# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- """ Some common declarations for the xmlproc system gathered in one file. """ # $Id$ import string,re,urlparse,os,sys,types import xmlapp,charconv,errors try: StringTypes = [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType] except AttributeError: StringTypes = [types.StringType] try: import codecs def mkconverter(parser,src,dest): if src == dest: return lambda s:s try: enc = src decoder = codecs.lookup(src)[1] # If the target is Unicode, we need no encoder if dest is None: # the decoder returns a string,length tuple, # we only need the string return lambda c,d = decoder:(d(c)[0]) enc = dest encoder = codecs.lookup(dest)[0] return lambda c,d=decoder,e=encoder:e(d(c)[0])[0] except LookupError: parser.report_error(1002,enc) return lambda s:s _interned = {} def string_intern(x): if type(x) == types.StringType: return intern(x) return _interned.setdefault(x,x) using_unicode = 1 xml_chr = unichr BOM = unicode("\xfe\xff","utf-16-be") except ImportError: def mkconverter(parser,src,dest): if dest == None: dest = "utf-8" if charconv.convdb.can_convert(src,dest): return charconv.convdb.get_converter(src,dest) else: parser.report_error(1002,src) return lambda s:s string_intern = intern using_unicode = 0 xml_chr = chr # FIXME: support BOM detection in multibyte mode BOM = None # Standard exceptions class OutOfDataException(Exception): """An exception that signals that more data is expected, but the current buffer has been exhausted.""" pass # ============================== # The general entity parser # ============================== class EntityParser: """A generalized parser for XML entities, whether DTD, documents or even catalog files.""" def __init__(self): # --- Creating support objects self.err=xmlapp.ErrorHandler(self) self.ent=xmlapp.EntityHandler(self.err) self.isf=xmlapp.InputSourceFactory() self.pubres=xmlapp.PubIdResolver() self.data_charset=None # the default charset in XML is UTF-8 self.input_encoding = None # not determined, yet self.charset_converter = None self.err_lang="en" self.errors=errors.get_error_list(self.err_lang) self.reset() def set_error_language(self,language): """Sets the language in which errors are reported. (ISO 3166 codes.) Throws a KeyError if the language is not supported.""" self.errors=errors.get_error_list(string.lower(language)) self.err_lang=string.lower(language) # only set if supported def set_error_handler(self,err): "Sets the object to send error events to." self.err=err def set_pubid_resolver(self,pubres): self.pubres=pubres def set_entity_handler(self,ent): "Sets the object that resolves entity references." self.ent=ent def set_inputsource_factory(self,isf): "Sets the object factory used to create input sources from sysids." self.isf=isf def set_data_charset(self,charset): """Tells the parser which character encoding to use when reporting data to applications. The default is None, which means to return Unicode string if supported and UTF-8 otherwise.""" self.data_charset=charset def parse_resource(self, sysID, bufsize = 16384): """Begin parsing an XML entity with the specified system identifier. Only used for the document entity, not to handle subentities, which open_entity takes care of.""" self.current_sysID = sysID try: infile = self.isf.create_input_source(sysID) except (IOError, OSError): self.report_error(3000, sysID) return self.read_from(infile,bufsize) infile.close() self.close() def parse_string(self, doc, sysid = None, pubid = None): """Parse an XML document from the doc string.""" if sysid: self.current_sysID = sysid # FIXME: pubid! self.feed(doc) self.close() def open_entity(self, sys_id, name = "None"): """Starts parsing a new entity, pushing the old onto the stack. This method must not be used to start parsing, use parse_resource for that. Note that sys_id must be absolute.""" try: inf = self.isf.create_input_source(sys_id) except (IOError, OSError): self.report_error(3000, sys_id) return