#!/cvmfs/facilities.gridpp.ac.uk/ccp4/latest/ccp4-7.0/libexec/python2.7 # # Copyright (C) 2013 David Waterman # # This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the # CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Application. # A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the # CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. # """CCP4 dispatcher for 'ccp4i'""" import os import sys import shlex import subprocess from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue, Empty from time import sleep if __name__ == "__main__": # Jiggery-pokery to import the package containing this module, even # when it is not included in PYTHONPATH me = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) my_parent = os.path.dirname(me) sys.path.insert(0, my_parent) import CCP4Dispatchers class Dispatcher: """A class to handle dispatch to 'ccp4i'""" def __init__(self, capture_streams = True, stdout = None, stderr = None): self.prog = "ccp4i" # A string giving the command required for dispatch self.command = "/bin/sh /cvmfs/facilities.gridpp.ac.uk/ccp4/latest/ccp4-7.0/bin/ccp4i" # This dispatcher points to the specified binary located in: self.prog_dir_path = "/cvmfs/facilities.gridpp.ac.uk/ccp4/latest/ccp4-7.0/bin" # The default call has empty command line arguments self.cmd_args = [] # The default call passes no keywords self.keywords = None # handle to the subprocess self.process = None # is the process running? self.isRunning = False # Capture stdout and stderr? If not, send output to destinations # (e.g. file handles) requested in the argument list self.capture_streams = capture_streams self.stdout = subprocess.PIPE if capture_streams else stdout self.stderr = subprocess.PIPE if capture_streams else stderr # stream data from the call (only used if !capture_streams) self.stdout_data = None self.stderr_data = None # The exit code of the executable self.call_val = None # The exception from a failed call self.call_err = None # Suppression of console windows on Windows try: self.startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() try: self.startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except Exception: #Python > 2.7 self.startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess._subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW except Exception: self.startupinfo = None def set_env(self): """Method to set the environment variables""" # Chain up to the package-level function for this from _common import set_environment set_environment() def get_bin(self): """Method to get the path to 'ccp4i'""" return os.path.join(self.prog_dir_path, self.prog) def set_cmd_args(self, args): """Method to append arguments to the program call""" # If the arguments are supplied as a string, split it suitably. # If it is a list, pass it on untouched if isinstance(args, str): # Preserve backspace separated filenames for Windows self.cmd_args = shlex.split(args, posix=(os.name != "nt")) elif isinstance(args, list): self.cmd_args = args def set_keywords(self, kwstring): """Method to set keywords to pass to 'ccp4i'""" if isinstance(kwstring, list): kwstring = "\n".join(kwstring) if not kwstring.endswith("\n"): kwstring = kwstring + "\n" self.keywords = kwstring def call(self, wait=True): """ Method to execute ccp4i. When communicating with the subprocess, wait=True avoids the need to repeatedly call monitor, but blocks until the subprocess completes. """ cmd = shlex.split(os.path.expandvars(self.command), posix=(os.name != "nt")) popenargs = cmd + self.cmd_args self.stdin = subprocess.PIPE if self.keywords else None try: self.process = subprocess.Popen(popenargs, stdin=self.stdin, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, startupinfo=self.startupinfo) except OSError, e: self.call_err = sys.exc_info() return self.call_err self.call_val = None # Reset in case this was not the first call self.isRunning = True if self.capture_streams: if wait: (self.stdout_data, self.stderr_data) = self.process.communicate( self.keywords) self.isRunning = False self.stdout_data = self.stdout_data.splitlines() self.stderr_data = self.stderr_data.splitlines() else: if self.keywords: self.process.stdin.write(self.keywords) self.process.stdin.close() # create lists to be populated by the monitor method self.stdout_data = [] self.stderr_data = [] # queues to buffer stdout and stderr data self.stdout_queue = Queue() self.stderr_queue = Queue() # start threads to read output into the queues self._stop_reader = False self._stdout_reader = Thread(target = self.__enqueue, args = (self.process.stdout, self.stdout_queue)) self._stderr_reader = Thread(target = self.__enqueue, args = (self.process.stderr, self.stdout_queue)) self._stdout_reader.daemon = True self._stderr_reader.daemon = True self._stdout_reader.start() self._stderr_reader.start() # set returncode if already finished self.process.poll() else: if self.keywords: self.process.stdin.write(self.keywords) self.process.stdin.close() if wait: self.process.wait() self.isRunning = False else: # start thread to monitor for completion in the background self._background_wait = Thread(target = self.__wait) self._background_wait.daemon = True self._background_wait.start() self.call_val = self.process.returncode return self.call_val def __enqueue(self, stream, queue): """ Worker thread function for call with capture_streams=True and wait=False """ while True: try: s = stream.readline() if s: queue.put(s) else: # s is the empty string or None if self._stop_reader: return sleep(0.1) # avoid too much spinning in this loop except Exception: # the stream was closed, so finish break return None def __wait(self): """ Thread to monitor for job completion and set returncode and isRunning status, for use with capture_streams=False and wait=False """ self.process.wait() self.isRunning = False self.call_val = self.process.returncode return None def __stop_readers(self): """Method to cleanly stop the reader threads""" self.process.stdout.flush() self.process.stderr.flush() self._stop_reader = True if self._stdout_reader.is_alive(): self._stdout_reader.join() if self._stderr_reader.is_alive(): self._stderr_reader.join() self.process.stdout.close() self.process.stderr.close() return None def monitor(self): """ Method to read output of ccp4i and check if it has finished. The user of this method must call it repeatedly to fill stdout_data and stderr_data, until call_val is set, or abort is called. """ # use only if communicating with a running subprocess if not self.capture_streams: return None if not self.isRunning: return None self.call_val = self.process.poll() # read from the queues try: o = self.stdout_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: o = None try: e = self.stderr_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: e = None if o: self.stdout_data.append(o.rstrip('\r\n')) if e: self.stderr_data.append(e.rstrip('\r\n')) # process finished, clean up if self.call_val is not None: # first time in this block, end reader threads if not self._stop_reader: self.__stop_readers() # subsequently, check if nothing left in the queues elif not o and not e: self.isRunning = False else: pass return o, e def abort(self): """Method to terminate or kill the process""" # Use only if communicating with a running subprocess if not self.capture_streams: return None if not self.isRunning: return None self.process.terminate() if not self.process.poll() is None: self.process.kill() # ask reader threads to close self.__stop_readers() # close the streams self.process.stdout.close() self.process.stderr.close() self.call_val = self.process.poll() self.isRunning = False if __name__ == "__main__": # This dispatcher is being run as a script, so go ahead and execute # ccp4i # Instantiate the dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher(capture_streams = False) # Set the environment dispatcher.set_env() # Run the program now and exit with its value, or re-raise any error # encountered, to exit the interpreter dispatcher.set_cmd_args(sys.argv[1:]) dispatcher.call() if dispatcher.call_err: raise dispatcher.call_err[1], None, dispatcher.call_err[2] else: sys.exit(dispatcher.call_val)