"""SAX document handlers that support output generation of XML, SGML, and XHTML. This module provides three different groups of objects: the actual SAX document handlers that drive the output, DTD information containers, and syntax descriptors (of limited public use in most cases). Output Drivers -------------- The output drivers conform to the SAX C protocol. They can be used anywhere a C is used. Two drivers are provided: a `basic' driver which creates a fairly minimal output without much intelligence, and a `pretty-printing' driver that performs pretty-printing with nice indentation and the like. Both can optionally make use of DTD information and syntax objects. DTD Information Containers -------------------------- Each DTD information object provides an attribute C which describes the expected output syntax; an alternate can be provided to the output drivers if desired. Syntax Descriptors ------------------ Syntax descriptor objects provide several attributes which describe the various lexical components of XML & SGML markup. The attributes have names that reflect the shorthand notation from the SGML world, but the values are strings which give the appropriate characters for the markup language being described. The one addition is the C attribute which should be used to end the start tag of elements which have no content. This is needed to properly support XML and XHTML. """ __version__ = '$Revision$' import string import xml.parsers.xmlproc.dtdparser import xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp from xml.sax.saxutils import escape DEFAULT_LINELENGTH = 74 class Syntax: com = "--" # comment start or end cro = "&#" # character reference open refc = ";" # reference close dso = "[" # declaration subset open dsc = "]" # declaration subset close ero = "&" # entity reference open lit = '"' # literal start or end lit_quoted = '"' # quoted literal lita = "'" # literal start or end (alternative) mdo = "" # markup declaration close msc = "]]" # marked section close pio = "" # tag close vi = "=" # value indicator def __init__(self): if self.__class__ is Syntax: raise RuntimeError, "Syntax must be subclassed to be used!" class SGMLSyntax(Syntax): empty_stagc = ">" pic = ">" # processing instruction close net = "/" # null end tag class XMLSyntax(Syntax): empty_stagc = "/>" pic = "?>" # processing instruction close net = None # null end tag not supported class XHTMLSyntax(XMLSyntax): empty_stagc = " />" class DoctypeInfo: syntax = XMLSyntax() fpi = None sysid = None def __init__(self): self.__empties = {} self.__elements_only = {} self.__attribs = {} def is_empty(self, gi): return self.__empties.has_key(gi) def get_empties_list(self): return self.__empties.keys() def has_element_content(self, gi): return self.__elements_only.has_key(gi) def get_element_containers_list(self): return self.__elements_only.keys() def get_attributes_list(self, gi): return self.__attribs.get(gi, {}).keys() def get_attribute_info(self, gi, attr): return self.__attribs[gi][attr] def add_empty(self, gi): self.__empties[gi] = 1 def add_element_container(self, gi): self.__elements_only[gi] = gi def add_attribute_defn(self, gi, attr, type, decl, default): try: d = self.__attribs[gi] except KeyError: d = self.__attribs[gi] = {} if not d.has_key(attr): d[attr] = (type, decl, default) else: print "<%s> attribute %s already defined" % (gi, attr) def load_pubtext(self, pubtext): raise NotImplementedError, "sublasses must implement load_pubtext()" class _XMLDTDLoader(xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp.DTDConsumer): def __init__(self, info, parser): self.info = info xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp.DTDConsumer.__init__(self, parser) self.new_attribute = info.add_attribute_defn def new_element_type(self, gi, model): if model[0] == "|" and model[1][0] == ("#PCDATA", ""): # no action required pass elif model == ("", [], ""): self.info.add_empty(gi) else: self.info.add_element_container(gi) class XMLDoctypeInfo(DoctypeInfo): def load_pubtext(self, sysid): parser = xml.parsers.xmlproc.dtdparser.DTDParser() loader = _XMLDTDLoader(self, parser) parser.set_dtd_consumer(loader) parser.parse_resource(sysid) class XHTMLDoctypeInfo(XMLDoctypeInfo): # Bogus W3C cruft requires the extra space when terminating empty elements. syntax = XHTMLSyntax() class SGMLDoctypeInfo(DoctypeInfo): syntax = SGMLSyntax() import re __element_prefix_search = re.compile("": lit = self.