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Additional Programs

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The following packages are part of the CCP4 package but may not be installed on your system by default. As a result the associated task interfaces may be disabled (with the task button greyed out) when you run CCP4i:

Clipper programs

CCP4i has interfaces to some non-CCP4 programs, and some non-CCP4 packages have their own CCP4i interfaces. The following packages have to obtained separately but then can be used from within CCP4i once they have been installed on your system:


For information on how to install these packages, see Installing New Task Interfaces.

Programs distributed with CCP4


In the "Data Reduction" module

Integration of diffraction images using the MOSFLM program in batch mode. MOSFLM is included as a standard part of the CCP4 package; if building the suite from source code then the --with-x option of configure must be specified in order to build the program. Otherwise MOSFLM is included in the precompiled CCP4 distributions.

Clipper Utilities

make Pirate reference

Run Pirate

Clipper crystallographic software and utilities. These should be present on your system by default unless a) you built from source code and specified the --disable-clipper option of configure; b) you downloaded precompiled CCP4 for a system which doesn't support Clipper (e.g. OSF1 V4.0).


In the "Molecular Replacement" module

Crystallographic software for phasing macromolecular crystal structures with maximum likelihood techniques. This can be obtained as source code for most systems from the CCP4 website as an optional component of the CCP4 suite, and should be included as a standard part of the precompiled CCP4.

Programs not distributed with CCP4


In the "Model Building" module

Automated Refinement Package for model building available from


In the "Coordinate utilities" module

Multiple Sequence Alignments program. ClustalW can be downloaded from


In the "Molecular Replacement" module

Building homology models and automatic editing of protein structure after molecular replacement (the Edit Protein Structure task in Molecular Replacement module). This can be obtained from


In the "Experimental Phasing" module

Programs for direct methods and Patterson search obtainable from In addition to the SHELX C/D/E and SHELXS tasks the SHELX programs can also be used in the CRANK interface.


In the "Validation and Deposition" module

The protein verification tools from the WHAT IF program. WHAT_CHECK is available from

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