""" wrappers/imosflm/script/CTaskimosflm.py Phil Evans """ from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore from qtgui import CCP4TaskWidget from qtgui import CCP4Widgets class CTaskiMasflm(CCP4TaskWidget.CTaskWidget): # Subclass CTaskWidget to give specific task window TASKMODULE = 'data_processing' # Where this plugin will appear on the gui TASKNAME = 'imosflm' TASKVERSION = 0.0 TASKTITLE = 'Integrate images with Mosflm' # A short title for gui menu DESCRIPTION = 'Launch iMosflm and capture output' WHATNEXT = ['aimless_pipe'] def __init__(self,parent): CCP4TaskWidget.CTaskWidget.__init__(self,parent) def drawContents(self): self.setProgramHelpFile('imosflm') folder = self.openFolder(folderFunction='inputData',title='Input Data') self.createLine( ['subtitle', 'Start iMosflm and capture data on output'] ) self.createLine( ['label',''] ) self.createLine( ['label','Click "Run" to start'] ) self.createLine( ['label', \ 'When you have finished integration in iMosflm, select "Session->Exit" to return here'] ) self.createLine( ['label', 'Then use the "Data reduction" follow-on task'])