/* classes: h_files */ #ifndef SCM_STRUCT_H #define SCM_STRUCT_H /* Copyright (C) 1995,1997,1999,2000,2001, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "libguile/__scm.h" #include "libguile/print.h" /* Number of words with negative index */ #define scm_struct_n_extra_words 4 #define scm_struct_entity_n_extra_words 6 /* These are how the initial words of a vtable are allocated. */ #define scm_struct_i_setter -6 /* Setter */ #define scm_struct_i_procedure -5 /* Optional procedure slot */ #define scm_struct_i_free -4 /* Destructor */ #define scm_struct_i_ptr -3 /* Start of block (see alloc_struct) */ #define scm_struct_i_n_words -2 /* How many words allocated to this struct? */ #define scm_struct_i_size -1 /* Instance size */ #define scm_struct_i_flags -1 /* Upper 12 bits used as flags */ /* These indices must correspond to required_vtable_fields in struct.c. */ #define scm_vtable_index_layout 0 /* A symbol describing the physical arrangement of this type. */ #define scm_vtable_index_vtable 1 /* A pointer to the handle for this vtable. */ #define scm_vtable_index_printer 2 /* A printer for this struct type. */ #define scm_vtable_offset_user 3 /* Where do user fields start? */ typedef void (*scm_t_struct_free) (scm_t_bits * vtable, scm_t_bits * data); #define SCM_STRUCTF_MASK (0xFFF << 20) #define SCM_STRUCTF_ENTITY (1L << 30) /* Indicates presence of proc slots */ #define SCM_STRUCTF_LIGHT (1L << 31) /* Light representation (no hidden words) */ #define SCM_STRUCTP(X) (!SCM_IMP(X) && (SCM_TYP3(X) == scm_tc3_struct)) #define SCM_STRUCT_DATA(X) ((scm_t_bits *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (X)) #define SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA(X) ((scm_t_bits *) (SCM_CELL_WORD_0 (X) - scm_tc3_struct)) #define SCM_STRUCT_LAYOUT(X) (SCM_PACK (SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA (X) [scm_vtable_index_layout])) #define SCM_SET_STRUCT_LAYOUT(X, v) (SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA (X) [scm_vtable_index_layout] = SCM_UNPACK (v)) #define SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE(X) (SCM_PACK (SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA (X) [scm_vtable_index_vtable])) #define SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_FLAGS(X) \ (SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA (X) [scm_struct_i_flags]) #define SCM_STRUCT_PRINTER(X) (SCM_PACK (SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA (X) [scm_vtable_index_printer])) #define SCM_SET_STRUCT_PRINTER(x, v)\ (SCM_STRUCT_VTABLE_DATA (x) [scm_vtable_index_printer] = SCM_UNPACK (v)) #define SCM_SET_VTABLE_DESTRUCTOR(X, D) (SCM_STRUCT_DATA (X) [scm_struct_i_free] = (scm_t_bits) (D)) /* Efficiency is important in the following macro, since it's used in GC */ #define SCM_LAYOUT_TAILP(X) (((X) & 32) == 0) /* R, W or O */ #define SCM_STRUCT_TABLE_NAME(X) SCM_CAR (X) #define SCM_SET_STRUCT_TABLE_NAME(X, NAME) SCM_SETCAR (X, NAME) #define SCM_STRUCT_TABLE_CLASS(X) SCM_CDR (X) #define SCM_SET_STRUCT_TABLE_CLASS(X, CLASS) SCM_SETCDR (X, CLASS) SCM_API SCM scm_struct_table; #define SCM_STRUCT_GC_CHAIN(X) SCM_CELL_OBJECT_3 (X) #define SCM_SET_STRUCT_GC_CHAIN(X, Y) SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT_3 (X, Y) SCM_API SCM scm_i_structs_to_free; SCM_API scm_t_bits * scm_alloc_struct (int n_words, int n_extra, const char *what); SCM_API void scm_struct_free_0 (scm_t_bits * vtable, scm_t_bits * data); SCM_API void scm_struct_free_light (scm_t_bits * vtable, scm_t_bits * data); SCM_API void scm_struct_free_standard (scm_t_bits * vtable, scm_t_bits * data); SCM_API void scm_struct_free_entity (scm_t_bits * vtable, scm_t_bits * data); SCM_API SCM scm_make_struct_layout (SCM fields); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_p (SCM x); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_vtable_p (SCM x); SCM_API SCM scm_make_struct (SCM vtable, SCM tail_array_size, SCM init); SCM_API SCM scm_make_vtable (SCM fields, SCM printer); SCM_API SCM scm_make_vtable_vtable (SCM extra_fields, SCM tail_array_size, SCM init); SCM_API SCM scm_i_struct_equalp (SCM s1, SCM s2); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_ref (SCM handle, SCM pos); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_set_x (SCM handle, SCM pos, SCM val); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_vtable (SCM handle); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_vtable_tag (SCM handle); SCM_API unsigned long scm_struct_ihashq (SCM obj, unsigned long n); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_create_handle (SCM obj); SCM_API SCM scm_struct_vtable_name (SCM vtable); SCM_API SCM scm_set_struct_vtable_name_x (SCM vtable, SCM name); SCM_API void scm_print_struct (SCM exp, SCM port, scm_print_state *); SCM_API void scm_struct_prehistory (void); SCM_API void scm_init_struct (void); #endif /* SCM_STRUCT_H */ /* Local Variables: c-file-style: "gnu" End: */