This file contains the various commands for interacting with the underlying job database within CCP4i. The actual database commands are in the projectdb.tcl file. These functions are concerned with the provision of tools and interfaces for viewing and modifying the database contents.
Argument list: <project> <db> <statusVar> <userVar> <timeVar> Returns the status in statusVar - "unlocked" or "locked"
project Alias for project
db Directory for corresponding database
statusVar Name of variable to return status in
userVar Name of variable to return user in
timeVar Name of variable to return time in
These are CCP4i-specific commands to interact with the database. They are built on top of the core database commands.
Argument list: <arrayname> <taskname> <status> <STARTING> This procedure will automatically extract data from the array associated with a task and load it into the database. The data in the task array must have the appropriate parameter names:
TITLE A title for the job
INPUT_FILES A list of the *parameter* names in the task array for input files (NB not the file names themselves)
OUTPUT_FILES A list of the *parameter* names in the task array for input files (NB not the file names themselves)
The procedure returns the job id.
arrayname The name of the task array
taskname The name of the task
status Optional status - default is 'STARTING'
Argument list: <job_id> This should only be used if job_id is the last job in the project. This procedure is usually called if the user has opted to abort running a job.
job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> <dir> There are standard file names for log file of the form jobid_taskname
This does not return the file extension and only includes the full directory path if the dir parameter is set. This will generally be used when you want to create the file.
job_id Job id
dir Optional project/directory alias or the word 'PROJECT' which will use the current project directory.
Argument list: <job_id> If the file does not exists then return null. This will generally be used when you want to read the file.
job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> <logfileVar> <formatVar> If the file does not exist or can not be read then the format is returned as 'NOFILE'. The format will otherwise be 'TEXT' or 'HTML'.
This procedure reads the first few lines of the file to determine its format.
job_id Job id
logfileVar Returned full path name for log file
formatVar Returned file format
Argument list: <job_id> <mode> <filelistVar> <args> By default only files are returned in the lists. If the -all argument is specified then any directories are also included in the list that is returned.
job_id Job id
mode either 'INPUT' or 'OUTPUT'
filelistVar Returned list of files with full path names
Include all files and directories
These are procedures to draw the job list from the database in the ccp4i main window.
Argument list: None The sort/search window consist in choice between a search and a sort and between simple or advanced one. Depending on the user's choice the parameters that can be tuned are different and can help the user to refine a search step by step or to do many different search and sorts. The results of the sorting and searching are displayed in this window, not in the main task window.
Argument list: <mode> <ssdb_w> <arrayname> This procedure deals with the execution or refinement of a search or sort request when the user clicks on the action button in the window.
mode 0 (execute a new search) or 1 (refine existing results),2 resetting
ssdb_w The path of the toplevel searching window
arrayname The name of the array at global level holding the searching parameters
Argument list: None Argument list: <want_refine> <win_path> <arrayname> This method deal both with the simple and advanced sorting, and enables to sort on the result of previous searches through its parameters.
want_refine is a boolean value used to see if it is a new sorting or if the user want to sort on previous results. Set to 1 for refining, 0 otherwise.
win_path is the pathname of the search/sort windows used to feed the result
Argument list: <value_list> <unordered_val> <unorder_ids> <backup_val> <bound> <start> This procedure take the value from a list to compare them to the entries of an array, and reorder all the arrays in the parameters to match the order of the list
value_list is a list containing the ordered values.
unordered_val is the name of the array containing the currently unordered values
unordered_ids is the name of the array containing the currently unordered job ids
backup_val is the name of an array containing values for advanced sort
bound is the upperbound for the index in the array to match the values of the list
start is the index in the array where the search need to start to find matching values
Argument list: <want_refine> <win_path> <arrayname> This procedure deal with both simple and advanced search, fetching the jobs corresponding to the different values and retaining only those which match all criteria. It deals with an unfructuous search by displaying a message
want_refine is a boolean value used to see if it is a new search or if the user want to sort on previous results. Set to 1 for refining, 0 otherwise.
win_path is the pathname of the search/sort windows used to feed the result
Argument list: None When this command is invoked initially it sets up an invocation of DbUpdateList (which updates the list of jobs in the main window) to happen a second later. Any additional calls in this time are essentially ignored. Once the list display has been updated, new calls will set up the next update to happen.
This mechanism is intended to prevent a sequence of distracting updates to the job display occurring each time a set of update requests are recieved in rapid succession.
Argument list: <args> This procedure defines the parameters and format to be listed and calls db_update_list which actually draws the list.
Note that the -nosave option no longer does anything, as the save operations are handled internally by the database functions.
Does nothing but is retained for backwards compatibility.
Argument list: <project> <db_display> <db_display_format> <\> project The alias for the project to access
db_display A list of the database parameters to be displayed
db_display_format A list of the field widths (as integers) to use for displaying the items in the db_display list.
no_jobs_message The message to display if there are currently no jobs in the database.
