#ifndef SCM_SRFI_14_H #define SCM_SRFI_14_H /* srfi-14.c --- SRFI-14 procedures for Guile * * Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "libguile/__scm.h" #define SCM_CHARSET_SIZE 256 /* We expect 8-bit bytes here. Should be no problem in the year 2001. */ #ifndef SCM_BITS_PER_LONG # define SCM_BITS_PER_LONG (sizeof (long) * 8) #endif #define SCM_CHARSET_GET(cs, idx) (((long *) SCM_SMOB_DATA (cs))\ [((unsigned char) (idx)) / SCM_BITS_PER_LONG] &\ (1L << (((unsigned char) (idx)) % SCM_BITS_PER_LONG))) #define SCM_CHARSETP(x) (!SCM_IMP (x) && (SCM_TYP16 (x) == scm_tc16_charset)) /* Smob type code for character sets. */ SCM_API int scm_tc16_charset; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_p (SCM obj); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_eq (SCM char_sets); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_leq (SCM char_sets); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_hash (SCM cs, SCM bound); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_cursor (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_ref (SCM cs, SCM cursor); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_cursor_next (SCM cs, SCM cursor); SCM_API SCM scm_end_of_char_set_p (SCM cursor); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_fold (SCM kons, SCM knil, SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_unfold (SCM p, SCM f, SCM g, SCM seed, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_unfold_x (SCM p, SCM f, SCM g, SCM seed, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_for_each (SCM proc, SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_map (SCM proc, SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_copy (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set (SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_list_to_char_set (SCM list, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_list_to_char_set_x (SCM list, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_string_to_char_set (SCM str, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_string_to_char_set_x (SCM str, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_filter (SCM pred, SCM cs, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_filter_x (SCM pred, SCM cs, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_ucs_range_to_char_set (SCM lower, SCM upper, SCM error, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_ucs_range_to_char_set_x (SCM lower, SCM upper, SCM error, SCM base_cs); SCM_API SCM scm_to_char_set (SCM x); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_size (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_count (SCM pred, SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_to_list (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_to_string (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_contains_p (SCM cs, SCM ch); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_every (SCM pred, SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_any (SCM pred, SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_adjoin (SCM cs, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_delete (SCM cs, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_adjoin_x (SCM cs, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_delete_x (SCM cs, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_complement (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_union (SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_intersection (SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_difference (SCM cs1, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_xor (SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_diff_plus_intersection (SCM cs1, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_complement_x (SCM cs); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_union_x (SCM cs1, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_intersection_x (SCM cs1, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_difference_x (SCM cs1, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_xor_x (SCM cs1, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_diff_plus_intersection_x (SCM cs1, SCM cs2, SCM rest); SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_lower_case; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_upper_case; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_title_case; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_letter; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_digit; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_letter_and_digit; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_graphic; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_printing; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_whitespace; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_iso_control; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_punctuation; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_symbol; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_hex_digit; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_blank; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_ascii; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_empty; SCM_API SCM scm_char_set_full; SCM_API void scm_srfi_14_compute_char_sets (void); SCM_API void scm_init_srfi_14 (void); #endif /* SCM_SRFI_14_H */