""" This file contains the default classes that are used to receive events from the XML parser. All these classes are meant to be subclassed (or imitated) by clients that want to handle these functions themselves. Application is the class that receives document data from the parser, and is probably the one most people want. $Id$ """ import sys,urllib2,urlparse from xmlutils import * # ============================== # The default application class # ============================== class Application: """This is the class that represents the application that receives parsed data from the parser. It is meant to be subclassed by users.""" def __init__(self): self.locator=None def set_locator(self,locator): """Gives the application an object to ask for the current location. Called automagically by the parser.""" self.locator=locator def doc_start(self): "Notifies the application of the start of the document." pass def doc_end(self): "Notifies the application of the end of the document." pass def handle_comment(self,data): "Notifies the application of comments." pass def handle_start_tag(self,name,attrs): "Notifies the application of start tags (and empty element tags)." pass def handle_end_tag(self,name): "Notifies the application of end tags (and empty element tags)." pass def handle_data(self,data,start,end): "Notifies the application of character data." pass def handle_ignorable_data(self,data,start,end): "Notifies the application of character data that can be ignored." pass def handle_pi(self,target,data): "Notifies the application of processing instructions." pass def handle_doctype(self,root,pubID,sysID): "Notifies the application of the document type declaration." pass def set_entity_info(self,xmlver,enc,sddecl): """Notifies the application of information about the current entity supplied by an XML or text declaration. All three parameters will be None, if they weren't present.""" pass # ============================== # The public identifier resolver # ============================== class PubIdResolver: """An application class that resolves public identifiers to system identifiers.""" def resolve_pe_pubid(self,pubid,sysid): """Maps the public identifier of a parameter entity to a system identifier. The default implementation just returns the system identifier.""" return sysid def resolve_doctype_pubid(self,pubid,sysid): """Maps the public identifier of the DOCTYPE declaration to a system identifier. The default implementation just returns the system identifier.""" return sysid def resolve_entity_pubid(self,pubid,sysid): """Maps the public identifier of an external entity to a system identifier. The default implementation just returns the system identifier.""" return sysid # ============================== # The default error handler # ============================== class ErrorHandler: """An error handler for the parser. This class can be subclassed by clients that want to use their own error handlers.""" def __init__(self,locator): self.locator=locator def set_locator(self,loc): self.locator=loc def get_locator(self): return self.locator def warning(self,msg): "Handles a non-fatal error message." pass def error(self,msg): self.fatal(msg) # "The reports of the error's fatality are much exaggerated" # --Paul Prescod def fatal(self,msg): "Handles a fatal error message." if self.locator==None: print "ERROR: "+msg else: print "ERROR: "+msg+" at %s:%d:%d" % (self.locator.get_current_sysid(),\ self.locator.get_line(),\ self.locator.get_column()) print "TEXT: '%s'" % (self.locator.data[self.locator.pos:\ self.locator.pos+10]) sys.exit(1) # ============================== # The default entity handler # ============================== class EntityHandler: "An entity handler for the parser." def __init__(self,parser): self.parser=parser def resolve_ent_ref(self,entname): """Resolves a general entity reference and returns its contents. The default method only resolves the predefined entities. Returns a 2-tuple (n,m) where n is true if the entity is internal. For internal entities m is the value, for external ones it is the system id.""" try: return (1,predef_ents[entname]) except KeyError: self.parser.report_error(3021,entname) return (1,"") # ============================== # A DTD event handler # ============================== class DTDConsumer: """Represents an XML DTD. This class can be subclassed by applications which want to handle the DTD information themselves.""" def __init__(self,parser): self.parser=parser def dtd_start(self): "Called when DTD parsing starts." pass def dtd_end(self): "Called when the DTD is completely parsed." pass def new_general_entity(self,name,val): "Receives internal general entity declarations." pass def new_external_entity(self,ent_name,pub_id,sys_id,ndata): """Receives external general entity declarations. 'ndata' is the empty string if the entity is parsed.""" pass def new_parameter_entity(self,name,val): "Receives internal parameter entity declarations." pass def new_external_pe(self,name,pubid,sysid): "Receives external parameter entity declarations." pass def new_notation(self,name,pubid,sysid): "Receives notation declarations." pass def new_element_type(self,elem_name,elem_cont): "Receives the declaration of an element type." pass def new_attribute(self,elem,attr,a_type,a_decl,a_def): "Receives the declaration of a new attribute." pass def handle_comment(self,contents): "Receives the contents of a comment." pass def handle_pi(self,target,data): "Receives the target and data of processing instructions." pass # ============================== # An inputsource factory # ============================== class InputSourceFactory: "A class that creates file-like objects from system identifiers." def create_input_source(self,sysid): if sysid[1:3]==":\\" or urlparse.urlparse(sysid)[0] == '': return open(sysid) else: return urllib2.urlopen(sysid)