### CCP4 PROGRAM SUITE: Phaser                                              2.5.7 ###
User:         jmht42
Run time:     Fri Feb 13 14:17:55 2015
Version:      2.5.7
Release Date: Wed Jan 14 13:55:29 2015

If you use this software please cite:
$TEXT:Reference1: $$ $$
"Phaser Crystallographic Software"
A.J. McCoy, R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve, P.D. Adams, M.D. Winn, L.C. Storoni & R.J. Read
J. Appl. Cryst. (2007). 40, 658-674


*** Phaser Module: PREPROCESSOR                                             2.5.7 ***


$TEXT:Script: $$ Baubles Markup $$
/volatile/jmht42/testset/percent/1UCS/ROSETTA_MR_0/MRBUMP/search_c1_tl100_r3_allato &
COMPosition PROTein MW 6906.275 NUM 1
ENSEmble autoMR PDBFile &
/volatile/jmht42/testset/percent/1UCS/ROSETTA_MR_0/MRBUMP/search_c1_tl100_r3_allato &
m_mrbump/data/loc0_ALL_c1_tl100_r3_allatom/unmod/MODEL_UNMOD_loc0_ALL_c1_tl100_r3_a &
llatom.pdb RMS 0.100 
ROOT phaser_loc0_ALL_c1_tl100_r3_allatom_UNMOD

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 0.00 secs (      0.00 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:17:55 2015

*** Phaser Module: READ DATA FROM MTZ FILE                                  2.5.7 ***

   Data read from mtz file:
   Space-Group Name (Hall Symbol): P 21 21 21 ( P 2ac 2ab)
   Space-Group Number: 19
   Unit Cell:   32.50   39.50   44.64   90.00   90.00   90.00
   Column Labels Selected: F SIGF
   Resolution on Mtz file:  0.62 29.58
   Resolution Selected:     0.62 22.32
   Number of Reflections in Selected Resolution Range: 118502

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 0.13 secs (      0.13 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:17:55 2015

*** Phaser Module: AUTOMATED MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT                          2.5.7 ***

      Cell Content Analysis
      Anisotropy correction
      Translational NCS correction
      Rotation Function
      Translation Function
      Final Refinement (if data higher resolution than search resolution)

   Number of search ensembles = 1
   Search Method: FAST
   Input Search Order:
      #1: Ensemble autoMR  

   Automatic (best predicted) search order WILL be used
   One test spacegroup
     P 21 21 21

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 0.22 secs (      0.22 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:17:55 2015

*** Phaser Module: CELL CONTENT ANALYSIS                                    2.5.7 ***

   Space-Group Name (Hall Symbol): P 21 21 21 ( P 2ac 2ab)
   Space-Group Number: 19
   Unit Cell:   32.50   39.50   44.64   90.00   90.00   90.00
   MW of "average" protein to which Matthews applies:  6907
   Resolution for Matthews calculation:  0.62

   Z       MW         VM    % solvent  rel. freq.
   1       6907       2.07  40.71      1.000       <== most probable

   Z is the number of multiples of the total composition
   In most cases the most probable Z value should be 1
   If it is not 1, you may need to consider other compositions

   Histogram of relative frequencies of VM values
   Frequency of most common VM value normalized to 1
   VM values plotted in increments of 1/VM (0.02)

        <--- relative frequency --->
        0.0  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0  
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    
   10.00 -
    8.33 -
    7.14 -
    6.25 -
    5.56 -
    5.00 -
    4.55 -
    4.17 -
    3.85 -
    3.57 -
    3.33 -
    3.12 --
    2.94 ---
    2.78 ------
    2.63 ----------
    2.50 -----------------
    2.38 --------------------------
    2.27 ------------------------------------
    2.17 ---------------------------------------------
    2.08 --------------------------------------------------
    2.00 ************************************************ (COMPOSITION*1)
    1.92 ---------------------------------------
    1.85 --------------------------
    1.79 --------------
    1.72 ------
    1.67 --
    1.61 -
    1.56 -
    1.52 -
    1.47 -
    1.43 -
    1.39 -
    1.35 -
    1.32 -
    1.28 -
    1.25 -

$TABLE : Cell Content Analysis:
:N*Composition vs Probability:0|2x0|1:1,2: 
N*Composition Probability
$$ loggraph $$
1 0.956149

   Most probable VM for resolution = 2.06225
   Most probable MW of protein in asu for resolution = 6947.66

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 0.26 secs (      0.26 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:17:55 2015

