"""Functions to assess a model or selection. Each should take a selection object, and return a tuple containing the score name, and the score itself.""" def GA341(atmsel): """Returns the GA341 score of the given model.""" mdl = atmsel.get_model() return ('GA341 score', mdl.assess_ga341()) def DOPE(atmsel): """Returns the DOPE score of the given model.""" return ('DOPE score', atmsel.assess_dope()) def DOPEHR(atmsel): """Returns the DOPE-HR score of the given model.""" return ('DOPE-HR score', atmsel.assess_dopehr()) def normalized_dope(atmsel): """Returns the normalized DOPE score of the given model.""" mdl = atmsel.get_model() return ('Normalized DOPE score', mdl.assess_normalized_dope())