This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from guile.texi. This reference manual documents Guile, GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. This is edition 1.1 corresponding to Guile 1.8.8. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Text "You are free to copy and modify this GNU Manual.". A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Guile Reference: (guile). The Guile reference manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Runtime Options, Prev: Feature Tracking, Up: Options and Config 5.18.3 Runtime Options ---------------------- Guile's runtime behaviour can be modified by setting options. For example, is the language that Guile accepts case sensitive, or should the debugger automatically show a backtrace on error? Guile has two levels of interface for managing options: a low-level control interface, and a user-level interface which allows the enabling or disabling of options. Moreover, the options are classified in groups according to whether they configure _reading_, _printing_, _debugging_ or _evaluating_. * Menu: * Low level options interfaces:: * User level options interfaces:: * Reader options:: * Printing options:: * Debugger options:: * Evaluator options:: * Evaluator trap options:: * Examples of option use::  File:, Node: Low level options interfaces, Next: User level options interfaces, Up: Runtime Options Low Level Options Interfaces ..................................... -- Scheme Procedure: read-options-interface [setting] -- Scheme Procedure: eval-options-interface [setting] -- Scheme Procedure: print-options-interface [setting] -- Scheme Procedure: debug-options-interface [setting] -- Scheme Procedure: evaluator-traps-interface [setting] -- C Function: scm_read_options (setting) -- C Function: scm_eval_options_interface (setting) -- C Function: scm_print_options (setting) -- C Function: scm_debug_options (setting) -- C Function: scm_evaluator_traps (setting) If one of these procedures is called with no arguments (or with `setting == SCM_UNDEFINED' in C code), it returns a list describing the current setting of the read, eval, print, debug or evaluator traps options respectively. The setting of a boolean option is indicated simply by the presence or absence of the option symbol in the list. The setting of a non-boolean option is indicated by the presence of the option symbol immediately followed by the option's current value. If called with a list argument, these procedures interpret the list as an option setting and modify the relevant options accordingly. [FIXME -- this glosses over a lot of details!] If called with any other argument, such as `'help', these procedures return a list of entries like `(OPTION-SYMBOL DEFAULT-VALUE DOC-STRING)', with each entry giving the default value and documentation for each option symbol in the relevant set of options.  File:, Node: User level options interfaces, Next: Reader options, Prev: Low level options interfaces, Up: Runtime Options User Level Options Interfaces ...................................... -- Scheme Procedure: -options [arg] -- Scheme Procedure: read-options [arg] -- Scheme Procedure: print-options [arg] -- Scheme Procedure: debug-options [arg] -- Scheme Procedure: traps [arg] These functions list the options in their group. The optional argument ARG is a symbol which modifies the form in which the options are presented. With no arguments, `-options' returns the values of the options in that particular group. If ARG is `'help', a description of each option is given. If ARG is `'full', programmers' options are also shown. ARG can also be a list representing the state of all options. In this case, the list contains single symbols (for enabled boolean options) and symbols followed by values. [FIXME: I don't think 'full is ever any different from 'help. What's up?] -- Scheme Procedure: -enable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: read-enable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: print-enable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: debug-enable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: trap-enable option-symbol These functions set the specified OPTION-SYMBOL in their options group. They only work if the option is boolean, and throw an error otherwise. -- Scheme Procedure: -disable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: read-disable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: print-disable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: debug-disable option-symbol -- Scheme Procedure: trap-disable option-symbol These functions turn off the specified OPTION-SYMBOL in their options group. They only work if the option is boolean, and throw an error otherwise. -- syntax: -set! option-symbol value -- syntax: read-set! option-symbol value -- syntax: print-set! option-symbol value -- syntax: debug-set! option-symbol value -- syntax: trap-set! option-symbol value These functions set a non-boolean OPTION-SYMBOL to the specified VALUE.  File:, Node: Reader options, Next: Printing options, Prev: User level options interfaces, Up: Runtime Options Reader options ....................... Here is the list of reader options generated by typing `(read-options 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. keywords #f Style of keyword recognition: #f, 'prefix or 'postfix case-insensitive no Convert symbols to lower case. positions yes Record positions of source code expressions. copy no Copy source code expressions. Notice that while Standard Scheme is case insensitive, to ease translation of other Lisp dialects, notably Emacs Lisp, into Guile, Guile is case-sensitive by default. To make Guile case insensitive, you can type (read-enable 'case-insensitive)  File:, Node: Printing options, Next: Debugger options, Prev: Reader options, Up: Runtime Options Printing options ......................... Here is the list of print options generated by typing `(print-options 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. quote-keywordish-symbols reader How to print symbols that have a colon as their first or last character. The value '#f' does not quote the colons; '#t' quotes them; 'reader' quotes them when the reader option 'keywords' is not '#f'. highlight-prefix { The string to print before highlighted values. highlight-suffix } The string to print after highlighted values. source no Print closures with source. closure-hook #f Hook for printing closures.  File:, Node: Evaluator options, Next: Evaluator trap options, Prev: Debugger options, Up: Runtime Options Evaluator options .......................... These are the evaluator options with their default values, as they are printed by typing `(eval-options 'full)' in Guile. stack 22000 Size of thread stacks (in machine words).  File:, Node: Evaluator trap options, Next: Examples of option use, Prev: Evaluator options, Up: Runtime Options Evaluator trap options ............................... [FIXME: These flags, together with their corresponding handlers, are not user level options. Probably this entire section should be moved to the documentation about the low-level programmer debugging interface.] Here is the list of evaluator trap options generated by typing `(traps 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. exit-frame no Trap when exiting eval or apply. apply-frame no Trap when entering apply. enter-frame no Trap when eval enters new frame. traps yes Enable evaluator traps. -- apply-frame-handler: key cont tailp Called when a procedure is being applied. Called if: * evaluator traps are enabled [traps interface], and * either - `apply-frame' is enabled [traps interface], or - trace mode is on [debug-options interface], and the procedure being called has the trace property enabled. CONT is a "debug object", which means that it can be passed to `make-stack' to discover the stack at the point of the trap. The apply frame handler's code can capture a restartable continuation if it wants to by using `call-with-current-continuation' in the usual way. TAILP is true if this is a tail call -- exit-frame-handler: key cont retval Called when a value is returned from a procedure. Called if: * evaluator traps are enabled [traps interface], and * either - `exit-frame' is enabled [traps interface], or - trace mode is on [debug-options interface], and the procedure being called has the trace property enabled. CONT is a "debug object", which means that it can be passed to `make-stack' to discover the stack at the point of the trap. The exit frame handler's code can capture a restartable continuation if it wants to by using `call-with-current-continuation' in the usual way. RETVAL is the return value. -- Scheme Procedure: with-traps thunk -- C Function: scm_with_traps (thunk) Call THUNK with traps enabled. -- Scheme Procedure: debug-object? obj -- C Function: scm_debug_object_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a debug object.  File:, Node: Debugger options, Next: Evaluator options, Prev: Printing options, Up: Runtime Options Debugger options ......................... Here is the list of print options generated by typing `(debug-options 'full)' in Guile. You can also see the default values. stack 20000 Stack size limit (0 = no check). debug yes Use the debugging evaluator. backtrace no Show backtrace on error. depth 20 Maximal length of printed backtrace. maxdepth 1000 Maximal number of stored backtrace frames. frames 3 Maximum number of tail-recursive frames in backtrace. indent 10 Maximal indentation in backtrace. backwards no Display backtrace in anti-chronological order. procnames yes Record procedure names at definition. trace no *Trace mode. breakpoints no *Check for breakpoints. cheap yes *This option is now obsolete. Setting it has no effect. Stack overflow .............. Stack overflow errors are caused by a computation trying to use more stack space than has been enabled by the `stack' option. They are reported like this: (non-tail-recursive-factorial 500) -| ERROR: Stack overflow ABORT: (stack-overflow) If you get an error like this, you can either try rewriting your code to use less stack space, or increase the maximum stack size. To increase the maximum stack size, use `debug-set!', for example: (debug-set! stack 200000) => (show-file-name #t stack 200000 debug backtrace depth 20 maxdepth 1000 frames 3 indent 10 width 79 procnames cheap) (non-tail-recursive-factorial 500) => 122013682599111006870123878542304692625357434... If you prefer to try rewriting your code, you may be able to save stack space by making some of your procedures "tail recursive" (*note Tail Calls::).  File:, Node: Examples of option use, Prev: Evaluator trap options, Up: Runtime Options Examples of option use ............................... Here is an example of a session in which some read and debug option handling procedures are used. In this example, the user 1. Notices that the symbols `abc' and `aBc' are not the same 2. Examines the `read-options', and sees that `case-insensitive' is set to "no". 3. Enables `case-insensitive' 4. Verifies that now `aBc' and `abc' are the same 5. Disables `case-insensitive' and enables debugging `backtrace' 6. Reproduces the error of displaying `aBc' with backtracing enabled [FIXME: this last example is lame because there is no depth in the backtrace. Need to give a better example, possibly putting debugging option examples in a separate session.] guile> (define abc "hello") guile> abc "hello" guile> aBc ERROR: In expression aBc: ERROR: Unbound variable: aBc ABORT: (misc-error) Type "(backtrace)" to get more information. guile> (read-options 'help) keywords #f Style of keyword recognition: #f, 'prefix or 'postfix case-insensitive no Convert symbols to lower case. positions yes Record positions of source code expressions. copy no Copy source code expressions. guile> (debug-options 'help) stack 20000 Stack size limit (0 = no check). debug yes Use the debugging evaluator. backtrace no Show backtrace on error. depth 20 Maximal length of printed backtrace. maxdepth 1000 Maximal number of stored backtrace frames. frames 3 Maximum number of tail-recursive frames in backtrace. indent 10 Maximal indentation in backtrace. backwards no Display backtrace in anti-chronological order. procnames yes Record procedure names at definition. trace no *Trace mode. breakpoints no *Check for breakpoints. cheap yes *This option is now obsolete. Setting it has no effect. guile> (read-enable 'case-insensitive) (keywords #f case-insensitive positions) guile> aBc "hello" guile> (read-disable 'case-insensitive) (keywords #f positions) guile> (debug-enable 'backtrace) (stack 20000 debug backtrace depth 20 maxdepth 1000 frames 3 indent 10 procnames cheap) guile> aBc Backtrace: 0* aBc ERROR: In expression aBc: ERROR: Unbound variable: aBc ABORT: (misc-error) guile>  File:, Node: Translation, Next: Internationalization, Prev: Options and Config, Up: API Reference 5.19 Support for Translating Other Languages ============================================ [Describe translation framework.] * Menu: * Emacs Lisp Support:: Helper primitives for Emacs Lisp.  File:, Node: Emacs Lisp Support, Up: Translation 5.19.1 Emacs Lisp Support ------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: nil-car x -- C Function: scm_nil_car (x) Return the car of X, but convert it to LISP nil if it is Scheme's end-of-list. -- Scheme Procedure: nil-cdr x -- C Function: scm_nil_cdr (x) Return the cdr of X, but convert it to LISP nil if it is Scheme's end-of-list. -- Scheme Procedure: nil-cons x y -- C Function: scm_nil_cons (x, y) Create a new cons cell with X as the car and Y as the cdr, but convert Y to Scheme's end-of-list if it is a Lisp nil. -- Scheme Procedure: nil-eq x y Compare X and Y and return Lisp's t if they are `eq?', return Lisp's nil otherwise. -- Scheme Procedure: null x -- C Function: scm_null (x) Return Lisp's `t' if X is nil in the LISP sense, return Lisp's nil otherwise.  File:, Node: Internationalization, Next: Debugging, Prev: Translation, Up: API Reference 5.20 Support for Internationalization ===================================== Guile provides an interface to GNU `gettext' for translating message strings (*note Introduction: (gettext)Introduction.). Messages are collected in domains, so different libraries and programs maintain different message catalogues. The DOMAIN parameter in the functions below is a string (it becomes part of the message catalog filename). When `gettext' is not available, or if Guile was configured `--without-nls', dummy functions doing no translation are provided. -- Scheme Procedure: gettext msg [domain [category]] -- C Function: scm_gettext (msg, domain, category) Return the translation of MSG in DOMAIN. DOMAIN is optional and defaults to the domain set through `textdomain' below. CATEGORY is optional and defaults to `LC_MESSAGES' (*note Locales::). Normal usage is for MSG to be a literal string. `xgettext' can extract those from the source to form a message catalogue ready for translators (*note Invoking the `xgettext' Program: (gettext)xgettext Invocation.). (display (gettext "You are in a maze of twisty passages.")) `_' is a commonly used shorthand, an application can make that an alias for `gettext'. Or a library can make a definition that uses its specific DOMAIN (so an application can change the default without affecting the library). (define (_ msg) (gettext msg "mylibrary")) (display (_ "File not found.")) `_' is also a good place to perhaps strip disambiguating extra text from the message string, as for instance in *note How to use `gettext' in GUI programs: (gettext)GUI program problems. -- Scheme Procedure: ngettext msg msgplural n [domain [category]] -- C Function: scm_ngettext (msg, msgplural, n, domain, category) Return the translation of MSG/MSGPLURAL in DOMAIN, with a plural form chosen appropriately for the number N. DOMAIN is optional and defaults to the domain set through `textdomain' below. CATEGORY is optional and defaults to `LC_MESSAGES' (*note Locales::). MSG is the singular form, and MSGPLURAL the plural. When no translation is available, MSG is used if N = 1, or MSGPLURAL otherwise. When translated, the message catalogue can have a different rule, and can have more than two possible forms. As per `gettext' above, normal usage is for MSG and MSGPLURAL to be literal strings, since `xgettext' can extract them from the source to build a message catalogue. For example, (define (done n) (format #t (ngettext "~a file processed\n" "~a files processed\n" n) n)) (done 1) -| 1 file processed (done 3) -| 3 files processed It's important to use `ngettext' rather than plain `gettext' for plurals, since the rules for singular and plural forms in English are not the same in other languages. Only `ngettext' will allow translators to give correct forms (*note Additional functions for plural forms: (gettext)Plural forms.). -- Scheme Procedure: textdomain [domain] -- C Function: scm_textdomain (domain) Get or set the default gettext domain. When called with no parameter the current domain is returned. When called with a parameter, DOMAIN is set as the current domain, and that new value returned. For example, (textdomain "myprog") => "myprog" -- Scheme Procedure: bindtextdomain domain [directory] -- C Function: scm_bindtextdomain (domain, directory) Get or set the directory under which to find message files for DOMAIN. When called without a DIRECTORY the current setting is returned. When called with a DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY is set for DOMAIN and that new setting returned. For example, (bindtextdomain "myprog" "/my/tree/share/locale") => "/my/tree/share/locale" When using Autoconf/Automake, an application should arrange for the configured `localedir' to get into the program (by substituting, or by generating a config file) and set that for its domain. This ensures the catalogue can be found even when installed in a non-standard location. -- Scheme Procedure: bind-textdomain-codeset domain [encoding] -- C Function: scm_bind_textdomain_codeset (domain, encoding) Get or set the text encoding to be used by `gettext' for messages from DOMAIN. ENCODING is a string, the name of a coding system, for instance "8859_1". (On a Unix/POSIX system the `iconv' program can list all available encodings.) When called without an ENCODING the current setting is returned, or `#f' if none yet set. When called with an ENCODING, it is set for DOMAIN and that new setting returned. For example, (bind-textdomain-codeset "myprog") => #f (bind-textdomain-codeset "myprog" "latin-9") => "latin-9" The encoding requested can be different from the translated data file, messages will be recoded as necessary. But note that when there is no translation, `gettext' returns its MSG unchanged, ie. without any recoding. For that reason source message strings are best as plain ASCII. Currently Guile has no understanding of multi-byte characters, and string functions won't recognise character boundaries in multi-byte strings. An application will at least be able to pass such strings through to some output though. Perhaps this will change in the future.  File:, Node: Debugging, Next: GH, Prev: Internationalization, Up: API Reference 5.21 Debugging Infrastructure ============================= In order to understand Guile's debugging facilities, you first need to understand a little about how the evaluator works and what the Scheme stack is. With that in place we explain the low level trap calls that the evaluator can be configured to make, and the trap and breakpoint infrastructure that builds on top of those calls. * Menu: * Evaluation Model:: Evaluation and the Scheme stack. * Debug on Error:: Debugging when an error occurs. * Traps:: * Debugging Examples::  File:, Node: Evaluation Model, Next: Debug on Error, Up: Debugging 5.21.1 Evaluation and the Scheme Stack -------------------------------------- The idea of the Scheme stack is central to a lot of debugging. It always exists implicitly, as a result of the way that the Guile evaluator works, and can be summoned into concrete existence as a first-class Scheme value by the `make-stack' call, so that an introspective Scheme program - such as a debugger - can present it in some way and allow the user to query its details. The first thing to understand, therefore, is how the workings of the evaluator build up the stack. Broadly speaking, the evaluator performs "evaluations" and "applications". An evaluation means that it is looking at a source code expression like `(+ x 5)' or `(if msg (loop))', deciding whether the top level of the expression is a procedure call, macro, builtin syntax, or whatever, and doing some appropriate processing in each case. (In the examples here, `(+ x 5)' would normally be a procedure call, and `(if msg (loop))' builtin syntax.) For a procedure call, "appropriate processing" includes evaluating the procedure's arguments, as that must happen before the procedure itself can be called. An application means calling a procedure once its arguments have been calculated. Typically evaluations and applications alternate with each other, and together they form a "stack" of operations pending completion. This is because, on the one hand, evaluation of an expression like `(+ x 5)' requires -- once its arguments have been calculated -- an application (in this case, of the procedure `+') before it can complete and return a result, and, on the other hand, the application of a procedure written in Scheme involves evaluating the sequence of expressions that constitute that procedure's code. Each level on this stack is called a "frame". Therefore, when an error occurs in a running program, or the program hits a breakpoint, or in fact at any point that the programmer chooses, its state at that point can be represented by a "stack" of all the evaluations and procedure applications that are logically in progress at that time, each of which is known as a "frame". The programmer can learn more about the program's state at that point by inspecting the stack and its frames. * Menu: * Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame:: * Examining the Stack:: * Examining Stack Frames:: * Source Properties:: Remembering the source of an expression. * Decoding Memoized Source Expressions:: * Starting a New Stack::  File:, Node: Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame, Next: Examining the Stack, Up: Evaluation Model Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame ..................................................... A Scheme program can use the `make-stack' primitive anywhere in its code, with first arg `#t', to construct a Scheme value that describes the Scheme stack at that point. (make-stack #t) => # -- Scheme Procedure: make-stack obj . args -- C Function: scm_make_stack (obj, args) Create a new stack. If OBJ is `#t', the current evaluation stack is used for creating the stack frames, otherwise the frames are taken from OBJ (which must be either a debug object or a continuation). ARGS should be a list containing any combination of integer, procedure and `#t' values. These values specify various ways of cutting away uninteresting stack frames from the top and bottom of the stack that `make-stack' returns. They come in pairs like this: `(INNER_CUT_1 OUTER_CUT_1 INNER_CUT_2 OUTER_CUT_2 ...)'. Each INNER_CUT_N can be `#t', an integer, or a procedure. `#t' means to cut away all frames up to but excluding the first user module frame. An integer means to cut away exactly that number of frames. A procedure means to cut away all frames up to but excluding the application frame whose procedure matches the specified one. Each OUTER_CUT_N can be an integer or a procedure. An integer means to cut away that number of frames. A procedure means to cut away frames down to but excluding the application frame whose procedure matches the specified one. If the OUTER_CUT_N of the last pair is missing, it is taken as 0. -- Scheme Procedure: last-stack-frame obj -- C Function: scm_last_stack_frame (obj) Return the last (innermost) frame of OBJ, which must be either a debug object or a continuation.  File:, Node: Examining the Stack, Next: Examining Stack Frames, Prev: Capturing the Stack or Innermost Stack Frame, Up: Evaluation Model Examining the Stack ............................ -- Scheme Procedure: stack? obj -- C Function: scm_stack_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a calling stack. -- Scheme Procedure: stack-id stack -- C Function: scm_stack_id (stack) Return the identifier given to STACK by `start-stack'. -- Scheme Procedure: stack-length stack -- C Function: scm_stack_length (stack) Return the length of STACK. -- Scheme Procedure: stack-ref stack index -- C Function: scm_stack_ref (stack, index) Return the INDEX'th frame from STACK. -- Scheme Procedure: display-backtrace stack port [first [depth [highlights]]] -- C Function: scm_display_backtrace_with_highlights (stack, port, first, depth, highlights) -- C Function: scm_display_backtrace (stack, port, first, depth) Display a backtrace to the output port PORT. STACK is the stack to take the backtrace from, FIRST specifies where in the stack to start and DEPTH how many frames to display. FIRST and DEPTH can be `#f', which means that default values will be used. If HIGHLIGHTS is given it should be a list; the elements of this list will be highlighted wherever they appear in the backtrace.  File:, Node: Examining Stack Frames, Next: Source Properties, Prev: Examining the Stack, Up: Evaluation Model Examining Stack Frames ............................... -- Scheme Procedure: frame? obj -- C Function: scm_frame_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is a stack frame. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-number frame -- C Function: scm_frame_number (frame) Return the frame number of FRAME. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-previous frame -- C Function: scm_frame_previous (frame) Return the previous frame of FRAME, or `#f' if FRAME is the first frame in its stack. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-next frame -- C Function: scm_frame_next (frame) Return the next frame of FRAME, or `#f' if FRAME is the last frame in its stack. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-source frame -- C Function: scm_frame_source (frame) Return the source of FRAME. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-procedure? frame -- C Function: scm_frame_procedure_p (frame) Return `#t' if a procedure is associated with FRAME. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-procedure frame -- C Function: scm_frame_procedure (frame) Return the procedure for FRAME, or `#f' if no procedure is associated with FRAME. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-arguments frame -- C Function: scm_frame_arguments (frame) Return the arguments of FRAME. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-evaluating-args? frame -- C Function: scm_frame_evaluating_args_p (frame) Return `#t' if FRAME contains evaluated arguments. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-overflow? frame -- C Function: scm_frame_overflow_p (frame) Return `#t' if FRAME is an overflow frame. -- Scheme Procedure: frame-real? frame -- C Function: scm_frame_real_p (frame) Return `#t' if FRAME is a real frame. -- Scheme Procedure: display-application frame [port [indent]] -- C Function: scm_display_application (frame, port, indent) Display a procedure application FRAME to the output port PORT. INDENT specifies the indentation of the output.  File:, Node: Source Properties, Next: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions, Prev: Examining Stack Frames, Up: Evaluation Model Source Properties .......................... As Guile reads in Scheme code from file or from standard input, it remembers the file name, line number and column number where each expression begins. These pieces of information are known as the "source properties" of the expression. If an expression undergoes transformation -- for example, if there is a syntax transformer in effect, or the expression is a macro call -- the source properties are copied from the untransformed to the transformed expression so that, if an error occurs when evaluating the transformed expression, Guile's debugger can point back to the file and location where the expression originated. The way that source properties are stored means that Guile can only associate source properties with parenthesized expressions, and not, for example, with individual symbols, numbers or strings. The difference can be seen by typing `(xxx)' and `xxx' at the Guile prompt (where the variable `xxx' has not been defined): guile> (xxx) standard input:2:1: In expression (xxx): standard input:2:1: Unbound variable: xxx ABORT: (unbound-variable) guile> xxx : In expression xxx: : Unbound variable: xxx ABORT: (unbound-variable) In the latter case, no source properties were stored, so the best that Guile could say regarding the location of the problem was "". The recording of source properties is controlled by the read option named "positions" (*note Reader options::). This option is switched _on_ by default, together with the debug options "debug" and "backtrace" (*note Debugger options::), when Guile is run interactively; all these options are _off_ by default when Guile runs a script non-interactively. The following procedures can be used to access and set the source properties of read expressions. -- Scheme Procedure: set-source-properties! obj plist -- C Function: scm_set_source_properties_x (obj, plist) Install the association list PLIST as the source property list for OBJ. -- Scheme Procedure: set-source-property! obj key datum -- C Function: scm_set_source_property_x (obj, key, datum) Set the source property of object OBJ, which is specified by KEY to DATUM. Normally, the key will be a symbol. -- Scheme Procedure: source-properties obj -- C Function: scm_source_properties (obj) Return the source property association list of OBJ. -- Scheme Procedure: source-property obj key -- C Function: scm_source_property (obj, key) Return the source property specified by KEY from OBJ's source property list. In practice there are only two ways that you should use the ability to set an expression's source breakpoints. * To set a breakpoint on an expression, use `(set-source-property! EXPR 'breakpoint #t)'. If you do this, you should also set the `traps' and `enter-frame-handler' trap options (*note Evaluator trap options::) and `breakpoints' debug option (*note Debugger options::) appropriately, and the evaluator will then call your enter frame handler whenever it is about to evaluate that expression. * To make a read or constructed expression appear to have come from a different source than what the expression's source properties already say, you can use `set-source-property!' to set the expression's `filename', `line' and `column' properties. The properties that you set will then show up later if that expression is involved in a backtrace or error report. If you are looking for a way to attach arbitrary information to an expression other than these properties, you should use `make-object-property' instead (*note Object Properties::), because that will avoid bloating the source property hash table, which is really only intended for the specific purposes described in this section.  File:, Node: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions, Next: Starting a New Stack, Prev: Source Properties, Up: Evaluation Model Decoding Memoized Source Expressions ............................................. -- Scheme Procedure: memoized? obj -- C Function: scm_memoized_p (obj) Return `#t' if OBJ is memoized. -- Scheme Procedure: unmemoize m -- C Function: scm_unmemoize (m) Unmemoize the memoized expression M, -- Scheme Procedure: memoized-environment m -- C Function: scm_memoized_environment (m) Return the environment of the memoized expression M.  File:, Node: Starting a New Stack, Prev: Decoding Memoized Source Expressions, Up: Evaluation Model Starting a New Stack ............................. -- Scheme Syntax: start-stack id exp Evaluate EXP on a new calling stack with identity ID. If EXP is interrupted during evaluation, backtraces will not display frames farther back than EXP's top-level form. This macro is a way of artificially limiting backtraces and stack procedures, largely as a convenience to the user.  