These procedures are usually used in run scripts but they could be used within the main ccp4i process.
Many of the utilities require function from $CCP4I_TOP/src/CCP4_utils.tcl and that the data in $CCP4I_TOP/etc/crystal.lib and these are initiallised by commands at the top of map_utils.tcl which are run at the global level when the file is first sourced.
Argument list: <mapin> <mapout> <xyzin> <border> mapin Full path name of input map
mapout Full path name of output map
xyzin Full path name of molecule coordinate file
border Border in Angstrom around the molecule
Argument list: <mapin> <mapout> mapin Full path name of input map
mapout Full path name of output map
Argument list: <format> <mapin> <mapout> <LOG_FILE> <args> Beware that this uses non-CCP4 programs: mapman from Uppsala and mbkall from MSI. The CCP4i installer must have specified, in the CCP4i configure window, the command used to run these programs on their installation.
NB There is not an XtalView map format - the SF file is imported to XtalView and it generates maps.
format Required format: O, QUANTA
mapin Full path name of input map
mapout Full path name of output map
LOG_FILE Optional name of a log file for log output
When outputting O format files do not normalise
Argument list: <format> <HKLIN> <mapVar> <title> <prog_labin> <labin> <args> The FFT program is run to create the map and, if necessary, a file
format Required file format: CCP4, O, QUANTA, XtalView
HKLIN Input MTZ file
mapVar Output map file name, if necessary the file extension is reset.
title A title for the FFT job and the map file
prog_labin The input program labels for FFT (in TCL list format)
labin The input MTZ labels for FFT (in TCL list format)
-cover xyzin border
Extend map to cover molecule in coordinate file xyzin with border (in Angstrom)
-xtal xtal_labin
If output format is XtalView then xtal_labin is list of XtalView 'column labels'
-fftargs fftargs
Additional command file arguments for running FFT. fftargs should be a text string which may include line breaks
Make the output file a temporary file with extension .tmp
-saveccp4 ccp4map
If the output format is not CCP4 then also save the CCP4 map as a file ccp4map.
Argument list: <macro_file> <map_list> <label_list> <sigma_list> <\> macro_file Name of macro file
map_list List of maps to be displayed (in TCL list format)
label_list List of titles for maps (TCL list format same length as map_list)
sigma_list List of contouring sigma levels (TCL list format same length as map_list)
colour_list List of colours for maps ((TCL list format same length as map_list)
extent ?Radius of map to display within O
-mtz mtzfile
Name of MTZ file from which to extract information on asymmetric unit so macro can be set up to display whole asymmetric unit
-mol mollist mollabel
Also display molecules from mollist (a list of PDB files) which will be assigned labels from mollabel. mollist and mollabel are TCL lists of the same length.
Argument list: <hklin> <crystal_file> <macro_file> <\> hklin MTZ file containing relevant crystal data
crystal_file Name of the cystal file which will contain cell and symmetry info
macro_file Name of macro file
xtalfiles List of XtalView SF files (in TCL list format)
coefficients_list List of contouring coefficients (TCL list same length as xtalfiles)
radius_list List of map radii (TCL list same length as xtalfiles)
Argument list: <mtzfile> <space_groupVar> <cellVar> <latticeVar> Return spacegroup name, cell parameters and lattice type from named MTZ file.
Note: the lattice type may be an empty string.
mtzfile Input MTZ file
space_groupVar Returned space group
cellVar Returned cell dimensions (as Tcl list)
latticeVar Returned cell lattice type
Argument list: <mapfile> <space_groupVar> <cellVar> <xyzlimVar> <gridVar> <\> Runs the mapdmp script
mapfile Input map file
space_groupVar Returned space group
cellVar Returned cell dimensions (as Tcl list)
xyzlimVar Returned xyz limits of map (as Tcl list)
gridVar Returned number of grid points in xyz (as Tcl list)
axesVar Return order of axes in map (as Tcl list of X Y Z)
Argument list: <mapin> <mapout> mapin Full path name of input map
mapout Full path name of output map
Argument list: <mapin> <xyzin> <peakout> <symmetry> <args> Uses the mapmask program to extend map to cover (only) the volume of the protein and then uses peakmax to find peaks in map without atoms. Watpeak then trims the peaklist to around the protein.
