# extensions.py # Copyright 2007, 2008 by Bernhard Lohkamp # Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 by The University of York # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA import pygtk, gtk, pango import time def add_coot_menu_separator(menu): sep = gtk.MenuItem() menu.add(sep) # sep.props.sensitive = False sep.show() if (have_coot_python): if coot_python.main_menubar(): # -------------------------------------------------- # coot news dialog and updates dialog # -------------------------------------------------- # comment these out for now # menu = coot_menubar_menu("About") # if (menu): # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem(menu, "Coot News...", # lambda func: whats_new_dialog()) # os_type = os.name # if not os_type == 'mac': # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem(menu, "Check for Updates...", # lambda func: (printf("checking for updates..."), # check_for_updates_gui())) # -------------------------------------------------- # coordinated water validation dialog # -------------------------------------------------- menu = coot_menubar_menu("Validate") if menu: add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem(menu, "Highly coordinated waters...", lambda func: water_coordination_gui()) # -------------------------------------------------- # user_define_restraints plugin # -------------------------------------------------- def add_module_user_defined_restraints(): menu = coot_menubar_menu("Restraints") load_from_search_load_path("user_define_restraints.py") # --------------------------------------------- # extensions # --------------------------------------------- menu = coot_menubar_menu("E_xtensions") # make submenus: submenu_all_molecule = gtk.Menu() menuitem_2 = gtk.MenuItem("All Molecule...") submenu_maps = gtk.Menu() menuitem_3 = gtk.MenuItem("Maps...") submenu_models = gtk.Menu() menuitem_4 = gtk.MenuItem("Modelling...") submenu_refine = gtk.Menu() menuitem_5 = gtk.MenuItem("Refine...") submenu_representation = gtk.Menu() menuitem_6 = gtk.MenuItem("Representations") submenu_settings = gtk.Menu() menuitem_7 = gtk.MenuItem("Settings...") submenu_pisa = gtk.Menu() menuitem_pisa = gtk.MenuItem("PISA...") submenu_pdbe = gtk.Menu() menuitem_pdbe = gtk.MenuItem("PDBe...") submenu_modules = gtk.Menu() menuitem_modules = gtk.MenuItem("Modules...") submenu_ncs = gtk.Menu() menuitem_ncs = gtk.MenuItem("NCS...") menuitem_2.set_submenu(submenu_all_molecule) menu.append(menuitem_2) menuitem_2.show() menuitem_3.set_submenu(submenu_maps) menu.append(menuitem_3) menuitem_3.show() menuitem_4.set_submenu(submenu_models) menu.append(menuitem_4) menuitem_4.show() menuitem_ncs.set_submenu(submenu_ncs) menu.append(menuitem_ncs) menuitem_ncs.show() menuitem_5.set_submenu(submenu_refine) menu.append(menuitem_5) menuitem_5.show() menuitem_6.set_submenu(submenu_representation) menu.append(menuitem_6) menuitem_6.show() menuitem_pisa.set_submenu(submenu_pisa) menu.append(menuitem_pisa) menuitem_pisa.show() menuitem_7.set_submenu(submenu_settings) menu.append(menuitem_7) menuitem_7.show() menuitem_modules.set_submenu(submenu_modules) menu.append(menuitem_modules) menuitem_modules.show() menuitem_pdbe.set_submenu(submenu_pdbe) menu.append(menuitem_pdbe) menuitem_pdbe.show() #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Post MR # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_all_molecule, "[Post MR] Fill Partial Residues...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Find and Fill residues with missing atoms", lambda imol: fill_partial_residues(imol))) # old style - not interruptable # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu_all_molecule, # "[Post MR] Fit Protein...", # lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Fit Protein using Rotamer Search", # lambda imol: (imol_refinement_map() == -1 and # add_status_bar_text("oops. Must set a map to fit") or # fit_protein(imol)))) # # # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu_all_molecule, # "[Post MR] Stepped Refine...", # lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Stepped Refine: ", # lambda imol: (imol_refinement_map() == -1 and # add_status_bar_text("oops. Must set a map to fit") or # stepped_refine_protein(imol)))) # # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu_all_molecule, # "Refine/Improve Ramachandran Plot...", # lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Refine Protein with Ramachanran Plot Optimization: ", # lambda imol: (imol_refinement_map() == -1 and # add_status_bar_text("oops. Must set a map to fit") or # stepped_refine_protein_for_rama(imol)))) # # BL says:: we cannot do this with lambda functions in python # statements are not allowed! Needed for globals!! def fit_protein_func1(imol): if (imol_refinement_map() == -1): add_status_bar_text("oops. Must set a map to fit") else: global continue_multi_refine continue_multi_refine = True interruptible_fit_protein(imol, fit_protein_fit_function) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_all_molecule, "Fit Protein...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Fit Protein using Rotamer Search", lambda imol: fit_protein_func1(imol))) def fit_protein_func2(imol): if (imol_refinement_map() == -1): add_status_bar_text("oops. Must set a map to fit") else: global continue_multi_refine continue_multi_refine = True interruptible_fit_protein(imol, fit_protein_stepped_refine_function) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_all_molecule, "Stepped Refine...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Fit Protein using Real-Space Refinement", lambda imol: fit_protein_func2(imol))) def fit_protein_func3(imol): if (imol_refinement_map() == -1): add_status_bar_text("oops. Must set a map to fit") else: global continue_multi_refine continue_multi_refine = True interruptible_fit_protein(imol, fit_protein_rama_fit_function) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_all_molecule, "Refine/Improve Ramachandran Plot...