self._push_ent_stack(name) self.current_sysID = sys_id self.pos = 0 self.line = 1 self.last_break = 0 self.data = "" self.encoded_data = "" self.input_encoding = None self.charset_converter = None tmp = self.seen_xmldecl self.seen_xmldecl = 0 # Avoid complaints # XXX Should not need to read the whole thing in, but doing so # fixes PyXML SF bug #608453. There should be a better fix. self.read_from(inf, -1) self.seen_xmldecl = tmp self.flush() self.pop_entity() def push_entity(self,sysID,contents,name="None"): """Parse some text and consider it a new entity, making it possible to return to the original entity later.""" self._push_ent_stack(name) self.data = contents self.encoded_data = "" self.current_sysID = sysID self.pos = 0 self.line = 1 self.last_break = 0 self.datasize = len(contents) self.last_upd_pos = 0 self.final = 1 def pop_entity(self): "Skips out of the current entity and back to the previous one." if self.ent_stack==[]: self.report_error(4000) self._pop_ent_stack() def read_from(self,fileobj,bufsize=16384): """Reads data from a file-like object until EOF. Does not close it. **WARNING**: This method does not call the parseStart/parseEnd methods, since it does not know if it may be called several times. Use parse_resource if you just want to read a file.""" while 1: buf=fileobj.read(bufsize) if buf=="": break try: self.feed(buf) except OutOfDataException: break def reset(self): """Resets the parser, losing all unprocessed data.""" self.ent_stack=[] self.open_ents=[] # Used to test for entity recursion self.current_sysID="Unknown" self.first_feed=1 # Block information self.data="" self.encoded_data="" self.final=0 self.datasize=0 self.start_point=-1 # Location tracking self.line=1 self.last_break=0 self.block_offset=0 # Offset from start of stream to start of cur block self.pos=0 self.last_upd_pos=0 def autodetect_encoding(self, new_data): if len(new_data)<5: # If this is a very short external entity, it may not # have enough bytes for auto-detection. In that case, # it must be UTF-8 enc = "utf-8" elif new_data[:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf': enc = "utf-8" # with BOM elif new_data[:4] == '\0\0\0\x3c': enc = "ucs-4-be" elif new_data[:4] == '\x3c\0\0\0': enc = "ucs-4-le" # ignore unusual byte orders 2143 and 3412 elif new_data[:2] == '\xfe\xff': enc = "utf-16-be" # with BOM elif new_data[:2] == '\xff\xfe': enc = "utf-16-le" # with BOM elif new_data[:4] == '\0\x3c\0\x3f': enc = "utf-16-be" elif new_data[:4] == '\0\x3f\0\x3c': enc = "utf-16-be" elif new_data[:5] == 'self.datasize-5 and not self.final: raise OutOfDataException() return regexp.match(self.data,self.pos)!=None def get_match(self,regexp): "Returns the result of matching the regexp and advances self.pos." if self.pos>self.datasize-5 and not self.final: raise OutOfDataException() ent=regexp.match(self.data,self.pos) if ent==None: self.report_error(reg2code[regexp.pattern]) return "" end=ent.end(0) # Speeds us up slightly if end==self.datasize: raise OutOfDataException() self.pos=end return ent.group(0) def update_pos(self): "Updates (line,col)-pos by checking processed blocks." breaks=string.count(self.data,"\n",self.last_upd_pos,self.pos) self.last_upd_pos=self.pos if breaks>0: self.line=self.line+breaks self.last_break=string.rfind(self.data,"\n",0,self.pos) def get_wrapped_match(self,wraps): "Returns a contained match. Useful for regexps inside quotes." found=0 for (wrap,regexp) in wraps: if self.test_str(wrap): found=1 self.pos=self.pos+len(wrap) break if not found: msg="" for (wrap,regexp) in wraps[:-1]: msg="%s'%s', " % (msg,wrap) self.report_error(3004,(msg[:-2],wraps[-1][0])) data=self.get_match(regexp) if not self.now_at(wrap): self.report_error(3005,wrap) return data #--- ERROR HANDLING def report_error(self,number,args=None): try: msg = self.errors[number] if args != None: msg = msg % args except KeyError: msg = self.errors[4002] % number # Unknown err msg :-) if number < 2000: self.err.warning(msg) elif number < 3000: self.err.error(msg) else: self.err.fatal(msg) #--- USEFUL METHODS def get_current_sysid(self): "Returns the sysid of the file we are reading now." return self.current_sysID def set_sysid(self,sysID): "Sets the current system identifier. Does not store the old one." self.current_sysID = sysID def get_offset(self): "Returns the current offset from the start of the stream." return self.block_offset+self.pos def get_line(self): "Returns the current line number." self.update_pos() return self.line def get_column(self): "Returns the current column position." self.update_pos() return self.pos-self.last_break def is_root_entity(self): "Returns true if the current entity is the root entity." return self.ent_stack==[] def is_external(self): """Returns true if the current entity is an external entity. The root (or document) entity is not considered external.""" return self.ent_stack!=[] and \ self.ent_stack[0][0]!=self.get_current_sysid() # --- Internal methods def _push_ent_stack(self,name="None"): self.ent_stack.append((self.get_current_sysid(),self.data,self.pos,\ self.line,self.last_break,self.datasize,\ self.last_upd_pos,self.block_offset,self.final, self.input_encoding,self.charset_converter, name)) def _pop_ent_stack(self): (self.current_sysID, self.data, self.pos, self.line, self.last_break, \ self.datasize, self.last_upd_pos, self.block_offset, self.final, \ self.input_encoding, self.charset_converter, dummy) = \ self.ent_stack[-1] del self.ent_stack[-1] # ============================== # Common code for some parsers # ============================== class XMLCommonParser(EntityParser): def parse_external_id(self,required=0,sysidreq=1): """Parses an external ID declaration and returns a tuple consisting of (pubid,sysid). If the required attribute is false neither SYSTEM nor PUBLIC identifiers are required. If sysidreq is false a SYSTEM identifier is not required after a PUBLIC one.""" pub_id=None sys_id=None if self.now_at("SYSTEM"): self.skip_ws(1) sys_id=self.get_wrapped_match([("\"",reg_sysid_quote),\ ("'",reg_sysid_apo)]) elif self.now_at("PUBLIC"): self.skip_ws(1) pub_id=self.get_wrapped_match([("\"",reg_pubid_quote),\ ("'",reg_pubid_apo)]) pub_id=string.join(string.split(pub_id)) if sysidreq: self.skip_ws(1) sys_id=self.get_wrapped_match([("\"",reg_sysid_quote),\ ("'",reg_sysid_apo)]) else: if self.test_str("'") or self.test_str('"'): self.report_error(3002) self.skip_ws() if self.test_str("'") or self.test_str('"'): sys_id=self.get_wrapped_match([("\"",reg_sysid_quote),\ ("'",reg_sysid_apo)]) else: if required: self.report_error(3006) return (pub_id,sys_id) def __get_quoted_string(self): "Returns the contents of a quoted string at current position." try: quo=self.data[self.pos] except IndexError: raise OutOfDataException() if not (self.now_at('"') or self.now_at("'")): self.report_error(3004,("'\"'","'")) self.scan_to(">") return "" return self.scan_to(quo) def parse_xml_decl(self,handler=None): "Parses the contents of the XML declaration from after the ''.""" trgt=self._get_name() if trgt=="xml": if report_xml_decl: self.parse_xml_decl(handler) else: self.parse_xml_decl() if not self.now_at("?>"): self.report_error(3005,"?>") self.seen_xmldecl=1 else: if self.now_at("?>"): rem="" else: self.skip_ws(1) rem=self.scan_to("?>") # OutOfDataException if not found if reg_res_pi.match(trgt)!=None: if trgt=="xml:namespace": self.report_error(1003) elif trgt!