""" SAX2 driver for the sgmlop parser. $Id$ """ version = "0.1" from xml.parsers.sgmllib import SGMLParser from xml.sax import saxlib, handler from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesImpl, XMLReader from xml.sax.saxutils import ContentGenerator, prepare_input_source try: import codecs def to_xml_string(str,encoding): try: decoder = codecs.lookup(encoding)[1] return decoder(str)[0] except LookupError: return str except ImportError: from xml.unicode.iso8859 import wstring def to_xml_string(str,encoding): if string.lower(self._encoding) == 'utf-8': return str else: return wstring.decode(encoding,str).utf8() class SaxParser(SGMLParser, XMLReader): """ Implements IncrementalReader """ def __init__(self, bufsize = 65536, encoding = 'UTF-8'): XMLReader.__init__(self) SGMLParser.__init__(self) self._bufsize = bufsize self._lexical_handler = None self._encoding = encoding self.documentStarted = 0 def parse(self, source): source = prepare_input_source(source) self.prepareParser(source) file = source.getByteStream() buffer = file.read(self._bufsize) while buffer != "": self.feed(buffer) buffer = file.read(self._bufsize) self.close() def feed(self,buffer): if not self.documentStarted: self._cont_handler.startDocument() self.documentStarted = 1 SGMLParser.feed(self,buffer) def prepareParser(self, source): # not used pass def close(self): """This method is called when the entire XML document has been passed to the parser through the feed method, to notify the parser that there are no more data. This allows the parser to do the final checks on the document and empty the internal data buffer. The parser will not be ready to parse another document until the reset method has been called. close may raise SAXException.""" SGMLParser.close(self) self._cont_handler.endDocument() def _make_attr_dict(self,attr_list): d = {} cvrt = lambda str,e=self._encoding:to_xml_string(str,e) for (a,b) in attr_list: d[cvrt(a)]=cvrt(b) return d def unknown_starttag(self,tag,attrs): self._cont_handler.startElement(to_xml_string(tag,self._encoding), AttributesImpl(self._make_attr_dict(attrs))) def unknown_endtag(self,tag): self._cont_handler.endElement(to_xml_string(tag,self._encoding)) def handle_data(self,data): self._cont_handler.characters(to_xml_string(data,self._encoding)) def unknown_entityref(self, entity): self._cont_handler.skippedEntity(to_xml_string(entity,self._encoding)) def handle_comment(self,data): if self._lexical_handler is not None: self._lexical_handler.comment(to_xml_string(data,self._encoding)) def setProperty(self,name,value): if name == handler.property_lexical_handler: self._lexical_handler = value elif name == handler.property_encoding: self._encoding = value else: raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Property '%s' not recognized" % name) def getProperty(self, name): if name == handler.property_lexical_handler: return self._lexical_handler elif name == handler.property_encoding: return self._encoding raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Property '%s' not recognized" % name) ## def getFeature(self, name): ## if name == handler.feature_namespaces: ## return self._namespaces ## raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Feature '%s' not recognized" % name) ## def setFeature(self, name, state): ## if self._parsing: ## raise SAXNotSupportedException("Cannot set features while parsing") ## if name == handler.feature_namespaces: ## self._namespaces = state ## else: ## raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Feature '%s' not recognized" % ## name) def create_parser(): return SaxParser()