This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from guile-library.texi. This manual is for Guile Library (version 0.2.2, updated 31 January 2013) Copyright 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2010,2011 Andy Wingo, Richard Todd Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published y the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Guile Library: ( Common modules for Guile Scheme. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: apicheck, Up: (dir) Guile Library ************* This manual is for Guile Library (version 0.2.2, updated 31 January 2013) Copyright 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2010,2011 Andy Wingo, Richard Todd Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published y the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". * Menu: * apicheck:: Describe and verify library programming interfaces * config load:: Loading configuration files * container async-queue:: A thread-safe message queue * container nodal-tree:: A tree consisting of nodes with attributes * container delay-tree:: A nodal tree with lazily evaluated fields * debugging assert:: Helpful assert macro * debugging time:: A simple macro to time the execution of an expression * graph topological-sort:: Routines to perform topological sorts * htmlprag:: Neil Van Dyke's permissive ("pragmatic") HTML parser * io string:: SLIB's IO routines dealing with strings * logging logger:: A flexible logging system * logging port-log:: A logger that outputs to a port * logging rotating-log:: A logger that rotates its output files * match-bind:: Nifty and concise regular expression routines * math minima:: A golden-section minimum finder * math primes:: Functions related to prime numbers and factorization * os process:: Spawning processes and capturing their output * scheme documentation:: Macros to define different kinds of variables with documentation * scheme kwargs:: Defining functions with flexible keyword arguments * search basic:: Classic search functions * string completion:: Building blocks for tab completion * string soundex:: The SOUNDEX string categorization algorithm * string transform:: Beyond SRFI-13 * string wrap:: A versatile string formatter * term ansi-color:: Generate ANSI color escape sequences * unit-test:: A JUnit-style unit testing framework * Copying This Manual:: * Concept Index:: * Function Index::  File:, Node: apicheck, Next: config load, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 (apicheck) ************ 1.1 Overview ============ `(apicheck)' exports two routines. `apicheck-generate' produces a description of the Scheme API exported by a set of modules as an S-expression. `apicheck-validate' verifies that the API exported by a set of modules is compatible with an API description generated by `apicheck-generate'. It would be nice to have fragments here, but for now, see the Guile-Library source distribution for information on how to integrate apicheck with your module's unit test suite. 1.2 Usage ========= -- Function: apicheck-generate module-names Generate a description of the API exported by the set of modules MODULE-NAMES. -- Function: apicheck-validate api module-names Validate that the API exported by the set of modules MODULE-NAMES is compatible with the recorded API description API. Raises an exception if the interface is incompatible.  File:, Node: config load, Next: container async-queue, Prev: apicheck, Up: Top 2 (config load) *************** 2.1 Overview ============ This module needs to be documented. 2.2 Usage ========= -- Class: -- Generic: load-config! -- Method: load-config! (CFG `') (COMMANDS `') (FILE-NAME `') -- Variable: &config-error -- Function: config-error-arguments c  File:, Node: container async-queue, Next: container nodal-tree, Prev: config load, Up: Top 3 (container async-queue) ************************* 3.1 Overview ============ A asynchronous queue can be used to safely send messages from one thread to another. 3.2 Usage ========= -- Function: make-async-queue Create a new asynchronous queue. -- Function: async-enqueue! q elt Enqueue ELT into Q. -- Function: async-dequeue! q Dequeue a single element from Q. If the queue is empty, the calling thread is blocked until an element is enqueued by another thread.  File:, Node: container nodal-tree, Next: container delay-tree, Prev: container async-queue, Up: Top 4 (container nodal-tree) ************************ 4.1 Overview ============ A nodal tree is a tree composed of nodes, each of which may have children. Nodes are represented as alists. The only alist entry that is specified is `children', which must hold a list of child nodes. Other entries are intentionally left unspecified, so as to allow for extensibility. 4.2 Usage ========= -- Function: nodal-tree? x Predicate to determine if X is a nodal tree. Not particularly efficient: intended for debugging purposes. -- Function: make-node . attributes -- Function: node-ref node name -- Function: node-set! node name val -- Function: node-children node  File:, Node: container delay-tree, Next: debugging assert, Prev: container nodal-tree, Up: Top 5 (container delay-tree) ************************ 5.1 Overview ============ A delay tree is a superset of a nodal tree (see (container nodal-tree)). It extends nodal trees to allow any entry of the node to be a promise created with the `delay' operator. 5.2 Usage ========= -- Function: force-ref node field Access a field in a node of a delay tree. If the value of the field is a promise, the promise will be forced, and the value will be replaced with the forced value.  File:, Node: debugging assert, Next: debugging time, Prev: container delay-tree, Up: Top 6 (debugging assert) ******************** 6.1 Overview ============ Defines an `assert' macro, and the `cout' and `cerr' utility functions. 6.2 Usage ========= -- Special Form: assert doit (expr ...) (r-exp ...) -- Special Form: assert collect (expr ...) -- Special Form: assert collect (expr ...) report: r-exp ... -- Special Form: assert collect (expr ...) expr1 stuff ... -- Special Form: assert stuff ... Assert the truth of an expression (or of a sequence of expressions). syntax: `assert ?EXPR ?EXPR ... [report: ?R-EXP ?R-EXP ...]' If `(and ?EXPR ?EXPR ...)' evaluates to anything but `#f', the result is the value of that expression. Otherwise, an error is reported. The error message will show the failed expressions, as well as the values of selected variables (or expressions, in general). The user may explicitly specify the expressions whose values are to be printed upon assertion failure - as ?R-EXP that follow the identifier `report:'. Typically, ?R-EXP is either a variable or a string constant. If the user specified no ?R-EXP, the values of variables that are referenced in ?EXPR will be printed upon the assertion failure. -- Function: cout . args Similar to `cout << arguments << args', where ARGUMENT can be any Scheme object. If it's a procedure (e.g. `newline'), it's called without args rather than printed. -- Function: cerr . args Similar to `cerr << arguments << args', where ARGUMENT can be any Scheme object. If it's a procedure (e.g. `newline'), it's called without args rather than printed.  File:, Node: debugging time, Next: graph topological-sort, Prev: debugging assert, Up: Top 7 (debugging time) ****************** 7.1 Overview ============ Defines a macro to time execution of a body of expressions. Each element is timed individually. 7.2 Usage ========= -- Special Form: time args syntax: `(time EXPR1 EXPR2...)' Times the execution of a list of expressions, in milliseconds. The resolution is limited to guile's `internal-time-units-per-second'. Disregards the expressions' return value(s) (FIXME).  File:, Node: graph topological-sort, Next: htmlprag, Prev: debugging time, Up: Top 8 (graph topological-sort) ************************** 8.1 Overview ============ The algorithm is inspired by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest (1990) ``Introduction to Algorithms'', chapter 23. 8.2 Usage ========= -- Function: topological-sort dag Returns a list of the objects in the directed acyclic graph, DAG, topologically sorted. Objects are compared using `equal?'. The graph has the form: (list (obj1 . (dependents-of-obj1)) (obj2 . (dependents-of-obj2)) ...) ...specifying, for example, that `obj1' must come before all the objects in `(dependents-of-obj1)' in the sort. -- Function: topological-sortq dag Returns a list of the objects in the directed acyclic graph, DAG, topologically sorted. Objects are compared using `eq?'. The graph has the form: (list (obj1 . (dependents-of-obj1)) (obj2 . (dependents-of-obj2)) ...) ...specifying, for example, that `obj1' must come before all the objects in `(dependents-of-obj1)' in the sort. -- Function: topological-sortv dag Returns a list of the objects in the directed acyclic graph, DAG, topologically sorted. Objects are compared using `eqv?'