This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from guile.texi. This reference manual documents Guile, GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. This is edition 1.1 corresponding to Guile 1.8.8. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Text "You are free to copy and modify this GNU Manual.". A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Guile Reference: (guile). The Guile reference manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: lambda* Reference, Next: define* Reference, Prev: let-keywords Reference, Up: Optional Arguments lambda* Reference ......................... When using optional and keyword argument lists, `lambda' for creating a procedure then `let-optional' or `let-keywords' is a bit lengthy. `lambda*' combines the features of those macros into a single convenient syntax. -- library syntax: lambda* ([var...] [#:optional vardef...] [#:key vardef... [#:allow-other-keys]] [#:rest var | . var]) body Create a procedure which takes optional and/or keyword arguments specified with `#:optional' and `#:key'. For example, (lambda* (a b #:optional c d . e) '()) is a procedure with fixed arguments A and B, optional arguments C and D, and rest argument E. If the optional arguments are omitted in a call, the variables for them are bound to `#f'. `lambda*' can also take keyword arguments. For example, a procedure defined like this: (lambda* (#:key xyzzy larch) '()) can be called with any of the argument lists `(#:xyzzy 11)', `(#:larch 13)', `(#:larch 42 #:xyzzy 19)', `()'. Whichever arguments are given as keywords are bound to values (and those not given are `#f'). Optional and keyword arguments can also have default values to take when not present in a call, by giving a two-element list of variable name and expression. For example in (lambda* (foo #:optional (bar 42) #:key (baz 73)) (list foo bar baz)) FOO is a fixed argument, BAR is an optional argument with default value 42, and baz is a keyword argument with default value 73. Default value expressions are not evaluated unless they are needed, and until the procedure is called. Normally it's an error if a call has keywords other than those specified by `#:key', but adding `#:allow-other-keys' to the definition (after the keyword argument declarations) will ignore unknown keywords. If a call has a keyword given twice, the last value is used. For example, ((lambda* (#:key (heads 0) (tails 0)) (display (list heads tails))) #:heads 37 #:tails 42 #:heads 99) -| (99 42) `#:rest' is a synonym for the dotted syntax rest argument. The argument lists `(a . b)' and `(a #:rest b)' are equivalent in all respects. This is provided for more similarity to DSSSL, MIT-Scheme and Kawa among others, as well as for refugees from other Lisp dialects. When `#:key' is used together with a rest argument, the keyword parameters in a call all remain in the rest list. This is the same as Common Lisp. For example, ((lambda* (#:key (x 0) #:allow-other-keys #:rest r) (display r)) #:x 123 #:y 456) -| (#:x 123 #:y 456) `#:optional' and `#:key' establish their bindings successively, from left to right, as per `let-optional*' and `let-keywords*'. This means default expressions can refer back to prior parameters, for example (lambda* (start #:optional (end (+ 10 start))) (do ((i start (1+ i))) ((> i end)) (display i)))  File:, Node: define* Reference, Prev: lambda* Reference, Up: Optional Arguments define* Reference ......................... Just like `define' has a shorthand notation for defining procedures (*note Lambda Alternatives::), `define*' is provided as an abbreviation of the combination of `define' and `lambda*'. `define*-public' is the `lambda*' version of `define-public'; `defmacro*' and `defmacro*-public' exist for defining macros with the improved argument list handling possibilities. The `-public' versions not only define the procedures/macros, but also export them from the current module. -- library syntax: define* formals body -- library syntax: define*-public formals body `define*' and `define*-public' support optional arguments with a similar syntax to `lambda*'. They also support arbitrary-depth currying, just like Guile's define. Some examples: (define* (x y #:optional a (z 3) #:key w . u) (display (list y z u))) defines a procedure `x' with a fixed argument Y, an optional argument A, another optional argument Z with default value 3, a keyword argument W, and a rest argument U. (define-public* ((foo #:optional bar) #:optional baz) '()) This illustrates currying. A procedure `foo' is defined, which, when called with an optional argument BAR, returns a procedure that takes an optional argument BAZ. Of course, `define*[-public]' also supports `#:rest' and `#:allow-other-keys' in the same way as `lambda*'. -- library syntax: defmacro* name formals body -- library syntax: defmacro*-public name formals body These are just like `defmacro' and `defmacro-public' except that they take `lambda*'-style extended parameter lists, where `#:optional', `#:key', `#:allow-other-keys' and `#:rest' are allowed with the usual semantics. Here is an example of a macro with an optional argument: (defmacro* transmorgify (a #:optional b) (a 1))  File:, Node: Procedure Properties, Next: Procedures with Setters, Prev: Optional Arguments, Up: Procedures and Macros 5.8.4 Procedure Properties and Meta-information ----------------------------------------------- Procedures always have attached the environment in which they were created and information about how to apply them to actual arguments. In addition to that, properties and meta-information can be stored with procedures. The procedures in this section can be used to test whether a given procedure satisfies a condition; and to access and set a procedure's property. The first group of procedures are predicates to test whether a Scheme object is a procedure, or a special procedure, respectively. `procedure?' is the most general predicates, it returns `#t' for any kind of procedure. `closure?' does not return `#t' for primitive procedures, and `thunk?' only returns `#t' for procedures which do not accept any arguments. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure? obj -- C Function: scm_procedure_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a procedure. -- Scheme Procedure: closure? obj -- C Function: scm_closure_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a closure. -- Scheme Procedure: thunk? obj -- C Function: scm_thunk_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a thunk. Procedure properties are general properties to be attached to procedures. These can be the name of a procedure or other relevant information, such as debug hints. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-name proc -- C Function: scm_procedure_name (proc) Return the name of the procedure PROC -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-source proc -- C Function: scm_procedure_source (proc) Return the source of the procedure PROC. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-environment proc -- C Function: scm_procedure_environment (proc) Return the environment of the procedure PROC. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-properties proc -- C Function: scm_procedure_properties (proc) Return OBJ's property list. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-property obj key -- C Function: scm_procedure_property (obj, key) Return the property of OBJ with name KEY. -- Scheme Procedure: set-procedure-properties! proc alist -- C Function: scm_set_procedure_properties_x (proc, alist) Set OBJ's property list to ALIST. -- Scheme Procedure: set-procedure-property! obj key value -- C Function: scm_set_procedure_property_x (obj, key, value) In OBJ's property list, set the property named KEY to VALUE. Documentation for a procedure can be accessed with the procedure `procedure-documentation'. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-documentation proc -- C Function: scm_procedure_documentation (proc) Return the documentation string associated with `proc'. By convention, if a procedure contains more than one expression and the first expression is a string constant, that string is assumed to contain documentation for that procedure.  File:, Node: Procedures with Setters, Next: Macros, Prev: Procedure Properties, Up: Procedures and Macros 5.8.5 Procedures with Setters ----------------------------- A "procedure with setter" is a special kind of procedure which normally behaves like any accessor procedure, that is a procedure which accesses a data structure. The difference is that this kind of procedure has a so-called "setter" attached, which is a procedure for storing something into a data structure. Procedures with setters are treated specially when the procedure appears in the special form `set!' (REFFIXME). How it works is best shown by example. Suppose we have a procedure called `foo-ref', which accepts two arguments, a value of type `foo' and an integer. The procedure returns the value stored at the given index in the `foo' object. Let `f' be a variable containing such a `foo' data structure.(1) (foo-ref f 0) => bar (foo-ref f 1) => braz Also suppose that a corresponding setter procedure called `foo-set!' does exist. (foo-set! f 0 'bla) (foo-ref f 0) => bla Now we could create a new procedure called `foo', which is a procedure with setter, by calling `make-procedure-with-setter' with the accessor and setter procedures `foo-ref' and `foo-set!'. Let us call this new procedure `foo'. (define foo (make-procedure-with-setter foo-ref foo-set!)) `foo' can from now an be used to either read from the data structure stored in `f', or to write into the structure. (set! (foo f 0) 'dum) (foo f 0) => dum -- Scheme Procedure: make-procedure-with-setter procedure setter -- C Function: scm_make_procedure_with_setter (procedure, setter) Create a new procedure which behaves like PROCEDURE, but with the associated setter SETTER. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure-with-setter? obj -- C Function: scm_procedure_with_setter_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a procedure with an associated setter procedure. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure proc -- C Function: scm_procedure (proc) Return the procedure of PROC, which must be either a procedure with setter, or an operator struct. -- Scheme Procedure: setter proc Return the setter of PROC, which must be either a procedure with setter or an operator struct. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) Working definitions would be: (define foo-ref vector-ref) (define foo-set! vector-set!) (define f (make-vector 2 #f))  File:, Node: Macros, Next: Syntax Rules, Prev: Procedures with Setters, Up: Procedures and Macros 5.8.6 Lisp Style Macro Definitions ---------------------------------- Macros are objects which cause the expression that they appear in to be transformed in some way _before_ being evaluated. In expressions that are intended for macro transformation, the identifier that names the relevant macro must appear as the first element, like this: (MACRO-NAME MACRO-ARGS ...) In Lisp-like languages, the traditional way to define macros is very similar to procedure definitions. The key differences are that the macro definition body should return a list that describes the transformed expression, and that the definition is marked as a macro definition (rather than a procedure definition) by the use of a different definition keyword: in Lisp, `defmacro' rather than `defun', and in Scheme, `define-macro' rather than `define'. Guile supports this style of macro definition using both `defmacro' and `define-macro'. The only difference between them is how the macro name and arguments are grouped together in the definition: (defmacro NAME (ARGS ...) BODY ...) is the same as (define-macro (NAME ARGS ...) BODY ...) The difference is analogous to the corresponding difference between Lisp's `defun' and Scheme's `define'. `false-if-exception', from the `boot-9.scm' file in the Guile distribution, is a good example of macro definition using `defmacro': (defmacro false-if-exception (expr) `(catch #t (lambda () ,expr) (lambda args #f))) The effect of this definition is that expressions beginning with the identifier `false-if-exception' are automatically transformed into a `catch' expression following the macro definition specification. For example: (false-if-exception (open-input-file "may-not-exist")) == (catch #t (lambda () (open-input-file "may-not-exist")) (lambda args #f))  File:, Node: Syntax Rules, Next: Syntax Case, Prev: Macros, Up: Procedures and Macros 5.8.7 The R5RS `syntax-rules' System ------------------------------------ R5RS defines an alternative system for macro and syntax transformations using the keywords `define-syntax', `let-syntax', `letrec-syntax' and `syntax-rules'. The main difference between the R5RS system and the traditional macros of the previous section is how the transformation is specified. In R5RS, rather than permitting a macro definition to return an arbitrary expression, the transformation is specified in a pattern language that * does not require complicated quoting and extraction of components of the source expression using `caddr' etc. * is designed such that the bindings associated with identifiers in the transformed expression are well defined, and such that it is impossible for the transformed expression to construct new identifiers. The last point is commonly referred to as being "hygienic": the R5RS `syntax-case' system provides "hygienic macros". For example, the R5RS pattern language for the `false-if-exception' example of the previous section looks like this: (syntax-rules () ((_ expr) (catch #t (lambda () expr) (lambda args #f)))) In Guile, the `syntax-rules' system is provided by the `(ice-9 syncase)' module. To make these facilities available in your code, include the expression `(use-syntax (ice-9 syncase))' (*note Using Guile Modules::) before the first usage of `define-syntax' etc. If you are writing a Scheme module, you can alternatively include the form `#:use-syntax (ice-9 syncase)' in your `define-module' declaration (*note Creating Guile Modules::). * Menu: * Pattern Language:: The `syntax-rules' pattern language. * Define-Syntax:: Top level syntax definitions. * Let-Syntax:: Local syntax definitions.  File:, Node: Pattern Language, Next: Define-Syntax, Up: Syntax Rules The `syntax-rules' Pattern Language ...........................................  File:, Node: Define-Syntax, Next: Let-Syntax, Prev: Pattern Language, Up: Syntax Rules Top Level Syntax Definitions .................................... define-syntax: The gist is (define-syntax ) makes the into a macro so that ( ...) expands at _compile_ or _read_ time (i.e. before any evaluation begins) into some expression that is given by the .  File:, Node: Let-Syntax, Prev: Define-Syntax, Up: Syntax Rules Local Syntax Definitions ................................  File:, Node: Syntax Case, Next: Internal Macros, Prev: Syntax Rules, Up: Procedures and Macros 5.8.8 Support for the `syntax-case' System ------------------------------------------  File:, Node: Internal Macros, Prev: Syntax Case, Up: Procedures and Macros 5.8.9 Internal Representation of Macros and Syntax -------------------------------------------------- Internally, Guile uses three different flavors of macros. The three flavors are called "acro" (or "syntax"), "macro" and "mmacro". Given the expression (foo ...) with `foo' being some flavor of macro, one of the following things will happen when the expression is evaluated. * When `foo' has been defined to be an "acro", the procedure used in the acro definition of `foo' is passed the whole expression and the current lexical environment, and whatever that procedure returns is the value of evaluating the expression. You can think of this a procedure that receives its argument as an unevaluated expression. * When `foo' has been defined to be a "macro", the procedure used in the macro definition of `foo' is passed the whole expression and the current lexical environment, and whatever that procedure returns is evaluated again. That is, the procedure should return a valid Scheme expression. * When `foo' has been defined to be a "mmacro", the procedure used in the mmacro definition of `foo' is passed the whole expression and the current lexical environment, and whatever that procedure returns replaces the original expression. Evaluation then starts over from the new expression that has just been returned. The key difference between a "macro" and a "mmacro" is that the expression returned by a "mmacro" procedure is remembered (or "memoized") so that the expansion does not need to be done again next time the containing code is evaluated. The primitives `procedure->syntax', `procedure->macro' and `procedure->memoizing-macro' are used to construct acros, macros and mmacros respectively. However, if you do not have a very special reason to use one of these primitives, you should avoid them: they are very specific to Guile's current implementation and therefore likely to change. Use `defmacro', `define-macro' (*note Macros::) or `define-syntax' (*note Syntax Rules::) instead. (In low level terms, `defmacro', `define-macro' and `define-syntax' are all implemented as mmacros.) -- Scheme Procedure: procedure->syntax code -- C Function: scm_makacro (code) Return a macro which, when a symbol defined to this value appears as the first symbol in an expression, returns the result of applying CODE to the expression and the environment. -- Scheme Procedure: procedure->macro code -- C Function: scm_makmacro (code) Return a macro which, when a symbol defined to this value appears as the first symbol in an expression, evaluates the result of applying CODE to the expression and the environment. For example: (define trace (procedure->macro (lambda (x env) `(set! ,(cadr x) (tracef ,(cadr x) ',(cadr x)))))) (trace foo) == (set! foo (tracef foo 'foo)). -- Scheme Procedure: procedure->memoizing-macro code -- C Function: scm_makmmacro (code) Return a macro which, when a symbol defined to this value appears as the first symbol in an expression, evaluates the result of applying CODE to the expression and the environment. `procedure->memoizing-macro' is the same as `procedure->macro', except that the expression returned by CODE replaces the original macro expression in the memoized form of the containing code. In the following primitives, "acro" flavor macros are referred to as "syntax transformers". -- Scheme Procedure: macro? obj -- C Function: scm_macro_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a regular macro, a memoizing macro or a syntax transformer. -- Scheme Procedure: macro-type m -- C Function: scm_macro_type (m) Return one of the symbols `syntax', `macro' or `macro!', depending on whether M is a syntax transformer, a regular macro, or a memoizing macro, respectively. If M is not a macro, `#f' is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: macro-name m -- C Function: scm_macro_name (m) Return the name of the macro M. -- Scheme Procedure: macro-transformer m -- C Function: scm_macro_transformer (m) Return the transformer of the macro M. -- Scheme Procedure: cons-source xorig x y -- C Function: scm_cons_source (xorig, x, y) Create and return a new pair whose car and cdr are X and Y. Any source properties associated with XORIG are also associated with the new pair.  File:, Node: Utility Functions, Next: Binding Constructs, Prev: Procedures and Macros, Up: API Reference 5.9 General Utility Functions ============================= This chapter contains information about procedures which are not cleanly tied to a specific data type. Because of their wide range of applications, they are collected in a "utility" chapter. * Menu: * Equality:: When are two values `the same'? * Object Properties:: A modern interface to object properties. * Sorting:: Sort utility procedures. * Copying:: Copying deep structures. * General Conversion:: Converting objects to strings. * Hooks:: User-customizable event lists.  File:, Node: Equality, Next: Object Properties, Up: Utility Functions 5.9.1 Equality -------------- There are three kinds of core equality predicates in Scheme, described below. The same kinds of comparisons arise in other functions, like `memq' and friends (*note List Searching::). For all three tests, objects of different types are never equal. So for instance a list and a vector are not `equal?', even if their contents are the same. Exact and inexact numbers are considered different types too, and are hence not equal even if their values are the same. `eq?' tests just for the same object (essentially a pointer comparison). This is fast, and can be used when searching for a particular object, or when working with symbols or keywords (which are always unique objects). `eqv?' extends `eq?' to look at the value of numbers and characters. It can for instance be used somewhat like `=' (*note Comparison::) but without an error if one operand isn't a number. `equal?' goes further, it looks (recursively) into the contents of lists, vectors, etc. This is good for instance on lists that have been read or calculated in various places and are the same, just not made up of the same pairs. Such lists look the same (when printed), and `equal?' will consider them the same. -- Scheme Procedure: eq? x y -- C Function: scm_eq_p (x, y) Return `#t' if X and Y are the same object, except for numbers and characters. For example, (define x (vector 1 2 3)) (define y (vector 1 2 3)) (eq? x x) => #t (eq? x y) => #f Numbers and characters are not equal to any other object, but the problem is they're not necessarily `eq?' to themselves either. This is even so when the number comes directly from a variable, (let ((n (+ 2 3))) (eq? n n)) => *unspecified* Generally `eqv?' below should be used when comparing numbers or characters. `=' (*note Comparison::) or `char=?' (*note Characters::) can be used too. It's worth noting that end-of-list `()', `#t', `#f', a symbol of a given name, and a keyword of a given name, are unique objects. There's just one of each, so for instance no matter how `()' arises in a program, it's the same object and can be compared with `eq?', (define x (cdr '(123))) (define y (cdr '(456))) (eq? x y) => #t (define x (string->symbol "foo")) (eq? x 'foo) => #t -- C Function: int scm_is_eq (SCM x, SCM y) Return `1' when X and Y are equal in the sense of `eq?', otherwise return `0'. The `==' operator should not be used on `SCM' values, an `SCM' is a C type which cannot necessarily be compared using `==' (*note The SCM Type::). -- Scheme Procedure: eqv? x y -- C Function: scm_eqv_p (x, y) Return `#t' if X and Y are the same object, or for characters and numbers the same value. On objects except characters and numbers, `eqv?' is the same as `eq?' above, it's true if X and Y are the same object. If X and Y are numbers or characters, `eqv?' compares their type and value. An exact number is not `eqv?' to an inexact number (even if their value is the same). (eqv? 3 (+ 1 2)) => #t (eqv? 1 1.0) => #f -- Scheme Procedure: equal? x y -- C Function: scm_equal_p (x, y) Return `#t' if X and Y are the same type, and their contents or value are equal. For a pair, string, vector, array or structure, `equal?' compares the contents, and does so using using the same `equal?' recursively, so a deep structure can be traversed. (equal? (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)) => #t (equal? (list 1 2 3) (vector 1 2 3)) => #f For other objects, `equal?' compares as per `eqv?' above, which means characters and numbers are compared by type and value (and like `eqv?', exact and inexact numbers are not `equal?', even if their value is the same). (equal? 3 (+ 1 2)) => #t (equal? 1 1.0) => #f Hash tables are currently only compared as per `eq?', so two different tables are not `equal?', even if their contents are the same. `equal?' does not support circular data structures, it may go into an infinite loop if asked to compare two circular lists or similar. New application-defined object types (*note Defining New Types (Smobs)::) have an `equalp' handler which is called by `equal?'. This lets an application traverse the contents or control what is considered `equal?' for two objects of such a type. If there's no such handler, the default is to just compare as per `eq?'.  File:, Node: Object Properties, Next: Sorting, Prev: Equality, Up: Utility Functions 5.9.2 Object Properties ----------------------- It's often useful to associate a piece of additional information with a Scheme object even though that object does not have a dedicated slot available in which the additional information could be stored. Object properties allow you to do just that. Guile's representation of an object property is a procedure-with-setter (*note Procedures with Setters::) that can be used with the generalized form of `set!' (REFFIXME) to set and retrieve that property for any Scheme object. So, setting a property looks like this: (set! (my-property obj1) value-for-obj1) (set! (my-property obj2) value-for-obj2) And retrieving values of the same property looks like this: (my-property obj1) => value-for-obj1 (my-property obj2) => value-for-obj2 To create an object property in the first place, use the `make-object-property' procedure: (define my-property (make-object-property)) -- Scheme Procedure: make-object-property Create and return an object property. An object property is a procedure-with-setter that can be called in two ways. `(set! (PROPERTY OBJ) VAL)' sets OBJ's PROPERTY to VAL. `(PROPERTY OBJ)' returns the current setting of OBJ's PROPERTY. A single object property created by `make-object-property' can associate distinct property values with all Scheme values that are distinguishable by `eq?' (including, for example, integers). Internally, object properties are implemented using a weak key hash table. This means that, as long as a Scheme value with property values is protected from garbage collection, its property values are also protected. When the Scheme value is collected, its entry in the property table is removed and so the (ex-) property values are no longer protected by the table. * Menu: * Property Primitives:: Low level property implementation. * Old-fashioned Properties:: An older approach to properties.  File:, Node: Property Primitives, Next: Old-fashioned Properties, Up: Object Properties Low Level Property Implementation. .......................................... -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-make-property not-found-proc -- C Function: scm_primitive_make_property (not_found_proc) Create a "property token" that can be used with `primitive-property-ref' and `primitive-property-set!'. See `primitive-property-ref' for the significance of NOT-FOUND-PROC. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-property-ref prop obj -- C Function: scm_primitive_property_ref (prop, obj) Return the property PROP of OBJ. When no value has yet been associated with PROP and OBJ, the NOT-FOUND-PROC from PROP is used. A call `(NOT-FOUND-PROC PROP OBJ)' is made and the result set as the property value. If NOT-FOUND-PROC is `#f' then `#f' is the property value. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-property-set! prop obj val -- C Function: scm_primitive_property_set_x (prop, obj, val) Set the property PROP of OBJ to VAL. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-property-del! prop obj -- C Function: scm_primitive_property_del_x (prop, obj) Remove any value associated with PROP and OBJ.  File:, Node: Old-fashioned Properties, Prev: Property Primitives, Up: Object Properties An Older Approach to Properties ....................................... Traditionally, Lisp systems provide a different object property interface to that provided by `make-object-property', in which the object property that is being set or retrieved is indicated by a symbol. Guile includes this older kind of interface as well, but it may well be removed in a future release, as it is less powerful than `make-object-property' and so increases the size of the Guile library for no benefit. (And it is trivial to write a compatibility layer in Scheme.) -- Scheme Procedure: object-properties obj -- C Function: scm_object_properties (obj) Return OBJ's property list. -- Scheme Procedure: set-object-properties! obj alist -- C Function: scm_set_object_properties_x (obj, alist) Set OBJ's property list to ALIST. -- Scheme Procedure: object-property obj key -- C Function: scm_object_property (obj, key) Return the property of OBJ with name KEY. -- Scheme Procedure: set-object-property! obj key value -- C Function: scm_set_object_property_x (obj, key, value) In OBJ's property list, set the property named KEY to VALUE.  File:, Node: Sorting, Next: Copying, Prev: Object Properties, Up: Utility Functions 5.9.3 Sorting ------------- Sorting is very important in computer programs. Therefore, Guile comes with several sorting procedures built-in. As always, procedures with names ending in `!' are side-effecting, that means that they may modify their parameters in order to produce their results. The first group of procedures can be used to merge two lists (which must be already sorted on their own) and produce sorted lists containing all elements of the input lists. -- Scheme Procedure: merge alist blist less -- C Function: scm_merge (alist, blist, less) Merge two already sorted lists into one. Given two lists ALIST and BLIST, such that `(sorted? alist less?)' and `(sorted? blist less?)', return a new list in which the elements of ALIST and BLIST have been stably interleaved so that `(sorted? (merge alist blist less?) less?)'. Note: this does _not_ accept vectors. -- Scheme Procedure: merge! alist blist less -- C Function: scm_merge_x (alist, blist, less) Takes two lists ALIST and BLIST such that `(sorted? alist less?)' and `(sorted? blist less?)' and returns a new list in which the elements of ALIST and BLIST have been stably interleaved so that `(sorted? (merge alist blist less?) less?)'. This is the destructive variant of `merge' Note: this does _not_ accept vectors. The following procedures can operate on sequences which are either vectors or list. According to the given arguments, they return sorted vectors or lists, respectively. The first of the following procedures determines whether a sequence is already sorted, the other sort a given sequence. The variants with names starting with `stable-' are special in that they maintain a special property of the input sequences: If two or more elements are the same according to the comparison predicate, they are left in the same order as they appeared in the input. -- Scheme Procedure: sorted? items less -- C Function: scm_sorted_p (items, less) Return `#t' iff ITEMS is a list or a vector such that for all 1 <= i <= m, the predicate LESS returns true when applied to all elements i - 1 and i -- Scheme Procedure: sort items less -- C Function: scm_sort (items, less) Sort the sequence ITEMS, which may be a list or a vector. LESS is used for comparing the sequence elements. This is not a stable sort. -- Scheme Procedure: sort! items less -- C Function: scm_sort_x (items, less) Sort the sequence ITEMS, which may be a list or a vector. LESS is used for comparing the sequence elements. The sorting is destructive, that means that the input sequence is modified to produce the sorted result. This is not a stable sort. -- Scheme Procedure: stable-sort items less -- C Function: scm_stable_sort (items, less) Sort the sequence ITEMS, which may be a list or a vector. LESS is used for comparing the sequence elements. This is a stable sort. -- Scheme Procedure: stable-sort! items less -- C Function: scm_stable_sort_x (items, less) Sort the sequence ITEMS, which may be a list or a vector. LESS is used for comparing the sequence elements. The sorting is destructive, that means that the input sequence is modified to produce the sorted result. This is a stable sort. The procedures in the last group only accept lists or vectors as input, as their names indicate. -- Scheme Procedure: sort-list items less -- C Function: scm_sort_list (items, less) Sort the list ITEMS, using LESS for comparing the list elements. This is a stable sort. -- Scheme Procedure: sort-list! items less -- C Function: scm_sort_list_x (items, less) Sort the list ITEMS, using LESS for comparing the list elements. The sorting is destructive, that means that the input list is modified to produce the sorted result. This is a stable sort. -- Scheme Procedure: restricted-vector-sort! vec less startpos endpos -- C Function: scm_restricted_vector_sort_x (vec, less, startpos, endpos) Sort the vector VEC, using LESS for comparing the vector elements. STARTPOS (inclusively) and ENDPOS (exclusively) delimit the range of the vector which gets sorted. The return value is not specified.  File:, Node: Copying, Next: General Conversion, Prev: Sorting, Up: Utility Functions 5.9.4 Copying Deep Structures ----------------------------- The procedures for copying lists (*note Lists::) only produce a flat copy of the input list, and currently Guile does not even contain procedures for copying vectors. `copy-tree' can be used for these application, as it does not only copy the spine of a list, but also copies any pairs in the cars of the input lists. -- Scheme Procedure: copy-tree obj -- C Function: scm_copy_tree (obj) Recursively copy the data tree that is bound to OBJ, and return a the new data structure. `copy-tree' recurses down the contents of both pairs and vectors (since both cons cells and vector cells may point to arbitrary objects), and stops recursing when it hits any other object.  File:, Node: General Conversion, Next: Hooks, Prev: Copying, Up: Utility Functions 5.9.5 General String Conversion ------------------------------- When debugging Scheme programs, but also for providing a human-friendly interface, a procedure for converting any Scheme object into string format is very useful. Conversion from/to strings can of course be done with specialized procedures when the data type of the object to convert is known, but with this procedure, it is often more comfortable. `object->string' converts an object by using a print procedure for writing to a string port, and then returning the resulting string. Converting an object back from the string is only possible if the object type has a read syntax and the read syntax is preserved by the printing procedure. -- Scheme Procedure: object->string obj [printer] -- C Function: scm_object_to_string (obj, printer) Return a Scheme string obtained by printing OBJ. Printing function can be specified by the optional second argument PRINTER (default: `write').  