//  =================================================================
//    25.10.15   <--  Date of Last Modification.
//                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//  -----------------------------------------------------------------
//  **** Module  :  rvapi_interface  <interface>
//       ~~~~~~~~~
//  **** Project :  HTML5-based presentation system
//       ~~~~~~~~~
//  **** Classes :  rvapi::Node - API external functions
//       ~~~~~~~~~
//  (C) E. Krissinel 2013-2015
//  =================================================================


#include "rvapi_global.h"

extern "C" {

  /*  ==================
      ==================  */

  /// \brief Initialisation of the report document.
  /// \param docId  document Id. The Id is used as prefix in order to
  ///               create internal document-speific object Ids, if
  ///               object Id starts with '@' sign. Unique document Ids
  ///               may be exploited, e.g., at merging documents
  ///               obtained at repeated runs of the same program.
  ///               Document Id cannot be empty and must start with
  ///               a letter.
  /// \param outDir path to the existing output directory. All HTML
  ///               report files will be placed in this directory. This
  ///               parameter is mandatory.
  /// \param winTitle title to be placed on top of the window
  ///               (mandatory).
  /// \param mode   report document mode. Modes are given as a
  ///               combination of bitwise flags:
  ///    \arg \b CIFRC_NoTag: tag is not found

  void rvapi_init_document ( const char * docId,     // mandatory
                             const char * outDir,    // mandatory
                             const char * winTitle,  // mandatory
                             const int    mode,      // mandatory
                             const int    layout,    // mandatory
                             const char * jsUri,     // needed
                             const char * helpFName, // may be NULL
                             const char * htmlFName, // may be NULL
                             const char * taskFName, // may be NULL
                             const char * xmli2FName // may be NULL

  /// Tries to restore document saved in file 'fname' in directory
  /// used for initialisation. If file is not found, then does
  /// nothing apart from storing file name in the document.
  void rvapi_restore_document ( const char * fname );

  /// Tries to store document in file 'fname' in directory used
  /// for initialisation. If fname is NULL, then attempts to use file
  /// name used in rvapi_restore_document(). The file name is saved
  /// in the document and replaces any previous one used for
  /// storing/restoring.
  void rvapi_store_document ( const char * fname );

  /*  ==================
      ==================  */

  void rvapi_add_header   ( const char * htmlString );

  void rvapi_add_tab      ( const char * tabId,
                            const char * tabName,
                            const bool   open

  void rvapi_insert_tab   ( const char * tabId,
                            const char * tabName,
                            const char * beforeTabId,
                            const bool   open

  void rvapi_remove_tab   ( const char * tabId );

  /*  ============
      ============  */

  void rvapi_add_section     ( const char * secId,
                               const char * secTitle,
                               const char * holderId,
                               const int    row,
                               const int    col,
                               const int    rowSpan,
                               const int    colSpan,
                               const bool   open

  void rvapi_add_section1    ( const char * path, // "holderId/secId"
                               const char * secTitle,
                               const int    row,
                               const int    col,
                               const int    rowSpan,
                               const int    colSpan,
                               const bool   open

  void rvapi_append_section  ( const char * secId,
                               const char * secTitle,
                               const char * holderId,
                               const bool   open

  void rvapi_append_section1 ( const char * path, // "holderId/secId"
                               const char * secTitle,
                               const bool   open

  void rvapi_set_section_state ( const char * secId,
                                 const bool   open

  /*  ============
      ============  */

  void rvapi_add_grid     ( const char * gridId,
                            const bool   filling,
                            const char * holderId,
                            const int    row,
                            const int    col,
                            const int    rowSpan,
                            const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_add_grid1    ( const char * path, // "holderId/gridId"
                            const bool   filling,
                            const int    row,
                            const int    col,
                            const int    rowSpan,
                            const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_append_grid  ( const char * gridId,
                            const bool   filling,
                            const char * holderId

  void rvapi_append_grid1 ( const char * path, // "holderId/gridId"
                            const bool   filling

  void rvapi_set_cell_stretch ( const char * gridId,
                                const int    width,
                                const int    height,
                                const int    row,
                                const int    col