. The graph has the form: (list (obj1 . (dependents-of-obj1)) (obj2 . (dependents-of-obj2)) ...) ...specifying, for example, that `obj1' must come before all the objects in `(dependents-of-obj1)' in the sort.  File:, Node: htmlprag, Next: io string, Prev: graph topological-sort, Up: Top 9 (htmlprag) ************ 9.1 Overview ============ HtmlPrag provides permissive HTML parsing capability to Scheme programs, which is useful for software agent extraction of information from Web pages, for programmatically transforming HTML files, and for implementing interactive Web browsers. HtmlPrag emits "SHTML," which is an encoding of HTML in [SXML], so that conventional HTML may be processed with XML tools such as [SXPath] and [SXML-Tools]. Like [SSAX-HTML], HtmlPrag provides a permissive tokenizer, but also attempts to recover structure. HtmlPrag also includes procedures for encoding SHTML in HTML syntax. The HtmlPrag parsing behavior is permissive in that it accepts erroneous HTML, handling several classes of HTML syntax errors gracefully, without yielding a parse error. This is crucial for parsing arbitrary real-world Web pages, since many pages actually contain syntax errors that would defeat a strict or validating parser. HtmlPrag's handling of errors is intended to generally emulate popular Web browsers' interpretation of the structure of erroneous HTML. We euphemistically term this kind of parse "pragmatic." HtmlPrag also has some support for [XHTML], although XML namespace qualifiers [XML-Names] are currently accepted but stripped from the resulting SHTML. Note that valid XHTML input is of course better handled by a validating XML parser like [SSAX]. To receive notification of new versions of HtmlPrag, and to be polled for input on changes to HtmlPrag being considered, ask the author to add you to the moderated, announce-only email list, `htmlprag-announce'. Thanks to Oleg Kiselyov and Kirill Lisovsky for their help with SXML. 9.2 Usage ========= -- Variable: shtml-comment-symbol -- Variable: shtml-decl-symbol -- Variable: shtml-empty-symbol -- Variable: shtml-end-symbol -- Variable: shtml-entity-symbol -- Variable: shtml-named-char-id -- Variable: shtml-numeric-char-id -- Variable: shtml-pi-symbol -- Variable: shtml-start-symbol -- Variable: shtml-text-symbol -- Variable: shtml-top-symbol -- Function: html->shtml input -- Function: html->sxml input -- Function: html->sxml-0nf input -- Function: html->sxml-1nf input -- Function: html->sxml-2nf input -- Function: make-html-tokenizer in normalized? -- Function: parse-html/tokenizer tokenizer normalized? -- Function: shtml->html shtml -- Function: shtml-entity-value entity -- Function: shtml-token-kind token -- Function: sxml->html shtml -- Function: test-htmlprag -- Function: tokenize-html in normalized? -- Function: write-shtml-as-html shtml out -- Function: write-sxml-html shtml out  File:, Node: io string, Next: logging logger, Prev: htmlprag, Up: Top 10 (io string) ************** 10.1 Overview ============= Procedures that do io with strings. 10.2 Usage ========== -- Function: find-string-from-port? _ _ . _ Looks for STR in , optionally within the first MAX-NO-CHAR characters.  File:, Node: logging logger, Next: logging port-log, Prev: io string, Up: Top 11 (logging logger) ******************* 11.1 Overview ============= This is a logging subsystem similar to the one in the python standard library. There are two main concepts to understand when working with the logging modules. These are loggers and log handlers. Loggers Loggers are the front end interfaces for program logging. They can be registered by name so that no part of a program needs to be concerned with passing around loggers. In addition, a default logger can be designated so that, for most applications, the program does not need to be concerned with logger instances at all beyond the initial setup. Log messages all flow through a logger. Messages carry with them a level (for example: 'WARNING, 'ERROR, 'CRITICAL), and loggers can filter out messages on a level basis at runtime. This way, the amount of logging can be turned up during development and bug investigation, but turned back down on stable releases. Loggers depend on Log Handlers to actually get text to the log's destination (for example, a disk file). A single Logger can send messages through multiple Log Handlers, effectively multicasting logs to multiple destinations. Log Handlers Log Handlers actually route text to a destination. One or more handlers must be attached to a logger for any text to actually appear in a log. Handlers apply a configurable transformation to the text so that it is formatted properly for the destination (for instance: syslogs, or a text file). Like the loggers, they can filter out messages based on log levels. By using filters on both the Logger and the Handlers, precise controls can be put on which log messages go where, even within a single logger. 11.2 Example use of logger ========================== Here is an example program that sets up a logger with two handlers. One handler sends the log messages to a text log that rotates its logs. The other handler sends logs to standard error, and has its levels set so that INFO and WARN-level logs don't get through. (use-modules (logging logger) (logging rotating-log) (logging port-log) (scheme documentation) (oop goops)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Support functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (setup-logging) (let ((lgr (make )) (rotating (make #:num-files 3 #:size-limit 1024 #:file-name "test-log-file")) (err (make #:port (current-error-port)))) ;; don't want to see warnings or info on the screen!! (disable-log-level! err 'WARN) (disable-log-level! err 'INFO) ;; add the handlers to our logger (add-handler! lgr rotating) (add-handler! lgr err) ;; make this the application's default logger (set-default-logger! lgr) (open-log! lgr))) (define (shutdown-logging) (flush-log) ;; since no args, it uses the default (close-log!) ;; since no args, it uses the default (set-default-logger! #f)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Main code ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (setup-logging) Due to log levels, this will get to file, but not to stderr (log-msg 'WARN "This is a warning.") This will get to file AND stderr (log-msg 'CRITICAL "ERROR message!!!") (shutdown-logging) 11.3 Usage ========== -- Class: This is the base class for all of the log handlers, and encompasses the basic functionality that all handlers are expected to have. Keyword arguments recognized by the `' at creation time are: `#:formatter' This optional parameter must be a function that takes three arguments: the log level, the time (as from `current-time'), and the log string itself. The function must return a string representing the formatted log. Here is an example invokation of the default formatter, and what it's output looks like: (default-log-formatter 'CRITICAL (current-time) "The servers are melting!") ==> "2003/12/29 14:53:02 (CRITICAL): The servers are melting!" -- Generic: emit-log `emit-log handler str'. This method should be implemented for all the handlers. This sends a string to their output media. All level checking and formatting has already been done by `accept-log'. -- Generic: accept-log `accept-log handler lvl time str'. If LVL is enabled for HANDLER, then STR will be formatted and sent to the log via the `emit-log' method. Formatting is done via the formatting function given at HANDLER's creation time, or by the default if none was given. This method should not normally need to be overridden by subclasses. This method should not normally be called by users of the logging system. It is only exported so that writers of log handlers can override this behavior. -- Method: accept-log (SELF `') (LEVEL `') (TIME `') (STR `') -- Class: This is the class that aggregates and manages log handlers. It also maintains the global information about which levels of log messages are enabled, and which have been suppressed. Keyword arguments accepted on creation are: `#:handlers' This optional parameter must be a list of objects derived from `'. Handlers can always be added later via `add-handler!' calls. -- Generic: add-handler! `add-handler! lgr handler'. Adds HANDLER to LGR's list of handlers. All subsequent logs will be sent through the new handler, as well as any previously registered handlers. -- Method: add-handler! (LGR `') (HANDLER `') -- Generic: log-msg `log-msg [lgr] lvl arg1 arg2 ...'