#! /usr/bin/env ccp4-python # # Copyright (C) 2005 Ronan Keegan # # This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the # CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Application. # A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the # CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. # # # Initialisation for a MRBUMP job # Ronan Keegan - 23.10.05 import copy import os, sys, string import shutil import datetime,time import MRBUMP_keywords import MRBUMP_environment import MRBUMP_update_DB import MRBUMP_check_dependencies import MRBUMP_pdbmerge import MRBUMP_reindex import MRBUMP_ctruncate import Phase_improve import WriteLogfile import Web_test import shlex import subprocess class Initialise: """ A class to do the initialisation for a MRBUMP job. This includes: 1) Read the command line arguments, 2) Read in the keywords from command prompt or a file, 3) Read the environment variables, 4) Setup the search directory structure, 5) Update any search databases. """ def __init__(self): self.keywords=MRBUMP_keywords.Keywords() self.environment=MRBUMP_environment.Environment() self.check_deps=MRBUMP_check_dependencies.Check_deps() self.ProjectName="mrbump" self.version="00.9.00" self.version_date="26/01/15" self.hklin = "" self.seqin = "" self.keyin = "" self.xmlout = "" self.pirin = "" self.hklout = "" self.xyzout = "" self.resultspkl = "" self.xmlin = "" self.KEYIN=False self.XMLOUTIN=False self.keywordFile="" try: self.debug=eval(os.environ['MRBUMP_DEBUG']) except: self.debug=False self.hklin_filename = "" self.seqin_filename = "" self.keyin_filename = "" self.xmlout_filename = "" self.pirin_filename = "" self.hklout_filename = "" self.xyzout_filename = "" self.xmlin_filename = "" self.labin_found = False self.jobid_found = False self.mrbump = "" self.mrbump_incl = "" self.mrbump_data = "" self.current_dir = "" self.search_dir = "" self.logs_dir = "" self.results_dir = "" self.sequences_dir = "" self.scratch_dir = "" self.scripts_dir = "" self.WEB_PATH_START = 0 self.search_dict = None self.pythonVersion = int(str(sys.version_info[0]) + str(sys.version_info[1]) + str(sys.version_info[2])) self.phaserVersion = 224 self.molrepVersion = 11.0 self.model_types=[] self.ONLYMODELS = False self.MRONLY = False self.XML = False self.PREPDIR = "" self.localPDBmirror = False self.results_logfile="" # Results html has a variable location to support inclusion in the CCP4i gui. self.results_html = "" self.results_html_filename = "" # Relative link is a variable to hold the path to the results html files. # It should be empty for operation when the results html is in its # default location. This is to ensure that the WebService works correctly. self.relative_link = "" # Check variable for acorn self.acorn_found = False # Check variable for cpirate if os.name=="nt": if os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4_BIN"], "cpirate.exe"): self.cpirate_found = True else: self.cpirate_found = False else: if os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4_BIN"], "cpirate"): self.cpirate_found = True else: self.cpirate_found = False # Set the reference MTZ file for cpirate self.cpirate_MTZref_file=os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"],"lib","data","reference_structures","reference-1ajr.mtz") # Set up the column labels for the cpirate reference MTZ file self.cpirate_mtz_coldata=dict([]) self.cpirate_mtz_coldata['F'] ="FP.F_sigF.F" self.cpirate_mtz_coldata['SIGF'] ="FP.F_sigF.sigF" self.cpirate_mtz_coldata['HLA'] ="FC.ABCD.A" self.cpirate_mtz_coldata['HLB'] ="FC.ABCD.B" self.cpirate_mtz_coldata['HLC'] ="FC.ABCD.C" self.cpirate_mtz_coldata['HLD'] ="FC.ABCD.D" self.molrep_fixed_PDBfile="" self.merge_fixed_logfile="" if os.name=="nt": self.acornEXE = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4_BIN"], "acorn.exe") else: self.acornEXE = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4_BIN"], "acorn") # Set up the download URLs for the PDB files self.download_urls=dict([]) #EBI: pdu=PDB_download_site() pdu.name="EBI" pdu.url="ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/msd/pdb_uncompressed/" pdu.rank=1 pdu.type="ftp" self.download_urls[pdu.name]=pdu #WWPDB: pdu=PDB_download_site() pdu.name="WWPDB" pdu.url="ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/pdb/" pdu.rank=2 pdu.type="ftp" self.download_urls[pdu.name]=pdu #JAPAN: pdu=PDB_download_site() pdu.name="JAPAN" pdu.url="ftp://pdb.protein.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/pdb/" pdu.rank=3 pdu.type="ftp" self.download_urls[pdu.name]=pdu #OCA: pdu=PDB_download_site() pdu.name="SEQ" #pdu.url="http://oca.ebi.ac.uk/oca-bin/save-pdb?id=" pdu.url="http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/" pdu.rank=4 pdu.type="http" self.download_urls[pdu.name]=pdu # self.download_urls={'EBI' : 'ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/msd/pdb_uncompressed/', # 'WWPDB' : 'ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/pdb/', # 'OCA' : 'http://oca.ebi.ac.uk/oca-bin/save-pdb?id=', # 'JAPAN' : 'ftp://pdb.protein.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/pdb'} def setHKLIN(self, filename): self.hklin = filename self.hklin_filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1] def setPREPDIR(self, dirname): self.PREPDIR = dirname def setSEQIN(self, filename): self.seqin = filename self.seqin_filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1] def setKEYIN(self, filename): self.keyin = filename self.keyin_filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1] def setXMLOUT(self, filename): self.xmlout = filename self.xmlout_filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1] def setHKLOUT(self, filename): if os.path.dirname(filename) == "": full_filename=os.path.join(self.current_dir, filename) else: full_filename=filename self.hklout = full_filename self.hklout_filename = os.path.basename(full_filename) def setXYZOUT(self, filename): if os.path.dirname(filename) == "": full_filename=os.path.join(self.current_dir, filename) else: full_filename=filename self.xyzout = full_filename self.xyzout_filename = os.path.basename(full_filename) def setXMLIN(self, filename): self.xmlin = filename self.xmlin_filename = os.path.split(filename)[-1] def setMRBUMP(self, directory): self.mrbump = directory def setMRBUMP_INCL(self, directory): self.mrbump_incl = directory def setMRBUMP_DATA(self, directory): self.mrbump_data = directory def setSearch_DIR(self, directory): self.search_dir = directory def setResults_DIR(self, directory): self.results_dir = directory def setScratch_DIR(self, directory): self.scratch_dir = directory def setResults_Logfile(self, filename): self.results_logfile = filename def setResults_HTML(self, filename): self.results_html = filename def setResults_HTML_Filename(self, filename): self.results_html_filename = filename def setRelative_Link(self, directory): self.relative_link = directory def printHeader(self): # Get