This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from goops.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * GOOPS: (goops). The GOOPS reference manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents GOOPS, an object oriented extension for Guile. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) * Menu: * Introduction:: * Getting Started:: * Reference Manual:: * MOP Specification:: * Tutorial:: * Concept Index:: * Function and Variable Index::  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Getting Started, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Introduction ************** GOOPS is the object oriented extension to Guile. Its implementation is derived from STk-3.99.3 by Erick Gallesio and version 1.3 of Gregor Kiczales `Tiny-Clos'. It is very close in spirit to CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System (`CLtL2') but is adapted for the Scheme language. While GOOPS is not compatible with any of these systems, GOOPS contains a compatibility module which allows for execution of STKlos programs. Briefly stated, the GOOPS extension gives the user a full object oriented system with multiple inheritance and generic functions with multi-method dispatch. Furthermore, the implementation relies on a true meta object protocol, in the spirit of the one defined for CLOS (`Gregor Kiczales: A Metaobject Protocol').  File:, Node: Getting Started, Next: Reference Manual, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top 2 Getting Started ***************** * Menu: * Running GOOPS:: Examples of some basic GOOPS functionality. * Methods:: * User-defined types:: * Asking for the type of an object:: See further in the GOOPS tutorial available in this distribution in info ( and texinfo format.  File:, Node: Running GOOPS, Next: Methods, Prev: Getting Started, Up: Getting Started 2.0.1 Running GOOPS ------------------- 1. Type guile-oops You should now be at the Guile prompt ("guile> "). 2. Type (use-modules (oop goops)) to load GOOPS. (If your system supports dynamic loading, you should be able to do this not only from `guile-oops' but from an arbitrary Guile interpreter.) We're now ready to try some basic GOOPS functionality.  File:, Node: Methods, Next: User-defined types, Prev: Running GOOPS, Up: Getting Started 2.0.2 Methods ------------- (define-method (+ (x ) (y )) (string-append x y)) (+ 1 2) --> 3 (+ "abc" "de") --> "abcde"  File:, Node: User-defined types, Next: Asking for the type of an object, Prev: Methods, Up: Getting Started 2.0.3 User-defined types ------------------------ (define-class <2D-vector> () (x #:init-value 0 #:accessor x-component #:init-keyword #:x) (y #:init-value 0 #:accessor y-component #:init-keyword #:y)) (use-modules (ice-9 format)) (define-method (write (obj <2D-vector>) port) (display (format #f "<~S, ~S>" (x-component obj) (y-component obj)) port)) (define v (make <2D-vector> #:x 3 #:y 4)) v --> <3, 4> (define-method (+ (x <2D-vector>) (y <2D-vector>)) (make <2D-vector> #:x (+ (x-component x) (x-component y)) #:y (+ (y-component x) (y-component y)))) (+ v v) --> <6, 8>  File:, Node: Asking for the type of an object, Prev: User-defined types, Up: Getting Started 2.0.4 Types ----------- (class-of v) --> #< <2D-vector> 40241ac0> <2D-vector> --> #< <2D-vector> 40241ac0> (class-of 1) --> #< 401b2a98> --> #< 401b2a98> (is-a? v <2D-vector>) --> #t  File:, Node: Reference Manual, Next: MOP Specification, Prev: Getting Started, Up: Top 3 Reference Manual ****************** This chapter is the GOOPS reference manual. It aims to describe all the syntax, procedures, options and associated concepts that a typical application author would need to understand in order to use GOOPS effectively in their application. It also describes what is meant by the GOOPS "metaobject protocol" (aka "MOP"), and indicates how authors can use the metaobject protocol to customize the behaviour of GOOPS itself. For a detailed specification of the GOOPS metaobject protocol, see *note MOP Specification::. * Menu: * Introductory Remarks:: * Defining New Classes:: * Creating Instances:: * Accessing Slots:: * Creating Generic Functions:: * Adding Methods to Generic Functions:: * Invoking Generic Functions:: * Redefining a Class:: * Changing the Class of an Instance:: * Introspection:: * Miscellaneous Functions::  File:, Node: Introductory Remarks, Next: Defining New Classes, Up: Reference Manual 3.1 Introductory Remarks ======================== GOOPS is an object-oriented programming system based on a "metaobject protocol" derived from the ones used in CLOS (the Common Lisp Object System), tiny-clos (a small Scheme implementation of a subset of CLOS functionality) and STKlos. GOOPS can be used by application authors at a basic level without any need to understand what the metaobject protocol (aka "MOP") is and how it works. On the other hand, the MOP underlies even the customizations that application authors are likely to make use of very quickly -- such as defining an `initialize' method to customize the initialization of instances of an application-defined class -- and an understanding of the MOP makes it much easier to explain such customizations in a precise way. And in the long run, understanding the MOP is the key both to understanding GOOPS at a deeper level and to taking full advantage of GOOPS' power, by customizing the behaviour of GOOPS itself. Each of the following sections of the reference manual is arranged such that the most basic usage is introduced first, and then subsequent subsections discuss the related internal functions and metaobject protocols, finishing with a description of how to customize that area of functionality. These introductory remarks continue with a few words about metaobjects and the MOP. Readers who do not want to be bothered yet with the MOP and customization could safely skip this subsection on a first reading, and should correspondingly skip subsequent subsections that are concerned with internals and customization. In general, this reference manual assumes familiarity with standard object oriented concepts and terminology. However, some of the terms used in GOOPS are less well known, so the Terminology subsection provides definitions for these terms. * Menu: * Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol:: * Terminology::  File:, Node: Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol, Next: Terminology, Up: Introductory Remarks 3.1.1 Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol --------------------------------------------- The conceptual building blocks of GOOPS are classes, slot definitions, instances, generic functions and methods. A class is a grouping of inheritance relations and slot definitions. An instance is an object with slots that are allocated following the rules implied by its class's superclasses and slot definitions. A generic function is a collection of methods and rules for determining which of those methods to apply when the generic function is invoked. A method is a procedure and a set of specializers that specify the type of arguments to which the procedure is applicable. Of these entities, GOOPS represents classes, generic functions and methods as "metaobjects". In other words, the values in a GOOPS program that describe classes, generic functions and methods, are themselves instances (or "objects") of special GOOPS classes that encapsulate the behaviour, respectively, of classes, generic functions, and methods. (The other two entities are slot definitions and instances. Slot definitions are not strictly instances, but every slot definition is associated with a GOOPS class that specifies the behaviour of the slot as regards accessibility and protection from garbage collection. Instances are of course objects in the usual sense, and there is no benefit from thinking of them as metaobjects.) The "metaobject protocol" (aka "MOP") is the specification of the generic functions which determine the behaviour of these metaobjects and the circumstances in which these generic functions are invoked. For a concrete example of what this means, consider how GOOPS calculates the set of slots for a class that is being defined using `define-class'. The desired set of slots is the union of the new class's direct slots and the slots of all its superclasses. But `define-class' itself does not perform this calculation. Instead, there is a method of the `initialize' generic function that is specialized for instances of type `', and it is this method that performs the slot calculation. `initialize' is a generic function which GOOPS calls whenever a new instance is created, immediately after allocating memory for a new instance, in order to initialize the new instance's slots. The sequence of steps is as follows. * `define-class' uses `make' to make a new instance of the `', passing as initialization arguments the superclasses, slot definitions and class options that were specified in the `define-class' form. * `make' allocates memory for the new instance, and then invokes the `initialize' generic function to initialize the new instance's slots. * The `initialize' generic function applies the method that is specialized for instances of type `', and this method performs the slot calculation. In other words, rather than being hardcoded in `define-class', the behaviour of class definition is encapsulated by generic function methods that are specialized for the class `'. It is possible to create a new class that inherits from `', which is called a "metaclass", and to write a new `initialize' method that is specialized for instances of the new metaclass. Then, if the `define-class' form includes a `#:metaclass' class option whose value is the new metaclass, the class that is defined by the `define-class' form will be an instance of the new metaclass rather than of the default `', and will be defined in accordance with the new `initialize' method. Thus the default slot calculation, as well as any other aspect of the new class's relationship with its superclasses, can be modified or overridden. In a similar way, the behaviour of generic functions can be modified or overridden by creating a new class that inherits from the standard generic function class `', writing appropriate methods that are specialized to the new class, and creating new generic functions that are instances of the new class. The same is true for method metaobjects. And the same basic mechanism allows the application class author to write an `initialize' method that is specialized to their application class, to initialize instances of that class. Such is the power of the MOP. Note that `initialize' is just one of a large number of generic functions that can be customized to modify the behaviour of application objects and classes and of GOOPS itself. Each subsequent section of the reference manual covers a particular area of GOOPS functionality, and describes the generic functions that are relevant for customization of that area. We conclude this subsection by emphasizing a point that may seem obvious, but contrasts with the corresponding situation in some other MOP implementations, such as CLOS. The point is simply that an identifier which represents a GOOPS class or generic function is a variable with a first-class value, the value being an instance of class `' or `'. (In CLOS, on the other hand, a class identifier is a symbol that indexes the corresponding class metaobject in a separate namespace for classes.) This is, of course, simply an extension of the tendency in Scheme to avoid the unnecessary use of, on the one hand, syntactic forms that require unevaluated arguments and, on the other, separate identifier namespaces (e.g. for class names), but it is worth noting that GOOPS conforms fully to this Schemely principle.  File:, Node: Terminology, Prev: Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol, Up: Introductory Remarks 3.1.2 Terminology ----------------- It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with standard object orientation concepts such as classes, objects/instances, inheritance/subclassing, generic functions and methods, encapsulation and polymorphism. This section explains some of the less well known concepts and terminology that GOOPS uses, which are assumed by the following sections of the reference manual. * Menu: * Metaclass:: * Class Precedence List:: * Accessor::  File:, Node: Metaclass, Next: Class Precedence List, Up: Terminology Metaclass ................. A "metaclass" is the class of an object which represents a GOOPS class. Put more succinctly, a metaclass is a class's class. Most GOOPS classes have the metaclass `' and, by default, any new class that is created using `define-class' has the metaclass `'. But what does this really mean? To find out, let's look in more detail at what happens when a new class is created using `define-class': (define-class () . slots) GOOPS actually expands the `define-class' form to something like this (define (class () . slots)) and thence to (define (make #:supers (list ) #:slots slots)) In other words, the value of `' is in fact an instance of the class `' with slot values specifying the superclasses and slot definitions for the class `'. (`#:supers' and `#:slots' are initialization keywords for the `dsupers' and `dslots' slots of the `' class.) In order to take advantage of the full power of the GOOPS metaobject protocol (*note MOP Specification::), it is sometimes desirable to create a new class with a metaclass other than the default `'. This is done by writing: (define-class () slot ... #:metaclass ) GOOPS expands this to something like: (define (make #:supers (list ) #:slots slots)) In this case, the value of `' is an instance of the more specialized class `'. Note that `' itself must previously have been defined as a subclass of `'. For a full discussion of when and how it is useful to define new metaclasses, see *note MOP Specification::. Now let's make an instance of `': (define my-object (make ...)) All of the following statements are correct expressions of the relationships between `my-object', `', `' and `'. * `my-object' is an instance of the class `'. * `' is an instance of the class `'. * `' is an instance of the class `'. * The class of `my-object' is `'. * The metaclass of `my-object' is `'. * The class of `' is `'. * The metaclass of `' is `'. * The class of `' is `'. * The metaclass of `' is `'. * `' is not a metaclass, since it is does not inherit from `'. * `' is a metaclass, since it inherits from `'.  File:, Node: Class Precedence List, Next: Accessor, Prev: Metaclass, Up: Terminology Class Precedence List ............................. The "class precedence list" of a class is the list of all direct and indirect superclasses of that class, including the class itself. In the absence of multiple inheritance, the class precedence list is ordered straightforwardly, beginning with the class itself and ending with `'. For example, given this inheritance hierarchy: (define-class () ...) (define-class () ...) (define-class () ...) the class precedence list of would be ( ) With multiple inheritance, the algorithm is a little more complicated. A full description is provided by the GOOPS Tutorial: see *note Class precedence list::. "Class precedence list" is often abbreviated, in documentation and Scheme variable names, to "cpl".  File:, Node: Accessor, Prev: Class Precedence List, Up: Terminology Accessor ................ An "accessor" is a generic function with both reference and setter methods. (define-accessor perimeter) Reference methods for an accessor are defined in the same way as generic function methods. (define-method (perimeter (s )) (* 4 (side-length s))) Setter methods for an accessor are defined by specifying "(setter )" as the first parameter of the `define-method' call. (define-method ((setter perimeter) (s ) (n )) (set! (side-length s) (/ n 4))) Once an appropriate setter method has been defined in this way, it can be invoked using the generalized `set!' syntax, as in: (set! (perimeter s1) 18.3)  File:, Node: Defining New Classes, Next: Creating Instances, Prev: Introductory Remarks, Up: Reference Manual 3.2 Defining New Classes ======================== [ *fixme* Somewhere in this manual there needs to be an introductory discussion about GOOPS classes, generic functions and methods, covering * how classes encapsulate related items of data in "slots" * why it is that, unlike in C++ and Java, a class does not encapsulate the methods that act upon the class (at least not in the C++/Java sense) * how generic functions provide a more general solution that provides for dispatch on all argument types, and avoids idiosyncracies like C++'s friend classes * how encapsulation in the sense of data- and code-hiding, or of distinguishing interface from implementation, is treated in Guile as an orthogonal concept to object orientation, and is the responsibility of the module system. Some of this is covered in the Tutorial chapter, in *note Generic functions and methods:: - perhaps the best solution would be to expand the discussion there. ] * Menu: * Basic Class Definition:: * Class Options:: * Slot Options:: * Class Definition Internals:: * Customizing Class Definition:: * STKlos Compatibility::  File:, Node: Basic Class Definition, Next: Class Options, Up: Defining New Classes 3.2.1 Basic Class Definition ---------------------------- New classes are defined using the `define-class' syntax, with arguments that specify the classes that the new class should inherit from, the direct slots of the new class, and any required class options. -- syntax: define-class name (super ...) slot-definition ... . options Define a class called NAME that inherits from SUPERs, with direct slots defined by SLOT-DEFINITIONs and class options OPTIONS. The newly created class is bound to the variable name NAME in the current environment. Each SLOT-DEFINITION is either a symbol that names the slot or a list, (SLOT-NAME-SYMBOL . SLOT-OPTIONS) where SLOT-NAME-SYMBOL is a symbol and SLOT-OPTIONS is a list with an even number of elements. The even-numbered elements of SLOT-OPTIONS (counting from zero) are slot option keywords; the odd-numbered elements are the corresponding values for those keywords. OPTIONS is a similarly structured list containing class option keywords and corresponding values. The standard GOOPS class and slot options are described in the following subsections: see *note Class Options:: and *note Slot Options::. Example 1. Define a class that combines two pre-existing classes by inheritance but adds no new slots. (define-class ( )) Example 2. Define a `regular-polygon' class with slots for side length and number of sides that have default values and can be accessed via the generic functions `side-length' and `num-sides'. (define-class () (sl #:init-value 1 #:accessor side-length) (ns #:init-value 5 #:accessor num-sides)) Example 3. Define a class whose behavior (and that of its instances) is customized via an application-defined metaclass. (define-class () (s #:init-value #f #:accessor state) ... #:metaclass )  File:, Node: Class Options, Next: Slot Options, Prev: Basic Class Definition, Up: Defining New Classes 3.2.2 Class Options ------------------- -- class option: #:metaclass metaclass The `#:metaclass' class option specifies the metaclass of the class being defined. METACLASS must be a class that inherits from `'. For an introduction to the use of metaclasses, see *note Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol:: and *note Metaclass::. If the `#:metaclass' option is absent, GOOPS reuses or constructs a metaclass for the new class by calling `ensure-metaclass' (*note ensure-metaclass: Class Definition Internals.). -- class option: #:name name The `#:name' class option specifies the new class's name. This name is used to identify the class whenever related objects - the class itself, its instances and its subclasses - are printed. If the `#:name' option is absent, GOOPS uses the first argument to `define-class' as the class name. -- class option: #:environment environment *fixme* Not sure about this one, but I think that the `#:environment' option specifies the environment in which the class's getters and setters are computed and evaluated. If the `#:environment' option is not specified, the class's environment defaults to the top-level environment in which the `define-class' form appears.  File:, Node: Slot Options, Next: Class Definition Internals, Prev: Class Options, Up: Defining New Classes 3.2.3 Slot Options ------------------ -- slot option: #:allocation allocation The `#:allocation' option tells GOOPS how to allocate storage for the slot. Possible values for ALLOCATION are * `#:instance' Indicates that GOOPS should create separate storage for this slot in each new instance of the containing class (and its subclasses). * `#:class' Indicates that GOOPS should create storage for this slot that is shared by all instances of the containing class (and its subclasses). In other words, a slot in class C with allocation `#:class' is shared by all INSTANCEs for which `(is-a? INSTANCE C)'. * `#:each-subclass' Indicates that GOOPS should create storage for this slot that is shared by all _direct_ instances of the containing class, and that whenever a subclass of the containing class is defined, GOOPS should create a new storage for the slot that is shared by all _direct_ instances of the subclass. In other words, a slot with allocation `#:each-subclass' is shared by all instances with the same `class-of'. * `#:virtual' Indicates that GOOPS should not allocate storage for this slot. The slot definition must also include the `#:slot-ref' and `#:slot-set!' options to specify how to reference and set the value for this slot. The default value is `#:instance'. Slot allocation options are processed when defining a new class by the generic function `compute-get-n-set', which is specialized by the class's metaclass. Hence new types of slot allocation can be implemented by defining a new metaclass and a method for `compute-get-n-set' that is specialized for the new metaclass. For an example of how to do this, see *note Customizing Class Definition::. -- slot option: #:slot-ref getter -- slot option: #:slot-set! setter The `#:slot-ref' and `#:slot-set!' options must be specified if the slot allocation is `#:virtual', and are ignored otherwise. GETTER should be a closure taking a single INSTANCE parameter that returns the current slot value. SETTER should be a closure taking two parameters - INSTANCE and NEW-VAL - that sets the slot value to NEW-VAL. -- slot option: #:getter getter -- slot option: #:setter setter -- slot option: #:accessor accessor These options, if present, tell GOOPS to create generic function and method definitions that can be used to get and set the slot value more conveniently than by using `slot-ref' and `slot-set!'. GETTER specifies a generic function to which GOOPS will add a method for getting the slot value. SETTER specifies a generic function to which GOOPS will add a method for setting the slot value. ACCESSOR specifies an accessor to which GOOPS will add methods for both getting and setting the slot value. So if a class includes a slot definition like this: (c #:getter get-count #:setter set-count #:accessor count) GOOPS defines generic function methods such that the slot value can be referenced using either the getter or the accessor - (let ((current-count (get-count obj))) ...) (let ((current-count (count obj))) ...) - and set using either the setter or the accessor - (set-count obj (+ 1 current-count)) (set! (count obj) (+ 1 current-count)) Note that * with an accessor, the slot value is set using the generalized `set!' syntax * in practice, it is unusual for a slot to use all three of these options: read-only, write-only and read-write slots would typically use only `#:getter', `#:setter' and `#:accessor' options respectively. If the specified names are already bound in the top-level environment to values that cannot be upgraded to generic functions, those values are overwritten during evaluation of the `define-class' that contains the slot definition. For details, see *note ensure-generic: Generic Function Internals. -- slot option: #:init-value init-value -- slot option: #:init-form init-form -- slot option: #:init-thunk init-thunk -- slot option: #:init-keyword init-keyword These options provide various ways to specify how to initialize the slot's value at instance creation time. INIT-VALUE is a fixed value (shared across all new instances of the class). INIT-THUNK is a procedure of no arguments that is called when a new instance is created and should return the desired initial slot value. INIT-FORM is an unevaluated expression that gets evaluated when a new instance is created and should return the desired initial slot value. INIT-KEYWORD is a keyword that can be used to pass an initial slot value to `make' when creating a new instance. Note that, since an `init-value' value is shared across all instances of a class, you should only use it when the initial value is an immutable value, like a constant. If you want to initialize a slot with a fresh, independently mutable value, you should use `init-thunk' or `init-form' instead. Consider the following example. (define-class () (hashtab #:init-value (make-hash-table))) Here only one hash table is created and all instances of `' have their `hashtab' slot refer to it. In order to have each instance of `' refer to a new hash table, you should instead write: (define-class () (hashtab #:init-thunk make-hash-table)) or: (define-class () (hashtab #:init-form (make-hash-table))) If more than one of these options is specified for the same slot, the order of precedence, highest first is * `#:init-keyword', if INIT-KEYWORD is present in the options passed to `make' * `#:init-thunk', `#:init-form' or `#:init-value'. If the slot definition contains more than one initialization option of the same precedence, the later ones are ignored. If a slot is not initialized at all, its value is unbound. In general, slots that are shared between more than one instance are only initialized at new instance creation time if the slot value is unbound at that time. However, if the new instance creation specifies a valid init keyword and value for a shared slot, the slot is re-initialized regardless of its previous value. Note, however, that the power of GOOPS' metaobject protocol means that everything written here may be customized or overridden for particular classes! The slot initializations described here are performed by the least specialized method of the generic function `initialize', whose signature is (define-method (initialize (object ) initargs) ...) The initialization of instances of any given class can be customized by defining a `initialize' method that is specialized for that class, and the author of the specialized method may decide to call `next-method' - which will result in a call to the next less specialized `initialize' method - at any point within the specialized code, or maybe not at all. In general, therefore, the initialization mechanisms described here may be modified or overridden by more specialized code, or may not be supported at all for particular classes.  File:, Node: Class Definition Internals, Next: Customizing Class Definition, Prev: Slot Options, Up: Defining New Classes 3.2.4 Class Definition Internals -------------------------------- Implementation notes: `define-class' expands to an expression which * checks that it is being evaluated only at top level * defines any accessors that are implied by the SLOT-DEFINITIONs * uses `class' to create the new class (*note class: Class Definition Internals.) * checks for a previous class definition for NAME and, if found, handles the redefinition by invoking `class-redefinition' (*note Redefining a Class::). -- syntax: class name (super ...) slot-definition ... . options Return a newly created class that inherits from SUPERs, with direct slots defined by SLOT-DEFINITIONs and class options OPTIONS. For the format of SLOT-DEFINITIONs and OPTIONS, see *note define-class: Basic Class Definition. Implementation notes: `class' expands to an expression which * processes the class and slot definition options to check that they are well-formed, to convert the `#:init-form' option to an `#:init-thunk' option, to supply a default environment parameter (the current top-level environment) and to evaluate all the bits that need to be evaluated * calls `make-class' to create the class with the processed and evaluated parameters. -- procedure: make-class supers slots . options Return a newly created class that inherits from SUPERS, with direct slots defined by SLOTS and class options OPTIONS. For the format of SLOTS and OPTIONS, see *note define-class: Basic Class Definition, except note that for `make-class', SLOTS and OPTIONS are separate list parameters: SLOTS here is a list of slot definitions. Implementation notes: `make-class' * adds `' to the SUPERS list if SUPERS is empty or if none of the classes in SUPERS have `' in their class precedence list * defaults the `#:environment', `#:name' and `#:metaclass' options, if they are not specified by OPTIONS, to the current top-level environment, the unbound value, and `(ensure-metaclass SUPERS)' respectively (*note ensure-metaclass: Class Definition Internals.) * checks for duplicate classes in SUPERS and duplicate slot names in SLOTS, and signals an error if there are any duplicates * calls `make', passing the metaclass as the first parameter and all other parameters as option keywords with values. -- procedure: ensure-metaclass supers env Return a metaclass suitable for a class that inherits from the list of classes in SUPERS. The returned metaclass is the union by inheritance of the metaclasses of the classes in SUPERS. In the simplest case, where all the SUPERS are straightforward classes with metaclass `', the returned metaclass is just `'. For a more complex example, suppose that SUPERS contained one class with metaclass `' and one with metaclass `'. Then the returned metaclass would be a class that inherits from both `' and `'. If SUPERS is the empty list, `ensure-metaclass' returns the default GOOPS metaclass `'. GOOPS keeps a list of the metaclasses created by `ensure-metaclass', so that each required type of metaclass only has to be created once. The `env' parameter is ignored. -- procedure: ensure-metaclass-with-supers meta-supers `ensure-metaclass-with-supers' is an internal procedure used by `ensure-metaclass' (*note ensure-metaclass: Class Definition Internals.). It returns a metaclass that is the union by inheritance of the metaclasses in META-SUPERS. The internals of `make', which is ultimately used to create the new class object, are described in *note Customizing Instance Creation::, which covers the creation and initialization of instances in general.  