. Send a log message made up of the `display''ed representation of the given arguments. The log is generated at level LVL, which should be a symbol. If the LVL is disabled, the log message is not generated. Generated log messages are sent through each of LGR's handlers. If the LGR parameter is omitted, then the default logger is used, if one is set. As the args are `display''ed, a large string is built up. Then, the string is split at newlines and sent through the log handlers as independent log messages. The reason for this behavior is to make output nicer for log handlers that prepend information like pid and timestamps to log statements. ;; logging to default logger, level of WARN (log-msg 'WARN "Warning! " x " is bigger than " y "!!!") ;; looking up a logger and logging to it (let ((l (lookup-logger "main"))) (log-msg l 'CRITICAL "FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE!") (log-msg l 'CRITICAL "ABORTING NOW")) -- Method: log-msg (LGR `') (LVL `') (OBJS `')... -- Method: log-msg (LVL `') (OBJS `')... -- Function: set-default-logger! lgr Sets the given logger, LGR, as the default for logging methods where a logger is not given. LGR can be an instance of `', a string that has been registered via `register-logger!', or `#f' to remove the default logger. With this mechanism, most applications will never need to worry about logger registration or lookup. ;; example 1 (set-default-logger! "main") ;; look up "main" logger and make it the default ;; example 2 (define lgr (make )) (add-handler! lgr (make #:port (current-error-port))) (set-default-logger! lgr) (log-msg 'CRITICAL "This is a message to the default logger!!!") (log-msg lgr 'CRITICAL "This is a message to a specific logger!!!") -- Function: register-logger! str lgr Makes LGR accessible from other parts of the program by a name given in STR. STR should be a string, and LGR should be an instance of class `'. (define main-log (make )) (define corba-log (make )) (register-logger! "main" main-log) (register-logger! "corba" corba-log) ;; in a completely different part of the program.... (log-msg (lookup-logger "corba") 'WARNING "This is a corba warning.") -- Function: lookup-logger str Looks up an instance of class `' by the name given in STR. The string should have already been registered via a call to `register-logger!'. -- Function: enable-log-level! lgr lvl Enables a specific logging level given by the symbol LVL, such that messages at that level will be sent to the log handlers. LGR can be of type `' or `'. Note that any levels that are neither enabled or disabled are treated as enabled by the logging system. This is so that misspelt level names do not cause a logging blackout. -- Function: disable-log-level! lgr lvl Disables a specific logging level, such that messages at that level will not be sent to the log handlers. LGR can be of type `' or `'. Note that any levels that are neither enabled or disabled are treated as enabled by the logging system. This is so that misspelt level names do not cause a logging blackout. -- Generic: flush-log `flush-log handler'. Tells the `handler' to output any log statements it may have buffered up. Handlers for which a flush operation doesn't make sense can choose not to implement this method. The default implementation just returns `#t'. -- Method: flush-log (LGR `') -- Method: flush-log -- Method: flush-log (LH `') -- Generic: open-log! `open-log! handler'. Tells the `handler' to open its log. Handlers for which an open operation doesn't make sense can choose not to implement this method. The default implementation just returns `#t'. -- Method: open-log! -- Method: open-log! (LGR `') -- Method: open-log! (LH `') -- Generic: close-log! `open-log! handler'. Tells the `handler' to close its log. Handlers for which a close operation doesn't make sense can choose not to implement this method. The default implementation just returns `#t'. -- Method: close-log! -- Method: close-log! (LGR `') -- Method: close-log! (LH `')  File:, Node: logging port-log, Next: logging rotating-log, Prev: logging logger, Up: Top 12 (logging port-log) ********************* 12.1 Overview ============= This module defines a log handler that writes to an arbitrary port of the user's choice. Uses of this handler could include: * Sending logs across a socket to a network log collector. * Sending logs to the screen * Sending logs to a file * Collecting logs in memory in a string port for later use 12.2 Usage ========== -- Class: This is a log handler which writes logs to a user-provided port. Keywords recognized by `' on creation are: `#:port' This is the port to which the log handler will write. `#:formatter' Allows the user to provide a function to use as the log formatter for this handler. *Note logging logger ::, for details. Example of creating a `': (make #:port (current-error-port))  File:, Node: logging rotating-log, Next: match-bind, Prev: logging port-log, Up: Top 13 (logging rotating-log) ************************* 13.1 Overview ============= This module defines a log handler for text logs that rotate when they get to be a user-defined size. This is similar to the behavior of many UNIX standard log files. *Note logging logger::, for more information in general on log handlers. 13.2 Usage ========== -- Class: This is a log handler which writes text logs that rotate when they reach a configurable size limit. Keywords recognized by `' on creation are: `#:num-files' This is the number of log files you want the logger to use. Default is 4. `#:size-limit' This is the size, in bytes, a log file must get before the logs get rotated. Default is 1MB (104876 bytes). `#:file-name' This is the base of the log file name. Default is "logfile". Numbers will be appended to the file name representing the log number. The newest log file is always "NAME.1". `#:formatter' Allows the user to provide a function to use as the log formatter for this handler. *Note logging logger ::, for details. Example of creating a `': (make #:num-files 3 #:size-limit 1024 #:file-name "test-log-file"))  File:, Node: match-bind, Next: math minima, Prev: logging rotating-log, Up: Top 14 (match-bind) *************** 14.1 Overview ============= Utility functions and syntax constructs for dealing with regular expressions in a concise manner. Will be submitted to Guile for inclusion. 14.2 Usage ========== -- Special Form: match-bind Match a string against a regular expression, binding lexical variables to the various parts of the match. VARS is a list of names to which to bind the parts of the match. The first variable of the list will be bound to the entire match, so the number of variables needed will be equal to the number of open parentheses (`(') in the pattern, plus one for the whole match. CONSEQUENT is executed if the given expression STR matches REGEX. If the string does not match, ALTERNATE will be executed if present. If ALTERNATE is not present, the result of `match-bind' is unspecified. Here is a short example: (define (star-indent line) "Returns the number of spaces until the first star (`*') in the input, or #f if the first non-space character is not a star." (match-bind "^( *)\*.*$" line (_ spaces) (string-length spaces) #f)) `match-bind' compiles the regular expression REGEX at macro expansion time. For this reason, REGEX must be a string literal, not an arbitrary expression. -- Function: s/// pat subst Make a procedure that performs perl-like regular expression search-and-replace on an input string. The regular expression pattern PAT is in the standard regular expression syntax accepted by `make-regexp'. The substitution string is very similar to perl's `s///' operator. Backreferences are indicated with a dollar sign (`$'), and characters can be escaped with the backslash. `s///' returns a procedure of one argument, the input string to be matched. If the string matches the pattern, it will be returned with the first matching segment replaced as per the substitution string. Otherwise the string will be returned unmodified. Here are some examples: ((s/// "foo" "bar") "foo bar baz qux foo") => "bar bar baz qux foo" ((s/// "zag" "bar") "foo bar baz qux foo") => "foo bar baz qux foo" ((s/// "(f(o+)) (zag)?" "$1 $2 $3") "foo bar baz qux foo") => "foo oo bar baz qux foo" -- Function: s///g pat subst Make a procedure that performs perl-like global search-and-replace on an input string. The PAT and SUBST arguments are as in the non-global `s///'. *Note s///: match-bind s///, for more information. `s///g' differs from `s///' in that it does a global search and replace, not stopping at the first match.  File:, Node: math minima, Next: math primes, Prev: match-bind, Up: Top 15 (math minima) **************** 15.1 Overview ============= This module contains functions for computing the minimum values of mathematical expressions on an interval. 