += "#PBS -d "+str(dire)+"\n"+"#PBS -t "+str(i+1)+"-"+str(i+(todo*self.cores_per_node)+todo_rest)+"\n" if not self.maui: cmd += "#PBS -l nodes="+str(todo)+":ppn="+str(int(self.cores_per_node))+"\n\n" #cmd += "#PBS -d "+str(dire)+"\n"+"#PBS -t "+str((todo*self.cores_per_node)+1)+"-"+str((todo*self.cores_per_node)+1+todo_rest)+"\n" #if not self.maui: # cmd_last += "#PBS -l nodes="+str(1)+":ppn="+str(todo_rest)+"\n\n" last_dire = dire else: continue cmd_sec = "i=$(($PBS_ARRAYID - 1))\n" #print "actual cmd" #print cmd if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd_sec += ''+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd_sec += ''+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable else: cmd_sec += ''+job.executable if len(job.args) > 0: data = job.getArgs(True) data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd_sec += " "+data if len(job.stdIn) > 0: data = job.getStdIn(True) data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd_sec += "<"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") == job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"output") data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd_sec += ">&"+data elif len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: data = job.getOutput(True,"output") data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd_sec += ">"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") != job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"error") data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd_sec += "2>"+data cmd_sec += '\n' cmd += cmd_sec f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh","w") f.write(cmd) f.close() all_cmds.append("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh") glcount += 1 if len(cmd_last) > 0: cmd_last += cmd_sec f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh","w") f.write(cmd_last) f.close() all_cmds.append("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh") glcount += 1 sent = 0 tosend = nqueue self.JOBS[job.getName()] = [] nproc = 0 timep.sleep(30) #This should avoid NFS delay errors in telemachus for cmd in all_cmds: try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): while True: p = subprocess.Popen(['qsub',cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #print cmd.replace('"','').strip() out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" #print err #print "======================ERROR====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0].split("[]")[0].isdigit(): entered = True break if not entered: print "TORQUE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0].split("[]")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue,"queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break else: #print "Request for lock in submit",cmd print "COPYING",cmd,"INTO",os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) self.copy_local_file(cmd,os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),send_now=True,remote_path_asitis=True) while True: self.lock.acquire() print "EXECUTING",'nohup qsub '+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)+" | tee nohup.out") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'nohup qsub '+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd))+" | tee nohup.out",self.promptB) self.lock.release() #print "Lock free" #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print cmd #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() #print "=======",liout for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0].split("[]")[0].isdigit(): entered = True break if not entered: print "TORQUE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.strip().split(".")[0].split("[]")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue, "queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) timep.sleep(3) def setRequirements(self,requiString): pass def setRank(self,rankString): pass def getCMD(self,jobid): try: return (JOBS[jobid])["cmd"] except: raise TypeError('The Job is not registered to the GridManager') class SGEManager(Grid): """Manager for Sun Grid Engine jobs """ def __init__(self,qname='all.q',fraction=1.0): super(SGEManager, self).__init__() self.type_grid = "sge" self.qname = qname self.fraction = fraction def submitJob(self,job,isthelast=False,forcesubmit=False): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): if not forcesubmit and len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) > 0 and (len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) >= self.CUMULATIVE_TRANSFERING or isthelast): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT.append(job) for ju in self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT: a = self.submitJob(ju,forcesubmit=True) self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT = [] return 0,0 elif not forcesubmit and len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) > 0: self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT.append(job) return 0,0 while True: if len(threading.enumerate()) < 10: #print "Starting Thread Job..." new_t = SystemUtility.OutputThreading(self.