*** Phaser Module: AUTOMATED MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT                          2.5.7 ***

   Composition Table
   Total Scattering = 22519.9
   Ensemble       Fraction Scattering
   autoMR                100.30%

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 0.26 secs (      0.26 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:17:55 2015

*** Phaser Module: ANISOTROPY CORRECTION                                    2.5.7 ***


   Resolution of All Data (Number):        0.62  22.32 (118502)
   Resolution of Selected Data (Number):   0.62  22.32 (118502)


   Protocol cycle #1 of 3
   Refinement protocol for this macrocycle:

   Protocol cycle #2 of 3
   Refinement protocol for this macrocycle:

   Protocol cycle #3 of 3
   Refinement protocol for this macrocycle:

   Performing Minimization...
   --- Convergence before iteration limit (50) at cycle 2 ---
   Start-this-macrocycle End-this-macrocycle Change-this-macrocycle
      222311.193            222581.182               269.989

   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.298
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Performing Minimization...
   --- Convergence before iteration limit (50) at cycle 1 ---
   Start-this-macrocycle End-this-macrocycle Change-this-macrocycle
      222581.182            222581.185                 0.003

   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.298
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Performing Minimization...
   --- Convergence before iteration limit (50) at cycle 1 ---
   Start-this-macrocycle End-this-macrocycle Change-this-macrocycle
      222581.185            222581.188                 0.003

   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.298
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Refined Anisotropy Parameters
   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.298
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186


   Scale factor to put input Fs on absolute scale
   Wilson Scale:    0.970961
   Wilson B-factor: 3.98566


   No files output

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 10.70 secs (     10.70 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:18:05 2015

*** Phaser Module: AUTOMATED MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT                          2.5.7 ***

   eLLG Values Computed for All Data
   eLLG with all data for ensemble "autoMR": 40815.8

   Automatic (Best Predicted) Search Order
      Search Order determined by best expected LLG
      #1: Ensemble autoMR 

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 10.74 secs (     10.74 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:18:05 2015

*** Phaser Module: TRANSLATIONAL NON-CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SYMMETRY              2.5.7 ***

   Unit Cell:   32.50   39.50   44.64   90.00   90.00   90.00


   Intensity Moments for Data
   2nd Moment = /^2 == /^2
                        Untwinned   Perfect Twin
   2nd Moment  Centric:    3.0          2.0
   2nd Moment Acentric:    2.0          1.5
   2nd Moment  Centric:          2.69
   2nd Moment Acentric:          1.98

   Resolution for Twin Analysis (85% I/SIGI > 3): 1.55A (HiRes=0.62A)

$TABLE : Intensity distribution for Data:
:Cumulative intensity distribution (acentric and centric):N:1,2,3,4,5,6: 
Z ACent_theor ACent_twin ACent_obser Cent_theor Cent_obser
$$ loggraph $$
0 0 0 0 0 0 
0.04 0.0392106 0.0030343 0.0318108 0.158519 0.104993 
0.08 0.0768837 0.0115132 0.0687874 0.222703 0.180617 
0.12 0.11308 0.0245815 0.107123 0.270966 0.232012 
0.16 0.147856 0.0414833 0.141245 0.310843 0.27533 
0.2 0.181269 0.0615519 0.1736 0.345279 0.307636 
0.24 0.213372 0.0842006 0.2031 0.375794 0.334068 
0.28 0.244216 0.108914 0.238309 0.403299 0.361968 
0.32 0.273851 0.13524 0.265498 0.428392 0.389134 
0.36 0.302324 0.162786 0.294454 0.451494 0.419971 
0.4 0.32968 0.191208 0.321234 0.472911 0.443465 
0.44 0.355964 0.220208 0.34652 0.492878 0.464023 
0.48 0.381217 0.24953 0.370718 0.511578 0.477239 
0.52 0.405479 0.278952 0.397771 0.529158 0.488987 
0.56 0.428791 0.308287 0.423056 0.54574 0.504405 
0.6 0.451188 0.337373 0.444399 0.561422 0.516153 
0.64 0.472708 0.366075 0.463431 0.576289 0.5279 
0.68 0.493383 0.394281 0.486813 0.590413 0.546256 
0.72 0.513248 0.421896 0.507749 0.603856 0.558003 
0.76 0.532334 0.448846 0.527732 0.616672 0.567548 
0.8 0.550671 0.475069 0.5469 0.628907 0.586637 
0.84 0.56829 0.500518 0.566612 0.640603 0.599119 
0.88 0.585217 0.525156 0.583605 0.651798 0.609398 
0.92 0.601481 0.548959 0.600462 0.662525 0.621145 
0.96 0.617107 0.571908 0.617047 0.672813 0.637298 
1 0.632121 0.593994 0.633225 0.682689 0.648311 
1.04 0.646545 0.615215 0.648722 0.692179 0.65859 
1.08 0.660404 0.635573 0.664492 0.701302 0.67254 
1.12 0.67372 0.655074 0.679717 0.710082 0.681351 
1.16 0.686514 0.673732 0.692632 0.718534 0.693833 
1.2 0.698806 0.691559 0.706226 0.726678 0.707783 
1.24 0.710616 0.708574 0.718733 0.734529 0.712922 
1.28 0.721963 0.724795 0.730016 0.742101 0.721733 
1.32 0.732865 0.740245 0.741572 0.749408 0.730543 
1.36 0.743339 0.754946 0.751495 0.756463 0.737885 
1.4 0.753403 0.768922 0.762507 0.763276 0.743759 
1.44 0.763072 0.782197 0.772567 0.769861 0.751836 
1.48 0.772362 0.794797 0.780587 0.776226 0.758443 
1.52 0.781288 0.806747 0.788608 0.782381 0.767254 
1.56 0.789864 0.818072 0.796221 0.788335 0.772394 
1.6 0.798103 0.828799 0.805329 0.794097 0.779001 
1.64 0.80602 0.838951 0.813214 0.799674 0.784141 
1.68 0.813626 0.848554 0.820555 0.805076 0.78928 
1.72 0.820934 0.857633 0.828847 0.810307 0.792952 
1.76 0.827955 0.866211 0.837004 0.815376 0.803231 
1.8 0.834701 0.874311 0.842985 0.820287 0.812041 
1.84 0.841183 0.881957 0.848423 0.825049 0.817181 
1.88 0.84741 0.889169 0.853861 0.829666 0.823054 
1.92 0.853393 0.895971 0.858347 0.834143 0.831131 
1.96 0.859142 0.902382 0.862153 0.838487 0.834068 
2 0.864665 0.908422 0.868951 0.842701 0.837004 