File:, Node: Debug on Error, Next: Traps, Prev: Evaluation Model, Up: Debugging 5.21.2 Debugging when an error occurs ------------------------------------- A common requirement is to be able to show as much useful context as possible when a Scheme program hits an error. The most immediate information about an error is the kind of error that it is - such as "division by zero" - and any parameters that the code which signalled the error chose explicitly to provide. This information originates with the `error' or `throw' call (or their C code equivalents, if the error is detected by C code) that signals the error, and is passed automatically to the handler procedure of the innermost applicable `catch', `lazy-catch' or `with-throw-handler' expression. Intercepting basic error information ............................................. Therefore, to catch errors that occur within a chunk of Scheme code, and to intercept basic information about those errors, you need to execute that code inside the dynamic context of a `catch', `lazy-catch' or `with-throw-handler' expression, or the equivalent in C. In Scheme, this means you need something like this: (catch #t (lambda () ;; Execute the code in which ;; you want to catch errors here. ...) (lambda (key . parameters) ;; Put the code which you want ;; to handle an error here. ...)) The `catch' here can also be `lazy-catch' or `with-throw-handler'; see *note Throw Handlers:: and *note Lazy Catch:: for the details of how these differ from `catch'. The `#t' means that the catch is applicable to all kinds of error; if you want to restrict your catch to just one kind of error, you can put the symbol for that kind of error instead of `#t'. The equivalent to this in C would be something like this: SCM my_body_proc (void *body_data) { /* Execute the code in which you want to catch errors here. */ ... } SCM my_handler_proc (void *handler_data, SCM key, SCM parameters) { /* Put the code which you want to handle an error here. */ ... } { ... scm_c_catch (SCM_BOOL_T, my_body_proc, body_data, my_handler_proc, handler_data, NULL, NULL); ... } Again, as with the Scheme version, `scm_c_catch' could be replaced by `scm_internal_lazy_catch' or `scm_c_with_throw_handler', and `SCM_BOOL_T' could instead be the symbol for a particular kind of error. Capturing the full error stack ....................................... The other interesting information about an error is the full Scheme stack at the point where the error occurred; in other words what innermost expression was being evaluated, what was the expression that called that one, and so on. If you want to write your code so that it captures and can display this information as well, there are three important things to understand. Firstly, the code in question must be executed using the debugging version of the evaluator, because information about the Scheme stack is only available at all from the debugging evaluator. Using the debugging evaluator means that the debugger option (*note Debugger options::) called `debug' must be enabled; this can be done by running `(debug-enable 'debug)' or `(turn-on-debugging)' at the top level of your program; or by running guile with the `--debug' command line option, if your program begins life as a Scheme script. Secondly, the stack at the point of the error needs to be explicitly captured by a `make-stack' call (or the C equivalent `scm_make_stack'). The Guile library does not do this "automatically" for you, so you will need to write code with a `make-stack' or `scm_make_stack' call yourself. (We emphasise this point because some people are misled by the fact that the Guile interactive REPL code _does_ capture and display the stack automatically. But the Guile interactive REPL is itself a Scheme program(1) running on top of the Guile library, and which uses `catch' and `make-stack' in the way we are about to describe to capture the stack when an error occurs.) Thirdly, in order to capture the stack effectively at the point where the error occurred, the `make-stack' call must be made before Guile unwinds the stack back to the location of the prevailing catch expression. This means that the `make-stack' call must be made within the handler of a `lazy-catch' or `with-throw-handler' expression, or the optional "pre-unwind" handler of a `catch'. (For the full story of how these alternatives differ from each other, see *note Exceptions::. The main difference is that `catch' terminates the error, whereas `lazy-catch' and `with-throw-handler' only intercept it temporarily and then allow it to continue propagating up to the next innermost handler.) So, here are some examples of how to do all this in Scheme and in C. For the purpose of these examples we assume that the captured stack should be stored in a variable, so that it can be displayed or arbitrarily processed later on. In Scheme: (let ((captured-stack #f)) (catch #t (lambda () ;; Execute the code in which ;; you want to catch errors here. ...) (lambda (key . parameters) ;; Put the code which you want ;; to handle an error after the ;; stack has been unwound here. ...) (lambda (key . parameters) ;; Capture the stack here: (set! captured-stack (make-stack #t)))) ... (if captured-stack (begin ;; Display or process the captured stack. ...)) ...) And in C: SCM my_body_proc (void *body_data) { /* Execute the code in which you want to catch errors here. */ ... } SCM my_handler_proc (void *handler_data, SCM key, SCM parameters) { /* Put the code which you want to handle an error after the stack has been unwound here. */ ... } SCM my_preunwind_proc (void *handler_data, SCM key, SCM parameters) { /* Capture the stack here: */ *(SCM *)handler_data = scm_make_stack (SCM_BOOL_T, SCM_EOL); } { SCM captured_stack = SCM_BOOL_F; ... scm_c_catch (SCM_BOOL_T, my_body_proc, body_data, my_handler_proc, handler_data, my_preunwind_proc, &captured_stack); ... if (captured_stack != SCM_BOOL_F) { /* Display or process the captured stack. */ ... } ... } Note that you don't have to wait until after the `catch' or `scm_c_catch' has returned. You can also do whatever you like with the stack immediately after it has been captured in the pre-unwind handler, or in the normal (post-unwind) handler. (Except that for the latter case in C you will need to change `handler_data' in the `scm_c_catch(...)' call to `&captured_stack', so that `my_handler_proc' has access to the captured stack.) Displaying or interrogating the captured stack ....................................................... Once you have a captured stack, you can interrogate and display its details in any way that you want, using the `stack-...' and `frame-...' API described in *note Examining the Stack:: and *note Examining Stack Frames::. If you want to print out a backtrace in the same format that the Guile REPL does, you can use the `display-backtrace' procedure to do so. You can also use `display-application' to display an individual application frame - that is, a frame that satisfies the `frame-procedure?' predicate - in the Guile REPL format. What the Guile REPL does ................................. The Guile REPL code (in `ice-9/boot-9.scm') uses a `catch' with a pre-unwind handler to capture the stack when an error occurs in an expression that was typed into the REPL, and saves the captured stack in a fluid (*note Fluids and Dynamic States::) called `the-last-stack'. You can then use the `(backtrace)' command, which is basically equivalent to `(display-backtrace (fluid-ref the-last-stack))', to print out this stack at any time until it is overwritten by the next error that occurs. -- Scheme Procedure: backtrace [highlights] -- C Function: scm_backtrace_with_highlights (highlights) -- C Function: scm_backtrace () Display a backtrace of the stack saved by the last error to the current output port. If HIGHLIGHTS is given it should be a list; the elements of this list will be highlighted wherever they appear in the backtrace. You can also use the `(debug)' command to explore the saved stack using an interactive command-line-driven debugger. See *note Interactive Debugger:: for more information about this. -- Scheme Procedure: debug Invoke the Guile debugger to explore the context of the last error. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) In effect, it is the default program which is run when no commands or script file are specified on the Guile command line.  File:, Node: Traps, Next: Debugging Examples, Prev: Debug on Error, Up: Debugging 5.21.3 Traps ------------ The low level C code of Guile's evaluator can be configured to call out at key points to arbitrary user-specified procedures. These procedures, and the circumstances under which the evaluator calls them, are configured by the "evaluator trap options" interface (*note Evaluator trap options::), and by the `trace' and `breakpoints' fields of the "debug options" interface (*note Debugger options::). In principle this allows Scheme code to implement any model it chooses for examining the evaluation stack as program execution proceeds, and for suspending execution to be resumed later. Possible applications of this feature include breakpoints, runtime tracing, code coverage, and profiling. Based on these low level trap calls, Guile provides a higher level, object-oriented interface for the manipulation of traps. Different kinds of trap are represented as GOOPS classes; for example, the `' class describes traps that are triggered by invocation of a specified procedure. A particular instance of a trap class -- or "trap object" -- describes the condition under which a single trap will be triggered, and what will happen then; for example, an instance of `' whose `procedure' and `behaviour' slots contain `my-factorial' and `debug-trap' would be a trap that enters the command line debugger when the `my-factorial' procedure is invoked. The following subsections describe all this in detail, for both the user wanting to use traps, and the developer interested in understanding how the interface hangs together. A Quick Note on Terminology .................................... It feels natural to use the word "trap" in some form for all levels of the structure just described, so we need to be clear on the terminology we use to describe each particular level. The terminology used in this subsection is as follows. * "Low level trap calls", or "low level traps", are the calls made directly from the C code of the Guile evaluator. * "Trap classes" are self-explanatory. * "Trap objects", "trap instances", or just "traps", are instances of a trap class, and each describe a single logical trap condition plus behaviour as specified by the user of this interface. A good example of when it is important to be clear, is when we talk below of behaviours that should only happen once per low level trap. A single low level trap call will typically map onto the processing of several trap objects, so "once per low level trap" is significantly different from "once per trap". * Menu: * How to Set a Trap:: * Specifying Trap Behaviour:: * Trap Context:: * Tracing Examples:: * Tracing Configuration:: * Tracing and (ice-9 debug):: * Traps Installing More Traps:: * Common Trap Options:: * Procedure Traps:: * Exit Traps:: * Entry Traps:: * Apply Traps:: * Step Traps:: * Source Traps:: * Location Traps:: * Trap Shorthands:: * Trap Utilities::  File:, Node: How to Set a Trap, Next: Specifying Trap Behaviour, Up: Traps How to Set a Trap .......................... Setting a trap is done in two parts. First the trap is defined by creating an instance of the appropriate trap class, with slot values specifying the condition under which the trap will fire and the action to take when it fires. Secondly the trap object thus created must be "installed". To make this immediately concrete, here is an example that sets a trap to fire on the next application of the `facti' procedure, and to handle the trap by entering the command line debugger. (install-trap (make #:procedure facti #:single-shot #t #:behaviour debug-trap)) Briefly, the elements of this incantation are as follows. (All of these are described more fully in the following subsubsections.) * `' is the trap class for trapping on invocation of a specific procedure. * `#:procedure facti' says that the specific procedure to trap on for this trap object is `facti'. * `#:single-shot #t' says that this trap should only fire on the _next_ invocation of `facti', not on all future invocations (which is the default if the `#:single-shot' option is not specified). * `#:behaviour debug-trap' says that the trap infrastructure should call the procedure `debug-trap' when this trap fires. * Finally, the `install-trap' call installs the trap immediately. It is of course possible for the user to define more convenient shorthands for setting common kinds of traps. *Note Trap Shorthands::, for some examples. The ability to install, uninstall and reinstall a trap without losing its definition is Guile's equivalent of the disable/enable commands provided by debuggers like GDB. -- Generic Function: install-trap trap Install the trap object TRAP, so that its behaviour will be executed when the conditions for the trap firing are met. -- Generic Function: uninstall-trap trap Uninstall the trap object TRAP, so that its behaviour will _not_ be executed even if the conditions for the trap firing are met.  File:, Node: Specifying Trap Behaviour, Next: Trap Context, Prev: How to Set a Trap, Up: Traps Specifying Trap Behaviour .................................. Guile provides several "out-of-the-box" behaviours for common needs. All of the following can be used directly as the value of the `#:behaviour' option when creating a trap object. -- Procedure: debug-trap trap-context Enter Guile's command line debugger to explore the stack at TRAP-CONTEXT, and to single-step or continue program execution from that point. -- Procedure: gds-debug-trap trap-context Use the GDS debugging interface, which displays the stack and corresponding source code via Emacs, to explore the stack at TRAP-CONTEXT and to single-step or continue program execution from that point. -- Procedure: trace-trap trap-context Display trace information to summarize the current TRAP-CONTEXT. -- Procedure: trace-at-exit trap-context Install a further trap to cause the return value of the application or evaluation just starting (as described by TRAP-CONTEXT) to be traced using `trace-trap', when this application or evaluation completes. The extra trap is automatically uninstalled after the return value has been traced. -- Procedure: trace-until-exit trap-context Install a further trap so that every step that the evaluator performs as part of the application or evaluation just starting (as described by TRAP-CONTEXT) is traced using `trace-trap'. The extra trap is automatically uninstalled when the application or evaluation is complete. `trace-until-exit' can be very useful as a first step when all you know is that there is a bug "somewhere in XXX or in something that XXX calls". `debug-trap' and `gds-debug-trap' are provided by the modules `(ice-9 debugger)' and `(ice-9 gds-client)' respectively, and their behaviours are fairly self-explanatory. For more information on the operation of the GDS interface via Emacs, see *note Using Guile in Emacs::. The tracing behaviours are explained more fully below. More generally, the "behaviour" specified for a trap can be any procedure that expects to be called with one "trap context" argument. A trivial example would be: (define (report-stack-depth trap-context) (display "Stack depth at the trap is: ") (display (tc:depth trap-context)) (newline))  File:, Node: Trap Context, Next: Tracing Examples, Prev: Specifying Trap Behaviour, Up: Traps Trap Context ..................... The "trap context" is an object that caches information about the low level trap call and the stack at the point of the trap, and is passed as the only argument to all behaviour procedures. The information in the trap context can be accessed through the procedures beginning `tc:' that are exported by the `(ice-9 debugging traps)' module(1); the most useful of these are as follows. -- Generic Function: tc:type trap-context Indicates the type of the low level trap by returning one of the keywords `#:application', `#:evaluation', `#:return' or `#:error'. -- Generic Function: tc:return-value trap-context When `tc:type' gives `#:return', this provides the value that is being returned. -- Generic Function: tc:stack trap-context Provides the stack at the point of the trap (as computed by `make-stack', but cached so that the lengthy `make-stack' operation is not performed more than once for the same low level trap). -- Generic Function: tc:frame trap-context The innermost frame of the stack at the point of the trap. -- Generic Function: tc:depth trap-context The number of frames (including tail recursive non-real frames) in the stack at the point of the trap. -- Generic Function: tc:real-depth trap-context The number of real frames (that is, excluding the non-real frames that describe tail recursive calls) in the stack at the point of the trap. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) Plus of course any procedures that build on these, such as the `trace/...' procedures exported by `(ice-9 debugging trace)' (*note Tracing Configuration::).  File:, Node: Tracing Examples, Next: Tracing Configuration, Prev: Trap Context, Up: Traps Tracing Examples ......................... The following examples show what tracing is and the kind of output that it generates. In the first example, we define a recursive function for reversing a list, then watch the effect of the recursive calls by tracing each call and return value. guile> (define (rev ls) (if (null? ls) ls (append (rev (cdr ls)) (list (car ls))))) guile> (use-modules (ice-9 debugging traps) (ice-9 debugging trace)) guile> (define t1 (make #:procedure rev #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-at-exit))) guile> (install-trap t1) guile> (rev '(a b c)) | 2: [rev (a b c)] | 3: [rev (b c)] | 4: [rev (c)] | 5: [rev ()] | 5: =>() | 4: =>(c) | 3: =>(c b) | 2: =>(c b a) (c b a) The number before the colon in this output (which follows `(ice-9 debugging trace)''s default output format) is the number of real frames on the stack. The fact that this number increases for each recursive call confirms that the implementation above of `rev' is not tail-recursive. In the next example, we probe the _internal_ workings of `rev' in more detail by using the `trace-until-exit' behaviour. guile> (uninstall-trap t1) guile> (define t2 (make #:procedure rev #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-until-exit))) guile> (install-trap t2) guile> (rev '(a b)) | 2: [rev (a b)] | 2: (if (null? ls) ls (append (rev (cdr ls)) (list (car ls)))) | 3: (null? ls) | 3: [null? (a b)] | 3: =>#f | 2: (append (rev (cdr ls)) (list (car ls))) | 3: (rev (cdr ls)) | 4: (cdr ls) | 4: [cdr (a b)] | 4: =>(b) | 3: [rev (b)] | 3: (if (null? ls) ls (append (rev (cdr ls)) (list (car ls)))) | 4: (null? ls) | 4: [null? (b)] | 4: =>#f | 3: (append (rev (cdr ls)) (list (car ls))) | 4: (rev (cdr ls)) | 5: (cdr ls) | 5: [cdr (b)] | 5: =>() | 4: [rev ()] | 4: (if (null? ls) ls (append (rev (cdr ls)) (list (car ls)))) | 5: (null? ls) | 5: [null? ()] | 5: =>#t | 4: (list (car ls)) | 5: (car ls) | 5: [car (b)] | 5: =>b | 4: [list b] | 4: =>(b) | 3: [append () (b)] | 3: =>(b) | 3: (list (car ls)) | 4: (car ls) | 4: [car (a b)] | 4: =>a | 3: [list a] | 3: =>(a) | 2: [append (b) (a)] | 2: =>(b a) (b a) The output in this case shows every step that the evaluator performs in evaluating `(rev '(a b))'.  File:, Node: Tracing Configuration, Next: Tracing and (ice-9 debug), Prev: Tracing Examples, Up: Traps Tracing Configuration .............................. The detail of what gets printed in each trace line, and the port to which tracing is written, can be configured by the procedures `set-trace-layout' and `trace-port', both exported by the `(ice-9 debugging trace)' module. -- Procedure with Setter: trace-port Get or set the port to which tracing is printed. The default is the value of `(current-output-port)' when the `(ice-9 debugging trace)' module is first loaded. -- Procedure: set-trace-layout format-string . arg-procs Layout each trace line using FORMAT-STRING and ARG-PROCS. For each trace line, the list of values to be printed is obtained by calling all the ARG-PROCS, passing the trap context as the only parameter to each one. This list of values is then formatted using the specified FORMAT-STRING. The `(ice-9 debugging trace)' module exports a set of arg-proc procedures to cover most common needs, with names beginning `trace/'. These are all implemented on top of the `tc:' trap context accessor procedures documented in *note Trap Context::, and if any trace output not provided by the following is needed, it should be possible to implement based on a combination of the `tc:' procedures. -- Procedure: trace/pid trap-context An arg-proc that returns the current process ID. -- Procedure: trace/stack-id trap-context An arg-proc that returns the stack ID of the stack in which the current trap occurred. -- Procedure: trace/stack-depth trap-context An arg-proc that returns the length (including non-real frames) of the stack at the point of the current trap. -- Procedure: trace/stack-real-depth trap-context An arg-proc that returns the length excluding non-real frames of the stack at the point of the current trap. -- Procedure: trace/stack trap-context An arg-proc that returns a string summarizing stack information. This string includes the stack ID, real depth, and count of additional non-real frames, with the format `"~a:~a+~a"'. -- Procedure: trace/source-file-name trap-context An arg-proc that returns the name of the source file for the innermost stack frame, or an empty string if source is not available for the innermost frame. -- Procedure: trace/source-line trap-context An arg-proc that returns the line number of the source code for the innermost stack frame, or zero if source is not available for the innermost frame. -- Procedure: trace/source-column trap-context An arg-proc that returns the column number of the start of the source code for the innermost stack frame, or zero if source is not available for the innermost frame. -- Procedure: trace/source trap-context An arg-proc that returns the source location for the innermost stack frame. This is a string composed of file name, line and column number with the format `"~a:~a:~a"', or an empty string if source is not available for the innermost frame. -- Procedure: trace/type trap-context An arg-proc that returns a three letter abbreviation indicating the type of the current trap: `"APP"' for an application frame, `"EVA"' for an evaluation, `"RET"' for an exit trap, or `"ERR"' for an error (pseudo-)trap. -- Procedure: trace/real? trap-context An arg-proc that returns `" "' if the innermost stack frame is a real frame, or `"t"' if it is not. -- Procedure: trace/info trap-context An arg-proc that returns a string describing the expression being evaluated, application being performed, or return value, according to the current trap type. `trace/stack-depth' and `trace/stack-real-depth' are identical to the trap context methods `tc:depth' and `tc:real-depth' described before (*note Trap Context::), but renamed here for convenience. The default trace layout, as exhibited by the examples of the previous subsubsubsection, is set by this line of code from the `(ice-9 debugging traps)' module: (set-trace-layout "|~3@a: ~a\n" trace/stack-real-depth trace/info) If we rerun the first of those examples, but with trace layout configured to show source location and trap type in addition, the output looks like this: guile> (set-trace-layout "| ~25a ~3@a: ~a ~a\n" trace/source trace/stack-real-depth trace/type trace/info) guile> (rev '(a b c)) | standard input:29:0 2: APP [rev (a b c)] | standard input:4:21 3: APP [rev (b c)] | standard input:4:21 4: APP [rev (c)] | standard input:4:21 5: APP [rev ()] | standard input:2:9 5: RET =>() | standard input:4:13 4: RET =>(c) | standard input:4:13 3: RET =>(c b) | standard input:4:13 2: RET =>(c b a) (c b a)  File:, Node: Tracing and (ice-9 debug), Next: Traps Installing More Traps, Prev: Tracing Configuration, Up: Traps Tracing and (ice-9 debug) .................................. The `(ice-9 debug)' module provides a tracing facility (*note Tracing::) that is roughly similar to that described here, but there are important differences. * The `(ice-9 debug)' trace gives a nice pictorial view of changes in stack depth, by using indentation like this: [fact1 4] | [fact1 3] | | [fact1 2] | | | [fact1 1] | | | | [fact1 0] | | | | 1 | | | 1 | | 2 | 6 24 However its output can _only_ show the information seen here, which corresponds to `(ice-9 debugging trace)''s `trace/info' procedure; it cannot be configured to show other pieces of information about the trap context in the way that the `(ice-9 debugging trace)' implementation can. * The `(ice-9 debug)' trace only allows the tracing of procedure applications and their return values, whereas the `(ice-9 debugging trace)' implementation allows any kind of trap to be traced. It's interesting to note that `(ice-9 debug)''s restriction here, which might initially appear to be just a straightforward consequence of its implementation, is also somewhat dictated by its pictorial display. The use of indentation in the output relies on hooking into the low level trap calls in such a way that the trapped application entries and exits exactly balance each other. The `ice-9 debugging trace' implementation allows traps to be installed such that entry and exit traps don't necessarily balance, which means that, in general, indentation diagrams like the one above don't work. It isn't currently possible to use both `(ice-9 debug)' trace and `(ice-9 debugging trace)' in the same Guile session, because their settings of the low level trap options conflict with each other.  File:, Node: Traps Installing More Traps, Next: Common Trap Options, Prev: Tracing and (ice-9 debug), Up: Traps Traps Installing More Traps .................................... Sometimes it is desirable for the behaviour at one trap to install further traps. In other words, the behaviour is something like "Don't do much right now, but set things up to stop after two or three more steps", or "... when this frame completes". This is absolutely fine. For example, it is easy to code a generic "do so-and-so when the current frame exits" procedure, which can be used wherever a trap context is available, as follows. (define (at-exit trap-context behaviour) (install-trap (make #:depth (tc:depth trap-context) #:single-shot #t #:behaviour behaviour))) To continue and pin down the example, this could then be used as part of a behaviour whose purpose was to measure the accumulated time spent in and below a specified procedure. (define calls 0) (define total 0) (define accumulate-time (lambda (trap-context) (set! calls (+ calls 1)) (let ((entry (current-time))) (at-exit trap-context (lambda (ignored) (set! total (+ total (- (current-time) entry)))))))) (install-trap (make #:procedure my-proc #:behaviour accumulate-time))  File:, Node: Common Trap Options, Next: Procedure Traps, Prev: Traps Installing More Traps, Up: Traps Common Trap Options ............................ When creating any kind of trap object, settings for the trap being created are specified as options on the `make' call using syntax like this: (make #:OPTION-KEYWORD SETTING ...) The following common options are provided by the base class `', and so can be specified for any kind of trap. -- Class: Base class for trap objects. -- Trap Option: #:condition thunk If not `#f', this is a thunk which is called when the trap fires, to determine whether trap processing should proceed any further. If the thunk returns `#f', the trap is basically suppressed. Otherwise processing continues normally. (Default value `#f'.) -- Trap Option: #:skip-count count A count of valid (after `#:condition' processing) firings of this trap to skip. (Default value 0.) -- Trap Option: #:single-shot boolean If not `#f', this indicates that the trap should be automatically uninstalled after it has successfully fired (after `#:condition' and `#:skip-count' processing) for the first time. (Default value `#f'.) -- Trap Option: #:behaviour behaviour-proc A trap behaviour procedure -- as discussed in the preceding subsubsection -- or a list of such procedures, in which case each procedure is called in turn when the trap fires. (Default value `'()'.) -- Trap Option: #:repeat-identical-behaviour boolean Normally, if multiple trap objects are triggered by the same low level trap, and they request the same behaviour, it's only actually useful to do that behaviour once (per low level trap); so by default multiple requests for the same behaviour are coalesced. If this option is set other than `#f', the contents of the `#:behaviour' option are uniquified so that they avoid being coalesced in this way. (Default value `#f'.)  File:, Node: Procedure Traps, Next: Exit Traps, Prev: Common Trap Options, Up: Traps Procedure Traps ......................... The `' class implements traps that are triggered upon application of a specified procedure. Instances of this class should use the `#:procedure' option to specify the procedure to trap on. -- Class: Class for traps triggered by application of a specified procedure. -- Trap Option: #:procedure procedure Specifies the procedure to trap on. Example: (install-trap (make #:procedure my-proc #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-until-exit)))  File:, Node: Exit Traps, Next: Entry Traps, Prev: Procedure Traps, Up: Traps Exit Traps .................... The `' class implements traps that are triggered upon stack frame exit past a specified stack depth. Instances of this class should use the `#:depth' option to specify the target stack depth. -- Class: Class for traps triggered by exit past a specified stack depth. -- Trap Option: #:depth depth Specifies the reference depth for the trap. Example: (define (trace-at-exit trap-context) (install-trap (make #:depth (tc:depth trap-context) #:single-shot #t #:behaviour trace-trap))) (This is the actual definition of the `trace-at-exit' behaviour.)  