File:, Node: Customizing Class Definition, Next: STKlos Compatibility, Prev: Class Definition Internals, Up: Defining New Classes 3.2.5 Customizing Class Definition ---------------------------------- During the initialization of a new class, GOOPS calls a number of generic functions with the newly allocated class instance as the first argument. Specifically, GOOPS calls the generic function * (initialize CLASS ...) where CLASS is the newly allocated class instance, and the default `initialize' method for arguments of type `' calls the generic functions * (compute-cpl CLASS) * (compute-slots CLASS) * (compute-get-n-set CLASS SLOT-DEF), for each of the slot definitions returned by `compute-slots' * (compute-getter-method CLASS SLOT-DEF), for each of the slot definitions returned by `compute-slots' that includes a `#:getter' or `#:accessor' slot option * (compute-setter-method CLASS SLOT-DEF), for each of the slot definitions returned by `compute-slots' that includes a `#:setter' or `#:accessor' slot option. If the metaclass of the new class is something more specialized than the default `', then the type of CLASS in the calls above is more specialized than `', and hence it becomes possible to define generic function methods, specialized for the new class's metaclass, that can modify or override the default behaviour of `initialize', `compute-cpl' or `compute-get-n-set'. `compute-cpl' computes the class precedence list ("CPL") for the new class (*note Class precedence list::), and returns it as a list of class objects. The CPL is important because it defines a superclass ordering that is used, when a generic function is invoked upon an instance of the class, to decide which of the available generic function methods is the most specific. Hence `compute-cpl' could be customized in order to modify the CPL ordering algorithm for all classes with a special metaclass. The default CPL algorithm is encapsulated by the `compute-std-cpl' procedure, which is in turn called by the default `compute-cpl' method. -- procedure: compute-std-cpl class Compute and return the class precedence list for CLASS according to the algorithm described in *note Class precedence list::. `compute-slots' computes and returns a list of all slot definitions for the new class. By default, this list includes the direct slot definitions from the `define-class' form, plus the slot definitions that are inherited from the new class's superclasses. The default `compute-slots' method uses the CPL computed by `compute-cpl' to calculate this union of slot definitions, with the rule that slots inherited from superclasses are shadowed by direct slots with the same name. One possible reason for customizing `compute-slots' would be to implement an alternative resolution strategy for slot name conflicts. `compute-get-n-set' computes the low-level closures that will be used to get and set the value of a particular slot, and returns them in a list with two elements. The closures returned depend on how storage for that slot is allocated. The standard `compute-get-n-set' method, specialized for classes of type `', handles the standard GOOPS values for the `#:allocation' slot option (*note allocation: Slot Options.). By defining a new `compute-get-n-set' method for a more specialized metaclass, it is possible to support new types of slot allocation. Suppose you wanted to create a large number of instances of some class with a slot that should be shared between some but not all instances of that class - say every 10 instances should share the same slot storage. The following example shows how to implement and use a new type of slot allocation to do this. (define-class ()) (let ((batch-allocation-count 0) (batch-get-n-set #f)) (define-method (compute-get-n-set (class ) s) (case (slot-definition-allocation s) ((#:batched) ;; If we've already used the same slot storage for 10 instances, ;; reset variables. (if (= batch-allocation-count 10) (begin (set! batch-allocation-count 0) (set! batch-get-n-set #f))) ;; If we don't have a current pair of get and set closures, ;; create one. make-closure-variable returns a pair of closures ;; around a single Scheme variable - see goops.scm for details. (or batch-get-n-set (set! batch-get-n-set (make-closure-variable))) ;; Increment the batch allocation count. (set! batch-allocation-count (+ batch-allocation-count 1)) batch-get-n-set) ;; Call next-method to handle standard allocation types. (else (next-method))))) (define-class () ... (c #:allocation #:batched) ... #:metaclass ) The usage of `compute-getter-method' and `compute-setter-method' is described in *note MOP Specification::. `compute-cpl' and `compute-get-n-set' are called by the standard `initialize' method for classes whose metaclass is `'. But `initialize' itself can also be modified, by defining an `initialize' method specialized to the new class's metaclass. Such a method could complete override the standard behaviour, by not calling `(next-method)' at all, but more typically it would perform additional class initialization steps before and/or after calling `(next-method)' for the standard behaviour.  File:, Node: STKlos Compatibility, Prev: Customizing Class Definition, Up: Defining New Classes 3.2.6 STKlos Compatibility -------------------------- If the STKlos compatibility module is loaded, `define-class' is overwritten by a STKlos-specific definition; the standard GOOPS definition of `define-class' remains available in `standard-define-class'. -- syntax: standard-define-class name (super ...) slot-definition ... . options `standard-define-class' is equivalent to the standard GOOPS `define-class'.  File:, Node: Creating Instances, Next: Accessing Slots, Prev: Defining New Classes, Up: Reference Manual 3.3 Creating Instances ====================== * Menu: * Basic Instance Creation:: * Customizing Instance Creation::  File:, Node: Basic Instance Creation, Next: Customizing Instance Creation, Up: Creating Instances 3.3.1 Basic Instance Creation ----------------------------- To create a new instance of any GOOPS class, use the generic function `make' or `make-instance', passing the required class and any appropriate instance initialization arguments as keyword and value pairs. Note that `make' and `make-instances' are aliases for each other - their behaviour is identical. -- generic: make -- method: make (class ) . initargs Create and return a new instance of class CLASS, initialized using INITARGS. In theory, INITARGS can have any structure that is understood by whatever methods get applied when the `initialize' generic function is applied to the newly allocated instance. In practice, specialized `initialize' methods would normally call `(next-method)', and so eventually the standard GOOPS `initialize' methods are applied. These methods expect INITARGS to be a list with an even number of elements, where even-numbered elements (counting from zero) are keywords and odd-numbered elements are the corresponding values. GOOPS processes initialization argument keywords automatically for slots whose definition includes the `#:init-keyword' option (*note init-keyword: Slot Options.). Other keyword value pairs can only be processed by an `initialize' method that is specialized for the new instance's class. Any unprocessed keyword value pairs are ignored. -- generic: make-instance -- method: make-instance (class ) . initargs `make-instance' is an alias for `make'.  File:, Node: Customizing Instance Creation, Prev: Basic Instance Creation, Up: Creating Instances 3.3.2 Customizing Instance Creation ----------------------------------- `make' itself is a generic function. Hence the `make' invocation itself can be customized in the case where the new instance's metaclass is more specialized than the default `', by defining a `make' method that is specialized to that metaclass. Normally, however, the method for classes with metaclass `' will be applied. This method calls two generic functions: * (allocate-instance CLASS . INITARGS) * (initialize INSTANCE . INITARGS) `allocate-instance' allocates storage for and returns the new instance, uninitialized. You might customize `allocate-instance', for example, if you wanted to provide a GOOPS wrapper around some other object programming system. To do this, you would create a specialized metaclass, which would act as the metaclass for all classes and instances from the other system. Then define an `allocate-instance' method, specialized to that metaclass, which calls a Guile primitive C function, which in turn allocates the new instance using the interface of the other object system. In this case, for a complete system, you would also need to customize a number of other generic functions like `make' and `initialize', so that GOOPS knows how to make classes from the other system, access instance slots, and so on. `initialize' initializes the instance that is returned by `allocate-instance'. The standard GOOPS methods perform initializations appropriate to the instance class. * At the least specialized level, the method for instances of type `' performs internal GOOPS instance initialization, and initializes the instance's slots according to the slot definitions and any slot initialization keywords that appear in INITARGS. * The method for instances of type `' calls `(next-method)', then performs the class initializations described in *note Customizing Class Definition::. * and so on for generic functions, method, operator classes ... Similarly, you can customize the initialization of instances of any application-defined class by defining an `initialize' method specialized to that class. Imagine a class whose instances' slots need to be initialized at instance creation time by querying a database. Although it might be possible to achieve this a combination of `#:init-thunk' keywords and closures in the slot definitions, it is neater to write an `initialize' method for the class that queries the database once and initializes all the dependent slot values according to the results.  File:, Node: Accessing Slots, Next: Creating Generic Functions, Prev: Creating Instances, Up: Reference Manual 3.4 Accessing Slots =================== The definition of a slot contains at the very least a slot name, and may also contain various slot options, including getter, setter and/or accessor functions for the slot. It is always possible to access slots by name, using the various "slot-ref" and "slot-set!" procedures described in the following subsections. For example, (define-class () ;; Define a class with slots (count #:init-value 0) ;; named "count" and "cache". (cache #:init-value '()) ...) (define inst (make )) ;; Make an instance of this class. (slot-set! inst 'count 5) ;; Set the value of the "count" ;; slot to 5. (slot-set! inst 'cache ;; Modify the value of the (cons (cons "^it" "It") ;; "cache" slot. (slot-ref inst 'cache))) If a slot definition includes a getter, setter or accessor function, these can be used instead of `slot-ref' and `slot-set!' to access the slot. (define-class () ;; Define a new class whose slots (count #:setter set-count) ;; use a getter, a setter and (cache #:accessor cache) ;; an accessor. (csize #:getter cache-size) ...) (define inst (make )) ;; Make an instance of this class. (set-count inst 5) ;; Set the value of the "count" ;; slot to 5. (set! (cache inst) ;; Modify the value of the (cons (cons "^it" "It") ;; "cache" slot. (cache inst))) (let ((size (cache-size inst))) ;; Get the value of the "csize" ...) ;; slot. Whichever of these methods is used to access slots, GOOPS always calls the low-level "getter" and "setter" closures for the slot to get and set its value. These closures make sure that the slot behaves according to the `#:allocation' type that was specified in the slot definition (*note allocation: Slot Options.). (For more about these closures, see *note compute-get-n-set: Customizing Class Definition.) * Menu: * Instance Slots:: * Class Slots:: * Handling Slot Access Errors::  File:, Node: Instance Slots, Next: Class Slots, Up: Accessing Slots 3.4.1 Instance Slots -------------------- Any slot, regardless of its allocation, can be queried, referenced and set using the following four primitive procedures. -- primitive procedure: slot-exists? obj slot-name Return `#t' if OBJ has a slot with name SLOT-NAME, otherwise `#f'. -- primitive procedure: slot-bound? obj slot-name Return `#t' if the slot named SLOT-NAME in OBJ has a value, otherwise `#f'. `slot-bound?' calls the generic function `slot-missing' if OBJ does not have a slot called SLOT-NAME (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.). -- primitive procedure: slot-ref obj slot-name Return the value of the slot named SLOT-NAME in OBJ. `slot-ref' calls the generic function `slot-missing' if OBJ does not have a slot called SLOT-NAME (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.). `slot-ref' calls the generic function `slot-unbound' if the named slot in OBJ does not have a value (*note slot-unbound: Handling Slot Access Errors.). -- primitive procedure: slot-set! obj slot-name value Set the value of the slot named SLOT-NAME in OBJ to VALUE. `slot-set!' calls the generic function `slot-missing' if OBJ does not have a slot called SLOT-NAME (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.). GOOPS stores information about slots in class metaobjects. Internally, all of these procedures work by looking up the slot definition for the slot named SLOT-NAME in the class metaobject for `(class-of OBJ)', and then using the slot definition's "getter" and "setter" closures to get and set the slot value. The next four procedures differ from the previous ones in that they take the class metaobject as an explicit argument, rather than assuming `(class-of OBJ)'. Therefore they allow you to apply the "getter" and "setter" closures of a slot definition in one class to an instance of a different class. [ *fixme* I have no idea why this is useful! Perhaps when a slot in `(class-of OBJ)' shadows a slot with the same name in one of its superclasses? There should be an enlightening example here. ] -- primitive procedure: slot-exists-using-class? class obj slot-name Return `#t' if the class metaobject CLASS has a slot definition for a slot with name SLOT-NAME, otherwise `#f'. -- primitive procedure: slot-bound-using-class? class obj slot-name Return `#t' if applying `slot-ref-using-class' to the same arguments would call the generic function `slot-unbound', otherwise `#f'. `slot-bound-using-class?' calls the generic function `slot-missing' if CLASS does not have a slot definition for a slot called SLOT-NAME (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.). -- primitive procedure: slot-ref-using-class class obj slot-name Apply the "getter" closure for the slot named SLOT-NAME in CLASS to OBJ, and return its result. `slot-ref-using-class' calls the generic function `slot-missing' if CLASS does not have a slot definition for a slot called SLOT-NAME (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.). `slot-ref-using-class' calls the generic function `slot-unbound' if the application of the "getter" closure to OBJ returns an unbound value (*note slot-unbound: Handling Slot Access Errors.). -- primitive procedure: slot-set-using-class! class obj slot-name value Apply the "setter" closure for the slot named SLOT-NAME in CLASS to OBJ and VALUE. `slot-set-using-class!' calls the generic function `slot-missing' if CLASS does not have a slot definition for a slot called SLOT-NAME (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.).  File:, Node: Class Slots, Next: Handling Slot Access Errors, Prev: Instance Slots, Up: Accessing Slots 3.4.2 Class Slots ----------------- Slots whose allocation is per-class rather than per-instance can be referenced and set without needing to specify any particular instance. -- procedure: class-slot-ref class slot-name Return the value of the slot named SLOT-NAME in class CLASS. The named slot must have `#:class' or `#:each-subclass' allocation (*note allocation: Slot Options.). If there is no such slot with `#:class' or `#:each-subclass' allocation, `class-slot-ref' calls the `slot-missing' generic function with arguments CLASS and SLOT-NAME. Otherwise, if the slot value is unbound, `class-slot-ref' calls the `slot-missing' generic function, with the same arguments. -- procedure: class-slot-set! class slot-name value Set the value of the slot named SLOT-NAME in class CLASS to VALUE. The named slot must have `#:class' or `#:each-subclass' allocation (*note allocation: Slot Options.). If there is no such slot with `#:class' or `#:each-subclass' allocation, `class-slot-ref' calls the `slot-missing' generic function with arguments CLASS and SLOT-NAME.  