   Performing Minimization...
   --- Convergence before iteration limit (50) at cycle 1 ---
   Start-this-macrocycle End-this-macrocycle Change-this-macrocycle
      222581.188            222581.189                 0.001

   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.299
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Performing Minimization...
   --- Convergence before iteration limit (50) at cycle 1 ---
   Start-this-macrocycle End-this-macrocycle Change-this-macrocycle
      222581.189            222581.197                 0.008

   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.299
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Performing Minimization...
   --- Convergence before iteration limit (50) at cycle 1 ---
   Start-this-macrocycle End-this-macrocycle Change-this-macrocycle
      222581.197            222581.197                 0.000

   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.299
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Refined Anisotropy Parameters
   Principal components of anisotropic part of B affecting observed amplitudes:
     eigenB (A^2)     direction cosines (orthogonal coordinates)
         0.112             -0.0000   0.0000   1.0000
         0.074              1.0000  -0.0000   0.0000
        -0.186              0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000
   Anisotropic deltaB (i.e. range of principal components):   0.299
   Resharpening B (to restore strong direction of diffraction):  -0.186

   Intensity Moments after Anisotropy Correction
   2nd Moment = /^2 == /^2
                        Untwinned   Perfect Twin
   2nd Moment  Centric:    3.0          2.0
   2nd Moment Acentric:    2.0          1.5
   2nd Moment  Centric:          2.70
   2nd Moment Acentric:          1.98

   Resolution for Twin Analysis (85% I/SIGI > 3): 1.55A (HiRes=0.62A)

