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Delete/Archive Files

File Selection

Creating Maps

Default Viewers

Data Harvesting

XML Output

Saving Preferences

Delete/Archive Files

By default, when you choose to Delete/Archive Files for a job, the option is to Delete temporary files but you can change this. You will probably want to change it to Delete output files & remove from database but beware that it is then easy to delete files by mistake.

File Selection

When selecting files, you can choose whether to list the files in either alphabetical order (the default) or by date (in reverse order).

Creating Maps

CCP4i will create maps in the tasks 'Generate Patterson Map' and 'Run FFT - Create Map' and optionally will create some specific maps to help review results in the tasks 'Run DM', 'Run Solomon', 'Run Refmac' and 'NCS Phased Refinement'. Maps can be created in CCP4 format or the appropriate format for the graphics programs O, Quanta or XtalView. You can set the preferred default format. By default maps are created in the TEMPORARY directory but this can be changed in the Preferences to be the current project directory. N.B. the TEMPORARY directory is usually the same as the scratch directory, as defined by the environment variable $CCP4_SCR in the CCP4 setup script, but it can be set to somewhere else in the Directories&Project Dir window.

Creating Maps - O

You can specify whether or not to normalise maps produced by Mapman for the O program.

Creating Maps - Refmac5

By default, the Refmac5 interface will auto-generate map file names if the option to 'Generate weighted difference maps files in ... format' is toggled on, and these file names will not be displayed. If you wish to set these filenames explicitly, for the 'Fwt map' and the 'DelFwt map', then set the option 'In Refmac5 interface give output map names explicitly' in the Preferences window.

Default Viewers

By default CCP4i will display PDB files as text and just the header of CCP4 map files. You can choose to change the default viewers for these two file types to a different viewer defined within the interface.

Data Harvesting

The default option is to Create harvest file in project harvesting directory. The default can be changed to create harvesting files in a central harvest directory, in the top level CCP4i Project directory, or to disable harvesting. There are also options to keep data harvesting files private, and to set a maximum on the width of a row in the deposit file. See Data Harvesting for the background on these options.

XML Output

Warning: this is a developmental option!

Some tasks in CCP4i can use XML files to communicate information within the interface. This option determines whether or not this communication is turned on. The default is have it turned off, and it is not advised to use this unless you know what you are doing.

Currently the XML communication is only used between the Matthews, Analyse MR Data, and Molrep interfaces.

Saving Preferences

The Preferences window has two options for saving the preferences: either to Save to Installation File or to Save to User's Home Directory. You should only save to the installation file ($CCP4I_TOP/etc/preferences.def) if you are the system manager responsible for installing CCP4i. If you are not the system manager, you should not have write permission to this file if your system manager has set things up wisely. The alternative is to save a set of personal preferences to your $HOME/.CCP4/unix/preferences.def.

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