Argument list: <mode> <w> <args> save current selection in archive(CURRENT_SELECTION)
mode Usually 'select' for if user selected job or 'clear' if user clicked F2
w The widget identifier for the listbox which displays the job list
Indicates that the selection is coming from the search/sort tool
Argument list: None This procedure updates the CURRENT_SELECTION element in the archive global array by checking that each item in the selection actually exists.
Argument list: <w> <x> <y> <ysel> This procedure generates a "context menu" presenting appropriate actions available to the user to manipulate the currently selected set of jobs in the database job list.
The available operations depend upon the number of selected jobs.
w The name of the window that the menu was invoked from
x The screen X position of the mouseclick
y The screen Y position of the mouseclick
ysel The y position of the mouseclick within the window
Argument list: None This procedure attempts to display the logfile for the job, if it has one.
Argument list: None This procedure attempts to rerun the job that has been double clicked by the user in the job database list, provided that the job has a status other than REPORTED.
Argument list: <command> All of the utility menu items invoke this procedure when picked. This procedure checks that the appropriate number of jobs for the utility have been selected.
command Keyword to identify the utility that the user has selected.
Argument list: None This procedure defines the menu content and then call db_draw_utilities which does the drawing.
Argument list: <optionlist> <commandlist> <messagelist> <\> All information for drawing the menus is input as lists with one list item per menu item. This approach makes it easy to change the menu but ccp4i currently does not do this (it's probably a bad thing anyway). It ought to be possible to write a similar procedure which draws the utilities as pull down menus and the user can then have the option on how to lay out the main window.
optionlist A list of the text to appear in menu. If the menu item has a submenu then the item is a list.
commandlist A list of the command keywords to be used by db_command_handler to invoke the right utility procedure.
messagelist A list of the messages associated with each menu item. Note that there are no distinct messages for each submenu item.
activelist A list of 0/1 to indicate if a menu item is active. Currently all input has these set to 1.
helpfile Name of a help file.
helplist List of the targets in the help file for each menu.
Indicates that the menu is drawn from search/sort tool
Argument list: <args> This procedure is called when the user selects a job. The id of the menu is saved as SystemVar VIEW_JOB_JOBID.
The procedure tries to give appropriate options dependent on format of log file (? is it html) but does not look for tables in log file as this can be slow for big log files.
Indicates that the view is in the search/sort tool
Argument list: <mm> <directories> This procedure is used from within DbViewJobMenu, to add a cascading menu to the end of the "View Files From Job" menu for each output subdirectory that is associated with the job.
The cascading menu lists the files contained within the subdirectory, and further cascading menus for each of the subdirectories within the current subdirectory. The procedure is called recursively to add further layers of nesting as required.
mm The window name for the Tk menu to add the cascades to
directories A list of directories to be added
Argument list: <projectVar> Just a wrapper for GetCurrentProject.
projectVar Name of variable in which the project alias will be returned.
Argument list: None Called from taskbrowser or whatever is main program
Argument list: <args> This is essentially a wrapper to DbOpenDatabase which also performs some CCP4i-specific admin tasks, and invokes graphical components if prompting is required from the user.
Should be specified the first time the procedure is invoked. It forces drawing of the utility menu if CCP4i is running in taskbrowser mode.
Argument list: None This is essentially a wrapper to DbCloseDatabase.
Argument list: <project> The user has changed the project so update the current project directory and database.
Jobs which are run external to the main graphical ccp4i process return status updates using socket connections.
The information returned, the job status, finish time, and output files, is entered into the database using these procedures.
Argument list: <job_id> <project> <args> If the update information is that STATUS is FINISHED then this procedure will update the job time to the finish time and call the task review procedures. Any task can optionally define a review procedure which is called after the job has finished (only a handful of tasks do have review procedures). Finally redraw the job list.
job_id The job number
project The database project of the job - beware if user has changed project then cannot update database
parameter_1,data_1,parameter_2,data_2.. List of pairs of parameter name and value.
Argument list: <job_id> <project> <args> job_id Job id
project The database project of the job - beware if user has changed project then cannot update database
file_1,dir_1,file_2,dir_2.. A list of pairs of parameters, the first is the file name and the second the project/directory alias. The file name should ordinarily be just the file name and not the full pathname. The dir is a project or directory alias. If a full path is given then only the trailing filename is used unless the directory alias is {"Full} path..\" or an empty string (in which case the directory is set to {"Full} path..\". If the filename is an empty string then this is still stored along with the directory name.
Argument list: <job_id> <start_time> <0> If the job start time is defined then also check that any file with the appropriate name was created between the job start and finish time. If the file does not exist or has wrong creation time then remove it from the list of output files.
Nb The output 'files' can also include directories. In this case the filename should be an empty string.
job_id Job id
start_time Optional job start time in machine time.
Argument list: <filename> <args> Return a list of job ids which have output files with the given name
This procedure is most useful in checking that a currently running job not create a file of the same name.