15.2 Usage ========== -- Function: golden-section-search f x0 x1 prec The Golden Section Search algorithm finds minima of functions which are expensive to compute or for which derivatives are not available. Although optimum for the general case, convergence is slow, requiring nearly 100 iterations for the example (x^3-2x-5). If the derivative is available, Newton-Raphson is probably a better choice. If the function is inexpensive to compute, consider approximating the derivative. X0 and X1 are real numbers. The (single argument) procedure FUNC is unimodal over the open interval (X0, X1). That is, there is exactly one point in the interval for which the derivative of FUNC is zero. It returns a pair (X . FUNC(X)) where FUNC(X) is the minimum. The PREC parameter is the stop criterion. If PREC is a positive number, then the iteration continues until X is within PREC from the true value. If PREC is a negative integer, then the procedure will iterate -PREC times or until convergence. If PREC is a procedure of seven arguments, X0, X1, A, B, FA, FB, and COUNT, then the iterations will stop when the procedure returns `#t'. Analytically, the minimum of x^3-2x-5 is 0.816497. (define func (lambda (x) (+ (* x (+ (* x x) -2)) -5))) (golden-section-search func 0 1 (/ 10000)) ==> (816.4883855245578e-3 . -6.0886621077391165) (golden-section-search func 0 1 -5) ==> (819.6601125010515e-3 . -6.088637561916407) (golden-section-search func 0 1 (lambda (a b c d e f g ) (= g 500))) ==> (816.4965933140557e-3 . -6.088662107903635)  File:, Node: math primes, Next: os process, Prev: math minima, Up: Top 16 (math primes) **************** 16.1 Overview ============= This module defines functions related to prime numbers, and prime factorization. 16.2 Usage ========== -- Variable: prime:trials This is the maximum number of iterations of Solovay-Strassen that will be done to test a number for primality. The chance of error (a composite being labelled prime) is `(expt 2 (- prime:trials))'. -- Function: prime? _ Returns `#f' if N is composite, and `t' if it is prime. There is a slight chance, `(expt 2 (- prime:trials))', that a composite will return `#t'. -- Function: prime> start Return the first prime number greater than START. It doesn't matter if START is prime or composite. -- Function: primes> _ _ Returns a list of the first COUNT prime numbers greater than START. -- Function: prime< start Return the first prime number less than START. It doesn't matter if START is prime or composite. If no primes are less than START, `#f' will be returned. -- Function: primes< start count Returns a list of the first COUNT prime numbers less than START. If there are fewer than COUNT prime numbers less than START, then the returned list will have fewer than START elements. -- Function: factor k Returns a list of the prime factors of K. The order of the factors is unspecified. In order to obtain a sorted list do `(sort! (factor K) <)'.  File:, Node: os process, Next: scheme documentation, Prev: math primes, Up: Top 17 (os process) *************** 17.1 Overview ============= This is a library for execution of other programs from Guile. It also allows communication using pipes (or a pseudo terminal device, but that's not currently implemented). This code originates in the `(goosh)' modules, which itself was part of goonix in one of Guile's past lives. The following will hold when starting programs: 1. If the name of the program does not contain a `/' then the directories listed in the current `PATH' environment variable are searched to locate the program. 2. Unlike for the corresponding primitive exec procedures, e.g., `execlp', the name of the program can not be set independently of the path to execute: the zeroth and first members of the argument vector are combined into one. All symbols exported with the prefix `os:process:' are there in support of macros that use them. They should be ignored by users of this module. 17.2 Usage ========== -- Special Form: os:process:pipe-fork-child -- Special Form: run+ args Evaluate an expression in a new foreground process and wait for its completion. If no connection terms are specified, then all ports except `current-input-port', `current-output-port' and `current-error-port' will be closed in the new process. The file descriptors underlying these ports will not be changed. The value returned is the exit status from the new process as returned by the `waitpid' procedure. The KEYWORDS and CONNECTIONS arguments are optional: see `run-concurrently+', which is documented below. The `#:foreground' keyword is implied. (run+ (begin (write (+ 2 2)) (newline) (quit 0))) (run+ (tail-call-program "cat" "/etc/passwd")) -- Special Form: run-concurrently+ args Evaluate an expression in a new background process. If no connection terms are specified, then all ports except `current-input-port', `current-output-port' and `current-error-port' will be closed in the new process. The file descriptors underlying these ports will not be changed. The value returned in the parent is the pid of the new process. When the process terminates its exit status can be collected using the `waitpid' procedure. Keywords can be specified before the connection list: `#:slave' causes the new process to be put into a new session. If `current-input-port' (after redirections) is a tty it will be assigned as the controlling terminal. This option is used when controlling a process via a pty. `#:no-auto-close' prevents the usual closing of ports which occurs by default. `#:foreground' makes the new process the foreground job of the controlling terminal, if the current process is using job control. (not currently implemented). The default is to place it into the background The optional connection list can take several forms: `(port)' usually specifies that a given port not be closed. However if `#:no-auto-close' is present it specifies instead a port which should be closed. `(port 0)' specifies that a port be moved to a given file descriptor (e.g., 0) in the new process. The order of the two components is not significant, but one must be a number and the other must evaluate to a port. If the file descriptor is one of the standard set `(0, 1, 2)' then the corresponding standard port (e.g., `current-input-port') will be set to the specified port. Example: (let ((p (open-input-file "/etc/passwd"))) (run-concurrently+ (tail-call-program "cat") (p 0))) -- Special Form: tail-call-pipeline args Replace the current process image with a pipeline of connected processes. The expressions in the pipeline are run in new background processes. The foreground process waits for them all to terminate. The exit status is derived from the status of the process at the tail of the pipeline: its exit status if it terminates normally, otherwise 128 plus the number of the signal that caused it to terminate. The signal handlers will be reset and file descriptors set up as for `tail-call-program'. Like `tail-call-program' it does not close open ports or flush buffers. Example: (tail-call-pipeline ("ls" "/etc") ("grep" "passwd")) -- Special Form: tail-call-pipeline+ args Replace the current process image with a pipeline of connected processes. Each process is specified by an expression and each pair of processes has a connection list with pairs of file descriptors. E.g., `((1 0) (2 0))' specifies that file descriptors 1 and 2 are to be connected to file descriptor 0. This may also be written as `((1 2 0))'. The expressions in the pipeline are run in new background processes. The foreground process waits for them all to terminate. The exit status is derived from the status of the process at the tail of the pipeline: its exit status if it terminates normally, otherwise 128 plus the number of the signal that caused it to terminate. The signal handlers will be reset and file descriptors set up as for `tail-call-program'. Like `tail-call-program' it does not close open ports or flush buffers. Example: (tail-call-pipeline+ (tail-call-program "ls" "/etc") ((1 0)) (tail-call-program "grep" "passwd")) -- Function: os:process:new-comm-pipes old-pipes out-conns -- Function: os:process:pipe-make-commands fdes port portvar -- Function: os:process:pipe-make-redir-commands connections portvar -- Function: os:process:setup-redirected-port port fdes -- Function: run prog . args Execute PROG in a new foreground process and wait for its completion. The value returned is the exit status of the new process as returned by the `waitpid' procedure. Example: (run "cat" "/etc/passwd") -- Function: run-concurrently . args Start a program running in a new background process. The value returned is the pid of the new process. When the process terminates its exit status can be collected using the `waitpid' procedure. Example: (run-concurrently "cat" "/etc/passwd") -- Function: run-with-pipe mode prog . args Start PROG running in a new background process. The value returned is a pair: the CAR is the pid of the new process and the CDR is either a port or a pair of ports (with the CAR containing the input port and the CDR the output port). The port(s) can be used to read from the standard output of the process and/or write to its standard input, depending on the MODE setting. The value of MODE should be one of "r", "w" or "r+". When the process terminates its exit status can be collected using the `waitpid' procedure. Example: (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)) ; needed by read-line (define catport (cdr (run-with-pipe "r" "cat" "/etc/passwd"))) (read-line catport) -- Function: tail-call-program prog . args Replace the current process image by executing PROG with the supplied list of arguments, ARGS. This procedure will reset the signal handlers and attempt to set up file descriptors as follows: 1. File descriptor 0 is set from (current-input-port). 