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Refine Protein with Ramachanran Plot Optimization: ", lambda imol: fit_protein_func3(imol))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Map functions # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def mask_map_func(): f = "" molecule_list = molecule_number_list() if not molecule_list == []: for i in molecule_list: if is_valid_map_molecule(molecule_list[i]): print "%s is a valid map molecule" %molecule_list[i] f = str(molecule_list[i]) break else: print "BL WARNING:: dunno what to do!? No map found" f = False return f def mask_map_func1(active_state): print "changed active_state to ", active_state def mask_map_func2(imol, texts_list, invert_mask_qm): # map imol text_1 = texts_list[0] # atom selection text_2 = texts_list[1] # radius text_3 = texts_list[2] continue_qm = False try: n = int(text_1) continue_qm = True except: print "BL WARNING:: input %s for Map molecule number is not an integer.\nBailing out" %n if (continue_qm): if (invert_mask_qm): invert = 1 else: invert = 0 print "debug:: invert-mask? is", invert if (text_3 != "default"): try: new_radius = float(text_3) set_map_mask_atom_radius(new_radius) except: print "BL WARNING:: could not set map mask radius to %s. It's not a number" %text_3 mask_map_by_atom_selection(n, imol, text_2, invert) def mask_map_radius_func(): rad = map_mask_atom_radius() if (rad > 0): return str(rad) else: return "default" add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Mask Map by Atom Selection...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Define the molecule that has atoms to mask the map", lambda imol: generic_multiple_entries_with_check_button( [[" Map molecule number: ", mask_map_func()], [" Atom selection: ", "//A/1"], ["Radius around atoms: ", mask_map_radius_func()]], [" Invert Masking? ", lambda active_state: mask_map_func1(active_state)], " Mask Map ", lambda text_list, invert: mask_map_func2(imol, text_list, invert)))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Copy Map Molecule...", lambda func: map_molecule_chooser_gui("Map to Copy...", lambda imol: copy_molecule(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Make a Smoother Copy...", lambda func: map_molecule_chooser_gui("Map Molecule to Smoothenize...", lambda imol: smooth_map(imol, 1.25))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Make a Very Smooth Copy...", lambda func: map_molecule_chooser_gui("Map Molecule to Smoothenize...", lambda imol: smooth_map(imol, 2.0))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Make a Difference Map...", lambda func: make_difference_map_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Transform map by LSQ model fit...", lambda func: transform_map_using_lsq_matrix_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Average Maps...", lambda func: average_map_gui()) # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu_maps, # "Export map...", # lambda func: generic_chooser_and_file_selector("Export Map: ", # valid_map_molecule_qm, "File_name: ", "", # lambda imol, text: (export_map(imol, text) == 1 and # add_status_bar_text("Map " + str(imol) + " exported to " + text)))) # def export_map_func(imol, radius_string, file_name): # radius = -1. # try: # radius = float(radius_string) # except: # print "BL WARNING:: radius %s was no number!" %(radius_string) # if (radius >= 0): # export_map_fragment(*([imol] + rotation_centre() + \ # [radius, file_name])) # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu_maps, # "Export Local Map Fragment...", # (for Pymol, say) # lambda func: generic_chooser_entry_and_file_selector( # "Export Map: ", # valid_map_molecule_qm, # "Radius (A): ", "10", # "File-name: ", # lambda imol, radius_string, file_name: # export_map_func(imol, radius_string, file_name) # ) # ) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Map Density Histogram...", lambda func: map_molecule_chooser_gui("Choose the map", lambda imol: map_histogram(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Brighten Maps", lambda func: brighten_maps()) def set_diff_map_func(imol): print "setting map number %s to be a difference map" %imol set_map_is_difference_map(imol) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Set map is a difference map...", lambda func: map_molecule_chooser_gui("Which map should be considered a difference map?", lambda imol: set_diff_map_func(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Another (contour) level...", lambda func: another_level()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_maps, "Multi-chicken...", lambda func: map_molecule_chooser_gui("Choose a molecule for multiple contouring", lambda imol: (set_map_displayed(imol, 0), multi_chicken(imol)))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Molecule functions/Modelling # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_hydrogens_refmac_func(): with UsingActiveAtom() as [aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code, aa_atom_name, aa_alt_conf]: add_hydrogens_using_refmac(aa_imol) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Add Hydrogens using Refmac", lambda func: add_hydrogens_refmac_func()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Add Other Solvent Molecules...", lambda func: solvent_ligands_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Arrange Waters Around Protein...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Arrange waters in molecule: ", lambda imol: move_waters_to_around_protein(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Assign (force) HETATMs for this Residue", lambda func: using_active_atom(hetify_residue, "aa_imol", "aa_chain_id", "aa_res_no", "aa_ins_code")) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Assign HETATM to molecule...