#! /usr/bin/env ccp4-python # # Copyright (C) 2006 Martyn Winn, Ronan Keegan # # This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the # CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Application. # A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the # CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. # import os, sys, string import urllib import shutil import Model_struct import Matches class PISA_struct: """ A structure to hold details about an individual PISA assembly. """ def __init__(self): self.id="" self.diss_energy="" self.bsa="" self.size="" self.chain_list=[] self.rotm_list=[] self.trans_list=[] def print_summary(self): sys.stdout.write(" Assembly with free energy of dissociation %.3f and buried surface area %.1f\n" % (self.diss_energy, self.bsa)) sys.stdout.write(" Contains %d chains:\n" % self.size) for chain in self.chain_list: sys.stdout.write(" Chain %s\n" % chain) class PISA: """ A class to retrieve the PISA results for a given set of search model templates. """ def __init__(self): self.PISA_url="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/prot_int/cgi-bin/multimers.pisa?" self.pdb_file_list=[] self.local_xml="" self.pisa_assembly_list=[] self.pdbsetEXE = os.path.join(os.environ['CBIN'], 'pdbset') self.pdbcurEXE = os.path.join(os.environ['CBIN'], 'pdbcur') self.pdb_mergeEXE = os.path.join(os.environ['CBIN'], 'pdb_merge') try: self.debug=eval(os.environ['MRBUMP_DEBUG']) except: self.debug=False def setLocalXML(self, filename): self.local_xml = filename def download_PISA_XML(self, pdb_id): """ A function to download the results XML for a given PDB from the PISA server. """ # Check the pdb_id is ok if pdb_id[0].isdigit() == False or pdb_id.isalnum == False or len(pdb_id) != 4: print "PISA log: " + pdb_id + " is not a valid PDB identifier" # If all is ok then retrieve the results else: # Assign the local XML filename if is not set already if self.local_xml == "": print "PISA log: Local XML file name is not set. Using pisa_" + pdb_id + ".xml" self.setLocalXML("pisa_" + pdb_id + ".xml") try: urllib.urlretrieve(self.PISA_url + pdb_id, self.local_xml) urllib.urlcleanup() print "PISA log: PISA results for " + pdb_id + " saved to file " + self.local_xml print "" except: print "PISA log: PISA results could not be retrieved for " + pdb_id print "PISA log: The url used was:\n " + self.PISA_url + pdb_id print "" def parseLocalXML(self): """ Parse the XML file for one PDB entry and create a list of assembly objects. One day, this could be replaced by proper XML parser! Therefore, don't extend functionality beyond parsing.""" xml_results=open(self.local_xml) line=xml_results.readline() while line: # Start of new assembly # There may be several assemblies in an asm_set if "" in line: a=PISA_struct() if "" in line: a.id=line[line.index("")+4:line.index("")] # Free energy of dissociation if "" in line: a.diss_energy=float(line[line.index("")+13:line.index("")]) # Buried surface area if "" in line: a.bsa=float(line[line.index("")+5:line.index("")]) # Number of chains in the assembly if "" in line: a.size=int(line[line.index("")+6:line.index("")]) # Chain list for assembly if "" in line: a.chain_list.append(line[line.index("")+10:line.index("")]) if "" in line: rotm = line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] if "" in line: rotm += ' ' + line[line.index("")+7:line.index("")] a.rotm_list.append(rotm) if "" in line: trans = line[line.index("")+6:line.index("")] if "" in line: trans += ' ' + line[line.index("")+6:line.index("")] if "" in line: trans += ' ' + line[line.index("")+6:line.index("")] a.trans_list.append(trans) # Copy finished assembly if "" in line: self.pisa_assembly_list.append(a) line=xml_results.readline() xml_results.close() def get_pisa_files(self, target_info, init, mstat): """ A function to get the PISA results for the list of search model templates. Then create any relevant multimer search models. """ mrsearchdir = init.search_dir multimer_list=[] no_of_multimers = 0 # Loop over all of our matching PDB's