import unittest import modeller import math try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO import sys __all__ = ['ModellerTest', 'TemporaryReplace'] class TemporaryReplace(object): """Temporarily replace the named attributes. When this object is deleted, the attributes are restored to the original values. For example, to redirect stdout and stderr to a StringIO object for the lifetime of m: sio = StringIO() m = TemporaryReplace([(sys, 'stdout', sio), (sys, 'stderr', sio)]) """ def __init__(self, replacements): self._replacements = replacements self._orig_val = [] for obj, attr, val in self._replacements: self._orig_val.append(getattr(obj, attr)) setattr(obj, attr, val) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_replacements'): for (repl, orig) in zip(self._replacements, self._orig_val): obj, attr, val = repl setattr(obj, attr, orig) class ModellerTest(unittest.TestCase): _env = None def get_environ(self): """Set up the Modeller environment, and keep a reference to it so that we only need to do it once for all tests""" if not self._env: env = modeller.environ() = ['../data', 'test/data'] env.edat.dynamic_sphere = False'${LIB}/top_heav.lib')'${LIB}/par.lib') ModellerTest._env = env return self._env def assertModelsEqual(self, mdl1, mdl2): """Check to make sure that models |mdl1| and |mdl2| are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(mdl1.atoms), len(mdl2.atoms)) for (at1, at2) in zip(mdl1.atoms, mdl2.atoms): self.assertAtomsEqual(at1, at2) def assertAtomsEqual(self, at1, at2): """Check to make sure atoms |at1| and |at2| are the same""" self.assertEqual(, self.assertAlmostEqual(at1.x, at2.x, places=3) def assertDistance(self, o1, o2, mean, tolerance): """Check to make sure the distance between o1 and o2 is as expected""" distsq = (o1.x-o2.x)**2 + (o1.y-o2.y)**2 + (o1.z-o2.z)**2 dist = distsq ** 0.5 msg = "Distance between %s and %s is %f - expected %f" % (o1, o2, dist, mean) self.assertInTolerance(dist, mean, tolerance, msg) def assertAlignmentsEqual(self, refaln, aln, check_meta=True): """Check to make sure that alignments |refaln| and |aln| are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(refaln), len(aln), "Inconsistent number of sequences (%d vs. %d)" \ % (len(refaln), len(aln))) for (seq1, seq2) in zip(refaln, aln): self.assertAlnSequencesEqual(seq1, seq2, check_meta) self.assertEqual(len(refaln.comments), len(aln.comments)) for (c1, c2) in zip(refaln.comments, aln.comments): self.assertEqual(c1, c2) def assertAlnSequencesEqual(self, seq1, seq2, check_meta=True): """Check to make sure that sequences |seq1| and |seq2| are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(seq1), len(seq2), "Inconsistent number of residues (%d vs. %d)" \ % (len(seq1), len(seq2))) if check_meta: self.assertEqual(seq1.range[0], seq2.range[0]) self.assertEqual(seq1.range[1], seq2.range[1]) self.assertEqual(seq1.resolution, seq2.resolution) self.assertEqual(seq1.rfactor, seq2.rfactor) self.assertEqual(seq1.code, seq2.code) self.assertEqual(seq1.atom_file, seq2.atom_file) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(seq1.prottyp, seq2.prottyp) self.assertEqual(seq1.source, seq2.source) for (res1, res2) in zip(seq1.residues, seq2.residues): self.assertResiduesEqual(res1, res2) self.assertEqual(res1.get_position().num, res2.get_position().num) self.assertEqual(res1.get_leading_gaps(), res2.get_leading_gaps()) self.assertEqual(res1.get_trailing_gaps(), res2.get_trailing_gaps()) def assertResiduesEqual(self, res1, res2): """Check to make sure that residues |res1| and |res2| are the same""" self.assertEqual(,, "Inconsistent residue names (%s vs. %s)" \ % (, def assertProfilesEqual(self, prf1, prf2): """Check to make sure that two profile objects are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(prf1), len(prf2)) for (seq1, seq2) in zip(prf1, prf2): self.assertProfileSeqsEqual(seq1, seq2) def assertProfileSeqsEqual(self, seq1, seq2): """Check to make sure that two profile sequences are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(seq1), len(seq2)) self.assertEqual(seq1.code, seq2.code) self.assertEqual(seq1.prottyp, seq2.prottyp) self.assertEqual(seq1.iter, seq2.iter) self.assertEqual(seq1.neqv, seq2.neqv) self.assertEqual(seq1.fid, seq2.fid) self.assertEqual(seq1.evalue, seq2.evalue) def assertSeqDBsEqual(self, sdb1, sdb2): """Check to make sure that two sequence_db objects are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(sdb1), len(sdb2)) for (seq1, seq2) in zip(sdb1, sdb2): self.assertSeqDBseqsEqual(seq1, seq2) def assertSeqDBseqsEqual(self, seq1, seq2): """Check to make sure that two sequence_db sequences are the same""" self.assertEqual(len(seq1), len(seq2)) self.assertEqual(seq1.code, seq2.code) self.assertEqual(seq1.prottyp, seq2.prottyp) self.assertEqual(seq1.resol, seq2.resol) self.assertEqual(len(seq1.residues), len(seq2.residues)) for (r1, r2) in zip(seq1.residues, seq2.residues): self.assertSeqDBresEqual(r1, r2) def assertSeqDBresEqual(self, res1, res2): """Check to make sure that two sequence_db residues are the same""" self.assertEqual(res1.type, res2.type) def assertInTolerance(self, num1, num2, tolerance, msg=None): """Assert that the difference between num1 and num2 is less than tolerance""" diff = abs(num1 - num2) if msg is None: msg = "%f != %f within %g" % (num1, num2, tolerance) self.assert_(diff < tolerance, msg) def run_capture_stdout(self, method, *args, **keys): """Run a method and capture its standard output. Returns both the method's own return values and the standard output.""" saved_stdout = sys.stdout sio = StringIO() try: sys.stdout = sio ret = method(*args, **keys) finally: sys.stdout = saved_stdout val = sio.getvalue() sys.stdout.write(val) return ret, val def create_angle(self, angle, a1, a2, a3): """Set the coordinates of the given atoms to form (by construction) the given angle between them.""" a1.x, a1.y, a1.z = -10.0, 0.0, 0.0 a2.x, a2.y, a2.z = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 a3.x, a3.y, a3.z = -math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle), 0.0 def create_dihedral(self, angle, a1, a2, a3, a4): """Set the coordinates of the given atoms to form (by construction) the given dihedral angle between them.""" a1.x, a1.y, a1.z = 10.0, 0.0, -10.0 a2.x, a2.y, a2.z = 0.0, 0.0, -10.0 a3.x, a3.y, a3.z = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 a4.x, a4.y, a4.z = math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle), 0.0 def raw_byte_string(self, s): """Return a raw byte (not Unicode) string constant""" if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Cannot use b'foo' since that is invalid syntax in Python 2.3 return bytes(s, encoding='ascii') else: return s