the current date runDate="00/00/0000" try: (year, month, day) = string.split(str(datetime.date.today()),"-") runDate="%s/%s/%s" % (day, month, year) except: sys.stdout.write("Warning: Could not set run date\n\n") runDate="00/00/0000" # Get the username user="unknown" try: import getpass user=getpass.getuser() except: sys.stdout.write("Warning: Could not determine user name\n\n") user="unknown" # Tag this up as SUMMARY content sys.stdout.write('<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN-->\n') sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write(" ###############################################################\n") sys.stdout.write(" ###############################################################\n") sys.stdout.write(" ###############################################################\n") sys.stdout.write(" ### CCP4 7.0: MRBUMP version %s : %s##\n" % (self.version, self.version_date)) sys.stdout.write(" ###############################################################\n") if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write(" Run date: " + runDate + " Run time: " + string.split(time.ctime())[3] + " \n") else: sys.stdout.write(" User: " + user + " Run date: " + runDate + " Run time: " + string.split(time.ctime())[3] + " \n") if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): sys.stdout.write("\n") # Output OS and Python version info for debugging if self.keywords.WEBSERVER == False: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("Operating System: %s\n" % sys.platform) sys.stdout.write("Python Version:\n%s\n" % sys.version) sys.stdout.write("Python location:\n%s\n" % sys.executable) sys.stdout.write("\n") def mrbump_initialisation(self, arguments, mstat, target_info): """ A function to initialise a MrBUMP job. """ # Get the current working directory self.current_dir=os.getcwd() # Read the command line arguments self.read_cmdline(arguments) # Read the keywords from the STDIN or from a file if self.KEYIN: self.keywords.read_keywords(KEYIN=True, keywordFile=self.keywordFile) elif self.KEYIN == False and self.XML: self.read_XMLinput() else: self.keywords.read_keywords() # Set the HKLOUT file self.setHKLOUT(os.path.join(self.keywords.ROOTDIR, "mrbump_" + self.keywords.JOBID + ".mtz")) if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write("HKLOUT set to %s\n" % os.path.split(self.hklout)[-1]) else: sys.stdout.write("HKLOUT set to %s\n" % self.hklout) # Set the XYZOUT file self.setXYZOUT(os.path.join(self.keywords.ROOTDIR, "mrbump_" + self.keywords.JOBID + ".pdb")) if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write("XYZOUT set to %s\n" % os.path.split(self.xyzout)[-1]) else: sys.stdout.write("XYZOUT set to %s\n" % self.xyzout) # Set the master directory self.setSearch_DIR(os.path.join(self.keywords.ROOTDIR, 'search_' + self.keywords.JOBID)) if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: self.WEB_PATH_START=len(self.search_dir)+1 else: self.WEB_PATH_START = 0 # Make the target details and MR model search dictionary import make_dictionary self.search_dict=make_dictionary.makeSearchDict(self.search_dir) self.search_dict["MR_PROGRAM_LIST"] = self.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST # Echo the input keyword arguments if self.keywords.WEBSERVER == False: sys.stdout.write("\n###############################################################\n") sys.stdout.write("Keyword input summary:\n") sys.stdout.write("###############################################################\n\n") sys.stdout.write(self.keywords.keyword_stdout) sys.stdout.write("\n###############################################################\n\n") # Check the Phaser version if "PHASER" in self.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST: self.checkPhaserVersion() if self.debug: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Phaser version is %s\n" % self.phaserVersion) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check the Molrep version if "MOLREP" in self.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST: self.checkMolrepVersion() if self.debug: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Molrep version is %s\n" % self.molrepVersion) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check to see if HHPRED binaries are available if HHPRED is being used if self.keywords.DOHHPRED: import MRBUMP_utils U=MRBUMP_utils.Utils() if U.which("hhblits") == None: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Error - hhblits not found in PATH, this is needed for the HHPRED search\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() if U.which("hhsearch") == None: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Error - hhsearch not found in PATH, this is needed for the HHPRED search\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() # Temporary: if HHPred is being used we disable ensemble creation self.keywords.USEENSEM = False self.keywords.GESENSEM = False self.keywords.GESTRUNC = False sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Warning - Ensembling option not yet enabled with HHPRED search option. Disabling ensembling..\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check to see if HHPRED and FASTA searches have been asked for - only use HHPRED in this case if self.keywords.DOHHPRED and self.keywords.DOFASTA: self.keywords.DOFASTA=False sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Warning - only one of FASTA or HHPRED can be used at the same time. Defaulting to HHPRED..\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check if MRSOL has been specified. If so all options are turned off and mr step is skipped if self.keywords.MRSOL !="": self.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST=["PHASER"] self.keywords.SCOP = False self.keywords.SSM = False self.keywords.MDLUNMOD = True self.keywords.MDLDPDBCLP = False self.keywords.MDLPLYALA = False self.keywords.MDLMOLREP = False self.keywords.MDLCHAINSAW = False self.keywords.MDLSCULPTOR = False self.keywords.MRNUM = 1 self.keywords.USEENSEM = False self.keywords.DOFASTA = False self.keywords.DOHHPRED = False self.keywords.UPDATE = False self.keywords.CHECK = False self.keywords.JSRVIEW = False sys.stdout.write("Initialisation:- MRSOL has been specified - the input PDB file will be put through refinement & model building\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check to see if the HHPred db files are correct if self.keywords.DOHHPRED: if os.path.isfile(self.keywords.HHINDEX) == False: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Error - HHPRED uniprot database index file doesn't appear to exist\n. (%s)\n" % self.keywords.HHINDEX) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() elif os.path.splitext(self.keywords.HHINDEX)[-1] != ".index" : sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Error - HHPRED uniprot database file should have 'index' extension\n. (%s)\n" % self.keywords.HHINDEX) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() else: self.keywords.HHUNIDB=os.path.splitext(self.keywords.HHINDEX)[0][:-7] if self.keywords.WEBSERVER == False: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: HHPRED uniprot database name set to:\n %s\n" % self.keywords.HHUNIDB) sys.stdout.write("\n") if os.path.isfile(self.keywords.HHDBPDB) == False: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: Error - HHPRED pdb database file doesn't appear to exist\n. (%s)\n" % self.keywords.HHDBPDB) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() else: if self.keywords.WEBSERVER == False: sys.stdout.write("Initialisation: HHPRED pdb database file set to:\n %s\n" % self.keywords.HHDBPDB) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Process the details of the MODELSONLY run if we are doing and MRONLY run if self.MRONLY: import pickle # Reset the master directory name if one of that name already exists if os.path.isdir(self.search_dir) \ and (self.search_dir == self.PREPDIR or os.path.split(self.search_dir)[-1] == self.PREPDIR): sys.stdout.write("The directory %s already exists.\nA new directory called %s_MR will be used for this job\n" \ % (self.search_dir, self.search_dir)) sys.stdout.write("\n") self.keywords.JOBID=self.keywords.JOBID + "_MR" self.setSearch_DIR(os.path.join(self.keywords.ROOTDIR, 'search_' + self.keywords.JOBID)) elif os.path.isdir(self.search_dir): sys.stdout.write("The directory %s already exists.\nPlease remove it or use a different Job ID\n" % self.search_dir) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() # Setup the directory structure for the job self.make_job_dir() # Adjust the paths in the copied pickle files init_f=open(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "pickle_data", "init.dat"), "r") temp_init=pickle.load(init_f) pickled_jobdir=temp_init.search_dir init_f.close() # Open each of the copied files and adjust the paths for i in "init", "target", "mstat": if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "pickle_data", i + ".dat")) == False: sys.stdout.write("Input Error: MRONLY - pickle file not found for %s object\n" % i) sys.stdout.write(" (from: %s)\n" % os.path.join(self.PREPDIR, "results", "pickle_data", i + ".dat")) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() # Create a temporary file with the paths adjusted, then copy it over the original f=open(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "pickle_data", i + ".dat"), "r") o=open(os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, "temp_" + i + ".dat"), "w") line=f.readline() while line: if pickled_jobdir in line: line=line.replace(pickled_jobdir, self.search_dir) o.write(line) line=f.readline() f.close() o.close() # Now copy this file to the original os.remove(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "pickle_data", i + ".dat")) shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, "temp_" + i + ".dat"), \ os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "pickle_data", i + ".dat")) # Read the details from the pickled object files (paths updated) for i in "init", "target", "mstat": # Read in the details from the pickle files f=open(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "pickle_data", i + ".dat"), "r") if i == "init": # Assign this to a temp variable so that we can pull out the bits we want from the MODEL gen run temp_init=pickle.load(f) self.seqin = temp_init.seqin self.seqin_filename = temp_init.seqin_filename self.keywords.parent_JOBID = temp_init.keywords.JOBID self.keywords.NMASU = temp_init.keywords.NMASU self.keywords.MRNUM = temp_init.keywords.MRNUM # Backward compatibility self.keywords.ENSMODNUM = getattr(temp_init.keywords, 'ENSEMNUM', temp_init.keywords.ENSMODNUM) self.keywords.USEENSEM = temp_init.keywords.USEENSEM self.keywords.E_value = temp_init.keywords.E_value self.keywords.MAPROGRAM = temp_init.keywords.MAPROGRAM self.keywords.SSM = temp_init.keywords.SSM self.keywords.SCOP = temp_init.keywords.SCOP self.keywords.PQS = temp_init.keywords.PQS self.keywords.PISA = temp_init.keywords.PISA self.keywords.MDLUNMOD = temp_init.keywords.MDLUNMOD self.keywords.MDLDPDBCLP = temp_init.keywords.MDLDPDBCLP self.keywords.MDLPLYALA = temp_init.keywords.MDLPLYALA self.keywords.MDLMOLREP = temp_init.keywords.MDLMOLREP self.keywords.MDLCHAINSAW = temp_init.keywords.MDLCHAINSAW self.keywords.MDLSCULPTOR = temp_init.keywords.MDLSCULPTOR self.keywords.fasta_local = temp_init.keywords.fasta_local self.keywords.run_local = temp_init.keywords.run_local self.keywords.UPDATE = temp_init.keywords.UPDATE self.keywords.DOFASTA = temp_init.keywords.DOFASTA self.keywords.ignore_list = temp_init.keywords.ignore_list self.keywords.include_list = temp_init.keywords.include_list self.keywords.local_list = temp_init.keywords.local_list self.keywords.locfile_count = temp_init.keywords.locfile_count self.keywords.error_string = temp_init.keywords.error_string self.keywords.jobid_found = temp_init.keywords.jobid_found self.keywords.DUMMY = temp_init.keywords.DUMMY self.keywords.PICKLE = temp_init.keywords.PICKLE if i == "mstat": mstat=pickle.load(f) if i == "target": target_info=pickle.load(f) else: # Setup the directory structure for the job self.make_job_dir() # Check to see if the http proxy has been set by the user and add it to the environment if it has if self.keywords.PROXYSERVER != "": if os.environ.has_key("http_proxy"): sys.stdout.write("Warning: The proxy server seems to be already set in the environment.\n") sys.stdout.write(" It is currently set to:\n %s.\n" % os.environ["http_proxy"]) sys.stdout.write(" MrBUMP is going to reset this to:\n %s\n" % self.keywords.PROXYSERVER) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write(" If MrBUMP has problems connecting to the internet you should check\n") sys.stdout.write(" that this setting is correct\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") else: sys.stdout.write("Setting the http_proxy environment variable to:\n %s\n" % self.keywords.PROXYSERVER) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Set the proxy server os.environ["http_proxy"] = self.keywords.PROXYSERVER # if the ftp proxy is set unset it (within MrBUMP) to prevent download failure if os.environ.has_key("ftp_proxy"): del os.environ["ftp_proxy"] # Check the web connection if self.keywords.CHECK: sys.stdout.write("Web connectivity test enabled. Checking PDB servers for file availability....\n") sys.stdout.write("(Note: Disable this in the MrBUMP interface if running without a web connection)\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") test_web=Web_test.Test_connection() test_web.test("1smw", self.download_urls) if test_web.connect==False: sys.exit() # Update checking db_tools=MRBUMP_update_DB.DB_tools() # Check to see if a new version of mrbump exists if self.keywords.UPDATE: db_tools.check_version(self.version) # Output the mode of operation details sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("##########################################################################\n") if self.ONLYMODELS == False and self.MRONLY == False: sys.stdout.write("Mode of operation: FULLMR -\n Search models will be created and used in Molecular Replacement.