File:, Node: Entry Traps, Next: Apply Traps, Prev: Exit Traps, Up: Traps Entry Traps ..................... The `' class implements traps that are triggered upon any stack frame entry. No further parameters are needed to specify an instance of this class, so there are no class-specific trap options. Note that it remains possible to use the common trap options (*note Common Trap Options::), for example to set a trap for the Nth next frame entry. -- Class: Class for traps triggered by any stack frame entry. Example: (install-trap (make #:skip-count 5 #:behaviour gds-debug-trap))  File:, Node: Apply Traps, Next: Step Traps, Prev: Entry Traps, Up: Traps Apply Traps ..................... The `' class implements traps that are triggered upon any procedure application. No further parameters are needed to specify an instance of this class, so there are no class-specific trap options. Note that it remains possible to use the common trap options (*note Common Trap Options::), for example to set a trap for the next application where some condition is true. -- Class: Class for traps triggered by any procedure application. Example: (install-trap (make #:condition my-condition #:behaviour gds-debug-trap))  File:, Node: Step Traps, Next: Source Traps, Prev: Apply Traps, Up: Traps Step Traps .................... The `' class implements traps that do single-stepping through a program's execution. They come in two flavours, with and without a specified file name. If a file name is specified, the trap is triggered by the next evaluation, application or frame exit pertaining to source code from the specified file. If a file name is not specified, the trap is triggered by the next evaluation, application or frame exit from any file (or for code whose source location was not recorded), in other words by the next evaluator step of any kind. The design goal of the `' class is to match what a user would intuitively think of as single-stepping through their code, either through code in general (roughly corresponding to GDB's `step' command, for example), or through code from a particular source file (roughly corresponding to GDB's `next'). Therefore if you are using a step trap to single-step through code and finding its behaviour counter-intuitive, please report that so we can improve it. The implementation and options of the `' class are complicated by the fact that it is unreliable to determine whether a low level frame exit trap is applicable to a specified file by examining the details of the reported frame. This is a consequence of tail recursion, which has the effect that many frames can be removed from the stack at once, with only the outermost frame being reported by the low level trap call. The effects of this on the `' class are such as to require the introduction of the strange-looking `#:exit-depth' option, for the following reasons. * When stopped at the start of an application or evaluation frame, and it is desired to continue execution until the next "step" in the same source file, that next step could be the start of a nested application or evaluation frame, or -- if the procedure definition is in a different file, for example -- it could be the exit from the current frame. * Because of the effects of tail recursion noted above, the current frame exit possibility must be expressed as frame exit past a specified stack depth. When an instance of the `' class is installed from the context of an application or evaluation frame entry, the `#:exit-depth' option should be used to specify this stack depth. * When stopped at a frame exit, on the other hand, we know that the next step must be an application or evaluation frame entry. In this context the `#:exit-depth' option is not needed and should be omitted or set to `#f'. When a step trap is installed without `#:single-shot #t', such that it keeps firing, the `' code automatically updates its idea of the `#:exit-depth' setting each time, so that the trap always fires correctly for the following step. -- Class: Class for single-stepping traps. -- Trap Option: #:file-name name If not `#f', this is a string containing the name of a source file, and restricts the step trap to evaluation steps within that source file. (Default value `#f'.) -- Trap Option: #:exit-depth depth If not `#f', this is a positive integer implying that the next step may be frame exit past the stack depth DEPTH. See the discussion above for more details. (Default value `#f'.) Example: (install-trap (make #:file-name (frame-file-name (stack-ref stack index)) #:exit-depth (- (stack-length stack) (stack-ref stack index)) #:single-shot #t #:behaviour debug-trap))  File:, Node: Source Traps, Next: Location Traps, Prev: Step Traps, Up: Traps Source Traps ...................... The `' class implements traps that are attached to a precise source code expression, as read by the reader, and which fire each time that that expression is evaluated. These traps use a low level Guile feature which can mark individual expressions for trapping, and are relatively efficient. But it can be tricky to get at the source expression in the first place, and these traps are liable to become irrelevant if the procedure containing the expression is reevaluated; these issues are discussed further below. -- Class: Class for traps triggered by evaluation of a specific Scheme expression. -- Trap Option: #:expression expr Specifies the Scheme expression to trap on. Example: (display "Enter an expression: ") (let ((x (read))) (install-trap (make #:expression x #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-at-exit))) (primitive-eval x)) -| Enter an expression: (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6) | 3: (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6) | 3: =>21 21 The key point here is that the expression specified by the `#:expression' option must be _exactly_ (i.e. `eq?' to) what is going to be evaluated later. It doesn't work, for example, to say `#:expression '(+ x 3)', with the expectation that the trap will fire whenever evaluating any expression `(+ x 3)'. The `trap-here' macro can be used in source code to create and install a source trap correctly. Take for example the factorial function defined in the `(ice-9 debugging example-fns)' module: (define (fact1 n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact1 (- n 1))))) To set a source trap on a particular expression -- let's say the expression `(= n 0)' -- edit the code so that the expression is enclosed in a `trap-here' macro call like this: (define (fact1 n) (if (trap-here (= n 0) #:behaviour debug-trap) 1 (* n (fact1 (- n 1))))) -- Macro: trap-here expression . trap-options Install a source trap with options TRAP-OPTIONS on EXPRESSION, then return with the whole call transformed to `(begin EXPRESSION)'. Note that if the `trap-here' incantation is removed, and `fact1' then redefined by reloading its source file, the effect of the source trap is lost, because the text "(= n 0)" is read again from scratch and becomes a new expression `(= n 0)' which does not have the "trap here" mark on it. If the semantics and setting of source traps seem unwieldy, location traps may meet your need more closely; these are described in the following subsubsection.  File:, Node: Location Traps, Next: Trap Shorthands, Prev: Source Traps, Up: Traps Location Traps ........................ The `' class implements traps that are triggered by evaluation of code at a specific source location. When compared with source traps, they are easier to set, and do not become irrelevant when the relevant code is reloaded; but unfortunately they are a lot less efficient, as they require running some "are we in the right place for a trap" code on every low level frame entry trap call. -- Class: Class for traps triggered by evaluation of code at a specific source location. -- Trap Option: #:file-regexp regexp A regular expression specifying the filenames that will match this trap. This option must be specified when creating a location trap. -- Trap Option: #:line line The line number (0-based) of the source location at which the trap should be triggered. This option must be specified when creating a location trap. -- Trap Option: #:column column The column number (0-based) of the source location at which the trap should be triggered. This option must be specified when creating a location trap. Here is an example, which matches the `(facti (- n 1) (* a n))' expression in `ice-9/debugging/example-fns.scm': (install-trap (make #:file-regexp "example-fns.scm" #:line 11 #:column 6 #:behaviour gds-debug-trap))  File:, Node: Trap Shorthands, Next: Trap Utilities, Prev: Location Traps, Up: Traps Trap Shorthands ......................... If the code described in the preceding subsubsections for creating and manipulating traps seems a little long-winded, it is of course possible to define more convenient shorthand forms for typical usage patterns. Here are some examples. (define (break! proc) (install-trap (make #:procedure proc #:behaviour gds-debug-trap))) (define (trace! proc) (install-trap (make #:procedure proc #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-at-exit)))) (define (trace-subtree! proc) (install-trap (make #:procedure proc #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-until-exit)))) Definitions like these are not provided out-of-the-box by Guile, because different users will have different ideas about what their default debugger should be, or, for example, which of the common trap options (*note Common Trap Options::) it might be useful to expose through such shorthand procedures.  File:, Node: Trap Utilities, Prev: Trap Shorthands, Up: Traps Trap Utilities ........................ `list-traps' can be used to print a description of all known trap objects. This uses a weak value hash table, keyed by a trap index number. Each trap object has its index number assigned, and is added to the hash table, when it is created by a `make TRAP-CLASS ...' call. When a trap object is GC'd, it is automatically removed from the hash table, and so no longer appears in the output from `list-traps'. -- Variable: all-traps Weak value hash table containing all known trap objects. -- Procedure: list-traps Print a description of all known trap objects. The following example shows a single trap that traces applications of the procedure `facti'. guile> (list-traps) #< 100d2e30> is an instance of class Slots are: number = 1 installed = #t condition = #f skip-count = 0 single-shot = #f behaviour = (#) repeat-identical-behaviour = #f procedure = # When `all-traps' or `list-traps' reveals a trap that you want to modify but no longer have a reference to, you can retrieve the trap object by calling `get-trap' with the trap's number. For example, here's how you could change the behaviour of the trap listed just above. (slot-set! (get-trap 1) 'behaviour (list debug-trap)) -- Procedure: get-trap number Return the trap object with the specified NUMBER, or `#f' if there isn't one.  File:, Node: Debugging Examples, Prev: Traps, Up: Debugging 5.21.4 Debugging Examples ------------------------- Here we present some examples of what you can do with the debugging facilities just described. * Menu: * Single Stepping through a Procedure's Code:: * Profiling or Tracing a Procedure's Code::  File:, Node: Single Stepping through a Procedure's Code, Next: Profiling or Tracing a Procedure's Code, Up: Debugging Examples Single Stepping through a Procedure's Code ................................................... A good way to explore in detail what a Scheme procedure does is to set a trap on it and then single step through what it does. To do this, make and install a `' with the `debug-trap' behaviour from `(ice-9 debugging ice-9-debugger-extensions)'. The following sample session illustrates this. It assumes that the file `matrix.scm' defines a procedure `mkmatrix', which is the one we want to explore, and another procedure `do-main' which calls `mkmatrix'. $ /usr/bin/guile -q guile> (use-modules (ice-9 debugger) (ice-9 debugging ice-9-debugger-extensions) (ice-9 debugging traps)) guile> (load "matrix.scm") guile> (install-trap (make #:procedure mkmatrix #:behaviour debug-trap)) guile> (do-main 4) This is the Guile debugger -- for help, type `help'. There are 3 frames on the stack. Frame 2 at matrix.scm:8:3 [mkmatrix] debug> next Frame 3 at matrix.scm:4:3 (let ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric)) debug> info frame Stack frame: 3 This frame is an evaluation. The expression being evaluated is: matrix.scm:4:3: (let ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric)) debug> next Frame 3 at matrix.scm:5:21 (quote this-is-a-matric) debug> bt In unknown file: ?: 0* [primitive-eval (do-main 4)] In standard input: 4: 1* [do-main 4] In matrix.scm: 8: 2 [mkmatrix] ... 5: 3 (quote this-is-a-matric) debug> quit this-is-a-matric guile> Or you can use Guile's Emacs interface (GDS), by using the module `(ice-9 gds-client)' instead of `(ice-9 debugger)' and `(ice-9 debugging ice-9-debugger-extensions)', and changing `debug-trap' to `gds-debug-trap'. Then the stack and corresponding source locations are displayed in Emacs instead of on the Guile command line.  File:, Node: Profiling or Tracing a Procedure's Code, Prev: Single Stepping through a Procedure's Code, Up: Debugging Examples Profiling or Tracing a Procedure's Code ................................................ What if you wanted to get a trace of everything that the Guile evaluator does within a given procedure, but without Guile stopping and waiting for your input at every step? For this requirement you can install a trap on the procedure, as in the previous example, but instead of `debug-trap' or `gds-debug-trap', use the `trace-trap' and `trace-until-exit' behaviours provided by the `(ice-9 debugging trace)' module. guile> (use-modules (ice-9 debugging traps) (ice-9 debugging trace)) guile> (load "matrix.scm") guile> (install-trap (make #:procedure mkmatrix #:behaviour (list trace-trap trace-until-exit))) guile> (do-main 4) | 2: [mkmatrix] | 3: [# # define #f] | 3: [# # define #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq define (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 3: [# # define #f] | 3: [# # define #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq define (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 2: (letrec ((yy 23)) (let ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric))) | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 2: (let ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric)) | 3: [# # let #f] | 3: [# # let #f] | 4: (and (memq sym bindings) (let ...)) | 5: (memq sym bindings) | 5: [memq let (debug)] | 5: =>#f | 2: [let (let # #) (# # #)] | 2: [let (let # #) (# # #)] | 2: =>(#@let* (x 1) #@let (quote this-is-a-matric)) this-is-a-matric guile> (do-main 4) | 2: [mkmatrix] | 2: (letrec ((yy 23)) (let* ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric))) | 2: (let* ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric)) | 2: (quote this-is-a-matric) | 2: =>this-is-a-matric this-is-a-matric guile> This example shows the default configuration for how each line of trace output is formatted, which is: * the character `|', a visual clue that the line is a line of trace output, followed by * a number indicating the real evaluator stack depth (where "real" means not counting tail-calls), followed by * a summary of the expression being evaluated (`(...)'), the procedure being called (`[...]'), or the value being returned from an evaluation or procedure call (`=>...'). You can customize `(ice-9 debugging trace)' to show different information in each trace line using the `set-trace-layout' procedure. The next example shows how to get the source location in each trace line instead of the stack depth. guile> (set-trace-layout "|~16@a: ~a\n" trace/source trace/info) guile> (do-main 4) | matrix.scm:7:2: [mkmatrix] | : (letrec ((yy 23)) (let* ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric))) | matrix.scm:3:2: (let* ((x 1)) (quote this-is-a-matric)) | matrix.scm:4:4: (quote this-is-a-matric) | matrix.scm:4:4: =>this-is-a-matric this-is-a-matric guile> (For anyone wondering why the first `(do-main 4)' call above generates lots more trace lines than the subsequent calls: these examples also demonstrate how the Guile evaluator "memoizes" code. When Guile evaluates a source code expression for the first time, it changes some parts of the expression so that they will be quicker to evaluate when that expression is evaluated again; this is called memoization. The trace output from the first `(do-main 4)' call shows memoization steps, such as an internal define being transformed to a letrec.)  File:, Node: GH, Prev: Debugging, Up: API Reference 5.22 GH: A Portable C to Scheme Interface ========================================= This chapter shows how to use the GH interface to call Guile from your application's C code, and to add new Scheme level procedures to Guile whose behaviour is specified by application specific code written in C. Note, however, that the GH interface is now deprecated, and developers are encouraged to switch to using the scm interface instead. Therefore, for each GH feature, this chapter also documents how to achieve the same result using the scm interface. * Menu: * GH deprecation:: Why the GH interface is now deprecated. * Transitioning away from GH:: * GH preliminaries:: * Data types and constants defined by GH:: * Starting and controlling the interpreter:: * Error messages:: * Executing Scheme code:: * Defining new Scheme procedures in C:: * Converting data between C and Scheme:: * Type predicates:: * Equality predicates:: * Memory allocation and garbage collection:: * Calling Scheme procedures from C::  File:, Node: GH deprecation, Next: Transitioning away from GH, Up: GH 5.22.1 Why the GH Interface is Now Deprecated --------------------------------------------- Historically, the GH interface was the product of a practical problem and a neat idea. The practical problem was that the interface of the `scm_' functions with which Guile itself was written (inherited from Aubrey Jaffer's SCM) was so closely tied to the (rather arcane) details of the internal data representation that it was extremely difficult to write a Guile extension using these functions. The neat idea was to define a high level language extension interface in such a way that other extension language projects, not just Guile, would be able to provide an implementation of that interface; then applications using this interface could be compiled with whichever of the various available implementations they chose. So the GH interface was created, and advertised both as the recommended interface for application developers wishing to use Guile, and as a portable high level interface that could theoretically be implemented by other extension language projects. Time passed, and various things changed. Crucially, an enormous number of improvements were made to the `scm_' interface that Guile itself uses in its implementation, with the result that it is now both easy and comfortable to write a Guile extension with this interface. At the same time, the contents of the GH interface were somewhat neglected by the core Guile developers, such that some key operations -- such as smob creation and management -- are simply not possible using GH alone. Finally, the idea of multiple implementations of the GH interface did not really crystallize (apart, I believe, from a short lived implementation by the MzScheme project). For all these reasons, the Guile developers have decided to deprecate the GH interface -- which means that support for GH will be completely removed after the next few releases -- and to focus only on the `scm_' interface, with additions to ensure that it is as easy to use in all respects as GH was. It remains an open question whether a deep kind of interface portability would be useful for extension language-based applications, and it may still be an interesting project to attempt to define a corresponding GH-like interface, but the Guile developers no longer plan to try to do this as part of the core Guile project.  File:, Node: Transitioning away from GH, Next: GH preliminaries, Prev: GH deprecation, Up: GH 5.22.2 Transitioning away from GH --------------------------------- The following table summarizes how to transition from the GH to the scm interface. The replacements that are recommended are not always completely equivalent to the GH functionality that they should replace. Therefore, you should read the reference documentation of the replacements carefully if you are not yet familiar with them. Header file Use `#include ' instead of `#include '. Compiling and Linking Use `guile-config' to pick up the flags required to compile C or C++ code that uses `libguile', like so $(CC) -o prog.o -c prog.c `guile-config compile` If you are using libtool to link your executables, just use `-lguile' in your link command. Libtool will expand this into the needed linker options automatically. If you are not using libtool, use the `guile-config' program to query the needed options explicitly. A linker command like $(CC) -o prog prog.o `guile-config link` should be all that is needed. To link shared libraries that will be used as Guile Extensions, use libtool to control both the compilation and the link stage. The `SCM' type No change: the scm interface also uses this type to represent an arbitrary Scheme value. `SCM_BOOL_F' and `SCM_BOOL_T' No change. `SCM_UNSPECIFIED' and `SCM_UNDEFINED' No change. `gh_enter' Use `scm_boot_guile' instead, but note that `scm_boot_guile' has a slightly different calling convention from `gh_enter': `scm_boot_guile', and the main program function that you specify for `scm_boot_guile' to call, both take an additional CLOSURE parameter. *note Guile Initialization Functions:: for more details. `gh_repl' Use `scm_shell' instead. `gh_init' Use `scm_init_guile' instead. `gh_catch' Use `scm_internal_catch' instead. `gh_eval_str' Use `scm_c_eval_string' instead. `gh_eval_str_with_catch' Use `scm_c_eval_string' together with `scm_internal_catch' instead. `gh_eval_str_with_standard_handler' Use `scm_c_eval_string' together with `scm_internal_catch' and `scm_handle_by_message_no_exit' instead. `gh_eval_str_with_stack_saving_handler' Use `scm_c_eval_string' together with `scm_internal_stack_catch' and `scm_handle_by_message_no_exit' instead. `gh_eval_file' or `gh_load' Use `scm_c_primitive_load' instead. `gh_eval_file_with_catch' Use `scm_c_primitive_load' together with `scm_internal_catch' instead. `gh_eval_file_with_standard_handler' Use `scm_c_primitive_load' together with `scm_internal_catch' and `scm_handle_by_message_no_exit' instead. `gh_new_procedure' `gh_new_procedure0_0' `gh_new_procedure0_1' `gh_new_procedure0_2' `gh_new_procedure1_0' `gh_new_procedure1_1' `gh_new_procedure1_2' `gh_new_procedure2_0' `gh_new_procedure2_1' `gh_new_procedure2_2' `gh_new_procedure3_0' `gh_new_procedure4_0' `gh_new_procedure5_0' Use `scm_c_define_gsubr' instead, but note that the arguments are in a different order: for `scm_c_define_gsubr' the C function pointer is the last argument. *note A Sample Guile Extension:: for an example. `gh_defer_ints' and `gh_allow_ints' Use `SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START' and `SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END' instead. Note that these macros are used without parentheses, as in `SCM_DEFER_INTS;'. `gh_bool2scm' Use `scm_from_bool' instead. `gh_int2scm' Use `scm_from_int' instead. `gh_ulong2scm' Use `scm_from_ulong' instead. `gh_long2scm' Use `scm_from_long' instead. `gh_double2scm' Use `scm_make_real' instead. `gh_char2scm' Use `SCM_MAKE_CHAR' instead. `gh_str2scm' Use `scm_from_locale_stringn' instead. `gh_str02scm' Use `scm_from_locale_string' instead. `gh_set_substr' Use `scm_string_copy_x'. `gh_symbol2scm' Use `scm_from_locale_symbol' instead. `gh_ints2scm' `gh_doubles2scm' `gh_chars2byvect' `gh_shorts2svect' `gh_longs2ivect' `gh_ulongs2uvect' `gh_floats2fvect' `gh_doubles2dvect' Use the uniform numeric vector function, *Note Uniform Numeric Vectors::. `gh_scm2bool' Use `scm_is_true' or `scm_to_bool' instead. `gh_scm2int' Use `scm_to_int' instead. `gh_scm2ulong' Use `scm_to_ulong' instead. `gh_scm2long' Use `scm_to_long' instead. `gh_scm2double' Use `scm_to_double' instead. `gh_scm2char' Use `scm_to_char' instead. `gh_scm2newstr' Use `scm_to_locale_string' or similar instead. `gh_get_substr' Use `scm_c_substring' together with `scm_to_locale_string' or similar instead. `gh_symbol2newstr' Use `scm_symbol_to_string' together with `scm_to_locale_string' or similar instead. `gh_scm2chars' Use `scm_from_locale_string' (or similar) or the uniform numeric vector functions (*note Uniform Numeric Vectors::) instead. `gh_scm2shorts' `gh_scm2longs' `gh_scm2floats' `gh_scm2doubles' Use the uniform numeric vector function, *Note Uniform Numeric Vectors::. `gh_boolean_p' Use `scm_is_bool' instead. `gh_symbol_p' Use `scm_is_symbol' instead. `gh_char_p' Replace `gh_char_p (OBJ)' with scm_is_true (scm_char_p (OBJ)) `gh_vector_p' Replace `gh_vector_p (OBJ)' with scm_is_true (scm_vector_p (OBJ)) `gh_pair_p' Replace `gh_pair_p (OBJ)' with scm_is_true (scm_pair_p (OBJ)) `gh_number_p' Use `scm_is_number' instead. `gh_string_p' Use `scm_is_string' instead. `gh_procedure_p' Replace `gh_procedure_p (OBJ)' by scm_is_true (scm_procedure_p (OBJ)) `gh_list_p' Replace `gh_list_p (OBJ)' with scm_is_true (scm_list_p (OBJ)) `gh_inexact_p' Replace `gh_inexact_p (OBJ)' with scm_is_true (scm_inexact_p (OBJ)) `gh_exact_p' Replace `gh_exact_p (OBJ)' with scm_is_true (scm_exact_p (OBJ)) `gh_eq_p' Use `scm_is_eq' instead. `gh_eqv_p' Replace `gh_eqv_p (X, Y)' with scm_is_true (scm_eqv_p (X, Y)) `gh_equal_p' Replace `gh_equal_p (X, Y)' with scm_is_true (scm_equal_p (X, Y)) `gh_string_equal_p' Replace `gh_string_equal_p (X, Y)' with scm_is_true (scm_string_equal_p (X, Y)) `gh_null_p' Use `scm_is_null' instead. `gh_not' Use `scm_not' instead. `gh_make_string' Use `scm_make_string' instead. `gh_string_length' Use `scm_string_length' instead. `gh_string_ref' Use `scm_string_ref' instead. `gh_string_set_x' Use `scm_string_set_x' instead. `gh_substring' Use `scm_substring' instead. `gh_string_append' Use `scm_string_append' instead. `gh_cons' Use `scm_cons' instead. `gh_car' and `gh_cdr' Use `scm_car' and `scm_cdr' instead. `gh_cxxr' and `gh_cxxxr' (Where each x is either `a' or `d'.) Use the corresponding `scm_cxxr' or `scm_cxxxr' function instead. `gh_set_car_x' and `gh_set_cdr_x' Use `scm_set_car_x' and `scm_set_cdr_x' instead. `gh_list' Use `scm_list_n' instead. `gh_length' Replace `gh_length (LST)' with scm_to_size_t (scm_length (LST)) `gh_append' Use `scm_append' instead. `gh_append2', `gh_append3', `gh_append4' Replace `gh_appendN (L1, ..., LN)' by scm_append (scm_list_n (L1, ..., LN, SCM_UNDEFINED)) `gh_reverse' Use `scm_reverse' instead. `gh_list_tail' and `gh_list_ref' Use `scm_list_tail' and `scm_list_ref' instead. `gh_memq', `gh_memv' and `gh_member' Use `scm_memq', `scm_memv' and `scm_member' instead. `gh_assq', `gh_assv' and `gh_assoc' Use `scm_assq', `scm_assv' and `scm_assoc' instead. `gh_make_vector' Use `scm_make_vector' instead. `gh_vector' or `gh_list_to_vector' Use `scm_vector' instead. `gh_vector_ref' and `gh_vector_set_x' Use `scm_vector_ref' and `scm_vector_set_x' instead. `gh_vector_length' Use `scm_c_vector_length' instead. `gh_uniform_vector_length' Use `scm_c_uniform_vector_length' instead. `gh_uniform_vector_ref' Use `scm_c_uniform_vector_ref' instead. `gh_vector_to_list' Use `scm_vector_to_list' instead. `gh_apply' Use `scm_apply_0' instead. `gh_call0' `gh_call1' `gh_call2' `gh_call3' Use `scm_call_0', `scm_call_1', etc instead. `gh_display' `gh_write' `gh_newline' Use `scm_display (obj, scm_current_output_port ())' instead, etc. `gh_lookup' Use `scm_variable_ref (scm_c_lookup (name))' instead. `gh_module_lookup' Use `scm_variable_ref (scm_c_module_lookup (module, name))' instead.  File:, Node: GH preliminaries, Next: Data types and constants defined by GH, Prev: Transitioning away from GH, Up: GH 5.22.3 GH preliminaries ----------------------- To use gh, you must have the following toward the beginning of your C source: #include When you link, you will have to add at least `-lguile' to the list of libraries. If you are using more of Guile than the basic Scheme interpreter, you will have to add more libraries.  File:, Node: Data types and constants defined by GH, Next: Starting and controlling the interpreter, Prev: GH preliminaries, Up: GH 5.22.4 Data types and constants defined by GH --------------------------------------------- The following C constants and data types are defined in gh: `SCM' is a C data type used to store all Scheme data, no matter what the Scheme type. Values are converted between C data types and the SCM type with utility functions described below (*note Converting data between C and Scheme::). [FIXME: put in references to Jim's essay and so forth.] -- Constant: SCM_BOOL_T -- Constant: SCM_BOOL_F The _Scheme_ values returned by many boolean procedures in libguile. This can cause confusion because they are different from 0 and 1. In testing a boolean function in libguile programming, you must always make sure that you check the spec: `gh_' and `scm_' functions will usually return `SCM_BOOL_T' and `SCM_BOOL_F', but other C functions usually can be tested against 0 and 1, so programmers' fingers tend to just type `if (boolean_function()) { ... }' -- Constant: SCM_UNSPECIFIED This is a SCM value that is not the same as any legal Scheme value. It is the value that a Scheme function returns when its specification says that its return value is unspecified. -- Constant: SCM_UNDEFINED This is another SCM value that is not the same as any legal Scheme value. It is the value used to mark variables that do not yet have a value, and it is also used in C to terminate functions with variable numbers of arguments, such as `gh_list()'.  File:, Node: Starting and controlling the interpreter, Next: Error messages, Prev: Data types and constants defined by GH, Up: GH 5.22.5 Starting and controlling the interpreter ----------------------------------------------- In almost every case, your first `gh_' call will be: -- Function: void gh_enter (int ARGC, char *ARGV[], void (*MAIN_PROG)()) Starts up a Scheme interpreter with all the builtin Scheme primitives. `gh_enter()' never exits, and the user's code should all be in the `MAIN_PROG()' function. `argc' and `argv' will be passed to MAIN_PROG. -- Function: void main_prog (int ARGC, char *ARGV[]) This is the user's main program. It will be invoked by `gh_enter()' after Guile has been started up. Note that you can use `gh_repl' inside `gh_enter' (in other words, inside the code for `main-prog') if you want the program to be controlled by a Scheme read-eval-print loop. A convenience routine which enters the Guile interpreter with the standard Guile read-eval-print loop ("REPL") is: -- Function: void gh_repl (int ARGC, char *ARGV[]) Enters the Scheme interpreter giving control to the Scheme REPL. Arguments are processed as if the Guile program `guile' were being invoked. Note that `gh_repl' should be used _inside_ `gh_enter', since any Guile interpreter calls are meaningless unless they happen in the context of the interpreter. Also note that when you use `gh_repl', your program will be controlled by Guile's REPL (which is written in Scheme and has many useful features). Use straight C code inside `gh_enter' if you want to maintain execution control in your C program. You will typically use `gh_enter' and `gh_repl' when you want a Guile interpreter enhanced by your own libraries, but otherwise quite normal. For example, to build a Guile-derived program that includes some random number routines "GSL" (GNU Scientific Library), you would write a C program that looks like this: #include #include /* random number suite */ SCM gw_ran_seed(SCM s) { gsl_ran_seed(gh_scm2int(s)); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM gw_ran_random() { SCM x; x = gh_ulong2scm(gsl_ran_random()); return x; } SCM gw_ran_uniform() { SCM x; x = gh_double2scm(gsl_ran_uniform()); return x; } SCM gw_ran_max() { return gh_double2scm(gsl_ran_max()); } void init_gsl() { /* random number suite */ gh_new_procedure("gsl-ran-seed", gw_ran_seed, 1, 0, 0); gh_new_procedure("gsl-ran-random", gw_ran_random, 0, 0, 0); gh_new_procedure("gsl-ran-uniform", gw_ran_uniform, 0, 0, 0); gh_new_procedure("gsl-ran-max", gw_ran_max, 0, 0, 0); } void main_prog (int argc, char *argv[]) { init_gsl(); gh_repl(argc, argv); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gh_enter (argc, argv, main_prog); } Then, supposing the C program is in `guile-gsl.c', you could compile it with `gcc -o guile-gsl guile-gsl.c -lguile -lgsl'. The resulting program `guile-gsl' would have new primitive procedures `gsl-ran-random', `gsl-ran-gaussian' and so forth.  File:, Node: Error messages, Next: Executing Scheme code, Prev: Starting and controlling the interpreter, Up: GH 5.22.6 Error messages --------------------- [FIXME: need to fill this based on Jim's new mechanism]  File:, Node: Executing Scheme code, Next: Defining new Scheme procedures in C, Prev: Error messages, Up: GH 5.22.7 Executing Scheme code ---------------------------- Once you have an interpreter running, you can ask it to evaluate Scheme code. There are two calls that implement this: -- Function: SCM gh_eval_str (char *SCHEME_CODE) This asks the interpreter to evaluate a single string of Scheme code, and returns the result of the last expression evaluated. Note that the line of code in SCHEME_CODE must be a well formed Scheme expression. If you have many lines of code before you balance parentheses, you must either concatenate them into one string, or use `gh_eval_file()'. -- Function: SCM gh_eval_file (char *FNAME) -- Function: SCM gh_load (char *FNAME) `gh_eval_file' is completely analogous to `gh_eval_str()', except that a whole file is evaluated instead of a string. `gh_eval_file' returns `SCM_UNSPECIFIED'. `gh_load' is identical to `gh_eval_file' (it's a macro that calls `gh_eval_file' on its argument). It is provided to start making the `gh_' interface match the R5RS Scheme procedures closely.  File:, Node: Defining new Scheme procedures in C, Next: Converting data between C and Scheme, Prev: Executing Scheme code, Up: GH 5.22.8 Defining new Scheme procedures in C ------------------------------------------ The real interface between C and Scheme comes when you can write new Scheme procedures in C. This is done through the routine -- Libguile high: SCM gh_new_procedure (char *PROC_NAME, SCM (*FN)(), int N_REQUIRED_ARGS, int N_OPTIONAL_ARGS, int RESTP) `gh_new_procedure' defines a new Scheme procedure. Its Scheme name will be PROC_NAME, it will be implemented by the C function (*FN)(), it will take at least N_REQUIRED_ARGS arguments, and at most N_OPTIONAL_ARGS extra arguments. When the RESTP parameter is 1, the procedure takes a final argument: a list of remaining parameters. `gh_new_procedure' returns an SCM value representing the procedure. The C function FN should have the form -- Libguile high: SCM fn (SCM REQ1, SCM REQ2, ..., SCM OPT1, SCM OPT2, ..., SCM REST_ARGS) The arguments are all passed as SCM values, so the user will have to use the conversion functions to convert to standard C types. Examples of C functions used as new Scheme primitives can be found in the sample programs `learn0' and `learn1'. *Rationale:* this is the correct way to define new Scheme procedures in C. The ugly mess of arguments is required because of how C handles procedures with variable numbers of arguments. *NB:* what about documentation strings? There are several important considerations to be made when writing the C routine `(*fn)()'. First of all the C routine has to return type `SCM'. Second, all arguments passed to the C function will be of type `SCM'. Third: the C routine is now subject to Scheme flow control, which means that it could be interrupted at any point, and then reentered. This means that you have to be very careful with operations such as allocating memory, modifying static data ... Fourth: to get around the latter issue, you can use `GH_DEFER_INTS' and `GH_ALLOW_INTS'. -- Macro: GH_DEFER_INTS -- Macro: GH_ALLOW_INTS These macros disable and re-enable Scheme's flow control. They  File:, Node: Converting data between C and Scheme, Next: Type predicates, Prev: Defining new Scheme procedures in C, Up: GH 5.22.9 Converting data between C and Scheme ------------------------------------------- Guile provides mechanisms to convert data between C and Scheme. This allows new builtin procedures to understand their arguments (which are of type `SCM') and return values of type `SCM'. * Menu: * C to Scheme:: * Scheme to C::  File:, Node: C to Scheme, Next: Scheme to C, Up: Converting data between C and Scheme C to Scheme .................... -- Function: SCM gh_bool2scm (int X) Returns `#f' if X is zero, `#t' otherwise. -- Function: SCM gh_ulong2scm (unsigned long X) -- Function: SCM gh_long2scm (long X) -- Function: SCM gh_double2scm (double X) -- Function: SCM gh_char2scm (char X) Returns a Scheme object with the value of the C quantity X. -- Function: SCM gh_str2scm (char *S, int LEN) Returns a new Scheme string with the (not necessarily null-terminated) C array S data. -- Function: SCM gh_str02scm (char *S) Returns a new Scheme string with the null-terminated C string S data. -- Function: SCM gh_set_substr (char *SRC, SCM DST, int START, int LEN) Copy LEN characters at SRC into the _existing_ Scheme string DST, starting at START. START is an index into DST; zero means the beginning of the string. If START + LEN is off the end of DST, signal an out-of-range error. -- Function: SCM gh_symbol2scm (char *NAME) Given a null-terminated string NAME, return the symbol with that name. -- Function: SCM gh_ints2scm (int *DPTR, int N) -- Function: SCM gh_doubles2scm (double *DPTR, int N) Make a scheme vector containing the N ints or doubles at memory location DPTR. -- Function: SCM gh_chars2byvect (char *DPTR, int N) -- Function: SCM gh_shorts2svect (short *DPTR, int N) -- Function: SCM gh_longs2ivect (long *DPTR, int N) -- Function: SCM gh_ulongs2uvect (ulong *DPTR, int N) -- Function: SCM gh_floats2fvect (float *DPTR, int N) -- Function: SCM gh_doubles2dvect (double *DPTR, int N) Make a scheme uniform vector containing the N chars, shorts, longs, unsigned longs, floats or doubles at memory location DPTR.  