__syntax.lit s = '%sxml version=%s1.0%s encoding%s%s%s%s' % ( self.__syntax.pio, lit, lit, self.__syntax.vi, lit, self._encoding, lit) if self.__standalone: s = '%s standalone%s%s%s%s' % ( s, self.__syntax.vi, lit, self.__standalone, lit) self._write("%s%s\n" % (s, self.__syntax.pic)) def endDocument(self): if self.__stack: raise RuntimeError, "open element stack cannot be empty on close" def startElement(self, tag, attrs={}): if self.__pending_doctype: self.handle_doctype(tag) self._check_pending_content() self.__pushtag(tag) self.__check_flowing(tag, attrs) if attrs.has_key("xml:lang"): self.__lang = attrs["xml:lang"] del attrs["xml:lang"] if self._packing: prefix = "" elif self._flowing: prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation] else: prefix = "" stag = "%s%s%s" % (prefix, self.__syntax.stago, tag) prefix = "%s %s" % (prefix, (len(tag) * " ")) lit = self.__syntax.lit lita = self.__syntax.lita vi = self.__syntax.vi a = '' if self._flowing != self.__stack[-1][0]: if self._dtdflowing is not None \ and self._flowing == self._dtdflowing: pass else: a = ' xml:space%s%s%s%s' \ % (vi, lit, ["default", "preserve"][self._flowing], lit) if self.__lang != self.__stack[-1][1]: a = '%s xml:lang%s%s%s%s' % (a, vi, lit, self.lang, lit) line = stag + a self._offset = self._offset + len(line) a = '' for k, v in attrs.items(): if v is None: continue v = str(v) if string.find(v, lit) == -1: a = ' %s%s%s%s%s' % (k, vi, lit, escape(str(v)), lit) elif string.find(v, lita) == -1: a = ' %s%s%s%s%s' % (k, vi, lita, escape(str(v)), lita) else: a = ' %s%s%s%s%s' % (k, vi, lit, escape(str(v), {lit:self.__syntax.lit_quoted}), lita) if (self._offset + len(a)) > self.lineLength: self._write(line + "\n") line = prefix + a self._offset = len(line) else: line = line + a self._offset = self._offset + len(a) self._write(line) self.__pending_content = 1 if ( self.__dtdinfo and not (self.__dtdinfo.has_element_content(tag) or self.__dtdinfo.is_empty(tag))): self._packing = 1 def endElement(self, tag): if self.__pending_content: if self._flowing: self._write(self.__syntax.empty_stagc) if self._packing: self._offset = self._offset \ + len(self.__syntax.empty_stagc) else: self._write("\n") self._offset = 0 else: self._write(self.__syntax.empty_stagc) self._offset = self._offset + len(self.__syntax.empty_stagc) self.__pending_content = 0 self.__poptag(tag) return depth = len(self.__stack) if depth == 1 or self._packing or not self._flowing: prefix = '' else: prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation] \ + (" " * self.indentEndTags) self.__poptag(tag) self._write("%s%s%s%s" % ( prefix, self.__syntax.etago, tag, self.__syntax.tagc)) if self._packing: self._offset = self._offset + len(tag) + 3 else: self._write("\n") self._offset = 0 def characters(self, data, start, length): data = data[start: start+length] if data: self._check_pending_content() data = escape(data) if "\n" in data: p = string.find(data, "\n") self._offset = len(data) - (p + 1) else: self._offset = self._offset + len(data) self._check_pending_content() self._write(data) def comment(self, data, start, length): data = data[start: start+length] self._check_pending_content() s = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (self.__syntax.mdo, self.__syntax.com, data, self.__syntax.com, self.__syntax.mdc) p = string.rfind(s, "\n") if self._packing: if p >= 0: self._offset = len(s) - (p + 1) else: self._offset = self._offset + len(s) else: self._write("%s%s\n" % (self._prefix, s)) self._offset = 0 def ignorableWhitespace(self, data, start, length): pass def processingInstruction(self, target, data): self._check_pending_content() s = "%s%s %s%s" % (self.__syntax.pio, target, data, self.