Only search through currently running jobs
Argument list: None This procedure is usually called when ccp4i is started
Checks jobs with status RUNNING REMOTE ON_HOLD
Argument list: <logfile> <statusVar> <timeVar> <output_filesVar> ccp4i scripts put a short section of termination status on end of log file which is usually not needed but may be checked for jobs which have RUNNING status when ccp4i graphical process is started.
logfile Name of log file
statusVar Returned status for job
timeVar Returned finish time for job
output_filesVar Returned list of output files (this will be list of file/dir alias pairs)
Argument list: <filename> When specified output file already exists and user has opted to overwrite it then check thru all jobs in database to see if the overwritten file is a recognised output file. If it is then delete it from the output_file list of the previous job.
filename File name - NOT the full path name
Argument list: <job_id_list> call db_cleanup_handler and db_archive_handler to do the business
NB code from this procedure has been hacked together in the db_removeoutput_handler (which is used to delete files when the "Kill&Remove" option is selected). The common code should probably be farmed out to separate procedures in the future.
job_id_list List of job ids
Argument list: <job_id> <job_id_list> job_id Job id for job with changed default options or 'ALL' if overall default is changed
job_id_list List of ids for all jobs currently in archive/delete window
Argument list: <job_id_list> job_id_list List of the ids for jobs in archive/delete window
Argument list: <job_id> This procedure is called when the user selects to Kill a running job and remove all output. It prepares input for and then calls db_archive_handler, which does the removal.
The procedure uses code hacked from db_archive_window. The common code should probably be farmed out to separate procedures in the future.
job_id The id of the job being removed
Argument list: <job_id_list> <action> <> This procedure will delete temporary files and directories, def files, com files (the input scripts for the programs) and remove the job from the database. If action is not set then apply the cleanup defined by archive(DELETE_OPTIONS) parameter
job_id_list List of the ids for jobs in archive/delete window
action Action to apply to the jobs in list (optional)
Argument list: <job_id_list> This command should be invoked when the used clicks Apply&Exit in the Delete/Archive Files window - the interface is locked while the operations are in progress, to prevent the user exiting partway through.
job_id_list List of job ids
Argument list: <job_id_list> Calls db_restore_handler to do the business
job_id_list List of the ids for jobs in archive/delete window
Argument list: <nselect> <text> nselect Text defining number of jobs that must be selected
text Text describing utility that user picked
Argument list: <job_id> job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> Use a conventional task interface called taskinfo
job_id Id for job to edit. If it is 0 then enter info for a 'REPORTED' job
Argument list: <arrayname> <job_id> This procedure used by db_edit_info
arrayname Array name for task array
job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> job_id Job id
Argument list: <filename> <job_id> An archive file is one that has been gzipped and move to the project database directory. Return 0 (no archive file) or 1 (archive file exists)
filename File name (NOT full path name)
job_id Job id.
Argument list: <filename> <job_id> <action> Either archive or restore filename dependent on action
return a status for the file:
"null" can't find copy of file
"project" file in project directory (i.e. file with name filename exists)
"archive" archived version of file exists
"both" both project and archive version of file exist
filename Full path file name for file
job_id Job id
action Action required : 'archive' 'restore' or '' (do nothing)
Argument list: <filename> <job_id> <args> filename File name (can be full path name)
job_id Job id
Append appropriate extension for compressed file
Argument list: <job_id> Return 1 if a notebook entry exists and 0 otherwise
job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> The com files are the scripts which are input to the programs
job_id Job id
Argument list: <f1> <f2> See the Tcl documentation on lsort.
f1,f2 The com file names
Argument list: <job_id> Use the KillScript or KillRemoteScript prcedures in the local.tcl
job_id Job id
Argument list: <job_id> Argument list: None Argument list: None This generates a window which gives the user information about the current configuation of CCP4i with respect to accessing the project database.
In the case that CCP4i is connected to the database handler, it also monitors the status of the connection.
Argument list: <arrayname> <startupVar> This sets the USE_DBCCP4I_ON_STARTUP parameter in configure to a new value specified by element startupVar in the array supplied by the calling procedure.
The configure parameters are then saved to file and reloaded into the interface. The mode of database access isn't changed until the next time CCP4i is started.
arrayname Name of the array used in the database configuration window
startupVar Name of the parameter storing the user's startup preference
Argument list: <arrayname> <statusVar> <infoVar> This is initially called from the database configuration window. Subsequently it calls itself periodically to update the status and information parameters, essentially monitoring the connection to the database server in real time.
arrayname Name of the array used in the database configuration window
statusVar Name of the parameter displaying the connection status
infoVar Name of the parameter displaying the server information
Argument list: <args> Argument list: None the real work is done by db_autotest_handler
Argument list: <args> Create a new project directory which is a sub-directory of the current project directory. Create a new database directory and database.def. Run all tasks in the project putting output files into the new project subdirectory.