\n") elif self.ONLYMODELS: sys.stdout.write("Mode of operation: MODELS -\n Search models will be created only.\n") elif self.MRONLY: sys.stdout.write("Mode of operation: MRONLY -\n Molecular Replacement will be carried out using models\n") sys.stdout.write(" generated in a earlier run of MRBUMP.\n") sys.stdout.write("##########################################################################\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Close the SUMMARY tag for the input details sys.stdout.write('<!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>\n') # Output the input and output file details if self.ONLYMODELS == False: if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write("Input MTZ file: %s\n" % os.path.split(self.hklin)[-1]) else: sys.stdout.write("Input MTZ file: %s\n" % self.hklin) # Check to see if LABIN has been specified in the input keywords if self.keywords.labin_found == False: import MTZ_parse mtz=MTZ_parse.MTZ_parse() mtz.run_mtzdmp(self.hklin) self.keywords.col_labels["F"]=mtz.F self.keywords.col_labels["SIGF"]=mtz.SIGF if mtz.FreeR_flag=="": sys.stdout.write("Error: MTZ is missing a Free R set\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() else: self.keywords.col_labels["FREER_FLAG"]=mtz.FreeR_flag # sys.stdout.write("Keyword error:\n") # sys.stdout.write("Keyword LABIN must be provided and must specify 3 column labels: F, SIGF and FreeR_flag\n") # sys.stdout.write(" e.g. LABIn F=FP SIGF=SIGFP FreeR_flag=FREE\n") # sys.exit(1) if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write("Input Sequence file: %s\n" % os.path.split(self.seqin)[-1]) else: sys.stdout.write("Input Sequence file: %s\n" % self.seqin) if self.ONLYMODELS == False: if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write("Output MTZ file: %s\n" % os.path.split(self.hklout)[-1]) sys.stdout.write("Output PDB file: %s\n" % os.path.split(self.xyzout)[-1]) sys.stdout.write("Output XML file: %s\n" % os.path.split(self.xmlout)[-1]) else: sys.stdout.write("Output MTZ file: %s\n" % self.hklout) sys.stdout.write("Output PDB file: %s\n" % self.xyzout) sys.stdout.write("Output XML file: %s\n" % self.xmlout) sys.stdout.write('\n') # Check that at least one Model preperation technique has been specified. If none are set UNMOD # to True. if self.keywords.MDLUNMOD == False and self.keywords.MDLDPDBCLP == False and self.keywords.MDLPLYALA == False \ and self.keywords.MDLMOLREP == False and self.keywords.MDLCHAINSAW == False and self.keywords.MDLSCULPTOR == False: sys.stdout.write("No model preparation method has been specified. UNMOD (unmodified) will be used in this case.\n") self.keywords.MDLUNMOD = True # Add the types of models we want to generate to the list of model types if self.keywords.MDLUNMOD: self.model_types.append('UNMOD') if self.keywords.MDLDPDBCLP: self.model_types.append('PDBCLP') if self.keywords.MDLPLYALA: self.model_types.append('PLYALA') if self.keywords.MDLMOLREP: self.model_types.append('MOLREP') if self.keywords.MDLCHAINSAW: self.model_types.append('CHNSAW') if self.keywords.MDLSCULPTOR: self.model_types.append('SCLPTR') # Setup the environment for python self.environment.read_environment() # Check that all dependencies are in place # Sequence alignment program: self.check_deps.chk_ma_program(self.keywords) # Molecular Replacement program: self.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST=self.check_deps.chk_MRPROGRAM(self.keywords) # Setup the directory structure for the job # self.make_job_dir() # Copy in the input files to the search directory - .seq, .mtz. # After copying, reassign the file pointers. if not self.MRONLY: shutil.copy(self.seqin, os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input')) # Fix for permissions problem with sequence file. If the permissions on your sequence file are # read only then it can't be re-written for molrep. os.chmod(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input', self.seqin_filename), 0755) if not self.ONLYMODELS: if self.keywords.LITE and os.name != "nt": os.symlink(os.path.relpath(self.hklin, os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input')), os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input', self.hklin_filename)) else: shutil.copy(self.hklin, os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input')) self.hklin=os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input', self.hklin_filename) self.seqin=os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input', self.seqin_filename) # Copy over header for results page shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.mrbump_incl, 'web_template', 'ccp4.gif'), os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'images', 'ccp4.gif')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.mrbump_incl, 'web_template', 'cclrc-logo.jpg'), os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'images', 'cclrc-logo.jpg')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.mrbump_incl, 'web_template', 'slide_bar.gif'), os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'images', 'slide_bar.gif')) #shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.mrbump_incl, 'web_template', 'results.html'), self.results_html) # Update the search databases if necessary db_tools.setMRBUMPDataDir(self.mrbump_data) if not self.keywords.run_local: db_tools.test_first_run(self.environment) db_tools.test_databases(self.environment, self.keywords.UPDATE) else: db_tools.test_first_run(self.environment) self.keywords.SSM = False self.keywords.PQS = False self.keywords.PISA = False # Test to see if acorn is installed on the system if os.path.isfile(self.acornEXE) == False and self.keywords.USEACORN: sys.stdout.write("WARNING: Acorn was not found in the CCP4 bin directory so it will not be used.\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") else: self.acorn_found = True # See if the user has specified 0 for number in Ensemble. If this is the case set USEENSEM to False if self.keywords.USEENSEM and (self.keywords.ENSMODNUM == 0 or self.keywords.ENSNUM == 0): sys.stdout.write("User has specified 0 for the number of models in the Ensemble or number of Ensembles. This step will not be carried out.\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") self.keywords.USEENSEM = False # If an XML file is required for output if self.keywords.XMLOUT: sys.stdout.write("MrBUMP job results will be written to the XML file:\n %s\n" % self.keywords.SUMMARYFILE) sys.stdout.write("\n") if self.keywords.FIXED and "MOLREP" in self.