File:, Node: Hooks, Prev: General Conversion, Up: Utility Functions 5.9.6 Hooks ----------- A hook is a list of procedures to be called at well defined points in time. Typically, an application provides a hook H and promises its users that it will call all of the procedures in H at a defined point in the application's processing. By adding its own procedure to H, an application user can tap into or even influence the progress of the application. Guile itself provides several such hooks for debugging and customization purposes: these are listed in a subsection below. When an application first creates a hook, it needs to know how many arguments will be passed to the hook's procedures when the hook is run. The chosen number of arguments (which may be none) is declared when the hook is created, and all the procedures that are added to that hook must be capable of accepting that number of arguments. A hook is created using `make-hook'. A procedure can be added to or removed from a hook using `add-hook!' or `remove-hook!', and all of a hook's procedures can be removed together using `reset-hook!'. When an application wants to run a hook, it does so using `run-hook'. * Menu: * Hook Example:: Hook usage by example. * Hook Reference:: Reference of all hook procedures. * C Hooks:: Hooks for use from C code. * GC Hooks:: Garbage collection hooks. * REPL Hooks:: Hooks into the Guile REPL.  File:, Node: Hook Example, Next: Hook Reference, Up: Hooks Hook Usage by Example ............................. Hook usage is shown by some examples in this section. First, we will define a hook of arity 2 -- that is, the procedures stored in the hook will have to accept two arguments. (define hook (make-hook 2)) hook => # Now we are ready to add some procedures to the newly created hook with `add-hook!'. In the following example, two procedures are added, which print different messages and do different things with their arguments. (add-hook! hook (lambda (x y) (display "Foo: ") (display (+ x y)) (newline))) (add-hook! hook (lambda (x y) (display "Bar: ") (display (* x y)) (newline))) Once the procedures have been added, we can invoke the hook using `run-hook'. (run-hook hook 3 4) -| Bar: 12 -| Foo: 7 Note that the procedures are called in the reverse of the order with which they were added. This is because the default behaviour of `add-hook!' is to add its procedure to the _front_ of the hook's procedure list. You can force `add-hook!' to add its procedure to the _end_ of the list instead by providing a third `#t' argument on the second call to `add-hook!'. (add-hook! hook (lambda (x y) (display "Foo: ") (display (+ x y)) (newline))) (add-hook! hook (lambda (x y) (display "Bar: ") (display (* x y)) (newline)) #t) ; <- Change here! (run-hook hook 3 4) -| Foo: 7 -| Bar: 12  File:, Node: Hook Reference, Next: C Hooks, Prev: Hook Example, Up: Hooks Hook Reference ...................... When you create a hook with `make-hook', you must specify the arity of the procedures which can be added to the hook. If the arity is not given explicitly as an argument to `make-hook', it defaults to zero. All procedures of a given hook must have the same arity, and when the procedures are invoked using `run-hook', the number of arguments passed must match the arity specified at hook creation time. The order in which procedures are added to a hook matters. If the third parameter to `add-hook!' is omitted or is equal to `#f', the procedure is added in front of the procedures which might already be on that hook, otherwise the procedure is added at the end. The procedures are always called from the front to the end of the list when they are invoked via `run-hook'. The ordering of the list of procedures returned by `hook->list' matches the order in which those procedures would be called if the hook was run using `run-hook'. Note that the C functions in the following entries are for handling "Scheme-level" hooks in C. There are also "C-level" hooks which have their own interface (*note C Hooks::). -- Scheme Procedure: make-hook [n_args] -- C Function: scm_make_hook (n_args) Create a hook for storing procedure of arity N_ARGS. N_ARGS defaults to zero. The returned value is a hook object to be used with the other hook procedures. -- Scheme Procedure: hook? x -- C Function: scm_hook_p (x) Return `#t' if X is a hook, `#f' otherwise. -- Scheme Procedure: hook-empty? hook -- C Function: scm_hook_empty_p (hook) Return `#t' if HOOK is an empty hook, `#f' otherwise. -- Scheme Procedure: add-hook! hook proc [append_p] -- C Function: scm_add_hook_x (hook, proc, append_p) Add the procedure PROC to the hook HOOK. The procedure is added to the end if APPEND_P is true, otherwise it is added to the front. The return value of this procedure is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: remove-hook! hook proc -- C Function: scm_remove_hook_x (hook, proc) Remove the procedure PROC from the hook HOOK. The return value of this procedure is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: reset-hook! hook -- C Function: scm_reset_hook_x (hook) Remove all procedures from the hook HOOK. The return value of this procedure is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: hook->list hook -- C Function: scm_hook_to_list (hook) Convert the procedure list of HOOK to a list. -- Scheme Procedure: run-hook hook . args -- C Function: scm_run_hook (hook, args) Apply all procedures from the hook HOOK to the arguments ARGS. The order of the procedure application is first to last. The return value of this procedure is not specified. If, in C code, you are certain that you have a hook object and well formed argument list for that hook, you can also use `scm_c_run_hook', which is identical to `scm_run_hook' but does no type checking. -- C Function: void scm_c_run_hook (SCM hook, SCM args) The same as `scm_run_hook' but without any type checking to confirm that HOOK is actually a hook object and that ARGS is a well-formed list matching the arity of the hook. For C code, `SCM_HOOKP' is a faster alternative to `scm_hook_p': -- C Macro: int SCM_HOOKP (x) Return 1 if X is a Scheme-level hook, 0 otherwise. Handling Scheme-level hooks from C code ............................................... Here is an example of how to handle Scheme-level hooks from C code using the above functions. if (scm_is_true (scm_hook_p (obj))) /* handle Scheme-level hook using C functions */ scm_reset_hook_x (obj); else /* do something else (obj is not a hook) */  File:, Node: C Hooks, Next: GC Hooks, Prev: Hook Reference, Up: Hooks Hooks For C Code. ......................... The hooks already described are intended to be populated by Scheme-level procedures. In addition to this, the Guile library provides an independent set of interfaces for the creation and manipulation of hooks that are designed to be populated by functions implemented in C. The original motivation here was to provide a kind of hook that could safely be invoked at various points during garbage collection. Scheme-level hooks are unsuitable for this purpose as running them could itself require memory allocation, which would then invoke garbage collection recursively ... However, it is also the case that these hooks are easier to work with than the Scheme-level ones if you only want to register C functions with them. So if that is mainly what your code needs to do, you may prefer to use this interface. To create a C hook, you should allocate storage for a structure of type `scm_t_c_hook' and then initialize it using `scm_c_hook_init'. -- C Type: scm_t_c_hook Data type for a C hook. The internals of this type should be treated as opaque. -- C Enum: scm_t_c_hook_type Enumeration of possible hook types, which are: `SCM_C_HOOK_NORMAL' Type of hook for which all the registered functions will always be called. `SCM_C_HOOK_OR' Type of hook for which the sequence of registered functions will be called only until one of them returns C true (a non-NULL pointer). `SCM_C_HOOK_AND' Type of hook for which the sequence of registered functions will be called only until one of them returns C false (a NULL pointer). -- C Function: void scm_c_hook_init (scm_t_c_hook *hook, void *hook_data, scm_t_c_hook_type type) Initialize the C hook at memory pointed to by HOOK. TYPE should be one of the values of the `scm_t_c_hook_type' enumeration, and controls how the hook functions will be called. HOOK_DATA is a closure parameter that will be passed to all registered hook functions when they are called. To add or remove a C function from a C hook, use `scm_c_hook_add' or `scm_c_hook_remove'. A hook function must expect three `void *' parameters which are, respectively: HOOK_DATA The hook closure data that was specified at the time the hook was initialized by `scm_c_hook_init'. FUNC_DATA The function closure data that was specified at the time that that function was registered with the hook by `scm_c_hook_add'. DATA The call closure data specified by the `scm_c_hook_run' call that runs the hook. -- C Type: scm_t_c_hook_function Function type for a C hook function: takes three `void *' parameters and returns a `void *' result. -- C Function: void scm_c_hook_add (scm_t_c_hook *hook, scm_t_c_hook_function func, void *func_data, int appendp) Add function FUNC, with function closure data FUNC_DATA, to the C hook HOOK. The new function is appended to the hook's list of functions if APPENDP is non-zero, otherwise prepended. -- C Function: void scm_c_hook_remove (scm_t_c_hook *hook, scm_t_c_hook_function func, void *func_data) Remove function FUNC, with function closure data FUNC_DATA, from the C hook HOOK. `scm_c_hook_remove' checks both FUNC and FUNC_DATA so as to allow for the same FUNC being registered multiple times with different closure data. Finally, to invoke a C hook, call the `scm_c_hook_run' function specifying the hook and the call closure data for this run: -- C Function: void * scm_c_hook_run (scm_t_c_hook *hook, void *data) Run the C hook HOOK will call closure data DATA. Subject to the variations for hook types `SCM_C_HOOK_OR' and `SCM_C_HOOK_AND', `scm_c_hook_run' calls HOOK's registered functions in turn, passing them the hook's closure data, each function's closure data, and the call closure data. `scm_c_hook_run''s return value is the return value of the last function to be called.  File:, Node: GC Hooks, Next: REPL Hooks, Prev: C Hooks, Up: Hooks Hooks for Garbage Collection .................................... Whenever Guile performs a garbage collection, it calls the following hooks in the order shown. -- C Hook: scm_before_gc_c_hook C hook called at the very start of a garbage collection, after setting `scm_gc_running_p' to 1, but before entering the GC critical section. If garbage collection is blocked because `scm_block_gc' is non-zero, GC exits early soon after calling this hook, and no further hooks will be called. -- C Hook: scm_before_mark_c_hook C hook called before beginning the mark phase of garbage collection, after the GC thread has entered a critical section. -- C Hook: scm_before_sweep_c_hook C hook called before beginning the sweep phase of garbage collection. This is the same as at the end of the mark phase, since nothing else happens between marking and sweeping. -- C Hook: scm_after_sweep_c_hook C hook called after the end of the sweep phase of garbage collection, but while the GC thread is still inside its critical section. -- C Hook: scm_after_gc_c_hook C hook called at the very end of a garbage collection, after the GC thread has left its critical section. -- Scheme Hook: after-gc-hook Scheme hook with arity 0. This hook is run asynchronously (*note Asyncs::) soon after the GC has completed and any other events that were deferred during garbage collection have been processed. (Also accessible from C with the name `scm_after_gc_hook'.) All the C hooks listed here have type `SCM_C_HOOK_NORMAL', are initialized with hook closure data NULL, are are invoked by `scm_c_hook_run' with call closure data NULL. The Scheme hook `after-gc-hook' is particularly useful in conjunction with guardians (*note Guardians::). Typically, if you are using a guardian, you want to call the guardian after garbage collection to see if any of the objects added to the guardian have been collected. By adding a thunk that performs this call to `after-gc-hook', you can ensure that your guardian is tested after every garbage collection cycle.  File:, Node: REPL Hooks, Prev: GC Hooks, Up: Hooks Hooks into the Guile REPL .................................  File:, Node: Binding Constructs, Next: Control Mechanisms, Prev: Utility Functions, Up: API Reference 5.10 Definitions and Variable Bindings ====================================== Scheme supports the definition of variables in different contexts. Variables can be defined at the top level, so that they are visible in the entire program, and variables can be defined locally to procedures and expressions. This is important for modularity and data abstraction. * Menu: * Top Level:: Top level variable definitions. * Local Bindings:: Local variable bindings. * Internal Definitions:: Internal definitions. * Binding Reflection:: Querying variable bindings.  File:, Node: Top Level, Next: Local Bindings, Up: Binding Constructs 5.10.1 Top Level Variable Definitions ------------------------------------- On the top level of a program (i.e. when not inside the body of a procedure definition or a `let', `let*' or `letrec' expression), a definition of the form (define a VALUE) defines a variable called `a' and sets it to the value VALUE. If the variable already exists, because it has already been created by a previous `define' expression with the same name, its value is simply changed to the new VALUE. In this case, then, the above form is completely equivalent to (set! a VALUE) This equivalence means that `define' can be used interchangeably with `set!' to change the value of variables at the top level of the REPL or a Scheme source file. It is useful during interactive development when reloading a Scheme file that you have modified, because it allows the `define' expressions in that file to work as expected both the first time that the file is loaded and on subsequent occasions. Note, though, that `define' and `set!' are not always equivalent. For example, a `set!' is not allowed if the named variable does not already exist, and the two expressions can behave differently in the case where there are imported variables visible from another module. -- Scheme Syntax: define name value Create a top level variable named NAME with value VALUE. If the named variable already exists, just change its value. The return value of a `define' expression is unspecified. The C API equivalents of `define' are `scm_define' and `scm_c_define', which differ from each other in whether the variable name is specified as a `SCM' symbol or as a null-terminated C string. -- C Function: scm_define (sym, value) -- C Function: scm_c_define (const char *name, value) C equivalents of `define', with variable name specified either by SYM, a symbol, or by NAME, a null-terminated C string. Both variants return the new or preexisting variable object. `define' (when it occurs at top level), `scm_define' and `scm_c_define' all create or set the value of a variable in the top level environment of the current module. If there was not already a variable with the specified name belonging to the current module, but a similarly named variable from another module was visible through having been imported, the newly created variable in the current module will shadow the imported variable, such that the imported variable is no longer visible. Attention: Scheme definitions inside local binding constructs (*note Local Bindings::) act differently (*note Internal Definitions::).  File:, Node: Local Bindings, Next: Internal Definitions, Prev: Top Level, Up: Binding Constructs 5.10.2 Local Variable Bindings ------------------------------ As opposed to definitions at the top level, which are visible in the whole program (or current module, when Guile modules are used), it is also possible to define variables which are only visible in a well-defined part of the program. Normally, this part of a program will be a procedure or a subexpression of a procedure. With the constructs for local binding (`let', `let*' and `letrec'), the Scheme language has a block structure like most other programming languages since the days of ALGOL 60. Readers familiar to languages like C or Java should already be used to this concept, but the family of `let' expressions has a few properties which are well worth knowing. The first local binding construct is `let'. The other constructs `let*' and `letrec' are specialized versions for usage where using plain `let' is a bit inconvenient. -- syntax: let bindings body BINDINGS has the form ((VARIABLE1 INIT1) ...) that is zero or more two-element lists of a variable and an arbitrary expression each. All VARIABLE names must be distinct. A `let' expression is evaluated as follows. * All INIT expressions are evaluated. * New storage is allocated for the VARIABLES. * The values of the INIT expressions are stored into the variables. * The expressions in BODY are evaluated in order, and the value of the last expression is returned as the value of the `let' expression. * The storage for the VARIABLES is freed. The INIT expressions are not allowed to refer to any of the VARIABLES. -- syntax: let* bindings body Similar to `let', but the variable bindings are performed sequentially, that means that all INIT expression are allowed to use the variables defined on their left in the binding list. A `let*' expression can always be expressed with nested `let' expressions. (let* ((a 1) (b a)) b) == (let ((a 1)) (let ((b a)) b)) -- syntax: letrec bindings body Similar to `let', but it is possible to refer to the VARIABLE from lambda expression created in any of the INITS. That is, procedures created in the INIT expression can recursively refer to the defined variables. (letrec ((even? (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) #t (odd? (- n 1))))) (odd? (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) #f (even? (- n 1)))))) (even? 88)) => #t There is also an alternative form of the `let' form, which is used for expressing iteration. Because of the use as a looping construct, this form (the "named let") is documented in the section about iteration (*note Iteration: while do.)  File:, Node: Internal Definitions, Next: Binding Reflection, Prev: Local Bindings, Up: Binding Constructs 5.10.3 Internal definitions --------------------------- A `define' form which appears inside the body of a `lambda', `let', `let*', `letrec' or equivalent expression is called an "internal definition". An internal definition differs from a top level definition (*note Top Level::), because the definition is only visible inside the complete body of the enclosing form. Let us examine the following example. (let ((frumble "froz")) (define banana (lambda () (apple 'peach))) (define apple (lambda (x) x)) (banana)) => peach Here the enclosing form is a `let', so the `define's in the `let'-body are internal definitions. Because the scope of the internal definitions is the *complete* body of the `let'-expression, the `lambda'-expression which gets bound to the variable `banana' may refer to the variable `apple', even though it's definition appears lexically _after_ the definition of `banana'. This is because a sequence of internal definition acts as if it were a `letrec' expression. (let () (define a 1) (define b 2) (+ a b)) is equivalent to (let () (letrec ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b))) Another noteworthy difference to top level definitions is that within one group of internal definitions all variable names must be distinct. That means where on the top level a second define for a given variable acts like a `set!', an exception is thrown for internal definitions with duplicate bindings.  File:, Node: Binding Reflection, Prev: Internal Definitions, Up: Binding Constructs 5.10.4 Querying variable bindings --------------------------------- Guile provides a procedure for checking whether a symbol is bound in the top level environment. -- Scheme Procedure: defined? sym [env] -- C Function: scm_defined_p (sym, env) Return `#t' if SYM is defined in the lexical environment ENV. When ENV is not specified, look in the top-level environment as defined by the current module.  File:, Node: Control Mechanisms, Next: Input and Output, Prev: Binding Constructs, Up: API Reference 5.11 Controlling the Flow of Program Execution ============================================== See *note Control Flow:: for a discussion of how the more general control flow of Scheme affects C code. * Menu: * begin:: Evaluating a sequence of expressions. * if cond case:: Simple conditional evaluation. * and or:: Conditional evaluation of a sequence. * while do:: Iteration mechanisms. * Continuations:: Continuations. * Multiple Values:: Returning and accepting multiple values. * Exceptions:: Throwing and catching exceptions. * Error Reporting:: Procedures for signaling errors. * Dynamic Wind:: Dealing with non-local entrance/exit. * Handling Errors:: How to handle errors in C code.  File:, Node: begin, Next: if cond case, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.1 Evaluating a Sequence of Expressions ------------------------------------------- The `begin' syntax is used for grouping several expressions together so that they are treated as if they were one expression. This is particularly important when syntactic expressions are used which only allow one expression, but the programmer wants to use more than one expression in that place. As an example, consider the conditional expression below: (if (> x 0) (begin (display "greater") (newline))) If the two calls to `display' and `newline' were not embedded in a `begin'-statement, the call to `newline' would get misinterpreted as the else-branch of the `if'-expression. -- syntax: begin expr1 expr2 ... The expression(s) are evaluated in left-to-right order and the value of the last expression is returned as the value of the `begin'-expression. This expression type is used when the expressions before the last one are evaluated for their side effects. Guile also allows the expression `(begin)', a `begin' with no sub-expressions. Such an expression returns the `unspecified' value.  File:, Node: if cond case, Next: and or, Prev: begin, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.2 Simple Conditional Evaluation ------------------------------------ Guile provides three syntactic constructs for conditional evaluation. `if' is the normal if-then-else expression (with an optional else branch), `cond' is a conditional expression with multiple branches and `case' branches if an expression has one of a set of constant values. -- syntax: if test consequent [alternate] All arguments may be arbitrary expressions. First, TEST is evaluated. If it returns a true value, the expression CONSEQUENT is evaluated and ALTERNATE is ignored. If TEST evaluates to `#f', ALTERNATE is evaluated instead. The value of the evaluated branch (CONSEQUENT or ALTERNATE) is returned as the value of the `if' expression. When ALTERNATE is omitted and the TEST evaluates to `#f', the value of the expression is not specified. -- syntax: cond clause1 clause2 ... Each `cond'-clause must look like this: (TEST EXPRESSION ...) where TEST and EXPRESSION are arbitrary expression, or like this (TEST => EXPRESSION) where EXPRESSION must evaluate to a procedure. The TESTs of the clauses are evaluated in order and as soon as one of them evaluates to a true values, the corresponding EXPRESSIONs are evaluated in order and the last value is returned as the value of the `cond'-expression. For the `=>' clause type, EXPRESSION is evaluated and the resulting procedure is applied to the value of TEST. The result of this procedure application is then the result of the `cond'-expression. One additional `cond'-clause is available as an extension to standard Scheme: (TEST GUARD => EXPRESSION) where GUARD and EXPRESSION must evaluate to procedures. For this clause type, TEST may return multiple values, and `cond' ignores its boolean state; instead, `cond' evaluates GUARD and applies the resulting procedure to the value(s) of TEST, as if GUARD were the CONSUMER argument of `call-with-values'. Iff the result of that procedure call is a true value, it evaluates EXPRESSION and applies the resulting procedure to the value(s) of TEST, in the same manner as the GUARD was called. The TEST of the last CLAUSE may be the symbol `else'. Then, if none of the preceding TESTs is true, the EXPRESSIONs following the `else' are evaluated to produce the result of the `cond'-expression. -- syntax: case key clause1 clause2 ... KEY may be any expression, the CLAUSEs must have the form ((DATUM1 ...) EXPR1 EXPR2 ...) and the last CLAUSE may have the form (else EXPR1 EXPR2 ...) All DATUMs must be distinct. First, KEY is evaluated. The the result of this evaluation is compared against all DATUMs using `eqv?'. When this comparison succeeds, the expression(s) following the DATUM are evaluated from left to right, returning the value of the last expression as the result of the `case' expression. If the KEY matches no DATUM and there is an `else'-clause, the expressions following the `else' are evaluated. If there is no such clause, the result of the expression is unspecified.  File:, Node: and or, Next: while do, Prev: if cond case, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.3 Conditional Evaluation of a Sequence of Expressions ---------------------------------------------------------- `and' and `or' evaluate all their arguments in order, similar to `begin', but evaluation stops as soon as one of the expressions evaluates to false or true, respectively. -- syntax: and expr ... Evaluate the EXPRs from left to right and stop evaluation as soon as one expression evaluates to `#f'; the remaining expressions are not evaluated. The value of the last evaluated expression is returned. If no expression evaluates to `#f', the value of the last expression is returned. If used without expressions, `#t' is returned. -- syntax: or expr ... Evaluate the EXPRs from left to right and stop evaluation as soon as one expression evaluates to a true value (that is, a value different from `#f'); the remaining expressions are not evaluated. The value of the last evaluated expression is returned. If all expressions evaluate to `#f', `#f' is returned. If used without expressions, `#f' is returned.  File:, Node: while do, Next: Continuations, Prev: and or, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.4 Iteration mechanisms --------------------------- Scheme has only few iteration mechanisms, mainly because iteration in Scheme programs is normally expressed using recursion. Nevertheless, R5RS defines a construct for programming loops, calling `do'. In addition, Guile has an explicit looping syntax called `while'. -- syntax: do ((variable init [step]) ...) (test [expr ...]) body ... Bind VARIABLEs and evaluate BODY until TEST is true. The return value is the last EXPR after TEST, if given. A simple example will illustrate the basic form, (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i 4)) (display i)) -| 1234 Or with two variables and a final return value, (do ((i 1 (1+ i)) (p 3 (* 3 p))) ((> i 4) p) (format #t "3**~s is ~s\n" i p)) -| 3**1 is 3 3**2 is 9 3**3 is 27 3**4 is 81 => 789 The VARIABLE bindings are established like a `let', in that the expressions are all evaluated and then all bindings made. When iterating, the optional STEP expressions are evaluated with the previous bindings in scope, then new bindings all made. The TEST expression is a termination condition. Looping stops when the TEST is true. It's evaluated before running the BODY each time, so if it's true the first time then BODY is not run at all. The optional EXPRs after the TEST are evaluated at the end of looping, with the final VARIABLE bindings available. The last EXPR gives the return value, or if there are no EXPRs the return value is unspecified. Each iteration establishes bindings to fresh locations for the VARIABLEs, like a new `let' for each iteration. This is done for VARIABLEs without STEP expressions too. The following illustrates this, showing how a new `i' is captured by the `lambda' in each iteration (*note The Concept of Closure: About Closure.). (define lst '()) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i 4)) (set! lst (cons (lambda () i) lst))) (map (lambda (proc) (proc)) lst) => (4 3 2 1) -- syntax: while cond body ... Run a loop executing the BODY forms while COND is true. COND is tested at the start of each iteration, so if it's `#f' the first time then BODY is not executed at all. The return value is unspecified. Within `while', two extra bindings are provided, they can be used from both COND and BODY. -- Scheme Procedure: break Break out of the `while' form. -- Scheme Procedure: continue Abandon the current iteration, go back to the start and test COND again, etc. Each `while' form gets its own `break' and `continue' procedures, operating on that `while'. This means when loops are nested the outer `break' can be used to escape all the way out. For example, (while (test1) (let ((outer-break break)) (while (test2) (if (something) (outer-break #f)) ...))) Note that each `break' and `continue' procedure can only be used within the dynamic extent of its `while'. Outside the `while' their behaviour is unspecified. Another very common way of expressing iteration in Scheme programs is the use of the so-called "named let". Named let is a variant of `let' which creates a procedure and calls it in one step. Because of the newly created procedure, named let is more powerful than `do'-it can be used for iteration, but also for arbitrary recursion. -- syntax: let variable bindings body For the definition of BINDINGS see the documentation about `let' (*note Local Bindings::). Named `let' works as follows: * A new procedure which accepts as many arguments as are in BINDINGS is created and bound locally (using `let') to VARIABLE. The new procedure's formal argument names are the name of the VARIABLES. * The BODY expressions are inserted into the newly created procedure. * The procedure is called with the INIT expressions as the formal arguments. The next example implements a loop which iterates (by recursion) 1000 times. (let lp ((x 1000)) (if (positive? x) (lp (- x 1)) x)) => 0  File:, Node: Continuations, Next: Multiple Values, Prev: while do, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.5 Continuations -------------------- A "continuation" is the code that will execute when a given function or expression returns. For example, consider (define (foo) (display "hello\n") (display (bar)) (newline) (exit)) The continuation from the call to `bar' comprises a `display' of the value returned, a `newline' and an `exit'. This can be expressed as a function of one argument. (lambda (r) (display r) (newline) (exit)) In Scheme, continuations are represented as special procedures just like this. The special property is that when a continuation is called it abandons the current program location and jumps directly to that represented by the continuation. A continuation is like a dynamic label, capturing at run-time a point in program execution, including all the nested calls that have lead to it (or rather the code that will execute when those calls return). Continuations are created with the following functions. -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-current-continuation proc -- Scheme Procedure: call/cc proc Capture the current continuation and call `(PROC CONT)' with it. The return value is the value returned by PROC, or when `(CONT VALUE)' is later invoked, the return is the VALUE passed. Normally CONT should be called with one argument, but when the location resumed is expecting multiple values (*note Multiple Values::) then they should be passed as multiple arguments, for instance `(CONT X Y Z)'. CONT may only be used from the same side of a continuation barrier as it was created (*note Continuation Barriers::), and in a multi-threaded program only from the thread in which it was created. The call to PROC is not part of the continuation captured, it runs only when the continuation is created. Often a program will want to store CONT somewhere for later use; this can be done in PROC. The `call' in the name `call-with-current-continuation' refers to the way a call to PROC gives the newly created continuation. It's not related to the way a call is used later to invoke that continuation. `call/cc' is an alias for `call-with-current-continuation'. This is in common use since the latter is rather long. -- C Function: SCM scm_make_continuation (int *first) Capture the current continuation as described above. The return value is the new continuation, and *FIRST is set to 1. When the continuation is invoked, `scm_make_continuation' will return again, this time returning the value (or set of multiple values) passed in that invocation, and with *FIRST set to 0. Here is a simple example, (define kont #f) (format #t "the return is ~a\n" (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! kont k) 1))) => the return is 1 (kont 2) => the return is 2 `call/cc' captures a continuation in which the value returned is going to be displayed by `format'. The `lambda' stores this in `kont' and gives an initial return `1' which is displayed. The later invocation of `kont' resumes the captured point, but this time returning `2', which is displayed. When Guile is run interactively, a call to `format' like this has an implicit return back to the read-eval-print loop. `call/cc' captures that like any other return, which is why interactively `kont' will come back to read more input. C programmers may note that `call/cc' is like `setjmp' in the way it records at runtime a point in program execution. A call to a continuation is like a `longjmp' in that it abandons the present location and goes to the recorded one. Like `longjmp', the value passed to the continuation is the value returned by `call/cc' on resuming there. However `longjmp' can only go up the program stack, but the continuation mechanism can go anywhere. When a continuation is invoked, `call/cc' and subsequent code effectively "returns" a second time. It can be confusing to imagine a function returning more times than it was called. It may help instead to think of it being stealthily re-entered and then program flow going on as normal. `dynamic-wind' (*note Dynamic Wind::) can be used to ensure setup and cleanup code is run when a program locus is resumed or abandoned through the continuation mechanism. Continuations are a powerful mechanism, and can be used to implement almost any sort of control structure, such as loops, coroutines, or exception handlers. However the implementation of continuations in Guile is not as efficient as one might hope, because Guile is designed to cooperate with programs written in other languages, such as C, which do not know about continuations. Basically continuations are captured by a block copy of the stack, and resumed by copying back. For this reason, generally continuations should be used only when there is no other simple way to achieve the desired result, or when the elegance of the continuation mechanism outweighs the need for performance. Escapes upwards from loops or nested functions are generally best handled with exceptions (*note Exceptions::). Coroutines can be efficiently implemented with cooperating threads (a thread holds a full program stack but doesn't copy it around the way continuations do).  