#!/bin/csh -f # # # # #goto lsq # Will need to cat the two molecules together. #goto shift goto fit goto tab tab: #!bin/csh -f #####################################################3 # tabling run: #####################################################3 # rotate , shift coordinates and produce table: # xyzout is the rotated and shifted coordinates. # amore \ xyzin1 $SCRATCH/adh/ssmonomer1.pdb \ xyzout1 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssmonomer1_rot.pdb \ table1 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssmonomer1_rot.tab \ <<'END' TITLE : Table for MODEL;ssmonomer2 #VERBOSE TABFUN MODEL 1 BREPLACE 0 BADD 0 SAMPLE 1 TMIN 4 SHANN 2 SCALE 4.0 'END' # #!bin/csh -f #####################################################3 # tabling run: #####################################################3 # rotate , shift coordinates and produce table: # xyzout is the rotated and shifted coordinates. # amore \ xyzin1 $SCRATCH/adh/ssmonomer2.pdb \ xyzout1 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssmonomer2_rot.pdb \ table1 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssmonomer2_rot.tab \ <<'END' TITLE : Table for MODEL;ssmonomer2 #VERBOSE TABFUN MODEL 1 BREPLACE 0 BADD 0 SAMPLE 1 TMIN 4 SHANN 2 SCALE 4.0 'END' # # Q. for Jorge: I am still not very clear about the relationship of # "dmin" and "shann" and box "scale" here. exit # Try to decide how to fit this rotated monomer fragment # onto our favorite solution. #!/bin/csh -f #!/bin/csh -f # monomer1 has residues 1-177 324-374 lsqkab \ REFRCD 8adh_dim_soln.pdb \ WORKCD ssmonomer1_rot.pdb \ << 'END-lsqkab' title rot FIT WRES MAIN 11 to 176 WCHAIN A MATCH RRES MAIN 11 to 176 RCHAIN A FIT WRES MAIN 324 to 374 WCHAIN A MATCH RRES MAIN 324 to 374 RCHAIN A output RMS end 'END-lsqkab' # # monomer2 has residues 178-323 lsqkab \ REFRCD 8adh_dim_soln.pdb \ WORKCD ssmonomer2_rot.pdb \ << 'END-lsqkab' title rot FIT WRES MAIN 177 to 323 WCHAIN A MATCH RRES MAIN 177 to 323 RCHAIN A output RMS end 'END-lsqkab' # # # Will need to turn translations of lsqkab into fractional ones. fit: #!/bin/csh -f #####################################################3 # /fiting run: #####################################################3 # #!/bin/csh -f amore \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/adh_apo_2_amore2.hkl \ table1 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssmonomer1_rot.tab \ table2 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssmonomer2_rot.tab \ <<'END' FITFUN CB NMOL 2 RESO 15 4 ITER 10 CONV 1.E-3 title *** Marias structure *** #VERBOSE CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIMI 0.E0 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 REFSOL AL BE GA X Y Z BF SOLUTION 1 36.20010 -135.08910 41.21732 0.0809 0.5085 0.06963 20 50 SOLUTION 2 9.88142 118.67628 168.67380 0.11374 0.71804 0.01229 20 50 'END' exit shift: #!/bin/csh -f amore \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/adh_apo_2_amore2.hkl \ table1 /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssdimer_rot.tab \ FITFUN fitfun.9 \ <<'END' CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIMI 0.E0 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 SOLUTION 1 65.45 58.23 8.55 0.56937 0.46560 0.05820 20.7 55.9 SOLUTION 1 65.86 48.89 203.07 0.18188 0.78870 0.06643 20.2 55.6 SOLUTION 1 53.84 68.81 274.60 0.06206 0.48132 0.27175 21.8 55.4 SOLUTION 1 11.77 45.28 308.32 0.05933 0.49391 0.30628 21.3 55.6 SOLUTION 1 28.61 53.47 155.62 0.60342 0.55872 0.34781 20.6 56.1 SOLUTION 1 56.83 66.90 275.76 0.88250 0.13548 0.42433 20.8 56.1 SOLUTION 1 15.87 59.57 61.23 0.90262 0.66828 0.34679 20.3 56.1 SOLUTION 1 -1.25 86.28 100.99 0.09673 0.74586 0.12235 25.8 56.2 SHIFT 1 COM 0.00 15.30 45.42 EULER 357.34 90.00 270.00 'END' exit lsq: #!/bin/csh -f lsqkab \ workcd /f/scratch/ccp4/adh/ssdimer.pdb \ LSQOP $SCRATCH/adh/ssdimer_soln.pdb \ << 'END-lsqkab' title Rotating model by amore angles ROTAT EULER 89.29 81.69 356.24 TRAN ORTh 26.95 49.08 8.91 output XYZ end 'END-lsqkab' exit