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Assign HETATMs as per PDB definition", lambda imol: assign_hetatms(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Copy Coordinates Molecule...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Molecule to Copy...", lambda imol: copy_molecule(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Copy Fragment...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Create a new Molecule\n \ From which molecule shall we seed?", "Atom selection for fragment", "//A/1-10", lambda imol, text: new_molecule_by_atom_selection(imol,text))) # --- D --- # now in main menu ## add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( ## submenu_models, ## "DB Loop...", ## lambda func: click_protein_db_loop_gui()) # errr... move this...(??) submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Dock Sequence...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) menu.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Dock Sequence...", lambda func: cootaneer_gui_bl()) def associate_seq_func(imol, chain_id, pir_file): import os, re chain_count = 0 reg_chain = re.compile("chain", re.IGNORECASE) print "assoc seq:", imol, chain_id, pir_file if (os.path.isfile(pir_file)): fin = open(pir_file, 'r') seq_text = fin.read() fin.close() assign_pir_sequence(imol, chain_id, seq_text) else: print "BL WARNING:: could not find", pir_file # old #add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu, # "Associate Sequence...", # lambda func: generic_chooser_entry_and_file_selector( # "Associate Sequence to Model: ", # valid_model_molecule_qm, # "Chain ID", # "", # "Select PIR file", # lambda imol, chain_id, seq_file_name: associate_seq_func(imol, chain_id, seq_file_name))) # FIXME # need to do this differently. Kevin's assign_sequence_from_file may # not be ideal (seems to only read the chain from format and wont # assign more than one chain... # #add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( # submenu, # "Associate Sequence to Molecule...", # lambda func: generic_chooser_and_file_selector( # "Associate Sequence with Molecule: ", # valid_model_molecule_qm, # "Select Sequence File", # "", # lambda imol, sequence_file_name: # assign_sequence_from_file(imol, # sequence_file_name) # )) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Associate Sequence to Chain...", lambda func: associate_sequence_with_chain_gui()) # no alignment on OK press add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Duplicate range (pick atoms)", lambda func: duplicate_range_by_atom_pick()) # ---- F --------- # doublication to entry in main gtk code! submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Find Secondary Structure...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_models.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Find Helices", lambda func: find_helices()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Find Strands", lambda func: find_strands()) def get_smiles_pdbe_func(): with UsingActiveAtom() as [aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code, aa_atom_name, aa_alt_conf]: comp_id = residue_name(aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code) # print "BL INFO:: here with residue name", comp_id get_SMILES_for_comp_id_from_pdbe(comp_id) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Fetch PDBe description for this ligand", lambda func: get_smiles_pdbe_func()) def get_pdbe_ligand_func(comp_id): status = get_SMILES_for_comp_id_from_pdbe(comp_id) get_monomer(comp_id) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Fetch PDBe Ligand Description", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Fetch PDBe Ligand Desciption for comp_id:", "", " Fetch ", lambda comp_id: get_pdbe_ligand_func(comp_id))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Fix Nomenclature Errors...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Fix Nomenclature Error in molecule:", lambda imol: fix_nomenclature_errors(imol))) # --- I -------- def chiral_centre_inverter_func(): with UsingActiveAtom() as [aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code, aa_atom_name, aa_alt_conf]: invert_chiral_centre(aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code, aa_atom_name) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Invert This Chiral Centre", lambda func: chiral_centre_inverter_func()) # --- J -------- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "JLigand launch", lambda func: launch_jligand_function()) # --- M --- def make_link_ext_func(*args): m_spec_1 = args[0] m_spec_2 = args[1] imol_1 = atom_spec2imol(m_spec_1) imol_2 = atom_spec2imol(m_spec_2) spec_1 = m_spec_1[2:] spec_2 = m_spec_2[2:] if not (imol_1 == imol_2): print "Mismatch molecules" else: make_link(imol_1, spec_1, spec_2, "dummy", 0.1) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Make Link (click 2 atoms)...", lambda func: user_defined_click(2, make_link_ext_func)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Merge Water Chains...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Merge Water Chains in molecule:", lambda imol: merge_solvent_chains(imol))) def mon_dict_func(text): idealized = 0 new_model = get_monomer_from_dictionary(text, idealized) if not valid_model_molecule_qm(new_model): get_monomer(text) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Monomer from Dictionary", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Pull coordinates from CIF dictionary for 3-letter-code:", "", " Get Coords ", lambda text: mon_dict_func(text))) def morph_fit_chain_func(radius): with UsingActiveAtom() as [aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code, aa_atom_name, aa_alt_conf]: morph_fit_chain(aa_imol, aa_chain_id, radius) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Morph Fit Chain (Averaging Radius 7)", lambda func: morph_fit_chain_func(7) ) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Morph Fit Chain (Averaging Radius 11)", lambda func: morph_fit_chain_func(11) ) def morph_fit_ss_func(radius): with UsingActiveAtom() as [aa_imol, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code, aa_atom_name, aa_alt_conf]: morph_fit_by_secondary_structure_elements(aa_imol, aa_chain_id) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Morph Fit Chain based on Secondary Structure", lambda func: morph_fit_chain_func(7) ) # -- N -- def new_mol_sphere_func1(imol, text): try: radius = float(text) except: print "WARNING:: no valid radius", text args = [imol] + rotation_centre() + [radius, 0] new_molecule_by_sphere_selection(*args) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "New Molecule by Sphere...