Running in command line (nographics) mode
Argument list: <mode> <job_id> <last_job> <old_project> <project> <args> While the auto tests are running this procedure calls itself every couple of seconds and test if the current job is finished and if so then starts the next job
mode Mode is either 'init' for first time procedure is called or 'watch' thereafter
job_id The job id of the currently running job
last_job The id of the final job that the procedure is required to run.
old_project The project alias of the master project that is being rerun
project The project alias for the working project
Exit from ccp4i after completely the tests in this project
-remote machine
Run jobs on remote machine
Argument list: <old_project> <project> <job_id> <run_mode> Change the directory aliases to that of the working project
old_project The project alias of the master project that is being rerun
project The project alias for the working project
job_id The job id
run_mode Set to 'remote' or 'background' - required to set the def file header
Argument list: <project> <user> <time> project Alias of project
user Name of user who currently owns the lock
time Time when the lock was created
Argument list: <project> Socket commands e.g. from running scripts which could not be executed immediately due to the main process being inaccessible, may be stored in a buffer file. DbFlushCommandBuffer flushes the buffer file and executes the commands using the "ccp4ish -socket" mechanism.
project Project alias
Argument list: <project> Clone of GetBufferFile in execute.tcl
project Alias for project
The procedures in runjob.tcl will initiate the running of a job after the user has clicked the 'Run' button on a task interface.
Argument list: <mode> <taskname> <arrayname0> This procedure checks that a script file script/taskname.tcl exists and will fail if it is not found unless running in interactive mode. In future it is feasible that scripts could be written in other languages and run_command would need to be intelligent about this to ensure the script was started appropriately. There is currently some unused code to handle the case of csh script.
mode can be: background: run in background as separate process on same machine, edit: as background but show user program scripts to edit, remote: Give user options to choose to run remote/batch, interactive: create the database entry but return control to the task interface to run the job interactively, #d_arg taskname The name of the task
arrayname Task interface array
Argument list: <mode> <format> <def_file> <script_file> <job_id> The command to run start a ccp4i process is taken from the configure array - inappropriate setting of this value is a likely cause for jobs not running. The RunRemote procedure is invoked to run jobs remotely.
Note regarding the "mode" argument: this is a list that can contain between one and three elements. The first element indicates the mode of use (either "background" or "remote"). If the mode of use is "remote" then there must be a second element which is the name of the remote machine, and there may also be an optional third element that indicates the protocol to use to connect to that machine (either "rsh" or "ssh").
mode = background or remote
def_file Name of def file containing parameters for job
script_file Script file - usually only required for running Python
job_id The project database id for the job
Argument list: <arrayname> <input_files> <output_files> A list of array elements for the names of input and output files are keep in the array elements INPUT_FILES and OUTPUT_FILES respectively.
arrayname Task interface array
input_files List of array elements containing the names of input files
output_files List of array elements containing the names of output files
Argument list: <arrayname> <file> arrayname Task interface array
filename Name of one input file
Argument list: <arrayname> <file> arrayname Task interface array
filename Name of one output file
Argument list: <arrayname>
arrayname Task interface array
Argument list: <job_id> <project> When a job is aborted by the user, this command will be invoked by a message received by ServerAcceptInput in order to perform clean up of the job by invoking the cleanup handler.
job_id Number of the aborted job
project Name of the project that the job was running in
Argument list: <job_id> <project> <status> When a job finishes running, this command will be invoked by a message received by ServerAcceptInput in order to perform any post-run operations - for example, running the task review procedures defined in the task file and finalising the status of the output files.
Completion in this context includes both successful and failed jobs.
job_id Number of the aborted job
project Name of the project that the job was running in
status Status of the job on completion e.g. FINISHED or FAILED.
Argument list: <arrayname> <text> only used in few tasks so far
arrayname Task interface array
text text to insert in task title
Argument list: <script_file> <job_id> <args> script_file Name of def file containing task parameters
job_id The project database id for the job
-machine machine
Set a default remote machine
Argument list: <w> <arrayname> <action> <def_file> <job_id> <args> There is a fragment of code to run in 'SERVER' mode - this would be an implementation to allow running 'remotely' on the Windows platform.
w The id of the window
arrayname 'Remote' window array
action User selection: 'abort' or 'run'
def_file Name of def file containing task parameters
job_id The project database id for the job
Within CCP4i the user's work is divided into 'project directories' with each directory being referenced by a 'project alias'. A project also has an associated job database.
These functions handle initialisation and saving of the overall project directory information. The data is stored in the global 'directories' array.
Argument list: <args> This is a wrapper for InitialisePreferences directories, with some additional functionality to initialise the user's projects if necessary.
If the database handler is being used as the source of directories data then a connection is established with the handler, and status 1 is returned if there are no projects currently defined or 2 if there is at least one project already defined.
If a connection to the handler is not requested, or if a connection cannot be made, then InitialisePreferences is called and the status from that call is returned.
InitialiseDirectories accepts the same arguments as InitialisePreferences, although in the case of the database handler being used these are essentially ignored.
Check whether directories.def file is locked
-host hostname
Connect to a handler running on the specified host
-port port_number
Connect via a specific port number
These functions handle interactions with the information about the project directories.
Argument list: None This returns a list of all the available project names (aka aliases) that are currently defined. If there are no projects currently defined then an empty list is returned.
Note that the projects are sorted into alphabetical (dictionary) order regardless of the order that they are retrieved from the database.
Argument list: <alias> <dir> This adds a new project to the user's list, if necessary also creating a new directory and a database subdirectory.
It returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
alias The one-word alias for the project
dir The full path for the project directory
Argument list: <alias> Only the reference to the project is deleted - the project directory and contents are left intact.
alias The one-word alias for the project
Argument list: <project> Returns the directory path associated with the project name or an empty string if the project is not defined.
project Alias/name of the project
Argument list: <project> Returns the directory path for the database associated with the project name, or an empty string if the project is not defined.
project Alias/name of the project
Argument list: <project> <dir> The project alias must already be defined.
This command should be used with caution as it could have side effects for reviewing and rerunning jobs in this and other projects.
project Alias/name of the project being updated
dir The full path for the new directory
Argument list: <project> This is an internal function that does a lookup of the array index value for a project name in the directories array.
If the project name isn't defined then an empty string is returned.
project Alias/name of the project being indexed
These functions handle interactions with the information about the 'default directories' (defdirs).
'Default directories' are directories with associated aliases which are not project directories - that is, that have no associated job database.
Argument list: None This returns a list of all the available defdir names (aka aliases) that are currently defined. If there are no defdirs currently defined then an empty list is returned.
The returned list will have TEMPORARY as the first def dir, if it exists.
A 'defdir' is a data directory i.e. a directory that has a shortcut name/alias but doesn't have an associated project database.
Note that the def dirs are sorted such that TEMPORARY will always be listed first (if it exists) and subsequent aliases will be in alphabetical (i.e. dictionary) order.
Argument list: <alias> <dir> This adds a new defdir to the user's list. The directory doesn't have to exist when it is added.
It returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
alias The one-word alias for the defdir
dir The full path for the directory
Argument list: <alias> Only the reference to the def dir is deleted - the directory and contents are left intact.
alias The one-word alias for the def dir
Argument list: <defdir> Returns the directory path associated with the defdir name or an empty string if the defdir is not defined.
defdir Alias/name of the defdir
Argument list: <defdir> <dir> The defdir alias must already be defined.
This command is currently deprecated as it could have unpredictable results.
defdir Alias/name of the defdir being updated
dir The full path for the new directory
Argument list: <defdir> This is an internal function that does a lookup of the array index value for a defdir name in the directories array.
If the defdir name isn't defined then an empty string is returned.
defdir Alias/name of the defdir being indexed
These functions provide simple interrogations of the project and default directory data.
Argument list: <project> Argument list: <project> project Alias/name of the project
Argument list: <dir> Returns 1 if dir is a project or default directory, 0 if not.
dir Full path of the directory to check
These functions deal with the internal details of setting and getting the DEFDIR_MENU parameter.
Argument list: <menu> menu A list containing the items in the menu
Argument list: None These functions handle the specifics of the job database implementation.
Argument list: <dbfile> <utility_name> <identifier> This is a copy of the DbCreateNewFile command in database.tcl, and creates a new database.def file.
dbfile Name of database file
utility_name type of database - expect it to be 'database'
identifier Identifier to write to file header - usually 'CCP4_Project_Database' - this is equivalent to the taskname in the usual task def files. A more descriptive identifier is used here in attempt to explain the file to anyone who reads the file itself.
Argument list: <callbackProc> This allows a callback procedure to be specified, so that whenever the directories data is saved to persistent storage the callback will be invoked immediately afterwards.
See also the SaveDirectories procedure.
callbackProc Name of the command to be invoked.
These commands are used internally by the directories functions to manage scheduling automatic saves of the directories data to persistent storage as required.
DirectoriesModified is called by 'write' operations (e.g. adding or deleting projects). This schedules calls to SaveDirectories, which manages the actual saving operation.
Argument list: <broadcast> This command is called by the directories 'write' operations. It sets a flag to indicate that the directories data needs saving to file, and schedules a call to SaveDirectories to perform the operation (if one is not currently scheduled).
This is an internal command and should not normally be called directly.
broadcast (Optional) The broadcast data received from the database handler
Argument list: <args> This is a wrapper for SavePreferences directories and takes the same arguments.
These are internal functions used to keep information on the current project that CCP4i is operating with.
Argument list: <project_database> project_database New value for PROJECT_DATABASE
Argument list: None These commands can be used to change the method that the interface is using to access the database. The choice of commands is dependent only on the target mode, and not on the current access mode.
Argument list: None Direct access is when CCP4i reads and writes the project database files directly.
Argument list: <host> <port> Resets the database connection mode to connect to a handler running on a remote machine. The handler must already be running on the remote machine.
host The hostname of the remote machine with the handler instance
port The port number used by the remote handler
Argument list: None This is the default mode for CCP4i when using the database handler to access the database.
Argument list: None This command should be called after startup in graphical mode. It checks whether the current configuration for database access is consistent with the expected configuration when the database handler is being used.
In the event that the interface is configured to use the handler but the actual operating mode has automatically switched to direct access it offers the user the option of updating the configuration to use this mode on startup in future.
These are internal functions used to keep information on the current project that CCP4i is operating with.
Argument list: None Returns 1 if the database handler is being used as the database source and 0 if CCP4i is accessing the database files directly (i.e. via the directories and database global arrays).