2. File descriptor 1 is set from (current-output-port). 3. File descriptor 2 is set from (current-error-port). If a port can not be used (e.g., because it's closed or it's a string port) then the file descriptor is opened on the file specified by `*null-device*' instead. Note that this procedure does not close any ports or flush output buffers. Successfully executing PROG will prevent the normal flushing of buffers that occurs when Guile terminates. Doing otherwise would be incorrect after forking a child process, since the buffers would be flushed in both parent and child. Examples: (tail-call-program "cat" "/etc/passwd") (with-input-from-file "/etc/passwd" (lambda () (tail-call-program "cat")))  File:, Node: scheme documentation, Next: scheme kwargs, Prev: os process, Up: Top 18 (scheme documentation) ************************* 18.1 Overview ============= Defines some macros to help in documenting macros, variables, generic functions, and classes. 18.2 Usage ========== -- Special Form: define-macro-with-docs args Define a macro with documentation. -- Special Form: define-with-docs args Define a variable with documentation. -- Special Form: define-generic-with-docs args Define a generic function with documentation. -- Special Form: define-class-with-docs args Define a class with documentation.  File:, Node: scheme kwargs, Next: search basic, Prev: scheme documentation, Up: Top 19 (scheme kwargs) ****************** 19.1 Overview ============= Support for defining functions that take python-like keyword arguments. In one of his early talks, Paul Graham wrote about a large system called "Rtml": Most of the operators in Rtml were designed to take keyword parameters, and what a help that turned out to be. If I wanted to add another dimension to the behavior of one of the operators, I could just add a new keyword parameter, and everyone's existing templates would continue to work. A few of the Rtml operators didn't take keyword parameters, because I didn't think I'd ever need to change them, and almost every one I ended up kicking myself about later. If I could go back and start over from scratch, one of the things I'd change would be that I'd make every Rtml operator take keyword parameters. *Note lambda/kwargs: scheme kwargs lambda/kwargs, for documentation and examples. *Note Optional Arguments: (guile)Optional Arguments, for more information on Guile's standard support for optional and keyword arguments. Quote taken from `'. 19.2 Usage ========== -- Special Form: define/kwargs args Defines a function that takes kwargs. *Note scheme kwargs lambda/kwargs::, for more information. -- Special Form: lambda/kwargs args Defines a function that takes keyword arguments. BINDINGS is a list of bindings, each of which may either be a symbol or a two-element symbol-and-default-value list. Symbols without specified default values will default to `#f'. For example: (define frobulate (lambda/kwargs (foo (bar 13) (baz 42)) (list foo bar baz))) (frobulate) => (#f 13 42) (frobulate #:baz 3) => (#f 13 3) (frobulate #:foo 3) => (3 13 42) (frobulate 3 4) => (3 4 42) (frobulate 1 2 3) => (1 2 3) (frobulate #:baz 2 #:bar 1) => (#f 1 2) (frobulate 10 20 #:foo 3) => (3 20 42) This function differs from the standard `lambda*' provided by Guile in that invoking the function will accept positional arguments. As an example, the `lambda/kwargs' behaves more intuitively in the following case: ((lambda* (#:optional (bar 42) #:key (baz 73)) (list bar baz)) 1 2) => (1 73) ((lambda/kwargs ((bar 42) (baz 73)) (list bar baz)) 1 2) => (1 2) The fact that `lambda*' accepts the extra `2' argument is probably just a bug. In any case, `lambda/kwargs' does the right thing.  File:, Node: search basic, Next: string completion, Prev: scheme kwargs, Up: Top 20 (search basic) ***************** 20.1 Overview ============= This module has the classic search functions in it. 20.2 Usage ========== -- Function: depth-first-search init done? expander Performs a depth-first search from initial state INIT. It will return the first state it sees for which predicate DONE? returns `#t'. It will use function EXPANDER to get a list of all states reacheable from a given state. INIT can take any form the user wishes. This function treats it as opaque data to pass to DONE? and EXPANDER. DONE? takes one argument, of the same type as INIT, and returns either `#t' or `#f'. EXPANDER takes one argument, of the same type as INIT, and returns a list of states that can be reached from there. -- Function: breadth-first-search init done? expander Performs a breadth-first search from initial state INIT. It will return the first state it sees for which predicate DONE? returns `#t'. It will use function EXPANDER to get a list of all states reacheable from a given state. INIT can take any form the user wishes. This function treats it as opaque data to pass to DONE? and EXPANDER. DONE? takes one argument, of the same type as INIT, and returns either `#t' or `#f'. EXPANDER takes one argument, of the same type as INIT, and returns a list of states that can be reached from there. -- Function: binary-search-sorted-vector vec target [cmp] [default] Searches a sorted vector VEC for item TARGET. A binary search is employed which should find an item in O(log n) time if it is present. If TARGET is found, the index into VEC is returned. As part of the search, the function CMP is applied to determine whether a vector item is less than, greater than, or equal to the TARGET. If TARGET cannot be found in the vector, then DEFAULT is returned. CMP defaults to `-', which gives a correct comparison for vectors of numbers. DEFAULT will be `#f' if another value is not given. (binary-search-sorted-vector #(10 20 30) 20) => 1  File:, Node: string completion, Next: string soundex, Prev: search basic, Up: Top 21 (string completion) ********************** 21.1 Overview ============= This module provides a facility that can be used to implement features such as TAB-completion in programs. A class `' tracks all the potential complete strings. Here is an example usage. (use-modules (string completion) (oop goops) (srfi srfi-11)) ;; for the (let-values) (define c (make )) (add-strings! c "you your yourself yourselves") (let-values (((completions expansion exact? unique?) (complete c "yours"))) (display completions)(newline) (display expansion) (newline) (display exact?)(newline) (display unique?)(newline)) ==> ("yourself" "yourselves") "yoursel" #f #f There are several more options for usage, which are detailed in the class and method documentation. 21.2 Usage ========== -- Class: This is the class that knows what the possible expansions are, and can determine the completions of given partial strings. The following are the recognized keywords on the call to `make': `#:strings' This gives the completer an initial set of strings. It is optional, and the `add-strings!' method can add strings to the completer later, whether these initial strings were given or not. The strings that follow this keyword can take any form that the `add-strings!' method can take (see below). `#:case-sensitive?' This is a boolean that directs the completer to do its comparisons in a case sensiteve way or not. The default value is `#t', for case-sensitive behavior. -- Generic: case-sensitive-completion? `case-sensitive-completion? completer'. Returns `#t' if the completer is case-sensitive, and `#f' otherwise. -- Method: case-sensitive-completion? -- Generic: add-strings! `add-strings! completer strings'. Adds the given strings to the set of possible comletions known to COMPLETER. STRINGS can either be a list of strings, or a single string of words separated by spaces. The order of the words given is not important. -- Method: add-strings! (SC `') (STRINGS `') -- Function: all-completions completer str Returns a list of all possible completions for the given string STR. The returned list will be in alphabetical order. Note that users