File:, Node: Multiple Values, Next: Exceptions, Prev: Continuations, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.6 Returning and Accepting Multiple Values ---------------------------------------------- Scheme allows a procedure to return more than one value to its caller. This is quite different to other languages which only allow single-value returns. Returning multiple values is different from returning a list (or pair or vector) of values to the caller, because conceptually not _one_ compound object is returned, but several distinct values. The primitive procedures for handling multiple values are `values' and `call-with-values'. `values' is used for returning multiple values from a procedure. This is done by placing a call to `values' with zero or more arguments in tail position in a procedure body. `call-with-values' combines a procedure returning multiple values with a procedure which accepts these values as parameters. -- Scheme Procedure: values arg1 ... argN -- C Function: scm_values (args) Delivers all of its arguments to its continuation. Except for continuations created by the `call-with-values' procedure, all continuations take exactly one value. The effect of passing no value or more than one value to continuations that were not created by `call-with-values' is unspecified. For `scm_values', ARGS is a list of arguments and the return is a multiple-values object which the caller can return. In the current implementation that object shares structure with ARGS, so ARGS should not be modified subsequently. -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-values producer consumer Calls its PRODUCER argument with no values and a continuation that, when passed some values, calls the CONSUMER procedure with those values as arguments. The continuation for the call to CONSUMER is the continuation of the call to `call-with-values'. (call-with-values (lambda () (values 4 5)) (lambda (a b) b)) => 5 (call-with-values * -) => -1 In addition to the fundamental procedures described above, Guile has a module which exports a syntax called `receive', which is much more convenient. This is in the `(ice-9 receive)' and is the same as specified by SRFI-8 (*note SRFI-8::). (use-modules (ice-9 receive)) -- library syntax: receive formals expr body ... Evaluate the expression EXPR, and bind the result values (zero or more) to the formal arguments in FORMALS. FORMALS is a list of symbols, like the argument list in a `lambda' (*note Lambda::). After binding the variables, the expressions in BODY ... are evaluated in order, the return value is the result from the last expression. For example getting results from `partition' in SRFI-1 (*note SRFI-1::), (receive (odds evens) (partition odd? '(7 4 2 8 3)) (display odds) (display " and ") (display evens)) -| (7 3) and (4 2 8)  File:, Node: Exceptions, Next: Error Reporting, Prev: Multiple Values, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.7 Exceptions ----------------- A common requirement in applications is to want to jump "non-locally" from the depths of a computation back to, say, the application's main processing loop. Usually, the place that is the target of the jump is somewhere in the calling stack of procedures that called the procedure that wants to jump back. For example, typical logic for a key press driven application might look something like this: main-loop: read the next key press and call dispatch-key dispatch-key: lookup the key in a keymap and call an appropriate procedure, say find-file find-file: interactively read the required file name, then call find-specified-file find-specified-file: check whether file exists; if not, jump back to main-loop ... The jump back to `main-loop' could be achieved by returning through the stack one procedure at a time, using the return value of each procedure to indicate the error condition, but Guile (like most modern programming languages) provides an additional mechanism called "exception handling" that can be used to implement such jumps much more conveniently. * Menu: * Exception Terminology:: Different ways to say the same thing. * Catch:: Setting up to catch exceptions. * Throw Handlers:: Adding extra handling to a throw. * Lazy Catch:: Catch without unwinding the stack. * Throw:: Throwing an exception. * Exception Implementation:: How Guile implements exceptions.  File:, Node: Exception Terminology, Next: Catch, Up: Exceptions Exception Terminology .............................. There are several variations on the terminology for dealing with non-local jumps. It is useful to be aware of them, and to realize that they all refer to the same basic mechanism. * Actually making a non-local jump may be called "raising an exception", "raising a signal", "throwing an exception" or "doing a long jump". When the jump indicates an error condition, people may talk about "signalling", "raising" or "throwing" "an error". * Handling the jump at its target may be referred to as "catching" or "handling" the "exception", "signal" or, where an error condition is involved, "error". Where "signal" and "signalling" are used, special care is needed to avoid the risk of confusion with POSIX signals. This manual prefers to speak of throwing and catching exceptions, since this terminology matches the corresponding Guile primitives.  File:, Node: Catch, Next: Throw Handlers, Prev: Exception Terminology, Up: Exceptions Catching Exceptions ............................ `catch' is used to set up a target for a possible non-local jump. The arguments of a `catch' expression are a "key", which restricts the set of exceptions to which this `catch' applies, a thunk that specifies the code to execute and one or two "handler" procedures that say what to do if an exception is thrown while executing the code. If the execution thunk executes "normally", which means without throwing any exceptions, the handler procedures are not called at all. When an exception is thrown using the `throw' function, the first argument of the `throw' is a symbol that indicates the type of the exception. For example, Guile throws an exception using the symbol `numerical-overflow' to indicate numerical overflow errors such as division by zero: (/ 1 0) => ABORT: (numerical-overflow) The KEY argument in a `catch' expression corresponds to this symbol. KEY may be a specific symbol, such as `numerical-overflow', in which case the `catch' applies specifically to exceptions of that type; or it may be `#t', which means that the `catch' applies to all exceptions, irrespective of their type. The second argument of a `catch' expression should be a thunk (i.e. a procedure that accepts no arguments) that specifies the normal case code. The `catch' is active for the execution of this thunk, including any code called directly or indirectly by the thunk's body. Evaluation of the `catch' expression activates the catch and then calls this thunk. The third argument of a `catch' expression is a handler procedure. If an exception is thrown, this procedure is called with exactly the arguments specified by the `throw'. Therefore, the handler procedure must be designed to accept a number of arguments that corresponds to the number of arguments in all `throw' expressions that can be caught by this `catch'. The fourth, optional argument of a `catch' expression is another handler procedure, called the "pre-unwind" handler. It differs from the third argument in that if an exception is thrown, it is called, _before_ the third argument handler, in exactly the dynamic context of the `throw' expression that threw the exception. This means that it is useful for capturing or displaying the stack at the point of the `throw', or for examining other aspects of the dynamic context, such as fluid values, before the context is unwound back to that of the prevailing `catch'. -- Scheme Procedure: catch key thunk handler [pre-unwind-handler] -- C Function: scm_catch_with_pre_unwind_handler (key, thunk, handler, pre_unwind_handler) -- C Function: scm_catch (key, thunk, handler) Invoke THUNK in the dynamic context of HANDLER for exceptions matching KEY. If thunk throws to the symbol KEY, then HANDLER is invoked this way: (handler key args ...) KEY is a symbol or `#t'. THUNK takes no arguments. If THUNK returns normally, that is the return value of `catch'. Handler is invoked outside the scope of its own `catch'. If HANDLER again throws to the same key, a new handler from further up the call chain is invoked. If the key is `#t', then a throw to _any_ symbol will match this call to `catch'. If a PRE-UNWIND-HANDLER is given and THUNK throws an exception that matches KEY, Guile calls the PRE-UNWIND-HANDLER before unwinding the dynamic state and invoking the main HANDLER. PRE-UNWIND-HANDLER should be a procedure with the same signature as HANDLER, that is `(lambda (key . args))'. It is typically used to save the stack at the point where the exception occurred, but can also query other parts of the dynamic state at that point, such as fluid values. A PRE-UNWIND-HANDLER can exit either normally or non-locally. If it exits normally, Guile unwinds the stack and dynamic context and then calls the normal (third argument) handler. If it exits non-locally, that exit determines the continuation. If a handler procedure needs to match a variety of `throw' expressions with varying numbers of arguments, you should write it like this: (lambda (key . args) ...) The KEY argument is guaranteed always to be present, because a `throw' without a KEY is not valid. The number and interpretation of the ARGS varies from one type of exception to another, but should be specified by the documentation for each exception type. Note that, once the normal (post-unwind) handler procedure is invoked, the catch that led to the handler procedure being called is no longer active. Therefore, if the handler procedure itself throws an exception, that exception can only be caught by another active catch higher up the call stack, if there is one. -- C Function: SCM scm_c_catch (SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data, scm_t_catch_handler pre_unwind_handler, void *pre_unwind_handler_data) -- C Function: SCM scm_internal_catch (SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data) The above `scm_catch_with_pre_unwind_handler' and `scm_catch' take Scheme procedures as body and handler arguments. `scm_c_catch' and `scm_internal_catch' are equivalents taking C functions. BODY is called as `BODY (BODY_DATA)' with a catch on exceptions of the given TAG type. If an exception is caught, PRE_UNWIND_HANDLER and HANDLER are called as `HANDLER (HANDLER_DATA, KEY, ARGS)'. KEY and ARGS are the `SCM' key and argument list from the `throw'. BODY and HANDLER should have the following prototypes. `scm_t_catch_body' and `scm_t_catch_handler' are pointer typedefs for these. SCM body (void *data); SCM handler (void *data, SCM key, SCM args); The BODY_DATA and HANDLER_DATA parameters are passed to the respective calls so an application can communicate extra information to those functions. If the data consists of an `SCM' object, care should be taken that it isn't garbage collected while still required. If the `SCM' is a local C variable, one way to protect it is to pass a pointer to that variable as the data parameter, since the C compiler will then know the value must be held on the stack. Another way is to use `scm_remember_upto_here_1' (*note Remembering During Operations::).  File:, Node: Throw Handlers, Next: Lazy Catch, Prev: Catch, Up: Exceptions Throw Handlers ....................... It's sometimes useful to be able to intercept an exception that is being thrown, but without changing where in the dynamic context that exception will eventually be caught. This could be to clean up some related state or to pass information about the exception to a debugger, for example. The `with-throw-handler' procedure provides a way to do this. -- Scheme Procedure: with-throw-handler key thunk handler -- C Function: scm_with_throw_handler (key, thunk, handler) Add HANDLER to the dynamic context as a throw handler for key KEY, then invoke THUNK. -- C Function: SCM scm_c_with_throw_handler (SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data, int lazy_catch_p) The above `scm_with_throw_handler' takes Scheme procedures as body (thunk) and handler arguments. `scm_c_with_throw_handler' is an equivalent taking C functions. See `scm_c_catch' (*note Catch::) for a description of the parameters, the behaviour however of course follows `with-throw-handler'. If THUNK throws an exception, Guile handles that exception by invoking the innermost `catch' or throw handler whose key matches that of the exception. When the innermost thing is a throw handler, Guile calls the specified handler procedure using `(apply HANDLER key args)'. The handler procedure may either return normally or exit non-locally. If it returns normally, Guile passes the exception on to the next innermost `catch' or throw handler. If it exits non-locally, that exit determines the continuation. The behaviour of a throw handler is very similar to that of a `catch' expression's optional pre-unwind handler. In particular, a throw handler's handler procedure is invoked in the exact dynamic context of the `throw' expression, just as a pre-unwind handler is. `with-throw-handler' may be seen as a half-`catch': it does everything that a `catch' would do until the point where `catch' would start unwinding the stack and dynamic context, but then it rethrows to the next innermost `catch' or throw handler instead.  File:, Node: Lazy Catch, Next: Throw, Prev: Throw Handlers, Up: Exceptions Catch Without Unwinding ................................ Before version 1.8, Guile's closest equivalent to `with-throw-handler' was `lazy-catch'. From version 1.8 onwards we recommend using `with-throw-handler' because its behaviour is more useful than that of `lazy-catch', but `lazy-catch' is still supported as well. A "lazy catch" is used in the same way as a normal `catch', with KEY, THUNK and HANDLER arguments specifying the exception type, normal case code and handler procedure, but differs in one important respect: the handler procedure is executed without unwinding the call stack from the context of the `throw' expression that caused the handler to be invoked. -- Scheme Procedure: lazy-catch key thunk handler -- C Function: scm_lazy_catch (key, thunk, handler) This behaves exactly like `catch', except that it does not unwind the stack before invoking HANDLER. If the HANDLER procedure returns normally, Guile rethrows the same exception again to the next innermost catch, lazy-catch or throw handler. If the HANDLER exits non-locally, that exit determines the continuation. -- C Function: SCM scm_internal_lazy_catch (SCM tag, scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data) The above `scm_lazy_catch' takes Scheme procedures as body and handler arguments. `scm_internal_lazy_catch' is an equivalent taking C functions. See `scm_internal_catch' (*note Catch::) for a description of the parameters, the behaviour however of course follows `lazy-catch'. Typically HANDLER is used to display a backtrace of the stack at the point where the corresponding `throw' occurred, or to save off this information for possible display later. Not unwinding the stack means that throwing an exception that is caught by a `lazy-catch' is _almost_ equivalent to calling the `lazy-catch''s handler inline instead of each `throw', and then omitting the surrounding `lazy-catch'. In other words, (lazy-catch 'key (lambda () ... (throw 'key args ...) ...) handler) is _almost_ equivalent to ((lambda () ... (handler 'key args ...) ...)) But why only _almost_? The difference is that with `lazy-catch' (as with normal `catch'), the dynamic context is unwound back to just outside the `lazy-catch' expression before invoking the handler. (For an introduction to what is meant by dynamic context, *Note Dynamic Wind::.) Then, when the handler _itself_ throws an exception, that exception must be caught by some kind of `catch' (including perhaps another `lazy-catch') higher up the call stack. The dynamic context also includes `with-fluids' blocks (*note Fluids and Dynamic States::), so the effect of unwinding the dynamic context can also be seen in fluid variable values. This is illustrated by the following code, in which the normal case thunk uses `with-fluids' to temporarily change the value of a fluid: (define f (make-fluid)) (fluid-set! f "top level value") (define (handler . args) (cons (fluid-ref f) args)) (lazy-catch 'foo (lambda () (with-fluids ((f "local value")) (throw 'foo))) handler) => ("top level value" foo) ((lambda () (with-fluids ((f "local value")) (handler 'foo)))) => ("local value" foo) In the `lazy-catch' version, the unwinding of dynamic context restores `f' to its value outside the `with-fluids' block before the handler is invoked, so the handler's `(fluid-ref f)' returns the external value. `lazy-catch' is useful because it permits the implementation of debuggers and other reflective programming tools that need to access the state of the call stack at the exact point where an exception or an error is thrown. For an example of this, see REFFIXME:stack-catch. It should be obvious from the above that `lazy-catch' is very similar to `with-throw-handler'. In fact Guile implements `lazy-catch' in exactly the same way as `with-throw-handler', except with a flag set to say "where there are slight differences between what `with-throw-handler' and `lazy-catch' would do, do what `lazy-catch' has always done". There are two such differences: 1. `with-throw-handler' handlers execute in the full dynamic context of the originating `throw' call. `lazy-catch' handlers execute in the dynamic context of the `lazy-catch' expression, excepting only that the stack has not yet been unwound from the point of the `throw' call. 2. If a `with-throw-handler' handler throws to a key that does not match the `with-throw-handler' expression's KEY, the new throw may be handled by a `catch' or throw handler that is _closer_ to the throw than the first `with-throw-handler'. If a `lazy-catch' handler throws, it will always be handled by a `catch' or throw handler that is higher up the dynamic context than the first `lazy-catch'. Here is an example to illustrate the second difference: (catch 'a (lambda () (with-throw-handler 'b (lambda () (catch 'a (lambda () (throw 'b)) inner-handler)) (lambda (key . args) (throw 'a)))) outer-handler) This code will call `inner-handler' and then continue with the continuation of the inner `catch'. If the `with-throw-handler' was changed to `lazy-catch', however, the code would call `outer-handler' and then continue with the continuation of the outer `catch'. Modulo these two differences, any statements in the previous and following subsections about throw handlers apply to lazy catches as well.  File:, Node: Throw, Next: Exception Implementation, Prev: Lazy Catch, Up: Exceptions Throwing Exceptions ............................ The `throw' primitive is used to throw an exception. One argument, the KEY, is mandatory, and must be a symbol; it indicates the type of exception that is being thrown. Following the KEY, `throw' accepts any number of additional arguments, whose meaning depends on the exception type. The documentation for each possible type of exception should specify the additional arguments that are expected for that kind of exception. -- Scheme Procedure: throw key . args -- C Function: scm_throw (key, args) Invoke the catch form matching KEY, passing ARGS to the HANDLER. KEY is a symbol. It will match catches of the same symbol or of `#t'. If there is no handler at all, Guile prints an error and then exits. When an exception is thrown, it will be caught by the innermost `catch' or throw handler that applies to the type of the thrown exception; in other words, whose KEY is either `#t' or the same symbol as that used in the `throw' expression. Once Guile has identified the appropriate `catch' or throw handler, it handles the exception by applying the relevant handler procedure(s) to the arguments of the `throw'. If there is no appropriate `catch' or throw handler for a thrown exception, Guile prints an error to the current error port indicating an uncaught exception, and then exits. In practice, it is quite difficult to observe this behaviour, because Guile when used interactively installs a top level `catch' handler that will catch all exceptions and print an appropriate error message _without_ exiting. For example, this is what happens if you try to throw an unhandled exception in the standard Guile REPL; note that Guile's command loop continues after the error message: guile> (throw 'badex) :3:1: In procedure gsubr-apply ... :3:1: unhandled-exception: badex ABORT: (misc-error) guile> The default uncaught exception behaviour can be observed by evaluating a `throw' expression from the shell command line: $ guile -c "(begin (throw 'badex) (display \"here\\n\"))" guile: uncaught throw to badex: () $ That Guile exits immediately following the uncaught exception is shown by the absence of any output from the `display' expression, because Guile never gets to the point of evaluating that expression.  File:, Node: Exception Implementation, Prev: Throw, Up: Exceptions How Guile Implements Exceptions ........................................ It is traditional in Scheme to implement exception systems using `call-with-current-continuation'. Continuations (*note Continuations::) are such a powerful concept that any other control mechanism -- including `catch' and `throw' -- can be implemented in terms of them. Guile does not implement `catch' and `throw' like this, though. Why not? Because Guile is specifically designed to be easy to integrate with applications written in C. In a mixed Scheme/C environment, the concept of "continuation" must logically include "what happens next" in the C parts of the application as well as the Scheme parts, and it turns out that the only reasonable way of implementing continuations like this is to save and restore the complete C stack. So Guile's implementation of `call-with-current-continuation' is a stack copying one. This allows it to interact well with ordinary C code, but means that creating and calling a continuation is slowed down by the time that it takes to copy the C stack. The more targeted mechanism provided by `catch' and `throw' does not need to save and restore the C stack because the `throw' always jumps to a location higher up the stack of the code that executes the `throw'. Therefore Guile implements the `catch' and `throw' primitives independently of `call-with-current-continuation', in a way that takes advantage of this _upwards only_ nature of exceptions.  File:, Node: Error Reporting, Next: Dynamic Wind, Prev: Exceptions, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.8 Procedures for Signaling Errors -------------------------------------- Guile provides a set of convenience procedures for signaling error conditions that are implemented on top of the exception primitives just described. -- Scheme Procedure: error msg args ... Raise an error with key `misc-error' and a message constructed by displaying MSG and writing ARGS. -- Scheme Procedure: scm-error key subr message args data -- C Function: scm_error_scm (key, subr, message, args, data) Raise an error with key KEY. SUBR can be a string naming the procedure associated with the error, or `#f'. MESSAGE is the error message string, possibly containing `~S' and `~A' escapes. When an error is reported, these are replaced by formatting the corresponding members of ARGS: `~A' (was `%s' in older versions of Guile) formats using `display' and `~S' (was `%S') formats using `write'. DATA is a list or `#f' depending on KEY: if KEY is `system-error' then it should be a list containing the Unix `errno' value; If KEY is `signal' then it should be a list containing the Unix signal number; If KEY is `out-of-range' or `wrong-type-arg', it is a list containing the bad value; otherwise it will usually be `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: strerror err -- C Function: scm_strerror (err) Return the Unix error message corresponding to ERR, an integer `errno' value. When `setlocale' has been called (*note Locales::), the message is in the language and charset of `LC_MESSAGES'. (This is done by the C library.) -- syntax: false-if-exception expr Returns the result of evaluating its argument; however if an exception occurs then `#f' is returned instead.  File:, Node: Dynamic Wind, Next: Handling Errors, Prev: Error Reporting, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.9 Dynamic Wind ------------------- For Scheme code, the fundamental procedure to react to non-local entry and exits of dynamic contexts is `dynamic-wind'. C code could use `scm_internal_dynamic_wind', but since C does not allow the convenient construction of anonymous procedures that close over lexical variables, this will be, well, inconvenient. Therefore, Guile offers the functions `scm_dynwind_begin' and `scm_dynwind_end' to delimit a dynamic extent. Within this dynamic extent, which is called a "dynwind context", you can perform various "dynwind actions" that control what happens when the dynwind context is entered or left. For example, you can register a cleanup routine with `scm_dynwind_unwind_handler' that is executed when the context is left. There are several other more specialized dynwind actions as well, for example to temporarily block the execution of asyncs or to temporarily change the current output port. They are described elsewhere in this manual. Here is an example that shows how to prevent memory leaks. /* Suppose there is a function called FOO in some library that you would like to make available to Scheme code (or to C code that follows the Scheme conventions). FOO takes two C strings and returns a new string. When an error has occurred in FOO, it returns NULL. */ char *foo (char *s1, char *s2); /* SCM_FOO interfaces the C function FOO to the Scheme way of life. It takes care to free up all temporary strings in the case of non-local exits. */ SCM scm_foo (SCM s1, SCM s2) { char *c_s1, *c_s2, *c_res; scm_dynwind_begin (0); c_s1 = scm_to_locale_string (s1); /* Call 'free (c_s1)' when the dynwind context is left. */ scm_dynwind_unwind_handler (free, c_s1, SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY); c_s2 = scm_to_locale_string (s2); /* Same as above, but more concisely. */ scm_dynwind_free (c_s2); c_res = foo (c_s1, c_s2); if (c_res == NULL) scm_memory_error ("foo"); scm_dynwind_end (); return scm_take_locale_string (res); } -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-wind in_guard thunk out_guard -- C Function: scm_dynamic_wind (in_guard, thunk, out_guard) All three arguments must be 0-argument procedures. IN_GUARD is called, then THUNK, then OUT_GUARD. If, any time during the execution of THUNK, the dynamic extent of the `dynamic-wind' expression is escaped non-locally, OUT_GUARD is called. If the dynamic extent of the dynamic-wind is re-entered, IN_GUARD is called. Thus IN_GUARD and OUT_GUARD may be called any number of times. (define x 'normal-binding) => x (define a-cont (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (escape) (let ((old-x x)) (dynamic-wind ;; in-guard: ;; (lambda () (set! x 'special-binding)) ;; thunk ;; (lambda () (display x) (newline) (call-with-current-continuation escape) (display x) (newline) x) ;; out-guard: ;; (lambda () (set! x old-x))))))) ;; Prints: special-binding ;; Evaluates to: => a-cont x => normal-binding (a-cont #f) ;; Prints: special-binding ;; Evaluates to: => a-cont ;; the value of the (define a-cont...) x => normal-binding a-cont => special-binding -- C Type: scm_t_dynwind_flags This is an enumeration of several flags that modify the behavior of `scm_dynwind_begin'. The flags are listed in the following table. `SCM_F_DYNWIND_REWINDABLE' The dynamic context is "rewindable". This means that it can be reentered non-locally (via the invokation of a continuation). The default is that a dynwind context can not be reentered non-locally. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_begin (scm_t_dynwind_flags flags) The function `scm_dynwind_begin' starts a new dynamic context and makes it the `current' one. The FLAGS argument determines the default behavior of the context. Normally, use 0. This will result in a context that can not be reentered with a captured continuation. When you are prepared to handle reentries, include `SCM_F_DYNWIND_REWINDABLE' in FLAGS. Being prepared for reentry means that the effects of unwind handlers can be undone on reentry. In the example above, we want to prevent a memory leak on non-local exit and thus register an unwind handler that frees the memory. But once the memory is freed, we can not get it back on reentry. Thus reentry can not be allowed. The consequence is that continuations become less useful when non-reenterable contexts are captured, but you don't need to worry about that too much. The context is ended either implicitly when a non-local exit happens, or explicitly with `scm_dynwind_end'. You must make sure that a dynwind context is indeed ended properly. If you fail to call `scm_dynwind_end' for each `scm_dynwind_begin', the behavior is undefined. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_end () End the current dynamic context explicitly and make the previous one current. -- C Type: scm_t_wind_flags This is an enumeration of several flags that modify the behavior of `scm_dynwind_unwind_handler' and `scm_dynwind_rewind_handler'. The flags are listed in the following table. `SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY' The registered action is also carried out when the dynwind context is entered or left locally. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_unwind_handler (void (*func)(void *), void *data, scm_t_wind_flags flags) -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_unwind_handler_with_scm (void (*func)(SCM), SCM data, scm_t_wind_flags flags) Arranges for FUNC to be called with DATA as its arguments when the current context ends implicitly. If FLAGS contains `SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY', FUNC is also called when the context ends explicitly with `scm_dynwind_end'. The function `scm_dynwind_unwind_handler_with_scm' takes care that DATA is protected from garbage collection. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_rewind_handler (void (*func)(void *), void *data, scm_t_wind_flags flags) -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_rewind_handler_with_scm (void (*func)(SCM), SCM data, scm_t_wind_flags flags) Arrange for FUNC to be called with DATA as its argument when the current context is restarted by rewinding the stack. When FLAGS contains `SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY', FUNC is called immediately as well. The function `scm_dynwind_rewind_handler_with_scm' takes care that DATA is protected from garbage collection. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_free (void *mem) Arrange for MEM to be freed automatically whenever the current context is exited, whether normally or non-locally. `scm_dynwind_free (mem)' is an equivalent shorthand for `scm_dynwind_unwind_handler (free, mem, SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY)'.  