Initially the preferred access mode is set according to the setting in configure.def.
Argument list: <args> Establishes a connection to the database handler using the client API commands. If the connection is successfully made then the internal parameter USE_DBCCP4I is set to one, otherwise it is set to zero (meaning that no connection is available). The return value of this command is the final setting of the USE_DBCCP4I parameter.
By default the connection is made to a local handler instance i.e. one on the current machine. If the -host and -port arguments are specified then the connection will instead be made to a remote handler instance. Note that the -host and -port arguments must be used together.
In either case if a connection has already been established then no action will be taken.
-host host_name
Connect to a handler running on hostname, rather than locally
-port port_number
Connect to port_number
Argument list: <broadcast> This is invoked by the dbccp4i client API when the database changes. It shouldn't be invoked directly from within CCP4i.
Argument list: None Returns 1 if the connection to the database handler is still active, and zero otherwise.
Argument list: None Returns a list of the project names that can be accessed using the database handler connection. Note that it is possible not to have any projects defined, in which case an empty list will be returned.
Argument list: <alias> <dir> This command will first ask the database handler to create a new project with the supplied name and directory. If this fails it then attempts to import the project instead. If either of these steps succeeds then 1 is returned, otherwise zero is returned.
alias Name of the project
dir Full path of the project directory
Argument list: <alias> This command attempts to remove the reference to a specified project from the list of all the projects that the handler currently knows about. It returns 1 on successful removal and zero on failure.
Note that deleting the project reference doesn't remove the project directory or any of the files from the system. Deleted projects can therefore be added back later using the dbccp4i_add_project command.
alias Name of the project
Argument list: <project> Returns an empty string if the specified project isn't found.
project Name of the project
Argument list: <project> Returns the path to the database directory associated with a project (typically /path/to/project/CCP4_DATABASE/), or an empty string if the project isn't found.
project Name of the project
Argument list: None Returns a list of the data directory names that can be accessed using the database handler connection. Note that it is possible not to have any data directories defined, in which case an empty list will be returned.
Argument list: <alias> <dir> This command associates an alias with a directory where data is normally stored. If the add operation succeeds then 1 is returned, otherwise zero is returned.
alias Name of the data dir
dir Full path of the data directory
Argument list: <alias> This command attempts to remove the reference to a specified data directory from the list of all data directories that the handler currently knows about. It returns 1 on successful removal and zero on failure.
Note that deleting the directory reference doesn't remove the actual directory or any of the files from the system. Deleted data dirs can therefore be added back later using the dbccp4i_add_defdir command.
alias Name of the data directory
Argument list: <defdir> Returns the path to the data directory associated with the specified name, or an empty string if the data dir isn't found.
defdir Name of the data directory
Argument list: <dir> Returns 1 if the specified directory path corresponds to a known project directory or data directory, and zero if it doesn't.
dir The directory path to check
Argument list: <project> If the specified project name is already in the list of projects available to the handler then returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
project Name of the project
Argument list: <level> <text> level A messaging level (with 0 being most serious)
text Text to report
The commands in this section are used to set up and maintain a cache of data for the current database, to speed up interactions with the job database (particularly for updating the job list).
Argument list: None This clears any current contents of the cache and repopulates it with data for the specified project from the handler.
Once the cache is populated, data about individual projects and def dirs should be kept up-to-date automatically in response to broadcasts received from the handler.
Based on the dbccp4i_populate_cache command in projectdb.tcl.
Argument list: None This returns 1 if the directories caches has been loaded indicating that the data is cached, and zero otherwise.
Argument list: <broadcast> Given a broadcast message from the handler, this command determines which project or defdir has been updated and the operation that has been performed. It then calls the appropriate command to update the cached data.
broadcast Broadcast message received from the database handler
Argument list: <project> This command retrieves the data for the specified project from the handler and inserts it into the cache.
project The name of the project being cached
Argument list: <project> This command deletes the specified project from the cache.
project The name of the project to be removed
Argument list: <defdir> This command retrieves the data for the specified def dir from the handler and inserts it into the cache.
defdir The name of the def dir being cached
Argument list: <defdir> This command deletes the specified def dir from the cache.
defdir The name of the def dir to be removed
The database of user's jobs is stored in the array called 'database' and this saved to a file project_directory/CCP4_DATABASE/database.def in a standard def format file. It is strongly discouraged to access the database array directly from any procedure outside of this file. An empty database is defined in the file $CCP4I_TOP/etc/database.def. Each job in a project is given a job id which is an integer which is incremented, from 1, for every new job. The currently supported database parameters are NJOBS (the number of the highest job id in the database) and then parameters *,$n where n is the job id and the required values of * are given below. These parameters are written to the project database file, there are additional parameters may be saved in the database array but not be saved to file.
TASKNAME The name of the type of task
DATE The date that the job started (if still running) or finished saved as the machine time.
