CCP4 web logo CCP4i: Graphical User Interface
Documentation for Programmers

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This documentation is intended to help programmers who wish to write their own task interfaces. The main reasons why you might want to do this:

Creating a new task interface will probably require four new files. None of these files are particularly complex for a simple interface but I do expect that learning about four new file formats will present an energy barrier to getting started with CCP4i. Please persevere and hassle us with any problems/suggestions:

There is an Overview of the task interface which you should read before starting. There are a couple of simple example interfaces (demo). Then it is probably best to work on the files in the order:

The other pages of interest:

Library of CCP4i Commands
containing links to documentation for CCP4i-specific commands
Using MTZ datasets in CCP4i
A "cookbook" of solutions for accessing dataset information and associated data from MTZ files within CCP4i
Documentation for core CCP4i Tcl Procedures
containing links to documentation for all CCP4i core Tcl procedures
How to document core CCP4i Tcl Procedures
explaining how documentation for the core CCP4i procedures should be added and generated

Introduction to Tcl

The CCP4 web site also has a Developers Resources page.