File:, Node: Scheme to C, Prev: C to Scheme, Up: Converting data between C and Scheme Scheme to C .................... -- Function: int gh_scm2bool (SCM OBJ) -- Function: unsigned long gh_scm2ulong (SCM OBJ) -- Function: long gh_scm2long (SCM OBJ) -- Function: double gh_scm2double (SCM OBJ) -- Function: int gh_scm2char (SCM OBJ) These routines convert the Scheme object to the given C type. -- Function: char * gh_scm2newstr (SCM STR, size_t *LENP) Given a Scheme string STR, return a pointer to a new copy of its contents, followed by a null byte. If LENP is non-null, set `*LENP' to the string's length. This function uses malloc to obtain storage for the copy; the caller is responsible for freeing it. Note that Scheme strings may contain arbitrary data, including null characters. This means that null termination is not a reliable way to determine the length of the returned value. However, the function always copies the complete contents of STR, and sets *LENP to the true length of the string (when LENP is non-null). -- Function: void gh_get_substr (SCM str, char *return_str, int *lenp) Copy LEN characters at START from the Scheme string SRC to memory at DST. START is an index into SRC; zero means the beginning of the string. DST has already been allocated by the caller. If START + LEN is off the end of SRC, signal an out-of-range error. -- Function: char * gh_symbol2newstr (SCM SYM, int *LENP) Takes a Scheme symbol and returns a string of the form `"'symbol-name"'. If LENP is non-null, the string's length is returned in `*LENP'. This function uses malloc to obtain storage for the returned string; the caller is responsible for freeing it. -- Function: char * gh_scm2chars (SCM VECTOR, chars *RESULT) -- Function: short * gh_scm2shorts (SCM VECTOR, short *RESULT) -- Function: long * gh_scm2longs (SCM VECTOR, long *RESULT) -- Function: float * gh_scm2floats (SCM VECTOR, float *RESULT) -- Function: double * gh_scm2doubles (SCM VECTOR, double *RESULT) Copy the numbers in VECTOR to the array pointed to by RESULT and return it. If RESULT is NULL, allocate a double array large enough. VECTOR can be an ordinary vector, a weak vector, or a signed or unsigned uniform vector of the same type as the result array. For chars, VECTOR can be a string or substring. For floats and doubles, VECTOR can contain a mix of inexact and integer values. If VECTOR is of unsigned type and contains values too large to fit in the signed destination array, those values will be wrapped around, that is, data will be copied as if the destination array was unsigned.  File:, Node: Type predicates, Next: Equality predicates, Prev: Converting data between C and Scheme, Up: GH 5.22.10 Type predicates ----------------------- These C functions mirror Scheme's type predicate procedures with one important difference. The C routines return C boolean values (0 and 1) instead of `SCM_BOOL_T' and `SCM_BOOL_F'. The Scheme notational convention of putting a `?' at the end of predicate procedure names is mirrored in C by placing `_p' at the end of the procedure. For example, `(pair? ...)' maps to `gh_pair_p(...)'. -- Function: int gh_boolean_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a boolean, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_symbol_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a symbol, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_char_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a char, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_vector_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a vector, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_pair_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a pair, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_procedure_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a procedure, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_list_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is a list, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_inexact_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is an inexact number, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_exact_p (SCM VAL) Returns 1 if VAL is an exact number, 0 otherwise.  File:, Node: Equality predicates, Next: Memory allocation and garbage collection, Prev: Type predicates, Up: GH 5.22.11 Equality predicates --------------------------- These C functions mirror Scheme's equality predicate procedures with one important difference. The C routines return C boolean values (0 and 1) instead of `SCM_BOOL_T' and `SCM_BOOL_F'. The Scheme notational convention of putting a `?' at the end of predicate procedure names is mirrored in C by placing `_p' at the end of the procedure. For example, `(equal? ...)' maps to `gh_equal_p(...)'. -- Function: int gh_eq_p (SCM x, SCM y) Returns 1 if X and Y are equal in the sense of Scheme's `eq?' predicate, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_eqv_p (SCM x, SCM y) Returns 1 if X and Y are equal in the sense of Scheme's `eqv?' predicate, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_equal_p (SCM x, SCM y) Returns 1 if X and Y are equal in the sense of Scheme's `equal?' predicate, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_string_equal_p (SCM S1, SCM S2) Returns 1 if the strings S1 and S2 are equal, 0 otherwise. -- Function: int gh_null_p (SCM L) Returns 1 if L is an empty list or pair; 0 otherwise.  File:, Node: Memory allocation and garbage collection, Next: Calling Scheme procedures from C, Prev: Equality predicates, Up: GH 5.22.12 Memory allocation and garbage collection ------------------------------------------------  File:, Node: Calling Scheme procedures from C, Prev: Memory allocation and garbage collection, Up: GH 5.22.13 Calling Scheme procedures from C ---------------------------------------- Many of the Scheme primitives are available in the `gh_' interface; they take and return objects of type SCM, and one could basically use them to write C code that mimics Scheme code. I will list these routines here without much explanation, since what they do is the same as documented in *note R5RS: (r5rs)Standard procedures. But I will point out that when a procedure takes a variable number of arguments (such as `gh_list'), you should pass the constant SCM_UNDEFINED from C to signify the end of the list. -- Function: SCM gh_define (char *NAME, SCM VAL) Corresponds to the Scheme `(define name val)': it binds a value to the given name (which is a C string). Returns the new object. Pairs and lists =============== -- Function: SCM gh_cons (SCM A, SCM B) -- Function: SCM gh_list (SCM l0, SCM l1, ... , SCM_UNDEFINED) These correspond to the Scheme `(cons a b)' and `(list l0 l1 ...)' procedures. Note that `gh_list()' is a C macro that invokes `scm_list_n()'. -- Function: SCM gh_car (SCM OBJ) -- Function: SCM gh_cdr (SCM OBJ) ... -- Function: SCM gh_c[ad][ad][ad][ad]r (SCM OBJ) These correspond to the Scheme `(caadar ls)' procedures etc ... -- Function: SCM gh_set_car_x (SCM PAIR, SCM VALUE) Modifies the CAR of PAIR to be VALUE. This is equivalent to the Scheme procedure `(set-car! ...)'. -- Function: SCM gh_set_cdr_x (SCM PAIR, SCM VALUE) Modifies the CDR of PAIR to be VALUE. This is equivalent to the Scheme procedure `(set-cdr! ...)'. -- Function: unsigned long gh_length (SCM LS) Returns the length of the list. -- Function: SCM gh_append (SCM ARGS) -- Function: SCM gh_append2 (SCM L1, SCM L2) -- Function: SCM gh_append3 (SCM L1, SCM L2, L3) -- Function: SCM gh_append4 (SCM L1, SCM L2, L3, L4) `gh_append()' takes ARGS, which is a list of lists `(list1 list2 ...)', and returns a list containing all the elements of the individual lists. A typical invocation of `gh_append()' to append 5 lists together would be gh_append(gh_list(l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, SCM_UNDEFINED)); The functions `gh_append2()', `gh_append2()', `gh_append3()' and `gh_append4()' are convenience routines to make it easier for C programs to form the list of lists that goes as an argument to `gh_append()'. -- Function: SCM gh_reverse (SCM LS) Returns a new list that has the same elements as LS but in the reverse order. Note that this is implemented as a macro which calls `scm_reverse()'. -- Function: SCM gh_list_tail (SCM LS, SCM K) Returns the sublist of LS with the last K elements. -- Function: SCM gh_list_ref (SCM LS, SCM K) Returns the Kth element of the list LS. -- Function: SCM gh_memq (SCM X, SCM LS) -- Function: SCM gh_memv (SCM X, SCM LS) -- Function: SCM gh_member (SCM X, SCM LS) These functions return the first sublist of LS whose CAR is X. They correspond to `(memq x ls)', `(memv x ls)' and `(member x ls)', and hence use (respectively) `eq?', `eqv?' and `equal?' to do comparisons. If X does not appear in LS, the value `SCM_BOOL_F' (not the empty list) is returned. Note that these functions are implemented as macros which call `scm_memq()', `scm_memv()' and `scm_member()' respectively. -- Function: SCM gh_assq (SCM X, SCM ALIST) -- Function: SCM gh_assv (SCM X, SCM ALIST) -- Function: SCM gh_assoc (SCM X, SCM ALIST) These functions search an "association list" (list of pairs) ALIST for the first pair whose CAR is X, and they return that pair. If no pair in ALIST has X as its CAR, the value `SCM_BOOL_F' (not the empty list) is returned. Note that these functions are implemented as macros which call `scm_assq()', `scm_assv()' and `scm_assoc()' respectively. Symbols ======= Vectors ======= -- Function: SCM gh_make_vector (SCM N, SCM FILL) -- Function: SCM gh_vector (SCM LS) -- Function: SCM gh_vector_ref (SCM V, SCM I) -- Function: SCM gh_vector_set (SCM V, SCM I, SCM VAL) -- Function: unsigned long gh_vector_length (SCM V) -- Function: SCM gh_list_to_vector (SCM LS) These correspond to the Scheme `(make-vector n fill)', `(vector a b c ...)' `(vector-ref v i)' `(vector-set v i value)' `(vector-length v)' `(list->vector ls)' procedures. The correspondence is not perfect for `gh_vector': this routine takes a list LS instead of the individual list elements, thus making it identical to `gh_list_to_vector'. There is also a difference in gh_vector_length: the value returned is a C `unsigned long' instead of an SCM object. Procedures ========== -- Function: SCM gh_apply (SCM proc, SCM args) Call the Scheme procedure PROC, with the elements of ARGS as arguments. ARGS must be a proper list. -- Function: SCM gh_call0 (SCM proc) -- Function: SCM gh_call1 (SCM proc, SCM arg) -- Function: SCM gh_call2 (SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM arg2) -- Function: SCM gh_call3 (SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM arg2, SCM arg3) Call the Scheme procedure PROC with no arguments (`gh_call0'), one argument (`gh_call1'), and so on. You can get the same effect by wrapping the arguments up into a list, and calling `gh_apply'; Guile provides these functions for convenience. -- Function: SCM gh_catch (SCM key, SCM thunk, SCM handler) -- Function: SCM gh_throw (SCM key, SCM args) Corresponds to the Scheme `catch' and `throw' procedures, which in Guile are provided as primitives. -- Function: SCM gh_is_eq (SCM a, SCM b) -- Function: SCM gh_is_eqv (SCM a, SCM b) -- Function: SCM gh_is_equal (SCM a, SCM b) These correspond to the Scheme `eq?', `eqv?' and `equal?' predicates. -- Function: int gh_obj_length (SCM OBJ) Returns the raw object length. Data lookup =========== For now I just include Tim Pierce's comments from the `gh_data.c' file; it should be organized into a documentation of the two functions here. /* Data lookups between C and Scheme Look up a symbol with a given name, and return the object to which it is bound. gh_lookup examines the Guile top level, and gh_module_lookup checks the module name space specified by the `vec' argument. The return value is the Scheme object to which SNAME is bound, or SCM_UNDEFINED if SNAME is not bound in the given context. [FIXME: should this be SCM_UNSPECIFIED? Can a symbol ever legitimately be bound to SCM_UNDEFINED or SCM_UNSPECIFIED? What is the difference? -twp] */  File:, Node: Guile Modules, Next: Autoconf Support, Prev: API Reference, Up: Top 6 Guile Modules *************** * Menu: * SLIB:: Using the SLIB Scheme library. * POSIX:: POSIX system calls and networking. * getopt-long:: Command line handling. * SRFI Support:: Support for various SRFIs. * Readline Support:: Module for using the readline library. * Value History:: Maintaining a value history in the REPL. * Pretty Printing:: Nicely formatting Scheme objects for output. * Formatted Output:: The `format' procedure. * File Tree Walk:: Traversing the file system. * Queues:: First-in first-out queuing. * Streams:: Sequences of values. * Buffered Input:: Ports made from a reader function. * Expect:: Controlling interactive programs with Guile. * The Scheme shell (scsh):: Using scsh interfaces in Guile. * Tracing:: Tracing program execution.  File:, Node: SLIB, Next: POSIX, Up: Guile Modules 6.1 SLIB ======== Before the SLIB facilities can be used, the following Scheme expression must be executed: (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) `require' can then be used in the usual way (*note Require: (slib)Require.). For example, (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'primes) (prime? 13) => #t A few Guile core functions are overridden by the SLIB setups; for example the SLIB version of `delete-file' returns a boolean indicating success or failure, whereas the Guile core version throws an error for failure. In general (and as might be expected) when SLIB is loaded it's the SLIB specifications that are followed. * Menu: * SLIB installation:: * JACAL::  File:, Node: SLIB installation, Next: JACAL, Up: SLIB 6.1.1 SLIB installation ----------------------- The following procedure works, e.g., with SLIB version 3a3 (*note SLIB installation: (slib)Installation.): 1. Unpack SLIB and install it using `make install' from its directory. By default, this will install SLIB in `/usr/local/lib/slib/'. Running `make installinfo' installs its documentation, by default under `/usr/local/info/'. 2. Define the `SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable: $ SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/slib/ $ export SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH Alternatively, you can create a symlink in the Guile directory to SLIB, e.g.: ln -s /usr/local/lib/slib /usr/local/share/guile/1.8/slib 3. Use Guile to create the catalog file, e.g.,: # guile guile> (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) guile> (require 'new-catalog) guile> (quit) The catalog data should now be in `/usr/local/share/guile/1.8/slibcat'. If instead you get an error such as: Unbound variable: scheme-implementation-type then a solution is to get a newer version of Guile, or to modify `ice-9/slib.scm' to use `define-public' for the offending variables.  File:, Node: JACAL, Prev: SLIB installation, Up: SLIB 6.1.2 JACAL ----------- Jacal is a symbolic math package written in Scheme by Aubrey Jaffer. It is usually installed as an extra package in SLIB. You can use Guile's interface to SLIB to invoke Jacal: (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (slib:load "math") (math) For complete documentation on Jacal, please read the Jacal manual. If it has been installed on line, you can look at *note Jacal: (jacal)Top. Otherwise you can find it on the web at `'  File:, Node: POSIX, Next: getopt-long, Prev: SLIB, Up: Guile Modules 6.2 POSIX System Calls and Networking ===================================== * Menu: * Conventions:: Conventions employed by the POSIX interface. * Ports and File Descriptors:: Scheme ``ports'' and Unix file descriptors have different representations. * File System:: stat, chown, chmod, etc. * User Information:: Retrieving a user's GECOS (/etc/passwd) entry. * Time:: gettimeofday, localtime, strftime, etc. * Runtime Environment:: Accessing and modifying Guile's environment. * Processes:: getuid, getpid, etc. * Signals:: sigaction, kill, pause, alarm, setitimer, etc. * Terminals and Ptys:: ttyname, tcsetpgrp, etc. * Pipes:: Communicating data between processes. * Networking:: gethostbyaddr, getnetent, socket, bind, listen. * System Identification:: Obtaining information about the system. * Locales:: setlocale, etc. * Encryption::  File:, Node: Conventions, Next: Ports and File Descriptors, Up: POSIX 6.2.1 POSIX Interface Conventions --------------------------------- These interfaces provide access to operating system facilities. They provide a simple wrapping around the underlying C interfaces to make usage from Scheme more convenient. They are also used to implement the Guile port of scsh (*note The Scheme shell (scsh)::). Generally there is a single procedure for each corresponding Unix facility. There are some exceptions, such as procedures implemented for speed and convenience in Scheme with no primitive Unix equivalent, e.g. `copy-file'. The interfaces are intended as far as possible to be portable across different versions of Unix. In some cases procedures which can't be implemented on particular systems may become no-ops, or perform limited actions. In other cases they may throw errors. General naming conventions are as follows: * The Scheme name is often identical to the name of the underlying Unix facility. * Underscores in Unix procedure names are converted to hyphens. * Procedures which destructively modify Scheme data have exclamation marks appended, e.g., `recv!'. * Predicates (returning only `#t' or `#f') have question marks appended, e.g., `access?'. * Some names are changed to avoid conflict with dissimilar interfaces defined by scsh, e.g., `primitive-fork'. * Unix preprocessor names such as `EPERM' or `R_OK' are converted to Scheme variables of the same name (underscores are not replaced with hyphens). Unexpected conditions are generally handled by raising exceptions. There are a few procedures which return a special value if they don't succeed, e.g., `getenv' returns `#f' if it the requested string is not found in the environment. These cases are noted in the documentation. For ways to deal with exceptions, see *note Exceptions::. Errors which the C library would report by returning a null pointer or through some other means are reported by raising a `system-error' exception with `scm-error' (*note Error Reporting::). The DATA parameter is a list containing the Unix `errno' value (an integer). For example, (define (my-handler key func fmt fmtargs data) (display key) (newline) (display func) (newline) (apply format #t fmt fmtargs) (newline) (display data) (newline)) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (dup2 -123 -456)) my-handler) -| system-error dup2 Bad file descriptor (9) -- Function: system-error-errno arglist Return the `errno' value from a list which is the arguments to an exception handler. If the exception is not a `system-error', then the return is `#f'. For example, (catch 'system-error (lambda () (mkdir "/this-ought-to-fail-if-I'm-not-root")) (lambda stuff (let ((errno (system-error-errno stuff))) (cond ((= errno EACCES) (display "You're not allowed to do that.")) ((= errno EEXIST) (display "Already exists.")) (#t (display (strerror errno)))) (newline))))  File:, Node: Ports and File Descriptors, Next: File System, Prev: Conventions, Up: POSIX 6.2.2 Ports and File Descriptors -------------------------------- Conventions generally follow those of scsh, *note The Scheme shell (scsh)::. File ports are implemented using low-level operating system I/O facilities, with optional buffering to improve efficiency; see *note File Ports::. Note that some procedures (e.g., `recv!') will accept ports as arguments, but will actually operate directly on the file descriptor underlying the port. Any port buffering is ignored, including the buffer which implements `peek-char' and `unread-char'. The `force-output' and `drain-input' procedures can be used to clear the buffers. Each open file port has an associated operating system file descriptor. File descriptors are generally not useful in Scheme programs; however they may be needed when interfacing with foreign code and the Unix environment. A file descriptor can be extracted from a port and a new port can be created from a file descriptor. However a file descriptor is just an integer and the garbage collector doesn't recognize it as a reference to the port. If all other references to the port were dropped, then it's likely that the garbage collector would free the port, with the side-effect of closing the file descriptor prematurely. To assist the programmer in avoiding this problem, each port has an associated "revealed count" which can be used to keep track of how many times the underlying file descriptor has been stored in other places. If a port's revealed count is greater than zero, the file descriptor will not be closed when the port is garbage collected. A programmer can therefore ensure that the revealed count will be greater than zero if the file descriptor is needed elsewhere. For the simple case where a file descriptor is "imported" once to become a port, it does not matter if the file descriptor is closed when the port is garbage collected. There is no need to maintain a revealed count. Likewise when "exporting" a file descriptor to the external environment, setting the revealed count is not required provided the port is kept open (i.e., is pointed to by a live Scheme binding) while the file descriptor is in use. To correspond with traditional Unix behaviour, three file descriptors (0, 1, and 2) are automatically imported when a program starts up and assigned to the initial values of the current/standard input, output, and error ports, respectively. The revealed count for each is initially set to one, so that dropping references to one of these ports will not result in its garbage collection: it could be retrieved with `fdopen' or `fdes->ports'. -- Scheme Procedure: port-revealed port -- C Function: scm_port_revealed (port) Return the revealed count for PORT. -- Scheme Procedure: set-port-revealed! port rcount -- C Function: scm_set_port_revealed_x (port, rcount) Sets the revealed count for a PORT to RCOUNT. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: fileno port -- C Function: scm_fileno (port) Return the integer file descriptor underlying PORT. Does not change its revealed count. -- Scheme Procedure: port->fdes port Returns the integer file descriptor underlying PORT. As a side effect the revealed count of PORT is incremented. -- Scheme Procedure: fdopen fdes modes -- C Function: scm_fdopen (fdes, modes) Return a new port based on the file descriptor FDES. Modes are given by the string MODES. The revealed count of the port is initialized to zero. The MODES string is the same as that accepted by `open-file' (*note open-file: File Ports.). -- Scheme Procedure: fdes->ports fd -- C Function: scm_fdes_to_ports (fd) Return a list of existing ports which have FDES as an underlying file descriptor, without changing their revealed counts. -- Scheme Procedure: fdes->inport fdes Returns an existing input port which has FDES as its underlying file descriptor, if one exists, and increments its revealed count. Otherwise, returns a new input port with a revealed count of 1. -- Scheme Procedure: fdes->outport fdes Returns an existing output port which has FDES as its underlying file descriptor, if one exists, and increments its revealed count. Otherwise, returns a new output port with a revealed count of 1. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-move->fdes port fd -- C Function: scm_primitive_move_to_fdes (port, fd) Moves the underlying file descriptor for PORT to the integer value FDES without changing the revealed count of PORT. Any other ports already using this descriptor will be automatically shifted to new descriptors and their revealed counts reset to zero. The return value is `#f' if the file descriptor already had the required value or `#t' if it was moved. -- Scheme Procedure: move->fdes port fdes Moves the underlying file descriptor for PORT to the integer value FDES and sets its revealed count to one. Any other ports already using this descriptor will be automatically shifted to new descriptors and their revealed counts reset to zero. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: release-port-handle port Decrements the revealed count for a port. -- Scheme Procedure: fsync object -- C Function: scm_fsync (object) Copies any unwritten data for the specified output file descriptor to disk. If PORT/FD is a port, its buffer is flushed before the underlying file descriptor is fsync'd. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: open path flags [mode] -- C Function: scm_open (path, flags, mode) Open the file named by PATH for reading and/or writing. FLAGS is an integer specifying how the file should be opened. MODE is an integer specifying the permission bits of the file, if it needs to be created, before the umask (*note Processes::) is applied. The default is 666 (Unix itself has no default). FLAGS can be constructed by combining variables using `logior'. Basic flags are: -- Variable: O_RDONLY Open the file read-only. -- Variable: O_WRONLY Open the file write-only. -- Variable: O_RDWR Open the file read/write. -- Variable: O_APPEND Append to the file instead of truncating. -- Variable: O_CREAT Create the file if it does not already exist. *Note File Status Flags: (libc)File Status Flags, for additional flags. -- Scheme Procedure: open-fdes path flags [mode] -- C Function: scm_open_fdes (path, flags, mode) Similar to `open' but return a file descriptor instead of a port. -- Scheme Procedure: close fd_or_port -- C Function: scm_close (fd_or_port) Similar to `close-port' (*note close-port: Closing.), but also works on file descriptors. A side effect of closing a file descriptor is that any ports using that file descriptor are moved to a different file descriptor and have their revealed counts set to zero. -- Scheme Procedure: close-fdes fd -- C Function: scm_close_fdes (fd) A simple wrapper for the `close' system call. Close file descriptor FD, which must be an integer. Unlike `close', the file descriptor will be closed even if a port is using it. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: unread-char char [port] -- C Function: scm_unread_char (char, port) Place CHAR in PORT so that it will be read by the next read operation on that port. If called multiple times, the unread characters will be read again in "last-in, first-out" order (i.e. a stack). If PORT is not supplied, the current input port is used. -- Scheme Procedure: unread-string str port Place the string STR in PORT so that its characters will be read in subsequent read operations. If called multiple times, the unread characters will be read again in last-in first-out order. If PORT is not supplied, the current-input-port is used. -- Scheme Procedure: pipe -- C Function: scm_pipe () Return a newly created pipe: a pair of ports which are linked together on the local machine. The CAR is the input port and the CDR is the output port. Data written (and flushed) to the output port can be read from the input port. Pipes are commonly used for communication with a newly forked child process. The need to flush the output port can be avoided by making it unbuffered using `setvbuf'. -- Variable: PIPE_BUF A write of up to `PIPE_BUF' many bytes to a pipe is atomic, meaning when done it goes into the pipe instantaneously and as a contiguous block (*note Atomicity of Pipe I/O: (libc)Pipe Atomicity.). Note that the output port is likely to block if too much data has been written but not yet read from the input port. Typically the capacity is `PIPE_BUF' bytes. The next group of procedures perform a `dup2' system call, if NEWFD (an integer) is supplied, otherwise a `dup'. The file descriptor to be duplicated can be supplied as an integer or contained in a port. The type of value returned varies depending on which procedure is used. All procedures also have the side effect when performing `dup2' that any ports using NEWFD are moved to a different file descriptor and have their revealed counts set to zero. -- Scheme Procedure: dup->fdes fd_or_port [fd] -- C Function: scm_dup_to_fdes (fd_or_port, fd) Return a new integer file descriptor referring to the open file designated by FD_OR_PORT, which must be either an open file port or a file descriptor. -- Scheme Procedure: dup->inport port/fd [newfd] Returns a new input port using the new file descriptor. -- Scheme Procedure: dup->outport port/fd [newfd] Returns a new output port using the new file descriptor. -- Scheme Procedure: dup port/fd [newfd] Returns a new port if PORT/FD is a port, with the same mode as the supplied port, otherwise returns an integer file descriptor. -- Scheme Procedure: dup->port port/fd mode [newfd] Returns a new port using the new file descriptor. MODE supplies a mode string for the port (*note open-file: File Ports.). -- Scheme Procedure: duplicate-port port modes Returns a new port which is opened on a duplicate of the file descriptor underlying PORT, with mode string MODES as for *note open-file: File Ports. The two ports will share a file position and file status flags. Unexpected behaviour can result if both ports are subsequently used and the original and/or duplicate ports are buffered. The mode string can include `0' to obtain an unbuffered duplicate port. This procedure is equivalent to `(dup->port PORT MODES)'. -- Scheme Procedure: redirect-port old new -- C Function: scm_redirect_port (old, new) This procedure takes two ports and duplicates the underlying file descriptor from OLD-PORT into NEW-PORT. The current file descriptor in NEW-PORT will be closed. After the redirection the two ports will share a file position and file status flags. The return value is unspecified. Unexpected behaviour can result if both ports are subsequently used and the original and/or duplicate ports are buffered. This procedure does not have any side effects on other ports or revealed counts. -- Scheme Procedure: dup2 oldfd newfd -- C Function: scm_dup2 (oldfd, newfd) A simple wrapper for the `dup2' system call. Copies the file descriptor OLDFD to descriptor number NEWFD, replacing the previous meaning of NEWFD. Both OLDFD and NEWFD must be integers. Unlike for `dup->fdes' or `primitive-move->fdes', no attempt is made to move away ports which are using NEWFD. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: port-mode port Return the port modes associated with the open port PORT. These will not necessarily be identical to the modes used when the port was opened, since modes such as "append" which are used only during port creation are not retained. -- Scheme Procedure: port-for-each proc -- C Function: scm_port_for_each (SCM proc) -- C Function: scm_c_port_for_each (void (*proc)(void *, SCM), void *data) Apply PROC to each port in the Guile port table (FIXME: what is the Guile port table?) in turn. The return value is unspecified. More specifically, PROC is applied exactly once to every port that exists in the system at the time `port-for-each' is invoked. Changes to the port table while `port-for-each' is running have no effect as far as `port-for-each' is concerned. The C function `scm_port_for_each' takes a Scheme procedure encoded as a `SCM' value, while `scm_c_port_for_each' takes a pointer to a C function and passes along a arbitrary DATA cookie. -- Scheme Procedure: setvbuf port mode [size] -- C Function: scm_setvbuf (port, mode, size) Set the buffering mode for PORT. MODE can be: -- Variable: _IONBF non-buffered -- Variable: _IOLBF line buffered -- Variable: _IOFBF block buffered, using a newly allocated buffer of SIZE bytes. If SIZE is omitted, a default size will be used. -- Scheme Procedure: fcntl port/fd cmd [value] -- C Function: scm_fcntl (object, cmd, value) Apply CMD on PORT/FD, either a port or file descriptor. The VALUE argument is used by the `SET' commands described below, it's an integer value. Values for CMD are: -- Variable: F_DUPFD Duplicate the file descriptor, the same as `dup->fdes' above does. -- Variable: F_GETFD -- Variable: F_SETFD Get or set flags associated with the file descriptor. The only flag is the following, -- Variable: FD_CLOEXEC "Close on exec", meaning the file descriptor will be closed on an `exec' call (a successful such call). For example to set that flag, (fcntl port F_SETFD FD_CLOEXEC) Or better, set it but leave any other possible future flags unchanged, (fcntl port F_SETFD (logior FD_CLOEXEC (fcntl port F_GETFD))) -- Variable: F_GETFL -- Variable: F_SETFL Get or set flags associated with the open file. These flags are `O_RDONLY' etc described under `open' above. A common use is to set `O_NONBLOCK' on a network socket. The following sets that flag, and leaves other flags unchanged. (fcntl sock F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK (fcntl sock F_GETFL))) -- Variable: F_GETOWN -- Variable: F_SETOWN Get or set the process ID of a socket's owner, for `SIGIO' signals. -- Scheme Procedure: flock file operation -- C Function: scm_flock (file, operation) Apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file. OPERATION specifies the action to be done: -- Variable: LOCK_SH Shared lock. More than one process may hold a shared lock for a given file at a given time. -- Variable: LOCK_EX Exclusive lock. Only one process may hold an exclusive lock for a given file at a given time. -- Variable: LOCK_UN Unlock the file. -- Variable: LOCK_NB Don't block when locking. This is combined with one of the other operations using `logior' (*note Bitwise Operations::). If `flock' would block an `EWOULDBLOCK' error is thrown (*note Conventions::). The return value is not specified. FILE may be an open file descriptor or an open file descriptor port. Note that `flock' does not lock files across NFS. -- Scheme Procedure: select reads writes excepts [secs [usecs]] -- C Function: scm_select (reads, writes, excepts, secs, usecs) This procedure has a variety of uses: waiting for the ability to provide input, accept output, or the existence of exceptional conditions on a collection of ports or file descriptors, or waiting for a timeout to occur. It also returns if interrupted by a signal. READS, WRITES and EXCEPTS can be lists or vectors, with each member a port or a file descriptor. The value returned is a list of three corresponding lists or vectors containing only the members which meet the specified requirement. The ability of port buffers to provide input or accept output is taken into account. Ordering of the input lists or vectors is not preserved. The optional arguments SECS and USECS specify the timeout. Either SECS can be specified alone, as either an integer or a real number, or both SECS and USECS can be specified as integers, in which case USECS is an additional timeout expressed in microseconds. If SECS is omitted or is `#f' then select will wait for as long as it takes for one of the other conditions to be satisfied. The scsh version of `select' differs as follows: Only vectors are accepted for the first three arguments. The USECS argument is not supported. Multiple values are returned instead of a list. Duplicates in the input vectors appear only once in output. An additional `select!' interface is provided.  File:, Node: File System, Next: User Information, Prev: Ports and File Descriptors, Up: POSIX 6.2.3 File System ----------------- These procedures allow querying and setting file system attributes (such as owner, permissions, sizes and types of files); deleting, copying, renaming and linking files; creating and removing directories and querying their contents; syncing the file system and creating special files. -- Scheme Procedure: access? path how -- C Function: scm_access (path, how) Test accessibility of a file under the real UID and GID of the calling process. The return is `#t' if PATH exists and the permissions requested by HOW are all allowed, or `#f' if not. HOW is an integer which is one of the following values, or a bitwise-OR (`logior') of multiple values. -- Variable: R_OK Test for read permission. -- Variable: W_OK Test for write permission. -- Variable: X_OK Test for execute permission. -- Variable: F_OK Test for existence of the file. This is implied by each of the other tests, so there's no need to combine it with them. It's important to note that `access?' does not simply indicate what will happen on attempting to read or write a file. In normal circumstances it does, but in a set-UID or set-GID program it doesn't because `access?' tests the real ID, whereas an open or execute attempt uses the effective ID. A program which will never run set-UID/GID can ignore the difference between real and effective IDs, but for maximum generality, especially in library functions, it's best not to use `access?' to predict the result of an open or execute, instead simply attempt that and catch any exception. The main use for `access?' is to let a set-UID/GID program determine what the invoking user would have been allowed to do, without the greater (or perhaps lesser) privileges afforded by the effective ID. For more on this, see *note Testing File Access: (libc)Testing File Access. -- Scheme Procedure: stat object -- C Function: scm_stat (object) Return an object containing various information about the file determined by OBJ. OBJ can be a string containing a file name or a port or integer file descriptor which is open on a file (in which case `fstat' is used as the underlying system call). The object returned by `stat' can be passed as a single parameter to the following procedures, all of which return integers: -- Scheme Procedure: stat:dev st The device number containing the file. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:ino st The file serial number, which distinguishes this file from all other files on the same device. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:mode st The mode of the file. This is an integer which incorporates file type information and file permission bits. See also `stat:type' and `stat:perms' below. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:nlink st The number of hard links to the file. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:uid st The user ID of the file's owner. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:gid st The group ID of the file. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:rdev st Device ID; this entry is defined only for character or block special files. On some systems this field is not available at all, in which case `stat:rdev' returns `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:size st The size of a regular file in bytes. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:atime st The last access time for the file. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:mtime st The last modification time for the file. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:ctime st The last modification time for the attributes of the file. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:blksize st The optimal block size for reading or writing the file, in bytes. On some systems this field is not available, in which case `stat:blksize' returns a sensible suggested block size. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:blocks st The amount of disk space that the file occupies measured in units of 512 byte blocks. On some systems this field is not available, in which case `stat:blocks' returns `#f'. In addition, the following procedures return the information from `stat:mode' in a more convenient form: -- Scheme Procedure: stat:type st A symbol representing the type of file. Possible values are `regular', `directory', `symlink', `block-special', `char-special', `fifo', `socket', and `unknown'. -- Scheme Procedure: stat:perms st An integer representing the access permission bits. -- Scheme Procedure: lstat str -- C Function: scm_lstat (str) Similar to `stat', but does not follow symbolic links, i.e., it will return information about a symbolic link itself, not the file it points to. PATH must be a string. -- Scheme Procedure: readlink path -- C Function: scm_readlink (path) Return the value of the symbolic link named by PATH (a string), i.e., the file that the link points to. -- Scheme Procedure: chown object owner group -- C Function: scm_chown (object, owner, group) Change the ownership and group of the file referred to by OBJECT to the integer values OWNER and GROUP. OBJECT can be a string containing a file name or, if the platform supports `fchown' (*note File Owner: (libc)File Owner.), a port or integer file descriptor which is open on the file. The return value is unspecified. If OBJECT is a symbolic link, either the ownership of the link or the ownership of the referenced file will be changed depending on the operating system (lchown is unsupported at present). If OWNER or GROUP is specified as `-1', then that ID is not changed. -- Scheme Procedure: chmod object mode -- C Function: scm_chmod (object, mode) Changes the permissions of the file referred to by OBJ. OBJ can be a string containing a file name or a port or integer file descriptor which is open on a file (in which case `fchmod' is used as the underlying system call). MODE specifies the new permissions as a decimal number, e.g., `(chmod "foo" #o755)'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: utime pathname [actime [modtime]] -- C Function: scm_utime (pathname, actime, modtime) `utime' sets the access and modification times for the file named by PATH. If ACTIME or MODTIME is not supplied, then the current time is used. ACTIME and MODTIME must be integer time values as returned by the `current-time' procedure. (utime "foo" (- (current-time) 3600)) will set the access time to one hour in the past and the modification time to the current time. -- Scheme Procedure: delete-file str -- C Function: scm_delete_file (str) Deletes (or "unlinks") the file whose path is specified by STR. -- Scheme Procedure: copy-file oldfile newfile -- C Function: scm_copy_file (oldfile, newfile) Copy the file specified by OLDFILE to NEWFILE. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: rename-file oldname newname -- C Function: scm_rename (oldname, newname) Renames the file specified by OLDNAME to NEWNAME. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: link oldpath newpath -- C Function: scm_link (oldpath, newpath) Creates a new name NEWPATH in the file system for the file named by OLDPATH. If OLDPATH is a symbolic link, the link may or may not be followed depending on the system. -- Scheme Procedure: symlink oldpath newpath -- C Function: scm_symlink (oldpath, newpath) Create a symbolic link named NEWPATH with the value (i.e., pointing to) OLDPATH. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: mkdir path [mode] -- C Function: scm_mkdir (path, mode) Create a new directory named by PATH. If MODE is omitted then the permissions of the directory file are set using the current umask (*note Processes::). Otherwise they are set to the decimal value specified with MODE. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: rmdir path -- C Function: scm_rmdir (path) Remove the existing directory named by PATH. The directory must be empty for this to succeed. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: opendir dirname -- C Function: scm_opendir (dirname) Open the directory specified by DIRNAME and return a directory stream. -- Scheme Procedure: directory-stream? object -- C Function: scm_directory_stream_p (object) Return a boolean indicating whether OBJECT is a directory stream as returned by `opendir'. -- Scheme Procedure: readdir stream -- C Function: scm_readdir (stream) Return (as a string) the next directory entry from the directory stream STREAM. If there is no remaining entry to be read then the end of file object is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: rewinddir stream -- C Function: scm_rewinddir (stream) Reset the directory port STREAM so that the next call to `readdir' will return the first directory entry. -- Scheme Procedure: closedir stream -- C Function: scm_closedir (stream) Close the directory stream STREAM. The return value is unspecified. Here is an example showing how to display all the entries in a directory: (define dir (opendir "/usr/lib")) (do ((entry (readdir dir) (readdir dir))) ((eof-object? entry)) (display entry)(newline)) (closedir dir) -- Scheme Procedure: sync -- C Function: scm_sync () Flush the operating system disk buffers. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: mknod path type perms dev -- C Function: scm_mknod (path, type, perms, dev) Creates a new special file, such as a file corresponding to a device. PATH specifies the name of the file. TYPE should be one of the following symbols: `regular', `directory', `symlink', `block-special', `char-special', `fifo', or `socket'. PERMS (an integer) specifies the file permissions. DEV (an integer) specifies which device the special file refers to. Its exact interpretation depends on the kind of special file being created. E.g., (mknod "/dev/fd0" 'block-special #o660 (+ (* 2 256) 2)) The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: tmpnam -- C Function: scm_tmpnam () Return an auto-generated name of a temporary file, a file which doesn't already exist. The name includes a path, it's usually in `/tmp' but that's system dependent. Care must be taken when using `tmpnam'. In between choosing the name and creating the file another program might use that name, or an attacker might even make it a symlink pointing at something important and causing you to overwrite that. The safe way is to create the file using `open' with `O_EXCL' to avoid any overwriting. A loop can try again with another name if the file exists (error `EEXIST'). `mkstemp!' below does that. -- Scheme Procedure: mkstemp! tmpl -- C Function: scm_mkstemp (tmpl) Create a new unique file in the file system and return a new buffered port open for reading and writing to the file. TMPL is a string specifying where the file should be created: it must end with `XXXXXX' and those `X's will be changed in the string to return the name of the file. (`port-filename' on the port also gives the name.) POSIX doesn't specify the permissions mode of the file, on GNU and most systems it's `#o600'. An application can use `chmod' to relax that if desired. For example `#o666' less `umask', which is usual for ordinary file creation, (let ((port (mkstemp! (string-copy "/tmp/myfile-XXXXXX")))) (chmod port (logand #o666 (lognot (umask)))) ...) -- Scheme Procedure: dirname filename -- C Function: scm_dirname (filename) Return the directory name component of the file name FILENAME. If FILENAME does not contain a directory component, `.' is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: basename filename [suffix] -- C Function: scm_basename (filename, suffix) Return the base name of the file name FILENAME. The base name is the file name without any directory components. If SUFFIX is provided, and is equal to the end of BASENAME, it is removed also. (basename "/tmp/test.xml" ".xml") => "test" -- Scheme Procedure: file-exists? filename Return `#t' if the file named FILENAME exists, `#f' if not.  File:, Node: User Information, Next: Time, Prev: File System, Up: POSIX 6.2.4 User Information ---------------------- The facilities in this section provide an interface to the user and group database. They should be used with care since they are not reentrant. The following functions accept an object representing user information and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:name pw The name of the userid. -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:passwd pw The encrypted passwd. -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:uid pw The user id number. -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:gid pw The group id number. -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:gecos pw The full name. -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:dir pw The home directory. -- Scheme Procedure: passwd:shell pw The login shell. -- Scheme Procedure: getpwuid uid Look up an integer userid in the user database. -- Scheme Procedure: getpwnam name Look up a user name string in the user database. -- Scheme Procedure: setpwent Initializes a stream used by `getpwent' to read from the user database. The next use of `getpwent' will return the first entry. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: getpwent Read the next entry in the user database stream. The return is a passwd user object as above, or `#f' when no more entries. -- Scheme Procedure: endpwent Closes the stream used by `getpwent'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setpw [arg] -- C Function: scm_setpwent (arg) If called with a true argument, initialize or reset the password data stream. Otherwise, close the stream. The `setpwent' and `endpwent' procedures are implemented on top of this. -- Scheme Procedure: getpw [user] -- C Function: scm_getpwuid (user) Look up an entry in the user database. OBJ can be an integer, a string, or omitted, giving the behaviour of getpwuid, getpwnam or getpwent respectively. The following functions accept an object representing group information and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: group:name gr The group name. -- Scheme Procedure: group:passwd gr The encrypted group password. -- Scheme Procedure: group:gid gr The group id number. -- Scheme Procedure: group:mem gr A list of userids which have this group as a supplementary group. -- Scheme Procedure: getgrgid gid Look up an integer group id in the group database. -- Scheme Procedure: getgrnam name Look up a group name in the group database. -- Scheme Procedure: setgrent Initializes a stream used by `getgrent' to read from the group database. The next use of `getgrent' will return the first entry. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: getgrent Return the next entry in the group database, using the stream set by `setgrent'. -- Scheme Procedure: endgrent Closes the stream used by `getgrent'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setgr [arg] -- C Function: scm_setgrent (arg) If called with a true argument, initialize or reset the group data stream. Otherwise, close the stream. The `setgrent' and `endgrent' procedures are implemented on top of this. -- Scheme Procedure: getgr [name] -- C Function: scm_getgrgid (name) Look up an entry in the group database. OBJ can be an integer, a string, or omitted, giving the behaviour of getgrgid, getgrnam or getgrent respectively. In addition to the accessor procedures for the user database, the following shortcut procedures are also available. -- Scheme Procedure: cuserid -- C Function: scm_cuserid () Return a string containing a user name associated with the effective user id of the process. Return `#f' if this information cannot be obtained. This function has been removed from the latest POSIX specification, Guile provides it only if the system has it. Using `(getpwuid (geteuid))' may be a better idea. -- Scheme Procedure: getlogin -- C Function: scm_getlogin () Return a string containing the name of the user logged in on the controlling terminal of the process, or `#f' if this information cannot be obtained.  File:, Node: Time, Next: Runtime Environment, Prev: User Information, Up: POSIX 6.2.5 Time ---------- -- Scheme Procedure: current-time -- C Function: scm_current_time () Return the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, excluding leap seconds. -- Scheme Procedure: gettimeofday -- C Function: scm_gettimeofday () Return a pair containing the number of seconds and microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, excluding leap seconds. Note: whether true microsecond resolution is available depends on the operating system. The following procedures either accept an object representing a broken down time and return a selected component, or accept an object representing a broken down time and a value and set the component to the value. The numbers in parentheses give the usual range. -- Scheme Procedure: tm:sec tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:sec tm val Seconds (0-59). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:min tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:min tm val Minutes (0-59). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:hour tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:hour tm val Hours (0-23). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:mday tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:mday tm val Day of the month (1-31). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:mon tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:mon tm val Month (0-11). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:year tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:year tm val Year (70-), the year minus 1900. -- Scheme Procedure: tm:wday tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:wday tm val Day of the week (0-6) with Sunday represented as 0. -- Scheme Procedure: tm:yday tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:yday tm val Day of the year (0-364, 365 in leap years). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:isdst tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:isdst tm val Daylight saving indicator (0 for "no", greater than 0 for "yes", less than 0 for "unknown"). -- Scheme Procedure: tm:gmtoff tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:gmtoff tm val Time zone offset in seconds west of UTC (-46800 to 43200). For example on East coast USA (zone `EST+5') this would be 18000 (ie. 5*60*60) in winter, or 14400 (ie. 4*60*60) during daylight savings. Note `tm:gmtoff' is not the same as `tm_gmtoff' in the C `tm' structure. `tm_gmtoff' is seconds east and hence the negative of the value here. -- Scheme Procedure: tm:zone tm -- Scheme Procedure: set-tm:zone tm val Time zone label (a string), not necessarily unique. -- Scheme Procedure: localtime time [zone] -- C Function: scm_localtime (time, zone) Return an object representing the broken down components of TIME, an integer like the one returned by `current-time'. The time zone for the calculation is optionally specified by ZONE (a string), otherwise the `TZ' environment variable or the system default is used. -- Scheme Procedure: gmtime time -- C Function: scm_gmtime (time) Return an object representing the broken down components of TIME, an integer like the one returned by `current-time'. The values are calculated for UTC. -- Scheme Procedure: mktime sbd-time [zone] -- C Function: scm_mktime (sbd_time, zone) For a broken down time object SBD-TIME, return a pair the `car' of which is an integer time like `current-time', and the `cdr' of which is a new broken down time with normalized fields. ZONE is a timezone string, or the default is the `TZ' environment variable or the system default (*note Specifying the Time Zone with `TZ': (libc)TZ Variable.). SBD-TIME is taken to be in that ZONE. The following fields of SBD-TIME are used: `tm:year', `tm:mon', `tm:mday', `tm:hour', `tm:min', `tm:sec', `tm:isdst'. The values can be outside their usual ranges. For example `tm:hour' normally goes up to 23, but a value say 33 would mean 9 the following day. `tm:isdst' in SBD-TIME says whether the time given is with daylight savings or not. This is ignored if ZONE doesn't have any daylight savings adjustment amount. The broken down time in the return normalizes the values of SBD-TIME by bringing them into their usual ranges, and using the actual daylight savings rule for that time in ZONE (which may differ from what SBD-TIME had). The easiest way to think of this is that SBD-TIME plus ZONE converts to the integer UTC time, then a `localtime' is applied to get the normal presentation of that time, in ZONE. -- Scheme Procedure: tzset -- C Function: scm_tzset () Initialize the timezone from the `TZ' environment variable or the system default. It's not usually necessary to call this procedure since it's done automatically by other procedures that depend on the timezone. -- Scheme Procedure: strftime format tm -- C Function: scm_strftime (format, tm) Return a string which is broken-down time structure TM formatted according to the given FORMAT string. FORMAT contains field specifications introduced by a `%' character. See *note Formatting Calendar Time: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time, or `man 3 strftime', for the available formatting. (strftime "%c" (localtime (current-time))) => "Mon Mar 11 20:17:43 2002" If `setlocale' has been called (*note Locales::), month and day names are from the current locale and in the locale character set. Note that `%Z' might print the `tm:zone' in TM or it might print just the current zone (`tzset' above). A GNU system prints `tm:zone', a strict C99 system like NetBSD prints the current zone. Perhaps in the future Guile will try to get `tm:zone' used always. -- Scheme Procedure: strptime format string -- C Function: scm_strptime (format, string) Performs the reverse action to `strftime', parsing STRING according to the specification supplied in TEMPLATE. The interpretation of month and day names is dependent on the current locale. The value returned is a pair. The CAR has an object with time components in the form returned by `localtime' or `gmtime', but the time zone components are not usefully set. The CDR reports the number of characters from STRING which were used for the conversion. -- Variable: internal-time-units-per-second The value of this variable is the number of time units per second reported by the following procedures. -- Scheme Procedure: times -- C Function: scm_times () Return an object with information about real and processor time. The following procedures accept such an object as an argument and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: tms:clock tms The current real time, expressed as time units relative to an arbitrary base. -- Scheme Procedure: tms:utime tms The CPU time units used by the calling process. -- Scheme Procedure: tms:stime tms The CPU time units used by the system on behalf of the calling process. -- Scheme Procedure: tms:cutime tms The CPU time units used by terminated child processes of the calling process, whose status has been collected (e.g., using `waitpid'). -- Scheme Procedure: tms:cstime tms Similarly, the CPU times units used by the system on behalf of terminated child processes. -- Scheme Procedure: get-internal-real-time -- C Function: scm_get_internal_real_time () Return the number of time units since the interpreter was started. -- Scheme Procedure: get-internal-run-time -- C Function: scm_get_internal_run_time () Return the number of time units of processor time used by the interpreter. Both _system_ and _user_ time are included but subprocesses are not.  File:, Node: Runtime Environment, Next: Processes, Prev: Time, Up: POSIX 6.2.6 Runtime Environment ------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: program-arguments -- Scheme Procedure: command-line -- Scheme Procedure: set-program-arguments -- C Function: scm_program_arguments () -- C Function: scm_set_program_arguments_scm (lst) Get the command line arguments passed to Guile, or set new arguments. The arguments are a list of strings, the first of which is the invoked program name. This is just "guile" (or the executable path) when run interactively, or it's the script name when running a script with `-s' (*note Invoking Guile::). guile -L /my/extra/dir -s foo.scm abc def (program-arguments) => ("foo.scm" "abc" "def") `set-program-arguments' allows a library module or similar to modify the arguments, for example to strip options it recognises, leaving the rest for the mainline. The argument list is held in a fluid, which means it's separate for each thread. Neither the list nor the strings within it are copied at any point and normally should not be mutated. The two names `program-arguments' and `command-line' are an historical accident, they both do exactly the same thing. The name `scm_set_program_arguments_scm' has an extra `_scm' on the end to avoid clashing with the C function below. -- C Function: void scm_set_program_arguments (int argc, char **argv, char *first) Set the list of command line arguments for `program-arguments' and `command-line' above. ARGV is an array of null-terminated strings, as in a C `main' function. ARGC is the number of strings in ARGV, or if it's negative then a `NULL' in ARGV marks its end. FIRST is an extra string put at the start of the arguments, or `NULL' for no such extra. This is a convenient way to pass the program name after advancing ARGV to strip option arguments. Eg. { char *progname = argv[0]; for (argv++; argv[0] != NULL && argv[0][0] == '-'; argv++) { /* munch option ... */ } /* remaining args for scheme level use */ scm_set_program_arguments (-1, argv, progname); } This sort of thing is often done at startup under `scm_boot_guile' with options handled at the C level removed. The given strings are all copied, so the C data is not accessed again once `scm_set_program_arguments' returns. -- Scheme Procedure: getenv nam -- C Function: scm_getenv (nam) Looks up the string NAME in the current environment. The return value is `#f' unless a string of the form `NAME=VALUE' is found, in which case the string `VALUE' is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: setenv name value Modifies the environment of the current process, which is also the default environment inherited by child processes. If VALUE is `#f', then NAME is removed from the environment. Otherwise, the string NAME=VALUE is added to the environment, replacing any existing string with name matching NAME. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: unsetenv name Remove variable NAME from the environment. The name can not contain a `=' character. -- Scheme Procedure: environ [env] -- C Function: scm_environ (env) If ENV is omitted, return the current environment (in the Unix sense) as a list of strings. Otherwise set the current environment, which is also the default environment for child processes, to the supplied list of strings. Each member of ENV should be of the form NAME=VALUE and values of NAME should not be duplicated. If ENV is supplied then the return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: putenv str -- C Function: scm_putenv (str) Modifies the environment of the current process, which is also the default environment inherited by child processes. If STRING is of the form `NAME=VALUE' then it will be written directly into the environment, replacing any existing environment string with name matching `NAME'. If STRING does not contain an equal sign, then any existing string with name matching STRING will be removed. The return value is unspecified.  File:, Node: Processes, Next: Signals, Prev: Runtime Environment, Up: POSIX 6.2.7 Processes --------------- -- Scheme Procedure: chdir str -- C Function: scm_chdir (str) Change the current working directory to PATH. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: getcwd -- C Function: scm_getcwd () Return the name of the current working directory. -- Scheme Procedure: umask [mode] -- C Function: scm_umask (mode) If MODE is omitted, returns a decimal number representing the current file creation mask. Otherwise the file creation mask is set to MODE and the previous value is returned. *Note Assigning File Permissions: (libc)Setting Permissions, for more on how to use umasks. E.g., `(umask #o022)' sets the mask to octal 22/decimal 18. -- Scheme Procedure: chroot path -- C Function: scm_chroot (path) Change the root directory to that specified in PATH. This directory will be used for path names beginning with `/'. The root directory is inherited by all children of the current process. Only the superuser may change the root directory. -- Scheme Procedure: getpid -- C Function: scm_getpid () Return an integer representing the current process ID. -- Scheme Procedure: getgroups -- C Function: scm_getgroups () Return a vector of integers representing the current supplementary group IDs. -- Scheme Procedure: getppid -- C Function: scm_getppid () Return an integer representing the process ID of the parent process. -- Scheme Procedure: getuid -- C Function: scm_getuid () Return an integer representing the current real user ID. -- Scheme Procedure: getgid -- C Function: scm_getgid () Return an integer representing the current real group ID. -- Scheme Procedure: geteuid -- C Function: scm_geteuid () Return an integer representing the current effective user ID. If the system does not support effective IDs, then the real ID is returned. `(provided? 