File:, Node: Handling Slot Access Errors, Prev: Class Slots, Up: Accessing Slots 3.4.3 Handling Slot Access Errors --------------------------------- GOOPS calls one of the following generic functions when a "slot-ref" or "slot-set!" call specifies a non-existent slot name, or tries to reference a slot whose value is unbound. -- generic: slot-missing -- method: slot-missing (class ) slot-name -- method: slot-missing (class ) (object ) slot-name -- method: slot-missing (class ) (object ) slot-name value When an application attempts to reference or set a class or instance slot by name, and the slot name is invalid for the specified CLASS or OBJECT, GOOPS calls the `slot-missing' generic function. The default methods all call `goops-error' with an appropriate message. -- generic: slot-unbound -- method: slot-unbound (object ) -- method: slot-unbound (class ) slot-name -- method: slot-unbound (class ) (object ) slot-name When an application attempts to reference a class or instance slot, and the slot's value is unbound, GOOPS calls the `slot-unbound' generic function. The default methods all call `goops-error' with an appropriate message.  File:, Node: Creating Generic Functions, Next: Adding Methods to Generic Functions, Prev: Accessing Slots, Up: Reference Manual 3.5 Creating Generic Functions ============================== A generic function is a collection of methods, with rules for determining which of the methods should be applied for any given invocation of the generic function. GOOPS represents generic functions as metaobjects of the class `' (or one of its subclasses). * Menu: * Basic Generic Function Creation:: * Generic Function Internals:: * Extending Guiles Primitives::  File:, Node: Basic Generic Function Creation, Next: Generic Function Internals, Up: Creating Generic Functions 3.5.1 Basic Generic Function Creation ------------------------------------- The following forms may be used to bind a variable to a generic function. Depending on that variable's pre-existing value, the generic function may be created empty - with no methods - or it may contain methods that are inferred from the pre-existing value. It is not, in general, necessary to use `define-generic' or `define-accessor' before defining methods for the generic function using `define-method', since `define-method' will automatically interpolate a `define-generic' call, or upgrade an existing generic to an accessor, if that is implied by the `define-method' call. Note in particular that, if the specified variable already has a _generic function_ value, `define-generic' and `define-accessor' will _discard_ it! Obviously it is application-dependent whether this is desirable or not. If, for example, you wanted to extend `+' for a class representing a new numerical type, you probably want to inherit any existing methods for `+' and so should not use `define-generic'. If, on the other hand, you do not want to risk inheriting methods whose behaviour might surprise you, you can use `define-generic' or `define-accessor' to wipe the slate clean. -- syntax: define-generic symbol Create a generic function with name SYMBOL and bind it to the variable SYMBOL. If the variable SYMBOL was previously bound to a Scheme procedure (or procedure-with-setter), the old procedure (and setter) is incorporated into the new generic function as its default procedure (and setter). Any other previous value that was bound to SYMBOL, including an existing generic function, is overwritten by the new generic function. -- syntax: define-accessor symbol Create an accessor with name SYMBOL and bind it to the variable SYMBOL. If the variable SYMBOL was previously bound to a Scheme procedure (or procedure-with-setter), the old procedure (and setter) is incorporated into the new accessor as its default procedure (and setter). Any other previous value that was bound to SYMBOL, including an existing generic function or accessor, is overwritten by the new definition. It is sometimes tempting to use GOOPS accessors with short names. For example, it is tempting to use the name `x' for the x-coordinate in vector packages. Assume that we work with a graphical package which needs to use two independent vector packages for 2D and 3D vectors respectively. If both packages export `x' we will encounter a name collision. This can be resolved automagically with the duplicates handler `merge-generics' which gives the module system license to merge all generic functions sharing a common name: (define-module (math 2D-vectors) :use-module (oop goops) :export (x y ...)) (define-module (math 3D-vectors) :use-module (oop goops) :export (x y z ...)) (define-module (my-module) :use-module (math 2D-vectors) :use-module (math 3D-vectors) :duplicates merge-generics) The generic function `x' in `(my-module)' will now share methods with `x' in both imported modules. There will, in fact, now be three distinct generic functions named `x': `x' in `(2D-vectors)', `x' in `(3D-vectors)', and `x' in `(my-module)'. The last function will be an `', extending the previous two functions. Let's call the imported generic functions the "ancestor functions". The generic function `x' in `(my-module)' is, in turn, a "descendant function" of the imported functions, extending its ancestors. For any generic function G, the applicable methods are selected from the union of the methods of the descendant functions, the methods of G itself and the methods of the ancestor functions. This, ancestor functions share methods with their descendants and vice versa. This implies that `x' in `(math 2D-vectors)' will share the methods of `x' in `(my-module)' and vice versa, while `x' in `(math 2D-vectors)' doesn't share the methods of `x' in `(math 3D-vectors)', thus preserving modularity. Sharing is dynamic, so that adding new methods to a descendant implies adding it to the ancestor. If duplicates checking is desired in the above example, the following form of the `:duplicates' option can be used instead: :duplicates (merge-generics check)  File:, Node: Generic Function Internals, Next: Extending Guiles Primitives, Prev: Basic Generic Function Creation, Up: Creating Generic Functions 3.5.2 Generic Function Internals -------------------------------- `define-generic' calls `ensure-generic' to upgrade a pre-existing procedure value, or `make' with metaclass `' to create a new generic function. `define-accessor' calls `ensure-accessor' to upgrade a pre-existing procedure value, or `make-accessor' to create a new accessor. -- procedure: ensure-generic old-definition [name] Return a generic function with name NAME, if possible by using or upgrading OLD-DEFINITION. If unspecified, NAME defaults to `#f'. If OLD-DEFINITION is already a generic function, it is returned unchanged. If OLD-DEFINITION is a Scheme procedure or procedure-with-setter, `ensure-generic' returns a new generic function that uses OLD-DEFINITION for its default procedure and setter. Otherwise `ensure-generic' returns a new generic function with no defaults and no methods. -- procedure: make-generic [name] Return a new generic function with name `(car NAME)'. If unspecified, NAME defaults to `#f'. `ensure-generic' calls `make' with metaclasses `' and `', depending on the previous value of the variable that it is trying to upgrade. `make-generic' is a simple wrapper for `make' with metaclass `'. -- procedure: ensure-accessor proc [name] Return an accessor with name NAME, if possible by using or upgrading PROC. If unspecified, NAME defaults to `#f'. If PROC is already an accessor, it is returned unchanged. If PROC is a Scheme procedure, procedure-with-setter or generic function, `ensure-accessor' returns an accessor that reuses the reusable elements of PROC. Otherwise `ensure-accessor' returns a new accessor with no defaults and no methods. -- procedure: make-accessor [name] Return a new accessor with name `(car NAME)'. If unspecified, NAME defaults to `#f'. `ensure-accessor' calls `make' with metaclass `', as well as calls to `ensure-generic', `make-accessor' and (tail recursively) `ensure-accessor'. `make-accessor' calls `make' twice, first with metaclass `' to create a generic function for the setter, then with metaclass `' to create the accessor, passing the setter generic function as the value of the `#:setter' keyword.  File:, Node: Extending Guiles Primitives, Prev: Generic Function Internals, Up: Creating Generic Functions 3.5.3 Extending Guile's Primitives ---------------------------------- When GOOPS is loaded, many of Guile's primitive procedures can be extended by giving them a generic function definition that operates in conjunction with their normal C-coded implementation. For primitives that are extended in this way, the result from the user- or application-level point of view is that the extended primitive behaves exactly like a generic function with the C-coded implementation as its default method. The `generic-capability?' predicate should be used to determine whether a particular primitive is extensible in this way. -- primitive procedure: generic-capability? primitive Return `#t' if PRIMITIVE can be extended by giving it a generic function definition, otherwise `#f'. Even when a primitive procedure is extensible like this, its generic function definition is not created until it is needed by a call to `define-method', or until the application explicitly requests it by calling `enable-primitive-generic!'. -- primitive procedure: enable-primitive-generic! primitive Force the creation of a generic function definition for PRIMITIVE. Once the generic function definition for a primitive has been created, it can be retrieved using `primitive-generic-generic'. -- primitive procedure: primitive-generic-generic primitive Return the generic function definition of PRIMITIVE. `primitive-generic-generic' raises an error if PRIMITIVE is not a primitive with generic capability, or if its generic capability has not yet been enabled, whether implicitly (by `define-method') or explicitly (by `enable-primitive-generic!'). Note that the distinction between, on the one hand, primitives with additional generic function definitions and, on the other hand, generic functions with a default method, may disappear when GOOPS is fully integrated into the core of Guile. Consequently, the procedures described in this section may disappear as well.  File:, Node: Adding Methods to Generic Functions, Next: Invoking Generic Functions, Prev: Creating Generic Functions, Up: Reference Manual 3.6 Adding Methods to Generic Functions ======================================= * Menu: * Basic Method Definition:: * Method Definition Internals::  File:, Node: Basic Method Definition, Next: Method Definition Internals, Up: Adding Methods to Generic Functions 3.6.1 Basic Method Definition ----------------------------- To add a method to a generic function, use the `define-method' form. -- syntax: define-method (generic parameter ...) . body Define a method for the generic function or accessor GENERIC with parameters PARAMETERs and body BODY. GENERIC is a generic function. If GENERIC is a variable which is not yet bound to a generic function object, the expansion of `define-method' will include a call to `define-generic'. If GENERIC is `(setter GENERIC-WITH-SETTER)', where GENERIC-WITH-SETTER is a variable which is not yet bound to a generic-with-setter object, the expansion will include a call to `define-accessor'. Each PARAMETER must be either a symbol or a two-element list `(SYMBOL CLASS)'. The symbols refer to variables in the BODY that will be bound to the parameters supplied by the caller when calling this method. The CLASSes, if present, specify the possible combinations of parameters to which this method can be applied. BODY is the body of the method definition. `define-method' expressions look a little like normal Scheme procedure definitions of the form (define (name formals ...) . body) The most important difference is that each formal parameter, apart from the possible "rest" argument, can be qualified by a class name: `FORMAL' becomes `(FORMAL CLASS)'. The meaning of this qualification is that the method being defined will only be applicable in a particular generic function invocation if the corresponding argument is an instance of `CLASS' (or one of its subclasses). If more than one of the formal parameters is qualified in this way, then the method will only be applicable if each of the corresponding arguments is an instance of its respective qualifying class. Note that unqualified formal parameters act as though they are qualified by the class `', which GOOPS uses to mean the superclass of all valid Scheme types, including both primitive types and GOOPS classes. For example, if a generic function method is defined with PARAMETERs `((s1 ) (n ))', that method is only applicable to invocations of its generic function that have two parameters where the first parameter is an instance of the `' class and the second parameter is a number. If a generic function is invoked with a combination of parameters for which there is no applicable method, GOOPS raises an error. For more about invocation error handling, and generic function invocation in general, see *note Invoking Generic Functions::.  File:, Node: Method Definition Internals, Prev: Basic Method Definition, Up: Adding Methods to Generic Functions 3.6.2 Method Definition Internals --------------------------------- `define-method' * checks the form of the first parameter, and applies the following steps to the accessor's setter if it has the `(setter ...)' form * interpolates a call to `define-generic' or `define-accessor' if a generic function is not already defined with the supplied name * calls `method' with the PARAMETERs and BODY, to make a new method instance * calls `add-method!' to add this method to the relevant generic function. -- syntax: method (parameter ...) . body Make a method whose specializers are defined by the classes in PARAMETERs and whose procedure definition is constructed from the PARAMETER symbols and BODY forms. The PARAMETER and BODY parameters should be as for `define-method' (*note define-method: Basic Method Definition.). `method' * extracts formals and specializing classes from the PARAMETERs, defaulting the class for unspecialized parameters to `' * creates a closure using the formals and the BODY forms * calls `make' with metaclass `' and the specializers and closure using the `#:specializers' and `#:procedure' keywords. -- procedure: make-method specializers procedure Make a method using SPECIALIZERS and PROCEDURE. SPECIALIZERS should be a list of classes that specifies the parameter combinations to which this method will be applicable. PROCEDURE should be the closure that will applied to the generic function parameters when this method is invoked. `make-method' is a simple wrapper around `make' with metaclass `'. -- generic: add-method! target method Generic function for adding method METHOD to TARGET. -- method: add-method! (generic ) (method ) Add method METHOD to the generic function GENERIC. -- method: add-method! (proc ) (method ) If PROC is a procedure with generic capability (*note generic-capability?: Extending Guiles Primitives.), upgrade it to a primitive generic and add METHOD to its generic function definition. -- method: add-method! (pg ) (method ) Add method METHOD to the generic function definition of PG. Implementation: `(add-method! (primitive-generic-generic pg) method)'. -- method: add-method! (whatever ) (method ) Raise an error indicating that WHATEVER is not a valid generic function.  