STATUS A one-word job status
LOGFILE The file name of the log file (NOT the full path name)
TITLE A text string of the job title provided by the user
INPUT_FILES A list of the input file names (not paths UNLESS the user has specified Full path rather than used a directory alias)
INPUT_FILES_DIR A list of the project/directory aliases for the input files
INPUT_FILES_STATUS Currently unused
OUTPUT_FILES A list of the output file names (not paths UNLESS the user has specified Full path rather than used a directory alias)
INPUT_FILES_DIR A list of the project/directory aliases for the output files
OUTPUT_FILES_STATUS Currently unused
Each project that the user creates will have its own database.def file and the appropriate file is loaded whenever the user changes between projects. The database.def file is updated from memory after every significant change. The time taken to read a database.def file is significant for projects with many jobs.
These commands deal with loading and saving the job database information from the persistent storage on disk i.e. the database.def file.
They are specific to CCP4i handling the database.def files directly by itself.DbInterrogateLock Obtain the status of the lock for the given project database
APIs to Access the Database
APIs to Access the Database
DbRegisterJob Register a new job with the project database.
DbUnregisterJob Unregister job at some stage in job startup
DbGetJobFileRoot Return the root name for files such as script and log files
GetLogFileName Return the full file name for the log file
GetLogFileFormat Return the full file name for the log file and its format
DbGetJobFiles Return a list of either INPUT/OUTPUT files
Database GUI
Database GUI
ssdb_setup Create the window containing the tools for searching and sorting
ssdb_handler Handle action when user clicks "Execute" or "Refine" buttons
update_ssdb_list update the list from jobs inside the search/sort tool
db_sort_handler Handle a simple or advanced sorting triggered by the search/sort tool
ssdb_reordering_array Reorder the entries of an array.
db_search_handler Handles a simple or advanced search triggered by the sort/search tool
ScheduleDbUpdateList Schedule an update of the job list.
DbUpdateList Update the list of jobs displayed and save data to file.
db_update_list Draw any generic list of parameters from database to the job list window.
db_handle_selection Handler for user picking a job from list
db_update_selection Update the internal array elements for the current job selection
db_context_menu Handler for user right-clicking on job window
db_handle_doubleclick Handler for user double-clicking on job window
db_handle_shiftdoubleclick Handler for user double-clicking on job window while pressing shift
db_command_handler Handle a user pick of the utility menu
DbDrawUtilityMenu Draw the utility menu
db_draw_utilities Draw a utility menu on the right side of main window.
DbViewJobMenu Update "View Job File" menu to list the in/output files for selected job
dbviewjobmenu_cascade_dirs Append cascading menus for subdirectory contents
Initialising, Loading & Saving the Database
DbGetCurrentProject Return the project alias and database directory for the current project.
DbInitialise Initialise project database.
DbOpen Open a project database within CCP4i
DbClose Close the currently open project database within CCP4i
DbChangeFile Change the project database
Handling Input from Running Jobs
Handling Input from Running Jobs
DbReceive Update database parameters after receiving status report from external job
DbAddOutputFile Update list of job output files after receiving command from external job.
DbUpdateOutFiles Check the existence of the listed output files for a job
DbCheckOutputFiles Look through all jobs and check uniqueness of output file name
DbUpdateStatus For any job with status RUNNING check log file to see it it has finished
ReportJobFinish Read end of logfile to find termination status
DbHandleOverwrite Remove filename from database for file that user has opted to overwrite
Database Utility GUIs
db_archive_window Draw the window with archive/delete options
db_archive_window_update Update archive/delete window if user changes default
db_archive_handler Delete/archive output files & log file as specified in archive window
db_removeoutput_handler Delete all output files for the selected job
db_cleanup_handler Apply the defined cleanup after a job
db_lock_and_archive Perform archive/delete operations while the interface is locked
db_restore_window Draw the window with file restore options
db_select_warning Write warning message if user picks utility menu without selecting job(s)
db_rerun Draw interface for rerunning a selected job
db_edit_info Edit the information stored for a job
db_load_taskinfo Load database data for job into a task array
DefFileName Return the full path name of a def file in project database directory
DbArchiveExists Look if there is archive file for filename
DbArchiveFile Archive or restore a file
ArchiveFileName Return the appropriate name for an archive file
db_job_has_notebook Check for existance of notebook entry for a job
db_edit_notebook Display & allow edit of the notebook for one job
DbMergeComFiles Merge com files for a job so they can be displayed
db_sort_tmpfiles Comparison command for lsort in DbMergeComFiles
DbKillJob Kill a job whose current status is REMOTE or RUNNING
DbStopJob Not implemented - stop job cleanly after next program finish
db_view_session_log Display the session log file
db_config_window Present a window for the user to configure the connection to the db
db_update_startup Update the user preference for database access mode on startup
db_monitor_connection Check and update the status of the connection in the db config window
Autotest Utilities
DbAutotest Handle command line running of autotest
db_autotest Interface to automatic regression testing - rerun jobs in project
db_autotest_handler Automatic regression testing - rerun jobs in project
AutotestRunjob Check status of automatic test jobs and start new job
UpdateAutoTestDef Update the def file when running regression tests
db_query_lock Create a dialogue window for overriding database lock
DbFlushCommandBuffer Flush the command buffer and execute the commands
Handling Delayed Execution of Buffered Commands
DbGetBufferFile Return the name of the database command buffer file
Starting Jobs (src/runjob.tcl)
Starting Jobs
run_command Create a def file, add new job to database and run a job
RunScript Run a job - start a new ccp4i process and pass it the def file name
RunFileCheck Before running a task check input files exist and output files do not.