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST: # Set the name for the merged PDB file for Molrep self.molrep_fixed_PDBfile=os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", "fixed_xyzin.pdb") # Set the log file for pdb_merge self.merge_fixed_logfile=os.path.join(self.search_dir, "logs", "pdb_merge.log") # Give a bit of output sys.stdout.write("Running PDB_merge to join the fixed input PDB files for input to Molrep in MR stage.\n") sys.stdout.write("The resulting merged PDB file is stored at:\n %s\n" % self.molrep_fixed_PDBfile) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Run pdb_merge to join the fixed input PDB files pdb_merge=MRBUMP_pdbmerge.PDB_merge() # Add each of the fixed PDB files to the pdb_merge xyzin list for i in self.keywords.fixed_list.keys(): pdb_merge.xyzin.append(self.keywords.fixed_list[i].filename) pdb_merge.run_multiple(self.molrep_fixed_PDBfile, self.merge_fixed_logfile) # Tag this up as SUMMARY content sys.stdout.write('<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN-->\n') # Target sequence information sys.stdout.write("###################################\n") sys.stdout.write("### Target Information ###\n") sys.stdout.write("###################################\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Start the target data processing #target_info=MRBUMP_target_info.TargetInfo() # Set the log file for matthews coef job target_info.setMattCoefLogfile(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "logs", "matt_coef.log")) # Set the target information mstat.InitError = target_info.setTargetInfo(self, self.search_dir) target_info.printTargetInfo(self) # Make a PIR format version of the input sequence file self.makePIRfile(target_info.pretty_sequence, os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input', os.path.splitext(self.seqin_filename)[0] + ".pir")) # Update the no. of mols in the a.s.u. if the user has specified a value if self.keywords.NMASU != None: sys.stdout.write("The estimated number of molecules in the asu is: %d\n" % target_info.no_of_mols) sys.stdout.write("The user has specified a value of %d\n" % self.keywords.NMASU) sys.stdout.write("The value will be set to the user defined value\n") mstat.setEstNoofMols(target_info.no_of_mols) target_info.no_of_mols = self.keywords.NMASU if self.ONLYMODELS==False: if self.keywords.TRUNCATE: # Use Ctruncate to process the input data - check for NCS, twinning etc. sys.stdout.write("Analysing MTZ file with Ctruncate...\n") ctr=MRBUMP_ctruncate.Ctruncate() exetest=ctr.checkEXE() if exetest == 1: sys.stdout.write("Ctruncate warning: Ctruncate was not found on the system or in the system PATH. Skipping MTZ analysis...\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") else: # Set the log file for Ctruncate mstat.setctruncate_logfile(os.path.join(self.search_dir, "logs", "ctruncate.log")) ctr.setlogfile(mstat.ctruncate_logfile) ctr.ctruncate(target_info.hklin, target_info.mtz_coldata["F"], target_info.mtz_coldata["SIGF"]) # Check for successful completion of Ctruncate if ctr.termination == False: sys.stdout.write("Warning: Ctruncate analysis of MTZ failed to complete correctly\n") sys.stdout.write("The log file is available here:\n") sys.stdout.write(" %s\n" % mstat.ctruncate_logfile[self.WEB_PATH_START:]) sys.stdout.write("\n") else: sys.stdout.write("Analysis of MTZ with Ctruncate completed successfully...\n (Log file: %s)\n" % mstat.ctruncate_logfile[self.WEB_PATH_START:]) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("Here's a summary of its findings:\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write(ctr.summary) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Set the NCS and Twinning detection flags for this data target_info.NCS=ctr.NCS target_info.TWINNED=ctr.TWIN # Setup for acorn and enantiomorphs if they are required if self.ONLYMODELS==False: self.enant_acorn_setup(target_info, mstat) # Set the flag for local PDB mirror if this has been specified in the keywords if self.keywords.PDBLOCAL != None: self.localPDBmirror = True # Write out the target processing logfile wl=WriteLogfile.Logfile() wl.writeTargetLog(self, mstat, target_info) target_info.logfile=wl.logfile # Close the SUMMARY tag for the input details sys.stdout.write('<!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>\n') # Set the results table pickle file path self.resultspkl=os.path.join(self.search_dir, "results", "resultsTable.pkl") return (mstat, target_info) def getFileName(self, arguments, flag, flag_list=[]): """ Get the File name for a given flag from the command_line. """ # Loop over the command line and pick out the filename (accounting for spaces) name=[] for i in range(len(arguments)): if arguments[i].upper() == flag: j=i+1 while j<len(arguments): if arguments[j].upper() not in flag_list: name.append(arguments[j]) else: break j=j+1 flagname=string.joinfields(name, " ") # Check to see that the file was found if name == []: sys.stdout.write("Command line Error: File/directory name not found in command line for file/directory type: %s\n" % flag) sys.stdout.write(" %s must be specified.\n" % flag) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit(1) # Check to see that the file/directory exists (only applies to input files/directories): if flag in ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "PREPDIR", "KEYIN"]: if os.path.isdir(flagname) == False and os.path.isfile(flagname) == False: sys.stdout.write("Command line Error: File/directory specified by %s does not appear to exist.\n" % flag) sys.stdout.write(" (%s)\n" % flagname) sys.stdout.write(" Please check that the value for %s is correct in the command line.\n" % flag) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit(1) if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): if self.keywords.WEBSERVER: sys.stdout.write("Command line argument: %s set to %s\n" % (flag, os.path.split(flagname)[-1])) else: sys.stdout.write("Command line argument: %s set to %s\n" % (flag, flagname)) return flagname def read_cmdline(self, arguments): """ A function to read in the command line arguments. """ # Create the command_line string so it can be scanned for relavent details command_line=string.joinfields(arguments, " ") if self.debug: sys.stdout.write("Parsing command line arguments....\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check to see if the KEYIN or XMLOUT arguments have been given for arg in string.split(command_line): for option in ["KEYIN", "XMLOUT"]: if arg.upper() == option: if len(string.split(command_line)) >= string.split(command_line.upper()).index(option)+1: filename=string.split(command_line)[(string.split(command_line.upper()).index(option))+1] if option == "KEYIN": if os.path.isfile(filename): self.keywordFile=filename self.KEYIN=True else: sys.stdout.write("%s: cannot find associated file for this command line argument\n" % option) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() if option == "XMLOUT": self.XMLOUTIN=True else: sys.stdout.write("%s command line argument given but no file name given!