__submitJob,job) new_t.start() #print "...started!" break else: print "Too many thread",len(threading.enumerate()) timep.sleep(3) return 0,1 def __submitJob(self,job): if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") cmd = "" if job.initdir != "": cmd += "qsub -q "+self.qname+" -wd "+str(job.initdir)+" -r y -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -N p"+str(job.getName())+" -b y" else: cmd += "qsub -q "+self.qname+" -cwd -o /dev/null -r y -e /dev/null -N p"+str(job.getName())+" -b y" if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ' "'+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ' "'+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable else: cmd += ' "'+job.executable if len(job.args) > 0: cmd += " "+job.getArgs(False) if len(job.stdIn) > 0: cmd += "<"+job.getStdIn(False) if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(False,"error") == job.getOutput(False,"output"): data = job.getOutput(False,"output") cmd += ">&"+data elif len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: data = job.getOutput(False,"output") cmd += ">"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(False,"error") != job.getOutput(False,"output"): data = job.getOutput(False,"error") cmd += "2>"+data cmd += '"\n' self.JOBS[job.getName()] = [] nproc = 0 try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): if nproc == 0: while True: if float(self.fraction) == 1.0: nproc = 1 break #TODO: Get the output and process it ti extract nproc (canI,nproc) = sge.canSubmitJobs(getpass.getuser(),qname=self.qname,fraction=self.fraction) #nproc = 4 #TEMPORARY FOR TESTING if nproc >= 1: nproc = 1 break else: timep.sleep(3) while True: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.replace('"','').strip().split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" print err #print "======================ERROR====================" liout = out.splitlines() entered = False for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Your"): entered = True break if not entered: print "SGE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = 0 nCluster = int(lineacorr.split()[2]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":1,"queue":nQ}) nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break else: if nproc == 0: while True: if float(self.fraction) == 1.0: nproc = 1 break self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qsub '+str(self.qname)+" "+str(self.fraction)+"\n",self.promptB) self.lock.release() lis = out.splitlines() lineacorr = "" for lineacorr in lis: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Can"): break canI = bool(lineacorr.split()[1]) nproc = int(lineacorr.split()[3]) #print "I can process:",canI,nproc #nproc = 4 #TEMPORARY FOR TESTING if nproc >= 1: nproc = 1 break else: timep.sleep(3) while True: #print "ASKED by submit" self.lock.acquire() #print "RECEVEID by submit" out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,cmd,self.promptB) self.lock.release() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" liout = out.splitlines() entered = False for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Your"): entered = True break if not entered: print "SGE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = 0 nCluster = int(lineacorr.split()[2]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":1,"queue":nQ}) nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) timep.sleep(3) def getStatus(self,jobid,nqueue): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): #print "JNP A version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed elif jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore elif jobid in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys() and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == 0: #print "JNP B version" return "JNP" #Job Never Performed while True: try: cluster = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["gridCluster"] nq = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[-1])["queue"] break except: pass if nqueue < 0: return "NCV" #Non Corresponding Values dizio = self.getGridQueue() if cluster not in dizio.keys(): ntot = ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue])["qtotal"] ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue]) = {} completed = True for tr in self.JOBS[jobid]: if len(tr.keys()) > 0: completed = False break if completed and len(self.JOBS[jobid]) == ntot: self.JOBS_DONE[jobid] = copy.deepcopy(self.JOBS[jobid]) del self.JOBS[jobid] return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore return ((self.JOBS[jobid])[nqueue],dizio[cluster]) def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): if not hasattr(self,"channel"): #p = subprocess.Popen(['qstat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #out, err = p.communicate() #dit = sge.getJobStatsFromUser(getpass.getuser()) liOut = sge.getQueueRawData() else: self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qstat '+self.qname,self.promptB) self.lock.release() liOut = out.splitlines() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. joc = {} #(cluster):{owner:user,submitted:time,runtime:time,status:stat,priorized:int,size:kb,cmd:command} toStart = False for linea in liOut: if linea.startswith("-----"): toStart = True continue if toStart: dati = (linea.strip()).split() if len(dati) < 7: toStart = False continue clus = int(dati[0]) prior = float(dati[1]) name = dati[2] user = dati[3] status = dati[4] submitted = dati[5]+" "+dati[6] #queue = dati[7] #master = int(dati[7]) joc[clus] = {"owner":user,"submitted":submitted,"status":status,"priorized":prior,"name":name} return joc def isGridAlive(self): pass def removeJob(self,jobid,nqueue): pass def removeCluster(self,jobid): pass def submitJobs(self,job,nqueue): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] while True: if len(threading.enumerate()) < 10: #print "Starting Thread Job..." new_t = SystemUtility.OutputThreading(self.__submitJobs,job,nqueue) new_t.start() #print "...started!" break else: print "Too many thread",len(threading.enumerate()) timep.sleep(3) return 0,nqueue def __submitJobs(self,job,nqueue): workDir = "" if hasattr(self,"channel"): workDir = self.get_remote_pwd() print "WORKING DIRECTORY:",workDir if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") all_cmds = [] basecmd = """ #! /bin/bash # Template for SGE array job for ARCIMBOLDO-BORGES and ARCIMBOLDO # Cambiar el valor de wd, el rango es -t 1-n, empieza en 1 # Una vez empezados los parametros de SGE, no poner lineas en blanco o deja de leerlos. """ if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if job.initdir != "": basecmd += "#$ -wd "+str(job.initdir)+"\n"+"#$ -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#$ -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#$ -t 1-"+str(nqueue)+"\n"+"#$ -r y\n#$ -o /dev/null\n#$ -e /dev/null\n\n" else: basecmd += "#$ -cwd\n"+"#$ -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#$ -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#$ -t 1-"+str(nqueue)+"\n"+"#$ -r y\n#$ -o /dev/null\n#$ -e /dev/null\n\n" elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): basecmd += "#$ -N p"+str(job.getName())+"\n"+"#$ -q "+self.qname+"\n"+"#$ -r y\n#$ -o /dev/null\n#$ -e /dev/null\n\n" last_dire = "" glcount = 1 for i in range(nqueue): cmd = basecmd if isinstance(job.initdir,str): if i > 0: break elif isinstance(job.initdir,list): dire = "" nume = 0 summa = 0 for el in job.initdir: dire,nume = el summa += nume if i < summa: break #print "last_dire",last_dire,dire if last_dire != dire: cmd += "#$ -wd "+str(dire)+"\n"+"#$ -t "+str(i+1)+"-"+str(summa)+"\n\n" last_dire = dire else: continue cmd += "i=$(($SGE_TASK_ID - 1))\n" #print "actual cmd" #print cmd if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ''+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): cmd += ''+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+' '+job.executable else: cmd += ''+job.executable if len(job.args) > 0: data = job.getArgs(True) data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd += " "+data if len(job.stdIn) > 0: data = job.getStdIn(True) data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd += "<"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") == job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"output") data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd += ">&"+data elif len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: data = job.getOutput(True,"output") data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd += ">"+data if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1 and job.getOutput(True,"error") != job.getOutput(True,"output"): data = job.getOutput(True,"error") data = data.replace("$(Process)","$i") cmd += "2>"+data cmd += '\n' f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh","w") f.write(cmd) f.close() all_cmds.append("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+"_"+str(glcount)+".sh") glcount += 1 sent = 0 tosend = nqueue self.JOBS[job.getName()] = [] nproc = 0 for cmd in all_cmds: try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): if nproc == 0: while True: if float(self.fraction) == 1.0: nproc = tosend break (canI,nproc) = sge.canSubmitJobs(getpass.getuser(),qname=self.qname,fraction=self.fraction) #nproc = 4 #TEMPORARY FOR TESTING if nproc >= 1: if tosend < nproc: nproc = tosend break else: timep.sleep(3) while True: p = subprocess.Popen(['qsub',cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) #print cmd.replace('"','').strip() out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" print err #print "======================ERROR====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Your"): entered = True break if not entered: print "SGE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.split()[2]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue,"queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break else: if nproc == 0: while True: if float(self.fraction) == 1.0: nproc = tosend break self.lock.acquire() out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,PATH_REMOTE_SGEPY+' -qsub '+str(self.qname)+" "+str(self.fraction)+"\n",self.promptB) self.lock.release() lis = out.splitlines() lineacorr = "" for lineacorr in lis: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Can"): break canI = bool(lineacorr.split()[1]) nproc = int(lineacorr.split()[3]) #print "I can process:",canI,nproc #nproc = 4 #TEMPORARY FOR TESTING if nproc >= 1: if tosend < nproc: nproc = tosend break else: timep.sleep(3) #print "Request for lock in submit",cmd print "COPYING",cmd,"INTO",os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)) self.copy_local_file(cmd,os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)),send_now=True,remote_path_asitis=True) while True: self.lock.acquire() print "EXECUTING",'nohup qsub '+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd)+" | tee nohup.out") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'nohup qsub '+os.path.join(workDir,os.path.basename(cmd))+" | tee nohup.out",self.promptB) self.lock.release() #print "Lock free" #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. print cmd #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" entered = False liout = out.splitlines() for lineacorr in liout: if lineacorr.strip().startswith("Your"): entered = True break if not entered: print "SGE not available sleeping 10 seconds..." timep.sleep(10) continue nQ = sent nCluster = int(lineacorr.split()[2].split(".")[0]) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") #self.JOBS[job.getName()].append({"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"qtotal":nqueue, "queue":nQ}) tosend -= 1 sent += 1 nproc -= 1 print "job is: ",nCluster,nQ break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) timep.sleep(3) def setRequirements(self,requiString): pass def setRank(self,rankString): pass def getCMD(self,jobid): try: return (JOBS[jobid])["cmd"] except: raise TypeError('The Job is not registered to the GridManager') class condorManager(Grid): """Manager for Condor jobs""" universe = "" notification = "" nice_user = "" should_transfer_files = "" when_to_transfer_output = "" requiString = "" rank = "" def __init__(self,universe="vanilla",notification="error",nice_user="false", should_transfer_files="IF_NEEDED", when_to_transfer_output = "ON_EXIT"): super(condorManager, self).__init__() self.type_grid = "condor" self.universe=universe self.notification=notification self.nice_user=nice_user self.should_transfer_files=should_transfer_files self.when_to_transfer_output=when_to_transfer_output def submitJob(self,job,isthelast=False,forcesubmit=False): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): if len(self.FILE_TO_COPY) >= self.CUMULATIVE_TRANSFERING or isthelast: tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] for ju in self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT: a = self.submitJob(ju,forcesubmit=True) self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT = [] return 0,1 elif not forcesubmit: self.JOB_TO_SUBMIT.append(job) return 0,1 if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is impossible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") cmd = "" f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+".cmd","w") if not hasattr(self,"channel") and job.executable.endswith(".py"): f.write("executable = "+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+"\n") cmd += "executable = "+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+"\n" elif job.executable.endswith(".py"): f.write("executable = "+PATH_LOCAL_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+"\n") cmd += "executable = "+PATH_REMOTE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER+"\n" else: f.write("executable = "+job.executable+"\n") cmd += "executable = "+job.executable+"\n" f.write("universe = "+self.universe+"\n") cmd += "universe = "+self.universe+"\n" if len(job.stdIn) > 0: f.write("input = "+job.getStdIn(False)+"\n") cmd += "input = "+job.getStdIn(False)+"\n" if self.nice_user != "": f.write("nice_user = "+self.nice_user+"\n") cmd += "nice_user = "+self.nice_user+"\n" if self.notification != "": f.write("notification = "+self.notification+"\n") cmd += "notification = "+self.notification+"\n" #if len(job.listFiles) > 0: # f.write("input = "+job.getInput()+"\n") if len(job.listFiles) > 0: f.write("transfer_input_files = "+job.getInput(False)+"\n") cmd += "transfer_input_files = "+job.getInput(False)+"\n" if self.should_transfer_files != "": f.write("should_transfer_files = "+self.should_transfer_files+"\n") cmd += "should_transfer_files = "+self.should_transfer_files+"\n" if self.when_to_transfer_output != "": f.write("when_to_transfer_output = "+self.when_to_transfer_output+"\n") cmd += "when_to_transfer_output = "+self.when_to_transfer_output+"\n" if self.requiString != "": f.write("requirements = "+self.requiString+"\n") cmd += "requirements = "+self.requiString+"\n" if self.rank != "": f.write("Rank = "+self.rank+"\n") cmd += "Rank = "+self.rank+"\n" if job.maxruntime != -1: f.write("maxRunTime = "+str(job.maxruntime)+"\n") cmd += "maxRunTime = "+str(job.maxruntime)+"\n" if job.periodicRemove != "": f.write("periodic_remove = "+job.periodicRemove+"\n") cmd += "periodic_remove = "+job.periodicRemove+"\n" if len(job.args) > 0 or job.executable.endswith(".py"): if job.executable.endswith(".py"): f.write("Arguments = "+job.executable+" "+job.getArgs(False)+"\n") cmd += "Arguments = "+job.executable+" "+job.getArgs(False)+"\n" else: f.write("Arguments = "+job.getArgs(False)+"\n") cmd += "Arguments = "+job.getArgs(False)+"\n" if job.initdir != "": f.write("initialdir = "+job.initdir+"\n") cmd += "initialdir = "+job.initdir+"\n" if len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: f.write("output = "+job.getOutput(False,"output")+"\n") cmd += "output = "+job.getOutput(False,"output")+"\n" if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1: f.write("error = "+job.getOutput(False,"error")+"\n") cmd += "error = "+job.getOutput(False,"error")+"\n" f.write("queue "+str(1)+"\n") cmd += "queue = "+str(1)+"\n" f.close() while True: try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): p = subprocess.Popen(['condor_submit',"./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+".cmd"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" print err #print "======================ERROR====================" else: #timep.sleep(5) self.copy_local_file("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+".cmd",job.getName()+".cmd") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'condor_submit '+os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),job.getName()+".cmd"),self.promptB) #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" liOut = out.split("job(s) submitted to cluster") liUno = liOut[0].splitlines() nQueue = int((liUno[-1]).strip()) liDue = liOut[1].split(".") nCluster = int((liDue[0]).strip()) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") self.JOBS[job.getName()] = {"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"queue":nQueue} print "job is: ",nCluster,nQueue break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." timep.sleep(3) return (nCluster,nQueue) def getStatus(self,jobid,nqueue): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid not in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): return "JNP" #Job Never Performed elif jobid not in self.JOBS.keys() and jobid in self.JOBS_DONE.keys(): nq = (self.JOBS_DONE[jobid])["queue"] if nqueue == nq-1: del self.JOBS_DONE[jobid] return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore while True: try: cluster = (self.JOBS[jobid])["gridCluster"] #print "RAM reading: cluster ",cluster nq = (self.JOBS[jobid])["queue"] break except: #print "jobid ",jobid,nqueue,"not ready in RAM" #print (self.JOBS[jobid]) pass if nqueue < 0 or nqueue >= nq: return "NCV" #Non Corresponding Values try: dizio = self.getGridQueue(cluster=str(cluster),queue=str(nqueue)) except: return "JNP" if (cluster,nqueue) not in dizio: if (cluster,nq-1) not in dizio: self.JOBS_DONE[jobid] = copy.deepcopy(self.JOBS[jobid]) del self.JOBS[jobid] return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore return (self.JOBS[jobid],dizio[(cluster,nqueue)]) def getGridQueue(self,cluster="",queue=""): secarg = "" if cluster != "": secarg += str(cluster) if queue != "": secarg += "."+str(queue) if not hasattr(self,"channel"): p = subprocess.Popen(['condor_q',secarg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() else: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'condor_q '+secarg,self.promptB) #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. joc = {} #(cluster,nid):{owner:user,submitted:time,runtime:time,status:stat,priorized:int,size:kb,cmd:command} liOut = out.splitlines() toStart = False for linea in liOut: if linea.startswith(" ID"): toStart = True continue if toStart: dati = linea.split() if len(dati) != 9: toStart = False continue clus,nq = dati[0].split(".") clus = int(clus) nq = int(nq) user = dati[1] submitted = dati[2]+" "+dati[3] runtime = dati[4] status = dati[5] prio = int(dati[6]) size = float(dati[7]) command = dati[8] joc[(clus,nq)] = {"owner":user,"submitted":submitted,"runtime":runtime,"status":status,"priorized":prio,"size":size,"command":command} return joc def isGridAlive(self): pass def removeJob(self,jobid,nqueue): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys(): return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore cluster = (self.JOBS[jobid])["gridCluster"] nq = (self.JOBS[jobid])["queue"] if nqueue < 0 or nqueue >= nq: return "NCV" #Non Corresponding Values if not hasattr(self,"channel"): p = subprocess.Popen(['condor_rm',''+str(cluster)+'.'