File:, Node: Handling Errors, Prev: Dynamic Wind, Up: Control Mechanisms 5.11.10 How to Handle Errors ---------------------------- Error handling is based on `catch' and `throw'. Errors are always thrown with a KEY and four arguments: * KEY: a symbol which indicates the type of error. The symbols used by libguile are listed below. * SUBR: the name of the procedure from which the error is thrown, or `#f'. * MESSAGE: a string (possibly language and system dependent) describing the error. The tokens `~A' and `~S' can be embedded within the message: they will be replaced with members of the ARGS list when the message is printed. `~A' indicates an argument printed using `display', while `~S' indicates an argument printed using `write'. MESSAGE can also be `#f', to allow it to be derived from the KEY by the error handler (may be useful if the KEY is to be thrown from both C and Scheme). * ARGS: a list of arguments to be used to expand `~A' and `~S' tokens in MESSAGE. Can also be `#f' if no arguments are required. * REST: a list of any additional objects required. e.g., when the key is `'system-error', this contains the C errno value. Can also be `#f' if no additional objects are required. In addition to `catch' and `throw', the following Scheme facilities are available: -- Scheme Procedure: display-error stack port subr message args rest -- C Function: scm_display_error (stack, port, subr, message, args, rest) Display an error message to the output port PORT. STACK is the saved stack for the error, SUBR is the name of the procedure in which the error occurred and MESSAGE is the actual error message, which may contain formatting instructions. These will format the arguments in the list ARGS accordingly. REST is currently ignored. The following are the error keys defined by libguile and the situations in which they are used: * `error-signal': thrown after receiving an unhandled fatal signal such as SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGFPE etc. The REST argument in the throw contains the coded signal number (at present this is not the same as the usual Unix signal number). * `system-error': thrown after the operating system indicates an error condition. The REST argument in the throw contains the errno value. * `numerical-overflow': numerical overflow. * `out-of-range': the arguments to a procedure do not fall within the accepted domain. * `wrong-type-arg': an argument to a procedure has the wrong type. * `wrong-number-of-args': a procedure was called with the wrong number of arguments. * `memory-allocation-error': memory allocation error. * `stack-overflow': stack overflow error. * `regular-expression-syntax': errors generated by the regular expression library. * `misc-error': other errors. C Support ................... In the following C functions, SUBR and MESSAGE parameters can be `NULL' to give the effect of `#f' described above. -- C Function: SCM scm_error (SCM KEY, char *SUBR, char *MESSAGE, SCM ARGS, SCM REST) Throw an error, as per `scm-error' (*note Error Reporting::). -- C Function: void scm_syserror (char *SUBR) -- C Function: void scm_syserror_msg (char *SUBR, char *MESSAGE, SCM ARGS) Throw an error with key `system-error' and supply `errno' in the REST argument. For `scm_syserror' the message is generated using `strerror'. Care should be taken that any code in between the failing operation and the call to these routines doesn't change `errno'. -- C Function: void scm_num_overflow (char *SUBR) -- C Function: void scm_out_of_range (char *SUBR, SCM BAD_VALUE) -- C Function: void scm_wrong_num_args (SCM PROC) -- C Function: void scm_wrong_type_arg (char *SUBR, int ARGNUM, SCM BAD_VALUE) -- C Function: void scm_memory_error (char *SUBR) Throw an error with the various keys described above. For `scm_wrong_num_args', PROC should be a Scheme symbol which is the name of the procedure incorrectly invoked.  File:, Node: Input and Output, Next: Read/Load/Eval, Prev: Control Mechanisms, Up: API Reference 5.12 Input and Output ===================== * Menu: * Ports:: The idea of the port abstraction. * Reading:: Procedures for reading from a port. * Writing:: Procedures for writing to a port. * Closing:: Procedures to close a port. * Random Access:: Moving around a random access port. * Line/Delimited:: Read and write lines or delimited text. * Block Reading and Writing:: Reading and writing blocks of text. * Default Ports:: Defaults for input, output and errors. * Port Types:: Types of port and how to make them. * I/O Extensions:: Using and extending ports in C.  File:, Node: Ports, Next: Reading, Up: Input and Output 5.12.1 Ports ------------ Sequential input/output in Scheme is represented by operations on a "port". This chapter explains the operations that Guile provides for working with ports. Ports are created by opening, for instance `open-file' for a file (*note File Ports::). Characters can be read from an input port and written to an output port, or both on an input/output port. A port can be closed (*note Closing::) when no longer required, after which any attempt to read or write is an error. The formal definition of a port is very generic: an input port is simply "an object which can deliver characters on demand," and an output port is "an object which can accept characters." Because this definition is so loose, it is easy to write functions that simulate ports in software. "Soft ports" and "string ports" are two interesting and powerful examples of this technique. (*note Soft Ports::, and *note String Ports::.) Ports are garbage collected in the usual way (*note Memory Management::), and will be closed at that time if not already closed. In this case any errors occuring in the close will not be reported. Usually a program will want to explicitly close so as to be sure all its operations have been successful. Of course if a program has abandoned something due to an error or other condition then closing problems are probably not of interest. It is strongly recommended that file ports be closed explicitly when no longer required. Most systems have limits on how many files can be open, both on a per-process and a system-wide basis. A program that uses many files should take care not to hit those limits. The same applies to similar system resources such as pipes and sockets. Note that automatic garbage collection is triggered only by memory consumption, not by file or other resource usage, so a program cannot rely on that to keep it away from system limits. An explicit call to `gc' can of course be relied on to pick up unreferenced ports. If program flow makes it hard to be certain when to close then this may be an acceptable way to control resource usage. All file access uses the "LFS" large file support functions when available, so files bigger than 2 Gbytes (2^31 bytes) can be read and written on a 32-bit system. -- Scheme Procedure: input-port? x -- C Function: scm_input_port_p (x) Return `#t' if X is an input port, otherwise return `#f'. Any object satisfying this predicate also satisfies `port?'. -- Scheme Procedure: output-port? x -- C Function: scm_output_port_p (x) Return `#t' if X is an output port, otherwise return `#f'. Any object satisfying this predicate also satisfies `port?'. -- Scheme Procedure: port? x -- C Function: scm_port_p (x) Return a boolean indicating whether X is a port. Equivalent to `(or (input-port? X) (output-port? X))'.  File:, Node: Reading, Next: Writing, Prev: Ports, Up: Input and Output 5.12.2 Reading -------------- [Generic procedures for reading from ports.] -- Scheme Procedure: eof-object? x -- C Function: scm_eof_object_p (x) Return `#t' if X is an end-of-file object; otherwise return `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: char-ready? [port] -- C Function: scm_char_ready_p (port) Return `#t' if a character is ready on input PORT and return `#f' otherwise. If `char-ready?' returns `#t' then the next `read-char' operation on PORT is guaranteed not to hang. If PORT is a file port at end of file then `char-ready?' returns `#t'. `char-ready?' exists to make it possible for a program to accept characters from interactive ports without getting stuck waiting for input. Any input editors associated with such ports must make sure that characters whose existence has been asserted by `char-ready?' cannot be rubbed out. If `char-ready?' were to return `#f' at end of file, a port at end of file would be indistinguishable from an interactive port that has no ready characters. -- Scheme Procedure: read-char [port] -- C Function: scm_read_char (port) Return the next character available from PORT, updating PORT to point to the following character. If no more characters are available, the end-of-file object is returned. -- C Function: size_t scm_c_read (SCM port, void *buffer, size_t size) Read up to SIZE bytes from PORT and store them in BUFFER. The return value is the number of bytes actually read, which can be less than SIZE if end-of-file has been reached. Note that this function does not update `port-line' and `port-column' below. -- Scheme Procedure: peek-char [port] -- C Function: scm_peek_char (port) Return the next character available from PORT, _without_ updating PORT to point to the following character. If no more characters are available, the end-of-file object is returned. The value returned by a call to `peek-char' is the same as the value that would have been returned by a call to `read-char' on the same port. The only difference is that the very next call to `read-char' or `peek-char' on that PORT will return the value returned by the preceding call to `peek-char'. In particular, a call to `peek-char' on an interactive port will hang waiting for input whenever a call to `read-char' would have hung. -- Scheme Procedure: unread-char cobj [port] -- C Function: scm_unread_char (cobj, port) Place CHAR in PORT so that it will be read by the next read operation. If called multiple times, the unread characters will be read again in last-in first-out order. If PORT is not supplied, the current input port is used. -- Scheme Procedure: unread-string str port -- C Function: scm_unread_string (str, port) Place the string STR in PORT so that its characters will be read from left-to-right as the next characters from PORT during subsequent read operations. If called multiple times, the unread characters will be read again in last-in first-out order. If PORT is not supplied, the `current-input-port' is used. -- Scheme Procedure: drain-input port -- C Function: scm_drain_input (port) This procedure clears a port's input buffers, similar to the way that force-output clears the output buffer. The contents of the buffers are returned as a single string, e.g., (define p (open-input-file ...)) (drain-input p) => empty string, nothing buffered yet. (unread-char (read-char p) p) (drain-input p) => initial chars from p, up to the buffer size. Draining the buffers may be useful for cleanly finishing buffered I/O so that the file descriptor can be used directly for further input. -- Scheme Procedure: port-column port -- Scheme Procedure: port-line port -- C Function: scm_port_column (port) -- C Function: scm_port_line (port) Return the current column number or line number of PORT. If the number is unknown, the result is #f. Otherwise, the result is a 0-origin integer - i.e. the first character of the first line is line 0, column 0. (However, when you display a file position, for example in an error message, we recommend you add 1 to get 1-origin integers. This is because lines and column numbers traditionally start with 1, and that is what non-programmers will find most natural.) -- Scheme Procedure: set-port-column! port column -- Scheme Procedure: set-port-line! port line -- C Function: scm_set_port_column_x (port, column) -- C Function: scm_set_port_line_x (port, line) Set the current column or line number of PORT.  File:, Node: Writing, Next: Closing, Prev: Reading, Up: Input and Output 5.12.3 Writing -------------- [Generic procedures for writing to ports.] -- Scheme Procedure: get-print-state port -- C Function: scm_get_print_state (port) Return the print state of the port PORT. If PORT has no associated print state, `#f' is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: write obj [port] Send a representation of OBJ to PORT or to the current output port if not given. The output is designed to be machine readable, and can be read back with `read' (*note Reading::). Strings are printed in doublequotes, with escapes if necessary, and characters are printed in `#\' notation. -- Scheme Procedure: display obj [port] Send a representation of OBJ to PORT or to the current output port if not given. The output is designed for human readability, it differs from `write' in that strings are printed without doublequotes and escapes, and characters are printed as per `write-char', not in `#\' form. -- Scheme Procedure: newline [port] -- C Function: scm_newline (port) Send a newline to PORT. If PORT is omitted, send to the current output port. -- Scheme Procedure: port-with-print-state port [pstate] -- C Function: scm_port_with_print_state (port, pstate) Create a new port which behaves like PORT, but with an included print state PSTATE. PSTATE is optional. If PSTATE isn't supplied and PORT already has a print state, the old print state is reused. -- Scheme Procedure: print-options-interface [setting] -- C Function: scm_print_options (setting) Option interface for the print options. Instead of using this procedure directly, use the procedures `print-enable', `print-disable', `print-set!' and `print-options'. -- Scheme Procedure: simple-format destination message . args -- C Function: scm_simple_format (destination, message, args) Write MESSAGE to DESTINATION, defaulting to the current output port. MESSAGE can contain `~A' (was `%s') and `~S' (was `%S') escapes. When printed, the escapes are replaced with corresponding members of ARGS: `~A' formats using `display' and `~S' formats using `write'. If DESTINATION is `#t', then use the current output port, if DESTINATION is `#f', then return a string containing the formatted text. Does not add a trailing newline. -- Scheme Procedure: write-char chr [port] -- C Function: scm_write_char (chr, port) Send character CHR to PORT. -- C Function: void scm_c_write (SCM port, const void *buffer, size_t size) Write SIZE bytes at BUFFER to PORT. Note that this function does not update `port-line' and `port-column' (*note Reading::). -- Scheme Procedure: force-output [port] -- C Function: scm_force_output (port) Flush the specified output port, or the current output port if PORT is omitted. The current output buffer contents are passed to the underlying port implementation (e.g., in the case of fports, the data will be written to the file and the output buffer will be cleared.) It has no effect on an unbuffered port. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: flush-all-ports -- C Function: scm_flush_all_ports () Equivalent to calling `force-output' on all open output ports. The return value is unspecified.  File:, Node: Closing, Next: Random Access, Prev: Writing, Up: Input and Output 5.12.4 Closing -------------- -- Scheme Procedure: close-port port -- C Function: scm_close_port (port) Close the specified port object. Return `#t' if it successfully closes a port or `#f' if it was already closed. An exception may be raised if an error occurs, for example when flushing buffered output. See also *note close: Ports and File Descriptors, for a procedure which can close file descriptors. -- Scheme Procedure: close-input-port port -- Scheme Procedure: close-output-port port -- C Function: scm_close_input_port (port) -- C Function: scm_close_output_port (port) Close the specified input or output PORT. An exception may be raised if an error occurs while closing. If PORT is already closed, nothing is done. The return value is unspecified. See also *note close: Ports and File Descriptors, for a procedure which can close file descriptors. -- Scheme Procedure: port-closed? port -- C Function: scm_port_closed_p (port) Return `#t' if PORT is closed or `#f' if it is open.  File:, Node: Random Access, Next: Line/Delimited, Prev: Closing, Up: Input and Output 5.12.5 Random Access -------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: seek fd_port offset whence -- C Function: scm_seek (fd_port, offset, whence) Sets the current position of FD/PORT to the integer OFFSET, which is interpreted according to the value of WHENCE. One of the following variables should be supplied for WHENCE: -- Variable: SEEK_SET Seek from the beginning of the file. -- Variable: SEEK_CUR Seek from the current position. -- Variable: SEEK_END Seek from the end of the file. If FD/PORT is a file descriptor, the underlying system call is `lseek'. PORT may be a string port. The value returned is the new position in the file. This means that the current position of a port can be obtained using: (seek port 0 SEEK_CUR) -- Scheme Procedure: ftell fd_port -- C Function: scm_ftell (fd_port) Return an integer representing the current position of FD/PORT, measured from the beginning. Equivalent to: (seek port 0 SEEK_CUR) -- Scheme Procedure: truncate-file file [length] -- C Function: scm_truncate_file (file, length) Truncate FILE to LENGTH bytes. FILE can be a filename string, a port object, or an integer file descriptor. The return value is unspecified. For a port or file descriptor LENGTH can be omitted, in which case the file is truncated at the current position (per `ftell' above). On most systems a file can be extended by giving a length greater than the current size, but this is not mandatory in the POSIX standard.  File:, Node: Line/Delimited, Next: Block Reading and Writing, Prev: Random Access, Up: Input and Output 5.12.6 Line Oriented and Delimited Text --------------------------------------- The delimited-I/O module can be accessed with: (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)) It can be used to read or write lines of text, or read text delimited by a specified set of characters. It's similar to the `(scsh rdelim)' module from guile-scsh, but does not use multiple values or character sets and has an extra procedure `write-line'. -- Scheme Procedure: read-line [port] [handle-delim] Return a line of text from PORT if specified, otherwise from the value returned by `(current-input-port)'. Under Unix, a line of text is terminated by the first end-of-line character or by end-of-file. If HANDLE-DELIM is specified, it should be one of the following symbols: `trim' Discard the terminating delimiter. This is the default, but it will be impossible to tell whether the read terminated with a delimiter or end-of-file. `concat' Append the terminating delimiter (if any) to the returned string. `peek' Push the terminating delimiter (if any) back on to the port. `split' Return a pair containing the string read from the port and the terminating delimiter or end-of-file object. -- Scheme Procedure: read-line! buf [port] Read a line of text into the supplied string BUF and return the number of characters added to BUF. If BUF is filled, then `#f' is returned. Read from PORT if specified, otherwise from the value returned by `(current-input-port)'. -- Scheme Procedure: read-delimited delims [port] [handle-delim] Read text until one of the characters in the string DELIMS is found or end-of-file is reached. Read from PORT if supplied, otherwise from the value returned by `(current-input-port)'. HANDLE-DELIM takes the same values as described for `read-line'. -- Scheme Procedure: read-delimited! delims buf [port] [handle-delim] [start] [end] Read text into the supplied string BUF and return the number of characters added to BUF (subject to HANDLE-DELIM, which takes the same values specified for `read-line'. If BUF is filled, `#f' is returned for both the number of characters read and the delimiter. Also terminates if one of the characters in the string DELIMS is found or end-of-file is reached. Read from PORT if supplied, otherwise from the value returned by `(current-input-port)'. -- Scheme Procedure: write-line obj [port] -- C Function: scm_write_line (obj, port) Display OBJ and a newline character to PORT. If PORT is not specified, `(current-output-port)' is used. This function is equivalent to: (display obj [port]) (newline [port]) Some of the abovementioned I/O functions rely on the following C primitives. These will mainly be of interest to people hacking Guile internals. -- Scheme Procedure: %read-delimited! delims str gobble [port [start [end]]] -- C Function: scm_read_delimited_x (delims, str, gobble, port, start, end) Read characters from PORT into STR until one of the characters in the DELIMS string is encountered. If GOBBLE is true, discard the delimiter character; otherwise, leave it in the input stream for the next read. If PORT is not specified, use the value of `(current-input-port)'. If START or END are specified, store data only into the substring of STR bounded by START and END (which default to the beginning and end of the string, respectively). Return a pair consisting of the delimiter that terminated the string and the number of characters read. If reading stopped at the end of file, the delimiter returned is the EOF-OBJECT; if the string was filled without encountering a delimiter, this value is `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: %read-line [port] -- C Function: scm_read_line (port) Read a newline-terminated line from PORT, allocating storage as necessary. The newline terminator (if any) is removed from the string, and a pair consisting of the line and its delimiter is returned. The delimiter may be either a newline or the EOF-OBJECT; if `%read-line' is called at the end of file, it returns the pair `(# . #)'.  File:, Node: Block Reading and Writing, Next: Default Ports, Prev: Line/Delimited, Up: Input and Output 5.12.7 Block reading and writing -------------------------------- The Block-string-I/O module can be accessed with: (use-modules (ice-9 rw)) It currently contains procedures that help to implement the `(scsh rw)' module in guile-scsh. -- Scheme Procedure: read-string!/partial str [port_or_fdes [start [end]]] -- C Function: scm_read_string_x_partial (str, port_or_fdes, start, end) Read characters from a port or file descriptor into a string STR. A port must have an underlying file descriptor -- a so-called fport. This procedure is scsh-compatible and can efficiently read large strings. It will: * attempt to fill the entire string, unless the START and/or END arguments are supplied. i.e., START defaults to 0 and END defaults to `(string-length str)' * use the current input port if PORT_OR_FDES is not supplied. * return fewer than the requested number of characters in some cases, e.g., on end of file, if interrupted by a signal, or if not all the characters are immediately available. * wait indefinitely for some input if no characters are currently available, unless the port is in non-blocking mode. * read characters from the port's input buffers if available, instead from the underlying file descriptor. * return `#f' if end-of-file is encountered before reading any characters, otherwise return the number of characters read. * return 0 if the port is in non-blocking mode and no characters are immediately available. * return 0 if the request is for 0 bytes, with no end-of-file check. -- Scheme Procedure: write-string/partial str [port_or_fdes [start [end]]] -- C Function: scm_write_string_partial (str, port_or_fdes, start, end) Write characters from a string STR to a port or file descriptor. A port must have an underlying file descriptor -- a so-called fport. This procedure is scsh-compatible and can efficiently write large strings. It will: * attempt to write the entire string, unless the START and/or END arguments are supplied. i.e., START defaults to 0 and END defaults to `(string-length str)' * use the current output port if PORT_OF_FDES is not supplied. * in the case of a buffered port, store the characters in the port's output buffer, if all will fit. If they will not fit then any existing buffered characters will be flushed before attempting to write the new characters directly to the underlying file descriptor. If the port is in non-blocking mode and buffered characters can not be flushed immediately, then an `EAGAIN' system-error exception will be raised (Note: scsh does not support the use of non-blocking buffered ports.) * write fewer than the requested number of characters in some cases, e.g., if interrupted by a signal or if not all of the output can be accepted immediately. * wait indefinitely for at least one character from STR to be accepted by the port, unless the port is in non-blocking mode. * return the number of characters accepted by the port. * return 0 if the port is in non-blocking mode and can not accept at least one character from STR immediately * return 0 immediately if the request size is 0 bytes.  File:, Node: Default Ports, Next: Port Types, Prev: Block Reading and Writing, Up: Input and Output 5.12.8 Default Ports for Input, Output and Errors ------------------------------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: current-input-port -- C Function: scm_current_input_port () Return the current input port. This is the default port used by many input procedures. Initially this is the "standard input" in Unix and C terminology. When the standard input is a tty the port is unbuffered, otherwise it's fully buffered. Unbuffered input is good if an application runs an interactive subprocess, since any type-ahead input won't go into Guile's buffer and be unavailable to the subprocess. Note that Guile buffering is completely separate from the tty "line discipline". In the usual cooked mode on a tty Guile only sees a line of input once the user presses . -- Scheme Procedure: current-output-port -- C Function: scm_current_output_port () Return the current output port. This is the default port used by many output procedures. Initially this is the "standard output" in Unix and C terminology. When the standard output is a tty this port is unbuffered, otherwise it's fully buffered. Unbuffered output to a tty is good for ensuring progress output or a prompt is seen. But an application which always prints whole lines could change to line buffered, or an application with a lot of output could go fully buffered and perhaps make explicit `force-output' calls (*note Writing::) at selected points. -- Scheme Procedure: current-error-port -- C Function: scm_current_error_port () Return the port to which errors and warnings should be sent. Initially this is the "standard error" in Unix and C terminology. When the standard error is a tty this port is unbuffered, otherwise it's fully buffered. -- Scheme Procedure: set-current-input-port port -- Scheme Procedure: set-current-output-port port -- Scheme Procedure: set-current-error-port port -- C Function: scm_set_current_input_port (port) -- C Function: scm_set_current_output_port (port) -- C Function: scm_set_current_error_port (port) Change the ports returned by `current-input-port', `current-output-port' and `current-error-port', respectively, so that they use the supplied PORT for input or output. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_current_input_port (SCM port) -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_current_output_port (SCM port) -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_current_error_port (SCM port) These functions must be used inside a pair of calls to `scm_dynwind_begin' and `scm_dynwind_end' (*note Dynamic Wind::). During the dynwind context, the indicated port is set to PORT. More precisely, the current port is swapped with a `backup' value whenever the dynwind context is entered or left. The backup value is initialized with the PORT argument.  File:, Node: Port Types, Next: I/O Extensions, Prev: Default Ports, Up: Input and Output 5.12.9 Types of Port -------------------- [Types of port; how to make them.] * Menu: * File Ports:: Ports on an operating system file. * String Ports:: Ports on a Scheme string. * Soft Ports:: Ports on arbitrary Scheme procedures. * Void Ports:: Ports on nothing at all.  File:, Node: File Ports, Next: String Ports, Up: Port Types File Ports ................... The following procedures are used to open file ports. See also *note open: Ports and File Descriptors, for an interface to the Unix `open' system call. Most systems have limits on how many files can be open, so it's strongly recommended that file ports be closed explicitly when no longer required (*note Ports::). -- Scheme Procedure: open-file filename mode -- C Function: scm_open_file (filename, mode) Open the file whose name is FILENAME, and return a port representing that file. The attributes of the port are determined by the MODE string. The way in which this is interpreted is similar to C stdio. The first character must be one of the following: `r' Open an existing file for input. `w' Open a file for output, creating it if it doesn't already exist or removing its contents if it does. `a' Open a file for output, creating it if it doesn't already exist. All writes to the port will go to the end of the file. The "append mode" can be turned off while the port is in use *note fcntl: Ports and File Descriptors. The following additional characters can be appended: `+' Open the port for both input and output. E.g., `r+': open an existing file for both input and output. `0' Create an "unbuffered" port. In this case input and output operations are passed directly to the underlying port implementation without additional buffering. This is likely to slow down I/O operations. The buffering mode can be changed while a port is in use *note setvbuf: Ports and File Descriptors. `l' Add line-buffering to the port. The port output buffer will be automatically flushed whenever a newline character is written. `b' Use binary mode. On DOS systems the default text mode converts CR+LF in the file to newline for the program, whereas binary mode reads and writes all bytes unchanged. On Unix-like systems there is no such distinction, text files already contain just newlines and no conversion is ever made. The `b' flag is accepted on all systems, but has no effect on Unix-like systems. (For reference, Guile leaves text versus binary up to the C library, `b' here just adds `O_BINARY' to the underlying `open' call, when that flag is available.) If a file cannot be opened with the access requested, `open-file' throws an exception. In theory we could create read/write ports which were buffered in one direction only. However this isn't included in the current interfaces. -- Scheme Procedure: open-input-file filename Open FILENAME for input. Equivalent to (open-file FILENAME "r") -- Scheme Procedure: open-output-file filename Open FILENAME for output. Equivalent to (open-file FILENAME "w") -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-input-file filename proc -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-output-file filename proc Open FILENAME for input or output, and call `(PROC port)' with the resulting port. Return the value returned by PROC. FILENAME is opened as per `open-input-file' or `open-output-file' respectively, and an error is signalled if it cannot be opened. When PROC returns, the port is closed. If PROC does not return (eg. if it throws an error), then the port might not be closed automatically, though it will be garbage collected in the usual way if not otherwise referenced. -- Scheme Procedure: with-input-from-file filename thunk -- Scheme Procedure: with-output-to-file filename thunk -- Scheme Procedure: with-error-to-file filename thunk Open FILENAME and call `(THUNK)' with the new port setup as respectively the `current-input-port', `current-output-port', or `current-error-port'. Return the value returned by THUNK. FILENAME is opened as per `open-input-file' or `open-output-file' respectively, and an error is signalled if it cannot be opened. When THUNK returns, the port is closed and the previous setting of the respective current port is restored. The current port setting is managed with `dynamic-wind', so the previous value is restored no matter how THUNK exits (eg. an exception), and if THUNK is re-entered (via a captured continuation) then it's set again to the FILENAME port. The port is closed when THUNK returns normally, but not when exited via an exception or new continuation. This ensures it's still ready for use if THUNK is re-entered by a captured continuation. Of course the port is always garbage collected and closed in the usual way when no longer referenced anywhere. -- Scheme Procedure: port-mode port -- C Function: scm_port_mode (port) Return the port modes associated with the open port PORT. These will not necessarily be identical to the modes used when the port was opened, since modes such as "append" which are used only during port creation are not retained. -- Scheme Procedure: port-filename port -- C Function: scm_port_filename (port) Return the filename associated with PORT. This function returns the strings "standard input", "standard output" and "standard error" when called on the current input, output and error ports respectively. PORT must be open, `port-filename' cannot be used once the port is closed. -- Scheme Procedure: set-port-filename! port filename -- C Function: scm_set_port_filename_x (port, filename) Change the filename associated with PORT, using the current input port if none is specified. Note that this does not change the port's source of data, but only the value that is returned by `port-filename' and reported in diagnostic output. -- Scheme Procedure: file-port? obj -- C Function: scm_file_port_p (obj) Determine whether OBJ is a port that is related to a file.  File:, Node: String Ports, Next: Soft Ports, Prev: File Ports, Up: Port Types String Ports ..................... The following allow string ports to be opened by analogy to R4R* file port facilities: -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-output-string proc -- C Function: scm_call_with_output_string (proc) Calls the one-argument procedure PROC with a newly created output port. When the function returns, the string composed of the characters written into the port is returned. PROC should not close the port. -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-input-string string proc -- C Function: scm_call_with_input_string (string, proc) Calls the one-argument procedure PROC with a newly created input port from which STRING's contents may be read. The value yielded by the PROC is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: with-output-to-string thunk Calls the zero-argument procedure THUNK with the current output port set temporarily to a new string port. It returns a string composed of the characters written to the current output. -- Scheme Procedure: with-input-from-string string thunk Calls the zero-argument procedure THUNK with the current input port set temporarily to a string port opened on the specified STRING. The value yielded by THUNK is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: open-input-string str -- C Function: scm_open_input_string (str) Take a string and return an input port that delivers characters from the string. The port can be closed by `close-input-port', though its storage will be reclaimed by the garbage collector if it becomes inaccessible. -- Scheme Procedure: open-output-string -- C Function: scm_open_output_string () Return an output port that will accumulate characters for retrieval by `get-output-string'. The port can be closed by the procedure `close-output-port', though its storage will be reclaimed by the garbage collector if it becomes inaccessible. -- Scheme Procedure: get-output-string port -- C Function: scm_get_output_string (port) Given an output port created by `open-output-string', return a string consisting of the characters that have been output to the port so far. `get-output-string' must be used before closing PORT, once closed the string cannot be obtained. A string port can be used in many procedures which accept a port but which are not dependent on implementation details of fports. E.g., seeking and truncating will work on a string port, but trying to extract the file descriptor number will fail.  