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry( "Choose a molecule from which to select a sphere of atoms:", "Radius:", "10.0", lambda imol, text: new_mol_sphere_func1(imol, text))) def new_mol_sym_func1(imol, text): from types import ListType pre_shift = origin_pre_shift(imol) if (type(pre_shift) is not ListType): print "bad pre-shift aborting" else: new_molecule_by_symop(imol, text, pre_shift[0], pre_shift[1], pre_shift[2]) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "New Molecule from Symmetry Op...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry( "Molecule from which to generate a symmetry copy", "SymOp", "X,Y,Z", lambda imol, text: new_mol_sym_func1(imol, text))) # --- P --- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Phosphorylate this residue", lambda func: phosphorylate_active_residue()) # FIXME:: for now only when prodrg in path if (command_in_path_qm("cprodrg")): add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Prodrg-ify this residue (generate restraints)", lambda func: using_active_atom(prodrg_ify, "aa_imol", "aa_chain_id", "aa_res_no", "aa_ins_code")) # ---- R --------- # --- Ren --- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Rename Residue...", lambda func: rename_residue_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Renumber Waters...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Renumber waters of which molecule?", lambda imol: renumber_waters(imol))) # --- Reo --- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Reorder Chains...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Sort Chain IDs in molecule:", lambda imol: sort_chains(imol))) # an internal function # --- Rep --- # BL says:: may work, not sure about function entirely add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Replace Fragment...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Define the molecule that needs updating", lambda imol_base: generic_chooser_and_entry( "Molecule that contains the new fragment:", "Atom Selection","//", lambda imol_fragment, atom_selection_str: replace_fragment(imol_base, imol_fragment, atom_selection_str)))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Replace Residue...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Replace this residue with residue of type:", "ALA", "Mutate", lambda text: using_active_atom(mutate_by_overlap, "aa_imol", "aa_chain_id", "aa_res_no", text))) # --- Res --- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Residue Type Selection...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Choose a molecule to select residues from: ","Residue Type:","", lambda imol, text: (new_molecule_by_residue_type_selection(imol, text), update_go_to_atom_window_on_new_mol()))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Residues with Alt Confs...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Which molecule to check for Alt Confs?", lambda imol: alt_confs_gui(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Residues with Cis Peptide Bonds...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Choose a molecule for checking for Cis Peptides", lambda imol: cis_peptides_gui(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Residues with Missing Atoms...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Which molecule to check for Missing Atoms?", lambda imol: missing_atoms_gui(imol))) # --- Rig --- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Rigid Body Fit Residue Ranges...", lambda func: residue_range_gui(lambda imol, ls: rigid_body_refine_by_residue_ranges(imol, ls), "Rigid Body Refine", " Fit ")) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Rigid Body Fit Molecule...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Rigid Body Fit Molecule", lambda imol: rigid_body_refine_by_atom_selection(imol, "//"))) # ---- S -------- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Superpose ligands", lambda func: superpose_ligand_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Symm Shift Reference Chain Here", lambda func: move_reference_chain_to_symm_chain_position()) # ---- U --------- submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Rotamer Search...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_models.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Use \"Backrub\" Rotamers", lambda func: set_rotamer_search_mode(ROTAMERSEARCHLOWRES) ) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "DONT use \"Backrub\" Rotamers", lambda func: set_rotamer_search_mode(ROTAMERSEARCHHIGHRES) ) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Use SEGIDs...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Exchange the Chain IDs, replace with SEG IDs", lambda imol: exchange_chain_ids_for_seg_ids(imol))) # ---- W --------- def whats_this(): central_residue = active_residue() res_name = residue_name(*central_residue[0:4]) mol_no = central_residue[0] n = comp_id2name(res_name) s = "(mol. no: " + str(mol_no) + ") " + \ res_name + ": " + \ n if isinstance(n, str) else " " add_status_bar_text(s) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "What's this?", lambda func: whats_this() ) # an python extra, this is add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_models, "Atoms with Zero Occupancies...