File:, Node: Invoking Generic Functions, Next: Redefining a Class, Prev: Adding Methods to Generic Functions, Up: Reference Manual 3.7 Invoking Generic Functions ============================== When a variable with a generic function definition appears as the first element of a list that is being evaluated, the Guile evaluator tries to apply the generic function to the arguments obtained by evaluating the remaining elements of the list. [ *fixme* How do I put this in a more Schemely and less Lispy way? ] Usually a generic function contains several method definitions, with varying degrees of formal parameter specialization (*note define-method: Basic Method Definition.). So it is necessary to sort these methods by specificity with respect to the supplied arguments, and then apply the most specific method definition. Less specific methods may be applied subsequently if a method that is being applied calls `next-method'. * Menu: * Determining Which Methods to Apply:: * Handling Invocation Errors::  File:, Node: Determining Which Methods to Apply, Next: Handling Invocation Errors, Up: Invoking Generic Functions 3.7.1 Determining Which Methods to Apply ---------------------------------------- [ *fixme* Sorry - this is the area of GOOPS that I understand least of all, so I'm afraid I have to pass on this section. Would some other kind person consider filling it in? ] -- generic: apply-generic -- method: apply-generic (gf ) args -- generic: compute-applicable-methods -- method: compute-applicable-methods (gf ) args -- generic: sort-applicable-methods -- method: sort-applicable-methods (gf ) methods args -- generic: method-more-specific? -- method: method-more-specific? (m1 ) (m2 ) args -- generic: apply-method -- method: apply-method (gf ) methods build-next args -- generic: apply-methods -- method: apply-methods (gf ) (l ) args  File:, Node: Handling Invocation Errors, Prev: Determining Which Methods to Apply, Up: Invoking Generic Functions 3.7.2 Handling Invocation Errors -------------------------------- -- generic: no-method -- method: no-method (gf ) args When an application invokes a generic function, and no methods at all have been defined for that generic function, GOOPS calls the `no-method' generic function. The default method calls `goops-error' with an appropriate message. -- generic: no-applicable-method -- method: no-applicable-method (gf ) args When an application applies a generic function to a set of arguments, and no methods have been defined for those argument types, GOOPS calls the `no-applicable-method' generic function. The default method calls `goops-error' with an appropriate message. -- generic: no-next-method -- method: no-next-method (gf ) args When a generic function method calls `(next-method)' to invoke the next less specialized method for that generic function, and no less specialized methods have been defined for the current generic function arguments, GOOPS calls the `no-next-method' generic function. The default method calls `goops-error' with an appropriate message.  File:, Node: Redefining a Class, Next: Changing the Class of an Instance, Prev: Invoking Generic Functions, Up: Reference Manual 3.8 Redefining a Class ====================== Suppose that a class `' is defined using `define-class' (*note define-class: Basic Class Definition.), with slots that have accessor functions, and that an application has created several instances of `' using `make' (*note make: Basic Instance Creation.). What then happens if `' is redefined by calling `define-class' again? * Menu: * Default Class Redefinition Behaviour:: * Customizing Class Redefinition::  File:, Node: Default Class Redefinition Behaviour, Next: Customizing Class Redefinition, Up: Redefining a Class 3.8.1 Default Class Redefinition Behaviour ------------------------------------------ GOOPS' default answer to this question is as follows. * All existing direct instances of `' are converted to be instances of the new class. This is achieved by preserving the values of slots that exist in both the old and new definitions, and initializing the values of new slots in the usual way (*note make: Basic Instance Creation.). * All existing subclasses of `' are redefined, as though the `define-class' expressions that defined them were re-evaluated following the redefinition of `', and the class redefinition process described here is applied recursively to the redefined subclasses. * Once all of its instances and subclasses have been updated, the class metaobject previously bound to the variable `' is no longer needed and so can be allowed to be garbage collected. To keep things tidy, GOOPS also needs to do a little housekeeping on methods that are associated with the redefined class. * Slot accessor methods for slots in the old definition should be removed from their generic functions. They will be replaced by accessor methods for the slots of the new class definition. * Any generic function method that uses the old `' metaobject as one of its formal parameter specializers must be updated to refer to the new `' metaobject. (Whenever a new generic function method is defined, `define-method' adds the method to a list stored in the class metaobject for each class used as a formal parameter specializer, so it is easy to identify all the methods that must be updated when a class is redefined.) If this class redefinition strategy strikes you as rather counter-intuitive, bear in mind that it is derived from similar behaviour in other object systems such as CLOS, and that experience in those systems has shown it to be very useful in practice. Also bear in mind that, like most of GOOPS' default behaviour, it can be customized...  File:, Node: Customizing Class Redefinition, Prev: Default Class Redefinition Behaviour, Up: Redefining a Class 3.8.2 Customizing Class Redefinition ------------------------------------ When `define-class' notices that a class is being redefined, it constructs the new class metaobject as usual, and then invokes the `class-redefinition' generic function with the old and new classes as arguments. Therefore, if the old or new classes have metaclasses other than the default `', class redefinition behaviour can be customized by defining a `class-redefinition' method that is specialized for the relevant metaclasses. -- generic: class-redefinition Handle the class redefinition from OLD-CLASS to NEW-CLASS, and return the new class metaobject that should be bound to the variable specified by `define-class''s first argument. -- method: class-redefinition (old-class ) (new-class ) Implements GOOPS' default class redefinition behaviour, as described in *note Default Class Redefinition Behaviour::. Returns the metaobject for the new class definition. An alternative class redefinition strategy could be to leave all existing instances as instances of the old class, but accepting that the old class is now "nameless", since its name has been taken over by the new definition. In this strategy, any existing subclasses could also be left as they are, on the understanding that they inherit from a nameless superclass. This strategy is easily implemented in GOOPS, by defining a new metaclass, that will be used as the metaclass for all classes to which the strategy should apply, and then defining a `class-redefinition' method that is specialized for this metaclass: (define-class ()) (define-method (class-redefinition (old ) (new )) new) When customization can be as easy as this, aren't you glad that GOOPS implements the far more difficult strategy as its default! Finally, note that, if `class-redefinition' itself is not customized, the default `class-redefinition' method invokes three further generic functions that could be individually customized: * (remove-class-accessors! OLD-CLASS) * (update-direct-method! METHOD OLD-CLASS NEW-CLASS) * (update-direct-subclass! SUBCLASS OLD-CLASS NEW-CLASS) and the default methods for these generic functions invoke further generic functions, and so on... The detailed protocol for all of these is described in *note MOP Specification::.  File:, Node: Changing the Class of an Instance, Next: Introspection, Prev: Redefining a Class, Up: Reference Manual 3.9 Changing the Class of an Instance ===================================== You can change the class of an existing instance by invoking the generic function `change-class' with two arguments: the instance and the new class. -- generic: change-class The default method for `change-class' decides how to implement the change of class by looking at the slot definitions for the instance's existing class and for the new class. If the new class has slots with the same name as slots in the existing class, the values for those slots are preserved. Slots that are present only in the existing class are discarded. Slots that are present only in the new class are initialized using the corresponding slot definition's init function (*note slot-init-function: Classes.). -- method: change-class (obj ) (new ) Modify instance OBJ to make it an instance of class NEW. The value of each of OBJ's slots is preserved only if a similarly named slot exists in NEW; any other slot values are discarded. The slots in NEW that do not correspond to any of OBJ's pre-existing slots are initialized according to NEW's slot definitions' init functions. Customized change of class behaviour can be implemented by defining `change-class' methods that are specialized either by the class of the instances to be modified or by the metaclass of the new class. When a class is redefined (*note Redefining a Class::), and the default class redefinition behaviour is not overridden, GOOPS (eventually) invokes the `change-class' generic function for each existing instance of the redefined class.  File:, Node: Introspection, Next: Miscellaneous Functions, Prev: Changing the Class of an Instance, Up: Reference Manual 3.10 Introspection ================== "Introspection", also known as "reflection", is the name given to the ability to obtain information dynamically about GOOPS metaobjects. It is perhaps best illustrated by considering an object oriented language that does not provide any introspection, namely C++. Nothing in C++ allows a running program to obtain answers to the following types of question: * What are the data members of this object or class? * What classes does this class inherit from? * Is this method call virtual or non-virtual? * If I invoke `Employee::adjustHoliday()', what class contains the `adjustHoliday()' method that will be applied? In C++, answers to such questions can only be determined by looking at the source code, if you have access to it. GOOPS, on the other hand, includes procedures that allow answers to these questions -- or their GOOPS equivalents -- to be obtained dynamically, at run time. * Menu: * Classes:: * Slots:: * Instances:: * Generic Functions:: * Generic Function Methods::  File:, Node: Classes, Next: Slots, Up: Introspection 3.10.1 Classes -------------- -- primitive procedure: class-name class Return the name of class CLASS. This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `name' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-direct-supers class Return a list containing the direct superclasses of CLASS. This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `direct-supers' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-direct-slots class Return a list containing the slot definitions of the direct slots of CLASS. This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `direct-slots' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-direct-subclasses class Return a list containing the direct subclasses of CLASS. This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `direct-subclasses' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-direct-methods class Return a list of all the generic function methods that use CLASS as a formal parameter specializer. This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `direct-methods' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-precedence-list class Return the class precedence list for class CLASS (*note Class precedence list::). This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `cpl' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-slots class Return a list containing the slot definitions for all CLASS's slots, including any slots that are inherited from superclasses. This is the value of the CLASS metaobject's `slots' slot. -- primitive procedure: class-environment class Return the value of CLASS's `environment' slot. [ *fixme* I don't know what this value is used for. ] -- procedure: class-subclasses class Return a list of all subclasses of CLASS. -- procedure: class-methods class Return a list of all methods that use CLASS or a subclass of CLASS as one of its formal parameter specializers.  File:, Node: Slots, Next: Instances, Prev: Classes, Up: Introspection 3.10.2 Slots ------------ -- procedure: class-slot-definition class slot-name Return the slot definition for the slot named SLOT-NAME in class CLASS. SLOT-NAME should be a symbol. -- procedure: slot-definition-name slot-def Extract and return the slot name from SLOT-DEF. -- procedure: slot-definition-options slot-def Extract and return the slot options from SLOT-DEF. -- procedure: slot-definition-allocation slot-def Extract and return the slot allocation option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:allocation' keyword (*note allocation: Slot Options.), or `#:instance' if the `#:allocation' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-getter slot-def Extract and return the slot getter option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:getter' keyword (*note getter: Slot Options.), or `#f' if the `#:getter' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-setter slot-def Extract and return the slot setter option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:setter' keyword (*note setter: Slot Options.), or `#f' if the `#:setter' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-accessor slot-def Extract and return the slot accessor option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:accessor' keyword (*note accessor: Slot Options.), or `#f' if the `#:accessor' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-init-value slot-def Extract and return the slot init-value option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:init-value' keyword (*note init-value: Slot Options.), or the unbound value if the `#:init-value' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-init-form slot-def Extract and return the slot init-form option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:init-form' keyword (*note init-form: Slot Options.), or the unbound value if the `#:init-form' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-init-thunk slot-def Extract and return the slot init-thunk option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:init-thunk' keyword (*note init-thunk: Slot Options.), or `#f' if the `#:init-thunk' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-definition-init-keyword slot-def Extract and return the slot init-keyword option from SLOT-DEF. This is the value of the `#:init-keyword' keyword (*note init-keyword: Slot Options.), or `#f' if the `#:init-keyword' keyword is absent. -- procedure: slot-init-function class slot-name Return the initialization function for the slot named SLOT-NAME in class CLASS. SLOT-NAME should be a symbol. The returned initialization function incorporates the effects of the standard `#:init-thunk', `#:init-form' and `#:init-value' slot options. These initializations can be overridden by the `#:init-keyword' slot option or by a specialized `initialize' method, so, in general, the function returned by `slot-init-function' may be irrelevant. For a fuller discussion, see *note init-value: Slot Options.  File:, Node: Instances, Next: Generic Functions, Prev: Slots, Up: Introspection 3.10.3 Instances ---------------- -- primitive procedure: class-of value Return the GOOPS class of any Scheme VALUE. -- primitive procedure: instance? object Return `#t' if OBJECT is any GOOPS instance, otherwise `#f'. -- procedure: is-a? object class Return `#t' if OBJECT is an instance of CLASS or one of its subclasses. Implementation notes: `is-a?' uses `class-of' and `class-precedence-list' to obtain the class precedence list for OBJECT.  File:, Node: Generic Functions, Next: Generic Function Methods, Prev: Instances, Up: Introspection 3.10.4 Generic Functions ------------------------ -- primitive procedure: generic-function-name gf Return the name of generic function GF. -- primitive procedure: generic-function-methods gf Return a list of the methods of generic function GF. This is the value of the GF metaobject's `methods' slot.  