In task mode only one task window is visible - this is run with the command 'ccp4i -t taskname' To run in this mode bin/ccp4i.tcl calls the task procedure in src/task.tcl which does the necessary initialisation and opens the task window.
Argument list: None The taskbrowser.tcl file contains procedures which are specific for running the ccp4i task browser (i.e. the usual way to run ccp4i). This file has a list of the other files which must be sourced and the procedure taskbrowser which is called from the startup bin/ccp4i.tcl
Argument list: None Some utilities for CCP4i run in 'browser' i.e. normal graphical mode.
Argument list: <m> <arrayname> Argument list: <m> <arrayname> m Name of the widget with the menu
arrayname Name of the array with the data structure (usually called moduledef)
Argument list: <taskname> This command looks up the name of the Tcl file that is associated with a taskname, and returns the full path to the task file (or a blank string if no Tcl is found).
taskname The name of the task for which the task file is required
Argument list: <taskname> <title> <> Given the name of a task, return the command that should be executed to launch that task. The procedure checks that the task has an associated Tcl file, and if this is not found goes on to check whether the task is actually a utility program.
If the taskname does reference either a valid task or a valid utility then this command returns an empty string.
taskname The name of the task to get the command for
title (Optional) A title to be used for utilities
Argument list: <arrayname> <filnam> Load the list of modules and tasks into the moduledef array
Modules and tasks are first loaded from the main CCP4i modules file and additional modules and/tasks are then read from the user's personal modules file (if it exists) and are appended to those already loaded.
ASIDE (1): The user's .CCP4 area has subdirectories unix/windows where modules files are stored - in the main CCP4i area these directories are UNIX/WINDOWS.
ASIDE (2): There is currently an issue that the 'internal' name of a task which is used for task file names etc. is also the task name seen by the user in the job list. It would be better if the modules file had a separate definition of the 'user visible' task name.
filnam Name of the 'modules file
arrayname Name of array to contain data (usually moduledef)
Argument list: <modulesname> <arrayname> To be filled in by pjx
modulesname Name of the array initialise from the modules.def file
arrayname Name of array to contain data (usually moduledef)
Argument list: <input_project> <input_title> <window> <arrayname> input_project Name of input project - used in window title
input_title Additional input title used in communication dialog box
window The Tk window id
arrayname The module/task array (usually called moduledef)
Argument list: <arrayname> Go to the help page for the currently open module
Argument list: <selection> <arrayname> selection New module
arrayname The module/task array (usually called moduledef)
Argument list: <arrayname> <module> <name> <frame> <container> <folder> arrayname The module/task array (usually called moduledef)
module The current module holding the folder
name The name of the folder
frame The containing frame widget name
container The widget containing the title bar
folder The frame widget holding the list of tasks in the folder
Argument list: <arrayname> <module> <name> <frame> <container> <folder> arrayname The module/task array (usually called moduledef)
module The current module holding the folder
name The name of the folder
frame The containing frame widget name
container The widget containing the title bar
folder The frame widget holding the list of tasks in the folder
Argument list: <frame> When the tasklist is redrawn e.g. after and reposition the view
frame The containing frame widget name
Argument list: <taskname> <taskfile> When building the task list, check each task file for a procedure called taskname_prereq, and if it is found then execute it. The procedure should return 1 if the task can be run and 0 if not.
The task interface author should code the necessary checks (for example, ensuring that required program executables are available on the user's path) into the taskname_prereq procedure.
taskname The name of the task
taskfile The full path of the task file for this interface
Argument list: None For Unix systems, calls the MailtoDev procedure to produce the mailer window. On Windows, starts up a browser pointing to the CCP4 on-line help page (
Argument list: None Calls the send_mail procedure to handle 'Send Mail' command
Mail utility - based on the Disguise (CCP11) interface mailtool
Argument list: <w> Extract text and recipient from the 'Mail CCP4' dialog box Use the generic SendMail procedure to send the mail
Argument list: <project> <menupath> Changes to the project selected by the user from the menu and updates the menu contents.
project Alias of the selected project
menupath Path of the change project button widgettask Initialisation to run CCP4i in task mode.
The Taskbrowser (src/taskbrowser.tcl)
The Taskbrowser
taskbrowser Initialise CCP4i to run the taskbrowser
Utilities for CCP4i Main Window (src/browser_utils.tcl)
update_module_menu Populate the menu of available modules
update_module_menu This creates entries in a menu corresponding to the modules loaded in to a data structure. Any existing entries are first deleted from the menu.
GetTaskFile Get the Tcl file associated with a task
GetRunCmd Return the command for running a task
ReadTaskList Read the etc/$OPSYS/modules and $USER/.CCP4/$OPSYS/modules files
UpdateModulesList Update the lists of modules and tasks
CreateTaskBrowser Draw the main graphical window of ccp4i
module_help Handle user clicking for help on the Module menu
update_module Update task menu when user changes modules
open_module_folder Open a module folder by (re)packing it
close_module_folder Collapse a module folder by unpacking it
update_module_scroll Update the scrolling region of the tasklist
check_task_prereq Check for prerequisites for a task
MailHandler Create mail window for interface
MailtoDev Define the 'Mail CCP4' dialog box
send_mail Handler for MailtoDev 'Send Mail' command
SwitchProject Switch the main window to another project