CCP4i: Graphical User Interface |
Documentation for Programmers |
update_extendingframe |
update_extendingframe - revise the number of visible frames of an extending frame widget
proc_name external_counter arrayname counterVar increment update_scroll
See also documentation on CreateExtendingFrame and
UpdateExtendingFrame. In particular, UpdateExtendingFrame may be used instead of
update_extendingframe as it has a slightly more simple syntax.
The number of visible frames of an extending frame widget is usually controlled by the user with the standard
buttons labelled 'Add foo' and 'Edit list'. However, occasionally the application programmer may want to reset
the number of visible frames explicitly, usually when first drawing the window to reset from the standard default
of having no frames visible. The programmer should ensure that all the parameters for all the widgets that will
be drawn are already defined.
The inputs to this procedure are:
- proc_name
- the name of the procedure which draws the contents of one frame of the extending frame. This procedure should
be in the task.tcl.
- external_counter
- should usually be zero unless this extending frame is nested inside another extending frame or toggle frame
in which case this parameter should be n for the nth frame of the higher extending/toggle frame.
- arrayname
- is the name of the array for the task
- counterVar
- is the name of the element in the array which contains the counter for the number of visible frames
- increment
- is the number of frames by which to increase or (if negative) decrease the number of visible frames.
- update_scroll
- should have a value 1 or 0. If it is 1 (i.e. 'true') then the range of the scroll bar on the side of
the task window is updated. This is usually necessary if the number of lines displayed in the window has changed.
However, the process is slow and should be blocked by setting update_scroll to 0 if there are multiple changes
to the window.