from qtgui import CCP4TaskWidget class CTaskAUSPEX(CCP4TaskWidget.CTaskWidget): TASKNAME = 'AUSPEX' TASKVERSION = 0.0 TASKMODULE ='data_reduction' TASKTITLE = 'Graphical diagnostics by AUSPEX plots' SHORTTASKTITLE = "AUSPEX" DESCRIPTION = 'Use AUSPEX, generate graphical diagnostics for data set' WHATNEXT = [] def __init__(self,parent): CCP4TaskWidget.CTaskWidget.__init__(self,parent) def drawContents(self): folder = self.openFolder(folderFunction='inputData', title='Input Data') self.createLine(['subtitle', 'Select input data', 'Observed intensties (or amplitudes) are required']) self.openSubFrame(frame=[True]) self.createLine(['widget', 'F_SIGF']) self.closeSubFrame() self.createLine( ['subtitle' , 'Plot generation parameters' ] ) self.openSubFrame(frame=[True]) self.createLine(['label', 'Range along y axis:', 'widget', 'YLIM', 'advice', '', 'tip', 'Specify the maximum resolution to show in the plots.']) self.createLine(['label', 'High resolution cut-off:', 'widget', 'DLIM', 'advice', 'No cut-off includes all data.','tip', 'Specify the maximum resolution to show in the plots.']) self.createLine(['label', 'Put all plots in one figure:', 'widget', 'SINGFIG', 'advice', '', 'tip', 'Should the images be generated in separate png files? (Default: No.)']) self.createLine(['label', 'Flag suspected ice rings red:', 'widget', 'FLAGICE', 'advice', 'Automatic ice ring detection.','tip', 'If set, suspected ice rings will be flagged by red bars.']) self.closeSubFrame()