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Which molecule to check for Atoms with zero occupancies?", lambda imol: zero_occ_atoms_gui(imol))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # NCS functions # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def copy_ncs_range_func(imol, chain_id, text1, text2): try: r1 = int(text1) r2 = int(text2) copy_residue_range_from_ncs_master_to_others(imol, chain_id, r1, r2) except: print "BL WARNING:: no valid number input" add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_ncs, "Copy NCS Residue Range...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Apply NCS Range from Master", "Master Chain ID", get_first_ncs_master_chain(), # returns "" on fail lambda imol, chain_id: generic_double_entry("Start of Residue Number Range", "End of Residue Number Range", "", "", False, False, "Apply NCS Residue Range", lambda text1, text2: copy_ncs_range_func(imol, chain_id, text1, text2)))) def copy_ncs_chain_func(imol, chain_id): ncs_chains = ncs_chain_ids(imol) if (ncs_chains): copy_from_ncs_master_to_others(imol, chain_id) else: s = "You need to define NCS operators for molecule " + str(imol) info_dialog(s) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_ncs, "Copy NCS Chain...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Apply NCS edits from NCS Master Chain to Other Chains", "Master Chain ID", get_first_ncs_master_chain(), # can return "". lambda imol, chain_id: copy_ncs_chain_func(imol, chain_id))) def ncs_ghost_res_range_func(imol): from types import ListType label_1 = "Start ResNumber" label_2 = "End ResNumber" entry_1_default_text = "10" entry_2_default_text = "20" go_button_label = "Regenerate Ghosts" def handle_go_function(resno_1_text, resno_2_text): cont = False try: resno_1 = int(resno_1_text) resno_2 = int(resno_2_text) cont = True except: print "BL WARNING:: input residue numbers have to be integers" if (cont): ghost_ncs_chain_ids = ncs_chain_ids(imol) if (type(ghost_ncs_chain_ids) is ListType): # because we can have hetero-NCS, # but we ignore NCS other that # that of the first type. ghost_chain_list = ghost_ncs_chain_ids[0] manual_ncs_ghosts(imol, resno_1, resno_2, ghost_chain_list) generic_double_entry(label_1, label_2, entry_1_default_text, entry_2_default_text, False, False, go_button_label, handle_go_function) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_ncs, "NCS Ghosts by Residue Range...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Make local NCS ghosts for molecule:", lambda imol: ncs_ghost_res_range_func(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_ncs, "NCS ligands...", lambda func: ncs_ligand_gui()) submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("NCS matrix type...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_ncs.append(menuitem2) #tooltip = gtk.Tooltips() if gtk.pygtk_version >= (2,12): menuitem2.set_tooltip_text("use to change the way the NCS matrix is calculated") else: coot_tooltips.set_tip(menuitem2, "use to change the way the NCS matrix is calculated") menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Accurate (SSM)", lambda func: set_ncs_matrix_type(0)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Fast (LSQ)", lambda func: set_ncs_matrix_type(1)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Extra Fast (LSQ, only every 2nd CA)", lambda func: set_ncs_matrix_type(2)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Refinement # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Set Refinement Options...", lambda func: refinement_options_gui()) submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Peptide Restraints...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_refine.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() def add_restr_func1(): print 'Planar Peptide Restraints added' add_planar_peptide_restraints() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Add Planar Peptide Restraints", lambda func: add_restr_func1()) def add_restr_func2(): print 'Planar Peptide Restraints removed' remove_planar_peptide_restraints() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Remove Planar Peptide Restraints", lambda func: add_restr_func2()) def shelx_ref_func(): window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) go_button = gtk.Button(" Refine ") cancel_button = gtk.Button(" Cancel ") entry_hint_text = "HKL data filename \n(leave blank for default)" chooser_hint_text = " Choose molecule for SHELX refinement " h_sep = gtk.HSeparator() window.add(vbox) option_menu_mol_list_pair = generic_molecule_chooser(vbox, chooser_hint_text) entry = file_selector_entry(vbox, entry_hint_text) def shelx_delete_event(*args): window.destroy() return False def shelx_go_funcn_event(*args): import operator txt = entry.get_text() imol = get_option_menu_active_molecule(*option_menu_mol_list_pair) if (operator.isNumberType(imol)): if (len(txt) == 0): shelxl_refine(imol) else: shelxl_refine(imol, txt) window.destroy() return False go_button.connect("clicked", shelx_go_funcn_event) cancel_button.connect("clicked", shelx_delete_event) vbox.pack_start(h_sep, False, False, 2) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 2) hbox.pack_start(go_button, True, False, 0) hbox.pack_start(cancel_button, True, False, 0) window.show_all() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "SHELXL Refine...", lambda func: shelx_ref_func()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Read REFMAC logfile...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_file_selector("Read Refmac log file", valid_model_molecule_qm, "Logfile name: ", "", lambda imol, text: read_refmac_log(imol, text))) # An example with a submenu: # submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Refinement Speed...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_refine.