+str(nqueue)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================ERROR====================" return err else: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'condor_rm '+''+str(cluster)+'.'+str(nqueue),self.promptB) #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out def removeCluster(self,jobid): if jobid not in self.JOBS.keys(): return "NRA" #Not Registered Anymore cluster = (self.JOBS[jobid])["gridCluster"] if not hasattr(self,"channel"): p = subprocess.Popen(['condor_rm',''+str(cluster)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out #print "======================ERROR====================" return err else: out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'condor_rm '+''+str(cluster),self.promptB) #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print out def submitJobs(self,job,nqueue): if not os.path.exists("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if hasattr(self,"channel"): tarro ="./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"), "w:gz") for from_fi,to_fi in self.FILE_TO_COPY: tarro.add(from_fi,arcname=to_fi) tarro.close() buff = self.copy_local_file(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz"),"transfert.tar.gz") buff = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'tar -zxf '+str(os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),'transfert.tar.gz')),self.promptB) buff = self.remove_remote_file("transfert.tar.gz") os.remove(os.path.join("./temp/","transfert.tar.gz")) self.FILE_TO_COPY = [] if job.getName() in self.JOBS.keys(): self.JOBS[job.getName()] = None #raise TypeError('Another job is yet registered with '+job.getName()+" and it is not possible to register two jobs with the same name.") if not os.path.exists("./grid_jobs/"): os.makedirs("./grid_jobs/") cmd = "" f = open("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+".cmd","w") f.write("executable = "+job.executable+"\n") cmd += "executable = "+job.executable+"\n" f.write("universe = "+self.universe+"\n") cmd += "universe = "+self.universe+"\n" if len(job.stdIn) > 0: f.write("input = "+job.getStdIn(True)+"\n") cmd += "input = "+job.getStdIn(True)+"\n" if self.nice_user != "": f.write("nice_user = "+self.nice_user+"\n") cmd += "nice_user = "+self.nice_user+"\n" if self.notification != "": f.write("notification = "+self.notification+"\n") cmd += "notification = "+self.notification+"\n" #if len(job.listFiles) > 0: # f.write("input = "+job.getInput()+"\n") if len(job.listFiles) > 0: f.write("transfer_input_files = "+job.getInput(True)+"\n") cmd += "transfer_input_files = "+job.getInput(True)+"\n" if self.should_transfer_files != "": f.write("should_transfer_files = "+self.should_transfer_files+"\n") cmd += "should_transfer_files = "+self.should_transfer_files+"\n" if self.when_to_transfer_output != "": f.write("when_to_transfer_output = "+self.when_to_transfer_output+"\n") cmd += "when_to_transfer_output = "+self.when_to_transfer_output+"\n" if self.requiString != "": f.write("requirements = "+self.requiString+"\n") cmd += "requirements = "+self.requiString+"\n" if self.rank != "": f.write("Rank = "+self.rank+"\n") cmd += "Rank = "+self.rank+"\n" if job.maxruntime != -1: f.write("maxRunTime = "+str(job.maxruntime)+"\n") cmd += "maxRunTime = "+str(job.maxruntime)+"\n" if job.periodicRemove != "": f.write("periodic_remove = "+job.periodicRemove+"\n") cmd += "periodic_remove = "+job.periodicRemove+"\n" if len(job.args) > 0 or job.executable.endswith(".py"): if job.executable.endswith(".py"): f.write("Arguments = "+job.executable+" "+job.getArgs(True)+"\n") cmd += "Arguments = "+job.executable+" "+job.getArgs(True)+"\n" else: f.write("Arguments = "+job.getArgs(True)+"\n") cmd += "Arguments = "+job.getArgs(True)+"\n" if len(job.listFilesOut) > 0: f.write("output = "+job.getOutput(True,"output")+"\n") cmd += "output = "+job.getOutput(True,"output")+"\n" if len(job.listFilesOut) > 1: f.write("error = "+job.getOutput(True,"error")+"\n") cmd += "error = "+job.getOutput(True,"error")+"\n" if job.initdir != "" and isinstance(job.initdir,str): f.write("initialdir = "+job.initdir+"\n") cmd += "initialdir = "+job.initdir+"\n" if isinstance(job.initdir,list): for el in job.initdir: f.write("initialdir = "+el[0]+"\n") cmd += "initialdir = "+el[0]+"\n" f.write("queue "+str(el[1])+"\n") cmd += "queue = "+str(el[1])+"\n" if isinstance(job.initdir,str): f.write("queue "+str(nqueue)+"\n") cmd += "queue = "+str(nqueue)+"\n" f.close() while True: try: if not hasattr(self,"channel"): p = subprocess.Popen(['condor_submit',"./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+".cmd"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" #print "======================ERROR====================" print err #print "======================ERROR====================" else: #timep.sleep(5) self.copy_local_file("./grid_jobs/"+job.getName()+".cmd",job.getName()+".cmd") out = self.connection.send_command_to_channel(,'condor_submit '+os.path.join(self.get_remote_pwd(),job.getName()+".cmd"),self.promptB) #scrivere nel Log l'eventuale err. #print "======================OUTPUT====================" print out #print "======================OUTPUT====================" liOut = out.split("job(s) submitted to cluster") liUno = liOut[0].splitlines() nQueue = int((liUno[-1]).strip()) liDue = liOut[1].split(".") nCluster = int((liDue[0]).strip()) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") self.JOBS[job.getName()] = {"timeStart":time,"cmd":cmd,"job":job,"gridCluster":nCluster,"queue":nQueue} print "job is: ",nCluster,nQueue break except: print "Error on submitting a job..." #print sys.exc_info() #traceback.print_exc() timep.sleep(3) return (nCluster,nQueue) def setRequirements(self,requiString): self.requiString = requiString def setRank(self,rankString): self.rank = rankString def getCMD(self,jobid): try: return (JOBS[jobid])["cmd"] except: raise TypeError('The Job is not registered to the GridManager') class gridJob: """A job for a Grid Manager""" nameId = "" executable = "" initdir = "" listFiles = [] listFilesOut = [] maxruntime = -1 periodicRemove = "" args = [] stdIn = [] ARG_FILE = [] STDI_FILE = [] change_FILE = [] change_FILE_OUT = [] def __init__(self,nameId): #check if nameId is a string, because it must be self.nameId = "" self.executable = "" self.initdir = "" self.listFiles = [] self.listFilesOut = [] self.maxruntime = -1 self.periodicRemove = "" self.args = [] self.stdIn = [] self.ARG_FILE = [] self.STDI_FILE = [] self.change_FILE = [] self.change_FILE_OUT = [] self.nameId = str(nameId) def getName(self): return self.nameId def setExecutable(self,exe): self.executable = str(exe) def setInitialDir(self,initdir): if isinstance(initdir,list): for s in range(len(initdir)): initdir[s] = (str(initdir[s][0]),initdir[s][1]) self.initdir = initdir else: self.initdir = str(initdir) def addInputFile(self,ifile,couldChange): self.listFiles.append(str(ifile)) self.change_FILE.append(couldChange) try: inde = self.args.index(str(ifile)) self.ARG_FILE.append(inde) except: pass try: inde = self.stdIn.index(str(ifile)) self.STDI_FILE.append(inde) except: pass def addOutputFile(self,ifile,couldChange): self.listFilesOut.append(str(ifile)) self.change_FILE_OUT.append(couldChange) try: inde = self.args.index(str(ifile)) self.ARG_FILE.append(inde) except: pass def setMaxRuntime(self, time): self.maxruntime = time def setPeriodicRemove(self,time): self.periodicRemove = time def setOutput(self,outPath): self.output = outPath def setArguments(self,argsList): self.args = argsList self.ARG_FILE = [] for inde in range(len(self.args)): ar = self.args[inde] if ar in self.listFiles: self.ARG_FILE.append(inde) elif ar in self.listFilesOut: self.ARG_FILE.append(inde) def setStdIn(self,stdIn): self.stdIn = stdIn self.STDI_FILE = [] for inde in range(len(self.stdIn)): ar = self.stdIn[inde] if ar in self.listFiles: self.STDI_FILE.append(inde) def getInput(self,isInQueue): if not isInQueue: return ', '.join(self.listFiles) else: liRe = [] for tr in range(len(self.listFiles)): fil = self.listFiles[tr] change = self.change_FILE[tr] if change: lou = fil.split(".") a = lou[0]+("$(Process)")+"."+lou[1] liRe.append(a) else: liRe.append(fil) return ', '.join(liRe) def getOutput(self,isInQueue,mode): lfo = [] cfo = [] if mode == "output": lfo = self.listFilesOut[0:1] cfo = self.listFilesOut[0:1] elif mode == "error": lfo = self.listFilesOut[1:2] cfo = self.listFilesOut[1:2] if not isInQueue: return ', '.join(lfo) else: liRe = [] for tr in range(len(lfo)): fil = lfo[tr] change = cfo[tr] if change: lou = fil.split(".") a = lou[0]+("$(Process)")+"."+lou[1] liRe.append(a) else: liRe.append(fil) return ', '.join(liRe) def getArgs(self,isInQueue): if not isInQueue: return ' '.join(self.args) else: liRe = [] for index in range(len(self.args)): if index in self.ARG_FILE: fil = self.args[index] indr = self.listFiles.index(fil) change = self.change_FILE[indr] if change: lou = fil.split(".") a = lou[0]+("$(Process)")+"."+lou[1] liRe.append(a) else: liRe.append(fil) else: liRe.append(self.args[index]) return ' '.join(liRe) def getStdIn(self,isInQueue): if not isInQueue: return ' '.join(self.stdIn) else: liRe = [] for index in range(len(self.stdIn)): if index in self.STDI_FILE: fil = self.stdIn[index] indr = self.listFiles.index(fil) change = self.change_FILE[indr] if change: lou = fil.split(".") a = lou[0]+("$(Process)")+"."+lou[1] liRe.append(a) else: liRe.append(fil) else: liRe.append(self.stdIn[index]) return ' '.join(liRe)