#!/bin/csh -f # A simple example. goto lsq goto shift #goto fit goto fit2 # Done at 2.5A - need to recalculate TABFUN goto tra1 # Search for single molecules - only one good solution. goto rot #goto tab #####################################################3 # sorting run: #####################################################3 # mtz file contains cell and symmetry. # amore \ hklin egv_ct_tru.mtz \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/davies/egv_ct.hkl \ <<'END' #VERBOSE TITLE egv ct complex frozen SORTFUN RESOL 8 4.0 LABI FP=F_ct SIGFP=SIGF_ct 'END' tab: #!bin/csh -f #####################################################3 # tabling run: #####################################################3 # rotate , shift coordinates and produce table: # xyzout is the rotated and shifted coordinates. # amore \ xyzin1 egv.pdb \ xyzout1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.pdb \ TABLE1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.tab \ <<'END' TITLE : Table for egv ct complex #VERBOSE TABFUN CRYSTAL ORTH 1 CELL ??????? MODEL 1 BREPLACE 0 BADD 3 SAMPLE 1 TMIN 4 SHANN 2 SCALE 4.0 'END' # # Q. for Jorge: I am still not very clear about the relationship of # "dmin" and "shann" and box "scale" here. exit #####################################################3 # roting run: #####################################################3 rot: # choose cell for GENE which equals (min box + sphere radius +...) #!/bin/csh -f # amore \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/davies/egv_ct.hkl \ CLMN0 /f/scratch/davies/egv_ct.clmn \ TABLE1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.tab \ HKLPCK1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.hkl \ CLMN1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.clmn \ <<'END' # ROTFUN #VERB TITLE : Generate HKLPCK1 from MODEL FRAGMENT 1 GENE 1 RESO 8.00 4.0 CELL 70 70 60 90 90 90 CLMN CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIM 0.E0 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 RESO 8.0 4.0 - SPHERE 0.0 17 CLMN MODEL 1 FLIM 0.E0 1.E8 RESO 8.0 4.0 SPHERE 0.0 17 ROTA CROSS MODEL 1 BESLIMI 6 120 STEP 2.5 NSR 0 0 - PKLIM 0.5 NPIC 20 BMAX 180 'END' # # Q. for Jorge: I am still not very clear about the relationship of # "bessel limits" and "dang" here. # Q2. No idea about NSR values. # Q3. PKLIM? DELTA??? - seems very small.. exit tra1: #####################################################3 # traing run: NMOL = 1 #####################################################3 #!/bin/csh -f # amore \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/davies/egv_ct.hkl \ TABLE1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.tab \ TRAFUN trafun.9 \ <<'END' TRAFUN CB NMOL 1 RESO 8 4 - PKLIM 0.5 NPIC 5 #VERB TITLE : Translation function - one molecule CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIMI 0.E0 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 SOLUTION 1 269.98 92.86 285.37 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 46.0 0.0 SOLUTION 1 270.02 87.14 105.37 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 46.0 0.0 'END' # Qs. TMIN SHANN?? # Comment SOLUTION stuff cut out of LOG file. Not sure that it is worth # writing fort.9 and having all the oic stuff. Just as easy with # an editor. exit fit: #####################################################3 # tabling run at higher resolution for rigid body fitting: #####################################################3 # rotate , shift coordinates and produce table: # xyzout is the rotated and shifted coordinates. # amore \ xyzin1 egv.pdb \ xyzout1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.pdb \ TABLE1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot_3.tab \ TABLOUT tablout.9 \ <<'END' TITLE : #VERBOSE TABFUN MODEL 1 BREPLACE 0 BADD 3 SAMPLE 1 TMIN 3.0 SHANN 2 SCALE 4.0 'END' # fit2: #!/bin/csh -f #####################################################3 # /fiting run: #####################################################3 # #!/bin/csh -f amore \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/davies/egv_ct.hkl \ TABLE1 /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot_3.tab \ FITFUN fitfun.9 \ <<'END' FITFUN CB NMOL 1 RESO 8 3 ITER 10 CONV 1.E-3 title *** Marias structure *** #VERBOSE CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIMI 0.E0 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 REFSOL AL BE GA X Z BF SOLUTION 1 270.02 87.14 105.37 0.38365 0.00000 0.18876 57.6 38.5 SHIFT 1 COM -4.27 19.15 34.19 - EULER 274.19 105.50 55.47 'END' exit shift: #!/bin/csh -f #####################################################3 # /shifting run: #####################################################3 # #!/bin/csh -f amore \ hklpck0 /f/scratch/davies/egv_ct.hkl \ <<'END' CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIMI 0.E0 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 SOLUTION 1 271.64 85.49 106.20 0.38624 0.00000 0.18524 69.8 31.4 SHIFT 1 COM -4.27 19.15 34.19 - EULER 274.19 105.50 55.47 'END' exit #####################################################3 # lsqkab to rotate original model by output of shifting step. #####################################################3 lsq: #!/bin/csh -f lsqkab \ WORKCD egv.pdb \ LSQOP $SCRATCH/egv_ct.pdb \ << 'END-lsqkab' title Rotating model by amore angles ROTATE EULER 31.84 157.14 172.07 TRAN ORTH -7.70 10.38 39.70 output XYZ end 'END-lsqkab' #####################################################3 # lsqkab to rotate model outut by tabling using output of fiting. #####################################################3 #!/bin/csh -f # Dont forget to CHANGE PDB HEADER. # coord_conv \ xyzin /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot.pdb \ xyzout /f/scratch/davies/egv_rot2.pdb \ << 'END-convrnxp' INPUT PDB ORTH 1 OUTPUT PDB ORTH 1 cell 41.63 51.62 44.90 90.00 114.28 90.00 END 'END-convrnxp' #!/bin/csh -f lsqkab \ WORKCD $SCRATCH/egv_rot2.pdb \ LSQOP $SCRATCH/egv_ct1.pdb \ << 'END-lsqkab' title Rotating model by amore angles ROTATE EULER 271.64 85.49 106.20 TRAN FRAC 0.38624 0.00000 0.18524 output XYZ end 'END-lsqkab'