@article{Cowtan2010, abstract = {Classical density-modification techniques (as opposed to statistical approaches) offer a computationally cheap method for improving phase estimates in order to provide a good electron-density map for model building. The rise of statistical methods has lead to a shift in focus away from the classical approaches; as a result, some recent developments have not made their way into classical density-modification software. This paper describes the application of some recent techniques, including most importantly the use of prior phase information in the likelihood estimation of phase errors within a classical density-modification framework. The resulting software gives significantly better results than comparable classical methods, while remaining nearly two orders of magnitude faster than statistical methods.}, author = {Cowtan, Kevin}, doi = {10.1107/S090744490903947X}, issn = {1399-0047}, journal = {Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography}, number = {Pt 4}, pages = {470--8}, pmid = {20383000}, publisher = {International Union of Crystallography}, title = {{Recent developments in classical density modification.}}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20383000}, volume = {66}, year = {2010} }