$TABLE : Intensity distribution after Anisotropy Correction:
:Cumulative intensity distribution (acentric and centric):N:1,2,3,4,5,6: 
Z ACent_theor ACent_twin ACent_obser Cent_theor Cent_obser
$$ loggraph $$
0 0 0 0 0 0 
0.04 0.0392106 0.0030343 0.0316748 0.158519 0.106461 
0.08 0.0768837 0.0115132 0.0689233 0.222703 0.179148 
0.12 0.11308 0.0245815 0.107667 0.270966 0.234214 
0.16 0.147856 0.0414833 0.140973 0.310843 0.27533 
0.2 0.181269 0.0615519 0.17292 0.345279 0.306167 
0.24 0.213372 0.0842006 0.203507 0.375794 0.334802 
0.28 0.244216 0.108914 0.238037 0.403299 0.363436 
0.32 0.273851 0.13524 0.264954 0.428392 0.389868 
0.36 0.302324 0.162786 0.294182 0.451494 0.419971 
0.4 0.32968 0.191208 0.320691 0.472911 0.440529 
0.44 0.355964 0.220208 0.346248 0.492878 0.463289 
0.48 0.381217 0.24953 0.370854 0.511578 0.478708 
0.52 0.405479 0.278952 0.397635 0.529158 0.488987 
0.56 0.428791 0.308287 0.423872 0.54574 0.506608 
0.6 0.451188 0.337373 0.443991 0.561422 0.516153 
0.64 0.472708 0.366075 0.463023 0.576289 0.5279 
0.68 0.493383 0.394281 0.48627 0.590413 0.542584 
0.72 0.513248 0.421896 0.507749 0.603856 0.558737 
0.76 0.532334 0.448846 0.527325 0.616672 0.56975 
0.8 0.550671 0.475069 0.546221 0.628907 0.587372 
0.84 0.56829 0.500518 0.566748 0.640603 0.599119 
0.88 0.585217 0.525156 0.584149 0.651798 0.610132 
0.92 0.601481 0.548959 0.601006 0.662525 0.621145 
0.96 0.617107 0.571908 0.616504 0.672813 0.63583 
1 0.632121 0.593994 0.633768 0.682689 0.650514 
1.04 0.646545 0.615215 0.64913 0.692179 0.657856 
1.08 0.660404 0.635573 0.664084 0.701302 0.67254 
1.12 0.67372 0.655074 0.679173 0.710082 0.680617 
1.16 0.686514 0.673732 0.692632 0.718534 0.693098 
1.2 0.698806 0.691559 0.706362 0.726678 0.706314 
1.24 0.710616 0.708574 0.719141 0.734529 0.712922 
1.28 0.721963 0.724795 0.730288 0.742101 0.720999 
1.32 0.732865 0.740245 0.741028 0.749408 0.731278 
1.36 0.743339 0.754946 0.751631 0.756463 0.73862 
1.4 0.753403 0.768922 0.762235 0.763276 0.743759 
1.44 0.763072 0.782197 0.771615 0.769861 0.754038 
1.48 0.772362 0.794797 0.780859 0.776226 0.762115 
1.52 0.781288 0.806747 0.78888 0.782381 0.767988 
1.56 0.789864 0.818072 0.795949 0.788335 0.771659 
1.6 0.798103 0.828799 0.804377 0.794097 0.776799 
1.64 0.80602 0.838951 0.81335 0.799674 0.783407 
1.68 0.813626 0.848554 0.82205 0.805076 0.78928 
1.72 0.820934 0.857633 0.829391 0.810307 0.795888 
1.76 0.827955 0.866211 0.836324 0.815376 0.806167 
1.8 0.834701 0.874311 0.843393 0.820287 0.812041 
1.84 0.841183 0.881957 0.849239 0.825049 0.820117 
1.88 0.84741 0.889169 0.853045 0.829666 0.823789 
1.92 0.853393 0.895971 0.857803 0.834143 0.831131 
1.96 0.859142 0.902382 0.863241 0.838487 0.834802 
2 0.864665 0.908422 0.87031 0.842701 0.839941 

   Space Group :       P 21 21 21
   Patterson Symmetry: P m m m
   Resolution of All Data (Number):        0.62  22.32 (118502)
   Resolution of Patterson (Number):       5.00   9.97 (251)
   There were no non-origin Patterson peaks

   No translational ncs found or input

   tNCS/Twin Detection Table
   No NCS translation vector

                                 -Second Moments-            --P-values--
                                 Centric Acentric      untwinned  twin frac <5%
   Theoretical for untwinned     3.00    2.00    
   Theoretical for perfect twin  2.00    1.50    
   Initial (data as input)       2.69    1.98+/-0.052  0.346      1         
   After Anisotropy Correction   2.70    1.98+/-0.052  0.337      1         

   Resolution for Twin Analysis (85% I/SIGI > 3): 1.55A (HiRes=0.62A)


   No files output

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 18.33 secs (     18.33 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:18:13 2015

*** Phaser Module: AUTOMATED MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT                          2.5.7 ***

   Search Order (next search *):
      #1: Ensemble autoMR *

CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 18.33 secs (     18.33 secs)
Finished: Fri Feb 13 14:18:13 2015

*** Phaser Module: MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT ROTATION FUNCTION                  2.5.7 ***


   No refinement of parameters


   Space Group :       P 21 21 21
   Patterson Symmetry: P m m m
   Resolution of All Data (Number):        0.62  22.32 (118502)
   Resolution of Patterson (Number):       5.00   9.97 (251)
   There were no non-origin Patterson peaks