if self.debug: print "sorted_MR_list (list of chains for MR) is: " print mstat.sorted_MR_list print "sorted_list (full list of matching chains) is: " print [mstat.sorted_list[i][0] for i in range(len(mstat.sorted_list))] # this is list of templates to be used in MR for chain in mstat.sorted_MR_list: PDBcode = mstat.chain_list[chain].PDBName # only do unique PDB codes in template list if PDBcode in self.pdb_file_list: continue self.pdb_file_list.append(PDBcode) if self.debug: sys.stdout.write("\nChecking PISA for chain: %s \n" % PDBcode) # create pisa files in directory of base chain self.setLocalXML(os.path.join(mrsearchdir, 'data', chain, 'pisa_' + PDBcode + '.xml')) self.download_PISA_XML(PDBcode) self.parseLocalXML() if len(self.pisa_assembly_list) > no_of_multimers: # for the moment we are just taking the first multimer multimer_index = 0 sys.stdout.write("Multimer found:\n") self.pisa_assembly_list[no_of_multimers].print_summary() # Create a new chain object c=Matches.Chain_struct() c.setSource('PISA') c.setMultimerType('MULTIMER') c.setchainName(PDBcode + '_' + str(multimer_index)) c.setchainID(str(multimer_index)) c.setPDBName(PDBcode) # Create the directory for this multimer template e.g. 1xyz_0 mtemplate_dir = os.path.join(mrsearchdir, 'data', c.chainName) os.mkdir(mtemplate_dir) c.setWorkingDIR(mtemplate_dir) # loop over requested model types for imod in init.model_types: if imod == 'PDBCLP': multimer_files_dir = os.path.join(mtemplate_dir, 'pdbclip') elif imod == 'MOLREP': multimer_files_dir = os.path.join(mtemplate_dir, 'molrep') elif imod == 'CHNSAW': multimer_files_dir = os.path.join(mtemplate_dir, 'chainsaw') elif imod == 'SCLPTR': multimer_files_dir = os.path.join(mtemplate_dir, 'sculptor') elif imod == 'PLYALA': multimer_files_dir = os.path.join(mtemplate_dir, 'plyala') os.mkdir(multimer_files_dir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'mr')) if "MOLREP" in init.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST: os.mkdir(os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'mr', 'molrep')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'mr', 'molrep', 'refine')) if "PHASER" in init.keywords.MR_PROGRAM_LIST: os.mkdir(os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'mr', 'phaser')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'mr', 'phaser', 'refine')) first_chain = True number_chains = 0 # loop over chains in specific multimer for mchain in self.pisa_assembly_list[no_of_multimers].chain_list: ChainName = PDBcode + '_' + mchain # Exclude chains that are not in full fasta list e.g. ligands # These won't have directories created for them. if ChainName not in [mstat.sorted_list[i][0] for i in range(len(mstat.sorted_list))]: print "Skipping chain " + PDBcode + '_' + mchain + " - it appears to be different from target" continue ### use pdbset to get chains with symmetry applied # Write the key file for pdbset ps_key = 'rotate matrix ' + self.pisa_assembly_list[no_of_multimers].rotm_list[0] + '\n' ps_key += 'shift fractional ' + self.pisa_assembly_list[no_of_multimers].trans_list[0] + '\n' ps_key += 'end\n' # Write out the key file if we are running in debug mode if self.debug: ps_keyfile=os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'ps_key_' + mchain + '.in') ps_key_input=open(ps_keyfile, 'w') ps_key_input.write(ps_key) ps_key_input.close() termination=False # Set the Pdbset logfile ps_logfile=os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'pdbset_' + mchain + '.log') ps_inputfile=os.path.join(mrsearchdir, 'data', PDBcode + '_' + mchain, 'pdb_file', PDBcode + '_' + mchain + '.pdb') # Check that the input PDB exists: a multimer may contain individual chains # which are not on the model list if not os.path.isfile(ps_inputfile): unprocessed_file=os.path.join(mrsearchdir, 'PDB_files', PDBcode + '.pdb') if self.debug: print "Chain " + PDBcode + '_' + mchain + " is missing, downloading it." pdb_get=Matches.PDB_get() pdb_get.download_single_PDB(PDBcode, unprocessed_file, init, mstat, PDBDIR=init.keywords.PDBDIR) # the