""" A basic example of using the DOM to create an XML document from scratch. """ from xml.dom import ext from xml.dom import implementation if __name__ == '__main__': #Create a doctype using document type name, sysid and pubid dt = implementation.createDocumentType('mydoc', '', '') #Create a document using document element namespace URI, doc element #name and doctype. This automatically creates a document element #which is the single element child of the document doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('', 'mydoc', dt) #Get the document element doc_elem = doc.documentElement #Create an element: the Document instanmce acts as a factory new_elem = doc.createElementNS('', 'spam') #Create an attribute on the new element new_elem.setAttributeNS('', 'eggs', 'sunnysideup') #Create a text node new_text = doc.createTextNode('some text here...') #Add the new text node to the new element new_elem.appendChild(new_text) #Add the new element to the document element doc_elem.appendChild(new_elem) #Print out the resulting document import xml.doc.ext xml.doc.ext.Print(doc)