from util import error from util import testAttribute from util import testIntAttribute def test(): print 'testing source code syntax' from xml.dom.html import HTMLTextAreaElement from xml.dom import implementation doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('Title') t = doc.createElement('TEXTAREA') print 'testing get/set of attributes' testAttribute(t,'defaultValue'); testAttribute(t,'accessKey'); testIntAttribute(t,'cols'); testIntAttribute(t,'disabled'); testAttribute(t,'name'); testIntAttribute(t,'readonly'); testIntAttribute(t,'rows'); testIntAttribute(t,'tabIndex'); print 'get/set work' print 'testing clone node' t2 = t.cloneNode(1) if t2._get_defaultValue() != t._get_defaultValue(): error('cloneNode did not set the default value'); print 'cloneNode works' if __name__ == '__main__': test()