InputFileCheck Check task input file exists and warn user if not
OutputFileCheck Check if task output file does not exist and offer to delete or abort
RunAborted Invoke the cleanup handler to deal with an aborted job
RunCompleted Trigger post-run operations once a running job has finished
SetDefaultTitle Set a task title if user has not entered one
ChooseRunMode Present 'Remote' window for user to choose remote/batch mode
handle_chooserunmode Run remote/batch after user clicks 'Run' in 'Remote' window
Project Directory Utilities (src/projectdirs.tcl)
Project Directory Utilities
Core Project Directory Functions
Core Project Directory Functions
InitialiseDirectories Initialise the directories data
Accessing Project Directory Data
Accessing Project Directory Data
ListProjects Return a list of project aliases
AddProject Add a new project to list of projects
DeleteProject Remove an existing project from list of projects
GetProjectPath Return the project directory corresponding to a project alias
GetProjectDBPath Return the database directory corresponding to a project alias
SetProjectPath (Re)set the directory for the specified project.
get_indx_project Internal: get an index value for a project name
Accessing DefDir Data
Accessing DefDir Data
ListDefdirs Return a list of defdir aliases
AddDefdir Add a new defdir to list of default directories
DeleteDefdir Remove an existing def dir from list of def dirs
GetDefdirPath Return the directory corresponding to a defdir alias
SetDefdirPath (Re)set the directory for the specified defdir.
get_indx_defdir Internal: get an index value for a defdir name
Project and DefDir Utility Functions
Project and DefDir Utility Functions
ProjectIsDefined Check if a project is defined
ProjectIsDefined Return 1 if the project name is already defined, 0 if not.
DirIsProject Check whether a directory is a project directory
Functions for handing default dir menus
Functions for handing default dir menus
SetDefdirMenu Set the value of the DEFDIR_MENU internal parameter
GetDefdirMenu Return the value of the DEFDIR_MENU internal parameter
Functions for handling database specifics
Functions for handling database specifics
CreateNewProjectDb Create new database file
DirectoriesRegisterCallback Specify a procedure that will be invoked on save
Commands for Handling Automatic Directories Saves
Commands for Handling Automatic Directories Saves
DirectoriesModified Register that the directories data has been modified.
SaveDirectories Save the directories data
Internal functions for dealing with the state of CCP4i
Internal functions for dealing with the state of CCP4i
SetProjectDatabase Set the value of the PROJECT_DATABASE internal parameter
GetProjectDatabase Fetch the value of the PROJECT_DATABASE internal parameter
Commands for switching the database access mode
Commands for switching the database access mode
switch_to_direct_db Switch to CCP4i accessing the database directly
switch_to_remote_db Switch to using a database handler on a remote machine
switch_to_local_db Switch to using a database handler on the local machine
InitialiseDatabaseOptions Reset database configuration options after startup.
Internal functions for interacting with the database handler
Internal functions for interacting with the database handler
using_dbccp4i Determine if we're using the db handler as the database backend
connect_to_dbccp4i Initialise the connection to the database handler
handle_dbccp4i_broadcast Receive a broadcast from the handler and determine how to react
dbccp4i_verify_connection Check there is a working connection to the database handler
dbccp4i_list_projects Return a list of projects from the database handler
dbccp4i_add_project Add a project to the list of projects in the handler.
dbccp4i_delete_project Remove a project from the list of projects in the handler.
dbccp4i_get_project_path Return the directory path for a project.
dbccp4i_get_project_db_path Return the directory path for a project database directory.
dbccp4i_list_defdirs Return a list of "default" (data) directories from the db handler
dbccp4i_add_defdir Add a "default" (data) directory to the list in the handler.
dbccp4i_delete_defdir Remove a "default" (data) directory from the handler.
dbccp4i_get_defdir_path Return the directory path for a "default" (data) directory.
dbccp4i_dir_is_project Check whether a directory path is a project or data directory
dbccp4i_project_is_defined Check whether a project name is already defined in the handler
DbReport Handle reporting diagnostic messages for database code
Database cache for database handler
Database cache for database handler
dbccp4i_populate_dirs_cache Initialise the directories data in the cache
dbccp4i_dirs_is_cached Check whether the directories data has been cached
dbccp4i_update_dirs_cache Update the directories cache in response to a handler broadcast
dbccp4i_cache_addproject Add the data for a new project into the cache
dbccp4i_cache_deleteproject Remove a project from the cache
dbccp4i_cache_adddefdir Add the data for a new def dir into the cache
dbccp4i_cache_deletedefdir Remove a def dir from the cache
Core Database Functions (src/projectdb.tcl)
Core Database Functions
Commands for Handling Database Files
Commands for Handling Database Files