  /*  ============
      ============  */

  void rvapi_add_panel    ( const char * panelId,
                            const char * holderId,
                            const int    row,
                            const int    col,
                            const int    rowSpan,
                            const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_add_panel1   ( const char * path, // "holderId/panelId"
                            const int    row,
                            const int    col,
                            const int    rowSpan,
                            const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_append_panel ( const char * panelId,
                            const char * holderId

  void rvapi_append_panel1 ( const char * path ); // "holderId/panelId"

  /*  ===============
      ===============  */

  void rvapi_append_text     ( const char * textString,
                               const char * holderId

  void rvapi_set_text        ( const char * textString,
                               const char * holderId,
                               const int    row,
                               const int    col,
                               const int    rowSpan,
                               const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_add_text        ( const char * textString,
                               const char * holderId,
                               const int    row,
                               const int    col,
                               const int    rowSpan,
                               const int    colSpan

  /*  ==================
      ==================  */

  void rvapi_append_content  ( const char * uri,
                               const bool   watch,
                               const char * holderId

  void rvapi_add_content     ( const char * uri,
                               const bool   watch,
                               const char * holderId,
                               const int    row,
                               const int    col,
                               const int    rowSpan,
                               const int    colSpan

  /*  ==========
      ==========  */

  /// Fold states:
  ///   0: the table is not foldable
  /// 100: the table is not foldable and spans to the whole width of
  ///      table holder
  ///  -1: the table is foldable and is initially folded
  ///   1: the table is foldable and is initially unfolded
  ///  -2: the table is foldable and is initially folded and spans to
  ///      the whole width of table holder
  ///   2: the table is foldable and is initially unfolded and spans to
  ///      the whole width of table holder
  void rvapi_add_table        ( const char * tblId,
                                const char * tblTitle,
                                const char * holderId,
                                const int    row,
                                const int    col,
                                const int    rowSpan,
                                const int    colSpan,
                                const int    foldState

  void rvapi_add_table1       ( const char * path,  // "holderId/tblId"
                                const char * tblTitle,
                                const int    row,
                                const int    col,
                                const int    rowSpan,
                                const int    colSpan,
                                const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_table     ( const char * tblId,
                                const char * tblTitle,
                                const char * holderId,
                                const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_table1    ( const char * path, // "holderId/tblId"
                                const char * tblTitle,
                                const int    foldState

  /// Table styles and alignments for data cells should be taken
  /// from rvapi_global.h
  void rvapi_set_table_style  ( const char * tblId,
                                const char * css,
                                const char * td_style

  void rvapi_put_horz_theader   ( const char * tblId,
                                  const char * header,
                                  const char * tooltip,
                                  const int    tcol
  void rvapi_shape_horz_theader ( const char * tblId,
                                  const int    tcol,
                                  const char * cell_style,
                                  const char * cell_css,
                                  const int    rowSpan,
                                  const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_put_vert_theader   ( const char * tblId,
                                  const char * header,
                                  const char * tooltip,
                                  const int    trow
  void rvapi_shape_vert_theader ( const char * tblId,
                                  const int    trow,
                                  const char * cell_style,
                                  const char * cell_css,
                                  const int    rowSpan,
                                  const int    colSpan
  void rvapi_put_table_string   ( const char * tblId,
                                  const char * s,
                                  const int    trow,
                                  const int    tcol
  void rvapi_put_table_int      ( const char * tblId,
                                  const int    v,
                                  const int    trow,
                                  const int    tcol
  void rvapi_put_table_real     ( const char * tblId,
                                  const double v,
                                  const char * fmt,
                                  const int    trow,
                                  const int    tcol
  void rvapi_shape_table_cell   ( const char * tblId,
                                  const int    trow,
                                  const int    tcol,
                                  const char * tooltip,
                                  const char * cell_style,
                                  const char * cell_css,
                                  const int    rowSpan,
                                  const int    colSpan

