from __future__ import print_function import random, operator, itertools, math """ Glare Algorithm Some nomenclature: A Libary is made of RGroups RGroups are a collection of sidechains (the paper uses Fragments) that can populate the rgroup position. We desire to optimize the Library so that we have a good chance of making the desired products. Example From the testing code, using Fake data: r1 = RGroups(makeFakeSidechains("aldehydes", num=1000)) r2 = RGroups(makeFakeSidechains("boronic_acids", num=1500)) lib = Library([r1,r2]) props = [ Property("mw", propIdx=0, minValue=0, maxValue=500), Property("alogp", propIdx=1, minValue=-2.4, maxValue=5), Property("tpsa", propIdx=2, minValue=0, maxValue=90) ] glare = Glare() # optimize the library... glare.optimize(lib, props) """ class Property: def __init__(self, name, propIdx, minValue, maxValue, scaffoldoffset=0.0): """name, propIdx, minValue, maxValue, scaffoldoffset -> initial a Property name is the name of the property. propIdx: the index of the property in the property vector minValue: the minimum acceptable value for the property maxValue: the maximum acceptable value for the property scaffoldoffset: any offset from the reaction scaffold (defaults to 0) """ = name self.propIdx = propIdx self.minValue = minValue self.maxValue = maxValue self.offset = scaffoldoffset def evaluate(self, sidechains): """sidechains -> Evaluate a list of sidechains to see if they pass the property values. Each sidechain must have a property vector e.g. (s.props for s in sidechains) which is a vector of values where s.props[propIdx] is the property being inspected """ product = self.offset propIdx = self.propIdx for s in sidechains: product += s.props[propIdx] return self.minValue <= product <= self.maxValue class Sidechain: """Holds the name (identifier) and property list for the given sidechain/fragment. Properties are assumed to be numerical values""" def __init__(self, name, props, goodCount=0): """name, props, goodCount=0 -> initialize a Sidechain initialize a sidechain. name: the unique name for the sidechain props: the property vector (see Properties class for details) goodCount: the number of times this reagent belongs to a good product, where good is a product that is in the desired property space. """ = name self.props = props self.good_count = goodCount # shared variable self.dropped = False # shared variable def __str__(self): return "Sidechain %s(%s, goodCount=%s)"%(, self.props, self.good_count) def __repr__(self): return "Sidechain(%r, %r, %s)"%(, self.props, self.good_count) class RGroups: """Holds a collection of sidechains for the given RGroup""" def __init__(self, sidechains): """Sidechains -> RGroups sidechains: the list of Sidechains that make up the potential sidechains at this rgroup position""" self.sidechains = sidechains self.rejected = [] # list of rejected sidechains self.initial_size = len(sidechains) def count(self): """Returns the number of possible sidechains""" return len(self.sidechains) def randomize(self): """Randomly shuffles the sidechains and reset the goodness counts""" random.shuffle(self.sidechains) for s in self.sidechains: s.good_count = 0 def effectiveness(self): """-> return the current effectiveness of this collection effectiveness is the number of items left divided by the initial amount""" return len(self.sidechains)/float(self.initial_size) def chunk_size(self, num_chunks): """num_chunks -> return the number of sidechains in each chunk if the sidechains are split into num_chunks chunks""" return int(math.ceil(float(len(self.sidechains))/num_chunks)) def chunk(self, chunk_idx, num_chunks): """chunk_idx, num)chunks -> RGroups return the chunk_idxth chunk given num_chunks total chunks""" assert chunk_idx >=0 and chunk_idx < num_chunks, "%s %s"%( chunk_idx, num_chunks) n = self.chunk_size(num_chunks) return RGroups(self.sidechains[chunk_idx*n:(chunk_idx+1)*n]) def prune(self, fractionToKeep): """fractionToKeep -> Sort the sidechains from the most often found if good products to the least, and keep the best fractionToKeep percentage""" assert 0 < fractionToKeep <= 1.0, "fractionToKeep: %s"%fractionToKeep self.sidechains.