File:, Node: Soft Ports, Next: Void Ports, Prev: String Ports, Up: Port Types Soft Ports ................... A "soft-port" is a port based on a vector of procedures capable of accepting or delivering characters. It allows emulation of I/O ports. -- Scheme Procedure: make-soft-port pv modes -- C Function: scm_make_soft_port (pv, modes) Return a port capable of receiving or delivering characters as specified by the MODES string (*note open-file: File Ports.). PV must be a vector of length 5 or 6. Its components are as follows: 0. procedure accepting one character for output 1. procedure accepting a string for output 2. thunk for flushing output 3. thunk for getting one character 4. thunk for closing port (not by garbage collection) 5. (if present and not `#f') thunk for computing the number of characters that can be read from the port without blocking. For an output-only port only elements 0, 1, 2, and 4 need be procedures. For an input-only port only elements 3 and 4 need be procedures. Thunks 2 and 4 can instead be `#f' if there is no useful operation for them to perform. If thunk 3 returns `#f' or an `eof-object' (*note eof-object?: (r5rs)Input.) it indicates that the port has reached end-of-file. For example: (define stdout (current-output-port)) (define p (make-soft-port (vector (lambda (c) (write c stdout)) (lambda (s) (display s stdout)) (lambda () (display "." stdout)) (lambda () (char-upcase (read-char))) (lambda () (display "@" stdout))) "rw")) (write p p) => #  File:, Node: Void Ports, Prev: Soft Ports, Up: Port Types Void Ports ................... This kind of port causes any data to be discarded when written to, and always returns the end-of-file object when read from. -- Scheme Procedure: %make-void-port mode -- C Function: scm_sys_make_void_port (mode) Create and return a new void port. A void port acts like `/dev/null'. The MODE argument specifies the input/output modes for this port: see the documentation for `open-file' in *note File Ports::.  File:, Node: I/O Extensions, Prev: Port Types, Up: Input and Output 5.12.10 Using and Extending Ports in C -------------------------------------- * Menu: * C Port Interface:: Using ports from C. * Port Implementation:: How to implement a new port type in C.  File:, Node: C Port Interface, Next: Port Implementation, Up: I/O Extensions C Port Interface .......................... This section describes how to use Scheme ports from C. Port basics ........... There are two main data structures. A port type object (ptob) is of type `scm_ptob_descriptor'. A port instance is of type `scm_port'. Given an `SCM' variable which points to a port, the corresponding C port object can be obtained using the `SCM_PTAB_ENTRY' macro. The ptob can be obtained by using `SCM_PTOBNUM' to give an index into the `scm_ptobs' global array. Port buffers ............ An input port always has a read buffer and an output port always has a write buffer. However the size of these buffers is not guaranteed to be more than one byte (e.g., the `shortbuf' field in `scm_port' which is used when no other buffer is allocated). The way in which the buffers are allocated depends on the implementation of the ptob. For example in the case of an fport, buffers may be allocated with malloc when the port is created, but in the case of an strport the underlying string is used as the buffer. The `rw_random' flag .................... Special treatment is required for ports which can be seeked at random. Before various operations, such as seeking the port or changing from input to output on a bidirectional port or vice versa, the port implementation must be given a chance to update its state. The write buffer is updated by calling the `flush' ptob procedure and the input buffer is updated by calling the `end_input' ptob procedure. In the case of an fport, `flush' causes buffered output to be written to the file descriptor, while `end_input' causes the descriptor position to be adjusted to account for buffered input which was never read. The special treatment must be performed if the `rw_random' flag in the port is non-zero. The `rw_active' variable ........................ The `rw_active' variable in the port is only used if `rw_random' is set. It's defined as an enum with the following values: `SCM_PORT_READ' the read buffer may have unread data. `SCM_PORT_WRITE' the write buffer may have unwritten data. `SCM_PORT_NEITHER' neither the write nor the read buffer has data. Reading from a port. .................... To read from a port, it's possible to either call existing libguile procedures such as `scm_getc' and `scm_read_line' or to read data from the read buffer directly. Reading from the buffer involves the following steps: 1. Flush output on the port, if `rw_active' is `SCM_PORT_WRITE'. 2. Fill the read buffer, if it's empty, using `scm_fill_input'. 3. Read the data from the buffer and update the read position in the buffer. Steps 2) and 3) may be repeated as many times as required. 4. Set rw_active to `SCM_PORT_READ' if `rw_random' is set. 5. update the port's line and column counts. Writing to a port. .................. To write data to a port, calling `scm_lfwrite' should be sufficient for most purposes. This takes care of the following steps: 1. End input on the port, if `rw_active' is `SCM_PORT_READ'. 2. Pass the data to the ptob implementation using the `write' ptob procedure. The advantage of using the ptob `write' instead of manipulating the write buffer directly is that it allows the data to be written in one operation even if the port is using the single-byte `shortbuf'. 3. Set `rw_active' to `SCM_PORT_WRITE' if `rw_random' is set.  File:, Node: Port Implementation, Prev: C Port Interface, Up: I/O Extensions Port Implementation ............................. This section describes how to implement a new port type in C. As described in the previous section, a port type object (ptob) is a structure of type `scm_ptob_descriptor'. A ptob is created by calling `scm_make_port_type'. -- Function: scm_t_bits scm_make_port_type (char *name, int (*fill_input) (SCM port), void (*write) (SCM port, const void *data, size_t size)) Return a new port type object. The NAME, FILL_INPUT and WRITE parameters are initial values for those port type fields, as described below. The other fields are initialized with default values and can be changed later. All of the elements of the ptob, apart from `name', are procedures which collectively implement the port behaviour. Creating a new port type mostly involves writing these procedures. `name' A pointer to a NUL terminated string: the name of the port type. This is the only element of `scm_ptob_descriptor' which is not a procedure. Set via the first argument to `scm_make_port_type'. `mark' Called during garbage collection to mark any SCM objects that a port object may contain. It doesn't need to be set unless the port has `SCM' components. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_mark (scm_t_bits tc, SCM (*mark) (SCM port)) `free' Called when the port is collected during gc. It should free any resources used by the port. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_free (scm_t_bits tc, size_t (*free) (SCM port)) `print' Called when `write' is called on the port object, to print a port description. E.g., for an fport it may produce something like: `#'. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_print (scm_t_bits tc, int (*print) (SCM port, SCM dest_port, scm_print_state *pstate)) The first argument PORT is the object being printed, the second argument DEST_PORT is where its description should go. `equalp' Not used at present. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_equalp (scm_t_bits tc, SCM (*equalp) (SCM, SCM)) `close' Called when the port is closed, unless it was collected during gc. It should free any resources used by the port. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_close (scm_t_bits tc, int (*close) (SCM port)) `write' Accept data which is to be written using the port. The port implementation may choose to buffer the data instead of processing it directly. Set via the third argument to `scm_make_port_type'. `flush' Complete the processing of buffered output data. Reset the value of `rw_active' to `SCM_PORT_NEITHER'. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_flush (scm_t_bits tc, void (*flush) (SCM port)) `end_input' Perform any synchronization required when switching from input to output on the port. Reset the value of `rw_active' to `SCM_PORT_NEITHER'. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_end_input (scm_t_bits tc, void (*end_input) (SCM port, int offset)) `fill_input' Read new data into the read buffer and return the first character. It can be assumed that the read buffer is empty when this procedure is called. Set via the second argument to `scm_make_port_type'. `input_waiting' Return a lower bound on the number of bytes that could be read from the port without blocking. It can be assumed that the current state of `rw_active' is `SCM_PORT_NEITHER'. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_input_waiting (scm_t_bits tc, int (*input_waiting) (SCM port)) `seek' Set the current position of the port. The procedure can not make any assumptions about the value of `rw_active' when it's called. It can reset the buffers first if desired by using something like: if (pt->rw_active == SCM_PORT_READ) scm_end_input (port); else if (pt->rw_active == SCM_PORT_WRITE) ptob->flush (port); However note that this will have the side effect of discarding any data in the unread-char buffer, in addition to any side effects from the `end_input' and `flush' ptob procedures. This is undesirable when seek is called to measure the current position of the port, i.e., `(seek p 0 SEEK_CUR)'. The libguile fport and string port implementations take care to avoid this problem. The procedure is set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_seek (scm_t_bits tc, off_t (*seek) (SCM port, off_t offset, int whence)) `truncate' Truncate the port data to be specified length. It can be assumed that the current state of `rw_active' is `SCM_PORT_NEITHER'. Set using -- Function: void scm_set_port_truncate (scm_t_bits tc, void (*truncate) (SCM port, off_t length))  File:, Node: Read/Load/Eval, Next: Memory Management, Prev: Input and Output, Up: API Reference 5.13 Reading and Evaluating Scheme Code ======================================= This chapter describes Guile functions that are concerned with reading, loading and evaluating Scheme code at run time. * Menu: * Scheme Syntax:: Standard and extended Scheme syntax. * Scheme Read:: Reading Scheme code. * Fly Evaluation:: Procedures for on the fly evaluation. * Loading:: Loading Scheme code from file. * Delayed Evaluation:: Postponing evaluation until it is needed. * Local Evaluation:: Evaluation in a local environment. * Evaluator Behaviour:: Modifying Guile's evaluator.  File:, Node: Scheme Syntax, Next: Scheme Read, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.1 Scheme Syntax: Standard and Guile Extensions --------------------------------------------------- * Menu: * Expression Syntax:: * Comments:: * Block Comments:: * Case Sensitivity:: * Keyword Syntax:: * Reader Extensions::  File:, Node: Expression Syntax, Next: Comments, Up: Scheme Syntax Expression Syntax .......................... An expression to be evaluated takes one of the following forms. SYMBOL A symbol is evaluated by dereferencing. A binding of that symbol is sought and the value there used. For example, (define x 123) x => 123 (PROC ARGS...) A parenthesised expression is a function call. PROC and each argument are evaluated, then the function (which PROC evaluated to) is called with those arguments. The order in which PROC and the arguments are evaluated is unspecified, so be careful when using expressions with side effects. (max 1 2 3) => 3 (define (get-some-proc) min) ((get-some-proc) 1 2 3) => 1 The same sort of parenthesised form is used for a macro invocation, but in that case the arguments are not evaluated. See the descriptions of macros for more on this (*note Macros::, and *note Syntax Rules::). CONSTANT Number, string, character and boolean constants evaluate "to themselves", so can appear as literals. 123 => 123 99.9 => 99.9 "hello" => "hello" #\z => #\z #t => #t Note that an application must not attempt to modify literal strings, since they may be in read-only memory. (quote DATA) 'DATA Quoting is used to obtain a literal symbol (instead of a variable reference), a literal list (instead of a function call), or a literal vector. ' is simply a shorthand for a `quote' form. For example, 'x => x '(1 2 3) => (1 2 3) '#(1 (2 3) 4) => #(1 (2 3) 4) (quote x) => x (quote (1 2 3)) => (1 2 3) (quote #(1 (2 3) 4)) => #(1 (2 3) 4) Note that an application must not attempt to modify literal lists or vectors obtained from a `quote' form, since they may be in read-only memory. (quasiquote DATA) `DATA Backquote quasi-quotation is like `quote', but selected sub-expressions are evaluated. This is a convenient way to construct a list or vector structure most of which is constant, but at certain points should have expressions substituted. The same effect can always be had with suitable `list', `cons' or `vector' calls, but quasi-quoting is often easier. (unquote EXPR) ,EXPR Within the quasiquote DATA, `unquote' or `,' indicates an expression to be evaluated and inserted. The comma syntax `,' is simply a shorthand for an `unquote' form. For example, `(1 2 ,(* 9 9) 3 4) => (1 2 81 3 4) `(1 (unquote (+ 1 1)) 3) => (1 2 3) `#(1 ,(/ 12 2)) => #(1 6) (unquote-splicing EXPR) ,@EXPR Within the quasiquote DATA, `unquote-splicing' or `,@' indicates an expression to be evaluated and the elements of the returned list inserted. EXPR must evaluate to a list. The "comma-at" syntax `,@' is simply a shorthand for an `unquote-splicing' form. (define x '(2 3)) `(1 ,@x 4) => (1 2 3 4) `(1 (unquote-splicing (map 1+ x))) => (1 3 4) `#(9 ,@x 9) => #(9 2 3 9) Notice `,@' differs from plain `,' in the way one level of nesting is stripped. For `,@' the elements of a returned list are inserted, whereas with `,' it would be the list itself inserted.  File:, Node: Comments, Next: Block Comments, Prev: Expression Syntax, Up: Scheme Syntax Comments ................. Comments in Scheme source files are written by starting them with a semicolon character (`;'). The comment then reaches up to the end of the line. Comments can begin at any column, and the may be inserted on the same line as Scheme code. ; Comment ;; Comment too (define x 1) ; Comment after expression (let ((y 1)) ;; Display something. (display y) ;;; Comment at left margin. (display (+ y 1))) It is common to use a single semicolon for comments following expressions on a line, to use two semicolons for comments which are indented like code, and three semicolons for comments which start at column 0, even if they are inside an indented code block. This convention is used when indenting code in Emacs' Scheme mode.  File:, Node: Block Comments, Next: Case Sensitivity, Prev: Comments, Up: Scheme Syntax Block Comments ....................... In addition to the standard line comments defined by R5RS, Guile has another comment type for multiline comments, called "block comments". This type of comment begins with the character sequence `#!' and ends with the characters `!#', which must appear on a line of their own. These comments are compatible with the block comments in the Scheme Shell `scsh' (*note The Scheme shell (scsh)::). The characters `#!' were chosen because they are the magic characters used in shell scripts for indicating that the name of the program for executing the script follows on the same line. Thus a Guile script often starts like this. #! /usr/local/bin/guile -s !# More details on Guile scripting can be found in the scripting section (*note Guile Scripting::).  File:, Node: Case Sensitivity, Next: Keyword Syntax, Prev: Block Comments, Up: Scheme Syntax Case Sensitivity ......................... Scheme as defined in R5RS is not case sensitive when reading symbols. Guile, on the contrary is case sensitive by default, so the identifiers guile-whuzzy Guile-Whuzzy are the same in R5RS Scheme, but are different in Guile. It is possible to turn off case sensitivity in Guile by setting the reader option `case-insensitive'. More on reader options can be found at (*note Reader options::). (read-enable 'case-insensitive) Note that this is seldom a problem, because Scheme programmers tend not to use uppercase letters in their identifiers anyway.  File:, Node: Keyword Syntax, Next: Reader Extensions, Prev: Case Sensitivity, Up: Scheme Syntax Keyword Syntax .......................  File:, Node: Reader Extensions, Prev: Keyword Syntax, Up: Scheme Syntax Reader Extensions .......................... -- Scheme Procedure: read-hash-extend chr proc -- C Function: scm_read_hash_extend (chr, proc) Install the procedure PROC for reading expressions starting with the character sequence `#' and CHR. PROC will be called with two arguments: the character CHR and the port to read further data from. The object returned will be the return value of `read'.  File:, Node: Scheme Read, Next: Fly Evaluation, Prev: Scheme Syntax, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.2 Reading Scheme Code -------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: read [port] -- C Function: scm_read (port) Read an s-expression from the input port PORT, or from the current input port if PORT is not specified. Any whitespace before the next token is discarded. The behaviour of Guile's Scheme reader can be modified by manipulating its read options. For more information about options, *Note User level options interfaces::. If you want to know which reader options are available, *Note Reader options::. -- Scheme Procedure: read-options [setting] Display the current settings of the read options. If SETTING is omitted, only a short form of the current read options is printed. Otherwise, SETTING should be one of the following symbols: `help' Display the complete option settings. `full' Like `help', but also print programmer options. -- Scheme Procedure: read-enable option-name -- Scheme Procedure: read-disable option-name -- Scheme Procedure: read-set! option-name value Modify the read options. `read-enable' should be used with boolean options and switches them on, `read-disable' switches them off. `read-set!' can be used to set an option to a specific value. -- Scheme Procedure: read-options-interface [setting] -- C Function: scm_read_options (setting) Option interface for the read options. Instead of using this procedure directly, use the procedures `read-enable', `read-disable', `read-set!' and `read-options'.  File:, Node: Fly Evaluation, Next: Loading, Prev: Scheme Read, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.3 Procedures for On the Fly Evaluation ------------------------------------------- *Note Environments::. -- Scheme Procedure: eval exp module_or_state -- C Function: scm_eval (exp, module_or_state) Evaluate EXP, a list representing a Scheme expression, in the top-level environment specified by MODULE. While EXP is evaluated (using `primitive-eval'), MODULE is made the current module. The current module is reset to its previous value when EVAL returns. XXX - dynamic states. Example: (eval '(+ 1 2) (interaction-environment)) -- Scheme Procedure: interaction-environment -- C Function: scm_interaction_environment () Return a specifier for the environment that contains implementation-defined bindings, typically a superset of those listed in the report. The intent is that this procedure will return the environment in which the implementation would evaluate expressions dynamically typed by the user. -- Scheme Procedure: eval-string string [module] -- C Function: scm_eval_string (string) -- C Function: scm_eval_string_in_module (string, module) Evaluate STRING as the text representation of a Scheme form or forms, and return whatever value they produce. Evaluation takes place in the given module, or in the current module when no module is given. While the code is evaluated, the given module is made the current one. The current module is restored when this procedure returns. -- C Function: SCM scm_c_eval_string (const char *string) `scm_eval_string', but taking a C string instead of an `SCM'. -- Scheme Procedure: apply proc arg1 ... argN arglst -- C Function: scm_apply_0 (proc, arglst) -- C Function: scm_apply_1 (proc, arg1, arglst) -- C Function: scm_apply_2 (proc, arg1, arg2, arglst) -- C Function: scm_apply_3 (proc, arg1, arg2, arg3, arglst) -- C Function: scm_apply (proc, arg, rest) Call PROC with arguments ARG1 ... ARGN plus the elements of the ARGLST list. `scm_apply' takes parameters corresponding to a Scheme level `(lambda (proc arg . rest) ...)'. So ARG and all but the last element of the REST list make up ARG1...ARGN and the last element of REST is the ARGLST list. Or if REST is the empty list `SCM_EOL' then there's no ARG1...ARGN and ARG is the ARGLST. ARGLST is not modified, but the REST list passed to `scm_apply' is modified. -- C Function: scm_call_0 (proc) -- C Function: scm_call_1 (proc, arg1) -- C Function: scm_call_2 (proc, arg1, arg2) -- C Function: scm_call_3 (proc, arg1, arg2, arg3) -- C Function: scm_call_4 (proc, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) Call PROC with the given arguments. -- Scheme Procedure: apply:nconc2last lst -- C Function: scm_nconc2last (lst) LST should be a list (ARG1 ... ARGN ARGLST), with ARGLST being a list. This function returns a list comprising ARG1 to ARGN plus the elements of ARGLST. LST is modified to form the return. ARGLST is not modified, though the return does share structure with it. This operation collects up the arguments from a list which is `apply' style parameters. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-eval exp -- C Function: scm_primitive_eval (exp) Evaluate EXP in the top-level environment specified by the current module.  File:, Node: Loading, Next: Delayed Evaluation, Prev: Fly Evaluation, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.4 Loading Scheme Code from File ------------------------------------ -- Scheme Procedure: load filename [reader] Load FILENAME and evaluate its contents in the top-level environment. The load paths are not searched. READER if provided should be either `#f', or a procedure with the signature `(lambda (port) ...)' which reads the next expression from PORT. If READER is `#f' or absent, Guile's built-in `read' procedure is used (*note Scheme Read::). The READER argument takes effect by setting the value of the `current-reader' fluid (see below) before loading the file, and restoring its previous value when loading is complete. The Scheme code inside FILENAME can itself change the current reader procedure on the fly by setting `current-reader' fluid. If the variable `%load-hook' is defined, it should be bound to a procedure that will be called before any code is loaded. See documentation for `%load-hook' later in this section. -- Scheme Procedure: load-from-path filename Similar to `load', but searches for FILENAME in the load paths. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-load filename -- C Function: scm_primitive_load (filename) Load the file named FILENAME and evaluate its contents in the top-level environment. The load paths are not searched; FILENAME must either be a full pathname or be a pathname relative to the current directory. If the variable `%load-hook' is defined, it should be bound to a procedure that will be called before any code is loaded. See the documentation for `%load-hook' later in this section. -- C Function: SCM scm_c_primitive_load (const char *filename) `scm_primitive_load', but taking a C string instead of an `SCM'. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-load-path filename -- C Function: scm_primitive_load_path (filename) Search `%load-path' for the file named FILENAME and load it into the top-level environment. If FILENAME is a relative pathname and is not found in the list of search paths, an error is signalled. -- Scheme Procedure: %search-load-path filename -- C Function: scm_sys_search_load_path (filename) Search `%load-path' for the file named FILENAME, which must be readable by the current user. If FILENAME is found in the list of paths to search or is an absolute pathname, return its full pathname. Otherwise, return `#f'. Filenames may have any of the optional extensions in the `%load-extensions' list; `%search-load-path' will try each extension automatically. -- Variable: current-reader `current-reader' holds the read procedure that is currently being used by the above loading procedures to read expressions (from the file that they are loading). `current-reader' is a fluid, so it has an independent value in each dynamic root and should be read and set using `fluid-ref' and `fluid-set!' (*note Fluids and Dynamic States::). -- Variable: %load-hook A procedure to be called `(%load-hook FILENAME)' whenever a file is loaded, or `#f' for no such call. `%load-hook' is used by all of the above loading functions (`load', `load-path', `primitive-load' and `primitive-load-path'). For example an application can set this to show what's loaded, (set! %load-hook (lambda (filename) (format #t "Loading ~a ...\n" filename))) (load-from-path "foo.scm") -| Loading /usr/local/share/guile/site/foo.scm ... -- Scheme Procedure: current-load-port -- C Function: scm_current_load_port () Return the current-load-port. The load port is used internally by `primitive-load'. -- Variable: %load-extensions A list of default file extensions for files containing Scheme code. `%search-load-path' tries each of these extensions when looking for a file to load. By default, `%load-extensions' is bound to the list `("" ".scm")'.  File:, Node: Delayed Evaluation, Next: Local Evaluation, Prev: Loading, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.5 Delayed Evaluation ------------------------- Promises are a convenient way to defer a calculation until its result is actually needed, and to run such a calculation only once. -- syntax: delay expr Return a promise object which holds the given EXPR expression, ready to be evaluated by a later `force'. -- Scheme Procedure: promise? obj -- C Function: scm_promise_p (obj) Return true if OBJ is a promise. -- Scheme Procedure: force p -- C Function: scm_force (p) Return the value obtained from evaluating the EXPR in the given promise P. If P has previously been forced then its EXPR is not evaluated again, instead the value obtained at that time is simply returned. During a `force', an EXPR can call `force' again on its own promise, resulting in a recursive evaluation of that EXPR. The first evaluation to return gives the value for the promise. Higher evaluations run to completion in the normal way, but their results are ignored, `force' always returns the first value.  File:, Node: Local Evaluation, Next: Evaluator Behaviour, Prev: Delayed Evaluation, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.6 Local Evaluation ----------------------- [the-environment] -- Scheme Procedure: local-eval exp [env] -- C Function: scm_local_eval (exp, env) Evaluate EXP in its environment. If ENV is supplied, it is the environment in which to evaluate EXP. Otherwise, EXP must be a memoized code object (in which case, its environment is implicit).  File:, Node: Evaluator Behaviour, Prev: Local Evaluation, Up: Read/Load/Eval 5.13.7 Evaluator Behaviour -------------------------- The behaviour of Guile's evaluator can be modified by manipulating the evaluator options. For more information about options, *Note User level options interfaces::. If you want to know which evaluator options are available, *Note Evaluator options::. -- Scheme Procedure: eval-options [setting] Display the current settings of the evaluator options. If SETTING is omitted, only a short form of the current evaluator options is printed. Otherwise, SETTING should be one of the following symbols: `help' Display the complete option settings. `full' Like `help', but also print programmer options. -- Scheme Procedure: eval-enable option-name -- Scheme Procedure: eval-disable option-name -- Scheme Procedure: eval-set! option-name value Modify the evaluator options. `eval-enable' should be used with boolean options and switches them on, `eval-disable' switches them off. `eval-set!' can be used to set an option to a specific value. -- Scheme Procedure: eval-options-interface [setting] -- C Function: scm_eval_options_interface (setting) Option interface for the evaluation options. Instead of using this procedure directly, use the procedures `eval-enable', `eval-disable', `eval-set!' and `eval-options'. -- Scheme Procedure: traps [setting] Display the current settings of the evaluator traps options. If SETTING is omitted, only a short form of the current evaluator traps options is printed. Otherwise, SETTING should be one of the following symbols: `help' Display the complete option settings. `full' Like `help', but also print programmer options. -- Scheme Procedure: trap-enable option-name -- Scheme Procedure: trap-disable option-name -- Scheme Procedure: trap-set! option-name value Modify the evaluator options. `trap-enable' should be used with boolean options and switches them on, `trap-disable' switches them off. `trap-set!' can be used to set an option to a specific value. See *note Evaluator trap options:: for more information on the available trap handlers. -- Scheme Procedure: evaluator-traps-interface [setting] -- C Function: scm_evaluator_traps (setting) Option interface for the evaluator trap options.  File:, Node: Memory Management, Next: Objects, Prev: Read/Load/Eval, Up: API Reference 5.14 Memory Management and Garbage Collection ============================================= Guile uses a _garbage collector_ to manage most of its objects. While the garbage collector is designed to be mostly invisible, you sometimes need to interact with it explicitly. See *note Garbage Collection:: for a general discussion of how garbage collection relates to using Guile from C. * Menu: * Garbage Collection Functions:: * Memory Blocks:: * Weak References:: * Guardians::  File:, Node: Garbage Collection Functions, Next: Memory Blocks, Up: Memory Management 5.14.1 Function related to Garbage Collection --------------------------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: gc -- C Function: scm_gc () Scans all of SCM objects and reclaims for further use those that are no longer accessible. You normally don't need to call this function explicitly. It is called automatically when appropriate. -- C Function: SCM scm_gc_protect_object (SCM OBJ) Protects OBJ from being freed by the garbage collector, when it otherwise might be. When you are done with the object, call `scm_gc_unprotect_object' on the object. Calls to `scm_gc_protect'/`scm_gc_unprotect_object' can be nested, and the object remains protected until it has been unprotected as many times as it was protected. It is an error to unprotect an object more times than it has been protected. Returns the SCM object it was passed. -- C Function: SCM scm_gc_unprotect_object (SCM OBJ) Unprotects an object from the garbage collector which was protected by `scm_gc_unprotect_object'. Returns the SCM object it was passed. -- C Function: SCM scm_permanent_object (SCM OBJ) Similar to `scm_gc_protect_object' in that it causes the collector to always mark the object, except that it should not be nested (only call `scm_permanent_object' on an object once), and it has no corresponding unpermanent function. Once an object is declared permanent, it will never be freed. Returns the SCM object it was passed. -- C Macro: void scm_remember_upto_here_1 (SCM obj) -- C Macro: void scm_remember_upto_here_2 (SCM obj1, SCM obj2) Create a reference to the given object or objects, so they're certain to be present on the stack or in a register and hence will not be freed by the garbage collector before this point. Note that these functions can only be applied to ordinary C local variables (ie. "automatics"). Objects held in global or static variables or some malloced block or the like cannot be protected with this mechanism. -- Scheme Procedure: gc-stats -- C Function: scm_gc_stats () Return an association list of statistics about Guile's current use of storage. -- Scheme Procedure: gc-live-object-stats -- C Function: scm_gc_live_object_stats () Return an alist of statistics of the current live objects. -- Function: void scm_gc_mark (SCM X) Mark the object X, and recurse on any objects X refers to. If X's mark bit is already set, return immediately. This function must only be called during the mark-phase of garbage collection, typically from a smob _mark_ function.  