Argument list: <a> <b>
a arbitrary length vector
b any numerical value
Argument list: <a> <b> a,b vectors (Tcl lists) of the same, but any, length
Argument list: <a> a arbitrary length vector
Argument list: <a> <b> a,b two vectors (Tcl lists) of the same, but any, length which would usually be length 3 and represent two points in space
Argument list: <a> <b> a,b two vectors (Tcl lists) of the same, but any, length
Argument list: <a> <b> a,b two vectors (Tcl lists) of the same, but any, length
Argument list: <args> a,b,c.. Any number of 2D coordinates (i.e. Tcl lists of two items)
Argument list: <s> <v> s any numerical value
v arbitrary length vector
Argument list: <angl> <a> angl rotation angle (radians)
a 2D coordinate (a Tcl list)vdotp return the dot product of two vectors
vlen return the magnitude of the vector
vdist return the distance between two points
vadd return the sum of two vectors
vsub return the difference of two vectors
vcent return the average coordinate of a list of 2D coordinates
vscal return vector (a list) which is vector v scaled by factor s
vrot Apply a rotation to a 2D coordinate