mapin Full path name of input map
xyzin Full path name of input coordinate file
peakout List of 'water' peaks in PDB format
symmetry Space group namr input to watpeak
-title title
Input a title line for watpeak (as output to PDB peaks file)
Argument list: <hkl_file> XtalView phases file must have three columns: F, FOM phase. This procedure insert a FOM column to any file created without one.
hkl_file Input/output XtalView phases file - the file is overwritten
Argument list: <cell> <volumeVar> cell Cell dimensions
volumeVar Returned cell volume
Argument list: <cell> <volumeVar> Thi is based on rwcontents program
Return the content in the format of a nest list { { element_type_1 n_atoms_type_1 } .... { element_type_n n_atoms_type_n } } #d_arg pdb_file Input PDB file
nresVar Returned number of residues in the file
contentsVar Returned the content of the PDB by element
total_heavyVar Returned the total number of non-hydrogen atoms
Argument list: <atomic_number> atomic_number Atomic numer
Argument list: <AA> <nhVar> This currently will only return the number of non-hydrogen atoms in the residue, but could easily be extended with alternative information
AA Input 3-letter amino acid code (upper case)
nhVar Return the number of non-hydrogen atoms
Argument list: <line> <atnamVar> <resnamVar> <residVar> <segidVar> line Input line of PDB file (must be ATOM/HETATM card)
atnamVar Returned atom name
resnamVar Returned residue type
residVar Returned residue id
segidVar Returned segment id
Argument list: <line> <izVar> If the atomic number is missing from columns 69-70 then guesstimate the element type from the atom name and return the atomic number
line Input line of PDB file (must be ATOM/HETATM card)
izVar Return the atomic number
Argument list: <filein> <fileout> <nzerosVar> <args> filein Input PDB file name
fileout Output PDB file name
nzerosVar Return the number of zero occupancy atoms
-chain sel_chain
Apply the edit only to the specified chain
Argument list: <file> <column_list> <outputVar> <args> Extract columns from the ATOM records of a PDB file beware this assumes a very consistent PDB file format with spaces between all columns.
file - input file name
colum n_list - Tcl list of number of the column(s) to return (NB 0=first column)
outputVar - output as a Tcl list of lists
Argument list: <fileout> <filesin> This procedure removes the header info from the second and subsequent files. It does not check for unique chain names.
fileout Output file name
filesin A list of input files.
Argument list: <file> <chainVar> <chain_rangeVar> <args> file Input PDB file
chainVar Returned list of chain ids
chain_rangeVar Returned nested list of first and last residues in chains
Ignore atoms of type HOH|WAT|H2O|SOL
Return the ids of the first and last atoms in a chain
Argument list: <mode> <pname> <dname> <program> Dependent on the mode add the name of a harvest file to the output file list for the job. This will make the harvest file visible to the user. The file name is generated automatically by the program from the environment variables - see $CCP4/html/harvesting.html. the same file name generation is reproduced here.
mode Harvest mode - should be NOHARVEST, PROJECT or HARVEST -see pname project name
dname dataset name
program name of the program as understood by the harvest mechanism
Argument list: <xyzin> <chains> <chain_range> The procedure useful in a job script - currently used for analysis in Molrep job.
For all pairwise combinations of chains find the transformation to superpose the two chains and output in short table. The full output of Lsqkab is not reported in the log file.
xyzin Input PDB file
chains A list of chain names
chain_range A two element list of the first and last residue ids which will be superposed
The series of procedures Mol* are for handling coordinate data and are particularly used in the Sketcher module but could be helpful elsewhere.The coordinate data is loaded into a global array which is usually called Mol but the name is passed into the utility procedures so potentially different molecules could be loaded into different arrays. NOTE: These utilities are fine for a small number of atoms but will become slow or frozen for anything like a real protein. The procedures for reading the data can extract a specified residue from a large PDB file efficiently.