File:, Node: Memory Blocks, Next: Weak References, Prev: Garbage Collection Functions, Up: Memory Management 5.14.2 Memory Blocks -------------------- In C programs, dynamic management of memory blocks is normally done with the functions malloc, realloc, and free. Guile has additional functions for dynamic memory allocation that are integrated into the garbage collector and the error reporting system. Memory blocks that are associated with Scheme objects (for example a smob) should be allocated and freed with `scm_gc_malloc' and `scm_gc_free'. The function `scm_gc_malloc' will either return a valid pointer or signal an error. It will also assume that the new memory can be freed by a garbage collection. The garbage collector uses this information to decide when to try to actually collect some garbage. Memory blocks allocated with `scm_gc_malloc' must be freed with `scm_gc_free'. For memory that is not associated with a Scheme object, you can use `scm_malloc' instead of `malloc'. Like `scm_gc_malloc', it will either return a valid pointer or signal an error. However, it will not assume that the new memory block can be freed by a garbage collection. The memory can be freed with `free'. There is also `scm_gc_realloc' and `scm_realloc', to be used in place of `realloc' when appropriate, and `scm_gc_calloc' and `scm_calloc', to be used in place of `calloc' when appropriate. The function `scm_dynwind_free' can be useful when memory should be freed when a dynwind context, *Note Dynamic Wind::. For really specialized needs, take at look at `scm_gc_register_collectable_memory' and `scm_gc_unregister_collectable_memory'. -- C Function: void * scm_malloc (size_t SIZE) -- C Function: void * scm_calloc (size_t SIZE) Allocate SIZE bytes of memory and return a pointer to it. When SIZE is 0, return `NULL'. When not enough memory is available, signal an error. This function runs the GC to free up some memory when it deems it appropriate. The memory is allocated by the libc `malloc' function and can be freed with `free'. There is no `scm_free' function to go with `scm_malloc' to make it easier to pass memory back and forth between different modules. The function `scm_calloc' is similar to `scm_malloc', but initializes the block of memory to zero as well. -- C Function: void * scm_realloc (void *MEM, size_t NEW_SIZE) Change the size of the memory block at MEM to NEW_SIZE and return its new location. When NEW_SIZE is 0, this is the same as calling `free' on MEM and `NULL' is returned. When MEM is `NULL', this function behaves like `scm_malloc' and allocates a new block of size NEW_SIZE. When not enough memory is available, signal an error. This function runs the GC to free up some memory when it deems it appropriate. -- C Function: void scm_gc_register_collectable_memory (void *MEM, size_t SIZE, const char *WHAT) Informs the GC that the memory at MEM of size SIZE can potentially be freed during a GC. That is, announce that MEM is part of a GC controlled object and when the GC happens to free that object, SIZE bytes will be freed along with it. The GC will *not* free the memory itself, it will just know that so-and-so much bytes of memory are associated with GC controlled objects and the memory system figures this into its decisions when to run a GC. MEM does not need to come from `scm_malloc'. You can only call this function once for every memory block. The WHAT argument is used for statistical purposes. It should describe the type of object that the memory will be used for so that users can identify just what strange objects are eating up their memory. -- C Function: void scm_gc_unregister_collectable_memory (void *MEM, size_t SIZE) Informs the GC that the memory at MEM of size SIZE is no longer associated with a GC controlled object. You must take care to match up every call to `scm_gc_register_collectable_memory' with a call to `scm_gc_unregister_collectable_memory'. If you don't do this, the GC might have a wrong impression of what is going on and run much less efficiently than it could. -- C Function: void * scm_gc_malloc (size_t SIZE, const char *WHAT) -- C Function: void * scm_gc_realloc (void *MEM, size_t OLD_SIZE, size_t NEW_SIZE, const char *WHAT); -- C Function: void * scm_gc_calloc (size_t SIZE, const char *WHAT) Like `scm_malloc', `scm_realloc' or `scm_calloc', but also call `scm_gc_register_collectable_memory'. Note that you need to pass the old size of a reallocated memory block as well. See below for a motivation. -- C Function: void scm_gc_free (void *MEM, size_t SIZE, const char *WHAT) Like `free', but also call `scm_gc_unregister_collectable_memory'. Note that you need to explicitly pass the SIZE parameter. This is done since it should normally be easy to provide this parameter (for memory that is associated with GC controlled objects) and this frees us from tracking this value in the GC itself, which will keep the memory management overhead very low. -- C Function: void scm_frame_free (void *mem) Equivalent to `scm_frame_unwind_handler (free, MEM, SCM_F_WIND_EXPLICITLY)'. That is, the memory block at MEM will be freed when the current frame is left. -- Scheme Procedure: malloc-stats Return an alist ((WHAT . N) ...) describing number of malloced objects. WHAT is the second argument to `scm_gc_malloc', N is the number of objects of that type currently allocated. Upgrading from scm_must_malloc et al. .............................................. Version 1.6 of Guile and earlier did not have the functions from the previous section. In their place, it had the functions `scm_must_malloc', `scm_must_realloc' and `scm_must_free'. This section explains why we want you to stop using them, and how to do this. The functions `scm_must_malloc' and `scm_must_realloc' behaved like `scm_gc_malloc' and `scm_gc_realloc' do now, respectively. They would inform the GC about the newly allocated memory via the internal equivalent of `scm_gc_register_collectable_memory'. However, `scm_must_free' did not unregister the memory it was about to free. The usual way to unregister memory was to return its size from a smob free function. This disconnectedness of the actual freeing of memory and reporting this to the GC proved to be bad in practice. It was easy to make mistakes and report the wrong size because allocating and freeing was not done with symmetric code, and because it is cumbersome to compute the total size of nested data structures that were freed with multiple calls to `scm_must_free'. Additionally, there was no equivalent to `scm_malloc', and it was tempting to just use `scm_must_malloc' and never to tell the GC that the memory has been freed. The effect was that the internal statistics kept by the GC drifted out of sync with reality and could even overflow in long running programs. When this happened, the result was a dramatic increase in (senseless) GC activity which would effectively stop the program dead. The functions `scm_done_malloc' and `scm_done_free' were introduced to help restore balance to the force, but existing bugs did not magically disappear, of course. Therefore we decided to force everybody to review their code by deprecating the existing functions and introducing new ones in their place that are hopefully easier to use correctly. For every use of `scm_must_malloc' you need to decide whether to use `scm_malloc' or `scm_gc_malloc' in its place. When the memory block is not part of a smob or some other Scheme object whose lifetime is ultimately managed by the garbage collector, use `scm_malloc' and `free'. When it is part of a smob, use `scm_gc_malloc' and change the smob free function to use `scm_gc_free' instead of `scm_must_free' or `free' and make it return zero. The important thing is to always pair `scm_malloc' with `free'; and to always pair `scm_gc_malloc' with `scm_gc_free'. The same reasoning applies to `scm_must_realloc' and `scm_realloc' versus `scm_gc_realloc'.  File:, Node: Weak References, Next: Guardians, Prev: Memory Blocks, Up: Memory Management 5.14.3 Weak References ---------------------- [FIXME: This chapter is based on Mikael Djurfeldt's answer to a question by Michael Livshin. Any mistakes are not theirs, of course. ] Weak references let you attach bookkeeping information to data so that the additional information automatically disappears when the original data is no longer in use and gets garbage collected. In a weak key hash, the hash entry for that key disappears as soon as the key is no longer referenced from anywhere else. For weak value hashes, the same happens as soon as the value is no longer in use. Entries in a doubly weak hash disappear when either the key or the value are not used anywhere else anymore. Object properties offer the same kind of functionality as weak key hashes in many situations. (*note Object Properties::) Here's an example (a little bit strained perhaps, but one of the examples is actually used in Guile): Assume that you're implementing a debugging system where you want to associate information about filename and position of source code expressions with the expressions themselves. Hashtables can be used for that, but if you use ordinary hash tables it will be impossible for the scheme interpreter to "forget" old source when, for example, a file is reloaded. To implement the mapping from source code expressions to positional information it is necessary to use weak-key tables since we don't want the expressions to be remembered just because they are in our table. To implement a mapping from source file line numbers to source code expressions you would use a weak-value table. To implement a mapping from source code expressions to the procedures they constitute a doubly-weak table has to be used. * Menu: * Weak hash tables:: * Weak vectors::  File:, Node: Weak hash tables, Next: Weak vectors, Up: Weak References Weak hash tables ......................... -- Scheme Procedure: make-weak-key-hash-table size -- Scheme Procedure: make-weak-value-hash-table size -- Scheme Procedure: make-doubly-weak-hash-table size -- C Function: scm_make_weak_key_hash_table (size) -- C Function: scm_make_weak_value_hash_table (size) -- C Function: scm_make_doubly_weak_hash_table (size) Return a weak hash table with SIZE buckets. As with any hash table, choosing a good size for the table requires some caution. You can modify weak hash tables in exactly the same way you would modify regular hash tables. (*note Hash Tables::) -- Scheme Procedure: weak-key-hash-table? obj -- Scheme Procedure: weak-value-hash-table? obj -- Scheme Procedure: doubly-weak-hash-table? obj -- C Function: scm_weak_key_hash_table_p (obj) -- C Function: scm_weak_value_hash_table_p (obj) -- C Function: scm_doubly_weak_hash_table_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is the specified weak hash table. Note that a doubly weak hash table is neither a weak key nor a weak value hash table.  File:, Node: Weak vectors, Prev: Weak hash tables, Up: Weak References Weak vectors ..................... Weak vectors are mainly useful in Guile's implementation of weak hash tables. -- Scheme Procedure: make-weak-vector size [fill] -- C Function: scm_make_weak_vector (size, fill) Return a weak vector with SIZE elements. If the optional argument FILL is given, all entries in the vector will be set to FILL. The default value for FILL is the empty list. -- Scheme Procedure: weak-vector . l -- Scheme Procedure: list->weak-vector l -- C Function: scm_weak_vector (l) Construct a weak vector from a list: `weak-vector' uses the list of its arguments while `list->weak-vector' uses its only argument L (a list) to construct a weak vector the same way `list->vector' would. -- Scheme Procedure: weak-vector? obj -- C Function: scm_weak_vector_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a weak vector. Note that all weak hashes are also weak vectors.  File:, Node: Guardians, Prev: Weak References, Up: Memory Management 5.14.4 Guardians ---------------- Guardians provide a way to be notified about objects that would otherwise be collected as garbage. Guarding them prevents the objects from being collected and cleanup actions can be performed on them, for example. See R. Kent Dybvig, Carl Bruggeman, and David Eby (1993) "Guardians in a Generation-Based Garbage Collector". ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 1993. -- Scheme Procedure: make-guardian -- C Function: scm_make_guardian () Create a new guardian. A guardian protects a set of objects from garbage collection, allowing a program to apply cleanup or other actions. `make-guardian' returns a procedure representing the guardian. Calling the guardian procedure with an argument adds the argument to the guardian's set of protected objects. Calling the guardian procedure without an argument returns one of the protected objects which are ready for garbage collection, or `#f' if no such object is available. Objects which are returned in this way are removed from the guardian. You can put a single object into a guardian more than once and you can put a single object into more than one guardian. The object will then be returned multiple times by the guardian procedures. An object is eligible to be returned from a guardian when it is no longer referenced from outside any guardian. There is no guarantee about the order in which objects are returned from a guardian. If you want to impose an order on finalization actions, for example, you can do that by keeping objects alive in some global data structure until they are no longer needed for finalizing other objects. Being an element in a weak vector, a key in a hash table with weak keys, or a value in a hash table with weak values does not prevent an object from being returned by a guardian. But as long as an object can be returned from a guardian it will not be removed from such a weak vector or hash table. In other words, a weak link does not prevent an object from being considered collectable, but being inside a guardian prevents a weak link from being broken. A key in a weak key hash table can be thought of as having a strong reference to its associated value as long as the key is accessible. Consequently, when the key is only accessible from within a guardian, the reference from the key to the value is also considered to be coming from within a guardian. Thus, if there is no other reference to the value, it is eligible to be returned from a guardian.  File:, Node: Objects, Next: Modules, Prev: Memory Management, Up: API Reference 5.15 Objects ============ -- Scheme Procedure: entity? obj -- C Function: scm_entity_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is an entity. -- Scheme Procedure: operator? obj -- C Function: scm_operator_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is an operator. -- Scheme Procedure: set-object-procedure! obj proc -- C Function: scm_set_object_procedure_x (obj, proc) Set the object procedure of OBJ to PROC. OBJ must be either an entity or an operator. -- Scheme Procedure: make-class-object metaclass layout -- C Function: scm_make_class_object (metaclass, layout) Create a new class object of class METACLASS, with the slot layout specified by LAYOUT. -- Scheme Procedure: make-subclass-object class layout -- C Function: scm_make_subclass_object (class, layout) Create a subclass object of CLASS, with the slot layout specified by LAYOUT.  File:, Node: Modules, Next: Scheduling, Prev: Objects, Up: API Reference 5.16 Modules ============ When programs become large, naming conflicts can occur when a function or global variable defined in one file has the same name as a function or global variable in another file. Even just a _similarity_ between function names can cause hard-to-find bugs, since a programmer might type the wrong function name. The approach used to tackle this problem is called _information encapsulation_, which consists of packaging functional units into a given name space that is clearly separated from other name spaces. The language features that allow this are usually called _the module system_ because programs are broken up into modules that are compiled separately (or loaded separately in an interpreter). Older languages, like C, have limited support for name space manipulation and protection. In C a variable or function is public by default, and can be made local to a module with the `static' keyword. But you cannot reference public variables and functions from another module with different names. More advanced module systems have become a common feature in recently designed languages: ML, Python, Perl, and Modula 3 all allow the _renaming_ of objects from a foreign module, so they will not clutter the global name space. In addition, Guile offers variables as first-class objects. They can be used for interacting with the module system. * Menu: * provide and require:: The SLIB feature mechanism. * Environments:: R5RS top-level environments. * The Guile module system:: How Guile does it. * Dynamic Libraries:: Loading libraries of compiled code at run time. * Variables:: First-class variables.  File:, Node: provide and require, Next: Environments, Up: Modules 5.16.1 provide and require -------------------------- Aubrey Jaffer, mostly to support his portable Scheme library SLIB, implemented a provide/require mechanism for many Scheme implementations. Library files in SLIB _provide_ a feature, and when user programs _require_ that feature, the library file is loaded in. For example, the file `random.scm' in the SLIB package contains the line (provide 'random) so to use its procedures, a user would type (require 'random) and they would magically become available, _but still have the same names!_ So this method is nice, but not as good as a full-featured module system. When SLIB is used with Guile, provide and require can be used to access its facilities.  File:, Node: Environments, Next: The Guile module system, Prev: provide and require, Up: Modules 5.16.2 Environments ------------------- Scheme, as defined in R5RS, does _not_ have a full module system. However it does define the concept of a top-level "environment". Such an environment maps identifiers (symbols) to Scheme objects such as procedures and lists: *note About Closure::. In other words, it implements a set of "bindings". Environments in R5RS can be passed as the second argument to `eval' (*note Fly Evaluation::). Three procedures are defined to return environments: `scheme-report-environment', `null-environment' and `interaction-environment' (*note Fly Evaluation::). In addition, in Guile any module can be used as an R5RS environment, i.e., passed as the second argument to `eval'. Note: the following two procedures are available only when the `(ice-9 r5rs)' module is loaded: (use-modules (ice-9 r5rs)) -- Scheme Procedure: scheme-report-environment version -- Scheme Procedure: null-environment version VERSION must be the exact integer `5', corresponding to revision 5 of the Scheme report (the Revised^5 Report on Scheme). `scheme-report-environment' returns a specifier for an environment that is empty except for all bindings defined in the report that are either required or both optional and supported by the implementation. `null-environment' returns a specifier for an environment that is empty except for the (syntactic) bindings for all syntactic keywords defined in the report that are either required or both optional and supported by the implementation. Currently Guile does not support values of VERSION for other revisions of the report. The effect of assigning (through the use of `eval') a variable bound in a `scheme-report-environment' (for example `car') is unspecified. Currently the environments specified by `scheme-report-environment' are not immutable in Guile.  File:, Node: The Guile module system, Next: Dynamic Libraries, Prev: Environments, Up: Modules 5.16.3 The Guile module system ------------------------------ The Guile module system extends the concept of environments, discussed in the previous section, with mechanisms to define, use and customise sets of bindings. In 1996 Tom Lord implemented a full-featured module system for Guile which allows loading Scheme source files into a private name space. This system has been available since at least Guile version 1.1. For Guile version 1.5.0 and later, the system has been improved to have better integration from C code, more fine-grained user control over interfaces, and documentation. Although it is anticipated that the module system implementation will change in the future, the Scheme programming interface described in this manual should be considered stable. The C programming interface is considered relatively stable, although at the time of this writing, there is still some flux. * Menu: * General Information about Modules:: Guile module basics. * Using Guile Modules:: How to use existing modules. * Creating Guile Modules:: How to package your code into modules. * Module System Reflection:: Accessing module objects at run-time. * Module System Quirks:: Strange things to be aware of. * Included Guile Modules:: Which modules come with Guile? * Accessing Modules from C:: How to work with modules with C code.  File:, Node: General Information about Modules, Next: Using Guile Modules, Up: The Guile module system General Information about Modules .......................................... A Guile module can be thought of as a collection of named procedures, variables and macros. More precisely, it is a set of "bindings" of symbols (names) to Scheme objects. An environment is a mapping from identifiers (or symbols) to locations, i.e., a set of bindings. There are top-level environments and lexical environments. The environment in which a lambda is executed is remembered as part of its definition. Within a module, all bindings are visible. Certain bindings can be declared "public", in which case they are added to the module's so-called "export list"; this set of public bindings is called the module's "public interface" (*note Creating Guile Modules::). A client module "uses" a providing module's bindings by either accessing the providing module's public interface, or by building a custom interface (and then accessing that). In a custom interface, the client module can "select" which bindings to access and can also algorithmically "rename" bindings. In contrast, when using the providing module's public interface, the entire export list is available without renaming (*note Using Guile Modules::). To use a module, it must be found and loaded. All Guile modules have a unique "module name", which is a list of one or more symbols. Examples are `(ice-9 popen)' or `(srfi srfi-11)'. When Guile searches for the code of a module, it constructs the name of the file to load by concatenating the name elements with slashes between the elements and appending a number of file name extensions from the list `%load-extensions' (*note Loading::). The resulting file name is then searched in all directories in the variable `%load-path' (*note Build Config::). For example, the `(ice-9 popen)' module would result in the filename `ice-9/popen.scm' and searched in the installation directories of Guile and in all other directories in the load path. Every module has a so-called syntax transformer associated with it. This is a procedure which performs all syntax transformation for the time the module is read in and evaluated. When working with modules, you can manipulate the current syntax transformer using the `use-syntax' syntactic form or the `#:use-syntax' module definition option (*note Creating Guile Modules::). Please note that there are some problems with the current module system you should keep in mind (*note Module System Quirks::). We hope to address these eventually.  File:, Node: Using Guile Modules, Next: Creating Guile Modules, Prev: General Information about Modules, Up: The Guile module system Using Guile Modules ............................ To use a Guile module is to access either its public interface or a custom interface (*note General Information about Modules::). Both types of access are handled by the syntactic form `use-modules', which accepts one or more interface specifications and, upon evaluation, arranges for those interfaces to be available to the current module. This process may include locating and loading code for a given module if that code has not yet been loaded, following `%load-path' (*note Build Config::). An "interface specification" has one of two forms. The first variation is simply to name the module, in which case its public interface is the one accessed. For example: (use-modules (ice-9 popen)) Here, the interface specification is `(ice-9 popen)', and the result is that the current module now has access to `open-pipe', `close-pipe', `open-input-pipe', and so on (*note Included Guile Modules::). Note in the previous example that if the current module had already defined `open-pipe', that definition would be overwritten by the definition in `(ice-9 popen)'. For this reason (and others), there is a second variation of interface specification that not only names a module to be accessed, but also selects bindings from it and renames them to suit the current module's needs. For example: (use-modules ((ice-9 popen) :select ((open-pipe . pipe-open) close-pipe) :renamer (symbol-prefix-proc 'unixy:))) Here, the interface specification is more complex than before, and the result is that a custom interface with only two bindings is created and subsequently accessed by the current module. The mapping of old to new names is as follows: (ice-9 popen) sees: current module sees: open-pipe unixy:pipe-open close-pipe unixy:close-pipe This example also shows how to use the convenience procedure `symbol-prefix-proc'. You can also directly refer to bindings in a module by using the `@' syntax. For example, instead of using the `use-modules' statement from above and writing `unixy:pipe-open' to refer to the `pipe-open' from the `(ice-9 popen)', you could also write `(@ (ice-9 popen) open-pipe)'. Thus an alternative to the complete `use-modules' statement would be (define unixy:pipe-open (@ (ice-9 popen) open-pipe)) (define unixy:close-pipe (@ (ice-9 popen) close-pipe)) There is also `@@', which can be used like `@', but does not check whether the variable that is being accessed is actually exported. Thus, `@@' can be thought of as the impolite version of `@' and should only be used as a last resort or for debugging, for example. Note that just as with a `use-modules' statement, any module that has not yet been loaded yet will be loaded when referenced by a `@' or `@@' form. You can also use the `@' and `@@' syntaxes as the target of a `set!' when the binding refers to a variable. -- Scheme Procedure: symbol-prefix-proc prefix-sym Return a procedure that prefixes its arg (a symbol) with PREFIX-SYM. -- syntax: use-modules spec ... Resolve each interface specification SPEC into an interface and arrange for these to be accessible by the current module. The return value is unspecified. SPEC can be a list of symbols, in which case it names a module whose public interface is found and used. SPEC can also be of the form: (MODULE-NAME [:select SELECTION] [:renamer RENAMER]) in which case a custom interface is newly created and used. MODULE-NAME is a list of symbols, as above; SELECTION is a list of selection-specs; and RENAMER is a procedure that takes a symbol and returns its new name. A selection-spec is either a symbol or a pair of symbols `(ORIG . SEEN)', where ORIG is the name in the used module and SEEN is the name in the using module. Note that SEEN is also passed through RENAMER. The `:select' and `:renamer' clauses are optional. If both are omitted, the returned interface has no bindings. If the `:select' clause is omitted, RENAMER operates on the used module's public interface. Signal error if module name is not resolvable. -- syntax: use-syntax module-name Load the module `module-name' and use its syntax transformer as the syntax transformer for the currently defined module, as well as installing it as the current syntax transformer. -- syntax: @ module-name binding-name Refer to the binding named BINDING-NAME in module MODULE-NAME. The binding must have been exported by the module. -- syntax: @@ module-name binding-name Refer to the binding named BINDING-NAME in module MODULE-NAME. The binding must not have been exported by the module. This syntax is only intended for debugging purposes or as a last resort.  File:, Node: Creating Guile Modules, Next: Module System Reflection, Prev: Using Guile Modules, Up: The Guile module system Creating Guile Modules ............................... When you want to create your own modules, you have to take the following steps: * Create a Scheme source file and add all variables and procedures you wish to export, or which are required by the exported procedures. * Add a `define-module' form at the beginning. * Export all bindings which should be in the public interface, either by using `define-public' or `export' (both documented below). -- syntax: define-module module-name [options ...] MODULE-NAME is of the form `(hierarchy file)'. One example of this is (define-module (ice-9 popen)) `define-module' makes this module available to Guile programs under the given MODULE-NAME. The OPTIONS are keyword/value pairs which specify more about the defined module. The recognized options and their meaning is shown in the following table. `#:use-module INTERFACE-SPECIFICATION' Equivalent to a `(use-modules INTERFACE-SPECIFICATION)' (*note Using Guile Modules::). `#:use-syntax MODULE' Use MODULE when loading the currently defined module, and install it as the syntax transformer. `#:autoload MODULE SYMBOL-LIST' Load MODULE when any of SYMBOL-LIST are accessed. For example, (define-module (my mod) #:autoload (srfi srfi-1) (partition delete-duplicates)) ... (if something (set! foo (delete-duplicates ...))) When a module is autoloaded, all its bindings become available. SYMBOL-LIST is just those that will first trigger the load. An autoload is a good way to put off loading a big module until it's really needed, for instance for faster startup or if it will only be needed in certain circumstances. `@' can do a similar thing (*note Using Guile Modules::), but in that case an `@' form must be written every time a binding from the module is used. `#:export LIST' Export all identifiers in LIST which must be a list of symbols. This is equivalent to `(export LIST)' in the module body. `#:re-export LIST' Re-export all identifiers in LIST which must be a list of symbols. The symbols in LIST must be imported by the current module from other modules. This is equivalent to `re-export' below. `#:export-syntax LIST' Export all identifiers in LIST which must be a list of symbols. The identifiers in LIST must refer to macros (*note Macros::) defined in the current module. This is equivalent to `(export-syntax LIST)' in the module body. `#:re-export-syntax LIST' Re-export all identifiers in LIST which must be a list of symbols. The symbols in LIST must refer to macros imported by the current module from other modules. This is equivalent to `(re-export-syntax LIST)' in the module body. `#:replace LIST' Export all identifiers in LIST (a list of symbols) and mark them as "replacing bindings". In the module user's name space, this will have the effect of replacing any binding with the same name that is not also "replacing". Normally a replacement results in an "override" warning message, `#:replace' avoids that. This is useful for modules that export bindings that have the same name as core bindings. `#:replace', in a sense, lets Guile know that the module _purposefully_ replaces a core binding. It is important to note, however, that this binding replacement is confined to the name space of the module user. In other words, the value of the core binding in question remains unchanged for other modules. For instance, SRFI-39 exports a binding named `current-input-port' (*note SRFI-39::) that is a function which is upwardly compatible with the core `current-input-port' function. Therefore, SRFI-39 exports its version with `#:replace'. SRFI-19, on the other hand, exports its own version of `current-time' (*note SRFI-19 Time::) which is not compatible with the core `current-time' function (*note Time::). Therefore, SRFI-19 does not use `#:replace'. The `#:replace' option can also be used by a module which is intentionally producing a new special kind of environment and should override any core or other bindings already in scope. For example perhaps a logic processing environment where `<=' is an inference instead of a comparison. The `#:duplicates' (see below) provides fine-grain control about duplicate binding handling on the module-user side. `#:duplicates LIST' Tell Guile to handle duplicate bindings for the bindings imported by the current module according to the policy defined by LIST, a list of symbols. LIST must contain symbols representing a duplicate binding handling policy chosen among the following: `check' Raises an error when a binding is imported from more than one place. `warn' Issue a warning when a binding is imported from more than one place and leave the responsibility of actually handling the duplication to the next duplicate binding handler. `replace' When a new binding is imported that has the same name as a previously imported binding, then do the following: 1. If the old binding was said to be "replacing" (via the `#:replace' option above) and the new binding is not replacing, the keep the old binding. 2. If the old binding was not said to be replacing and the new binding is replacing, then replace the old binding with the new one. 3. If neither the old nor the new binding is replacing, then keep the old one. `warn-override-core' Issue a warning when a core binding is being overwritten and actually override the core binding with the new one. `first' In case of duplicate bindings, the firstly imported binding is always the one which is kept. `last' In case of duplicate bindings, the lastly imported binding is always the one which is kept. `noop' In case of duplicate bindings, leave the responsibility to the next duplicate handler. If LIST contains more than one symbol, then the duplicate binding handlers which appear first will be used first when resolving a duplicate binding situation. As mentioned above, some resolution policies may explicitly leave the responsibility of handling the duplication to the next handler in LIST. The default duplicate binding resolution policy is given by the `default-duplicate-binding-handler' procedure, and is (replace warn-override-core warn last) `#:no-backtrace' Tell Guile not to record information for procedure backtraces when executing the procedures in this module. `#:pure' Create a "pure" module, that is a module which does not contain any of the standard procedure bindings except for the syntax forms. This is useful if you want to create "safe" modules, that is modules which do not know anything about dangerous procedures. -- syntax: export variable ... Add all VARIABLEs (which must be symbols) to the list of exported bindings of the current module. -- syntax: define-public ... Equivalent to `(begin (define foo ...) (export foo))'. -- syntax: re-export variable ... Add all VARIABLEs (which must be symbols) to the list of re-exported bindings of the current module. Re-exported bindings must be imported by the current module from some other module.  File:, Node: Module System Reflection, Next: Module System Quirks, Prev: Creating Guile Modules, Up: The Guile module system Module System Reflection ................................. The previous sections have described a declarative view of the module system. You can also work with it programmatically by accessing and modifying various parts of the Scheme objects that Guile uses to implement the module system. At any time, there is a "current module". This module is the one where a top-level `define' and similar syntax will add new bindings. You can find other module objects with `resolve-module', for example. These module objects can be used as the second argument to `eval'. -- Scheme Procedure: current-module Return the current module object. -- Scheme Procedure: set-current-module module Set the current module to MODULE and return the previous current module. -- Scheme Procedure: save-module-excursion thunk Call THUNK within a `dynamic-wind' such that the module that is current at invocation time is restored when THUNK's dynamic extent is left (*note Dynamic Wind::). More precisely, if THUNK escapes non-locally, the current module (at the time of escape) is saved, and the original current module (at the time THUNK's dynamic extent was last entered) is restored. If THUNK's dynamic extent is re-entered, then the current module is saved, and the previously saved inner module is set current again. -- Scheme Procedure: resolve-module name Find the module named NAME and return it. When it has not already been defined, try to auto-load it. When it can't be found that way either, create an empty module. The name is a list of symbols. -- Scheme Procedure: resolve-interface name Find the module named NAME as with `resolve-module' and return its interface. The interface of a module is also a module object, but it contains only the exported bindings. -- Scheme Procedure: module-use! module interface Add INTERFACE to the front of the use-list of MODULE. Both arguments should be module objects, and INTERFACE should very likely be a module returned by `resolve-interface'.  