File:, Node: Generic Function Methods, Prev: Generic Functions, Up: Introspection 3.10.5 Generic Function Methods ------------------------------- -- primitive procedure: method-generic-function method Return the generic function that METHOD belongs to. This is the value of the METHOD metaobject's `generic-function' slot. -- primitive procedure: method-specializers method Return a list of METHOD's formal parameter specializers . This is the value of the METHOD metaobject's `specializers' slot. -- primitive procedure: method-procedure method Return the procedure that implements METHOD. This is the value of the METHOD metaobject's `procedure' slot. -- generic: method-source -- method: method-source (m ) Return an expression that prints to show the definition of method M. (define-generic cube) (define-method (cube (n )) (* n n n)) (map method-source (generic-function-methods cube)) => ((method ((n )) (* n n n)))  File:, Node: Miscellaneous Functions, Prev: Introspection, Up: Reference Manual 3.11 Miscellaneous Functions ============================ * Menu: * Administrative Functions:: * Error Handling:: * Object Comparisons:: * Cloning Objects:: * Write and Display::  File:, Node: Administrative Functions, Next: Error Handling, Up: Miscellaneous Functions 3.11.1 Administration Functions ------------------------------- This section describes administrative, non-technical GOOPS functions. -- primitive: goops-version Return the current GOOPS version as a string, for example "0.2".  File:, Node: Error Handling, Next: Object Comparisons, Prev: Administrative Functions, Up: Miscellaneous Functions 3.11.2 Error Handling --------------------- The procedure `goops-error' is called to raise an appropriate error by the default methods of the following generic functions: * `slot-missing' (*note slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors.) * `slot-unbound' (*note slot-unbound: Handling Slot Access Errors.) * `no-method' (*note no-method: Handling Invocation Errors.) * `no-applicable-method' (*note no-applicable-method: Handling Invocation Errors.) * `no-next-method' (*note no-next-method: Handling Invocation Errors.) If you customize these functions for particular classes or metaclasses, you may still want to use `goops-error' to signal any error conditions that you detect. -- procedure: goops-error format-string . args Raise an error with key `goops-error' and error message constructed from FORMAT-STRING and ARGS. Error message formatting is as done by `scm-error'.  File:, Node: Object Comparisons, Next: Cloning Objects, Prev: Error Handling, Up: Miscellaneous Functions 3.11.3 Object Comparisons ------------------------- -- generic: eqv? -- method: eqv? ((x ) (y )) -- generic: equal? -- method: equal? ((x ) (y )) -- generic: = -- method: = ((x ) (y )) Generic functions and default (unspecialized) methods for comparing two GOOPS objects. The default method for `eqv?' returns `#t' for all values that are equal in the sense defined by R5RS and the Guile reference manual, otherwise `#f'. The default method for `equal?' returns `#t' or `#f' in the sense defined by R5RS and the Guile reference manual. If no such comparison is defined, `equal?' returns the result of a call to `eqv?'. The default method for = returns `#t' if X and Y are numerically equal, otherwise `#f'. Application class authors may wish to define specialized methods for `eqv?', `equal?' and `=' that compare instances of the same class for equality in whatever sense is useful to the application. Such methods will only be called if the arguments have the same class and the result of the comparison isn't defined by R5RS and the Guile reference manual.  File:, Node: Cloning Objects, Next: Write and Display, Prev: Object Comparisons, Up: Miscellaneous Functions 3.11.4 Cloning Objects ---------------------- -- generic: shallow-clone -- method: shallow-clone (self ) Return a "shallow" clone of SELF. The default method makes a shallow clone by allocating a new instance and copying slot values from self to the new instance. Each slot value is copied either as an immediate value or by reference. -- generic: deep-clone -- method: deep-clone (self ) Return a "deep" clone of SELF. The default method makes a deep clone by allocating a new instance and copying or cloning slot values from self to the new instance. If a slot value is an instance (satisfies `instance?'), it is cloned by calling `deep-clone' on that value. Other slot values are copied either as immediate values or by reference.  File:, Node: Write and Display, Prev: Cloning Objects, Up: Miscellaneous Functions 3.11.5 Write and Display ------------------------ -- primitive generic: write object port -- primitive generic: display object port When GOOPS is loaded, `write' and `display' become generic functions with special methods for printing * objects - instances of the class `' * foreign objects - instances of the class `' * classes - instances of the class `' * generic functions - instances of the class `' * methods - instances of the class `'. `write' and `display' print non-GOOPS values in the same way as the Guile primitive `write' and `display' functions.  File:, Node: MOP Specification, Next: Tutorial, Prev: Reference Manual, Up: Top 4 MOP Specification ******************* For an introduction to metaobjects and the metaobject protocol, see *note Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol::. The aim of the MOP specification in this chapter is to specify all the customizable generic function invocations that can be made by the standard GOOPS syntax, procedures and methods, and to explain the protocol for customizing such invocations. A generic function invocation is customizable if the types of the arguments to which it is applied are not all determined by the lexical context in which the invocation appears. For example, * the `(initialize INSTANCE INITARGS)' invocation in the default `make-instance' method is customizable, because the type of the `INSTANCE' argument is determined by the class that was passed to `make-instance'. * the `(make #:name ',name)' invocation in `define-generic' is not customizable, because all of its arguments have lexically determined types. When using this rule to decide whether a given generic function invocation is customizable, we ignore arguments that are expected to be handled in method definitions as a single "rest" list argument. For each customizable generic function invocation, the "invocation protocol" is explained by specifying * what, conceptually, the applied method is intended to do * what assumptions, if any, the caller makes about the applied method's side effects * what the caller expects to get as the applied method's return value. * Menu: * Class Definition:: * Instance Creation:: * Class Redefinition:: * Method Definition:: * Generic Function Invocation::  File:, Node: Class Definition, Next: Instance Creation, Up: MOP Specification 4.1 Class Definition ==================== `define-class' (syntax) * `class' (syntax) * `make-class' (procedure) * `make METACLASS ...' (generic) METACLASS is the metaclass of the class being defined, either taken from the `#:metaclass' class option or computed by `ensure-metaclass'. The applied method must create and return the fully initialized class metaobject for the new class definition. * `class-redefinition OLD-CLASS NEW-CLASS' (generic) `define-class' calls `class-redefinition' if the variable specified by its first argument already held a GOOPS class definition. OLD-CLASS and NEW-CLASS are the old and new class metaobjects. The applied method should perform whatever is necessary to handle the redefinition, and should return the class metaobject that is to be bound to `define-class''s variable. The default class redefinition protocol is described in *note Class Redefinition::. The `(make METACLASS ...)' invocation above will create an class metaobject with metaclass METACLASS. By default, this metaobject will be initialized by the `initialize' method that is specialized for instances of type `'. `initialize INITARGS' (method) * `compute-cpl CLASS' (generic) The applied method should compute and return the class precedence list for CLASS as a list of class metaobjects. When `compute-cpl' is called, the following CLASS metaobject slots have all been initialized: `name', `direct-supers', `direct-slots', `direct-subclasses' (empty), `direct-methods'. The value returned by `compute-cpl' will be stored in the `cpl' slot. * `compute-slots CLASS' (generic) The applied method should compute and return the slots (union of direct and inherited) for CLASS as a list of slot definitions. When `compute-slots' is called, all the CLASS metaobject slots mentioned for `compute-cpl' have been initialized, plus the following: `cpl', `redefined' (`#f'), `environment'. The value returned by `compute-slots' will be stored in the `slots' slot. * `compute-get-n-set CLASS SLOT-DEF' (generic) `initialize' calls `compute-get-n-set' for each slot computed by `compute-slots'. The applied method should compute and return a pair of closures that, respectively, get and set the value of the specified slot. The get closure should have arity 1 and expect a single argument that is the instance whose slot value is to be retrieved. The set closure should have arity 2 and expect two arguments, where the first argument is the instance whose slot value is to be set and the second argument is the new value for that slot. The closures should be returned in a two element list: `(list GET SET)'. The closures returned by `compute-get-n-set' are stored as part of the value of the CLASS metaobject's `getters-n-setters' slot. Specifically, the value of this slot is a list with the same number of elements as there are slots in the class, and each element looks either like `(SLOT-NAME-SYMBOL INIT-FUNCTION . INDEX)' or like `(SLOT-NAME-SYMBOL INIT-FUNCTION GET SET)' Where the get and set closures are replaced by INDEX, the slot is an instance slot and INDEX is the slot's index in the underlying structure: GOOPS knows how to get and set the value of such slots and so does not need specially constructed get and set closures. Otherwise, GET and SET are the closures returned by `compute-get-n-set'. The structure of the `getters-n-setters' slot value is important when understanding the next customizable generic functions that `initialize' calls... * `compute-getter-method CLASS GNS' (generic) `initialize' calls `compute-getter-method' for each of the class's slots (as determined by `compute-slots') that includes a `#:getter' or `#:accessor' slot option. GNS is the element of the CLASS metaobject's `getters-n-setters' slot that specifies how the slot in question is referenced and set, as described above under `compute-get-n-set'. The applied method should create and return a method that is specialized for instances of type CLASS and uses the get closure to retrieve the slot's value. [ *fixme Need to insert something here about checking that the value is not unbound. ] `initialize' uses `add-method!' to add the returned method to the generic function named by the slot definition's `#:getter' or `#:accessor' option. * `compute-setter-method CLASS GNS' (generic) `compute-setter-method' is invoked with the same arguments as `compute-getter-method', for each of the class's slots that includes a `#:setter' or `#:accessor' slot option. The applied method should create and return a method that is specialized for instances of type CLASS and uses the set closure to set the slot's value. `initialize' then uses `add-method!' to add the returned method to the generic function named by the slot definition's `#:setter' or `#:accessor' option.  File:, Node: Instance Creation, Next: Class Redefinition, Prev: Class Definition, Up: MOP Specification 4.2 Instance Creation ===================== `make . INITARGS' (method) * `allocate-instance CLASS INITARGS' (generic) The applied `allocate-instance' method should allocate storage for a new instance of class CLASS and return the uninitialized instance. * `initialize INSTANCE INITARGS' (generic) INSTANCE is the uninitialized instance returned by `allocate-instance'. The applied method should initialize the new instance in whatever sense is appropriate for its class. The method's return value is ignored.  File:, Node: Class Redefinition, Next: Method Definition, Prev: Instance Creation, Up: MOP Specification 4.3 Class Redefinition ====================== The default `class-redefinition' method, specialized for classes with the default metaclass `', has the following internal protocol. `class-redefinition (OLD ) (NEW )' (method) * `remove-class-accessors! OLD' (generic) * `update-direct-method! METHOD OLD NEW' (generic) * `update-direct-subclass! SUBCLASS OLD NEW' (generic) This protocol cleans up things that the definition of the old class once changed and modifies things to work with the new class. The default `remove-class-accessors!' method removes the accessor methods of the old class from all classes which they specialize. The default `update-direct-method!' method substitutes the new class for the old in all methods specialized to the old class. The default `update-direct-subclass!' method invokes `class-redefinition' recursively to handle the redefinition of subclasses. When a class is redefined, any existing instance of the redefined class will be modified for the new class definition before the next time that any of the instance's slot is referenced or set. GOOPS modifies each instance by calling the generic function `change-class'. The default `change-class' method copies slot values from the old to the modified instance, and initializes new slots, as described in *note Changing the Class of an Instance::. After doing so, it makes a generic function invocation that can be used to customize the instance update algorithm. `change-class (OLD-INSTANCE ) (NEW )' (method) * `update-instance-for-different-class OLD-INSTANCE NEW-INSTANCE' (generic) `change-class' invokes `update-instance-for-different-class' as the last thing that it does before returning. The applied method can make any further adjustments to NEW-INSTANCE that are required to complete or modify the change of class. The return value from the applied method is ignored. The default `update-instance-for-different-class' method does nothing.  File:, Node: Method Definition, Next: Generic Function Invocation, Prev: Class Redefinition, Up: MOP Specification 4.4 Method Definition ===================== `define-method' (syntax) * `add-method! TARGET METHOD' (generic) `define-method' invokes the `add-method!' generic function to handle adding the new method to a variety of possible targets. GOOPS includes methods to handle TARGET as * a generic function (the most common case) * a procedure * a primitive generic (*note Extending Guiles Primitives::) By defining further methods for `add-method!', you can theoretically handle adding methods to further types of target.  