The elements of the Mol array are indexed by the atom number na which starts at 1 (not 0):
Name,$na the atom name
Element,$na the atom element type
Type,$na the atom type (default is 'no_type')
Charge,$na the formal, unit charge on the atom
Coor,$na the coordinates as a tcl list [list $x $y $z]
frag,$na an integer indicating which fragment of the molecule the atom belongs to - this is only set after calling MolFindFragments
The elements indexed by the bond number nb:
Bonds,$nb a list of two atom number for two connected atoms
Bondtype,$nb the bondtype - an integer for the formal bond order
nAtoms number of atoms
nBonds number of bonds
chem_comp_id the monomer id as used in CIF libraries
XY A list of coordinates - the coordinate of each atom is a 3 item list.
The first item of the list is 'NULL' so the atom numbers which start at 1 can index into the list.
Argument list: <MolVar> <file> <args> Reading the PDB file of a whole protein will be very slow. It is possible to read an individual residue using the select option. Note that the procedure sketch_open_file in sketch.tcl shows how to create a file selection window with extra options to select a residue.
MolVar The name of the global array to be loaded
file Name of PDB file name
-select {[list} restype chain_id resid_id\]
Read only the first residue which matches the input residue type (restype), chain id and residue id (resid_id). One or two of the three elements in the input can be null - and there will be no requirement to match that identifier.
Do not read in hydrogen atoms.
Argument list: <MolVar> <file> <args> Reading many atoms will be slow.
MolVar The name of the global array to be loaded
file Name of CIF file name
Do not read in hydrogen atoms.
Argument list: <name> CIF definitions require quotes about any atom name containing a quote character. This function returns the name stipped of surrounding quotes.
name Atom name from CIF file
Argument list: <MolVar> <file> <args> Reading many atoms will be slow. This procedure has not been seriously used or tested.
MolVar The name of the global array to be loaded
file Name of Sybyl file name
Do not read in hydrogen atoms.
Argument list: <type> Argument list: <type> Argument list: <MolVar> <minboundVar> <maxboundVar> <aveVar> <args> Useful for centering molecule in display
MolVar Name of Mol array
minboundVar Returned list of minimum values of x,y,z
maxboundVar Returned list of maximum values of x,y,z
aveVar Returned list of average coordinates, x,y,z (not weighted by mol wt.)
Argument list: <MolVar> <translate> <args> MolVar Name of Mol array
translate Input list of translation vector x,y,z
-first first_atom
Only apply translation to range of atoms starting at first_atom
-last last_atom
Only apply translation to range of atoms finishing at at last_atom
Argument list: <MolVar> <file> <args> File will have minimal pdb style info and crystal parameters set arbitarilly
MolVar Name of Mol array
file Output file name
-id monomer_id
Put the monomer id monomer_id in the CIF file
-tran translation
Apply a translation given by translation - a list of ztran,ytran,ztran This option is NOT implemented.
Argument list: <name> Function returns an atom name suitable for output ot CIF file
name Input atom name
Argument list: <MolVar> <file> <args> The parameters of PDB restraints cards are read into a Mol array. The actual name of the array is defined externally so does not have to be, and should not be, the same array used for coordinates.
The array will contain elements nModres, nSsbond, nLink and nCispep which are number of each restraint. The other parameter names are best seen in the code. The expected format of the PDB file is that slightly extended from PDB and defined in Libcheck documentationn.
Argument list: <restrainstVar> Argument list: <MolVar> <args> Argument list: None If not all bonds are defined that molecule will appear to be more that one fragment. This procedure returns the number of fragments (ideally this should be 1) and for each atom na assigns a value to Mol(frag,$na) which is an integer value - all atoms with the same value are in the same fragment.
Argument list: <MolVar> <at1> <at2> <at3> <at4> <volobsVar> Find the chiral volume for atom at1 and its three neighbours
This needs to give the sign of the chirality to conform with that used to Libcheck.
MolVar Name of global Mol array
at1 Atom number of chiral centre
at2,at3,at4 Three neighbouring atoms of chiral centre
volobsVar returned value of chiral volume
Argument list: <MolVar> <store> <paramlist> Save some of the current Mol params to the Mol element store
MolVar the name of the global Mol array
store the name of the element used to store the parameters
paramlist the list parameters to be stored.