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp(x.good_count, y.good_count)) fragment_index = int(len(self.sidechains) * fractionToKeep + 0.5) # update rejected set self.rejected += self.sidechains[fragment_index:] self.sidechains = self.sidechains[:fragment_index] class Library: """A library is a collection of RGroups that need to be combinitorially combined""" def __init__(self, rgroups): """rgroups -> Initialize the Library. rgroups: the list of possible RGroups that is combinitorially combined to make the library""" self.rgroups = rgroups def isValid(self): """If we have an empty set for any rgroup, return False""" for rg in self.rgroups: if len(rg.sidechains) == 0: return False return True def randomize(self): """randomize the order of the sidechains""" for rg in self.rgroups: rg.randomize() def getSidechainsPerPartition( self, total_num_partitions_per_rgroup ): """total_num_partitions -> [num_fragments/partition for rgroup1, num_fragments/partition for rgroup2] return the number of sidechains in a partition for each rgroup""" sizes = [ (libIdx, max(rg.count()/total_num_partitions_per_rgroup, 1)) for libIdx, rg in enumerate(self.rgroups) ] # "optimially" apportion the partitions according the # the glare paper see Appendix eq (8) and (9) # sort by size sizes.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) last_size = 1 opt_sizes = [] for libIdx, current_size in sizes[:-1]: opt_sizes.append( (libIdx, current_size - (current_size % last_size)) ) last_size = current_size # From the Glare paper: # the last library size is set equal to the second to last # From Table 3, it is easy to understand that, if the fourth dimension # was split in 24 instead of 12, a factor of 2 would be gained from the # reduced size of the sublibraries. However, twice as many sublibraries # would be needed, and the net speedup would be null, hence, the decision to # set p4=p3. (p4 here is the last library) libIdx, current_size = sizes[-1] opt_sizes.append((libIdx, last_size)) # back to the original library order opt_sizes.sort() res = [size for libIdx, size in opt_sizes] return res def chunk(self, num_partitions): """num_partitions -> [Library(..), Library(...)] Return new libraries that are chunks of this one. These are the libraries that get sampled to see of sidechains participate in good products. """ partitions = self.getSidechainsPerPartition(num_partitions) max_subsets = max(partitions) enumeration_indices = [] for i in range(max_subsets): combinations = [] for size in partitions: combinations.append( i % size ) enumeration_indices.append( combinations ) library_sets = [] for subset_index, combinations in enumerate(enumeration_indices): libs = [] partitioned_rgroups = [] for lib_index, libpart_index in enumerate(combinations): lib = self.rgroups[lib_index] num_chunks = partitions[lib_index] partitioned_rgroups.append( lib.chunk(chunk_idx=libpart_index, num_chunks=num_chunks)) lib = Library(partitioned_rgroups) if lib.isValid(): library_sets.append(lib) return library_sets def effectiveness(self): """-> returns the average effectiveness of this library set""" sum = 0.0 for rg in self.rgroups: sum += rg.effectiveness() return sum/len(self.rgroups) def evaluate(self, props): """props -> num_good_enumerations, total_enumerations props: a list of Property evaluators for the fragments. returns the number of good enumerations and the total number of enumerations for this Library""" frags = [rg.sidechains for rg in self.rgroups] good = 0 bad = 0 for i,frag in enumerate(itertools.product(*frags)): for p in props: if not p.evaluate(frag): bad += 1 break else: good += 1 for sidechain in frag: sidechain.good_count += 1 return good, i+1 class Glare: """Glare Algorithm. Implementation of GLARE: A New Approach for Filtering Large Reagent Lists in Combinatorial Library Design Using Product Properties Jean-Francois Truchon* and Christopher I. Bayly Usage: # somehow make sidechains1/2 with props [mw, alogp, tpsa] r1 = RGroups(sidechains1) r2 = RGroups(sidechains2) lib = Library([r1, r2]) props = [ Property("mw", 0, 0, 500), Property("alogp", 1, -2.4, 5), Property("tpsa", 2, 0, 90) ] glare = Glare() glare.optimize(lib, props) """ def __init__(self, desiredFinalGoodness=0.95, maxIterations=100, rgroupScale=6.0, # None if no scaling initialFraction=None,#None=auto -100., numPartitions=16): self.fractionGood = self.desiredFinalGoodness = desiredFinalGoodness self.maxIterations = maxIterations self.rgroupScale = rgroupScale if initialFraction is not None: self.initialFraction = initialFraction/100. else: self.initialFraction = initialFraction self.numPartitions = numPartitions def optimize(self, library, props): """library, props Given a Library and the list of Propery evaluators, optimize the library. The library is modified in place by removing building blocks (sidechains) that are not likely to pass the property criteria. """ # attempt to generate report like glare application print ("------- PARAMETERS: --------------") print ("GOOODNESS THRESHOLD : %s%%"%(self.desiredFinalGoodness * 100)) print ("MIN PARTITION SIZE : %s"%self.numPartitions) if self.initialFraction is None or self.initialFraction > 0.999: print ("INITIAL FRACTION TO KEEP : AUTOMATIC") else: print ("INITAL FRACTION TO KEEP : %s%%"%(self.initialFraction*100)) print ("Actual SIZE : %s = %s"%( " x ".join([str(len(rg.sidechains)) for rg in library.rgroups]), reduce(operator.mul, [len(rg.sidechains) for rg in library.rgroups]) )) running_total = 0.0 Gt = self.desiredFinalGoodness for iteration in range(1, self.maxIterations+1): # chunk of the total library into smaller more managable sets # and run combinitorial analysis on the sub libraries # each of these records the number of times a sidechain is used # in a successful enumeration which is then used to prune the # library at the end # for rg in library.rgroups: rg.randomize() good = total = 0.0 chunked_libs = library.chunk(self.numPartitions) # for each chunk, do the combinitorial check to see # if reagents make good products for libidx, chunk in enumerate(chunked_libs): g,t = chunk.evaluate(props) good += g total += t running_total += total Gi = good/total # current goodness if Gi < 1e-12: # I think we're done here :) fraction = 0.0 elif iteration == 1: G0 = Gi # Goodness at first iteration # the first time, use the initalFraction or a "good enough" # value if self.initialFraction is not None: fraction = K0 = self.initialFraction else: # auto choose the fraction based on the current good percentage # and the desired fraction = K0 = min(-1.1 * ( Gt - G0) + 1.2, 0.9) else: # the second time, gradually eliminate reagents slowing # down as the number of iterations increases # see equation (5) in reference if abs(Gt-G0) < 1e-4: Ki = 1.0 else: Ki = (1.0 - K0) * (Gi - G0) / (Gt - G0) + K0; fraction = min(1.0, Ki) # prune the library to keep the highest occuring sidechains # note that even if all sidechains are acceptable, # some will always get pruned max_size = float(max([len(rg.sidechains) for rg in library.rgroups])) for rg in library.rgroups: scale = 1.0 if self.rgroupScale is not None: # scale differently size rgroups via equation (6) in paper numSidechains = len(rg.sidechains) numer = 1.0 denom = 1.0 + math.exp(-self.rgroupScale * ((numSidechains/max_size) - 0.5)) scale = numer/denom fraction_to_reject = (1.0 - fraction) * scale # keep the best fraction... rg.prune(1.0 - fraction_to_reject) print ("-------------- ITERATION : %s ----------------------"%iteration) print ("GOODNESS : %s%%"%(Gi * 100)) print ("NUMBER EVAL : %s"%(total)) print ("CUMUL EVAL : %s"%(running_total)) print ("KEPT IN STEP : %s%%"%(fraction*100.)) if not iteration: print ("GOODNESS THRESHOLD : %s"%self.desiredFinalGoodness) print ("MIN PARTITION SIZE : %s"%self.numPartitions) print ("INITIAL FRACTION TO KEEP : ") if self.fractionToKeep > 0.999: print ("AUTOMATIC") else: print ("%s%%"%self.fractionToKeep) print ("Actual SIZE : %s = %s"%( " x ".join([str(len(rg.sidechains)) for rg in library.rgroups]), reduce(operator.mul, [len(rg.sidechains) for rg in library.rgroups]) )) print ("EFFECTIVENESS : %s%%"%(library.effectiveness()*100.)) # stopping critieria if iteration and Gi < 1e-12: return elif abs(Gi - self.desiredFinalGoodness) < 0.001 or \ Gi > self.desiredFinalGoodness: return ###################################################################### # testing codes def makeFakeProps(): mw = random.randint(10,500) alogp = random.randint(-10,10) tpsa = random.randint(0,180) return [mw, alogp, tpsa] def makeFakeSidechains(lib, num): res = [] for i in range(num): res.append(Sidechain(lib + "_" + str(i), makeFakeProps())) return res def testGlare(): a = RGroups(makeFakeSidechains("aldehydes", 1000)) b = RGroups(makeFakeSidechains("boronic_acids", 1500)) lib = Library([a,b]) props = [ Property("mw", 0, 0, 500, 230.1419), Property("alogp", 1, -2.4, 5, 2.212749), Property("tpsa", 2, 0, 90, 24.5) ] glare = Glare() glare.optimize(lib, props) if __name__ == "__main__": testGlare()