="xml-stylesheet": self.report_error(3045) handler.handle_pi(trgt,rem) def parse_comment(self,handler): "Parses the comment from after ''." new_pos = self.get_index("--") handler.handle_comment(self.data[self.pos : new_pos]) self.pos = new_pos if not self.now_at("-->"): self.report_error(3005,"-->") def _read_char_ref(self): "Parses a character reference and returns the character." if self.now_at("x"): digs=unhex(self.get_match(reg_hex_digits)) else: digs=int(self.get_match(reg_digits)) if not (digs==9 or digs==10 or digs==13 or \ (digs>=32 and digs<=255)): if digs>255: # XXX check for surrogate references if using_unicode and digs<65536: self.app.handle_data(xml_chr(digs),0,1) else: self.report_error(1005,digs) else: self.report_error(3018,digs) return "" else: return xml_chr(digs) def _get_name(self): """Parses the name at the current position and returns it. An error is reported if no name is present.""" if self.pos>self.datasize-5 and not self.final: raise OutOfDataException() match = reg_name.match(self.data,self.pos) if match: self.pos = match.end() if match.end()==self.datasize and not self.final: raise OutOfDataException() return string_intern(match.group()) else: self.report_error(3900) return "" # --- A collection of useful functions # Utility functions def unhex(hex_value): "Converts a string hex-value to an integer." sum=0 for char in hex_value: sum=sum*16 char=ord(char) if char<58 and char>=48: sum=sum+(char-48) elif char>=97 and char<=102: sum=sum+(char-87) elif char>=65 and char<=70: sum=sum+(char-55) # else ERROR, but it can't occur here return sum def matches(regexp,str): mo=regexp.match(str) return mo!=None and len(mo.group(0))==len(str) def join_sysids_general(base, url): "Resolves a URL relative to a base URL. The base can be None." if urlparse.urlparse(url)[0] != "": return url elif urlparse.urlparse(base)[0] == "": if urlparse.urlparse(url)[0] == "": return os.path.join(os.path.split(base)[0], url) else: return url else: return urlparse.urljoin(base, url) def join_sysids_win32(base, url): "Resolves a URL relative to a base URL. The base can be None." if urlparse.urlparse(url)[0] != "": return url elif len(urlparse.urlparse(base)[0])<2: # Handles drive identifiers correctly if len(urlparse.urlparse(url)[0])<2: return os.path.join(os.path.split(base)[0],url) else: return url else: return urlparse.urljoin(base,url) # here join_sysids(base,url): is set to the correct function if sys.platform == "win32": join_sysids = join_sysids_win32 else: join_sysids = join_sysids_general # --- Some useful regexps if using_unicode: _re_flags = re.UNICODE else: _re_flags = 0 namestart = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_:" + \ "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ" namechars = namestart + "0123456789.·-" whitespace = "\n\t \r" reg_ws=re.compile("[\n\t \r]+",_re_flags) reg_ver=re.compile("[-a-zA-Z0-9_.:]+",_re_flags) reg_enc_name=re.compile("[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9._]*") reg_std_alone=re.compile("yes|no") if using_unicode: from xml.utils import characters reg_name = characters.re_Name() reg_names = characters.re_Names() reg_nmtoken = characters.re_Nmtoken() reg_nmtokens = characters.re_Nmtokens() reg_pe_ref = re.compile("%"+characters.Name+";") del characters else: reg_name=re.compile("["+namestart+"]["+namechars+"]*") reg_names=re.compile("["+namestart+"]["+namechars+"]*" "([\n\t \r]+["+namestart+"]["+namechars+"]*)*") reg_nmtoken=re.compile("["+namechars+"]+") reg_nmtokens=re.compile("["+namechars+"]+([\n\t \r]+["+namechars+"]+)*") reg_pe_ref=re.compile("%["+namestart+"]["+namechars+"]*;") reg_sysid_quote=re.compile("[^\"]*") reg_sysid_apo=re.compile("[^']*") reg_pubid_quote=re.compile("[- \n\t\ra-zA-Z0-9'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]*") reg_pubid_apo=re.compile("[- \n\t\ra-zA-Z0-9()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]*") reg_start_tag=re.compile("<[A-Za-z_:]") reg_quoted_attr=re.compile("[^<\"]*") reg_apo_attr=re.compile("[^<']*") reg_c_data=re.compile("[<&]") reg_ent_val_quote=re.compile("[^\"]+") reg_ent_val_apo=re.compile("[^\']+") reg_attr_type=re.compile(r"CDATA|IDREFS|IDREF|ID|ENTITY|ENTITIES|NMTOKENS|" "NMTOKEN") # NOTATION support separate reg_attr_def=re.compile(r"#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED") reg_digits=re.compile("[0-9]+") reg_hex_digits=re.compile("[0-9a-fA-F]+") reg_res_pi=re.compile("xml",re.I) reg_int_dtd=re.compile("\"|'|<\\?|