Mostly used by run scripts for experimental phasing. Only Uniqueify may have some general use.
Argument list: <filename> <attype> This is intended to be used to create a 'crossword table' of distances between heavy atom sites. Need to discuss this with Eleanor.
filename Name of shelx log file
attype Name of heavy atom type expected in log file
Argument list: <dist_list> <dismatVar> Argument list: <space_group> <cell> <N_SECTIONS> <axes_list> <NPO_MAX_SIZE> <\> space_group space group
cell Unit cell
axes_list List of axes along with sections are required (as X, Y or Z)
NPO_MAX_SIZE Maximum acceptable size of plot
NPO_SCALEVar Returned proposed scale
Argument list: <HKLIN> <F1> <SIG1> <F2> <SIG2> <diffVar> HKLIN Input MTZ file
F1 Input MTZ FP column
SIG1 Input MTZ SIGFP column
F2 Input MTZ FPH column
SIG2 Input MTZ SIGFPH column
diffVar Returned proposed exclude difference cutoff
Argument list: <mode> <arrayname> <log> <n> <m> mode Can be all, pair or disp
arrayname Name of array used to carry output data
log Name of input log file
n Optional identifier for the first dataset in pairwise analysis
m Optional identifier for the ssecond dataset in pairwise analysis
Argument list: <arrayname> <tab> <nsets> <disp_diff> arrayname Name of array used to carry analysis data
tab name of the table output file
nset Number of sets of derivative data
disp_diff Logical 1= output anomalous differences table
Argument list: <HKLIN> <HKLOUT> <args> HKLIN Input MTZ file
HKLOUT Output MTZ file
Extend the resolution to RESOLUTION_MAX
Import the FreeR column from another MTZ file
Keep the FreeR column in the input file
Override the usual fraction for FreeR reflections (0.05)
Keep the systematically absent reflections in the MTZ file
Used in the amore run script to handle the .mr files and to interact with the mr model database.
Argument list: <file> <boxVar> <rcomVar> <comVar> <eulerVar> The position and extent of the model in the unit cell is extracted from the log file. This procedure called from amore.scriptwhich then saves information in the amore database
file Amore tabling log file
boxVar Returned minimal box (a Tcl list of 3 elements)
rcomVar Returned minimal Sphere (one value)
comVar Returned centre of mass (a Tcl list of 3 elements)
eulerVar Returned rotation applied to orient molecule (a Tcl list of 3 elements)
Argument list: <xtl_cell> <box> <radius> <cellVar> <irmaxVar> Use formula that irmax should be the minimum of ( 0.75 * smallest model box dimension) and ( 0.5 * smallest xtl cell dimension)
xtl_cell The cystal cell lengths
box The extent of the model
radius The minimal sphere enclosing the model
cellVar Returned estimated model cell
irmaxVar Returned the proposed radius for the integration sphere
Argument list: <mode> <model_list> <log_file> <\> Will find rotation/translation and fitting solutions and writes tothe CCP4i 'mr' file
mode Should be rot, tra, fit, shift or self.
model_list A list of the models used in this run of Amore - indicates the number of sollution lines make up one solution
log_file name of input log file
solution_file Name of output 'mr' solution file
Append new solutions to an existing file
-symmetry spacegroup
Specify spacegroup to write into header
-resolution res_max res_min
Specify resolution limits to write into header
-cell a b c alpha beta gamma
Specify cell parameters to write into header
Argument list: <def_file> <model_title> <update_list> <args> Data extracted from log files is saved in the amore database. #d_arg def_file name of the amore mr database file
model_title Name of the model in the mr database
update_list List of paramters in name & value pairs
Do not report progress to log file
Argument list: <file> <fix> <model_listVar> <output_model_listVar> <\> All lines beginning with # in the mr field are ignored. FIX keyword and mode lnumbers are inserted. If this is the second solution file read then this is entered into this procedure as solution0. All solutions in solution0 needed to be permed with all solutions input in file.