File:, Node: Generic Function Invocation, Prev: Method Definition, Up: MOP Specification 4.5 Generic Function Invocation =============================== [ *fixme* Description required here. ] `apply-generic' * `no-method' * `compute-applicable-methods' * `sort-applicable-methods' * `apply-methods' * `no-applicable-method' `sort-applicable-methods' * `method-more-specific?' `apply-methods' * `apply-method' `next-method' * `no-next-method'  File:, Node: Tutorial, Next: Concept Index, Prev: MOP Specification, Up: Top 5 Tutorial ********** This is chapter was originally written by Erick Gallesio as an appendix for the STk reference manual, and subsequently adapted to GOOPS. * Menu: * Copyright:: * Intro:: * Class definition and instantiation:: * Inheritance:: * Generic functions::  File:, Node: Copyright, Next: Intro, Prev: Tutorial, Up: Tutorial 5.1 Copyright ============= Original attribution: STk Reference manual (Appendix: An Introduction to STklos) Copyright © 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. This software is provided "AS IS" without express or implied warranty. Adapted for use in Guile with the authors permission  File:, Node: Intro, Next: Class definition and instantiation, Prev: Copyright, Up: Tutorial 5.2 Introduction ================ GOOPS is the object oriented extension to Guile. Its implementation is derived from STk-3.99.3 by Erick Gallesio and version 1.3 of the Gregor Kiczales `Tiny-Clos'. It is very close to CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System (`CLtL2') but is adapted for the Scheme language. Briefly stated, the GOOPS extension gives the user a full object oriented system with multiple inheritance and generic functions with multi-method dispatch. Furthermore, the implementation relies on a true meta object protocol, in the spirit of the one defined for CLOS (`Gregor Kiczales: A Metaobject Protocol'). The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce briefly the GOOPS package and in no case will it replace the GOOPS reference manual (which needs to be urgently written now ...). Note that the operations described in this tutorial resides in modules that may need to be imported before being available. The main module is imported by evaluating: (use-modules (oop goops))  File:, Node: Class definition and instantiation, Next: Inheritance, Prev: Intro, Up: Tutorial 5.3 Class definition and instantiation ====================================== * Menu: * Class definition::  File:, Node: Class definition, Prev: Class definition and instantiation, Up: Class definition and instantiation 5.3.1 Class definition ---------------------- A new class is defined with the `define-class'(1) macro. The syntax of `define-class' is close to CLOS `defclass': (define-class CLASS (SUPERCLASS ...) SLOT-DESCRIPTION ... CLASS-OPTION ...) Class options will not be discussed in this tutorial. The list of SUPERCLASSes specifies which classes to inherit properties from CLASS (see *note Inheritance:: for more details). A SLOT-DESCRIPTION gives the name of a slot and, eventually, some "properties" of this slot (such as its initial value, the function which permit to access its value, ...). Slot descriptions will be discussed in *note Slot description::. As an example, let us define a type for representation of complex numbers in terms of real numbers. This can be done with the following class definition: (define-class () r i) This binds the variable `'(2) to a new class whose instances contain two slots. These slots are called `r' an `i' and we suppose here that they contain respectively the real part and the imaginary part of a complex number. Note that this class inherits from `' which is a pre-defined class. (`' is the direct super class of the pre-defined class `' which, in turn, is the super class of `' which is the super of `'.)(3). ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) Don't forget to import the `(oop goops)' module (2) `' is in fact a builtin class in GOOPS. Because of this, GOOPS will create a new class. The old class will still serve as the type for Guile's native complex numbers. (3) With the new definition of `', a `' is not a `' since `' inherits from ` ' rather than `'. In practice, inheritance could be modified _a posteriori_, if needed. However, this necessitates some knowledge of the meta object protocol and it will not be shown in this document  File:, Node: Inheritance, Next: Generic functions, Prev: Class definition and instantiation, Up: Tutorial 5.4 Inheritance =============== * Menu: * Class hierarchy and inheritance of slots:: * Instance creation and slot access:: * Slot description:: * Class precedence list::  File:, Node: Class hierarchy and inheritance of slots, Next: Instance creation and slot access, Prev: Inheritance, Up: Inheritance 5.4.1 Class hierarchy and inheritance of slots ---------------------------------------------- Inheritance is specified upon class definition. As said in the introduction, GOOPS supports multiple inheritance. Here are some class definitions: (define-class A () a) (define-class B () b) (define-class C () c) (define-class D (A B) d a) (define-class E (A C) e c) (define-class F (D E) f) `A', `B', `C' have a null list of super classes. In this case, the system will replace it by the list which only contains `', the root of all the classes defined by `define-class'. `D', `E', `F' use multiple inheritance: each class inherits from two previously defined classes. Those class definitions define a hierarchy which is shown in Figure 1. In this figure, the class `' is also shown; this class is the super class of all Scheme objects. In particular, `' is the super class of all standard Scheme types. [image src="hierarchy.png" text=" / \\\\\\_____________________ / \\\\___________ \\ / \\ \\ \\ / | \\ | / | \\ | A B C |\\__/__ | | \\ / \\ / | D E \\ / | F | "] _Fig 1: A class hierarchy_ The set of slots of a given class is calculated by taking the union of the slots of all its super class. For instance, each instance of the class D, defined before will have three slots (`a', `b' and `d'). The slots of a class can be obtained by the `class-slots' primitive. For instance, (class-slots A) => ((a)) (class-slots E) => ((a) (e) (c)) (class-slots F) => ((e) (c) (b) (d) (a) (f)) _Note: _ The order of slots is not significant.  File:, Node: Instance creation and slot access, Next: Slot description, Prev: Class hierarchy and inheritance of slots, Up: Inheritance 5.4.2 Instance creation and slot access --------------------------------------- Creation of an instance of a previously defined class can be done with the `make' procedure. This procedure takes one mandatory parameter which is the class of the instance which must be created and a list of optional arguments. Optional arguments are generally used to initialize some slots of the newly created instance. For instance, the following form (define c (make )) will create a new `' object and will bind it to the `c' Scheme variable. Accessing the slots of the new complex number can be done with the `slot-ref' and the `slot-set!' primitives. `Slot-set!' primitive permits to set the value of an object slot and `slot-ref' permits to get its value. (slot-set! c 'r 10) (slot-set! c 'i 3) (slot-ref c 'r) => 10 (slot-ref c 'i) => 3 Using the `describe' function is a simple way to see all the slots of an object at one time: this function prints all the slots of an object on the standard output. First load the module `(oop goops describe)': `(use-modules (oop goops describe))' The expression (describe c) will now print the following information on the standard output: #< 401d8638> is an instance of class Slots are: r = 10 i = 3  File:, Node: Slot description, Next: Class precedence list, Prev: Instance creation and slot access, Up: Inheritance 5.4.3 Slot description ---------------------- When specifying a slot, a set of options can be given to the system. Each option is specified with a keyword. The list of authorized keywords is given below: * `#:init-value' permits to supply a default value for the slot. This default value is obtained by evaluating the form given after the `#:init-form' in the global environment, at class definition time. * `#:init-thunk' permits to supply a thunk that will provide a default value for the slot. The value is obtained by evaluating the thunk a instance creation time. * `#:init-keyword' permits to specify the keyword for initializing a slot. The init-keyword may be provided during instance creation (i.e. in the `make' optional parameter list). Specifying such a keyword during instance initialization will supersede the default slot initialization possibly given with `#:init-form'. * `#:getter' permits to supply the name for the slot getter. The name binding is done in the environment of the `define-class' macro. * `#:setter' permits to supply the name for the slot setter. The name binding is done in the environment of the `define-class' macro. * `#:accessor' permits to supply the name for the slot accessor. The name binding is done in the global environment. An accessor permits to get and set the value of a slot. Setting the value of a slot is done with the extended version of `set!'. * `#:allocation' permits to specify how storage for the slot is allocated. Three kinds of allocation are provided. They are described below: - `#:instance' indicates that each instance gets its own storage for the slot. This is the default. - `#:class' indicates that there is one storage location used by all the direct and indirect instances of the class. This permits to define a kind of global variable which can be accessed only by (in)direct instances of the class which defines this slot. - `#:each-subclass' indicates that there is one storage location used by all the direct instances of the class. In other words, if two classes are not siblings in the class hierarchy, they will not see the same value. - `#:virtual' indicates that no storage will be allocated for this slot. It is up to the user to define a getter and a setter function for this slot. Those functions must be defined with the `#:slot-ref' and `#:slot-set!' options. See the example below. To illustrate slot description, we shall redefine the `' class seen before. A definition could be: (define-class () (r #:init-value 0 #:getter get-r #:setter set-r! #:init-keyword #:r) (i #:init-value 0 #:getter get-i #:setter set-i! #:init-keyword #:i)) With this definition, the `r' and `i' slot are set to 0 by default. Value of a slot can also be specified by calling `make' with the `#:r' and `#:i' keywords. Furthermore, the generic functions `get-r' and `set-r!' (resp. `get-i' and `set-i!') are automatically defined by the system to read and write the `r' (resp. `i') slot. (define c1 (make #:r 1 #:i 2)) (get-r c1) => 1 (set-r! c1 12) (get-r c1) => 12 (define c2 (make #:r 2)) (get-r c2) => 2 (get-i c2) => 0 Accessors provide an uniform access for reading and writing an object slot. Writing a slot is done with an extended form of `set!' which is close to the Common Lisp `setf' macro. So, another definition of the previous `' class, using the `#:accessor' option, could be: (define-class () (r #:init-value 0 #:accessor real-part #:init-keyword #:r) (i #:init-value 0 #:accessor imag-part #:init-keyword #:i)) Using this class definition, reading the real part of the `c' complex can be done with: (real-part c) and setting it to the value contained in the `new-value' variable can be done using the extended form of `set!'. (set! (real-part c) new-value) Suppose now that we have to manipulate complex numbers with rectangular coordinates as well as with polar coordinates. One solution could be to have a definition of complex numbers which uses one particular representation and some conversion functions to pass from one representation to the other. A better solution uses virtual slots. A complete definition of the `' class using virtual slots is given in Figure 2. (define-class () ;; True slots use rectangular coordinates (r #:init-value 0 #:accessor real-part #:init-keyword #:r) (i #:init-value 0 #:accessor imag-part #:init-keyword #:i) ;; Virtual slots access do the conversion (m #:accessor magnitude #:init-keyword #:magn #:allocation #:virtual #:slot-ref (lambda (o) (let ((r (slot-ref o 'r)) (i (slot-ref o 'i))) (sqrt (+ (* r r) (* i i))))) #:slot-set! (lambda (o m) (let ((a (slot-ref o 'a))) (slot-set! o 'r (* m (cos a))) (slot-set! o 'i (* m (sin a)))))) (a #:accessor angle #:init-keyword #:angle #:allocation #:virtual #:slot-ref (lambda (o) (atan (slot-ref o 'i) (slot-ref o 'r))) #:slot-set! (lambda(o a) (let ((m (slot-ref o 'm))) (slot-set! o 'r (* m (cos a))) (slot-set! o 'i (* m (sin a))))))) _Fig 2: A `' number class definition using virtual slots_ This class definition implements two real slots (`r' and `i'). Values of the `m' and `a' virtual slots are calculated from real slot values. Reading a virtual slot leads to the application of the function defined in the `#:slot-ref' option. Writing such a slot leads to the application of the function defined in the `#:slot-set!' option. For instance, the following expression (slot-set! c 'a 3) permits to set the angle of the `c' complex number. This expression conducts, in fact, to the evaluation of the following expression ((lambda o m) (let ((m (slot-ref o 'm))) (slot-set! o 'r (* m (cos a))) (slot-set! o 'i (* m (sin a)))) c 3) A more complete example is given below: (define c (make #:r 12 #:i 20)) (real-part c) => 12 (angle c) => 1.03037682652431 (slot-set! c 'i 10) (set! (real-part c) 1) (describe c) => #< 401e9b58> is an instance of class Slots are: r = 1 i = 10 m = 10.0498756211209 a = 1.47112767430373 Since initialization keywords have been defined for the four slots, we can now define the `make-rectangular' and `make-polar' standard Scheme primitives. (define make-rectangular (lambda (x y) (make #:r x #:i y))) (define make-polar (lambda (x y) (make #:magn x #:angle y)))  File:, Node: Class precedence list, Prev: Slot description, Up: Inheritance 5.4.4 Class precedence list --------------------------- A class may have more than one superclass. (1) With single inheritance (one superclass), it is easy to order the super classes from most to least specific. This is the rule: Rule 1: Each class is more specific than its superclasses. With multiple inheritance, ordering is harder. Suppose we have (define-class X () (x #:init-value 1)) (define-class Y () (x #:init-value 2)) (define-class Z (X Y) (...)) In this case, the `Z' class is more specific than the `X' or `Y' class for instances of `Z'. However, the `#:init-value' specified in `X' and `Y' leads to a problem: which one overrides the other? The rule in GOOPS, as in CLOS, is that the superclasses listed earlier are more specific than those listed later. So: Rule 2: For a given class, superclasses listed earlier are more specific than those listed later. These rules are used to compute a linear order for a class and all its superclasses, from most specific to least specific. This order is called the "class precedence list" of the class. Given these two rules, we can claim that the initial form for the `x' slot of previous example is 1 since the class `X' is placed before `Y' in class precedence list of `Z'. These two rules are not always enough to determine a unique order, however, but they give an idea of how things work. Taking the `F' class shown in Figure 1, the class precedence list is (f d e a c b ) However, it is usually considered a bad idea for programmers to rely on exactly what the order is. If the order for some superclasses is important, it can be expressed directly in the class definition. The precedence list of a class can be obtained by the function `class-precedence-list'. This function returns a ordered list whose first element is the most specific class. For instance, (class-precedence-list B) => (#< B 401b97c8> #< 401e4a10> #< 4026a9d8>) However, this result is not too much readable; using the function `class-name' yields a clearer result: (map class-name (class-precedence-list B)) => (B ) ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) This section is an adaptation of Jeff Dalton's ( `Brief introduction to CLOS'  File:, Node: Generic functions, Prev: Inheritance, Up: Tutorial 5.5 Generic functions ===================== * Menu: * Generic functions and methods:: * Next-method:: * Example::  File:, Node: Generic functions and methods, Next: Next-method, Prev: Generic functions, Up: Generic functions 5.5.1 Generic functions and methods ----------------------------------- Neither GOOPS nor CLOS use the message mechanism for methods as most Object Oriented language do. Instead, they use the notion of "generic functions". A generic function can be seen as a methods "tanker". When the evaluator requested the application of a generic function, all the methods of this generic function will be grabbed and the