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Molasses Refinement mode", lambda func: (printf("Molasses..."), set_dragged_refinement_steps_per_frame(5))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Crocodile Refinement mode", lambda func: (printf("Crock..."), set_dragged_refinement_steps_per_frame(220))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Normal Refinement mode (1 Emsley)", lambda func: (printf("Default Speed (1 Emsley)..."), set_dragged_refinement_steps_per_frame(140))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Auto-weight refinement", lambda func: auto_weight_for_refinement()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Set Undo Molecule...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Set the Molecule for 'Undo' Operations", lambda imol: set_undo_molecule(imol))) # BL says: has no checking for text = number yet add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "B factor bonds scale factor...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Choose a molecule to which the B-factor colour scale is applied:", "B-factor scale:", "1.0", lambda imol, text: set_b_factor_bonds_scale_factor(imol,float(text)))) def set_mat_func(text): import operator t = float(text) if operator.isNumberType(t): s = "Matrix set to " + text set_matrix(t) add_status_bar_text(s) else: add_status_bar_text("Failed to read a number") add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Set Matrix (Refinement Weight)...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("set matrix: (smaller means better geometry)", str(matrix_state()), "Set it", lambda text: set_mat_func(text))) def set_den_gra_func(text): import operator t = float(text) if operator.isNumberType(t): s = "Density Fit scale factor set to " + text set_residue_density_fit_scale_factor(t) add_status_bar_text(s) else: add_status_bar_text("Failed to read a number") add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Set Density Fit Graph Weight...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("set weight (smaller means apparently better fit)", str("%.2f" %residue_density_fit_scale_factor()), "Set it", lambda text: set_den_gra_func(text))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Recent structures from the PDBe # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_pdbe, "PDBe recent structures...", lambda func: pdbe_latest_releases_gui()) # we do test for refmac at startup not runtime (for simplicity) if command_in_path_qm("refmac5"): mess = " Get it " else: mess = "\n WARNING::refmac5 not in the path - SF calculation will fail \n\n" add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_pdbe, "Get from PDBe...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Get PDBe accession code", "", " Get it ", lambda text: pdbe_get_pdb_and_sfs_cif("include-sfs", text.rstrip().lstrip()))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tutorial data # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # def load_tutorial_data_func(): data_dir = False prefix_dir = os.getenv("COOT_PREFIX") if not prefix_dir: pkg_data_dir = pkgdatadir() else: pkg_data_dir = os.path.join(prefix_dir, "share", "coot") if os.path.isdir(pkg_data_dir): data_dir = os.path.join(pkg_data_dir, "data") if data_dir: pdb_file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, "tutorial-modern.pdb") mtz_file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, "rnasa-1.8-all_refmac1.mtz") if os.path.isfile(pdb_file_name): read_pdb(pdb_file_name) if os.path.isfile(mtz_file_name): make_and_draw_map(mtz_file_name, "FWT", "PHWT", "", 0, 0) make_and_draw_map(mtz_file_name, "DELFWT", "PHDELWT", "", 0, 1) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( menu, "Load tutorial model and data", lambda func: load_tutorial_data_func() ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lidia # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # if coot_can_do_lidia_p(): # don't do this if the LIDIA interface functions have already # been done in guile-gtk. # Otherwise, do, of course # if (use_gui_qm != 2): submenu_lidia = gtk.Menu() menuitem_lidia = gtk.MenuItem("Lidia...") menuitem_lidia.set_submenu(submenu_lidia) menu.append(menuitem_lidia) menuitem_lidia.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_lidia, "Hydrogenate region", lambda func: hydrogenate_region(6) ) # Does it work?! Maybe not!? add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_lidia, "View in LIDIA", lambda func: using_active_atom(fle_view, "aa_imol", "aa_chain_id", "aa_res_no", "aa_ins_code") ) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_lidia, "Load SBase monomer...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Load SBase Monomer from three-letter-code: ", "", " Load ", lambda tlc: get_sbase_monomer(tlc)) ) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_lidia, "Activate prodrg flat mode", lambda func: using_active_atom(prodrg_flat, "aa_imol", "aa_chain_id", "aa_res_no") ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Views/Representations # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Undo Symmetry View", lambda func: undo_symmetry_view()) def make_ball_n_stick_func(imol, text): bns_handle = make_ball_and_stick(imol, text, 0.18, 0.3, 1) print "handle: ", bns_handle global default_ball_and_stick_selection # maybe should be at the top of the file add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Ball & Stick...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Ball & Stick", "Atom Selection:", default_ball_and_stick_selection, lambda imol, text: make_ball_n_stick_func(imol, text))) def add_balls_to_simple_sticks(mode): for imol in model_molecule_list(): set_draw_stick_mode_atoms(imol, mode) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Add Balls to Simple Sticks", lambda func: add_balls_to_simple_sticks(1)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Simple Sticks (No Balls)", lambda func: add_balls_to_simple_sticks(0)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Add Balls to Simple Sticks", lambda func: map(lambda imol: set_draw_stick_mode_atoms(imol, 1), molecule_number_list())) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Simple Sticks (No Balls)", lambda func: map(lambda imol: set_draw_stick_mode_atoms(imol, 0), molecule_number_list())) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Clear Ball & Stick...