def asgl_principal_components(env, family): """Produce an ASGL plot for the principal components analysis; requires the .dat file produced by principal_components()""" table_file = family + '.dat' asgl_file = family + '.top' fh = open(asgl_file, 'w') fh.write('READ_TABLE FILE = \'' + table_file + '\'\n') fh.write('SET XY_COLUMNS = 3 4\n') fh.write('WORLD POSITION = 12 1\n') fh.write('AXES2D\n') fh.write('PLOT2D PLOT2D_LINE_TYPE = 0, PLOT2D_SYMBOL_TYPE = 4, ;\n') fh.write(' LABEL_COLUMN = 2, LABEL_LOCATION = 2, LABEL_FONT = 5\n') fh.write('RESET_CAPTIONS\n') fh.write('CAPTION CAPTION_POSITION = 1, ;\n') fh.write(' CAPTION_TEXT = \'FAMILY ' + family + '\'\n') fh.write('CAPTION CAPTION_POSITION = 1, ;\n') fh.write(' CAPTION_TEXT = \'PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS CLUSTERING\'\n') fh.write('CAPTION CAPTION_POSITION = 2, CAPTION_TEXT = \'p\'\n') fh.write('CAPTION CAPTION_POSITION = 3, CAPTION_TEXT = \'q\'\n') fh.close() env.system('asgl ' + family)