\n" % option) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit() # There are three possibilities for the command line. 1) Full run including MR, # 2) Model generation only and 3) MR only # Case 1a): # mrbump HKLIN <mtz file> SEQIN <seq file> HKLOUT <mtz file> XYZOUT <pdb file> KEYIN <key file> if "HKLIN" in command_line.upper() and "SEQIN" in command_line.upper(): if "HKLOUT" in command_line.upper() and "XYZOUT" in command_line.upper(): self.printHeader() if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): sys.stdout.write("Running Model search/preparation and Molecular Replacement mode\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") if "KEYIN" in command_line.upper(): if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) else: # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) else: if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) else: # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "XYZOUT"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN", "HKLOUT"])) # Case 1b): # mrbump HKLIN <mtz file> SEQIN <seq file> KEYIN <key file> else: self.printHeader() if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): sys.stdout.write("Running Model search/preparation and Molecular Replacement mode\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") if "KEYIN" in command_line.upper(): if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["SEQIN", "HKLIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["SEQIN", "HKLIN", "KEYIN"])) else: # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["SEQIN", "HKLIN"])) else: if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["HKLIN", "SEQIN"])) else: # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["SEQIN"])) # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["HKLIN"])) # Case 2): # e.g. mrbump SEQIN <seq file> elif "SEQIN" in command_line.upper(): self.printHeader() if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): sys.stdout.write("Running Model search/preparation only mode\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") self.ONLYMODELS=True if "KEYIN" in command_line.upper(): if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["SEQIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["SEQIN", "KEYIN"])) else: # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["KEYIN"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["SEQIN"])) else: if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN", ["XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["SEQIN"])) else: # Grab the SEQIN file (account for spaces) self.setSEQIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "SEQIN")) # Case 3): # e.g. mrbump HKLIN <mtz file> PREPDIR <directory name> HKLOUT <mtz file> XYZOUT <pdb file> elif "HKLIN" in command_line.upper() and "PREPDIR" in command_line.upper(): self.printHeader() if eval(os.environ["MRBUMP_DEBUG"]): sys.stdout.write("Running Molecular Replacement only mode\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") self.MRONLY=True if "KEYIN" in command_line.upper(): if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the PREPDIR file (account for spaces) self.setPREPDIR(self.getFileName(arguments, "PREPDIR", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "KEYIN", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) else: # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the PREPDIR file (account for spaces) self.setPREPDIR(self.getFileName(arguments, "PREPDIR", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "XYZOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "KEYIN"])) # Grab the KEYIN file (account for spaces) self.setKEYIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "KEYIN", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) else: if "XMLOUT" in command_line.upper(): # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the PREPDIR file (account for spaces) self.setPREPDIR(self.getFileName(arguments, "PREPDIR", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "XYZOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XMLOUT"])) # Grab the XMLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXMLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) else: # Grab the HKLIN file (account for spaces) self.setHKLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLIN", ["PREPDIR", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) # Grab the PREPDIR file (account for spaces) self.setPREPDIR(self.getFileName(arguments, "PREPDIR", ["HKLIN", "HKLOUT", "XYZOUT"])) # Grab the HKLOUT file (account for spaces) self.setHKLOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "HKLOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "XYZOUT"])) # Grab the XYZOUT file (account for spaces) self.setXYZOUT(self.getFileName(arguments, "XYZOUT", ["HKLIN", "PREPDIR", "HKLOUT"])) # Case 4): # e.g. mrbump XMLIN <xml file> elif "XMLIN" in command_line.upper(): self.printHeader() sys.stdout.write("Taking input from XML input file\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") self.XML=True # Grab the XMLIN file (account for spaces) self.setXMLIN(self.getFileName(arguments, "XMLIN")) # Case 5): elif "-v" in command_line.lower() or "--version" in command_line.lower(): sys.stdout.write(self.version + "\n") sys.exit() # Otherwise there is an incorrect command line specified. Echo the usage else: #sys.stdout.write("Command line Error: The command line appears to be incorrect, please check it\n") self.usage() sys.exit(1) def read_XMLinput(self): """ A function to parse the XML input for job files and parameters """ import MRBUMP_XML_parse # A little output sys.stdout.write("Reading input from the XML file:\n %s\n" % self.xmlin ) sys.stdout.write("\n") # Open a link to the XML input inXML=MRBUMP_XML_parse.readXMLInput() # Read the XML input doc=inXML.getDocumentFromFile(name=self.xmlin) # Get the run options inXML.getOptions(doc.getElementsByTagName("MrBUMPJobOptionItem")) # Get the job input files inXML.getJobInputData(doc.getElementsByTagName("MrBUMPJobDataInputItem")) # Get the job output details inXML.getJobOutputData(doc.getElementsByTagName("MrBUMPJobDataOutputItem")) # Get the job control options inXML.getJobControl(doc.getElementsByTagName("MrBUMPJobParamItem")) if inXML.LABIN: # Get the LABIN keywords inXML.getLABIN(doc) else: # Set them to defaults inXML.ColLabels["F"] = "F" inXML.ColLabels["SIGF"] = "SIGF" inXML.ColLabels["FREE"] = "FreeR_flag" # Set the mrbump variables self.setHKLIN(inXML.HKLIN) self.setSEQIN(inXML.SEQIN) self.setHKLOUT(inXML.HKLOUT) self.setXYZOUT(inXML.XYZOUT) self.MRONLY = inXML.MODELONLY self.keywords.JOBID = inXML.JobID self.keywords.DEBUG = inXML.DEBUG self.keywords.ROOTDIR = inXML.OUTDIR self.keywords.col_labels["F"] = inXML.ColLabels["F"] self.keywords.col_labels["SIGF"] = inXML.ColLabels["SIGF"] self.keywords.col_labels["FREER_FLAG"] = inXML.ColLabels["FREE"] self.keywords.labin_found = True self.keywords.XMLOUT = True