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Choose a molecule from which to clear Ball&Stick objects", lambda imol: clear_ball_and_stick(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Electrostatic Surface...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Choose a molecule to represent as a surface..." + \ "\n" + \ "Can be SLOW", lambda imol: do_surface(imol, 1))) # shall we switch on the light too?! def surface_func1(clipped = 0): active_atom = active_residue() aa_imol = active_atom[0] aa_chain_id = active_atom[1] aa_res_no = active_atom[2] aa_ins_code = active_atom[3] aa_atom_name = active_atom[4] aa_alt_conf = active_atom[5] central_residue = active_residue() residues = residues_near_residue(aa_imol, central_residue[1:4], 6.0) # no waters in surface, thanks. # but what if they have different names?! (only HOH so far) filtered_residues = [] for res in residues: if (residue_name(aa_imol, *res) != "HOH"): filtered_residues.append(res) imol_copy = copy_molecule(aa_imol) # delete the interesting residue from the copy (so that # it is not surfaced). delete_residue(imol_copy, aa_chain_id, aa_res_no, aa_ins_code) if clipped: do_clipped_surface(imol_copy, filtered_residues) else: do_surface(imol_copy, 1) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Clipped Surface Here (This Residue)", lambda func: surface_func1(1)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Full Surface Around Here (This Residue)", lambda func: surface_func1()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Un-Surface...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Choose a molecule to represent conventionally...", lambda imol: do_surface(imol, 0))) def hilight_site_func(): active_atom = active_residue() if (active_atom): imol = active_atom[0] centre_residue_spec = [active_atom[1], active_atom[2], active_atom[3]] hilight_binding_site(imol, centre_residue_spec, 230,4) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Highlight Interesting Site (here)...", lambda func: hilight_site_func()) def make_dot_surf_func(imol,text): # I think a single colour is better than colour by atom set_dots_colour(imol, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) dots_handle = dots(imol, text, text, 2, 1) print "dots handle: ", dots_handle add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Dotted Surface...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Surface for molecule", "Atom Selection:", "//A/1-2", lambda imol, text: make_dot_surf_func(imol, text))) def clear_dot_surf_func(imol,text): try: n = int(text) clear_dots(imol,n) except: print "BL WARNING:: dots handle number shall be an integer!!" add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Clear Surface Dots...", lambda func: generic_chooser_and_entry("Molecule with Dotted Surface", "Dots Handle Number:", "0", lambda imol, text: clear_dot_surf_func(imol, text))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "HOLE...", lambda func: hole_ify()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "Label All CAs...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Choose a molecule to label", lambda imol: label_all_CAs(imol))) # Views submenu submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Views") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) menu.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Add View...", lambda func: view_saver_gui()) # BL says:: maybe check if number at some point add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Add a Spin View...", lambda func: generic_double_entry("Number of Steps", "Number of Degrees (total)", "3600", "360", False, False, #check button text and callback " Add Spin ", lambda text_1, text_2: add_spin_view("Spin", int(text_1), float(text_2)))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Views Panel...", lambda func: views_panel_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Play Views", lambda func: map(eval,["go_to_first_view(1)", "time.sleep(1)", "play_views()"])) # BL says:: maybe check if number at some point add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Set Views Play Speed...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Set Views Play Speed", str(views_play_speed()), " Set it ", lambda text: set_views_play_speed(float(text)))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Save Views...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Save Views", "coot-views.py", " Save ", lambda txt: save_views(txt))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3D annotations #--------------------------------------------------------------------- submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("3D Annotations...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_representation.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Annotate position...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Annotation: ", "", "Make Annotation", lambda txt: add_annotation_here(txt))) # BL says:: maybe this (and next) should have a file chooser/selector!? add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Save Annotations...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Save Annotations", "coot_annotations.py", " Save ", lambda file_name: save_annotations(file_name))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Load Annotations...