following is a cut-down version of that in Matches.py, needs to be rationalised! pdbclip_DIR=os.path.join(mrsearchdir, 'data', PDBcode + '_' + mchain, 'pdbclip') # Write the key file for pdbcur pc_key = 'lvchain /1/' + mchain + '\n' pc_key += 'delh\n' pc_key += 'cutocc\n' pc_key += 'mostprob\n' pc_key += 'end\n' # Write out the key file if we are running in debug mode if self.debug: pc_keyfile=os.path.join(pdbclip_DIR, 'pc_key.in') pc_key_input=open(pc_keyfile, 'w') pc_key_input.write(pc_key) pc_key_input.close() # Run pdbcur to strip chains and do some other editing termination=False if self.debug: print "modifying with pdbcur....." # Set the PDBcur logfile PDBcurLog=os.path.join(pdbclip_DIR, 'pdbcur_' + mchain + '.log') # Run pdbcur on this pdb file i,o=os.popen2(self.pdbcurEXE + ' xyzin ' + unprocessed_file + ' xyzout ' + ps_inputfile) i.write(pc_key) i.close() out=o.readline() log=open(PDBcurLog, "w") while out: if 'Normal termination' in out: termination=True log.write(out) out=o.readline() o.close() log.close() if not termination: print "PDB download log: pdbcur failed for %s" % CHAIN.chainName if self.debug: print "PDB download log: log file can be found at: \n " + PDBcurLog if self.debug: print "" # Run pdbset to apply symmetry operator ps_outputfile = os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, PDBcode + '_' + mchain + '_s.pdb') i,o=os.popen2(self.pdbsetEXE + ' xyzin ' + ps_inputfile + ' xyzout ' + ps_outputfile) i.write(ps_key) i.close() out=o.readline() log=open(ps_logfile, "w") while out: if 'Normal termination' in out: termination=True log.write(out) out=o.readline() o.close() log.close() # next we add each chain into a single file if first_chain: current_multimer_file = os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, PDBcode + '_' + mchain + '_mult.pdb') shutil.copy(ps_outputfile, current_multimer_file) last_multimer_file = current_multimer_file else: # Write the key file for pdb_merge pm_key = 'nomerge\n' pm_key += 'end\n' # Write out the key file if we are running in debug mode if self.debug: pm_keyfile=os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'pm_key.in') pm_key_input=open(pm_keyfile, 'w') pm_key_input.write(pm_key) pm_key_input.close() termination=False # Set the pdb_merge logfile PDBmergeLog=os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, 'pdbmerge_' + mchain + '.log') # Run pdb_merge on this pdb file current_multimer_file = os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, PDBcode + '_' + mchain + '_mult.pdb') i,o=os.popen2(self.pdb_mergeEXE + ' xyzin1 ' + last_multimer_file + ' xyzin2 ' + ps_outputfile + ' xyzout ' + current_multimer_file) i.write(pm_key) i.close() last_multimer_file = current_multimer_file out=o.readline() log=open(PDBmergeLog, "w") while out: if 'Normal termination' in out: termination=True log.write(out) out=o.readline() o.close() log.close() if not termination: print "PDB download log: pdb_merge failed for %s" % CHAIN.chainName if self.debug: print "PDB download log: log file can be found at: \n " + PDBmergeLog if self.debug: print "" first_chain = False number_chains += 1 # copy final multimer file to final place e.g. data/1n5b_1/chainsaw/1n5b_1.pdb shutil.copy(last_multimer_file, os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, c.chainName + '.pdb')) c.setNumberMonomers(number_chains) if imod == 'PDBCLP': c.setClipModelPDB(os.path.join(multimer_files_dir, c.chainName + '.pdb')) # add "chain" to chain_list mstat.chain_list[c.chainName] = c # add multimer to list and go back for next multimer for this PDB code multimer_list.append(c.chainName) # Finished with this PDB code, update no of multimers no_of_multimers += len(self.pisa_assembly_list) # loop over all multimers, and insert before corresponding chains for multimer in multimer_list: base_code = multimer[0:4] for ind in range(len(mstat.sorted_MR_list)): if base_code in mstat.sorted_MR_list[ind]: mstat.sorted_MR_list.insert(ind,multimer) break if __name__=='__main__': pisa=PISA() pisa.download_PISA_XML("1xmp")