self.keywords.LOGFILE=inXML.LOG self.keywords.SUMMARYFILE=inXML.SUMMARY # Output the details to stdout sys.stdout.write("Input files:\n") sys.stdout.write("--> HKLIN: %s\n" % self.hklin) sys.stdout.write("--> SEQIN: %s\n" % self.seqin) sys.stdout.write("--> HKLOUT: %s\n" % self.hklout) sys.stdout.write("--> XYZOUT: %s\n" % self.xyzout) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("Input parameters:\n") if self.MRONLY: sys.stdout.write("--> Job Type: Models Only\n") else: sys.stdout.write("--> Job Type: Full Model generation and Molecular Replacement\n") sys.stdout.write("--> Job ID: %s\n" % self.keywords.JOBID) sys.stdout.write("--> Debug set to: %s\n" % self.keywords.DEBUG) sys.stdout.write("--> ROOT directory: %s\n" % self.keywords.ROOTDIR) sys.stdout.write("--> Log file: %s\n" % self.keywords.LOGFILE) sys.stdout.write("--> Summary file: %s\n" % self.keywords.SUMMARYFILE) sys.stdout.write("--> Column Label 'F' : %s\n" % self.keywords.col_labels["F"]) sys.stdout.write("--> Column Label 'SIGF' : %s\n" % self.keywords.col_labels["SIGF"]) sys.stdout.write("--> Column Label 'FREER_FLAG': %s\n" % self.keywords.col_labels["FREER_FLAG"]) sys.stdout.write("\n") def make_job_dir(self): """ A function to create the directory three for the MRBUMP job. """ # Set the results directory self.setResults_DIR(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'results')) # Set the name of the best logfile self.setResults_Logfile(os.path.join(self.results_dir, "results.txt")) # Also set the results.html file location if self.keywords.results_html == "": self.setResults_HTML(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'results.html')) self.setResults_HTML_Filename('results.html') self.setRelative_Link("") else: self.setResults_HTML(self.keywords.results_html) if os.name == 'nt': # Set results html filename under windows self.setResults_HTML_Filename((os.path.split(self.keywords.results_html))[-1]) self.setRelative_Link(self.results_dir + "\\") else: # Set results html filename under non-windows OS self.setResults_HTML_Filename((os.path.split(self.keywords.results_html))[-1]) self.setRelative_Link(self.results_dir + "/") # Set the sequences directory self.logs_dir=os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'logs') # Set the sequences directory self.sequences_dir=os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'sequences') # Set the scratch directory self.setScratch_DIR(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'scratch')) # Set the scripts directory self.scripts_dir=os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'scripts') # If not set to overwrite, then complain and exit if search dir exists if not self.keywords.OVERWRITE and os.path.exists(self.search_dir): sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("A directory or file for a job with this name already exists:\n " \ + self.search_dir + "\n") sys.stdout.write("Please delete it or choose a different job name\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.exit(1) # If we are running an MR ONLY job we can just copy the preparation directory if self.MRONLY: shutil.copytree(self.PREPDIR, self.search_dir) # Otherwise, create all of the necessary folders # Removing old ones and preserving PDB files, if requested else: # Make search dir if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(self.search_dir): os.mkdir(self.search_dir) # If set to overwrite, then delete everything except 'PDB_files' directory if self.keywords.OVERWRITE: fd_list=os.listdir(self.search_dir) for fd in fd_list: if fd!='PDB_files': target_fd = os.path.join(self.search_dir, fd) if os.path.isdir(target_fd): shutil.rmtree(target_fd) else: os.remove(target_fd) # Make directories under search dir os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'input')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'logs')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'scratch')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'data')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'sequences')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'scripts')) PDB_files_dir=os.path.join(self.search_dir, 'PDB_files') if not os.path.exists(PDB_files_dir): os.mkdir(PDB_files_dir) # Create the results directory and all of its subfolders if not os.path.isdir(self.results_dir): os.mkdir(self.results_dir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'images')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'data')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'data', 'sequences')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'pdb_files')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'log_files')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'marginal_solns')) def enant_acorn_setup(self, target_info, mstat): # Initialise the refinement HKLIN file to the input HKLIN target_info.refinement_hklin=os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", "refinement_HKLIN.mtz") shutil.copyfile(target_info.hklin, target_info.refinement_hklin) # Make sure we have write permissions on this file os.chmod(target_info.refinement_hklin, 00660) # Generate the MTZ in enantiomorphic spacegroup if enantiomorph has been detected if self.keywords.ENANT: reindex=MRBUMP_reindex.Reindex() # Search information sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("###################################################\n") sys.stdout.write("### Reindex the target MTZ for enantiomorph ###\n") sys.stdout.write("###################################################\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Check to see if an enantiomorph actually exists for the target data spacegroup reindex.find_spacegroup_id(target_info.space_group) if reindex.enant_found == False: self.keywords.ENANT=False else: self.keywords.ENANT=True # Set the reindexed MTZ file name and pointer target_info.enant_hklin=os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_enant.mtz") # Set the enantiomorphic spacegroup ID target_info.enant_spacegroup=reindex.spacegroup_ID target_info.enant_SG_code=target_info.SG_Codes[target_info.enant_spacegroup] # Set the reindex logfile mstat.reindex_logfile=os.path.join(self.search_dir, "logs", "reindex.log") # Set the keywords for the reindexing reindex.add_keyword("SYMMETRY %s" % reindex.spacegroup_ID) reindex.add_keyword("REINDEX HKL h,k,l") reindex.add_keyword("NOREDUCE") reindex.add_keyword("END") # Run reindex to generate the reindexed MTZ reindex.run(target_info.hklin, target_info.enant_hklin, mstat.reindex_logfile) # Setup the Acorn input MTZ if it is to be used if self.acorn_found and self.keywords.USEACORN: # Search information sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("#####################################################\n") sys.stdout.write("### Prepare the input MTZ file for use in Acorn ###\n") sys.stdout.write("#####################################################\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") phase_imp=Phase_improve.PhaseImprove() # Set