
This is a paragraph before we go into the nested div section.
This is an example layout with a left-hand div which is 602 pixels high and two rows, each of 300 pixels high. The second div of the first nested row is contains a deliberately massively oversized div to show that scroll bars can come to the rescue. Everything has border of 2 pixels. In this example, all the divs float, so that if the screen width shrinks to less than 1000 the divs reposition. This is necessary to degrade gracefully for small width screens, but maybe not what is wanted on large screens on traditional OSes: Absolute positioning might be better in those cases. Suck it and see.

This is a span with justified, vertically centered text. More css trickery.
This is a div after the nested div section. Why float left is required ...?
This is another div after the nested div section. Why float left is required ...?
This is a span in a div after most of the divs