  /*  =======================
      =======================  */

  void rvapi_add_data       ( const char * datId,
                              const char * datTitle,
                              const char * uri,
                              const char * type,
                              const char * holderId,
                              const int    row,
                              const int    col,
                              const int    rowSpan,
                              const int    colSpan,
                              const int    foldState

  void rvapi_add_data1      ( const char * path, // "holderId/datId"
                              const char * datTitle,
                              const char * uri,
                              const char * type,
                              const int    row,
                              const int    col,
                              const int    rowSpan,
                              const int    colSpan,
                              const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_data    ( const char * datId,
                              const char * datTitle,
                              const char * uri,
                              const char * type,
                              const char * holderId,
                              const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_data1   ( const char * path, // "holderId/datId"
                              const char * datTitle,
                              const char * uri,
                              const char * type,
                              const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_to_data ( const char * datId,
                              const char * uri,
                              const char * type

  /*  =================
      =================  */

  void rvapi_add_loggraph       ( const char * gwdId,
                                  const char * holderId,
                                  const int    row,
                                  const int    col,
                                  const int    rowSpan,
                                  const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_add_loggraph1      ( const char * path,  // "holderId/gwdId"
                                  const int    row,
                                  const int    col,
                                  const int    rowSpan,
                                  const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_append_loggraph    ( const char * gwdId,
                                  const char * holderId

  void rvapi_append_loggraph1   ( const char * path  // "holderId/gwdId"

  void rvapi_add_graph          ( const char * graphId,
                                  const char * holderId,
                                  const int    row,
                                  const int    col,
                                  const int    rowSpan,
                                  const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_set_graph_size     ( const char * gwdId,
                                  const int    width,
                                  const int    height

  void rvapi_add_graph_data     ( const char * gdtId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const char * gdtTitle

  void rvapi_add_graph_data1    ( const char * path, // "gdtId/gwdId"
                                  const char * gdtTitle

  void rvapi_add_graph_dataset  ( const char * setId,
                                  const char * gdtId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const char * setName,
                                  const char * setHeader

  void rvapi_add_graph_dataset1 ( const char * path, // "gwdId/gdtId/setId"
                                  const char * setName,
                                  const char * setHeader

  void rvapi_reset_graph_dataset ( const char * setId,
                                   const char * gdtId,
                                   const char * gwdId

  void rvapi_reset_graph_dataset1 ( const char * path // "gwdId/gdtId/setId"

  void rvapi_add_graph_int      ( const char * setId,
                                  const char * gdtId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const int    v

  void rvapi_add_graph_int1     ( const char * path, // "gwdId/gdtId/setId"
                                  const int    v

  void rvapi_add_graph_real     ( const char * setId,
                                  const char * gdtId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double v,
                                  const char * fmt

  void rvapi_add_graph_real1    ( const char * path, // "gphId/gdtId/setId"
                                  const double v,
                                  const char * fmt

  void rvapi_add_graph_plot     ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const char * pltTitle,
                                  const char * xName,
                                  const char * yName

  void rvapi_add_graph_plot1    ( const char * path, // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const char * pltTitle,
                                  const char * xName,
                                  const char * yName

  void rvapi_add_plot_line      ( const char * pltId, // plot id
                                  const char * gdtId, // data id
                                  const char * gwdId, // graph widget id
                                  const char * xsetId,
                                  const char * ysetId

  void rvapi_add_plot_line1     ( const char * path, // "gwdId/gdtId/pltId"
                                  const char * xsetId, // "xsetId"
                                  const char * ysetId  // "ysetId"

  /// empty color, style, marker and negative/zero width don't change
  /// the corresponding settings
  void rvapi_set_line_options   ( const char * ysetId, // "ysetId"
                                  const char * pltId,  // plot id
                                  const char * gdtId,  // data id
                                  const char * gwdId,  // graph widget id
                                  const char * color,  // Html color
                                  const char * style,  // RVAPI_LINE_XXX
                                  const char * marker, // RVAPI_MARKER_XXX
                                  const double width,  // 2.5 default
                                  const bool   shown