file Input mr solution file
fix Will be keyword 'FIX' or blank
model_listVar Returned list of models (i.e. the names of models in the mr datase), for the current 'known' structure.
output_model_listVar returned list models, for the structure to beoutput by the next run of Amore.
nsol Number of solutions to be read (default is 'all')
solutionVar Returned the text input for Amore listing 'known' solutions.
solution0 Optional input of list of 'known' solutions read from anothermr fileExtendMap Interface to mapmask program to extend map to cover molecule
ConvertMapAsu Run mapmask convert map to cover the standard CCP4 asymmetric unit
ConvertMapFormat Convert from CCP4 to alternative map formats
CreateMap Create a map of optional type in various formats
MakeOMapMacro Create a macro for O to display map(s)
MakeXtalMacro Create a macro and crystal file for xtalview to display map(s)
GetCellfromMtz Extract header information from an MTZ file
GetMapHeader Extract header information from a map file
ConvertMapCell Extend map to cover unit cell
WatPeak UNTESTED Search input differnce map for water peaks
AddXtalMapFom Add an extra column of dummy FOMS to an XtalView phases file
CalcCellVolume Calculate the cell volume
Coordinate Handling Utilities (utils/pdb_utils.tcl)
CalcCellVolume Get the atomic contents of PDB file
AtomType Return the Element name for a given atomic number
GetAminoInfo Return some information for a given input amino acid type
ParsePDBId Extract the cards relevant to the atom id from a PDB ATOM line
ParsePDBIz Extract atomic number from PDB atom card (or element type from name)
PDBRemoveZeroOcc Remove atoms with zero occupancy from PDB file
ExtractPdbColumns Extract columns from the ATOM records of a PDB file
MergePdbFiles Merge 2 or more PDB files
PdbGetChains Get a list of the chains and the first & last residue ids in a PDB file
HandleHarvestFile Add the output harvest file to the output file list for a job
FindNCSTransforms For multi-chain PDB find the inter-chain transformations using Lsqkab program
Mol Procedures for Handling Coordinate Data
MolReadPDB Read some or all atoms from a PDB file into the Mol array
MolReadCif Read atoms from a CIF file into the Mol array
read_cif_name Strip the inverted commas (quotes) from a cif atom name
MolReadSybyl Read some or all atoms from a Sybyl file into the Mol array
MolConvertSybylType placemarker for code to convert Sybyl atom types
MolConvertSybylBond placemarker for code to convert Sybyl bond types
MolBoundingBox Find centre of mass and bounding box for coordinates in Mol
MolTranslate Apply a translation to all coordinates in Mol array
MolWriteCifCoords Write out a CIF coordinate format file
write_cif_name Put quotes about name if it contains a quote character
MolReadPdbRestraints Read MODRES/SSBOND/LINK/CISPEP cards from pdb file
MolCheckPdbRestraints Not implemented - should check sensible restraints defined
MolCheckReadFile Not implemented - should check sensible atom name input etc.
MolFindFragments Find all the separate non-bonded fragments in Mol array
MolChiralVolume Find the chiral volume of four atoms in the Mol array
MolSaveParam Make a backup of Mol array values
Utilities for Phasing Tasks (utils/phasing_utils.tcl)
ExtractShelxLog UNTESTED - Extract info from the Shelx log file
MakeShelxDismat Convert the distance list from shelx log file into a neat distance matrix
NpoMapScale Devise scale for NPO plots with orthogonal sections on same scale
FindScaleitDiff Run scaleit to find optimal value for exclude cutoff for Patterson
scaleit_analysis Extract date from scaleit log file for correlation analysis
scaleit_write_tab Write the summary of the scaleit log file(s) to the table file
Uniqueify Run the Tcl version of 'uniqueify' script to standardise MTZ and add FreeR column
AMoRe Utilities (utils/amore_utils.tcl)
amore_get_tabling_data Extract data from the amore tabling log file
amore_calc_model_cell Use the model extent and radius to calculate reasonable model cell
amore_get_log_solution Extract solutions from log file
amore_update_database Update the mr_database.def file
amore_get_solution Extract solutions from an 'mr' file and write in input format for Amore