PMID- 10331874 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DA - 19990603 DCOM- 19990603 LR - 20091119 IS - 1072-8368 (Print) IS - 1072-8368 (Linking) VI - 6 IP - 5 DP - 1999 May TI - Automated protein model building combined with iterative structure refinement. PG - 458-63 AB - In protein crystallography, much time and effort are often required to trace an initial model from an interpretable electron density map and to refine it until it best agrees with the crystallographic data. Here, we present a method to build and refine a protein model automatically and without user intervention, starting from diffraction data extending to resolution higher than 2.3 A and reasonable estimates of crystallographic phases. The method is based on an iterative procedure that describes the electron density map as a set of unconnected atoms and then searches for protein-like patterns. Automatic pattern recognition (model building) combined with refinement, allows a structural model to be obtained reliably within a few CPU hours. We demonstrate the power of the method with examples of a few recently solved structures. FAU - Perrakis, A AU - Perrakis A AD - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Grenoble Outstation, France. FAU - Morris, R AU - Morris R FAU - Lamzin, V S AU - Lamzin VS LA - eng PT - Journal Article PL - UNITED STATES TA - Nat Struct Biol JT - Nature structural biology JID - 9421566 RN - 0 (Adaptor Protein Complex alpha Subunits) RN - 0 (Adaptor Proteins, Vesicular Transport) RN - 0 (Chaperonin 60) RN - 0 (Membrane Proteins) RN - 0 (Proteins) RN - EC 3.2.1.- (Mannosidases) RN - EC (Chitinase) RN - EC (beta-Mannosidase) RN - EC 3.4.24.- (Metalloendopeptidases) RN - EC 3.4.24.- (glycoprotein gp63, Leishmania) RN - EC (cyanate hydrolase) RN - EC 4.3.- (Carbon-Nitrogen Lyases) RN - EC 6.- (Ligases) SB - IM MH - Adaptor Protein Complex alpha Subunits MH - Adaptor Proteins, Vesicular Transport MH - *Algorithms MH - Animals MH - Automation MH - Carbon-Nitrogen Lyases/chemistry MH - Chaperonin 60/chemistry MH - Chitinase/chemistry MH - Crystallography, X-Ray MH - Electrons MH - Ligases/chemistry MH - Mannosidases/chemistry MH - Membrane Proteins/chemistry MH - Metalloendopeptidases/chemistry MH - *Models, Molecular MH - Pattern Recognition, Automated MH - *Protein Conformation MH - Proteins/*chemistry MH - Time Factors MH - beta-Mannosidase EDAT- 1999/05/20 06:00 MHDA- 2001/03/23 10:01 CRDT- 1999/05/20 06:00 AID - 10.1038/8263 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Nat Struct Biol. 1999 May;6(5):458-63.