  void rvapi_set_line_options1  ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/gdtId/pltId/ysetId"
                                  const char * color,  // Html color
                                  const char * style,  // RVAPI_LINE_XXX
                                  const char * marker, // RVAPI_MARKER_XXX
                                  const double width,  // 2.5 default
                                  const bool   shown

  void rvapi_set_line_fill      ( const char * ysetId, // "ysetId"
                                  const char * pltId,  // plot id
                                  const char * gdtId,  // data id
                                  const char * gwdId,  // graph widget id
                                  const bool   fill,   // fill under line
                                  const bool   fillAndStroke, // keep line
                                  const char * fillColor, // Html color
                                  const double fillAlpha  // 0..1
  void rvapi_set_line_fill1     ( const char * path, // "gwdId/gdtId/pltId/ysetId"
                                  const bool   fill,   // fill under line
                                  const bool   fillAndStroke, // keep line
                                  const char * fillColor,  // Html color
                                  const double fillAlpha   // 0..1

  void rvapi_set_default_plot   ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId
  void rvapi_set_default_plot1  ( const char * path  // "gwdId/pltId"

  void rvapi_set_plot_log       ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const bool   logx,
                                  const bool   logy
  void rvapi_set_plot_log1      ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const bool   logx,
                                  const bool   logy

  void rvapi_set_plot_int       ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const bool   intx,
                                  const bool   inty
  void rvapi_set_plot_int1      ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const bool   intx,
                                  const bool   inty

  /// this will set xmin and make xmax automatically calculated
  void rvapi_set_plot_xmin      ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double xmin
  void rvapi_set_plot_xmin1     ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double xmin

  /// this will set xmax and make xmin automatically calculated
  void rvapi_set_plot_xmax      ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double xmax
  void rvapi_set_plot_xmax1     ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double xmax

  /// this will set both xmin and xmax
  void rvapi_set_plot_xrange    ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double xmin,
                                  const double xmax
  void rvapi_set_plot_xrange1   ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double xmin,
                                  const double xmax

  /// this will set ymin and make ymax automatically calculated
  void rvapi_set_plot_ymin      ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double ymin
  void rvapi_set_plot_ymin1     ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double ymin

  /// this will set ymax and make ymin automatically calculated
  void rvapi_set_plot_ymax      ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double ymax
  void rvapi_set_plot_ymax1     ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double ymax

  /// this will set both ymin and ymax
  void rvapi_set_plot_yrange    ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double ymin,
                                  const double ymax
  void rvapi_set_plot_yrange1   ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double ymin,
                                  const double ymax

  void rvapi_set_plot_xslider   ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double smin,
                                  const double smax
  void rvapi_set_plot_xslider1  ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double smin,
                                  const double smax

  void rvapi_set_plot_yslider   ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double smin,
                                  const double smax
  void rvapi_set_plot_yslider1  ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double smin,
                                  const double smax

  void rvapi_set_plot_legend    ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const char * legendLocation,
                                  const char * legendPlacement
  void rvapi_set_plot_legend1   ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const char * legendLocation,
                                  const char * legendPlacement

  void rvapi_reset_plot_xticks  ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId
  void rvapi_reset_plot_xticks1 ( const char * path   // "gwdId/pltId"

  void rvapi_reset_plot_yticks  ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId
  void rvapi_reset_plot_yticks1 ( const char * path   // "gwdId/pltId"

  void rvapi_add_plot_xtick     ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double value,
                                  const char * label
  void rvapi_add_plot_xtick1    ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double value,
                                  const char * label

  void rvapi_add_plot_ytick     ( const char * pltId,
                                  const char * gwdId,
                                  const double value,
                                  const char * label
  void rvapi_add_plot_ytick1    ( const char * path,   // "gwdId/pltId"
                                  const double value,
                                  const char * label

  /*  =================
      =================  */

  void rvapi_add_radar     ( const char * radarId,
                             const char * radarTitle,
                             const char * holderId,
                             const int    row,
                             const int    col,
                             const int    rowSpan,
                             const int    colSpan,
                             const int    foldState

  void rvapi_add_radar1    ( const char * path,  // "holderId/radarId"
                             const char * radarTitle,
                             const int    row,
                             const int    col,
                             const int    rowSpan,
                             const int    colSpan,
                             const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_radar  ( const char * radarId,
                             const char * radarTitle,
                             const char * holderId,
                             const int    foldState

  void rvapi_append_radar1 ( const char * path,  // "holderId/radarId"
                             const char * radarTitle,
                             const int    foldState

  void rvapi_add_radar_property ( const char * radarId,
                                  const char * name,
                                  const double  value