__syntax.pic) prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation] \ + (" " * self.indentEndTags) if "\n" in s: p = string.rfind(s, "\n") if self._flowing and not self._packing: self._write(prefix + s + "\n") self._offset = 0 else: self._write(s) self._offset = len(s) - (p + 1) elif self._flowing and not self._packing: self._write(prefix + s + "\n") self._offset = 0 else: self._write(s) self._offset = self._offset + len(s) # This doesn't actually have a SAX equivalent, so we'll use it as # an internal helper. def handle_doctype(self, root): self.__pending_doctype = 0 if self.__dtdinfo: fpi = self.__dtdinfo.fpi sysid = self.__dtdinfo.sysid else: fpi = sysid = None lit = self.__syntax.lit isxml = self.__syntax.pic == "?>" if isxml and sysid: s = '%sDOCTYPE %s\n' % (self.__syntax.mdo, root) if fpi: s = s + ' PUBLIC %s%s%s\n' % (lit, fpi, lit) s = s + ' %s%s%s>\n' % (lit, sysid, lit) else: s = s + ' SYSTEM %s%s%s>\n' % (lit, sysid, lit) self._write(s) self._offset = 0 elif not isxml: s = "%sDOCTYPE %s" % (self.__syntax.mdo, root) if fpi: s = '%s\n PUBLIC %s%s%s' % (s, lit, fpi, lit) if sysid: s = '%s\n SYSTEM %s%s%s' % (s, lit, sysid, lit) self._write("%s%s\n" % (s, self.__syntax.mdc)) self._offset = 0 def handle_cdata(self, data): self._check_pending_content() # There should be a better way to generate '[CDATA[' start = self.__syntax.mdo + "[CDATA[" end = self.__syntax.msc + self.__syntax.mdc s = "%s%s%s" % (start, escape(data), end) if self._packing: if "\n" in s: rpos = string.rfind(s, "\n") self._offset = len(s) - (rpos + 1) + len(end) else: self._offset = self._offset + len(s) + len(start + end) self._write(s) else: self._offset = 0 self._write(s + "\n") # Internal helper methods. def __poptag(self, tag): state = self.__stack.pop() self._flowing, self.__lang, expected_tag, \ self._packing, self._dtdflowing = state if tag != expected_tag: raise RuntimeError, \ "expected , got " % (expected_tag, tag) self._prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation] def __pushtag(self, tag): self.__stack.append((self._flowing, self.__lang, tag, self._packing, self._dtdflowing)) self._prefix = self._prefix + " " * self.indentation def __check_flowing(self, tag, attrs): """Check the contents of attrs and the DTD information to determine whether the following content should be flowed. tag -- general identifier of the element being opened attrs -- attributes dictionary as reported by the parser or application This sets up both the _flowing and _dtdflowing (object) attributes. """ docspec = dtdspec = None if self.__dtdinfo: try: info = self.__dtdinfo.get_attribute_info(tag, "xml:space") except KeyError: info = None if info is not None: self._flowing = info[2] != "preserve" self._dtdflowing = self._flowing if attrs.has_key("xml:space"): self._flowing = attrs["xml:space"] != "preserve" del attrs["xml:space"] def _check_pending_content(self): if self.__pending_content: s = self.__syntax.tagc if self._flowing and not self._packing: s = s + "\n" self._offset = 0 else: self._offset = self._offset + len(s) self._write(s) self.__pending_content = 0 class PrettyPrinter(XmlWriter): """Pretty-printing XML output handler.""" def __init__(self, fp, standalone=None, dtdinfo=None, syntax=None, linelength=None, indentation=2, endtagindentation=None): XmlWriter.__init__(self, fp, standalone=standalone, dtdinfo=dtdinfo, syntax=syntax, linelength=linelength) self.indentation = indentation if endtagindentation is not None: self.indentEndTags = endtagindentation else: self.indentEndTags = indentation def characters(self, data, start, length): data = data[start: start + length] if not data: return self._check_pending_content() data = escape(data) if not self._flowing: self._write(data) return words = string.split(data) begspace = data[0] in string.whitespace endspace = words and (data[-1] in string.whitespace) prefix = self._prefix if len(prefix) > 40: prefix = " " offset = self._offset L = [] append = L.append if begspace: append(" ") offset = offset + 1 ws = "" ws_len = 0 while words: w = words[0] del words[0] if (offset + ws_len + len(w)) > self.lineLength: append("\n") append(prefix) append(w) offset = len(prefix) + len(w) else: append(ws) ws, ws_len = " ", 1 append(w) offset = offset + 1 + len(w) if endspace: append(" ") offset = offset + 1 self._offset = offset self._write(string.join(L, ""))