# This file is loaded by the mkspecs, before .qmake.cache has been loaded. # Consequently, we have to do some stunts to get values out of the cache. exists($$_QMAKE_CACHE_) { qdd = $$fromfile($$_QMAKE_CACHE_, QMAKE_QT_CONFIG) !isEmpty(qdd): QMAKE_QT_CONFIG = $$qdd unset(qdd) } isEmpty(QMAKE_QT_CONFIG)|!exists($$QMAKE_QT_CONFIG) { qdd = $$QT_BUILD_TREE isEmpty(qdd):exists($$_QMAKE_CACHE_): qdd = $$fromfile($$_QMAKE_CACHE_, QT_BUILD_TREE) isEmpty(qdd): qdd = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA] QMAKE_QT_CONFIG = $$qdd/mkspecs/qconfig.pri unset(qdd) } !include($$QMAKE_QT_CONFIG, "", true) { debug(1, "Cannot load qconfig.pri!") } else { debug(1, "Loaded .qconfig.pri from ($$QMAKE_QT_CONFIG)") for(dir, $$list($$unique($$list($$dirname(QMAKE_QT_CONFIG) \ $$split($$list($$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]), $$DIRLIST_SEPARATOR))))) { debug(1, "Loading modules from $${dir}") for(mod, $$list($$files($$dir/modules/qt_*.pri))):include($$mod) } } load(qt_functions)