  /*  =================
      =================  */

  void rvapi_add_tree_widget   ( const char * treeId,
                                 const char * title,
                                 const char * holderId,
                                 const int    row,
                                 const int    col,
                                 const int    rowSpan,
                                 const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_add_tree_widget1  ( const char * path, // "holderId/treeId"
                                 const char * title,
                                 const int    row,
                                 const int    col,
                                 const int    rowSpan,
                                 const int    colSpan

  void rvapi_append_tree_widget ( const char * treeId,
                                  const char * title,
                                  const char * holderId

  void rvapi_append_tree_widget1 ( const char * path, // "holderId/treeId"
                                   const char * title

  // add widgets to the tree as usual, using treeId as holderId,
  // then shape the tree using  rvapi_set_tree_node()

  void rvapi_set_tree_node ( const char * treeId,
                             const char * nodeId,    // node to set
                             const char * title,     // title to set
                             const char * openState, // node open state
                             const char * parentId   // parent tree node

  /*  ================
      ================  */

  void rvapi_toolbar_progress ( const int key,  // 0: hide; 1: show;
                                                // 2: set range;
                                                // 3: set value
                                const int value // either range or value

  /*  ===================
        FORMS and INPUTS
      ===================  */

  void rvapi_add_form ( const char * formId,
                        const char * action,
                        const char * method,
                        const char * holderId,
                        const int    hrow,
                        const int    hcol,
                        const int    hrowSpan,
                        const int    hcolSpan

  void rvapi_add_file_upload   ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * name,
                                 const char * value,
                                 const int    length,
                                 const bool   required,
                                 const char * formId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_line_edit     ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * name,
                                 const char * text,
                                 const int    length,
                                 const char * formId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_hidden_text   ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * name,
                                 const char * text,
                                 const char * formId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_submit_button ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * title,
                                 const char * formAction,
                                 const char * formId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_button        ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * title,
                                 const char * command,
                                 const char * data,
                                 const bool   rvOnly,
                                 const char * holderId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_checkbox      ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * title,
                                 const char * name,
                                 const char * value,
                                 const char * command,
                                 const char * data,
                                 const bool   checked,
                                 const char * holderId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_combobox      ( const char * cbxId,
                                 const char * name,
                                 const char * onChange,
                                 const int    size,
                                 const char * holderId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan
  void rvapi_add_combobox_option ( const char * cbxId,
                                   const char * label,
                                   const char * value,
                                   const bool   selected
  void rvapi_add_radio_button  ( const char * inpId,
                                 const char * title,
                                 const char * name,
                                 const char * value,
                                 const bool   checked,
                                 const char * holderId,
                                 const int    hrow,
                                 const int    hcol,
                                 const int    hrowSpan,
                                 const int    hcolSpan

  void rvapi_set_action_on_click  ( const char * inpId,
                                    const char * actId,
                                    const char * action,
                                    const char * onClick );

  void rvapi_set_action_on_change ( const char * inpId,
                                    const char * actId,
                                    const char * action,
                                    const char * onChange );

  void rvapi_disable_form         ( const char * formId,
                                    const bool   disable

  void rvapi_disable_input        ( const char * inpId,
                                    const bool   disable

  /*  ==========
      ==========  */

  void rvapi_remove_widget        ( const char * widgetId );

  /*  ==========
      ==========  */

  void rvapi_flush();
  void rvapi_keep_polling ( const bool on );

  /*  ==========
      ==========  */

  void rvapi_make_hard_spaces ( char * dest, const char * source );
  bool rvapi_exists           ( const char * elementId           );
  void rvapi_url_encode       ( char * dest, const char * source );
  int rvapi_error();


#endif // RVAPI_NODE_H