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Load Annotations", "coot_annotations.py", " Load ", lambda file_name: load_annotations(file_name))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other Representation Programs # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # shall use subprocess at some point def ccp4mg_func1(): import os pd_file_name = "1.mgpic.py" write_ccp4mg_picture_description(pd_file_name) if os.name == 'nt': ccp4mg_exe = "winccp4mg.exe" else: ccp4mg_exe = "ccp4mg" if command_in_path_qm(ccp4mg_exe): ccp4mg_file_exe = find_exe(ccp4mg_exe, "PATH") pd_file_name = os.path.abspath(pd_file_name) args = [ccp4mg_file_exe, "-pict", pd_file_name] try: import subprocess subprocess.Popen(args).pid print "BL DEBUG:: new subprocess" except: # no subprocess, use old style os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, ccp4mg_file_exe, args) else: print "BL WARNING:: sorry cannot find %s in $PATH" %ccp4mg_exe add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_representation, "CCP4MG...", lambda func: ccp4mg_func1()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # PISA Interface and Assemblies # --------------------------------------------------------------------- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_pisa, "PISA Assemblies...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Choose molecule for PISA assembly analysis", lambda imol: pisa_assemblies(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_pisa, "PISA Interfaces...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Choose molecule for PISA interface analysis", lambda imol: pisa_interfaces(imol))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modules # --------------------------------------------------------------------- add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_modules, "SHELX...", lambda func: add_module_shelx()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_modules, "User-defined Restraints...", lambda func: add_module_user_defined_restraints()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_modules, "ProSMART", lambda func: add_module_prosmart()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_modules, "Carbohydrate", lambda func: add_module_carbohydrate()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------- submenu = gtk.Menu() menuitem2 = gtk.MenuItem("Rotate Translate Zone Mode...") menuitem2.set_submenu(submenu) submenu_settings.append(menuitem2) menuitem2.show() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Rotate About Fragment Centre", lambda func: set_rotate_translate_zone_rotates_about_zone_centre(1)) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu, "Rotate About Second Clicked Atom", lambda func: set_rotate_translate_zone_rotates_about_zone_centre(0)) # BL says:: maybe check if number at some point add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "Set Spin Speed", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Set Spin Speed (smaller is slower)", str(idle_function_rotate_angle()), "Set it", lambda text: set_idle_function_rotate_angle(float(text)))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "Nudge Centre...", lambda func: nudge_screen_centre_gui()) def all_mol_symm_func(): for imol in molecule_number_list(): if valid_model_molecule_qm(imol): set_symmetry_whole_chain(imol, 1) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "All Molecules use \"Near Chains\" Symmetry", lambda func: map(lambda imol: valid_model_molecule_qm(imol) and set_symmetry_whole_chain(imol, 1), molecule_number_list())) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_refine, "Question Accept Refinement", lambda func: set_refinement_immediate_replacement(0)) def save_dialog_func(): post_model_fit_refine_dialog() post_go_to_atom_window() def delete_event(*args): window.destroy() return False window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) label_text = " When happy, press \"Save\" to save \n" + " dialog positions" label = gtk.Label(label_text) h_sep = gtk.HSeparator() cancel_button = gtk.Button(" Cancel ") go_button = gtk.Button(" Save ") vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 4) hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 4) hbox.pack_start(go_button, False, False, 6) hbox.pack_start(cancel_button, False, False, 6) vbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 6) vbox.pack_start(h_sep, False, False, 6) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 6) window.add(vbox) def go_func(*args): save_dialog_positions_to_preferences_file() window.destroy() go_button.connect("clicked", go_func) cancel_button.connect("clicked", lambda w: window.destroy()) window.show_all() add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "Save Dialog Positions...", lambda func: save_dialog_func()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "Key Bindings...", lambda func: key_bindings_gui()) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "Install Template Keybindings", lambda func: file_to_preferences("template_key_bindings.py")) # copy and evaluate def quick_save_func(txt): try: n = int(txt) gobject.timeout_add(1000*n, quick_save) except: print "BL INFO:: could not add timer for auto save!" add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( submenu_settings, "Enable Quick-Save checkpointing...", lambda func: generic_single_entry("Checkpoint interval (seconds)", "30", " Start Auto-saving ", lambda txt: quick_save_func(txt))) # Doesnt seem to be working right currently, so comment out?! Not any more?! # add to validate menu menu = coot_menubar_menu("Validate") add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem(menu, "Pukka Puckers...?", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui( "Choose a molecule for ribose pucker analysis", lambda imol: pukka_puckers_qm(imol))) add_simple_coot_menu_menuitem( menu, "Alignment vs PIR...", lambda func: molecule_chooser_gui("Alignment vs PIR info for molecule:", lambda imol: wrapper_alignment_mismatches_gui(imol))) else: print "BL WARNING:: could not find the main_menubar! Sorry, no extensions menu!"