'EIDs)' reports whether the system supports effective IDs. -- Scheme Procedure: getegid -- C Function: scm_getegid () Return an integer representing the current effective group ID. If the system does not support effective IDs, then the real ID is returned. `(provided? 'EIDs)' reports whether the system supports effective IDs. -- Scheme Procedure: setgroups vec -- C Function: scm_setgroups (vec) Set the current set of supplementary group IDs to the integers in the given vector VEC. The return value is unspecified. Generally only the superuser can set the process group IDs (*note Setting the Group IDs: (libc)Setting Groups.). -- Scheme Procedure: setuid id -- C Function: scm_setuid (id) Sets both the real and effective user IDs to the integer ID, provided the process has appropriate privileges. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setgid id -- C Function: scm_setgid (id) Sets both the real and effective group IDs to the integer ID, provided the process has appropriate privileges. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: seteuid id -- C Function: scm_seteuid (id) Sets the effective user ID to the integer ID, provided the process has appropriate privileges. If effective IDs are not supported, the real ID is set instead--`(provided? 'EIDs)' reports whether the system supports effective IDs. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setegid id -- C Function: scm_setegid (id) Sets the effective group ID to the integer ID, provided the process has appropriate privileges. If effective IDs are not supported, the real ID is set instead--`(provided? 'EIDs)' reports whether the system supports effective IDs. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: getpgrp -- C Function: scm_getpgrp () Return an integer representing the current process group ID. This is the POSIX definition, not BSD. -- Scheme Procedure: setpgid pid pgid -- C Function: scm_setpgid (pid, pgid) Move the process PID into the process group PGID. PID or PGID must be integers: they can be zero to indicate the ID of the current process. Fails on systems that do not support job control. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setsid -- C Function: scm_setsid () Creates a new session. The current process becomes the session leader and is put in a new process group. The process will be detached from its controlling terminal if it has one. The return value is an integer representing the new process group ID. -- Scheme Procedure: waitpid pid [options] -- C Function: scm_waitpid (pid, options) This procedure collects status information from a child process which has terminated or (optionally) stopped. Normally it will suspend the calling process until this can be done. If more than one child process is eligible then one will be chosen by the operating system. The value of PID determines the behaviour: PID greater than 0 Request status information from the specified child process. PID equal to -1 or `WAIT_ANY' Request status information for any child process. PID equal to 0 or `WAIT_MYPGRP' Request status information for any child process in the current process group. PID less than -1 Request status information for any child process whose process group ID is -PID. The OPTIONS argument, if supplied, should be the bitwise OR of the values of zero or more of the following variables: -- Variable: WNOHANG Return immediately even if there are no child processes to be collected. -- Variable: WUNTRACED Report status information for stopped processes as well as terminated processes. The return value is a pair containing: 1. The process ID of the child process, or 0 if `WNOHANG' was specified and no process was collected. 2. The integer status value. The following three functions can be used to decode the process status code returned by `waitpid'. -- Scheme Procedure: status:exit-val status -- C Function: scm_status_exit_val (status) Return the exit status value, as would be set if a process ended normally through a call to `exit' or `_exit', if any, otherwise `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: status:term-sig status -- C Function: scm_status_term_sig (status) Return the signal number which terminated the process, if any, otherwise `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: status:stop-sig status -- C Function: scm_status_stop_sig (status) Return the signal number which stopped the process, if any, otherwise `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: system [cmd] -- C Function: scm_system (cmd) Execute CMD using the operating system's "command processor". Under Unix this is usually the default shell `sh'. The value returned is CMD's exit status as returned by `waitpid', which can be interpreted using the functions above. If `system' is called without arguments, return a boolean indicating whether the command processor is available. -- Scheme Procedure: system* . args -- C Function: scm_system_star (args) Execute the command indicated by ARGS. The first element must be a string indicating the command to be executed, and the remaining items must be strings representing each of the arguments to that command. This function returns the exit status of the command as provided by `waitpid'. This value can be handled with `status:exit-val' and the related functions. `system*' is similar to `system', but accepts only one string per-argument, and performs no shell interpretation. The command is executed using fork and execlp. Accordingly this function may be safer than `system' in situations where shell interpretation is not required. Example: (system* "echo" "foo" "bar") -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-exit [status] -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-_exit [status] -- C Function: scm_primitive_exit (status) -- C Function: scm_primitive__exit (status) Terminate the current process without unwinding the Scheme stack. The exit status is STATUS if supplied, otherwise zero. `primitive-exit' uses the C `exit' function and hence runs usual C level cleanups (flush output streams, call `atexit' functions, etc, see *note Normal Termination: (libc)Normal Termination.)). `primitive-_exit' is the `_exit' system call (*note Termination Internals: (libc)Termination Internals.). This terminates the program immediately, with neither Scheme-level nor C-level cleanups. The typical use for `primitive-_exit' is from a child process created with `primitive-fork'. For example in a Gdk program the child process inherits the X server connection and a C-level `atexit' cleanup which will close that connection. But closing in the child would upset the protocol in the parent, so `primitive-_exit' should be used to exit without that. -- Scheme Procedure: execl filename . args -- C Function: scm_execl (filename, args) Executes the file named by PATH as a new process image. The remaining arguments are supplied to the process; from a C program they are accessible as the `argv' argument to `main'. Conventionally the first ARG is the same as PATH. All arguments must be strings. If ARG is missing, PATH is executed with a null argument list, which may have system-dependent side-effects. This procedure is currently implemented using the `execv' system call, but we call it `execl' because of its Scheme calling interface. -- Scheme Procedure: execlp filename . args -- C Function: scm_execlp (filename, args) Similar to `execl', however if FILENAME does not contain a slash then the file to execute will be located by searching the directories listed in the `PATH' environment variable. This procedure is currently implemented using the `execvp' system call, but we call it `execlp' because of its Scheme calling interface. -- Scheme Procedure: execle filename env . args -- C Function: scm_execle (filename, env, args) Similar to `execl', but the environment of the new process is specified by ENV, which must be a list of strings as returned by the `environ' procedure. This procedure is currently implemented using the `execve' system call, but we call it `execle' because of its Scheme calling interface. -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-fork -- C Function: scm_fork () Creates a new "child" process by duplicating the current "parent" process. In the child the return value is 0. In the parent the return value is the integer process ID of the child. This procedure has been renamed from `fork' to avoid a naming conflict with the scsh fork. -- Scheme Procedure: nice incr -- C Function: scm_nice (incr) Increment the priority of the current process by INCR. A higher priority value means that the process runs less often. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setpriority which who prio -- C Function: scm_setpriority (which, who, prio) Set the scheduling priority of the process, process group or user, as indicated by WHICH and WHO. WHICH is one of the variables `PRIO_PROCESS', `PRIO_PGRP' or `PRIO_USER', and WHO is interpreted relative to WHICH (a process identifier for `PRIO_PROCESS', process group identifier for `PRIO_PGRP', and a user identifier for `PRIO_USER'. A zero value of WHO denotes the current process, process group, or user. PRIO is a value in the range [-20,20]. The default priority is 0; lower priorities (in numerical terms) cause more favorable scheduling. Sets the priority of all of the specified processes. Only the super-user may lower priorities. The return value is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: getpriority which who -- C Function: scm_getpriority (which, who) Return the scheduling priority of the process, process group or user, as indicated by WHICH and WHO. WHICH is one of the variables `PRIO_PROCESS', `PRIO_PGRP' or `PRIO_USER', and WHO should be interpreted depending on WHICH (a process identifier for `PRIO_PROCESS', process group identifier for `PRIO_PGRP', and a user identifier for `PRIO_USER'). A zero value of WHO denotes the current process, process group, or user. Return the highest priority (lowest numerical value) of any of the specified processes.  File:, Node: Signals, Next: Terminals and Ptys, Prev: Processes, Up: POSIX 6.2.8 Signals ------------- The following procedures raise, handle and wait for signals. Scheme code signal handlers are run via a system async (*note System asyncs::), so they're called in the handler's thread at the next safe opportunity. Generally this is after any currently executing primitive procedure finishes (which could be a long time for primitives that wait for an external event). -- Scheme Procedure: kill pid sig -- C Function: scm_kill (pid, sig) Sends a signal to the specified process or group of processes. PID specifies the processes to which the signal is sent: PID greater than 0 The process whose identifier is PID. PID equal to 0 All processes in the current process group. PID less than -1 The process group whose identifier is -PID PID equal to -1 If the process is privileged, all processes except for some special system processes. Otherwise, all processes with the current effective user ID. SIG should be specified using a variable corresponding to the Unix symbolic name, e.g., -- Variable: SIGHUP Hang-up signal. -- Variable: SIGINT Interrupt signal. A full list of signals on the GNU system may be found in *note Standard Signals: (libc)Standard Signals. -- Scheme Procedure: raise sig -- C Function: scm_raise (sig) Sends a specified signal SIG to the current process, where SIG is as described for the `kill' procedure. -- Scheme Procedure: sigaction signum [handler [flags [thread]]] -- C Function: scm_sigaction (signum, handler, flags) -- C Function: scm_sigaction_for_thread (signum, handler, flags, thread) Install or report the signal handler for a specified signal. SIGNUM is the signal number, which can be specified using the value of variables such as `SIGINT'. If HANDLER is omitted, `sigaction' returns a pair: the CAR is the current signal hander, which will be either an integer with the value `SIG_DFL' (default action) or `SIG_IGN' (ignore), or the Scheme procedure which handles the signal, or `#f' if a non-Scheme procedure handles the signal. The CDR contains the current `sigaction' flags for the handler. If HANDLER is provided, it is installed as the new handler for SIGNUM. HANDLER can be a Scheme procedure taking one argument, or the value of `SIG_DFL' (default action) or `SIG_IGN' (ignore), or `#f' to restore whatever signal handler was installed before `sigaction' was first used. When a scheme procedure has been specified, that procedure will run in the given THREAD. When no thread has been given, the thread that made this call to `sigaction' is used. FLAGS is a `logior' (*note Bitwise Operations::) of the following (where provided by the system), or `0' for none. -- Variable: SA_NOCLDSTOP By default, `SIGCHLD' is signalled when a child process stops (ie. receives `SIGSTOP'), and when a child process terminates. With the `SA_NOCLDSTOP' flag, `SIGCHLD' is only signalled for termination, not stopping. `SA_NOCLDSTOP' has no effect on signals other than `SIGCHLD'. -- Variable: SA_RESTART If a signal occurs while in a system call, deliver the signal then restart the system call (as opposed to returning an `EINTR' error from that call). The return value is a pair with information about the old handler as described above. This interface does not provide access to the "signal blocking" facility. Maybe this is not needed, since the thread support may provide solutions to the problem of consistent access to data structures. -- Scheme Procedure: restore-signals -- C Function: scm_restore_signals () Return all signal handlers to the values they had before any call to `sigaction' was made. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: alarm i -- C Function: scm_alarm (i) Set a timer to raise a `SIGALRM' signal after the specified number of seconds (an integer). It's advisable to install a signal handler for `SIGALRM' beforehand, since the default action is to terminate the process. The return value indicates the time remaining for the previous alarm, if any. The new value replaces the previous alarm. If there was no previous alarm, the return value is zero. -- Scheme Procedure: pause -- C Function: scm_pause () Pause the current process (thread?) until a signal arrives whose action is to either terminate the current process or invoke a handler procedure. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: sleep secs -- Scheme Procedure: usleep usecs -- C Function: scm_sleep (secs) -- C Function: scm_usleep (usecs) Wait the given period SECS seconds or USECS microseconds (both integers). If a signal arrives the wait stops and the return value is the time remaining, in seconds or microseconds respectively. If the period elapses with no signal the return is zero. On most systems the process scheduler is not microsecond accurate and the actual period slept by `usleep' might be rounded to a system clock tick boundary, which might be 10 milliseconds for instance. See `scm_std_sleep' and `scm_std_usleep' for equivalents at the C level (*note Blocking::). -- Scheme Procedure: getitimer which_timer -- Scheme Procedure: setitimer which_timer interval_seconds interval_microseconds periodic_seconds periodic_microseconds -- C Function: scm_getitimer (which_timer) -- C Function: scm_setitimer (which_timer, interval_seconds, interval_microseconds, periodic_seconds, periodic_microseconds) Get or set the periods programmed in certain system timers. These timers have a current interval value which counts down and on reaching zero raises a signal. An optional periodic value can be set to restart from there each time, for periodic operation. WHICH_TIMER is one of the following values -- Variable: ITIMER_REAL A real-time timer, counting down elapsed real time. At zero it raises `SIGALRM'. This is like `alarm' above, but with a higher resolution period. -- Variable: ITIMER_VIRTUAL A virtual-time timer, counting down while the current process is actually using CPU. At zero it raises `SIGVTALRM'. -- Variable: ITIMER_PROF A profiling timer, counting down while the process is running (like `ITIMER_VIRTUAL') and also while system calls are running on the process's behalf. At zero it raises a `SIGPROF'. This timer is intended for profiling where a program is spending its time (by looking where it is when the timer goes off). `getitimer' returns the current timer value and its programmed restart value, as a list containing two pairs. Each pair is a time in seconds and microseconds: `((INTERVAL_SECS . INTERVAL_USECS) (PERIODIC_SECS . PERIODIC_USECS))'. `setitimer' sets the timer values similarly, in seconds and microseconds (which must be integers). The periodic value can be zero to have the timer run down just once. The return value is the timer's previous setting, in the same form as `getitimer' returns. (setitimer ITIMER_REAL 5 500000 ;; first SIGALRM in 5.5 seconds time 2 0) ;; then repeat every 2 seconds Although the timers are programmed in microseconds, the actual accuracy might not be that high.  File:, Node: Terminals and Ptys, Next: Pipes, Prev: Signals, Up: POSIX 6.2.9 Terminals and Ptys ------------------------ -- Scheme Procedure: isatty? port -- C Function: scm_isatty_p (port) Return `#t' if PORT is using a serial non-file device, otherwise `#f'. -- Scheme Procedure: ttyname port -- C Function: scm_ttyname (port) Return a string with the name of the serial terminal device underlying PORT. -- Scheme Procedure: ctermid -- C Function: scm_ctermid () Return a string containing the file name of the controlling terminal for the current process. -- Scheme Procedure: tcgetpgrp port -- C Function: scm_tcgetpgrp (port) Return the process group ID of the foreground process group associated with the terminal open on the file descriptor underlying PORT. If there is no foreground process group, the return value is a number greater than 1 that does not match the process group ID of any existing process group. This can happen if all of the processes in the job that was formerly the foreground job have terminated, and no other job has yet been moved into the foreground. -- Scheme Procedure: tcsetpgrp port pgid -- C Function: scm_tcsetpgrp (port, pgid) Set the foreground process group ID for the terminal used by the file descriptor underlying PORT to the integer PGID. The calling process must be a member of the same session as PGID and must have the same controlling terminal. The return value is unspecified.  File:, Node: Pipes, Next: Networking, Prev: Terminals and Ptys, Up: POSIX 6.2.10 Pipes ------------ The following procedures are similar to the `popen' and `pclose' system routines. The code is in a separate "popen" module: (use-modules (ice-9 popen)) -- Scheme Procedure: open-pipe command mode -- Scheme Procedure: open-pipe* mode prog [args...] Execute a command in a subprocess, with a pipe to it or from it, or with pipes in both directions. `open-pipe' runs the shell COMMAND using `/bin/sh -c'. `open-pipe*' executes PROG directly, with the optional ARGS arguments (all strings). MODE should be one of the following values. `OPEN_READ' is an input pipe, ie. to read from the subprocess. `OPEN_WRITE' is an output pipe, ie. to write to it. -- Variable: OPEN_READ -- Variable: OPEN_WRITE -- Variable: OPEN_BOTH For an input pipe, the child's standard output is the pipe and standard input is inherited from `current-input-port'. For an output pipe, the child's standard input is the pipe and standard output is inherited from `current-output-port'. In all cases cases the child's standard error is inherited from `current-error-port' (*note Default Ports::). If those `current-X-ports' are not files of some kind, and hence don't have file descriptors for the child, then `/dev/null' is used instead. Care should be taken with `OPEN_BOTH', a deadlock will occur if both parent and child are writing, and waiting until the write completes before doing any reading. Each direction has `PIPE_BUF' bytes of buffering (*note Ports and File Descriptors::), which will be enough for small writes, but not for say putting a big file through a filter. -- Scheme Procedure: open-input-pipe command Equivalent to `open-pipe' with mode `OPEN_READ'. (let* ((port (open-input-pipe "date --utc")) (str (read-line port))) (close-pipe port) str) => "Mon Mar 11 20:10:44 UTC 2002" -- Scheme Procedure: open-output-pipe command Equivalent to `open-pipe' with mode `OPEN_WRITE'. (let ((port (open-output-pipe "lpr"))) (display "Something for the line printer.\n" port) (if (not (eqv? 0 (status:exit-val (close-pipe port)))) (error "Cannot print"))) -- Scheme Procedure: open-input-output-pipe command Equivalent to `open-pipe' with mode `OPEN_BOTH'. -- Scheme Procedure: close-pipe port Close a pipe created by `open-pipe', wait for the process to terminate, and return the wait status code. The status is as per `waitpid' and can be decoded with `status:exit-val' etc (*note Processes::) `waitpid WAIT_ANY' should not be used when pipes are open, since it can reap a pipe's child process, causing an error from a subsequent `close-pipe'. `close-port' (*note Closing::) can close a pipe, but it doesn't reap the child process. The garbage collector will close a pipe no longer in use, and reap the child process with `waitpid'. If the child hasn't yet terminated the garbage collector doesn't block, but instead checks again in the next GC. Many systems have per-user and system-wide limits on the number of processes, and a system-wide limit on the number of pipes, so pipes should be closed explicitly when no longer needed, rather than letting the garbage collector pick them up at some later time.  File:, Node: Networking, Next: System Identification, Prev: Pipes, Up: POSIX 6.2.11 Networking ----------------- * Menu: * Network Address Conversion:: * Network Databases:: * Network Socket Address:: * Network Sockets and Communication:: * Internet Socket Examples::  File:, Node: Network Address Conversion, Next: Network Databases, Up: Networking Network Address Conversion ................................... This section describes procedures which convert internet addresses between numeric and string formats. IPv4 Address Conversion ....................... An IPv4 Internet address is a 4-byte value, represented in Guile as an integer in host byte order, so that say "" is 1, or "" is 16777216. Some underlying C functions use network byte order for addresses, Guile converts as necessary so that at the Scheme level its host byte order everywhere. -- Variable: INADDR_ANY For a server, this can be used with `bind' (*note Network Sockets and Communication::) to allow connections from any interface on the machine. -- Variable: INADDR_BROADCAST The broadcast address on the local network. -- Variable: INADDR_LOOPBACK The address of the local host using the loopback device, ie. `'. -- Scheme Procedure: inet-aton address -- C Function: scm_inet_aton (address) Convert an IPv4 Internet address from printable string (dotted decimal notation) to an integer. E.g., (inet-aton "") => 2130706433 -- Scheme Procedure: inet-ntoa inetid -- C Function: scm_inet_ntoa (inetid) Convert an IPv4 Internet address to a printable (dotted decimal notation) string. E.g., (inet-ntoa 2130706433) => "" -- Scheme Procedure: inet-netof address -- C Function: scm_inet_netof (address) Return the network number part of the given IPv4 Internet address. E.g., (inet-netof 2130706433) => 127 -- Scheme Procedure: inet-lnaof address -- C Function: scm_lnaof (address) Return the local-address-with-network part of the given IPv4 Internet address, using the obsolete class A/B/C system. E.g., (inet-lnaof 2130706433) => 1 -- Scheme Procedure: inet-makeaddr net lna -- C Function: scm_inet_makeaddr (net, lna) Make an IPv4 Internet address by combining the network number NET with the local-address-within-network number LNA. E.g., (inet-makeaddr 127 1) => 2130706433 IPv6 Address Conversion ....................... An IPv6 Internet address is a 16-byte value, represented in Guile as an integer in host byte order, so that say "::1" is 1. -- Scheme Procedure: inet-ntop family address -- C Function: scm_inet_ntop (family, address) Convert a network address from an integer to a printable string. FAMILY can be `AF_INET' or `AF_INET6'. E.g., (inet-ntop AF_INET 2130706433) => "" (inet-ntop AF_INET6 (- (expt 2 128) 1)) => "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" -- Scheme Procedure: inet-pton family address -- C Function: scm_inet_pton (family, address) Convert a string containing a printable network address to an integer address. FAMILY can be `AF_INET' or `AF_INET6'. E.g., (inet-pton AF_INET "") => 2130706433 (inet-pton AF_INET6 "::1") => 1  File:, Node: Network Databases, Next: Network Socket Address, Prev: Network Address Conversion, Up: Networking Network Databases .......................... This section describes procedures which query various network databases. Care should be taken when using the database routines since they are not reentrant. The Host Database ................. A "host object" is a structure that represents what is known about a network host, and is the usual way of representing a system's network identity inside software. The following functions accept a host object and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: hostent:name host The "official" hostname for HOST. -- Scheme Procedure: hostent:aliases host A list of aliases for HOST. -- Scheme Procedure: hostent:addrtype host The host address type, one of the `AF' constants, such as `AF_INET' or `AF_INET6'. -- Scheme Procedure: hostent:length host The length of each address for HOST, in bytes. -- Scheme Procedure: hostent:addr-list host The list of network addresses associated with HOST. For `AF_INET' these are integer IPv4 address (*note Network Address Conversion::). The following procedures are used to search the host database: -- Scheme Procedure: gethost [host] -- Scheme Procedure: gethostbyname hostname -- Scheme Procedure: gethostbyaddr address -- C Function: scm_gethost (host) Look up a host by name or address, returning a host object. The `gethost' procedure will accept either a string name or an integer address; if given no arguments, it behaves like `gethostent' (see below). If a name or address is supplied but the address can not be found, an error will be thrown to one of the keys: `host-not-found', `try-again', `no-recovery' or `no-data', corresponding to the equivalent `h_error' values. Unusual conditions may result in errors thrown to the `system-error' or `misc_error' keys. (gethost "") => #("" () 2 4 (3353880842)) (gethostbyname "") => #("" ("") 2 4 (1073448978)) The following procedures may be used to step through the host database from beginning to end. -- Scheme Procedure: sethostent [stayopen] Initialize an internal stream from which host objects may be read. This procedure must be called before any calls to `gethostent', and may also be called afterward to reset the host entry stream. If STAYOPEN is supplied and is not `#f', the database is not closed by subsequent `gethostbyname' or `gethostbyaddr' calls, possibly giving an efficiency gain. -- Scheme Procedure: gethostent Return the next host object from the host database, or `#f' if there are no more hosts to be found (or an error has been encountered). This procedure may not be used before `sethostent' has been called. -- Scheme Procedure: endhostent Close the stream used by `gethostent'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: sethost [stayopen] -- C Function: scm_sethost (stayopen) If STAYOPEN is omitted, this is equivalent to `endhostent'. Otherwise it is equivalent to `sethostent stayopen'. The Network Database .................... The following functions accept an object representing a network and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: netent:name net The "official" network name. -- Scheme Procedure: netent:aliases net A list of aliases for the network. -- Scheme Procedure: netent:addrtype net The type of the network number. Currently, this returns only `AF_INET'. -- Scheme Procedure: netent:net net The network number. The following procedures are used to search the network database: -- Scheme Procedure: getnet [net] -- Scheme Procedure: getnetbyname net-name -- Scheme Procedure: getnetbyaddr net-number -- C Function: scm_getnet (net) Look up a network by name or net number in the network database. The NET-NAME argument must be a string, and the NET-NUMBER argument must be an integer. `getnet' will accept either type of argument, behaving like `getnetent' (see below) if no arguments are given. The following procedures may be used to step through the network database from beginning to end. -- Scheme Procedure: setnetent [stayopen] Initialize an internal stream from which network objects may be read. This procedure must be called before any calls to `getnetent', and may also be called afterward to reset the net entry stream. If STAYOPEN is supplied and is not `#f', the database is not closed by subsequent `getnetbyname' or `getnetbyaddr' calls, possibly giving an efficiency gain. -- Scheme Procedure: getnetent Return the next entry from the network database. -- Scheme Procedure: endnetent Close the stream used by `getnetent'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setnet [stayopen] -- C Function: scm_setnet (stayopen) If STAYOPEN is omitted, this is equivalent to `endnetent'. Otherwise it is equivalent to `setnetent stayopen'. The Protocol Database ..................... The following functions accept an object representing a protocol and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: protoent:name protocol The "official" protocol name. -- Scheme Procedure: protoent:aliases protocol A list of aliases for the protocol. -- Scheme Procedure: protoent:proto protocol The protocol number. The following procedures are used to search the protocol database: -- Scheme Procedure: getproto [protocol] -- Scheme Procedure: getprotobyname name -- Scheme Procedure: getprotobynumber number -- C Function: scm_getproto (protocol) Look up a network protocol by name or by number. `getprotobyname' takes a string argument, and `getprotobynumber' takes an integer argument. `getproto' will accept either type, behaving like `getprotoent' (see below) if no arguments are supplied. The following procedures may be used to step through the protocol database from beginning to end. -- Scheme Procedure: setprotoent [stayopen] Initialize an internal stream from which protocol objects may be read. This procedure must be called before any calls to `getprotoent', and may also be called afterward to reset the protocol entry stream. If STAYOPEN is supplied and is not `#f', the database is not closed by subsequent `getprotobyname' or `getprotobynumber' calls, possibly giving an efficiency gain. -- Scheme Procedure: getprotoent Return the next entry from the protocol database. -- Scheme Procedure: endprotoent Close the stream used by `getprotoent'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setproto [stayopen] -- C Function: scm_setproto (stayopen) If STAYOPEN is omitted, this is equivalent to `endprotoent'. Otherwise it is equivalent to `setprotoent stayopen'. The Service Database .................... The following functions accept an object representing a service and return a selected component: -- Scheme Procedure: servent:name serv The "official" name of the network service. -- Scheme Procedure: servent:aliases serv A list of aliases for the network service. -- Scheme Procedure: servent:port serv The Internet port used by the service. -- Scheme Procedure: servent:proto serv The protocol used by the service. A service may be listed many times in the database under different protocol names. The following procedures are used to search the service database: -- Scheme Procedure: getserv [name [protocol]] -- Scheme Procedure: getservbyname name protocol -- Scheme Procedure: getservbyport port protocol -- C Function: scm_getserv (name, protocol) Look up a network service by name or by service number, and return a network service object. The PROTOCOL argument specifies the name of the desired protocol; if the protocol found in the network service database does not match this name, a system error is signalled. The `getserv' procedure will take either a service name or number as its first argument; if given no arguments, it behaves like `getservent' (see below). (getserv "imap" "tcp") => #("imap2" ("imap") 143 "tcp") (getservbyport 88 "udp") => #("kerberos" ("kerberos5" "krb5") 88 "udp") The following procedures may be used to step through the service database from beginning to end. -- Scheme Procedure: setservent [stayopen] Initialize an internal stream from which service objects may be read. This procedure must be called before any calls to `getservent', and may also be called afterward to reset the service entry stream. If STAYOPEN is supplied and is not `#f', the database is not closed by subsequent `getservbyname' or `getservbyport' calls, possibly giving an efficiency gain. -- Scheme Procedure: getservent Return the next entry from the services database. -- Scheme Procedure: endservent Close the stream used by `getservent'. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: setserv [stayopen] -- C Function: scm_setserv (stayopen) If STAYOPEN is omitted, this is equivalent to `endservent'. Otherwise it is equivalent to `setservent stayopen'.  File:, Node: Network Socket Address, Next: Network Sockets and Communication, Prev: Network Databases, Up: Networking Network Socket Address ............................... A "socket address" object identifies a socket endpoint for communication. In the case of `AF_INET' for instance, the socket address object comprises the host address (or interface on the host) and a port number which specifies a particular open socket in a running client or server process. A socket address object can be created with, -- Scheme Procedure: make-socket-address AF_INET ipv4addr port -- Scheme Procedure: make-socket-address AF_INET6 ipv6addr port [flowinfo [scopeid]] -- Scheme Procedure: make-socket-address AF_UNIX path -- C Function: scm_make_socket_address family address arglist Return a new socket address object. The first argument is the address family, one of the `AF' constants, then the arguments vary according to the family. For `AF_INET' the arguments are an IPv4 network address number (*note Network Address Conversion::), and a port number. For `AF_INET6' the arguments are an IPv6 network address number and a port number. Optional FLOWINFO and SCOPEID arguments may be given (both integers, default 0). For `AF_UNIX' the argument is a filename (a string). The C function `scm_make_socket_address' takes the FAMILY and ADDRESS arguments directly, then ARGLIST is a list of further arguments, being the port for IPv4, port and optional flowinfo and scopeid for IPv6, or the empty list `SCM_EOL' for Unix domain. The following functions access the fields of a socket address object, -- Scheme Procedure: sockaddr:fam sa Return the address family from socket address object SA. This is one of the `AF' constants (eg. `AF_INET'). -- Scheme Procedure: sockaddr:path sa For an `AF_UNIX' socket address object SA, return the filename. -- Scheme Procedure: sockaddr:addr sa For an `AF_INET' or `AF_INET6' socket address object SA, return the network address number. -- Scheme Procedure: sockaddr:port sa For an `AF_INET' or `AF_INET6' socket address object SA, return the port number. -- Scheme Procedure: sockaddr:flowinfo sa For an `AF_INET6' socket address object SA, return the flowinfo value. -- Scheme Procedure: sockaddr:scopeid sa For an `AF_INET6' socket address object SA, return the scope ID value. The functions below convert to and from the C `struct sockaddr' (*note Address Formats: (libc)Address Formats.). That structure is a generic type, an application can cast to or from `struct sockaddr_in', `struct sockaddr_in6' or `struct sockaddr_un' according to the address family. In a `struct sockaddr' taken or returned, the byte ordering in the fields follows the C conventions (*note Byte Order Conversion: (libc)Byte Order.). This means network byte order for `AF_INET' host address (`sin_addr.s_addr') and port number (`sin_port'), and `AF_INET6' port number (`sin6_port'). But at the Scheme level these values are taken or returned in host byte order, so the port is an ordinary integer, and the host address likewise is an ordinary integer (as described in *note Network Address Conversion::). -- C Function: struct sockaddr * scm_c_make_socket_address (SCM family, SCM address, SCM args, size_t *outsize) Return a newly-`malloc'ed `struct sockaddr' created from arguments like those taken by `scm_make_socket_address' above. The size (in bytes) of the `struct sockaddr' return is stored into `*OUTSIZE'. An application must call `free' to release the returned structure when no longer required. -- C Function: SCM scm_from_sockaddr (const struct sockaddr *address, unsigned address_size) Return a Scheme socket address object from the C ADDRESS structure. ADDRESS_SIZE is the size in bytes of ADDRESS. -- C Function: struct sockaddr * scm_to_sockaddr (SCM address, size_t *address_size) Return a newly-`malloc'ed `struct sockaddr' from a Scheme level socket address object. The size (in bytes) of the `struct sockaddr' return is stored into `*OUTSIZE'. An application must call `free' to release the returned structure when no longer required.  File:, Node: Network Sockets and Communication, Next: Internet Socket Examples, Prev: Network Socket Address, Up: Networking Network Sockets and Communication .......................................... Socket ports can be created using `socket' and `socketpair'. The ports are initially unbuffered, to make reading and writing to the same port more reliable. A buffer can be added to the port using `setvbuf'; see *note Ports and File Descriptors::. Most systems have limits on how many files and sockets can be open, so it's strongly recommended that socket ports be closed explicitly when no longer required (*note Ports::). Some of the underlying C functions take values in network byte order, but the convention in Guile is that at the Scheme level everything is ordinary host byte order and conversions are made automatically where necessary. -- Scheme Procedure: socket family style proto -- C Function: scm_socket (family, style, proto) Return a new socket port of the type specified by FAMILY, STYLE and PROTO. All three parameters are integers. The possible values for FAMILY are as follows, where supported by the system, -- Variable: PF_UNIX -- Variable: PF_INET -- Variable: PF_INET6 The possible values for STYLE are as follows, again where supported by the system, -- Variable: SOCK_STREAM -- Variable: SOCK_DGRAM -- Variable: SOCK_RAW -- Variable: SOCK_RDM -- Variable: SOCK_SEQPACKET PROTO can be obtained from a protocol name using `getprotobyname' (*note Network Databases::). A value of zero means the default protocol, which is usually right. A socket cannot by used for communication until it has been connected somewhere, usually with either `connect' or `accept' below. -- Scheme Procedure: socketpair family style proto -- C Function: scm_socketpair (family, style, proto) Return a pair, the `car' and `cdr' of which are two unnamed socket ports connected to each other. The connection is full-duplex, so data can be transferred in either direction between the two. FAMILY, STYLE and PROTO are as per `socket' above. But many systems only support socket pairs in the `PF_UNIX' family. Zero is likely to be the only meaningful value for PROTO. -- Scheme Procedure: getsockopt sock level optname -- Scheme Procedure: setsockopt sock level optname value -- C Function: scm_getsockopt (sock, level, optname) -- C Function: scm_setsockopt (sock, level, optname, value) Get or set an option on socket port SOCK. `getsockopt' returns the current value. `setsockopt' sets a value and the return is unspecified. LEVEL is an integer specifying a protocol layer, either `SOL_SOCKET' for socket level options, or a protocol number from the `IPPROTO' constants or `getprotoent' (*note Network Databases::). -- Variable: SOL_SOCKET -- Variable: IPPROTO_IP -- Variable: IPPROTO_TCP -- Variable: IPPROTO_UDP OPTNAME is an integer specifying an option within the protocol layer. For `SOL_SOCKET' level the following OPTNAMEs are defined (when provided by the system). For their meaning see *note Socket-Level Options: (libc)Socket-Level Options, or `man 7 socket'. -- Variable: SO_DEBUG -- Variable: SO_REUSEADDR -- Variable: SO_STYLE -- Variable: SO_TYPE -- Variable: SO_ERROR -- Variable: SO_DONTROUTE -- Variable: SO_BROADCAST -- Variable: SO_SNDBUF -- Variable: SO_RCVBUF -- Variable: SO_KEEPALIVE -- Variable: SO_OOBINLINE -- Variable: SO_NO_CHECK -- Variable: SO_PRIORITY The VALUE taken or returned is an integer. -- Variable: SO_LINGER The VALUE taken or returned is a pair of integers `(ENABLE . TIMEOUT)'. On old systems without timeout support (ie. without `struct linger'), only ENABLE has an effect but the value in Guile is always a pair. For IP level (`IPPROTO_IP') the following OPTNAMEs are defined (when provided by the system). See `man ip' for what they mean. -- Variable: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP -- Variable: IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP These can be used only with `setsockopt', not `getsockopt'. VALUE is a pair `(MULTIADDR . INTERFACEADDR)' of integer IPv4 addresses (*note Network Address Conversion::). MULTIADDR is a multicast address to be added to or dropped from the interface INTERFACEADDR. INTERFACEADDR can be `INADDR_ANY' to have the system select the interface. INTERFACEADDR can also be an interface index number, on systems supporting that. -- Scheme Procedure: shutdown sock how -- C Function: scm_shutdown (sock, how) Sockets can be closed simply by using `close-port'. The `shutdown' procedure allows reception or transmission on a connection to be shut down individually, according to the parameter HOW: 0 Stop receiving data for this socket. If further data arrives, reject it. 1 Stop trying to transmit data from this socket. Discard any data waiting to be sent. Stop looking for acknowledgement of data already sent; don't retransmit it if it is lost. 2 Stop both reception and transmission. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: connect sock sockaddr -- Scheme Procedure: connect sock AF_INET ipv4addr port -- Scheme Procedure: connect sock AF_INET6 ipv6addr port [flowinfo [scopeid]] -- Scheme Procedure: connect sock AF_UNIX path -- C Function: scm_connect (sock, fam, address, args) Initiate a connection on socket port SOCK to a given address. The destination is either a socket address object, or arguments the same as `make-socket-address' would take to make such an object (*note Network Socket Address::). The return value is unspecified. (connect sock AF_INET INADDR_LOOPBACK 23) (connect sock (make-socket-address AF_INET INADDR_LOOPBACK 23)) -- Scheme Procedure: bind sock sockaddr -- Scheme Procedure: bind sock AF_INET ipv4addr port -- Scheme Procedure: bind sock AF_INET6 ipv6addr port [flowinfo [scopeid]] -- Scheme Procedure: bind sock AF_UNIX path -- C Function: scm_bind (sock, fam, address, args) Bind socket port SOCK to the given address. The address is either a socket address object, or arguments the same as `make-socket-address' would take to make such an object (*note Network Socket Address::). The return value is unspecified. Generally a socket is only explicitly bound to a particular address when making a server, ie. to listen on a particular port. For an outgoing connection the system will assign a local address automatically, if not already bound. (bind sock AF_INET INADDR_ANY 12345) (bind sock (make-socket-address AF_INET INADDR_ANY 12345)) -- Scheme Procedure: listen sock backlog -- C Function: scm_listen (sock, backlog) Enable SOCK to accept connection requests. BACKLOG is an integer specifying the maximum length of the queue for pending connections. If the queue fills, new clients will fail to connect until the server calls `accept' to accept a connection from the queue. The return value is unspecified. -- Scheme Procedure: accept sock -- C Function: scm_accept (sock) Accept a connection from socket port SOCK which has been enabled for listening with `listen' above. If there are no incoming connections in the queue, wait until one is available (unless `O_NONBLOCK' has been set on the socket, *note `fcntl': Ports and File Descriptors.). The return value is a pair. The `car' is a new socket port, connected and ready to communicate. The `cdr' is a socket address object (*note Network Socket Address::) which is where the remote connection is from (like `getpeername' below). All communication takes place using the new socket returned. The given SOCK remains bound and listening, and `accept' may be called on it again to get another incoming connection when desired. -- Scheme Procedure: getsockname sock -- C Function: scm_getsockname (sock) Return a socket address object which is the where SOCK is bound locally. SOCK may have obtained its local address from `bind' (above), or if a `connect' is done with an otherwise unbound socket (which is usual) then the system will have assigned an address. Note that on many systems the address of a socket in the `AF_UNIX' namespace cannot be read. -- Scheme Procedure: getpeername sock -- C Function: scm_getpeername (sock) Return a socket address object which is where SOCK is connected to, ie. the remote endpoint. Note that on many systems the address of a socket in the `AF_UNIX' namespace cannot be read. -- Scheme Procedure: recv! sock buf [flags] -- C Function: scm_recv (sock, buf, flags) Receive data from a socket port. SOCK must already be bound to the address from which data is to be received. BUF is a string into which the data will be written. The size of BUF limits the amount of data which can be received: in the case of packet protocols, if a packet larger than this limit is encountered then some data will be irrevocably lost. The optional FLAGS argument is a value or bitwise OR of `MSG_OOB', `MSG_PEEK', `MSG_DONTROUTE' etc. The value returned is the number of bytes read from the socket. Note that the data is read directly from the socket file descriptor: any unread buffered port data is ignored. -- Scheme Procedure: send sock message [flags] -- C Function: scm_send (sock, message, flags) Transmit the string MESSAGE on a socket port SOCK. SOCK must already be bound to a destination address. The value returned is the number of bytes transmitted--it's possible for this to be less than the length of MESSAGE if the socket is set to be non-blocking. The optional FLAGS argument is a value or bitwise OR of `MSG_OOB', `MSG_PEEK', `MSG_DONTROUTE' etc. Note that the data is written directly to the socket file descriptor: any unflushed buffered port data is ignored. -- Scheme Procedure: recvfrom! sock str [flags [start [end]]] -- C Function: scm_recvfrom (sock, str, flags, start, end) Receive data from socket port SOCK, returning the originating address as well as the data. This function is usually for datagram sockets, but can be used on stream-oriented sockets too. The data received is stored in the given STR, the whole string or just the region between the optional START and END positions. The size of STR limits the amount of data which can be received. For datagram protocols if a packet larger than this is received then excess bytes are irrevocably lost. The return value is a pair. The `car' is the number of bytes read. The `cdr' is a socket address object (*note Network Socket Address::) which is where the data came from, or `#f' if the origin is unknown. The optional FLAGS argument is a or bitwise-OR (`logior') of `MSG_OOB', `MSG_PEEK', `MSG_DONTROUTE' etc. Data is read directly from the socket file descriptor, any buffered port data is ignored. On a GNU/Linux system `recvfrom!' is not multi-threading, all threads stop while a `recvfrom!' call is in progress. An application may need to use `select', `O_NONBLOCK' or `MSG_DONTWAIT' to avoid this. -- Scheme Procedure: sendto sock message sockaddr [flags] -- Scheme Procedure: sendto sock message AF_INET ipv4addr port [flags] -- Scheme Procedure: sendto sock message AF_INET6 ipv6addr port [flowinfo [scopeid [flags]]] -- Scheme Procedure: sendto sock message AF_UNIX path [flags] -- C Function: scm_sendto (sock, message, fam, address, args_and_flags) Transmit the string MESSAGE as a datagram on socket port SOCK. The destination is specified either as a socket address object, or as arguments the same as would be taken by `make-socket-address' to create such an object (*note Network Socket Address::). The destination address may be followed by an optional FLAGS argument which is a `logior' (*note Bitwise Operations::) of `MSG_OOB', `MSG_PEEK', `MSG_DONTROUTE' etc. The value returned is the number of bytes transmitted - it's possible for this to be less than the length of MESSAGE if the socket is set to be non-blocking. Note that the data is written directly to the socket file descriptor: any unflushed buffered port data is ignored. The following functions can be used to convert short and long integers between "host" and "network" order. Although the procedures above do this automatically for addresses, the conversion will still need to be done when sending or receiving encoded integer data from the network. -- Scheme Procedure: htons value -- C Function: scm_htons (value) Convert a 16 bit quantity from host to network byte ordering. VALUE is packed into 2 bytes, which are then converted and returned as a new integer. -- Scheme Procedure: ntohs value -- C Function: scm_ntohs (value) Convert a 16 bit quantity from network to host byte ordering. VALUE is packed into 2 bytes, which are then converted and returned as a new integer. -- Scheme Procedure: htonl value -- C Function: scm_htonl (value) Convert a 32 bit quantity from host to network byte ordering. VALUE is packed into 4 bytes, which are then converted and returned as a new integer. -- Scheme Procedure: ntohl value -- C Function: scm_ntohl (value) Convert a 32 bit quantity from network to host byte ordering. VALUE is packed into 4 bytes, which are then converted and returned as a new integer. These procedures are inconvenient to use at present, but consider: (define write-network-long (lambda (value port) (let ((v (make-uniform-vector 1 1 0))) (uniform-vector-set! v 0 (htonl value)) (uniform-vector-write v port)))) (define read-network-long (lambda (port) (let ((v (make-uniform-vector 1 1 0))) (uniform-vector-read! v port) (ntohl (uniform-vector-ref v 0)))))  File:, Node: Internet Socket Examples, Prev: Network Sockets and Communication, Up: Networking Network Socket Examples ................................ The following give examples of how to use network sockets. Internet Socket Client Example .............................. The following example demonstrates an Internet socket client. It connects to the HTTP daemon running on the local machine and returns the contents of the root index URL. (let ((s (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))) (connect s AF_INET (inet-aton "") 80) (display "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" s) (do ((line (read-line s) (read-line s))) ((eof-object? line)) (display line) (newline))) Internet Socket Server Example .............................. The following example shows a simple Internet server which listens on port 2904 for incoming connections and sends a greeting back to the client. (let ((s (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))) (setsockopt s SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1) ;; Specific address? ;; (bind s AF_INET (inet-aton "") 2904) (bind s AF_INET INADDR_ANY 2904) (listen s 5) (simple-format #t "Listening for clients in pid: ~S" (getpid)) (newline) (while #t (let* ((client-connection (accept s)) (client-details (cdr client-connection)) (client (car client-connection))) (simple-format #t "Got new client connection: ~S" client-details) (newline) (simple-format #t "Client address: ~S" (gethostbyaddr (sockaddr:addr client-details))) (newline) ;; Send back the greeting to the client port (display "Hello client\r\n" client) (close client))))  File:, Node: System Identification, Next: Locales, Prev: Networking, Up: POSIX 6.2.12 System Identification ---------------------------- This section lists the various procedures Guile provides for accessing information about the system it runs on. -- Scheme Procedure: uname -- C Function: scm_uname () Return an object with some information about the computer system the program is running on. The following procedures accept an object as returned by `uname' and return a selected component (all of which are strings). -- Scheme Procedure: utsname:sysname un The name of the operating system. -- Scheme Procedure: utsname:nodename un The network name of the computer. -- Scheme Procedure: utsname:release un The current release level of the operating system implementation. -- Scheme Procedure: utsname:version un The current version level within the release of the operating system. -- Scheme Procedure: utsname:machine un A description of the hardware. -- Scheme Procedure: gethostname -- C Function: scm_gethostname () Return the host name of the current processor. -- Scheme Procedure: sethostname name -- C Function: scm_sethostname (name) Set the host name of the current processor to NAME. May only be used by the superuser. The return value is not specified.  File:, Node: Locales, Next: Encryption, Prev: System Identification, Up: POSIX 6.2.13 Locales -------------- -- Scheme Procedure: setlocale category [locale] -- C Function: scm_setlocale (category, locale) Get or set the current locale, used for various internationalizations. Locales are strings, such as `sv_SE'. If LOCALE is given then the locale for the given CATEGORY is set and the new value returned. If LOCALE is not given then the current value is returned. CATEGORY should be one of the following values -- Variable: LC_ALL -- Variable: LC_COLLATE -- Variable: LC_CTYPE -- Variable: LC_MESSAGES -- Variable: LC_MONETARY -- Variable: LC_NUMERIC -- Variable: LC_TIME A common usage is `(setlocale LC_ALL "")', which initializes all categories based on standard environment variables (`LANG' etc). For full details on categories and locale names *note Locales and Internationalization: (libc)Locales.  File:, Node: Encryption, Prev: Locales, Up: POSIX 6.2.14 Encryption ----------------- Please note that the procedures in this section are not suited for strong encryption, they are only interfaces to the well-known and common system library functions of the same name. They are just as good (or bad) as the underlying functions, so you should refer to your system documentation before using them (*note Encrypting Passwords: (libc)crypt.). -- Scheme Procedure: crypt key salt -- C Function: scm_crypt (key, salt) Encrypt KEY, with the addition of SALT (both strings), using the `crypt' C library call. Although `getpass' is not an encryption procedure per se, it appears here because it is often used in combination with `crypt': -- Scheme Procedure: getpass prompt -- C Function: scm_getpass (prompt) Display PROMPT to the standard error output and read a password from `/dev/tty'. If this file is not accessible, it reads from standard input. The password may be up to 127 characters in length. Additional characters and the terminating newline character are discarded. While reading the password, echoing and the generation of signals by special characters is disabled.  File:, Node: getopt-long, Next: SRFI Support, Prev: POSIX, Up: Guile Modules 6.3 The (ice-9 getopt-long) Module ================================== The `(ice-9 getopt-long)' module exports two procedures: `getopt-long' and `option-ref'. * `getopt-long' takes a list of strings -- the command line arguments -- and an "option specification". It parses the command line arguments according to the option specification and returns a data structure that encapsulates the results of the parsing. * `option-ref' then takes the parsed data structure and a specific option's name, and returns information about that option in particular. To make these procedures available to your Guile script, include the expression `(use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long))' somewhere near the top, before the first usage of `getopt-long' or `option-ref'. * Menu: * getopt-long Example:: A short getopt-long example. * Option Specification:: How to write an option specification. * Command Line Format:: The expected command line format. * getopt-long Reference:: Full documentation for `getopt-long'. * option-ref Reference:: Full documentation for `option-ref'.  File:, Node: getopt-long Example, Next: Option Specification, Up: getopt-long 6.3.1 A Short getopt-long Example --------------------------------- This section illustrates how `getopt-long' is used by presenting and dissecting a simple example. The first thing that we need is an "option specification" that tells `getopt-long' how to parse the command line. This specification is an association list with the long option name as the key. Here is how such a specification might look: (define option-spec '((version (single-char #\v) (value #f)) (help (single-char #\h) (value #f)))) This alist tells `getopt-long' that it should accept two long options, called _version_ and _help_, and that these options can also be selected by the single-letter abbreviations _v_ and _h_, respectively. The `(value #f)' clauses indicate that neither of the options accepts a value. With this specification we can use `getopt-long' to parse a given command line: (define options (getopt-long (command-line) option-spec)) After this call, `options' contains the parsed command line and is ready to be examined by `option-ref'. `option-ref' is called like this: (option-ref options 'help #f) It expects the parsed command line, a symbol indicating the option to examine, and a default value. The default value is returned if the option was not present in the command line, or if the option was present but without a value; otherwise the value from the command line is returned. Usually `option-ref' is called once for each possible option that a script supports. The following example shows a main program which puts all this together to parse its command line and figure out what the user wanted. (define (main args) (let* ((option-spec '((version (single-char #\v) (value #f)) (help (single-char #\h) (value #f)))) (options (getopt-long args option-spec)) (help-wanted (option-ref options 'help #f)) (version-wanted (option-ref options 'version #f))) (if (or version-wanted help-wanted) (begin (if version-wanted (display "getopt-long-example version 0.3\n")) (if help-wanted (display "\ getopt-long-example [options] -v, --version Display version -h, --help Display this help "))) (begin (display "Hello, World!") (newline)))))  File:, Node: Option Specification, Next: Command Line Format, Prev: getopt-long Example, Up: getopt-long 6.3.2 How to Write an Option Specification ------------------------------------------ An option specification is an association list (*note Association Lists::) with one list element for each supported option. The key of each list element is a symbol that names the option, while the value is a list of option properties: OPTION-SPEC ::= '( (OPT-NAME1 (PROP-NAME PROP-VALUE) ...) (OPT-NAME2 (PROP-NAME PROP-VALUE) ...) (OPT-NAME3 (PROP-NAME PROP-VALUE) ...) ... ) Each OPT-NAME specifies the long option name for that option. For example, a list element with OPT-NAME `background' specifies an option that can be specified on the command line using the long option `--background'. Further information about the option -- whether it takes a value, whether it is required to be present in the command line, and so on -- is specified by the option properties. In the example of the preceding section, we already saw that a long option name can have a equivalent "short option" character. The equivalent short option character can be set for an option by specifying a `single-char' property in that option's property list. For example, a list element like `'(output (single-char #\o) ...)' specifies an option with long name `--output' that can also be specified by the equivalent short name `-o'. The `value' property specifies whether an option requires or accepts a value. If the `value' property is set to `#t', the option requires a value: `getopt-long' will signal an error if the option name is present without a corresponding value. If set to `#f', the option does not take a value; in this case, a non-option word that follows the option name in the command line will be treated as a non-option argument. If set to the symbol `optional', the option accepts a value but does not require one: a non-option word that follows the option name in the command line will be interpreted as that option's value. If the option name for an option with `'(value optional)' is immediately followed in the command line by _another_ option name, the value for the first option is implicitly `#t'. The `required?' property indicates whether an option is required to be present in the command line. If the `required?' property is set to `#t', `getopt-long' will signal an error if the option is not specified. Finally, the `predicate' property can be used to constrain the possible values of an option. If used, the `predicate' property should be set to a procedure that takes one argument -- the proposed option value as a string -- and returns either `#t' or `#f' according as the proposed value is or is not acceptable. If the predicate procedure returns `#f', `getopt-long' will signal an error. By default, options do not have single-character equivalents, are not required, and do not take values. Where the list element for an option includes a `value' property but no `predicate' property, the option values are unconstrained.  File:, Node: Command Line Format, Next: getopt-long Reference, Prev: Option Specification, Up: getopt-long 6.3.3 Expected Command Line Format ---------------------------------- In order for `getopt-long' to correctly parse a command line, that command line must conform to a standard set of rules for how command line options are specified. This section explains what those rules are. `getopt-long' splits a given command line into several pieces. All elements of the argument list are classified to be either options or normal arguments. Options consist of two dashes and an option name (so-called "long" options), or of one dash followed by a single letter ("short" options). Options can behave as switches, when they are given without a value, or they can be used to pass a value to the program. The value for an option may be specified using an equals sign, or else is simply the next word in the command line, so the following two invocations are equivalent: $ ./foo.scm --output=bar.txt $ ./foo.scm --output bar.txt Short options can be used instead of their long equivalents and can be grouped together after a single dash. For example, the following commands are equivalent. $ ./foo.scm --version --help $ ./foo.scm -v --help $ ./foo.scm -vh If an option requires a value, it can only be grouped together with other short options if it is the last option in the group; the value is the next argument. So, for example, with the following option specification -- ((apples (single-char #\a)) (blimps (single-char #\b) (value #t)) (catalexis (single-char #\c) (value #t))) -- the following command lines would all be acceptable: $ ./foo.scm -a -b bang -c couth $ ./foo.scm -ab bang -c couth $ ./foo.scm -ac couth -b bang But the next command line is an error, because `-b' is not the last option in its combination, and because a group of short options cannot include two options that both require values: $ ./foo.scm -abc couth bang If an option's value is optional, `getopt-long' decides whether the option has a value by looking at what follows it in the argument list. If the next element is a string, and it does not appear to be an option itself, then that string is the option's value. If the option `--' appears in the argument list, argument parsing stops there and subsequent arguments are returned as ordinary arguments, even if they resemble options. So, with the command line $ ./foo.scm --apples "Granny Smith" -- --blimp Goodyear `getopt-long' will recognize the `--apples' option as having the value "Granny Smith", but will not treat `--blimp' as an option. The strings `--blimp' and `Goodyear' will be returned as ordinary argument strings.  