from __future__ import division try: from glob import glob import libtbx.load_env import os dials_path = libtbx.env.dist_path('dials') filenames = glob(os.path.join(dials_path, "extensions", "*.pyc")) if len(filenames) > 0: print "Cleaning up 'dials/extensions':" for filename in filenames: print " Deleting %s" % filename os.remove(filename) except Exception: pass try: from dials.framework import env env.cache.wipe() except Exception: pass try: from dials.util.version import dials_version print dials_version() except Exception: pass def _install_dials_autocompletion(): '''generate and SConscript file in /build/dials/autocomplete''' import libtbx.load_env import os # Find the dials source directory dist_path = libtbx.env.dist_path('dials') # Set the location of the output directory output_directory = libtbx.env.under_build(os.path.join('dials', 'autocomplete')) try: os.makedirs(output_directory) except OSError: pass commands_dir = os.path.join(dist_path, 'command_line') command_list = [] print 'Identifying autocompletable commands:', for file in sorted(os.listdir(commands_dir)): if not file.startswith('_') and file.endswith('.py'): if 'DIALS_ENABLE_COMMAND_LINE_COMPLETION' in open(os.path.join(commands_dir, file)).read(): command_name = 'dials.%s' % file[:-3] print command_name, command_list.append(command_name) print # Generate the autocompletion SConscript. with open(os.path.join(output_directory, 'SConscript'), 'w') as builder: builder.write('''Import("env") import os.path import libtbx.load_env def dispatcher_outer(name): return os.path.join(libtbx.env.under_build('bin'), name) def dispatcher_inner(name): return os.path.join(libtbx.env.dist_path('dials'), 'command_line', '' %% name.partition('.')[2]) env.Append( BUILDERS={'AutoComplete': Builder(action='$SOURCE --export-autocomplete-hints > $TARGET')} ) for cmd in [%s]: ac = env.AutoComplete(cmd, [dispatcher_outer(cmd), dispatcher_inner(cmd)]) Requires(ac, Dir(libtbx.env.under_build('lib'))) Depends(ac, os.path.join(libtbx.env.dist_path('dials'), 'util', '')) Depends(ac, os.path.join(libtbx.env.dist_path('dials'), 'util', '')) ''' % ( ', '.join(["'%s'" % cmd for cmd in command_list]) )) # Generate a bash script activating command line completion for each relevant command with open(os.path.join(output_directory, ''), 'w') as script: script.write("type compopt &>/dev/null && {\n") for cmd in command_list: script.write(" complete -F _dials_autocomplete %s\n" % cmd) script.write("}\n") script.write("type compopt &>/dev/null || {\n") for cmd in command_list: script.write(" complete -o nospace -F _dials_autocomplete %s\n" % cmd) script.write("}\n") # Find the dials build directory build_path = abs(libtbx.env.build_path) # Permanently install the autocompletion script into setpaths-scripts. print "Installing autocompletion script into:", for file in os.listdir(build_path): if file.startswith('setpath') and file.endswith('.sh'): original_file = open(os.path.join(build_path, file)).read() if not 'DIALS_ENABLE_COMMAND_LINE_COMPLETION' in original_file: marker = "\nexport PATH\n" insert_position = original_file.find(marker) + len(marker) if insert_position >= 0: print file, added_script = \ '# DIALS_ENABLE_COMMAND_LINE_COMPLETION\n' \ '[ -z "$BASH_VERSIONINFO" ] && {\n' \ ' source $(libtbx.find_in_repositories dials/util/\n' \ ' source %s\n' \ '}\n' % ( os.path.join('$LIBTBX_BUILD', 'dials', 'autocomplete', '')) with open(os.path.join(build_path, file), 'w') as script: script.write(original_file[:insert_position] + added_script + original_file[insert_position:]) print _install_dials_autocompletion()