most specific among them will be applied. We say that a method M is _more specific_ than a method M' if the class of its parameters are more specific than the M' ones. To be more precise, when a generic function must be "called" the system will: 1. search among all the generic function those which are applicable 2. sort the list of applicable methods in the "most specific" order 3. call the most specific method of this list (i.e. the first method of the sorted methods list). The definition of a generic function is done with the `define-generic' macro. Definition of a new method is done with the `define-method' macro. Note that `define-method' automatically defines the generic function if it has not been defined before. Consequently, most of the time, the `define-generic' needs not be used. Consider the following definitions: (define-generic G) (define-method (G (a ) b) 'integer) (define-method (G (a ) b) 'real) (define-method (G a b) 'top) The `define-generic' call defines G as a generic function. Note that the signature of the generic function is not given upon definition, contrarily to CLOS. This will permit methods with different signatures for a given generic function, as we shall see later. The three next lines define methods for the G generic function. Each method uses a sequence of "parameter specializers" that specify when the given method is applicable. A specializer permits to indicate the class a parameter must belong to (directly or indirectly) to be applicable. If no specializer is given, the system defaults it to `'. Thus, the first method definition is equivalent to (define-method (G (a ) (b )) 'integer) Now, let us look at some possible calls to generic function G: (G 2 3) => integer (G 2 #t) => integer (G 1.2 'a) => real (G #t #f) => top (G 1 2 3) => error (since no method exists for 3 parameters) The preceding methods use only one specializer per parameter list. Of course, each parameter can use a specializer. In this case, the parameter list is scanned from left to right to determine the applicability of a method. Suppose we declare now (define-method (G (a ) (b )) 'integer-number) (define-method (G (a ) (b )) 'integer-real) (define-method (G (a ) (b )) 'integer-integer) (define-method (G a (b )) 'top-number) In this case, (G 1 2) => integer-integer (G 1 1.0) => integer-real (G 1 #t) => integer (G 'a 1) => top-number  File:, Node: Next-method, Next: Example, Prev: Generic functions and methods, Up: Generic functions 5.5.2 Next-method ----------------- When you call a generic function, with a particular set of arguments, GOOPS builds a list of all the methods that are applicable to those arguments and orders them by how closely the method definitions match the actual argument types. It then calls the method at the top of this list. If the selected method's code wants to call on to the next method in this list, it can do so by using `next-method'. (define-method (Test (a )) (cons 'integer (next-method))) (define-method (Test (a )) (cons 'number (next-method))) (define-method (Test a) (list 'top)) With these definitions, (Test 1) => (integer number top) (Test 1.0) => (number top) (Test #t) => (top) `next-method' is always called as just `(next-method)'. The arguments for the next method call are always implicit, and always the same as for the original method call. If you want to call on to a method with the same name but with a different set of arguments (as you might with overloaded methods in C++, for example), you do not use `next-method', but instead simply write the new call as usual: (define-method (Test (a ) min max) (if (and (>= a min) (<= a max)) (display "Number is in range\n")) (Test a)) (Test 2 1 10) -| Number is in range => (integer number top) (You should be careful in this case that the `Test' calls do not lead to an infinite recursion, but this consideration is just the same as in Scheme code in general.)  File:, Node: Example, Prev: Next-method, Up: Generic functions 5.5.3 Example ------------- In this section we shall continue to define operations on the `' class defined in Figure 2. Suppose that we want to use it to implement complex numbers completely. For instance a definition for the addition of two complexes could be (define-method (new-+ (a ) (b )) (make-rectangular (+ (real-part a) (real-part b)) (+ (imag-part a) (imag-part b)))) To be sure that the `+' used in the method `new-+' is the standard addition we can do: (define-generic new-+) (let ((+ +)) (define-method (new-+ (a ) (b )) (make-rectangular (+ (real-part a) (real-part b)) (+ (imag-part a) (imag-part b))))) The `define-generic' ensures here that `new-+' will be defined in the global environment. Once this is done, we can add methods to the generic function `new-+' which make a closure on the `+' symbol. A complete writing of the `new-+' methods is shown in Figure 3. (define-generic new-+) (let ((+ +)) (define-method (new-+ (a ) (b )) (+ a b)) (define-method (new-+ (a ) (b )) (make-rectangular (+ a (real-part b)) (imag-part b))) (define-method (new-+ (a ) (b )) (make-rectangular (+ (real-part a) b) (imag-part a))) (define-method (new-+ (a ) (b )) (make-rectangular (+ (real-part a) (real-part b)) (+ (imag-part a) (imag-part b)))) (define-method (new-+ (a )) a) (define-method (new-+) 0) (define-method (new-+ . args) (new-+ (car args) (apply new-+ (cdr args))))) (set! + new-+) _Fig 3: Extending `+' for dealing with complex numbers_ We use here the fact that generic function are not obliged to have the same number of parameters, contrarily to CLOS. The four first methods implement the dyadic addition. The fifth method says that the addition of a single element is this element itself. The sixth method says that using the addition with no parameter always return 0. The last method takes an arbitrary number of parameters(1). This method acts as a kind of `reduce': it calls the dyadic addition on the _car_ of the list and on the result of applying it on its rest. To finish, the `set!' permits to redefine the `+' symbol to our extended addition. To terminate our implementation (integration?) of complex numbers, we can redefine standard Scheme predicates in the following manner: (define-method (complex? c ) #t) (define-method (complex? c) #f) (define-method (number? n ) #t) (define-method (number? n) #f) ... ... Standard primitives in which complex numbers are involved could also be redefined in the same manner. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) The parameter list for a `define-method' follows the conventions used for Scheme procedures. In particular it can use the dot notation or a symbol to denote an arbitrary number of parameters  File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Function and Variable Index, Prev: Tutorial, Up: Top Concept Index ============= [index] * Menu: * accessor: Slot description. (line 35) * class: Class definition. (line 9) * default slot value: Slot description. (line 12) * generic function: Generic functions and methods. (line 16) * getter: Slot description. (line 26) * instance: Instance creation and slot access. (line 13) * keyword: Slot description. (line 10) * loading: Intro. (line 26) * main module: Intro. (line 26) * parameter specializers: Generic functions and methods. (line 46) * preparing: Intro. (line 26) * setter: Slot description. (line 30) * slot: Class definition. (line 19) * top level environment: Slot description. (line 12)  File:, Node: Function and Variable Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Function and Variable Index =========================== [index] * Menu: * #:accessor <1>: Slot description. (line 35) * #:accessor: Slot Options. (line 64) * #:allocation <1>: Slot description. (line 59) * #:allocation: Slot Options. (line 7) * #:class: Slot description. (line 59) * #:each-subclass: Slot description. (line 59) * #:environment: Class Options. (line 26) * #:getter <1>: Slot description. (line 26) * #:getter: Slot Options. (line 62) * #:init-form: Slot Options. (line 107) * #:init-keyword <1>: Slot description. (line 22) * #:init-keyword: Slot Options. (line 109) * #:init-thunk <1>: Slot description. (line 16) * #:init-thunk: Slot Options. (line 108) * #:init-value <1>: Slot description. (line 12) * #:init-value: Slot Options. (line 106) * #:instance: Slot description. (line 59) * #:metaclass: Class Options. (line 7) * #:name: Class Options. (line 18) * #:setter <1>: Slot description. (line 30) * #:setter: Slot Options. (line 63) * #:slot-ref <1>: Slot description. (line 59) * #:slot-ref: Slot Options. (line 52) * #:slot-set! <1>: Slot description. (line 59) * #:slot-set!: Slot Options. (line 53) * #:virtual: Slot description. (line 59) * (oop goops): Intro. (line 26) * =: Object Comparisons. (line 11) * add-method!: Method Definition Internals. (line 51) * apply-generic: Determining Which Methods to Apply. (line 11) * apply-method: Determining Which Methods to Apply. (line 23) * apply-methods: Determining Which Methods to Apply. (line 26) * change-class: Changing the Class of an Instance. (line 11) * class: Class Definition Internals. (line 20) * class-direct-methods: Classes. (line 24) * class-direct-slots: Classes. (line 15) * class-direct-subclasses: Classes. (line 20) * class-direct-supers: Classes. (line 11) * class-environment: Classes. (line 39) * class-methods: Classes. (line 46) * class-name: Classes. (line 7) * class-of: Instances. (line 7) * class-precedence-list: Classes. (line 29) * class-redefinition: Customizing Class Redefinition. (line 15) * class-slot-definition: Slots. (line 7) * class-slot-ref: Class Slots. (line 10) * class-slot-set!: Class Slots. (line 21) * class-slots: Classes. (line 34) * class-subclasses: Classes. (line 43) * compute-applicable-methods: Determining Which Methods to Apply. (line 14) * compute-std-cpl: Customizing Class Definition. (line 51) * deep-clone: Cloning Objects. (line 14) * default slot value: Slot description. (line 16) * define-accessor: Basic Generic Function Creation. (line 40) * define-class <1>: Class definition. (line 9) * define-class: Basic Class Definition. (line 11) * define-generic <1>: Generic functions and methods. (line 27) * define-generic: Basic Generic Function Creation. (line 29) * define-method <1>: Generic functions and methods. (line 27) * define-method: Basic Method Definition. (line 9) * display: Write and Display. (line 8) * enable-primitive-generic!: Extending Guiles Primitives. (line 27) * ensure-accessor: Generic Function Internals. (line 39) * ensure-generic: Generic Function Internals. (line 14) * ensure-metaclass: Class Definition Internals. (line 62) * ensure-metaclass-with-supers: Class Definition Internals. (line 86) * equal?: Object Comparisons. (line 9) * eqv?: Object Comparisons. (line 7) * generic-capability?: Extending Guiles Primitives. (line 18) * generic-function-methods: Generic Functions. (line 10) * generic-function-name: Generic Functions. (line 7) * goops-error: Error Handling. (line 26) * goops-version: Administrative Functions. (line 9) * instance?: Instances. (line 10) * is-a?: Instances. (line 13) * make <1>: Instance creation and slot access. (line 13) * make: Basic Instance Creation. (line 13) * make-accessor: Generic Function Internals. (line 52) * make-class: Class Definition Internals. (line 37) * make-generic: Generic Function Internals. (line 28) * make-instance: Basic Instance Creation. (line 36) * make-method: Method Definition Internals. (line 39) * method: Method Definition Internals. (line 21) * method-generic-function: Generic Function Methods. (line 7) * method-more-specific?: Determining Which Methods to Apply. (line 20) * method-procedure: Generic Function Methods. (line 15) * method-source: Generic Function Methods. (line 19) * method-specializers: Generic Function Methods. (line 11) * no-applicable-method: Handling Invocation Errors. (line 14) * no-method: Handling Invocation Errors. (line 7) * no-next-method: Handling Invocation Errors. (line 21) * primitive-generic-generic: Extending Guiles Primitives. (line 33) * set!: Slot description. (line 35) * shallow-clone: Cloning Objects. (line 7) * slot-bound-using-class?: Instance Slots. (line 59) * slot-bound?: Instance Slots. (line 13) * slot-definition-accessor: Slots. (line 32) * slot-definition-allocation: Slots. (line 17) * slot-definition-getter: Slots. (line 22) * slot-definition-init-form: Slots. (line 43) * slot-definition-init-keyword: Slots. (line 54) * slot-definition-init-thunk: Slots. (line 49) * slot-definition-init-value: Slots. (line 37) * slot-definition-name: Slots. (line 11) * slot-definition-options: Slots. (line 14) * slot-definition-setter: Slots. (line 27) * slot-exists-using-class?: Instance Slots. (line 55) * slot-exists?: Instance Slots. (line 10) * slot-init-function: Slots. (line 60) * slot-missing: Handling Slot Access Errors. (line 11) * slot-ref <1>: Instance creation and slot access. (line 23) * slot-ref: Instance Slots. (line 21) * slot-ref-using-class: Instance Slots. (line 69) * slot-set! <1>: Instance creation and slot access. (line 23) * slot-set!: Instance Slots. (line 32) * slot-set-using-class!: Instance Slots. (line 81) * slot-unbound: Handling Slot Access Errors. (line 24) * sort-applicable-methods: Determining Which Methods to Apply. (line 17) * standard-define-class: STKlos Compatibility. (line 13) * write: Write and Display. (line 7)  Tag Table: Node: Top522 Node: Introduction756 Node: Getting Started1611 Node: Running GOOPS2001 Node: Methods2513 Node: User-defined types2780 Node: Asking for the type of an object3596 Node: Reference Manual3979 Node: Introductory Remarks4954 Node: Metaobjects and the Metaobject Protocol6967 Node: Terminology12581 Node: Metaclass13175 Node: Class Precedence List15966 Node: Accessor16996 Node: Defining New Classes17799 Node: Basic Class Definition19082 Node: Class Options21161 Node: Slot Options22599 Node: Class Definition Internals30434 Node: Customizing Class Definition34523 Node: STKlos Compatibility40217 Node: Creating Instances40767 Node: Basic Instance Creation41009 Node: Customizing Instance Creation42710 Node: Accessing Slots45416 Node: Instance Slots47794 Node: Class Slots51587 Node: Handling Slot Access Errors52854 Node: Creating Generic Functions54169 Node: Basic Generic Function Creation54755 Node: Generic Function Internals59290 Node: Extending Guiles Primitives61824 Node: Adding Methods to Generic Functions63945 Node: Basic Method Definition64253 Node: Method Definition Internals67003 Node: Invoking Generic Functions69651 Node: Determining Which Methods to Apply70686 Node: Handling Invocation Errors71635 Node: Redefining a Class72954 Node: Default Class Redefinition Behaviour73593 Node: Customizing Class Redefinition75847 Node: Changing the Class of an Instance78399 Node: Introspection80161 Node: Classes81350 Node: Slots83280 Node: Instances86467 Node: Generic Functions87039 Node: Generic Function Methods87478 Node: Miscellaneous Functions88559 Node: Administrative Functions88838 Node: Error Handling89180 Node: Object Comparisons90242 Node: Cloning Objects91549 Node: Write and Display92488 Node: MOP Specification93267 Node: Class Definition95035 Node: Instance Creation100417 Node: Class Redefinition101105 Node: Method Definition103271 Node: Generic Function Invocation103978 Node: Tutorial104475 Node: Copyright104842 Node: Intro105582 Node: Class definition and instantiation106693 Node: Class definition106915 Ref: Class definition-Footnote-1108443 Ref: Class definition-Footnote-2108496 Ref: Class definition-Footnote-3108679 Node: Inheritance109004 Node: Class hierarchy and inheritance of slots109301 Node: Instance creation and slot access111595 Node: Slot description113093 Node: Class precedence list120688 Ref: Class precedence list-Footnote-1123112 Node: Generic functions123213 Node: Generic functions and methods123411 Node: Next-method126570 Node: Example128258 Ref: Example-Footnote-1131355 Node: Concept Index131551 Node: Function and Variable Index132949  End Tag Table