File:, Node: getopt-long Reference, Next: option-ref Reference, Prev: Command Line Format, Up: getopt-long 6.3.4 Reference Documentation for `getopt-long' ----------------------------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: getopt-long args grammar Parse the command line given in ARGS (which must be a list of strings) according to the option specification GRAMMAR. The GRAMMAR argument is expected to be a list of this form: `((OPTION (PROPERTY VALUE) ...) ...)' where each OPTION is a symbol denoting the long option, but without the two leading dashes (e.g. `version' if the option is called `--version'). For each option, there may be list of arbitrarily many property/value pairs. The order of the pairs is not important, but every property may only appear once in the property list. The following table lists the possible properties: `(single-char CHAR)' Accept `-CHAR' as a single-character equivalent to `--OPTION'. This is how to specify traditional Unix-style flags. `(required? BOOL)' If BOOL is true, the option is required. `getopt-long' will raise an error if it is not found in ARGS. `(value BOOL)' If BOOL is `#t', the option accepts a value; if it is `#f', it does not; and if it is the symbol `optional', the option may appear in ARGS with or without a value. `(predicate FUNC)' If the option accepts a value (i.e. you specified `(value #t)' for this option), then `getopt-long' will apply FUNC to the value, and throw an exception if it returns `#f'. FUNC should be a procedure which accepts a string and returns a boolean value; you may need to use quasiquotes to get it into GRAMMAR. `getopt-long''s ARGS parameter is expected to be a list of strings like the one returned by `command-line', with the first element being the name of the command. Therefore `getopt-long' ignores the first element in ARGS and starts argument interpretation with the second element. `getopt-long' signals an error if any of the following conditions hold. * The option grammar has an invalid syntax. * One of the options in the argument list was not specified by the grammar. * A required option is omitted. * An option which requires an argument did not get one. * An option that doesn't accept an argument does get one (this can only happen using the long option `--opt=VALUE' syntax). * An option predicate fails.  File:, Node: option-ref Reference, Prev: getopt-long Reference, Up: getopt-long 6.3.5 Reference Documentation for `option-ref' ---------------------------------------------- -- Scheme Procedure: option-ref options key default Search OPTIONS for a command line option named KEY and return its value, if found. If the option has no value, but was given, return `#t'. If the option was not given, return DEFAULT. OPTIONS must be the result of a call to `getopt-long'. `option-ref' always succeeds, either by returning the requested option value from the command line, or the default value. The special key `'()' can be used to get a list of all non-option arguments.  File:, Node: SRFI Support, Next: Readline Support, Prev: getopt-long, Up: Guile Modules 6.4 SRFI Support Modules ======================== SRFI is an acronym for Scheme Request For Implementation. The SRFI documents define a lot of syntactic and procedure extensions to standard Scheme as defined in R5RS. Guile has support for a number of SRFIs. This chapter gives an overview over the available SRFIs and some usage hints. For complete documentation, design rationales and further examples, we advise you to get the relevant SRFI documents from the SRFI home page `'. * Menu: * About SRFI Usage:: What to know about Guile's SRFI support. * SRFI-0:: cond-expand * SRFI-1:: List library. * SRFI-2:: and-let*. * SRFI-4:: Homogeneous numeric vector datatypes. * SRFI-6:: Basic String Ports. * SRFI-8:: receive. * SRFI-9:: define-record-type. * SRFI-10:: Hash-Comma Reader Extension. * SRFI-11:: let-values and let*-values. * SRFI-13:: String library. * SRFI-14:: Character-set library. * SRFI-16:: case-lambda * SRFI-17:: Generalized set! * SRFI-19:: Time/Date library. * SRFI-26:: Specializing parameters * SRFI-31:: A special form `rec' for recursive evaluation * SRFI-34:: Exception handling. * SRFI-35:: Conditions. * SRFI-37:: args-fold program argument processor * SRFI-39:: Parameter objects * SRFI-55:: Requiring Features. * SRFI-60:: Integers as bits. * SRFI-61:: A more general `cond' clause * SRFI-69:: Basic hash tables. * SRFI-88:: Keyword objects.  File:, Node: About SRFI Usage, Next: SRFI-0, Up: SRFI Support 6.4.1 About SRFI Usage ---------------------- SRFI support in Guile is currently implemented partly in the core library, and partly as add-on modules. That means that some SRFIs are automatically available when the interpreter is started, whereas the other SRFIs require you to use the appropriate support module explicitly. There are several reasons for this inconsistency. First, the feature checking syntactic form `cond-expand' (*note SRFI-0::) must be available immediately, because it must be there when the user wants to check for the Scheme implementation, that is, before she can know that it is safe to use `use-modules' to load SRFI support modules. The second reason is that some features defined in SRFIs had been implemented in Guile before the developers started to add SRFI implementations as modules (for example SRFI-6 (*note SRFI-6::)). In the future, it is possible that SRFIs in the core library might be factored out into separate modules, requiring explicit module loading when they are needed. So you should be prepared to have to use `use-modules' someday in the future to access SRFI-6 bindings. If you want, you can do that already. We have included the module `(srfi srfi-6)' in the distribution, which currently does nothing, but ensures that you can write future-safe code. Generally, support for a specific SRFI is made available by using modules named `(srfi srfi-NUMBER)', where NUMBER is the number of the SRFI needed. Another possibility is to use the command line option `--use-srfi', which will load the necessary modules automatically (*note Invoking Guile::).  File:, Node: SRFI-0, Next: SRFI-1, Prev: About SRFI Usage, Up: SRFI Support 6.4.2 SRFI-0 - cond-expand -------------------------- This SRFI lets a portable Scheme program test for the presence of certain features, and adapt itself by using different blocks of code, or fail if the necessary features are not available. There's no module to load, this is in the Guile core. A program designed only for Guile will generally not need this mechanism, such a program can of course directly use the various documented parts of Guile. -- syntax: cond-expand (feature body...) ... Expand to the BODY of the first clause whose FEATURE specification is satisfied. It is an error if no FEATURE is satisfied. Features are symbols such as `srfi-1', and a feature specification can use `and', `or' and `not' forms to test combinations. The last clause can be an `else', to be used if no other passes. For example, define a private version of `alist-cons' if SRFI-1 is not available. (cond-expand (srfi-1 ) (else (define (alist-cons key val alist) (cons (cons key val) alist)))) Or demand a certain set of SRFIs (list operations, string ports, `receive' and string operations), failing if they're not available. (cond-expand ((and srfi-1 srfi-6 srfi-8 srfi-13) )) The Guile core has the following features, guile r5rs srfi-0 srfi-4 srfi-6 srfi-13 srfi-14 Other SRFI feature symbols are defined once their code has been loaded with `use-modules', since only then are their bindings available. The `--use-srfi' command line option (*note Invoking Guile::) is a good way to load SRFIs to satisfy `cond-expand' when running a portable program. Testing the `guile' feature allows a program to adapt itself to the Guile module system, but still run on other Scheme systems. For example the following demands SRFI-8 (`receive'), but also knows how to load it with the Guile mechanism. (cond-expand (srfi-8 ) (guile (use-modules (srfi srfi-8)))) It should be noted that `cond-expand' is separate from the `*features*' mechanism (*note Feature Tracking::), feature symbols in one are unrelated to those in the other.  File:, Node: SRFI-1, Next: SRFI-2, Prev: SRFI-0, Up: SRFI Support 6.4.3 SRFI-1 - List library --------------------------- The list library defined in SRFI-1 contains a lot of useful list processing procedures for construction, examining, destructuring and manipulating lists and pairs. Since SRFI-1 also defines some procedures which are already contained in R5RS and thus are supported by the Guile core library, some list and pair procedures which appear in the SRFI-1 document may not appear in this section. So when looking for a particular list/pair processing procedure, you should also have a look at the sections *note Lists:: and *note Pairs::. * Menu: * SRFI-1 Constructors:: Constructing new lists. * SRFI-1 Predicates:: Testing list for specific properties. * SRFI-1 Selectors:: Selecting elements from lists. * SRFI-1 Length Append etc:: Length calculation and list appending. * SRFI-1 Fold and Map:: Higher-order list processing. * SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning:: Filter lists based on predicates. * SRFI-1 Searching:: Search for elements. * SRFI-1 Deleting:: Delete elements from lists. * SRFI-1 Association Lists:: Handle association lists. * SRFI-1 Set Operations:: Use lists for representing sets.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Constructors, Next: SRFI-1 Predicates, Up: SRFI-1 Constructors .................... New lists can be constructed by calling one of the following procedures. -- Scheme Procedure: xcons d a Like `cons', but with interchanged arguments. Useful mostly when passed to higher-order procedures. -- Scheme Procedure: list-tabulate n init-proc Return an N-element list, where each list element is produced by applying the procedure INIT-PROC to the corresponding list index. The order in which INIT-PROC is applied to the indices is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: list-copy lst Return a new list containing the elements of the list LST. This function differs from the core `list-copy' (*note List Constructors::) in accepting improper lists too. And if LST is not a pair at all then it's treated as the final tail of an improper list and simply returned. -- Scheme Procedure: circular-list elt1 elt2 ... Return a circular list containing the given arguments ELT1 ELT2 .... -- Scheme Procedure: iota count [start step] Return a list containing COUNT numbers, starting from START and adding STEP each time. The default START is 0, the default STEP is 1. For example, (iota 6) => (0 1 2 3 4 5) (iota 4 2.5 -2) => (2.5 0.5 -1.5 -3.5) This function takes its name from the corresponding primitive in the APL language.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Predicates, Next: SRFI-1 Selectors, Prev: SRFI-1 Constructors, Up: SRFI-1 Predicates .................. The procedures in this section test specific properties of lists. -- Scheme Procedure: proper-list? obj Return `#t' if OBJ is a proper list, or `#f' otherwise. This is the same as the core `list?' (*note List Predicates::). A proper list is a list which ends with the empty list `()' in the usual way. The empty list `()' itself is a proper list too. (proper-list? '(1 2 3)) => #t (proper-list? '()) => #t -- Scheme Procedure: circular-list? obj Return `#t' if OBJ is a circular list, or `#f' otherwise. A circular list is a list where at some point the `cdr' refers back to a previous pair in the list (either the start or some later point), so that following the `cdr's takes you around in a circle, with no end. (define x (list 1 2 3 4)) (set-cdr! (last-pair x) (cddr x)) x => (1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 ...) (circular-list? x) => #t -- Scheme Procedure: dotted-list? obj Return `#t' if OBJ is a dotted list, or `#f' otherwise. A dotted list is a list where the `cdr' of the last pair is not the empty list `()'. Any non-pair OBJ is also considered a dotted list, with length zero. (dotted-list? '(1 2 . 3)) => #t (dotted-list? 99) => #t It will be noted that any Scheme object passes exactly one of the above three tests `proper-list?', `circular-list?' and `dotted-list?'. Non-lists are `dotted-list?', finite lists are either `proper-list?' or `dotted-list?', and infinite lists are `circular-list?'. -- Scheme Procedure: null-list? lst Return `#t' if LST is the empty list `()', `#f' otherwise. If something else than a proper or circular list is passed as LST, an error is signalled. This procedure is recommended for checking for the end of a list in contexts where dotted lists are not allowed. -- Scheme Procedure: not-pair? obj Return `#t' is OBJ is not a pair, `#f' otherwise. This is shorthand notation `(not (pair? OBJ))' and is supposed to be used for end-of-list checking in contexts where dotted lists are allowed. -- Scheme Procedure: list= elt= list1 ... Return `#t' if all argument lists are equal, `#f' otherwise. List equality is determined by testing whether all lists have the same length and the corresponding elements are equal in the sense of the equality predicate ELT=. If no or only one list is given, `#t' is returned.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Selectors, Next: SRFI-1 Length Append etc, Prev: SRFI-1 Predicates, Up: SRFI-1 Selectors ................. -- Scheme Procedure: first pair -- Scheme Procedure: second pair -- Scheme Procedure: third pair -- Scheme Procedure: fourth pair -- Scheme Procedure: fifth pair -- Scheme Procedure: sixth pair -- Scheme Procedure: seventh pair -- Scheme Procedure: eighth pair -- Scheme Procedure: ninth pair -- Scheme Procedure: tenth pair These are synonyms for `car', `cadr', `caddr', .... -- Scheme Procedure: car+cdr pair Return two values, the CAR and the CDR of PAIR. -- Scheme Procedure: take lst i -- Scheme Procedure: take! lst i Return a list containing the first I elements of LST. `take!' may modify the structure of the argument list LST in order to produce the result. -- Scheme Procedure: drop lst i Return a list containing all but the first I elements of LST. -- Scheme Procedure: take-right lst i Return the a list containing the I last elements of LST. The return shares a common tail with LST. -- Scheme Procedure: drop-right lst i -- Scheme Procedure: drop-right! lst i Return the a list containing all but the I last elements of LST. `drop-right' always returns a new list, even when I is zero. `drop-right!' may modify the structure of the argument list LST in order to produce the result. -- Scheme Procedure: split-at lst i -- Scheme Procedure: split-at! lst i Return two values, a list containing the first I elements of the list LST and a list containing the remaining elements. `split-at!' may modify the structure of the argument list LST in order to produce the result. -- Scheme Procedure: last lst Return the last element of the non-empty, finite list LST.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Length Append etc, Next: SRFI-1 Fold and Map, Prev: SRFI-1 Selectors, Up: SRFI-1 Length, Append, Concatenate, etc. ......................................... -- Scheme Procedure: length+ lst Return the length of the argument list LST. When LST is a circular list, `#f' is returned. -- Scheme Procedure: concatenate list-of-lists -- Scheme Procedure: concatenate! list-of-lists Construct a list by appending all lists in LIST-OF-LISTS. `concatenate!' may modify the structure of the given lists in order to produce the result. `concatenate' is the same as `(apply append LIST-OF-LISTS)'. It exists because some Scheme implementations have a limit on the number of arguments a function takes, which the `apply' might exceed. In Guile there is no such limit. -- Scheme Procedure: append-reverse rev-head tail -- Scheme Procedure: append-reverse! rev-head tail Reverse REV-HEAD, append TAIL to it, and return the result. This is equivalent to `(append (reverse REV-HEAD) TAIL)', but its implementation is more efficient. (append-reverse '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) => (3 2 1 4 5 6) `append-reverse!' may modify REV-HEAD in order to produce the result. -- Scheme Procedure: zip lst1 lst2 ... Return a list as long as the shortest of the argument lists, where each element is a list. The first list contains the first elements of the argument lists, the second list contains the second elements, and so on. -- Scheme Procedure: unzip1 lst -- Scheme Procedure: unzip2 lst -- Scheme Procedure: unzip3 lst -- Scheme Procedure: unzip4 lst -- Scheme Procedure: unzip5 lst `unzip1' takes a list of lists, and returns a list containing the first elements of each list, `unzip2' returns two lists, the first containing the first elements of each lists and the second containing the second elements of each lists, and so on. -- Scheme Procedure: count pred lst1 ... lstN Return a count of the number of times PRED returns true when called on elements from the given lists. PRED is called with N parameters `(PRED ELEM1 ... ELEMN)', each element being from the corresponding LST1 ... LSTN. The first call is with the first element of each list, the second with the second element from each, and so on. Counting stops when the end of the shortest list is reached. At least one list must be non-circular.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Fold and Map, Next: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning, Prev: SRFI-1 Length Append etc, Up: SRFI-1 Fold, Unfold & Map .......................... -- Scheme Procedure: fold proc init lst1 ... lstN -- Scheme Procedure: fold-right proc init lst1 ... lstN Apply PROC to the elements of LST1 ... LSTN to build a result, and return that result. Each PROC call is `(PROC ELEM1 ... ELEMN PREVIOUS)', where ELEM1 is from LST1, through ELEMN from LSTN. PREVIOUS is the return from the previous call to PROC, or the given INIT for the first call. If any list is empty, just INIT is returned. `fold' works through the list elements from first to last. The following shows a list reversal and the calls it makes, (fold cons '() '(1 2 3)) (cons 1 '()) (cons 2 '(1)) (cons 3 '(2 1) => (3 2 1) `fold-right' works through the list elements from last to first, ie. from the right. So for example the following finds the longest string, and the last among equal longest, (fold-right (lambda (str prev) (if (> (string-length str) (string-length prev)) str prev)) "" '("x" "abc" "xyz" "jk")) => "xyz" If LST1 through LSTN have different lengths, `fold' stops when the end of the shortest is reached; `fold-right' commences at the last element of the shortest. Ie. elements past the length of the shortest are ignored in the other LSTs. At least one LST must be non-circular. `fold' should be preferred over `fold-right' if the order of processing doesn't matter, or can be arranged either way, since `fold' is a little more efficient. The way `fold' builds a result from iterating is quite general, it can do more than other iterations like say `map' or `filter'. The following for example removes adjacent duplicate elements from a list, (define (delete-adjacent-duplicates lst) (fold-right (lambda (elem ret) (if (equal? elem (first ret)) ret (cons elem ret))) (list (last lst)) lst)) (delete-adjacent-duplicates '(1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5)) => (1 2 3 4 5) Clearly the same sort of thing can be done with a `for-each' and a variable in which to build the result, but a self-contained PROC can be re-used in multiple contexts, where a `for-each' would have to be written out each time. -- Scheme Procedure: pair-fold proc init lst1 ... lstN -- Scheme Procedure: pair-fold-right proc init lst1 ... lstN The same as `fold' and `fold-right', but apply PROC to the pairs of the lists instead of the list elements. -- Scheme Procedure: reduce proc default lst -- Scheme Procedure: reduce-right proc default lst `reduce' is a variant of `fold', where the first call to PROC is on two elements from LST, rather than one element and a given initial value. If LST is empty, `reduce' returns DEFAULT (this is the only use for DEFAULT). If LST has just one element then that's the return value. Otherwise PROC is called on the elements of LST. Each PROC call is `(PROC ELEM PREVIOUS)', where ELEM is from LST (the second and subsequent elements of LST), and PREVIOUS is the return from the previous call to PROC. The first element of LST is the PREVIOUS for the first call to PROC. For example, the following adds a list of numbers, the calls made to `+' are shown. (Of course `+' accepts multiple arguments and can add a list directly, with `apply'.) (reduce + 0 '(5 6 7)) => 18 (+ 6 5) => 11 (+ 7 11) => 18 `reduce' can be used instead of `fold' where the INIT value is an "identity", meaning a value which under PROC doesn't change the result, in this case 0 is an identity since `(+ 5 0)' is just 5. `reduce' avoids that unnecessary call. `reduce-right' is a similar variation on `fold-right', working from the end (ie. the right) of LST. The last element of LST is the PREVIOUS for the first call to PROC, and the ELEM values go from the second last. `reduce' should be preferred over `reduce-right' if the order of processing doesn't matter, or can be arranged either way, since `reduce' is a little more efficient. -- Scheme Procedure: unfold p f g seed [tail-gen] `unfold' is defined as follows: (unfold p f g seed) = (if (p seed) (tail-gen seed) (cons (f seed) (unfold p f g (g seed)))) P Determines when to stop unfolding. F Maps each seed value to the corresponding list element. G Maps each seed value to next seed valu. SEED The state value for the unfold. TAIL-GEN Creates the tail of the list; defaults to `(lambda (x) '())'. G produces a series of seed values, which are mapped to list elements by F. These elements are put into a list in left-to-right order, and P tells when to stop unfolding. -- Scheme Procedure: unfold-right p f g seed [tail] Construct a list with the following loop. (let lp ((seed seed) (lis tail)) (if (p seed) lis (lp (g seed) (cons (f seed) lis)))) P Determines when to stop unfolding. F Maps each seed value to the corresponding list element. G Maps each seed value to next seed valu. SEED The state value for the unfold. TAIL-GEN Creates the tail of the list; defaults to `(lambda (x) '())'. -- Scheme Procedure: map f lst1 lst2 ... Map the procedure over the list(s) LST1, LST2, ... and return a list containing the results of the procedure applications. This procedure is extended with respect to R5RS, because the argument lists may have different lengths. The result list will have the same length as the shortest argument lists. The order in which F will be applied to the list element(s) is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: for-each f lst1 lst2 ... Apply the procedure F to each pair of corresponding elements of the list(s) LST1, LST2, .... The return value is not specified. This procedure is extended with respect to R5RS, because the argument lists may have different lengths. The shortest argument list determines the number of times F is called. F will be applied to the list elements in left-to-right order. -- Scheme Procedure: append-map f lst1 lst2 ... -- Scheme Procedure: append-map! f lst1 lst2 ... Equivalent to (apply append (map f clist1 clist2 ...)) and (apply append! (map f clist1 clist2 ...)) Map F over the elements of the lists, just as in the `map' function. However, the results of the applications are appended together to make the final result. `append-map' uses `append' to append the results together; `append-map!' uses `append!'. The dynamic order in which the various applications of F are made is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: map! f lst1 lst2 ... Linear-update variant of `map' - `map!' is allowed, but not required, to alter the cons cells of LST1 to construct the result list. The dynamic order in which the various applications of F are made is not specified. In the n-ary case, LST2, LST3, ... must have at least as many elements as LST1. -- Scheme Procedure: pair-for-each f lst1 lst2 ... Like `for-each', but applies the procedure F to the pairs from which the argument lists are constructed, instead of the list elements. The return value is not specified. -- Scheme Procedure: filter-map f lst1 lst2 ... Like `map', but only results from the applications of F which are true are saved in the result list.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning, Next: SRFI-1 Searching, Prev: SRFI-1 Fold and Map, Up: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning .................................. Filtering means to collect all elements from a list which satisfy a specific condition. Partitioning a list means to make two groups of list elements, one which contains the elements satisfying a condition, and the other for the elements which don't. The `filter' and `filter!' functions are implemented in the Guile core, *Note List Modification::. -- Scheme Procedure: partition pred lst -- Scheme Procedure: partition! pred lst Split LST into those elements which do and don't satisfy the predicate PRED. The return is two values (*note Multiple Values::), the first being a list of all elements from LST which satisfy PRED, the second a list of those which do not. The elements in the result lists are in the same order as in LST but the order in which the calls `(PRED elem)' are made on the list elements is unspecified. `partition' does not change LST, but one of the returned lists may share a tail with it. `partition!' may modify LST to construct its return. -- Scheme Procedure: remove pred lst -- Scheme Procedure: remove! pred lst Return a list containing all elements from LST which do not satisfy the predicate PRED. The elements in the result list have the same order as in LST. The order in which PRED is applied to the list elements is not specified. `remove!' is allowed, but not required to modify the structure of the input list.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Searching, Next: SRFI-1 Deleting, Prev: SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning, Up: SRFI-1 Searching ................. The procedures for searching elements in lists either accept a predicate or a comparison object for determining which elements are to be searched. -- Scheme Procedure: find pred lst Return the first element of LST which satisfies the predicate PRED and `#f' if no such element is found. -- Scheme Procedure: find-tail pred lst Return the first pair of LST whose CAR satisfies the predicate PRED and `#f' if no such element is found. -- Scheme Procedure: take-while pred lst -- Scheme Procedure: take-while! pred lst Return the longest initial prefix of LST whose elements all satisfy the predicate PRED. `take-while!' is allowed, but not required to modify the input list while producing the result. -- Scheme Procedure: drop-while pred lst Drop the longest initial prefix of LST whose elements all satisfy the predicate PRED. -- Scheme Procedure: span pred lst -- Scheme Procedure: span! pred lst -- Scheme Procedure: break pred lst -- Scheme Procedure: break! pred lst `span' splits the list LST into the longest initial prefix whose elements all satisfy the predicate PRED, and the remaining tail. `break' inverts the sense of the predicate. `span!' and `break!' are allowed, but not required to modify the structure of the input list LST in order to produce the result. Note that the name `break' conflicts with the `break' binding established by `while' (*note while do::). Applications wanting to use `break' from within a `while' loop will need to make a new define under a different name. -- Scheme Procedure: any pred lst1 lst2 ... lstN Test whether any set of elements from LST1 ... lstN satisfies PRED. If so the return value is the return from the successful PRED call, or if not the return is `#f'. Each PRED call is `(PRED ELEM1 ... ELEMN)' taking an element from each LST. The calls are made successively for the first, second, etc elements of the lists, stopping when PRED returns non-`#f', or when the end of the shortest list is reached. The PRED call on the last set of elements (ie. when the end of the shortest list has been reached), if that point is reached, is a tail call. -- Scheme Procedure: every pred lst1 lst2 ... lstN Test whether every set of elements from LST1 ... lstN satisfies PRED. If so the return value is the return from the final PRED call, or if not the return is `#f'. Each PRED call is `(PRED ELEM1 ... ELEMN)' taking an element from each LST. The calls are made successively for the first, second, etc elements of the lists, stopping if PRED returns `#f', or when the end of any of the lists is reached. The PRED call on the last set of elements (ie. when the end of the shortest list has been reached) is a tail call. If one of LST1 ... LSTN is empty then no calls to PRED are made, and the return is `#t'. -- Scheme Procedure: list-index pred lst1 ... lstN Return the index of the first set of elements, one from each of LST1...LSTN, which satisfies PRED. PRED is called as `(PRED elem1 ... elemN)'. Searching stops when the end of the shortest LST is reached. The return index starts from 0 for the first set of elements. If no set of elements pass then the return is `#f'. (list-index odd? '(2 4 6 9)) => 3 (list-index = '(1 2 3) '(3 1 2)) => #f -- Scheme Procedure: member x lst [=] Return the first sublist of LST whose CAR is equal to X. If X does not appear in LST, return `#f'. Equality is determined by `equal?', or by the equality predicate = if given. = is called `(= X elem)', ie. with the given X first, so for example to find the first element greater than 5, (member 5 '(3 5 1 7 2 9) <) => (7 2 9) This version of `member' extends the core `member' (*note List Searching::) by accepting an equality predicate.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Deleting, Next: SRFI-1 Association Lists, Prev: SRFI-1 Searching, Up: SRFI-1 Deleting ................ -- Scheme Procedure: delete x lst [=] -- Scheme Procedure: delete! x lst [=] Return a list containing the elements of LST but with those equal to X deleted. The returned elements will be in the same order as they were in LST. Equality is determined by the = predicate, or `equal?' if not given. An equality call is made just once for each element, but the order in which the calls are made on the elements is unspecified. The equality calls are always `(= x elem)', ie. the given X is first. This means for instance elements greater than 5 can be deleted with `(delete 5 lst <)'. `delete' does not modify LST, but the return might share a common tail with LST. `delete!' may modify the structure of LST to construct its return. These functions extend the core `delete' and `delete!' (*note List Modification::) in accepting an equality predicate. See also `lset-difference' (*note SRFI-1 Set Operations::) for deleting multiple elements from a list. -- Scheme Procedure: delete-duplicates lst [=] -- Scheme Procedure: delete-duplicates! lst [=] Return a list containing the elements of LST but without duplicates. When elements are equal, only the first in LST is retained. Equal elements can be anywhere in LST, they don't have to be adjacent. The returned list will have the retained elements in the same order as they were in LST. Equality is determined by the = predicate, or `equal?' if not given. Calls `(= x y)' are made with element X being before Y in LST. A call is made at most once for each combination, but the sequence of the calls across the elements is unspecified. `delete-duplicates' does not modify LST, but the return might share a common tail with LST. `delete-duplicates!' may modify the structure of LST to construct its return. In the worst case, this is an O(N^2) algorithm because it must check each element against all those preceding it. For long lists it is more efficient to sort and then compare only adjacent elements.  File:, Node: SRFI-1 Association Lists, Next: SRFI-1 Set Operations, Prev: SRFI-1 Deleting, Up: SRFI-1 Association Lists ......................... Association lists are described in detail in section *note Association Lists::. The present section only documents the additional procedures for dealing with association lists defined by SRFI-1. -- Scheme Procedure: assoc key alist [=] Return the pair from ALIST which matches KEY. This extends the core `assoc' (*note Retrieving Alist Entries::) by taking an optional = comparison procedure. The default comparison is `equal?'. If an = parameter is given it's called `(= KEY ALISTCAR)', ie. the given target KEY is the first argument, and a `car' from ALIST is second. For example a case-insensitive string lookup, (assoc "yy" '(("XX" . 1) ("YY" . 2)) string-ci=?) => ("YY" . 2) -- Scheme Procedure: alist-cons key datum alist Cons a new association KEY and DATUM onto ALIST and return the result. This is equivalent to (cons (cons KEY DATUM) ALIST) `acons' (*note Adding or Setting Alist Entries::) in the Guile core does the same thing. -- Scheme Procedure: alist-copy alist Return a newly allocated copy of ALIST, that means that the spine of the list as well as the pairs are copied. -- Scheme Procedure: alist-delete key alist [=] -- Scheme Procedure: alist-delete! key alist [=] Return a list containing the elements of ALIST but with those elements whose keys are equal to KEY deleted. The returned elements will be in the same order as they were in ALIST. Equality is determined by the = predicate, or `equal?' if not given. The order in which elements are tested is unspecified, but each equality call is made `(= key alistkey)', ie. the given KEY parameter is first and the key from ALIST second. This means for instance all associations with a key greater than 5 can be removed with `(alist-delete 5 alist <)'. `alist-delete' does not modify ALIST, but the return might share a common tail with ALIST. `alist-delete!' may modify the list structure of ALIST to construct its return.