   No translational ncs found or input


   Expected LLG
      Target = 120.000
      eLLG   = 120.078 (at 4.77A)

   eLLG indicates that placement of ensemble "autoMR" will be straightforward
   The data are sufficient to exceed the eLLG target

   High resolution limit imposed by expected LLG = 4.77
   Outliers with a probability less than 1e-06 will be rejected
   There were 1 (0.0008%) reflections rejected

      H    K    L   reso            F     probability
     22    9   44   0.82       58.500       2.075e-07

   Resolution of All Data (Number):        0.62  22.32 (118502)
   Resolution of Selected Data (Number):   4.77  22.32 (326)


   Parameters set for Wilson log-likelihood calculation
   E = 0 and variance 1 for each reflection
   Without correction for SigF to the variances,
      Wilson log(likelihood) = - number of acentrics (203)
                               - half number of centrics (123/2)
                             = -264
   With correction for SigF,
      Wilson log(likelihood) = -263.274


   Ensemble Generation: autoMR
   Ensemble configured for structure factor interpolation
   Ensemble configured to resolution 4.77
   PDB file # 1: MODEL_UNMOD_loc0_ALL_c1_tl100_r3_allatom.pdb
      This pdb file contains 7 models
      The input RmsD of model #1 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #1 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #2 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #2 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #3 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #3 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #4 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #4 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #5 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #5 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #6 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #6 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #7 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #7 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
   Input VRMS delta = 0.000000
      VRMS delta lower/upper limit = 0.000000 / 9.388516
         Final VRMS delta = 0.000000

   Electron Density Calculation
   0%                              100%
   |===============================| DONE

   Weighting Structure Factors
   0%                                                                  100%
   |===================================================================| DONE

   Ensembling Table
   Resolution of Ensembles: 4.768
   Ensemble        Scat% Radius Model# Rel-B  RMS 
   autoMR          100.3  18.53      1  -0.0 0.238
                                     2  -0.0 0.238
                                     3  -0.0 0.238
                                     4  -0.0 0.238
                                     5  -0.0 0.238
                                     6  -0.0 0.238
                                     7  -0.0 0.238

   Ensemble Generation for Spherical Harmonic Decomposition: autoMR
   Ensemble configured for spherical harmonic decomposition
   Ensemble configured to resolution 4.77
   PDB file # 1: MODEL_UNMOD_loc0_ALL_c1_tl100_r3_allatom.pdb
      This pdb file contains 7 models
      The input RmsD of model #1 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #1 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #2 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #2 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #3 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #3 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #4 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #4 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #5 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #5 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #6 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #6 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
      The input RmsD of model #7 with respect to the real structure is 0.10
         Allowed range (resolution and radius dependent) is 0.24 to 3.09
      The initial RmsD of model #7 with respect to the real structure is 0.24
   Input VRMS delta = 0.000000
      VRMS delta lower/upper limit = 0.000000 / 9.388516
         Final VRMS delta = 0.000000

   Electron Density Calculation
   0%                              100%
   |===============================| DONE

   Weighting Structure Factors
   0%         100%
   |==========| DONE

   Elmn for Search Ensemble
   Elmn Calculation for Search Ensemble
   0%                                                                      100%
   |=======================================================================| DONE

   Target Function: FAST LERF1


   Search Ensemble: autoMR
   Sampling: 7.36 degrees
   Known MR solutions
   (empty solution set - no components)

   Spherical Harmonics
   Elmn for Data
   Elmn Calculation for Data
   0%                                                                    100%
   |=====================================================================| DONE

   Scanning the Range of Beta Angles
   Clmn Calculation
   0%                         100%
   |==========================| DONE

   Top Peaks Without Clustering
   Select peaks over 67.5% of top (i.e. 0.675*(top-mean)+mean)
      Also store peaks over 54% of top
   There were 925 sites over 67.5% of top
   925 peaks selected
   The sites over 67.5% are:
   #     Euler1 Euler2 Euler3    FSS   Z-score
   1       67.3   74.1  322.0    100.000  3.64
   2       68.0   74.9  323.3     97.591  3.55
   3       58.4   69.9  105.4     95.580  3.48

   Top 925 rotations before clustering will be rescored
   Calculating Likelihood for RF #1 of 1
   0%                                                                       100%
   |===================terminate called after throwing an instance of 'phaser::error'
  what():  Program internal error in source file DataMR.cc (line 576)
*** Consistency check (V > 0) failed. ***
Please email this log file with some supporting information and data to cimr-phaser@lists.cam.ac.uk