File:, Node: Module System Quirks, Next: Included Guile Modules, Prev: Module System Reflection, Up: The Guile module system Module System Quirks ............................. Although the programming interfaces are relatively stable, the Guile module system itself is still evolving. Here are some situations where usage surpasses design. * When using a module which exports a macro definition, the other module must export all bindings the macro expansion uses, too, because the expanded code would otherwise not be able to see these definitions and issue a "variable unbound" error, or worse, would use another binding which might be present in the scope of the expansion. * When two or more used modules export bindings with the same names, the last accessed module wins, and the exported binding of that last module will silently be used. This might lead to hard-to-find errors because wrong procedures or variables are used. To avoid this kind of "name-clash" situation, use a custom interface specification (*note Using Guile Modules::). (We include this entry for the possible benefit of users of Guile versions previous to 1.5.0, when custom interfaces were added to the module system.) * [Add other quirks here.]  File:, Node: Included Guile Modules, Next: Accessing Modules from C, Prev: Module System Quirks, Up: The Guile module system Included Guile Modules ............................... Some modules are included in the Guile distribution; here are references to the entries in this manual which describe them in more detail: *boot-9* boot-9 is Guile's initialization module, and it is always loaded when Guile starts up. *(ice-9 debug)* Mikael Djurfeldt's source-level debugging support for Guile (*note Tracing::). *(ice-9 expect)* Actions based on matching input from a port (*note Expect::). *(ice-9 format)* Formatted output in the style of Common Lisp (*note Formatted Output::). *(ice-9 ftw)* File tree walker (*note File Tree Walk::). *(ice-9 getopt-long)* Command line option processing (*note getopt-long::). *(ice-9 history)* Refer to previous interactive expressions (*note Value History::). *(ice-9 popen)* Pipes to and from child processes (*note Pipes::). *(ice-9 pretty-print)* Nicely formatted output of Scheme expressions and objects (*note Pretty Printing::). *(ice-9 q)* First-in first-out queues (*note Queues::). *(ice-9 rdelim)* Line- and character-delimited input (*note Line/Delimited::). *(ice-9 readline)* `readline' interactive command line editing (*note Readline Support::). *(ice-9 receive)* Multiple-value handling with `receive' (*note Multiple Values::). *(ice-9 regex)* Regular expression matching (*note Regular Expressions::). *(ice-9 rw)* Block string input/output (*note Block Reading and Writing::). *(ice-9 streams)* Sequence of values calculated on-demand (*note Streams::). *(ice-9 syncase)* R5RS `syntax-rules' macro system (*note Syntax Rules::). *(ice-9 threads)* Guile's support for multi threaded execution (*note Scheduling::). *(ice-9 documentation)* Online documentation (REFFIXME). *(srfi srfi-1)* A library providing a lot of useful list and pair processing procedures (*note SRFI-1::). *(srfi srfi-2)* Support for `and-let*' (*note SRFI-2::). *(srfi srfi-4)* Support for homogeneous numeric vectors (*note SRFI-4::). *(srfi srfi-6)* Support for some additional string port procedures (*note SRFI-6::). *(srfi srfi-8)* Multiple-value handling with `receive' (*note SRFI-8::). *(srfi srfi-9)* Record definition with `define-record-type' (*note SRFI-9::). *(srfi srfi-10)* Read hash extension `#,()' (*note SRFI-10::). *(srfi srfi-11)* Multiple-value handling with `let-values' and `let*-values' (*note SRFI-11::). *(srfi srfi-13)* String library (*note SRFI-13::). *(srfi srfi-14)* Character-set library (*note SRFI-14::). *(srfi srfi-16)* `case-lambda' procedures of variable arity (*note SRFI-16::). *(srfi srfi-17)* Getter-with-setter support (*note SRFI-17::). *(srfi srfi-19)* Time/Date library (*note SRFI-19::). *(srfi srfi-26)* Convenient syntax for partial application (*note SRFI-26::) *(srfi srfi-31)* `rec' convenient recursive expressions (*note SRFI-31::) *(ice-9 slib)* This module contains hooks for using Aubrey Jaffer's portable Scheme library SLIB from Guile (*note SLIB::).  File:, Node: Accessing Modules from C, Prev: Included Guile Modules, Up: The Guile module system Accessing Modules from C ................................. The last sections have described how modules are used in Scheme code, which is the recommended way of creating and accessing modules. You can also work with modules from C, but it is more cumbersome. The following procedures are available. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_current_module () Return the module that is the _current module_. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_set_current_module (SCM MODULE) Set the current module to MODULE and return the previous current module. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_call_with_current_module (SCM MODULE, SCM (*FUNC)(void *), void *DATA) Call FUNC and make MODULE the current module during the call. The argument DATA is passed to FUNC. The return value of `scm_c_call_with_current_module' is the return value of FUNC. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_lookup (const char *NAME) Return the variable bound to the symbol indicated by NAME in the current module. If there is no such binding or the symbol is not bound to a variable, signal an error. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_lookup (SCM NAME) Like `scm_c_lookup', but the symbol is specified directly. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_module_lookup (SCM MODULE, const char *NAME) -- C Procedure: SCM scm_module_lookup (SCM MODULE, SCM NAME) Like `scm_c_lookup' and `scm_lookup', but the specified module is used instead of the current one. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_define (const char *NAME, SCM VAL) Bind the symbol indicated by NAME to a variable in the current module and set that variable to VAL. When NAME is already bound to a variable, use that. Else create a new variable. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_define (SCM NAME, SCM VAL) Like `scm_c_define', but the symbol is specified directly. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_module_define (SCM MODULE, const char *NAME, SCM VAL) -- C Procedure: SCM scm_module_define (SCM MODULE, SCM NAME, SCM VAL) Like `scm_c_define' and `scm_define', but the specified module is used instead of the current one. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_module_reverse_lookup (SCM MODULE, SCM VARIABLE) Find the symbol that is bound to VARIABLE in MODULE. When no such binding is found, return #F. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_define_module (const char *NAME, void (*INIT)(void *), void *DATA) Define a new module named NAME and make it current while INIT is called, passing it DATA. Return the module. The parameter NAME is a string with the symbols that make up the module name, separated by spaces. For example, `"foo bar"' names the module `(foo bar)'. When there already exists a module named NAME, it is used unchanged, otherwise, an empty module is created. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_resolve_module (const char *NAME) Find the module name NAME and return it. When it has not already been defined, try to auto-load it. When it can't be found that way either, create an empty module. The name is interpreted as for `scm_c_define_module'. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_resolve_module (SCM NAME) Like `scm_c_resolve_module', but the name is given as a real list of symbols. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_use_module (const char *NAME) Add the module named NAME to the uses list of the current module, as with `(use-modules NAME)'. The name is interpreted as for `scm_c_define_module'. -- C Procedure: SCM scm_c_export (const char *NAME, ...) Add the bindings designated by NAME, ... to the public interface of the current module. The list of names is terminated by `NULL'.  File:, Node: Dynamic Libraries, Next: Variables, Prev: The Guile module system, Up: Modules 5.16.4 Dynamic Libraries ------------------------ Most modern Unices have something called "shared libraries". This ordinarily means that they have the capability to share the executable image of a library between several running programs to save memory and disk space. But generally, shared libraries give a lot of additional flexibility compared to the traditional static libraries. In fact, calling them `dynamic' libraries is as correct as calling them `shared'. Shared libraries really give you a lot of flexibility in addition to the memory and disk space savings. When you link a program against a shared library, that library is not closely incorporated into the final executable. Instead, the executable of your program only contains enough information to find the needed shared libraries when the program is actually run. Only then, when the program is starting, is the final step of the linking process performed. This means that you need not recompile all programs when you install a new, only slightly modified version of a shared library. The programs will pick up the changes automatically the next time they are run. Now, when all the necessary machinery is there to perform part of the linking at run-time, why not take the next step and allow the programmer to explicitly take advantage of it from within his program? Of course, many operating systems that support shared libraries do just that, and chances are that Guile will allow you to access this feature from within your Scheme programs. As you might have guessed already, this feature is called "dynamic linking".(1) As with many aspects of Guile, there is a low-level way to access the dynamic linking apparatus, and a more high-level interface that integrates dynamically linked libraries into the module system. * Menu: * Low level dynamic linking:: * Compiled Code Modules:: * Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules:: * Compiled Code Installation:: ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) Some people also refer to the final linking stage at program startup as `dynamic linking', so if you want to make yourself perfectly clear, it is probably best to use the more technical term "dlopening", as suggested by Gordon Matzigkeit in his libtool documentation.  File:, Node: Low level dynamic linking, Next: Compiled Code Modules, Up: Dynamic Libraries Low level dynamic linking .................................. When using the low level procedures to do your dynamic linking, you have complete control over which library is loaded when and what gets done with it. -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-link library -- C Function: scm_dynamic_link (library) Find the shared library denoted by LIBRARY (a string) and link it into the running Guile application. When everything works out, return a Scheme object suitable for representing the linked object file. Otherwise an error is thrown. How object files are searched is system dependent. Normally, LIBRARY is just the name of some shared library file that will be searched for in the places where shared libraries usually reside, such as in `/usr/lib' and `/usr/local/lib'. -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-object? obj -- C Function: scm_dynamic_object_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a dynamic library handle, or `#f' otherwise. -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-unlink dobj -- C Function: scm_dynamic_unlink (dobj) Unlink the indicated object file from the application. The argument DOBJ must have been obtained by a call to `dynamic-link'. After `dynamic-unlink' has been called on DOBJ, its content is no longer accessible. -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-func name dobj -- C Function: scm_dynamic_func (name, dobj) Search the dynamic object DOBJ for the C function indicated by the string NAME and return some Scheme handle that can later be used with `dynamic-call' to actually call the function. Regardless whether your C compiler prepends an underscore `_' to the global names in a program, you should *not* include this underscore in FUNCTION. Guile knows whether the underscore is needed or not and will add it when necessary. -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-call func dobj -- C Function: scm_dynamic_call (func, dobj) Call the C function indicated by FUNC and DOBJ. The function is passed no arguments and its return value is ignored. When FUNCTION is something returned by `dynamic-func', call that function and ignore DOBJ. When FUNC is a string , look it up in DYNOBJ; this is equivalent to (dynamic-call (dynamic-func FUNC DOBJ) #f) Interrupts are deferred while the C function is executing (with `SCM_DEFER_INTS'/`SCM_ALLOW_INTS'). -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-args-call func dobj args -- C Function: scm_dynamic_args_call (func, dobj, args) Call the C function indicated by FUNC and DOBJ, just like `dynamic-call', but pass it some arguments and return its return value. The C function is expected to take two arguments and return an `int', just like `main': int c_func (int argc, char **argv); The parameter ARGS must be a list of strings and is converted into an array of `char *'. The array is passed in ARGV and its size in ARGC. The return value is converted to a Scheme number and returned from the call to `dynamic-args-call'. When dynamic linking is disabled or not supported on your system, the above functions throw errors, but they are still available. Here is a small example that works on GNU/Linux: (define libc-obj (dynamic-link "")) libc-obj => # (dynamic-args-call 'rand libc-obj '()) => 269167349 (dynamic-unlink libc-obj) libc-obj => # As you can see, after calling `dynamic-unlink' on a dynamically linked library, it is marked as `(unlinked)' and you are no longer able to use it with `dynamic-call', etc. Whether the library is really removed from you program is system-dependent and will generally not happen when some other parts of your program still use it. In the example above, `libc' is almost certainly not removed from your program because it is badly needed by almost everything. The functions to call a function from a dynamically linked library, `dynamic-call' and `dynamic-args-call', are not very powerful. They are mostly intended to be used for calling specially written initialization functions that will then add new primitives to Guile. For example, we do not expect that you will dynamically link `libX11' with `dynamic-link' and then construct a beautiful graphical user interface just by using `dynamic-call' and `dynamic-args-call'. Instead, the usual way would be to write a special Guile<->X11 glue library that has intimate knowledge about both Guile and X11 and does whatever is necessary to make them inter-operate smoothly. This glue library could then be dynamically linked into a vanilla Guile interpreter and activated by calling its initialization function. That function would add all the new types and primitives to the Guile interpreter that it has to offer. From this setup the next logical step is to integrate these glue libraries into the module system of Guile so that you can load new primitives into a running system just as you can load new Scheme code. There is, however, another possibility to get a more thorough access to the functions contained in a dynamically linked library. Anthony Green has written `libffi', a library that implements a "foreign function interface" for a number of different platforms. With it, you can extend the Spartan functionality of `dynamic-call' and `dynamic-args-call' considerably. There is glue code available in the Guile contrib archive to make `libffi' accessible from Guile.  File:, Node: Compiled Code Modules, Next: Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules, Prev: Low level dynamic linking, Up: Dynamic Libraries Putting Compiled Code into Modules ........................................... The new primitives that you add to Guile with `scm_c_define_gsubr' (*note Primitive Procedures::) or with any of the other mechanisms are placed into the `(guile-user)' module by default. However, it is also possible to put new primitives into other modules. The mechanism for doing so is not very well thought out and is likely to change when the module system of Guile itself is revised, but it is simple and useful enough to document it as it stands. What `scm_c_define_gsubr' and the functions used by the snarfer really do is to add the new primitives to whatever module is the _current module_ when they are called. This is analogous to the way Scheme code is put into modules: the `define-module' expression at the top of a Scheme source file creates a new module and makes it the current module while the rest of the file is evaluated. The `define' expressions in that file then add their new definitions to this current module. Therefore, all we need to do is to make sure that the right module is current when calling `scm_c_define_gsubr' for our new primitives.  File:, Node: Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules, Next: Compiled Code Installation, Prev: Compiled Code Modules, Up: Dynamic Libraries Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules .................................................. The most interesting application of dynamically linked libraries is probably to use them for providing _compiled code modules_ to Scheme programs. As much fun as programming in Scheme is, every now and then comes the need to write some low-level C stuff to make Scheme even more fun. Not only can you put these new primitives into their own module (see the previous section), you can even put them into a shared library that is only then linked to your running Guile image when it is actually needed. An example will hopefully make everything clear. Suppose we want to make the Bessel functions of the C library available to Scheme in the module `(math bessel)'. First we need to write the appropriate glue code to convert the arguments and return values of the functions from Scheme to C and back. Additionally, we need a function that will add them to the set of Guile primitives. Because this is just an example, we will only implement this for the `j0' function. #include #include SCM j0_wrapper (SCM x) { return scm_double2num (j0 (scm_num2dbl (x, "j0"))); } void init_math_bessel () { scm_c_define_gsubr ("j0", 1, 0, 0, j0_wrapper); } We can already try to bring this into action by manually calling the low level functions for performing dynamic linking. The C source file needs to be compiled into a shared library. Here is how to do it on GNU/Linux, please refer to the `libtool' documentation for how to create dynamically linkable libraries portably. gcc -shared -o -fPIC bessel.c Now fire up Guile: (define bessel-lib (dynamic-link "./")) (dynamic-call "init_math_bessel" bessel-lib) (j0 2) => 0.223890779141236 The filename `./' should be pointing to the shared library produced with the `gcc' command above, of course. The second line of the Guile interaction will call the `init_math_bessel' function which in turn will register the C function `j0_wrapper' with the Guile interpreter under the name `j0'. This function becomes immediately available and we can call it from Scheme. Fun, isn't it? But we are only half way there. This is what `apropos' has to say about `j0': (apropos "j0") -| (guile-user): j0 # As you can see, `j0' is contained in the root module, where all the other Guile primitives like `display', etc live. In general, a primitive is put into whatever module is the "current module" at the time `scm_c_define_gsubr' is called. A compiled module should have a specially named "module init function". Guile knows about this special name and will call that function automatically after having linked in the shared library. For our example, we replace `init_math_bessel' with the following code in `bessel.c': void init_math_bessel (void *unused) { scm_c_define_gsubr ("j0", 1, 0, 0, j0_wrapper); scm_c_export ("j0", NULL); } void scm_init_math_bessel_module () { scm_c_define_module ("math bessel", init_math_bessel, NULL); } The general pattern for the name of a module init function is: `scm_init_', followed by the name of the module where the individual hierarchical components are concatenated with underscores, followed by `_module'. After `' has been rebuilt, we need to place the shared library into the right place. Once the module has been correctly installed, it should be possible to use it like this: guile> (load-extension "./" "scm_init_math_bessel_module") guile> (use-modules (math bessel)) guile> (j0 2) 0.223890779141236 guile> (apropos "j0") -| (math bessel): j0 # That's it! -- Scheme Procedure: load-extension lib init -- C Function: scm_load_extension (lib, init) Load and initialize the extension designated by LIB and INIT. When there is no pre-registered function for LIB/INIT, this is equivalent to (dynamic-call INIT (dynamic-link LIB)) When there is a pre-registered function, that function is called instead. Normally, there is no pre-registered function. This option exists only for situations where dynamic linking is unavailable or unwanted. In that case, you would statically link your program with the desired library, and register its init function right after Guile has been initialized. LIB should be a string denoting a shared library without any file type suffix such as ".so". The suffix is provided automatically. It should also not contain any directory components. Libraries that implement Guile Extensions should be put into the normal locations for shared libraries. We recommend to use the naming convention libguile-bla-blum for a extension related to a module `(bla blum)'. The normal way for a extension to be used is to write a small Scheme file that defines a module, and to load the extension into this module. When the module is auto-loaded, the extension is loaded as well. For example, (define-module (bla blum)) (load-extension "libguile-bla-blum" "bla_init_blum")  File:, Node: Compiled Code Installation, Prev: Dynamic Linking and Compiled Code Modules, Up: Dynamic Libraries Compiled Code Installation ................................... The simplest way to write a module using compiled C code is (define-module (foo bar)) (load-extension "foobar-c-code" "foo_bar_init") When loaded with `(use-modules (foo bar))', the `load-extension' call looks for the `' (etc) object file in the standard system locations, such as `/usr/lib' or `/usr/local/lib'. If someone installs your module to a non-standard location then the object file won't be found. You can address this by inserting the install location in the `foo/bar.scm' file. This is convenient for the user and also guarantees the intended object is read, even if stray older or newer versions are in the loader's path. The usual way to specify an install location is with a `prefix' at the configure stage, for instance `./configure prefix=/opt' results in library files as say `/opt/lib/'. When using Autoconf (*note Introduction: (autoconf)Top.), the library location is in a `libdir' variable. Its value is intended to be expanded by `make', and can by substituted into a source file like `' (define-module (foo bar)) (load-extension "XXlibdirXX/foobar-c-code" "foo_bar_init") with the following in a `Makefile', using `sed' (*note Introduction: (sed)Top. A Stream Editor), foo.scm: sed 's|XXlibdirXX|$(libdir)|' foo.scm The actual pattern `XXlibdirXX' is arbitrary, it's only something which doesn't otherwise occur. If several modules need the value, it can be easier to create one `foo/config.scm' with a define of the `libdir' location, and use that as required. (define-module (foo config)) (define-public foo-config-libdir "XXlibdirXX"") Such a file might have other locations too, for instance a data directory for auxiliary files, or `localedir' if the module has its own `gettext' message catalogue (*note Internationalization::). When installing multiple C code objects, it can be convenient to put them in a subdirectory of `libdir', thus giving for example `/usr/lib/foo/'. If the objects are only meant to be used through the module, then a subdirectory keeps them out of sight. It will be noted all of the above requires that the Scheme code to be found in `%load-path' (*note Build Config::). Presently it's left up to the system administrator or each user to augment that path when installing Guile modules in non-default locations. But having reached the Scheme code, that code should take care of hitting any of its own private files etc. Presently there's no convention for having a Guile version number in module C code filenames or directories. This is primarily because there's no established principles for two versions of Guile to be installed under the same prefix (eg. two both under `/usr'). Assuming upward compatibility is maintained then this should be unnecessary, and if compatibility is not maintained then it's highly likely a package will need to be revisited anyway. The present suggestion is that modules should assume when they're installed under a particular `prefix' that there's a single version of Guile there, and the `guile-config' at build time has the necessary information about it. C code or Scheme code might adapt itself accordingly (allowing for features not available in an older version for instance).  File:, Node: Variables, Prev: Dynamic Libraries, Up: Modules 5.16.5 Variables ---------------- Each module has its own hash table, sometimes known as an "obarray", that maps the names defined in that module to their corresponding variable objects. A variable is a box-like object that can hold any Scheme value. It is said to be "undefined" if its box holds a special Scheme value that denotes undefined-ness (which is different from all other Scheme values, including for example `#f'); otherwise the variable is "defined". On its own, a variable object is anonymous. A variable is said to be "bound" when it is associated with a name in some way, usually a symbol in a module obarray. When this happens, the relationship is mutual: the variable is bound to the name (in that module), and the name (in that module) is bound to the variable. (That's the theory, anyway. In practice, defined-ness and bound-ness sometimes get confused, because Lisp and Scheme implementations have often conflated -- or deliberately drawn no distinction between -- a name that is unbound and a name that is bound to a variable whose value is undefined. We will try to be clear about the difference and explain any confusion where it is unavoidable.) Variables do not have a read syntax. Most commonly they are created and bound implicitly by `define' expressions: a top-level `define' expression of the form (define NAME VALUE) creates a variable with initial value VALUE and binds it to the name NAME in the current module. But they can also be created dynamically by calling one of the constructor procedures `make-variable' and `make-undefined-variable'. First-class variables are especially useful for interacting with the current module system (*note The Guile module system::). -- Scheme Procedure: make-undefined-variable -- C Function: scm_make_undefined_variable () Return a variable that is initially unbound. -- Scheme Procedure: make-variable init -- C Function: scm_make_variable (init) Return a variable initialized to value INIT. -- Scheme Procedure: variable-bound? var -- C Function: scm_variable_bound_p (var) Return `#t' iff VAR is bound to a value. Throws an error if VAR is not a variable object. -- Scheme Procedure: variable-ref var -- C Function: scm_variable_ref (var) Dereference VAR and return its value. VAR must be a variable object; see `make-variable' and `make-undefined-variable'. -- Scheme Procedure: variable-set! var val -- C Function: scm_variable_set_x (var, val) Set the value of the variable VAR to VAL. VAR must be a variable object, VAL can be any value. Return an unspecified value. -- Scheme Procedure: variable? obj -- C Function: scm_variable_p (obj) Return `#t' iff OBJ is a variable object, else return `#f'.  File:, Node: Scheduling, Next: Options and Config, Prev: Modules, Up: API Reference 5.17 Threads, Mutexes, Asyncs and Dynamic Roots =============================================== [FIXME: This is pasted in from Tom Lord's original guile.texi chapter plus the Cygnus programmer's manual; it should be *very* carefully reviewed and largely reorganized.] * Menu: * Arbiters:: Synchronization primitives. * Asyncs:: Asynchronous procedure invocation. * Continuation Barriers:: Protection from non-local control flow. * Threads:: Multiple threads of execution. * Mutexes and Condition Variables:: Synchronization primitives. * Blocking:: How to block properly in guile mode. * Critical Sections:: Avoiding concurrency and reentries. * Fluids and Dynamic States:: Thread-local variables, etc. * Parallel Forms:: Parallel execution of forms.  File:, Node: Arbiters, Next: Asyncs, Up: Scheduling 5.17.1 Arbiters --------------- Arbiters are synchronization objects, they can be used by threads to control access to a shared resource. An arbiter can be locked to indicate a resource is in use, and unlocked when done. An arbiter is like a light-weight mutex (*note Mutexes and Condition Variables::). It uses less memory and may be faster, but there's no way for a thread to block waiting on an arbiter, it can only test and get the status returned. -- Scheme Procedure: make-arbiter name -- C Function: scm_make_arbiter (name) Return an object of type arbiter and name NAME. Its state is initially unlocked. Arbiters are a way to achieve process synchronization. -- Scheme Procedure: try-arbiter arb -- C Function: scm_try_arbiter (arb) -- C Function: scm_try_arbiter (arb) If ARB is unlocked, then lock it and return `#t'. If ARB is already locked, then do nothing and return `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: release-arbiter arb -- C Function: scm_release_arbiter (arb) If ARB is locked, then unlock it and return `#t'. If ARB is already unlocked, then do nothing and return `#f'. Typical usage is for the thread which locked an arbiter to later release it, but that's not required, any thread can release it.  File:, Node: Asyncs, Next: Continuation Barriers, Prev: Arbiters, Up: Scheduling 5.17.2 Asyncs ------------- Asyncs are a means of deferring the excution of Scheme code until it is safe to do so. Guile provides two kinds of asyncs that share the basic concept but are otherwise quite different: system asyncs and user asyncs. System asyncs are integrated into the core of Guile and are executed automatically when the system is in a state to allow the execution of Scheme code. For example, it is not possible to execute Scheme code in a POSIX signal handler, but such a signal handler can queue a system async to be executed in the near future, when it is safe to do so. System asyncs can also be queued for threads other than the current one. This way, you can cause threads to asynchronously execute arbitrary code. User asyncs offer a convenient means of queueing procedures for future execution and triggering this execution. They will not be executed automatically. * Menu: * System asyncs:: * User asyncs::  File:, Node: System asyncs, Next: User asyncs, Up: Asyncs System asyncs ...................... To cause the future asynchronous execution of a procedure in a given thread, use `system-async-mark'. Automatic invocation of system asyncs can be temporarily disabled by calling `call-with-blocked-asyncs'. This function works by temporarily increasing the _async blocking level_ of the current thread while a given procedure is running. The blocking level starts out at zero, and whenever a safe point is reached, a blocking level greater than zero will prevent the execution of queued asyncs. Analogously, the procedure `call-with-unblocked-asyncs' will temporarily decrease the blocking level of the current thread. You can use it when you want to disable asyncs by default and only allow them temporarily. In addition to the C versions of `call-with-blocked-asyncs' and `call-with-unblocked-asyncs', C code can use `scm_dynwind_block_asyncs' and `scm_dynwind_unblock_asyncs' inside a "dynamic context" (*note Dynamic Wind::) to block or unblock system asyncs temporarily. -- Scheme Procedure: system-async-mark proc [thread] -- C Function: scm_system_async_mark (proc) -- C Function: scm_system_async_mark_for_thread (proc, thread) Mark PROC (a procedure with zero arguments) for future execution in THREAD. When PROC has already been marked for THREAD but has not been executed yet, this call has no effect. When THREAD is omitted, the thread that called `system-async-mark' is used. This procedure is not safe to be called from signal handlers. Use `scm_sigaction' or `scm_sigaction_for_thread' to install signal handlers. -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-blocked-asyncs proc -- C Function: scm_call_with_blocked_asyncs (proc) -- C Function: void * scm_c_call_with_blocked_asyncs (void * (*proc) (void *data), void *data) Call PROC and block the execution of system asyncs by one level for the current thread while it is running. Return the value returned by PROC. For the first two variants, call PROC with no arguments; for the third, call it with DATA. -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-unblocked-asyncs proc -- C Function: scm_call_with_unblocked_asyncs (proc) -- C Function: void * scm_c_call_with_unblocked_asyncs (void *(*p) (void *d), void *d) Call PROC and unblock the execution of system asyncs by one level for the current thread while it is running. Return the value returned by PROC. For the first two variants, call PROC with no arguments; for the third, call it with DATA. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_block_asyncs () This function must be used inside a pair of calls to `scm_dynwind_begin' and `scm_dynwind_end' (*note Dynamic Wind::). During the dynwind context, asyncs are blocked by one level. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_unblock_asyncs () This function must be used inside a pair of calls to `scm_dynwind_begin' and `scm_dynwind_end' (*note Dynamic Wind::). During the dynwind context, asyncs are unblocked by one level.  File:, Node: User asyncs, Prev: System asyncs, Up: Asyncs User asyncs .................... A user async is a pair of a thunk (a parameterless procedure) and a mark. Setting the mark on a user async will cause the thunk to be executed when the user async is passed to `run-asyncs'. Setting the mark more than once is satisfied by one execution of the thunk. User asyncs are created with `async'. They are marked with `async-mark'. -- Scheme Procedure: async thunk -- C Function: scm_async (thunk) Create a new user async for the procedure THUNK. -- Scheme Procedure: async-mark a -- C Function: scm_async_mark (a) Mark the user async A for future execution. -- Scheme Procedure: run-asyncs list_of_a -- C Function: scm_run_asyncs (list_of_a) Execute all thunks from the marked asyncs of the list LIST_OF_A.  File:, Node: Continuation Barriers, Next: Threads, Prev: Asyncs, Up: Scheduling 5.17.3 Continuation Barriers ---------------------------- The non-local flow of control caused by continuations might sometimes not be wanted. You can use `with-continuation-barrier' etc to errect fences that continuations can not pass. -- Scheme Procedure: with-continuation-barrier proc -- C Function: scm_with_continuation_barrier (proc) Call PROC and return its result. Do not allow the invocation of continuations that would leave or enter the dynamic extent of the call to `with-continuation-barrier'. Such an attempt causes an error to be signaled. Throws (such as errors) that are not caught from within PROC are caught by `with-continuation-barrier'. In that case, a short message is printed to the current error port and `#f' is returned. Thus, `with-continuation-barrier' returns exactly once. -- C Function: void * scm_c_with_continuation_barrier (void *(*func) (void *), void *data) Like `scm_with_continuation_barrier' but call FUNC on DATA. When an error is caught, `NULL' is returned.  File:, Node: Threads, Next: Mutexes and Condition Variables, Prev: Continuation Barriers, Up: Scheduling 5.17.4 Threads -------------- -- Scheme Procedure: all-threads -- C Function: scm_all_threads () Return a list of all threads. -- Scheme Procedure: current-thread -- C Function: scm_current_thread () Return the thread that called this function. -- Scheme Procedure: call-with-new-thread thunk [handler] Call `thunk' in a new thread and with a new dynamic state, returning the new thread. The procedure THUNK is called via `with-continuation-barrier'. When HANDLER is specified, then THUNK is called from within a `catch' with tag `#t' that has HANDLER as its handler. This catch is established inside the continuation barrier. Once THUNK or HANDLER returns, the return value is made the _exit value_ of the thread and the thread is terminated. -- C Function: SCM scm_spawn_thread (scm_t_catch_body body, void *body_data, scm_t_catch_handler handler, void *handler_data) Call BODY in a new thread, passing it BODY_DATA, returning the new thread. The function BODY is called via `scm_c_with_continuation_barrier'. When HANDLER is non-`NULL', BODY is called via `scm_internal_catch' with tag `SCM_BOOL_T' that has HANDLER and HANDLER_DATA as the handler and its data. This catch is established inside the continuation barrier. Once BODY or HANDLER returns, the return value is made the _exit value_ of the thread and the thread is terminated. -- Scheme Procedure: join-thread thread -- C Function: scm_join_thread (thread) Wait for THREAD to terminate and return its exit value. Threads that have not been created with `call-with-new-thread' or `scm_spawn_thread' have an exit value of `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: thread-exited? thread -- C Function: scm_thread_exited_p (thread) Return `#t' iff THREAD has exited. -- Scheme Procedure: yield If one or more threads are waiting to execute, calling yield forces an immediate context switch to one of them. Otherwise, yield has no effect. Higher level thread procedures are available by loading the `(ice-9 threads)' module. These provide standardized thread creation. -- macro: make-thread proc [args...] Apply PROC to ARGS in a new thread formed by `call-with-new-thread' using a default error handler that display the error to the current error port. The ARGS... expressions are evaluated in the new thread. -- macro: begin-thread first [rest...] Evaluate forms FIRST and REST in a new thread formed by `call-with-new-thread' using a default error handler that display the error to the current error port.  File:, Node: Mutexes and Condition Variables, Next: Blocking, Prev: Threads, Up: Scheduling 5.17.5 Mutexes and Condition Variables -------------------------------------- A mutex is a thread synchronization object, it can be used by threads to control access to a shared resource. A mutex can be locked to indicate a resource is in use, and other threads can then block on the mutex to wait for the resource (or can just test and do something else if not available). "Mutex" is short for "mutual exclusion". There are two types of mutexes in Guile, "standard" and "recursive". They're created by `make-mutex' and `make-recursive-mutex' respectively, the operation functions are then common to both. Note that for both types of mutex there's no protection against a "deadly embrace". For instance if one thread has locked mutex A and is waiting on mutex B, but another thread owns B and is waiting on A, then an endless wait will occur (in the current implementation). Acquiring requisite mutexes in a fixed order (like always A before B) in all threads is one way to avoid such problems. -- Scheme Procedure: make-mutex -- C Function: scm_make_mutex () Return a new standard mutex. It is initially unlocked. -- Scheme Procedure: make-recursive-mutex -- C Function: scm_make_recursive_mutex () Create a new recursive mutex. It is initialloy unlocked. -- Scheme Procedure: lock-mutex mutex -- C Function: scm_lock_mutex (mutex) Lock MUTEX. If the mutex is already locked by another thread then block and return only when MUTEX has been acquired. For standard mutexes (`make-mutex'), and error is signalled if the thread has itself already locked MUTEX. For a recursive mutex (`make-recursive-mutex'), if the thread has itself already locked MUTEX, then a further `lock-mutex' call increments the lock count. An additional `unlock-mutex' will be required to finally release. When a system async (*note System asyncs::) is activated for a thread blocked in `lock-mutex', the wait is interrupted and the async is executed. When the async returns, the wait resumes. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_lock_mutex (SCM mutex) Arrange for MUTEX to be locked whenever the current dynwind context is entered and to be unlocked when it is exited. -- Scheme Procedure: try-mutex mx -- C Function: scm_try_mutex (mx) Try to lock MUTEX as per `lock-mutex'. If MUTEX can be acquired immediately then this is done and the return is `#t'. If MUTEX is locked by some other thread then nothing is done and the return is `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: unlock-mutex mutex -- C Function: scm_unlock_mutex (mutex) Unlock MUTEX. An error is signalled if MUTEX is not locked by the calling thread. -- Scheme Procedure: make-condition-variable -- C Function: scm_make_condition_variable () Return a new condition variable. -- Scheme Procedure: wait-condition-variable condvar mutex [time] -- C Function: scm_wait_condition_variable (condvar, mutex, time) Wait until CONDVAR has been signalled. While waiting, MUTEX is atomically unlocked (as with `unlock-mutex') and is locked again when this function returns. When TIME is given, it specifies a point in time where the waiting should be aborted. It can be either a integer as returned by `current-time' or a pair as returned by `gettimeofday'. When the waiting is aborted, `#f' is returned. When the condition variable has in fact been signalled, `#t' is returned. The mutex is re-locked in any case before `wait-condition-variable' returns. When a system async is activated for a thread that is blocked in a call to `wait-condition-variable', the waiting is interrupted, the mutex is locked, and the async is executed. When the async returns, the mutex is unlocked again and the waiting is resumed. When the thread block while re-acquiring the mutex, execution of asyncs is blocked. -- Scheme Procedure: signal-condition-variable condvar -- C Function: scm_signal_condition_variable (condvar) Wake up one thread that is waiting for CONDVAR. -- Scheme Procedure: broadcast-condition-variable condvar -- C Function: scm_broadcast_condition_variable (condvar) Wake up all threads that are waiting for CONDVAR. The following are higher level operations on mutexes. These are available from (use-modules (ice-9 threads)) -- macro: with-mutex mutex [body...] Lock MUTEX, evaluate the BODY forms, then unlock MUTEX. The return value is the return from the last BODY form. The lock, body and unlock form the branches of a `dynamic-wind' (*note Dynamic Wind::), so MUTEX is automatically unlocked if an error or new continuation exits BODY, and is re-locked if BODY is re-entered by a captured continuation. -- macro: monitor body... Evaluate the BODY forms, with a mutex locked so only one thread can execute that code at any one time. The return value is the return from the last BODY form. Each `monitor' form has its own private mutex and the locking and evaluation is as per `with-mutex' above. A standard mutex (`make-mutex') is used, which means BODY must not recursively re-enter the `monitor' form. The term "monitor" comes from operating system theory, where it means a particular bit of code managing access to some resource and which only ever executes on behalf of one process at any one time.  File:, Node: Blocking, Next: Critical Sections, Prev: Mutexes and Condition Variables, Up: Scheduling 5.17.6 Blocking in Guile Mode ----------------------------- A thread must not block outside of a libguile function while it is in guile mode. The following functions can be used to temporily leave guile mode or to perform some common blocking operations in a supported way. -- C Function: void * scm_without_guile (void *(*func) (void *), void *data) Leave guile mode, call FUNC on DATA, enter guile mode and return the result of calling FUNC. While a thread has left guile mode, it must not call any libguile functions except `scm_with_guile' or `scm_without_guile' and must not use any libguile macros. Also, local variables of type `SCM' that are allocated while not in guile mode are not protected from the garbage collector. When used from non-guile mode, calling `scm_without_guile' is still allowed: it simply calls FUNC. In that way, you can leave guile mode without having to know whether the current thread is in guile mode or not. -- C Function: int scm_pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *mutex) Like `pthread_mutex_lock', but leaves guile mode while waiting for the mutex. -- C Function: int scm_pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) -- C Function: int scm_pthread_cond_timedwait (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, struct timespec *abstime) Like `pthread_cond_wait' and `pthread_cond_timedwait', but leaves guile mode while waiting for the condition variable. -- C Function: int scm_std_select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout) Like `select' but leaves guile mode while waiting. Also, the delivery of a system async causes this function to be interrupted with error code `EINTR'. -- C Function: unsigned int scm_std_sleep (unsigned int seconds) Like `sleep', but leaves guile mode while sleeping. Also, the delivery of a system async causes this function to be interrupted. -- C Function: unsigned long scm_std_usleep (unsigned long usecs) Like `usleep', but leaves guile mode while sleeping. Also, the delivery of a system async causes this function to be interrupted.  File:, Node: Critical Sections, Next: Fluids and Dynamic States, Prev: Blocking, Up: Scheduling 5.17.7 Critical Sections ------------------------ -- C Macro: SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START -- C Macro: SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END These two macros can be used to delimit a critical section. Syntactically, they are both statements and need to be followed immediately by a semicolon. Executing `SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START' will lock a recursive mutex and block the executing of system asyncs. Executing `SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END' will unblock the execution of system asyncs and unlock the mutex. Thus, the code that executes between these two macros can only be executed in one thread at any one time and no system asyncs will run. However, because the mutex is a recursive one, the code might still be reentered by the same thread. You must either allow for this or avoid it, both by careful coding. On the other hand, critical sections delimited with these macros can be nested since the mutex is recursive. You must make sure that for each `SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START', the corresponding `SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END' is always executed. This means that no non-local exit (such as a signalled error) might happen, for example. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_critical_section (SCM mutex) Call `scm_dynwind_lock_mutex' on MUTEX and call `scm_dynwind_block_asyncs'. When MUTEX is false, a recursive mutex provided by Guile is used instead. The effect of a call to `scm_dynwind_critical_section' is that the current dynwind context (*note Dynamic Wind::) turns into a critical section. Because of the locked mutex, no second thread can enter it concurrently and because of the blocked asyncs, no system async can reenter it from the current thread. When the current thread reenters the critical section anyway, the kind of MUTEX determines what happens: When MUTEX is recursive, the reentry is allowed. When it is a normal mutex, an error is signalled.  File:, Node: Fluids and Dynamic States, Next: Parallel Forms, Prev: Critical Sections, Up: Scheduling 5.17.8 Fluids and Dynamic States -------------------------------- A _fluid_ is an object that can store one value per _dynamic state_. Each thread has a current dynamic state, and when accessing a fluid, this current dynamic state is used to provide the actual value. In this way, fluids can be used for thread local storage, but they are in fact more flexible: dynamic states are objects of their own and can be made current for more than one thread at the same time, or only be made current temporarily, for example. Fluids can also be used to simulate the desirable effects of dynamically scoped variables. Dynamically scoped variables are useful when you want to set a variable to a value during some dynamic extent in the execution of your program and have them revert to their original value when the control flow is outside of this dynamic extent. See the description of `with-fluids' below for details. New fluids are created with `make-fluid' and `fluid?' is used for testing whether an object is actually a fluid. The values stored in a fluid can be accessed with `fluid-ref' and `fluid-set!'. -- Scheme Procedure: make-fluid -- C Function: scm_make_fluid () Return a newly created fluid. Fluids are objects that can hold one value per dynamic state. That is, modifications to this value are only visible to code that executes with the same dynamic state as the modifying code. When a new dynamic state is constructed, it inherits the values from its parent. Because each thread normally executes with its own dynamic state, you can use fluids for thread local storage. -- Scheme Procedure: fluid? obj -- C Function: scm_fluid_p (obj) Return `#t' iff OBJ is a fluid; otherwise, return `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: fluid-ref fluid -- C Function: scm_fluid_ref (fluid) Return the value associated with FLUID in the current dynamic root. If FLUID has not been set, then return `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: fluid-set! fluid value -- C Function: scm_fluid_set_x (fluid, value) Set the value associated with FLUID in the current dynamic root. `with-fluids*' temporarily changes the values of one or more fluids, so that the given procedure and each procedure called by it access the given values. After the procedure returns, the old values are restored. -- Scheme Procedure: with-fluid* fluid value thunk -- C Function: scm_with_fluid (fluid, value, thunk) Set FLUID to VALUE temporarily, and call THUNK. THUNK must be a procedure with no argument. -- Scheme Procedure: with-fluids* fluids values thunk -- C Function: scm_with_fluids (fluids, values, thunk) Set FLUIDS to VALUES temporary, and call THUNK. FLUIDS must be a list of fluids and VALUES must be the same number of their values to be applied. Each substitution is done in the order given. THUNK must be a procedure with no argument. it is called inside a `dynamic-wind' and the fluids are set/restored when control enter or leaves the established dynamic extent. -- Scheme Macro: with-fluids ((fluid value) ...) body... Execute BODY... while each FLUID is set to the corresponding VALUE. Both FLUID and VALUE are evaluated and FLUID must yield a fluid. BODY... is executed inside a `dynamic-wind' and the fluids are set/restored when control enter or leaves the established dynamic extent. -- C Function: SCM scm_c_with_fluids (SCM fluids, SCM vals, SCM (*cproc)(void *), void *data) -- C Function: SCM scm_c_with_fluid (SCM fluid, SCM val, SCM (*cproc)(void *), void *data) The function `scm_c_with_fluids' is like `scm_with_fluids' except that it takes a C function to call instead of a Scheme thunk. The function `scm_c_with_fluid' is similar but only allows one fluid to be set instead of a list. -- C Function: void scm_dynwind_fluid (SCM fluid, SCM val) This function must be used inside a pair of calls to `scm_dynwind_begin' and `scm_dynwind_end' (*note Dynamic Wind::). During the dynwind context, the fluid FLUID is set to VAL. More precisely, the value of the fluid is swapped with a `backup' value whenever the dynwind context is entered or left. The backup value is initialized with the VAL argument. -- Scheme Procedure: make-dynamic-state [parent] -- C Function: scm_make_dynamic_state (parent) Return a copy of the dynamic state object PARENT or of the current dynamic state when PARENT is omitted. -- Scheme Procedure: dynamic-state? obj -- C Function: scm_dynamic_state_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a dynamic state object; return `#f' otherwise. -- C Procedure: int scm_is_dynamic_state (SCM obj) Return non-zero if OBJ is a dynamic state object; return zero otherwise. -- Scheme Procedure: current-dynamic-state -- C Function: scm_current_dynamic_state () Return the current dynamic state object. -- Scheme Procedure: set-current-dynamic-state state -- C Function: scm_set_current_dynamic_state (state) Set the current dynamic state object to STATE and return the previous current dynamic state object. -- Scheme Procedure: with-dynamic-state state proc -- C Function: scm_with_dynamic_state (state, proc) Call PROC while STATE is the current dynamic state object. -- C Procedure: void scm_dynwind_current_dynamic_state (SCM state) Set the current dynamic state to STATE for the current dynwind context. -- C Procedure: void * scm_c_with_dynamic_state (SCM state, void *(*func)(void *), void *data) Like `scm_with_dynamic_state', but call FUNC with DATA.  File:, Node: Parallel Forms, Prev: Fluids and Dynamic States, Up: Scheduling 5.17.9 Parallel forms --------------------- The functions described in this section are available from (use-modules (ice-9 threads)) -- syntax: parallel expr1 ... exprN Evaluate each EXPR expression in parallel, each in its own thread. Return the results as a set of N multiple values (*note Multiple Values::). -- syntax: letpar ((var1 expr1) ... (varN exprN)) body... Evaluate each EXPR in parallel, each in its own thread, then bind the results to the corresponding VAR variables and evaluate BODY. `letpar' is like `let' (*note Local Bindings::), but all the expressions for the bindings are evaluated in parallel. -- Scheme Procedure: par-map proc lst1 ... lstN -- Scheme Procedure: par-for-each proc lst1 ... lstN Call PROC on the elements of the given lists. `par-map' returns a list comprising the return values from PROC. `par-for-each' returns an unspecified value, but waits for all calls to complete. The PROC calls are `(PROC ELEM1 ... ELEMN)', where each ELEM is from the corresponding LST. Each LST must be the same length. The calls are made in parallel, each in its own thread. These functions are like `map' and `for-each' (*note List Mapping::), but make their PROC calls in parallel. -- Scheme Procedure: n-par-map n proc lst1 ... lstN -- Scheme Procedure: n-par-for-each n proc lst1 ... lstN Call PROC on the elements of the given lists, in the same way as `par-map' and `par-for-each' above, but use no more than N threads at any one time. The order in which calls are initiated within that threads limit is unspecified. These functions are good for controlling resource consumption if PROC calls might be costly, or if there are many to be made. On a dual-CPU system for instance N=4 might be enough to keep the CPUs utilized, and not consume too much memory. -- Scheme Procedure: n-for-each-par-map n sproc pproc lst1 ... lstN Apply PPROC to the elements of the given lists, and apply SPROC to each result returned by PPROC. The final return value is unspecified, but all calls will have been completed before returning. The calls made are `(SPROC (PPROC ELEM1 ... ELEMN))', where each ELEM is from the corresponding LST. Each LST must have the same number of elements. The PPROC calls are made in parallel, in separate threads. No more than N threads are used at any one time. The order in which PPROC calls are initiated within that limit is unspecified. The SPROC calls are made serially, in list element order, one at a time. PPROC calls on later elements may execute in parallel with the SPROC calls. Exactly which thread makes each SPROC call is unspecified. This function is designed for individual calculations that can be done in parallel, but with results needing to be handled serially, for instance to write them to a file. The N limit on threads controls system resource usage when there are many calculations or when they might be costly. It will be seen that `n-for-each-par-map' is like a combination of `n-par-map' and `for-each', (for-each sproc (n-par-map n pproc lst1 ... lstN)) But the actual implementation is more efficient since each SPROC call, in turn, can be initiated once the relevant PPROC call has completed, it doesn't need to wait for all to finish.  File:, Node: Options and Config, Next: Translation, Prev: Scheduling, Up: API Reference 5.18 Configuration, Features and Runtime Options ================================================ Why is my Guile different from your Guile? There are three kinds of possible variation: * build differences -- different versions of the Guile source code, installation directories, configuration flags that control pieces of functionality being included or left out, etc. * differences in dynamically loaded code -- behaviour and features provided by modules that can be dynamically loaded into a running Guile * different runtime options -- some of the options that are provided for controlling Guile's behaviour may be set differently. Guile provides "introspective" variables and procedures to query all of these possible variations at runtime. For runtime options, it also provides procedures to change the settings of options and to obtain documentation on what the options mean. * Menu: * Build Config:: Build and installation configuration. * Feature Tracking:: Available features in the Guile process. * Runtime Options:: Controlling Guile's runtime behaviour.  File:, Node: Build Config, Next: Feature Tracking, Up: Options and Config 5.18.1 Configuration, Build and Installation -------------------------------------------- The following procedures and variables provide information about how Guile was configured, built and installed on your system. -- Scheme Procedure: version -- Scheme Procedure: effective-version -- Scheme Procedure: major-version -- Scheme Procedure: minor-version -- Scheme Procedure: micro-version -- C Function: scm_version () -- C Function: scm_effective_version () -- C Function: scm_major_version () -- C Function: scm_minor_version () -- C Function: scm_micro_version () Return a string describing Guile's full version number, effective version number, major, minor or micro version number, respectively. The `effective-version' function returns the version name that should remain unchanged during a stable series. Currently that means that it omits the micro version. The effective version should be used for items like the versioned share directory name i.e. `/usr/share/guile/1.6/' (version) => "1.6.0" (effective-version) => "1.6" (major-version) => "1" (minor-version) => "6" (micro-version) => "0" -- Scheme Procedure: %package-data-dir -- C Function: scm_sys_package_data_dir () Return the name of the directory under which Guile Scheme files in general are stored. On Unix-like systems, this is usually `/usr/local/share/guile' or `/usr/share/guile'. -- Scheme Procedure: %library-dir -- C Function: scm_sys_library_dir () Return the name of the directory where the Guile Scheme files that belong to the core Guile installation (as opposed to files from a 3rd party package) are installed. On Unix-like systems, this is usually `/usr/local/share/guile/' or `/usr/share/guile/', for example: `/usr/local/share/guile/1.6'. -- Scheme Procedure: %site-dir -- C Function: scm_sys_site_dir () Return the name of the directory where Guile Scheme files specific to your site should be installed. On Unix-like systems, this is usually `/usr/local/share/guile/site' or `/usr/share/guile/site'. -- Variable: %load-path List of directories which should be searched for Scheme modules and libraries. `%load-path' is initialized when Guile starts up to `(list (%site-dir) (%library-dir) (%package-data-dir))', prepended with the contents of the GUILE_LOAD_PATH environment variable, if it is set. -- Scheme Procedure: parse-path path [tail] -- C Function: scm_parse_path (path, tail) Parse PATH, which is expected to be a colon-separated string, into a list and return the resulting list with TAIL appended. If PATH is `#f', TAIL is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: search-path path filename [extensions] -- C Function: scm_search_path (path, filename, extensions) Search PATH for a directory containing a file named FILENAME. The file must be readable, and not a directory. If we find one, return its full filename; otherwise, return `#f'. If FILENAME is absolute, return it unchanged. If given, EXTENSIONS is a list of strings; for each directory in PATH, we search for FILENAME concatenated with each EXTENSION. -- Variable: %guile-build-info Alist of information collected during the building of a particular Guile. Entries can be grouped into one of several categories: directories, env vars, and versioning info. Briefly, here are the keys in `%guile-build-info', by group: directories srcdir, top_srcdir, prefix, exec_prefix, bindir, sbindir, libexecdir, datadir, sysconfdir, sharedstatedir, localstatedir, libdir, infodir, mandir, includedir, pkgdatadir, pkglibdir, pkgincludedir env vars LIBS versioning info guileversion, libguileinterface, buildstamp Values are all strings. The value for `LIBS' is typically found also as a part of "guile-config link" output. The value for `guileversion' has form X.Y.Z, and should be the same as returned by `(version)'. The value for `libguileinterface' is libtool compatible and has form CURRENT:REVISION:AGE (*note Library interface versions: (libtool)Versioning.). The value for `buildstamp' is the output of the date(1) command. In the source, `%guile-build-info' is initialized from libguile/libpath.h, which is completely generated, so deleting this file before a build guarantees up-to-date values for that build.  File:, Node: Feature Tracking, Next: Runtime Options, Prev: Build Config, Up: Options and Config 5.18.2 Feature Tracking ----------------------- Guile has a Scheme level variable `*features*' that keeps track to some extent of the features that are available in a running Guile. `*features*' is a list of symbols, for example `threads', each of which describes a feature of the running Guile process. -- Variable: *features* A list of symbols describing available features of the Guile process. You shouldn't modify the `*features*' variable directly using `set!'. Instead, see the procedures that are provided for this purpose in the following subsection. * Menu: * Feature Manipulation:: Checking for and advertising features. * Common Feature Symbols:: Commonly available features.  File:, Node: Feature Manipulation, Next: Common Feature Symbols, Up: Feature Tracking Feature Manipulation ............................. To check whether a particular feature is available, use the `provided?' procedure: -- Scheme Procedure: provided? feature -- Deprecated Scheme Procedure: feature? feature Return `#t' if the specified FEATURE is available, otherwise `#f'. To advertise a feature from your own Scheme code, you can use the `provide' procedure: -- Scheme Procedure: provide feature Add FEATURE to the list of available features in this Guile process. For C code, the equivalent function takes its feature name as a `char *' argument for convenience: -- C Function: void scm_add_feature (const char *str) Add a symbol with name STR to the list of available features in this Guile process.  File:, Node: Common Feature Symbols, Prev: Feature Manipulation, Up: Feature Tracking Common Feature Symbols ............................... In general, a particular feature may be available for one of two reasons. Either because the Guile library was configured and compiled with that feature enabled -- i.e. the feature is built into the library on your system. Or because some C or Scheme code that was dynamically loaded by Guile has added that feature to the list. In the first category, here are the features that the current version of Guile may define (depending on how it is built), and what they mean. `array' Indicates support for arrays (*note Arrays::). `array-for-each' Indicates availability of `array-for-each' and other array mapping procedures (*note Arrays::). `char-ready?' Indicates that the `char-ready?' function is available (*note Reading::). `complex' Indicates support for complex numbers. `current-time' Indicates availability of time-related functions: `times', `get-internal-run-time' and so on (*note Time::). `debug-extensions' Indicates that the debugging evaluator is available, together with the options for controlling it. `delay' Indicates support for promises (*note Delayed Evaluation::). `EIDs' Indicates that the `geteuid' and `getegid' really return effective user and group IDs (*note Processes::). `inexact' Indicates support for inexact numbers. `i/o-extensions' Indicates availability of the following extended I/O procedures: `ftell', `redirect-port', `dup->fdes', `dup2', `fileno', `isatty?', `fdopen', `primitive-move->fdes' and `fdes->ports' (*note Ports and File Descriptors::). `net-db' Indicates availability of network database functions: `scm_gethost', `scm_getnet', `scm_getproto', `scm_getserv', `scm_sethost', `scm_setnet', `scm_setproto', `scm_setserv', and their `byXXX' variants (*note Network Databases::). `posix' Indicates support for POSIX functions: `pipe', `getgroups', `kill', `execl' and so on (*note POSIX::). `random' Indicates availability of random number generation functions: `random', `copy-random-state', `random-uniform' and so on (*note Random::). `reckless' Indicates that Guile was built with important checks omitted -- you should never see this! `regex' Indicates support for POSIX regular expressions using `make-regexp', `regexp-exec' and friends (*note Regexp Functions::). `socket' Indicates availability of socket-related functions: `socket', `bind', `connect' and so on (*note Network Sockets and Communication::). `sort' Indicates availability of sorting and merging functions (*note Sorting::). `system' Indicates that the `system' function is available (*note Processes::). `threads' Indicates support for multithreading (*note Threads::). `values' Indicates support for multiple return values using `values' and `call-with-values' (*note Multiple Values::). Available features in the second category depend, by definition, on what additional code your Guile process has loaded in. The following table lists features that you might encounter for this reason. `defmacro' Indicates that the `defmacro' macro is available (*note Macros::). `describe' Indicates that the `(oop goops describe)' module has been loaded, which provides a procedure for describing the contents of GOOPS instances. `readline' Indicates that Guile has loaded in Readline support, for command line editing (*note Readline Support::). `record' Indicates support for record definition using `make-record-type' and friends (*note Records::). Although these tables may seem exhaustive, it is probably unwise in practice to rely on them, as the correspondences between feature symbols and available procedures/behaviour are not strictly defined. If you are writing code that needs to check for the existence of some procedure, it is probably safer to do so directly using the `defined?' procedure than to test for the corresponding feature using `provided?'.