wanting to customize the completion algorithm can subclass `' and override this method. -- Generic: complete `complete completer str'. Accepts a string, STR, and returns four values via a `values' call. These are: COMPLETIONS This is the same list that would be returned from a call to `all-completions'. EXPANSION This is the longest string that would have returned identical results. In other words, this is what most programs replace your string with when you press TAB once. This value will be equal to STR if there were no known completionss. ("wonders" "wonderment" "wondering") completed against "won" yields an expansion of "wonder" EXACT? This will be `#t' if the returned EXPANSION is an exact match of one of the possible completions. UNIQUE? This will be #t if there is only one possible completion. Note that when UNIQUE? is `#t', then EXACT? will also be `#t'. -- Method: complete (SC `') (STR `')  File:, Node: string soundex, Next: string transform, Prev: string completion, Up: Top 22 (string soundex) ******************* 22.1 Overview ============= Soundex algorithm, taken from Knuth, Vol. 3 "Sorting and searching", pp 391-2 22.2 Usage ========== -- Function: soundex name Performs the original soundex algorithm on the input NAME. Returns the encoded string. The idea is for similar sounding sames to end up with the same encoding. (soundex "Aiza") => "A200" (soundex "Aisa") => "A200" (soundex "Aesha") => "A200"  File:, Node: string transform, Next: string wrap, Prev: string soundex, Up: Top 23 (string transform) ********************* 23.1 Overview ============= Module `(string transform)' provides functions for modifying strings beyond that which is provided in the guile core and `(srfi srfi-13)'. 23.2 Usage ========== -- Function: escape-special-chars str special-chars escape-char Returns a copy of STR with all given special characters preceded by the given ESCAPE-CHAR. SPECIAL-CHARS can either be a single character, or a string consisting of all the special characters. ;; make a string regexp-safe... (escape-special-chars "***(Example String)***" "[]()/*." #\\) => "\\*\\*\\*\\(Example String\\)\\*\\*\\*" ;; also can escape a singe char... (escape-special-chars "" #\@ #\@) => "" -- Function: transform-string str match? replace [start] [end] Uses MATCH? against each character in STR, and performs a replacement on each character for which matches are found. MATCH? may either be a function, a character, a string, or `#t'. If MATCH? is a function, then it takes a single character as input, and should return `#t' for matches. MATCH? is a character, it is compared to each string character using `char=?'. If MATCH? is a string, then any character in that string will be considered a match. `#t' will cause every character to be a match. If REPLACE is a function, it is called with the matched character as an argument, and the returned value is sent to the output string via `display'. If REPLACE is anything else, it is sent through the output string via `display'. Note that te replacement for the matched characters does not need to be a single character. That is what differentiates this function from `string-map', and what makes it useful for applications such as converting `#\&' to `"&"' in web page text. Some other functions in this module are just wrappers around common uses of `transform-string'. Transformations not possible with this function should probably be done with regular expressions. If START and END are given, they control which portion of the string undergoes transformation. The entire input string is still output, though. So, if START is `5', then the first five characters of STR will still appear in the returned string. ; these two are equivalent... (transform-string str #\space #\-) ; change all spaces to -'s (transform-string str (lambda (c) (char=? #\space c)) #\-) -- Function: expand-tabs str [tab-size] Returns a copy of STR with all tabs expanded to spaces. TAB-SIZE defaults to 8. Assuming tab size of 8, this is equivalent to: (transform-string str #\tab " ") -- Function: center-string str [width] [chr] [rchr] Returns a copy of STR centered in a field of WIDTH characters. Any needed padding is done by character CHR, which defaults to `#\space'. If RCHR is provided, then the padding to the right will use it instead. See the examples below. left and RCHR on the right. The default WIDTH is 80. The default LCHR and RCHR is `#\space'. The string is never truncated. (center-string "Richard Todd" 24) => " Richard Todd " (center-string " Richard Todd " 24 #\=) => "===== Richard Todd =====" (center-string " Richard Todd " 24 #\< #\>) => "<<<<< Richard Todd >>>>>" -- Function: left-justify-string str [width] [chr] `left-justify-string str [width chr]'. Returns a copy of STR padded with CHR such that it is left justified in a field of WIDTH characters. The default WIDTH is 80. Unlike `string-pad' from srfi-13, the string is never truncated. -- Function: right-justify-string str [width] [chr] Returns a copy of STR padded with CHR such that it is right justified in a field of WIDTH characters. The default WIDTH is 80. The default CHR is `#\space'. Unlike `string-pad' from srfi-13, the string is never truncated. -- Function: collapse-repeated-chars str [chr] [num] Returns a copy of STR with all repeated instances of CHR collapsed down to at most NUM instances. The default value for CHR is `#\space', and the default value for NUM is 1. (collapse-repeated-chars "H e l l o") => "H e l l o" (collapse-repeated-chars "H--e--l--l--o" #\-) => "H-e-l-l-o" (collapse-repeated-chars "H-e--l---l----o" #\- 2) => "H-e--l--l--o"  File:, Node: string wrap, Next: term ansi-color, Prev: string transform, Up: Top 24 (string wrap) **************** 24.1 Overview ============= Module `(string wrap)' provides functions for formatting text strings such that they fill a given width field. A class, `', does the work, but two convenience methods create instances of it for one-shot use, and in the process make for a more "schemey" interface. If many strings will be formatted with the same parameters, it might be better performance-wise to create and use a single `'. 24.2 Usage ========== -- Class: This class encapsulates the parameters needing to be fed to the text wrapping algorithm. The following are the recognized keywords on the call to `make': `#:line-width' This is the target length used when deciding where to wrap lines. Default is 80. `#:expand-tabs?' Boolean describing whether tabs in the input should be expanded. Default is #t. `#:tab-width' If tabs are expanded, this will be the number of spaces to which they expand. Default is 8. `#:collapse-whitespace?' Boolean describing whether the whitespace inside the existing text should be removed or not. Default is #t. If text is already well-formatted, and is just being wrapped to fit in a different width, then setting this to `#f'. This way, many common text conventions (such as two spaces between sentences) can be preserved if in the original text. If the input text spacing cannot be trusted, then leave this setting at the default, and all repeated whitespace will be collapsed down to a single space. `#:initial-indent' Defines a string that will be put in front of the first line of wrapped text. Default is the empty string, "". `#:subsequent-indent' Defines a string that will be put in front of all lines of wrapped text, except the first one. Default is the empty string, "". `#:break-long-words?' If a single word is too big to fit on a line, this setting tells the wrapper what to do. Defaults to #t, which will break up long words. When set to #f, the line will be allowed, even though it is longer than the defined `#:line-width'. Here's an example of creating a `': (make #:line-width 48 #:break-long-words? #f) -- Generic: fill-string `fill-string str keywds ...'. Wraps the text given in string STR according to the parameters provided in KEYWDS, or the default setting if they are not given. Returns a single string with the wrapped text. Valid keyword arguments are discussed with the `' class. `fill-string tw str'. fills STR using the instance of `' given as TW. -- Method: fill-string (TW `') (STR `') -- Method: fill-string (STR `') (KEYWDS `')... -- Generic: string->wrapped-lines `string->wrapped-lines str keywds ...'. Wraps the text given in string STR according to the parameters provided in KEYWDS, or the default setting if they are not given. Returns a list of strings representing the formatted lines. Valid keyword arguments are discussed with the `' class. `string->wrapped-lines tw str'. Wraps the text given in string STR according to the given `' TW. Returns a list of strings representing the formatted lines. Valid keyword arguments are discussed with the `' class. -- Method: string->wrapped-lines (TW `') (STR `') -- Method: string->wrapped-lines (STR `') (KEYWDS `')...  