the Column labels for E and SIGE target_info.mtz_coldata["E"] = "E" target_info.mtz_coldata["SIGE"] = "SIGE" target_info.mtz_coldata["F_ISO"] = target_info.mtz_coldata["F"] + "_ISO" target_info.mtz_coldata["SIGF_ISO"] = target_info.mtz_coldata["SIGF"] + "_ISO" # Set the various file names target_info.unique_MTZOUTfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_unique_out.mtz") target_info.unique_logfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_unique.log") target_info.aniso_MTZOUTfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_aniso_out.mtz") target_info.aniso_logfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_aniso.log") target_info.cad_MTZOUTfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_cad_out.mtz") target_info.cad_logfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_cad.log") target_info.ecalc_logfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_ecalc.log") target_info.target_ecalc_MTZOUTfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_target_ecalc_out.mtz") if self.keywords.ENANT: target_info.enant_ecalc_MTZOUTfile = os.path.join(self.search_dir, "input", self.keywords.JOBID + "_enant_ecalc_out.mtz") # Extend the resolution of the target data set and create normalised structure factor amplitudes if self.debug: sys.stdout.write("Prep Log: Extend resolution and create normalised structure factor amplitudes\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") # Generate the input MTZ file for acorn (target) sys.stdout.write("Prep Log: Preparing the input MTZ file for Acorn using target spacegroup...\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") phase_imp.setEcalcMTZOUTfile(target_info.target_ecalc_MTZOUTfile) phase_imp.prepare(target_info.hklin, target_info.space_group, self, mstat, target_info) # Generate the input MTZ file for acorn (enantiomorph) if self.keywords.ENANT: sys.stdout.write("Prep Log: Preparing the input MTZ file for Acorn using enantiomorphic spacegroup...\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") phase_imp.setEcalcMTZOUTfile(target_info.enant_ecalc_MTZOUTfile) phase_imp.prepare(target_info.enant_hklin, target_info.enant_spacegroup, self, mstat, target_info) def checkPhaserVersion(self): """ Check which version of Phaser we are using. If it is later than 2.2.4 we need to use the new keyword set up """ # Set the phaser executable if os.name == "nt": phaserEXE = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "bin", "phaser.exe") else: phaserEXE = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "bin", "phaser") # First check to see that phaser exists, if not exit with error message if os.path.isfile(phaserEXE) == False: sys.stderr.write("Dependency error: Phaser executable not found in CCP4 distribution:\n " + phaserEXE + "\n") sys.exit(-1) # Set the command line command_line = str(phaserEXE) # Launch phaser if os.name=="nt": process_args = shlex.split(command_line, posix=False) p = subprocess.Popen(process_args, shell="True", stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) else: process_args = shlex.split(command_line) p = subprocess.Popen(process_args, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) (child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin) child_stdin.write("END\n") child_stdin.close() o=child_stdout.readline() version="2.5.0" while o: if "CCP4 PROGRAM SUITE" in o.upper() and "Phaser" in o: version=string.split(o.replace("#",""))[-1] o = child_stdout.readline() # Convert to an integer value if len(string.split(version, ".")) == 3: self.phaserVersion=int(string.join(string.split(version, ".")).replace(" ","")) elif len(string.split(version, ".")) == 2: self.phaserVersion=int(string.join(string.split(version, ".")).replace(" ","") + "0") else: self.phaserVersion=224 def checkMolrepVersion(self): """ Check which version of Molrep we are using. If it is later than 11.0.0 we need to parse the new log file """ # Set the molrep executable if os.name == "nt": molrepEXE = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "bin", "molrep.exe") else: molrepEXE = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "bin", "molrep") # First check to see that molrep exists, if not exit with error message if os.path.isfile(molrepEXE) == False: sys.stderr.write("Dependency error: Molrep executable not found in CCP4 distribution:\n " + molrepEXE + "\n") sys.exit(-1) # Set the command line command_line = str(molrepEXE) # Change to the CCP4_SCR for molrep test run currDir=os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.environ["CCP4_SCR"]) # Launch molrep if os.name=="nt": process_args = shlex.split(command_line, posix=False) p = subprocess.Popen(process_args, shell="True", stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) else: process_args = shlex.split(command_line) p = subprocess.Popen(process_args, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) (child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin) child_stdin.write("END\n") child_stdin.close() o=child_stdout.readline() while o: if "/Vers" in o and "|" in o: version=o.split("/Vers")[1].split(";")[0].strip() o = child_stdout.readline() # Convert to a float value if len(string.split(version, ".")) == 3: self.molrepVersion = float(string.split(version, ".")[0] + "." + string.split(version,".")[1] + string.split(version, ".")[2]) elif len(string.split(version, ".")) == 2: self.molrepVersion = float(string.split(version, ".")[0] + "." + string.split(version,".")[1]) else: self.molrepVersion=11.0 os.chdir(currDir) def usage(self): """ Echo the usage """ sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write("Usage:\n") sys.stdout.write("Full Model generation and MR:\n mrbump HKLIN foo_in.mtz SEQIN foo.seq HKLOUT foo_out.mtz XYZOUT foo.pdb <KEYIN keyfile>\n") sys.stdout.write(" mrbump HKLIN foo_in.mtz SEQIN foo.seq <KEYIN keyfile> \n") sys.stdout.write("Model generation only:\n mrbump SEQIN foo.seq <KEYIN keyfile>\n") sys.stdout.write("Molecular Replacement only:\n") sys.stdout.write(" mrbump HKLIN foo_in.mtz PREPDIR <directory from earlier MrBUMP> HKLOUT foo_out.mtz XYZOUT foo.pdb <KEYIN keyfile>\n") sys.stdout.write("XML input:\n mrbump XMLIN foo_in.xml\n") sys.stdout.write("Version information:\n -v or --version\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") def makePIRfile(self, sequence, seqout): """ Create a pir formatted version of the input sequence file """ # Create the sequence pir file f=open(seqout,"w") f.write(">PIR format\n\n") f.write(sequence + "\n") f.close # Set the initialiser names self.pirin=seqout self.pirin_filename=os.path.split(seqout)[1] class PDB_download_site: def __init__(self): self.name="" self.url="" self.rank=0 self.type="" self.con_time=10000.0 if __name__ == '__main__': init=Initialise() init.mrbump_initialisation() sys.stdout.write(init.keywords.E_value + "\n")