File:, Node: term ansi-color, Next: unit-test, Prev: string wrap, Up: Top 25 (term ansi-color) ******************** 25.1 Overview ============= The `(term ansi-color)' module generates ANSI escape sequences for colors. Here is an example of the module's use: method one: safer, since you know the colors will get reset (display (colorize-string "Hello!\n" 'RED 'BOLD 'ON-BLUE)) method two: insert the colors by hand (for-each display (list (color 'RED 'BOLD 'ON-BLUE) "Hello!" (color 'RESET))) 25.2 Usage ========== -- Function: color . lst Returns a string containing the ANSI escape sequence for producing the requested set of attributes. The allowed values for the attributes are listed below. Unknown attributes are ignored. Reset Attributes `CLEAR' and `RESET' are allowed and equivalent. Non-Color Attributes `BOLD' makes text bold, and `DARK' reverses this. `UNDERLINE' and `UNDERSCORE' are equivalent. `BLINK' makes the text blink. `REVERSE' invokes reverse video. `CONCEALED' hides output (as for getting passwords, etc.). Foregrond Color Attributes `BLACK', `RED', `GREEN', `YELLOW', `BLUE', `MAGENTA', `CYAN', `WHITE' Background Color Attributes `ON-BLACK', `ON-RED', `ON-GREEN', `ON-YELLOW', `ON-BLUE', `ON-MAGENTA', `ON-CYAN', `ON-WHITE' -- Function: colorize-string str . color-list Returns a copy of STR colorized using ANSI escape sequences according to the attributes specified in COLOR-LIST. At the end of the returned string, the color attributes will be reset such that subsequent output will not have any colors in effect. The allowed values for the attributes are listed in the documentation for the `color' function.  File:, Node: unit-test, Next: Copying This Manual, Prev: term ansi-color, Up: Top 26 (unit-test) ************** 26.1 Overview ============= 26.2 Usage ========== -- Function: assert-equal expected got -- Function: assert-true got -- Function: assert-numeric-= expected got precision -- Class: -- Generic: tests-run -- Method: tests-run -- Generic: tests-failed -- Method: tests-failed -- Generic: tests-log -- Method: tests-log -- Generic: failure-messages -- Method: failure-messages -- Generic: test-started -- Method: test-started (SELF `') (DESCRIPTION `') -- Generic: test-failed -- Method: test-failed (SELF `') (DESCRIPTION `') -- Generic: summary -- Method: summary (SELF `') -- Class: -- Generic: name -- Method: name -- Method: name -- Generic: set-up-test -- Method: set-up-test (SELF `') -- Generic: tear-down-test -- Method: tear-down-test (SELF `') -- Generic: run -- Method: run (SELF `') (RESULT `') -- Method: run (SELF `') (RESULT `') -- Class: -- Generic: tests -- Method: tests -- Generic: add -- Method: add (SELF `') (SUITE `') -- Method: add (SELF `') (TEST `') -- Function: run-all-defined-test-cases -- Function: exit-with-summary result -- Special Form: assert-exception  File:, Node: Copying This Manual, Next: Concept Index, Prev: unit-test, Up: Top Appendix A Copying This Manual ****************************** This manual is covered under the GNU Free Documentation License. A copy of the FDL is provided here. * Menu: * GNU Free Documentation License:: License for copying this manual  File:, Node: GNU Free Documentation License, Up: Copying This Manual A.1 GNU Free Documentation License ================================== Version 1.2, November 2002 Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. 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For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text. A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".) To "Preserve the Title" of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition. The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License. 2. VERBATIM COPYING You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies. 3. COPYING IN QUANTITY If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects. If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. H. Include an unaltered copy of this License. I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. 5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements." 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate. 8. TRANSLATION Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See `'. Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. A.1.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents ---------------------------------------------------------- To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''. If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this: with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.  File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Function Index, Prev: Copying This Manual, Up: Top Concept Index ************* [index] * Menu: * ANSI color codes: term ansi-color. (line 9) * color codes, ANSI: term ansi-color. (line 9) * factors, prime: math primes. (line 9) * FDL, GNU Free Documentation License: GNU Free Documentation License. (line 6) * golden section: math minima. (line 9) * Goosh module: os process. (line 9) * handlers, relationship with loggers: logging logger. (line 9) * log levels: logging logger. (line 9) * loggers, relationship with handlers: logging logger. (line 9) * logging: logging logger. (line 9) * logs, rotating: logging rotating-log. (line 9) * logs, through ports: logging port-log. (line 9) * minimum, of a mathematical function: math minima. (line 9) * numbers, prime: math primes. (line 9) * numbers, prime factors of: math primes. (line 9) * pipeline, process: os process. (line 9) * ports, for logging: logging port-log. (line 9) * prime factors: math primes. (line 9) * prime number: math primes. (line 9) * process chain: os process. (line 9) * process, Operating System: os process. (line 9) * section, golden: math minima. (line 9) * terminals, ANSI color codes for: term ansi-color. (line 9)  File:, Node: Function Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Function Index ************** [index] * Menu: * accept-log: logging logger. (line 134) * add: unit-test. (line 77) * add-handler!: logging logger. (line 162) * add-strings!: string completion. (line 64) * all-completions: string completion. (line 73) * apicheck-generate: apicheck. (line 23) * apicheck-validate: apicheck. (line 28) * assert: debugging assert. (line 15) * assert-equal: unit-test. (line 13) * assert-exception: unit-test. (line 87) * assert-numeric-=: unit-test. (line 17) * assert-true: unit-test. (line 15) * async-dequeue!: container async-queue. (line 24) * async-enqueue!: container async-queue. (line 20) * binary-search-sorted-vector: search basic. (line 47) * breadth-first-search: search basic. (line 31) * case-sensitive-completion?: string completion. (line 57) * center-string: string transform. (line 80) * cerr: debugging assert. (line 46) * close-log!: logging logger. (line 287) * collapse-repeated-chars: string transform. (line 112) * color: term ansi-color. (line 26) * colorize-string: term ansi-color. (line 52) * complete: string completion. (line 81) * config-error-arguments: config load. (line 24) * cout: debugging assert. (line 40) * define-class-with-docs: scheme documentation. (line 28) * define-generic-with-docs: scheme documentation. (line 24) * define-macro-with-docs: scheme documentation. (line 16) * define-with-docs: scheme documentation. (line 20) * define/kwargs: scheme kwargs. (line 37) * depth-first-search: search basic. (line 15) * disable-log-level!: logging logger. (line 251) * emit-log: logging logger. (line 128) * enable-log-level!: logging logger. (line 241) * escape-special-chars: string transform. (line 16) * exit-with-summary: unit-test. (line 85) * expand-tabs: string transform. (line 71) * factor: math primes. (line 49) * failure-messages: unit-test. (line 33) * fill-string: string wrap. (line 71) * find-string-from-port?: io string. (line 15) * flush-log: logging logger. (line 261) * force-ref: container delay-tree. (line 17) * golden-section-search: math minima. (line 16) * html->shtml: htmlprag. (line 65) * html->sxml: htmlprag. (line 67) * html->sxml-0nf: htmlprag. (line 69) * html->sxml-1nf: htmlprag. (line 71) * html->sxml-2nf: htmlprag. (line 73) * lambda/kwargs: scheme kwargs. (line 42) * left-justify-string: string transform. (line 98) * load-config!: config load. (line 17) * log-msg: logging logger. (line 170) * lookup-logger: logging logger. (line 235) * make-async-queue: container async-queue. (line 16) * make-html-tokenizer: htmlprag. (line 75) * make-node: container nodal-tree. (line 24) * match-bind: match-bind. (line 17) * name: unit-test. (line 51) * nodal-tree?: container nodal-tree. (line 19) * node-children: container nodal-tree. (line 30) * node-ref: container nodal-tree. (line 26) * node-set!: container nodal-tree. (line 28) * open-log!: logging logger. (line 274) * os:process:new-comm-pipes: os process. (line 149) * os:process:pipe-fork-child: os process. (line 35) * os:process:pipe-make-commands: os process. (line 151) * os:process:pipe-make-redir-commands: os process. (line 153) * os:process:setup-redirected-port: os process. (line 155) * parse-html/tokenizer: htmlprag. (line 77) * prime<: math primes. (line 37) * prime>: math primes. (line 28) * prime?: math primes. (line 22) * primes<: math primes. (line 43) * primes>: math primes. (line 33) * register-logger!: logging logger. (line 221) * right-justify-string: string transform. (line 105) * run <1>: unit-test. (line 65) * run: os process. (line 157) * run+: os process. (line 37) * run-all-defined-test-cases: unit-test. (line 83) * run-concurrently: os process. (line 167) * run-concurrently+: os process. (line 56) * run-with-pipe: os process. (line 179) * s///: match-bind. (line 47) * s///g: match-bind. (line 75) * set-default-logger!: logging logger. (line 199) * set-up-test: unit-test. (line 57) * shtml->html: htmlprag. (line 79) * shtml-entity-value: htmlprag. (line 81) * shtml-token-kind: htmlprag. (line 83) * soundex: string soundex. (line 16) * string->wrapped-lines: string wrap. (line 86) * summary: unit-test. (line 45) * sxml->html: htmlprag. (line 85) * tail-call-pipeline: os process. (line 102) * tail-call-pipeline+: os process. (line 122) * tail-call-program: os process. (line 198) * tear-down-test: unit-test. (line 61) * test-failed: unit-test. (line 41) * test-htmlprag: htmlprag. (line 87) * test-started: unit-test. (line 37) * tests: unit-test. (line 73) * tests-failed: unit-test. (line 25) * tests-log: unit-test. (line 29) * tests-run: unit-test. (line 21) * time: debugging time. (line 16) * tokenize-html: htmlprag. (line 89) * topological-sort: graph topological-sort. (line 16) * topological-sortq: graph topological-sort. (line 28) * topological-sortv: graph topological-sort. (line 40) * transform-string: string transform. (line 36) * write-shtml-as-html: htmlprag. (line 91) * write-sxml-html: htmlprag. (line 93)  Tag Table: Node: Top799 Node: apicheck3186 Ref: apicheck apicheck-generate3830 Ref: apicheck apicheck-validate3966 Node: config load4205 Ref: config load 4429 Ref: config load load-config!4457 Ref: config load &config-error4587 Ref: config load config-error-arguments4616 Node: container async-queue4656 Ref: container async-queue make-async-queue4960 Ref: container async-queue async-enqueue!5031 Ref: container async-queue async-dequeue!5093 Node: container nodal-tree5275 Ref: container nodal-tree nodal-tree?5787 Ref: container nodal-tree make-node5933 Ref: container nodal-tree node-ref5971 Ref: container nodal-tree node-set!6005 Ref: container nodal-tree node-children6044 Node: container delay-tree6078 Ref: container delay-tree force-ref6477 Node: debugging assert6693 Ref: debugging assert assert6972 Ref: debugging assert cout8037 Ref: debugging assert cerr8245 Node: debugging time8453 Ref: debugging time time8754 Node: graph topological-sort9024 Ref: graph topological-sort topological-sort9348 Ref: graph topological-sort topological-sortq9772 Ref: graph topological-sort topological-sortv10194 Node: htmlprag10617 Ref: htmlprag shtml-comment-symbol12431 Ref: htmlprag shtml-decl-symbol12467 Ref: htmlprag shtml-empty-symbol12500 Ref: htmlprag shtml-end-symbol12534 Ref: htmlprag shtml-entity-symbol12566 Ref: htmlprag shtml-named-char-id12601 Ref: htmlprag shtml-numeric-char-id12636 Ref: htmlprag shtml-pi-symbol12673 Ref: htmlprag shtml-start-symbol12704 Ref: htmlprag shtml-text-symbol12738 Ref: htmlprag shtml-top-symbol12771 Ref: htmlprag html->shtml12803 Ref: htmlprag html->sxml12836 Ref: htmlprag html->sxml-0nf12868 Ref: htmlprag html->sxml-1nf12904 Ref: htmlprag html->sxml-2nf12940 Ref: htmlprag make-html-tokenizer12976 Ref: htmlprag parse-html/tokenizer13026 Ref: htmlprag shtml->html13084 Ref: htmlprag shtml-entity-value13117 Ref: htmlprag shtml-token-kind13158 Ref: htmlprag sxml->html13196 Ref: htmlprag test-htmlprag13228 Ref: htmlprag tokenize-html13257 Ref: htmlprag write-shtml-as-html13301 Ref: htmlprag write-sxml-html13346 Node: io string13387 Ref: io string find-string-from-port?13603 Node: logging logger13743 Ref: cindex-logging13917 Ref: cindex-loggers relationship with handlers13917 Ref: cindex-handlers relationship with loggers13917 Ref: cindex-log levels13917 Ref: logging logger 17662 Ref: logging logger emit-log18546 Ref: logging logger accept-log18781 Ref: logging logger 19432 Ref: logging logger add-handler!19889 Ref: logging logger log-msg20174 Ref: logging logger set-default-logger!21403 Ref: logging logger register-logger!22306 Ref: logging logger lookup-logger22846 Ref: logging logger enable-log-level!23043 Ref: logging logger disable-log-level!23465 Ref: logging logger flush-log23869 Ref: logging logger open-log!24259 Ref: logging logger close-log!24612 Node: logging port-log24970 Ref: cindex-logs through ports25159 Ref: cindex-ports for logging25159 Ref: logging port-log 25497 Node: logging rotating-log26013 Ref: cindex-logs rotating26206 Ref: logging rotating-log 26469 Node: match-bind27526 Ref: match-bind match-bind27858 Ref: match-bind s///29063 Ref: match-bind s///g30127 Node: math minima30496 Ref: cindex-golden section30657 Ref: cindex-section golden30657 Ref: cindex-minimum of a mathematical function30657 Ref: math minima golden-section-search30789 Node: math primes32527 Ref: cindex-prime number32688 Ref: cindex-numbers prime32688 Ref: cindex-numbers prime factors of32688 Ref: cindex-prime factors32688 Ref: cindex-factors prime32688 Ref: math primes prime:trials32793 Ref: math primes prime?33035 Ref: math primes prime>33222 Ref: math primes primes>33361 Ref: math primes prime<33462 Ref: math primes primes<33660 Ref: math primes factor33897 Node: os process34080 Ref: cindex-Goosh module34248 Ref: cindex-process Operating System34248 Ref: cindex-process chain34248 Ref: cindex-pipeline process34248 Ref: os process os:process:pipe-fork-child35173 Ref: os process run+35219 Ref: os process run-concurrently+35974 Ref: os process tail-call-pipeline37890 Ref: os process tail-call-pipeline+38635 Ref: os process os:process:new-comm-pipes39753 Ref: os process os:process:pipe-make-commands39814 Ref: os process os:process:pipe-make-redir-commands39877 Ref: os process os:process:setup-redirected-port39948 Ref: os process run40006 Ref: os process run-concurrently40273 Ref: os process run-with-pipe40595 Ref: os process tail-call-program41389 Node: scheme documentation42532 Ref: scheme documentation define-macro-with-docs42840 Ref: scheme documentation define-with-docs42928 Ref: scheme documentation define-generic-with-docs43013 Ref: scheme documentation define-class-with-docs43114 Node: scheme kwargs43202 Ref: scheme kwargs define/kwargs44522 Ref: scheme kwargs lambda/kwargs44668 Node: search basic45998 Ref: search basic depth-first-search46248 Ref: search basic breadth-first-search46890 Ref: search basic binary-search-sorted-vector47536 Node: string completion48238 Ref: string completion 49327 Ref: string completion case-sensitive-completion?50135 Ref: string completion add-strings!50336 Ref: string completion all-completions50702 Ref: string completion complete51009 Node: string soundex52040 Ref: string soundex soundex52324 Node: string transform52674 Ref: string transform escape-special-chars53017 Ref: string transform transform-string53746 Ref: string transform expand-tabs55538 Ref: string transform center-string55777 Ref: string transform left-justify-string56493 Ref: string transform right-justify-string56797 Ref: string transform collapse-repeated-chars57094 Node: string wrap57589 Ref: string wrap 58203 Ref: string wrap fill-string60180 Ref: string wrap string->wrapped-lines60724 Node: term ansi-color61489 Ref: cindex-terminals ANSI color codes for61661 Ref: cindex-ANSI color codes61661 Ref: cindex-color codes ANSI61661 Ref: term ansi-color color62123 Ref: term ansi-color colorize-string62994 Node: unit-test63417 Ref: unit-test assert-equal63608 Ref: unit-test assert-true63649 Ref: unit-test assert-numeric-=63680 Ref: unit-test 63735 Ref: unit-test tests-run63761 Ref: unit-test tests-failed63808 Ref: unit-test tests-log63861 Ref: unit-test failure-messages63908 Ref: unit-test test-started63969 Ref: unit-test test-failed64070 Ref: unit-test summary64169 Ref: unit-test 64235 Ref: unit-test name64259 Ref: unit-test set-up-test64314 Ref: unit-test tear-down-test64386 Ref: unit-test run64464 Ref: unit-test 64609 Ref: unit-test tests64634 Ref: unit-test add64673 Ref: unit-test run-all-defined-test-cases64813 Ref: unit-test exit-with-summary64855 Ref: unit-test assert-exception64895 Node: Copying This Manual64931 Node: GNU Free Documentation License65280 Node: Concept Index87696 Node: Function Index89610  End Tag Table