#!/usr/bin/python # Python script # # # # Copyright (C) 2007 --- 2012 Fei Long, A. Vagin, G. Murshudov # # This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the # CCP4 Program Suite Licence Agreement as a CCP4 Library. # A copy of the CCP4 licence can be obtained by writing to the # CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK. # #==================================================================== ## The date of last modification: 26/09/2007 # Report any problem to fei@ysbl.york.ac.uk import os, os.path, sys import glob, re, shutil import math import string import fpformat import time import select, fcntl import socket # modules (XML DOM) related to handle XML style files xml_path1= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4","xml","dom") xml_path2= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4","xml","dom","ext") xml_path3= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4","xml","dom","ext","reader") sys.path.append(xml_path1) sys.path.append(xml_path2) sys.path.append(xml_path3) from StripXml import StripXml import PyExpat from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError # modules defined for structural hierachy py_path= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"bin_py") sys.path.append(py_path) from StructHierachy import Chain from StructHierachy import Model from StructHierachy import Structure from StructHierachy import Sequence from StructHierachy import Assembly from StructHierachy import SF_info from StructHierachy import RefCycle from StructHierachy import BOStruc from StructHierachy import CBOStrucDict from StructHierachy import SymmtryData from StructHierachy import TwinInfo from StructHierachy import TwinDomain from StructHierachy import ReindexOp # utility modules from UtilitiesClasses import CPathDict from UtilitiesClasses import CopyFile from UtilitiesClasses import MoveFile from UtilitiesClasses import WriteFile from UtilitiesClasses import WriteSummaryFile from UtilitiesClasses import ModelCmp # manager modules # from Managers_b import CManagers # the abstract base class to be inheritted by any class # that wraps an executable code from baseClasses import CExeCode ########################################## class CSFCHECK( CExeCode ) : def __init__( self, path_obj): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" self.idx_err = 0 CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) if not self._path_dict.has_key("infile_mtz"): print "Can not find input structure factor file, check your input " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = \ "Can not find input structure factor file, check your input \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 sys.exit(1) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"],"sfcheck") def setCmdLineAndFile (self, idx_stage = 1, t_model = None ) : """ set the command lines for the code 'sfcheck', each code has an unique one, which overrides the corresponding method in the base class """ self._cmdline = '' # Select different sets of the parameters for 'sfcheck' according to # the stage it is used if idx_stage == 1 or idx_stage == 0: # the initial stage self.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'],"sf_1i.par") try: sfcheck_bat = open(self.batch_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = \ ("%s could not be opened for write \n" %self.batch_name) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" self.idx_err = 1 else: print >> sfcheck_bat, '_DOC Y>%s' % (self._path_dict["doc_path"]+"/") print >> sfcheck_bat, "_FILE_C " print >> sfcheck_bat, "_FILE_F %s" % self._path_dict['infile_mtz'] print >> sfcheck_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s " % (self._path_dict["scr_path"]+"/") print >> sfcheck_bat, "_TEST Y " sfcheck_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s < %s \n ' % (self.__exeCode, self.batch_name) elif idx_stage == 2 : # The final stage analysis by 'sfcheck' self._cmdline = ' %s -f %s -m %s -po %s -ps %s -lf FWT -lp PHWT' \ % (self.__exeCode, t_model.refi_sol_hkl, t_model.refi_sol_xyz, (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/"), (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/")) def file_manu(self, idx_stage = 1 ): """ mv files to the apporpriate subdirs, should be done in core programs """ t_xml = self._path_dict["doc_path"] +"/sfcheck.xml" t_bat = self._path_dict["doc_path"] +"/sfcheck.bat" t_log = self._path_dict["scr_path"] +"/sfcheck.log" t_mis = self._path_dict["doc_path"] +"/sfcheck_fob.dat" t_ps = self._path_dict["scr_path"] +"/sfcheck*.ps" if idx_stage != 2: t_xml = self._path_dict["doc_path"] +"/sfcheck.xml" out_file = MoveFile(t_xml, self.xml_name) out_file = MoveFile(t_bat, self._path_dict["scr_path"] ) out_file = MoveFile(t_log, self.log_name) out_file = MoveFile(t_mis, self.fobs_name) else: t_xml = self._path_dict["scr_path"] +"/sfcheck.xml" out_file = MoveFile(t_xml, self.xml_name) out_file = MoveFile(t_log, self.log_name) out_file = MoveFile(t_ps, self._path_dict["doc_path"]) def controller(self, idx_stage = 1, t_model = None ): """ execute 'sfcheck' at different stages """ if not self.idx_err: self.setCmdLineAndFile (idx_stage, t_model) if idx_stage == 0: self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['doc_path'],'sfcheck_gfobs.log') self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['xml_path'],'sfcheck_gfobs.xml') self.fobs_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], "sfcheck_fobs_gfobs.dat") elif idx_stage == 1 : # The initial stage analysis by 'sfcheck' print "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Structure Factor Data Analysis #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = \ "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Structure Factor Data Analysis #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['doc_path'],'sfcheck_firstStage.log') self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['xml_path'],'sfcheck_firstStage.xml') self.fobs_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], "sfcheck_fobs_firstStage.dat") elif idx_stage == 2: # The final validating stage by 'sfcheck' starts print "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# The Model Assesment by Structural Factor Data Analysis #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = \ "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# The Model Assesment by Structural Factor Data Analysis #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" idx_model = t_model.get_index() if t_model.asm: self.name_tag = "sfcheck_FinalStage_asm%s_model%s" \ %(str(idx_model[0]), str(idx_model[1])) else: self.name_tag = "sfcheck_FinalStage_seq%s_struct%s_model%s" \ %(str(idx_model[0]), str(idx_model[1]), str(idx_model[2])) self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['doc_path'], self.name_tag + ".log") self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['xml_path'], self.name_tag + ".xml") self.execute() # reorganize the files self.file_manu(idx_stage) # analyse info in XML file if idx_stage == 1 or idx_stage == 0: self.info_analysis(idx_stage) elif idx_stage == 2: self.info_analysis(idx_stage,t_model) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def info_analysis(self, idx_stage = 1, t_model = None): if not self.idx_err: # Open XML file try: sfcheck_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print " could not find %s for reading " % self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " could not find %s for reading " % self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 # parse contents of XML file try: ent_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() ent_xml_document = ent_xml_reader.fromStream(sfcheck_xml) sfcheck_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "can not create a reader object for XML file" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " can not create a reader object for XML file " WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 rootElement = StripXml(ent_xml_document.documentElement) #print "here is the root element of the document: %s " % rootElement.nodeName #print "The follow are its child elements:" if idx_stage == 1 or idx_stage == 0: # Create an object that will contain all info extracted structure factor data self.info_strucFactor = SF_info() for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.info_strucFactor.set_err_level(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if self.info_strucFactor.get_err_level(): self.idx_err = 1 elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.info_strucFactor.set_job_message(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if self.idx_err : print "ERROR MESSAGE: %s" % self.info_strucFactor.get_job_message() self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ ("ERROR MESSAGE: %s" % self.info_strucFactor.get_job_message()) elif node.nodeName == "sg": self.info_strucFactor.set_space_group(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "nsym": self.info_strucFactor.set_nsym (node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "vol": self.info_strucFactor.set_volume(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "resmax": self.info_strucFactor.set_resmax(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "resmin": self.info_strucFactor.set_resmin(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "opt_res": self.info_strucFactor.set_opt_res(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "cell": self.info_strucFactor.set_cell(node.firstChild.nodeValue) cell_para = self.info_strucFactor.get_cell().strip().split() self.info_strucFactor.cell_len = \ self.info_strucFactor.get_cell_para(cell_para[0:3]) self.info_strucFactor.cell_ang = \ self.info_strucFactor.get_cell_para(cell_para[3:6]) # need further processing elif node.nodeName == "data_compl": self.info_strucFactor.set_data_compl ( node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "boverall": self.info_strucFactor.set_b_overall ( node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "aniso": self.info_strucFactor.set_aniso ( node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "pst": self.info_strucFactor.set_pseudo_trans (node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "twin": self.info_strucFactor.set_twin(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "fobs": fobs_name = node.getAttribute("fobs_file") if glob.glob(self.fobs_name): self.info_strucFactor.set_fobs_file(self.fobs_name) else : self.info_strucFactor.set_fobs_file(fobs_name) if self.info_strucFactor.get_nsym() > 0 and self.info_strucFactor.get_volume() > 0.0: self.info_strucFactor.set_cell_nmon () # print out the results flo_pseudo_trans = float(self.info_strucFactor.get_pseudo_trans()) if flo_pseudo_trans < 0.1 : t_psudo_trans = "not detected" else : t_psudo_trans = fpformat.fix(flo_pseudo_trans,2) + "%" flo_twin = float(self.info_strucFactor.get_twin()) if math.fabs(flo_twin) < 0.01 : t_twin = "not detected" else : t_twin = fpformat.fix(flo_twin,3) if not self.idx_err and idx_stage == 1: print "Information about the structure to be solved " print "|--------------------------------------------|" print "| SPACE GROUP |","%s"% self.info_strucFactor.get_space_group().center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| CELL LENGTH |","%s" %self.info_strucFactor.cell_len.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| CELL ANGLE |","%s" %self.info_strucFactor.cell_ang.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| RESOLUTIN_MAX |","%s" %self.info_strucFactor.get_resmax().center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| RESOLUTIN_MIN |","%s" %self.info_strucFactor.get_resmin().center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| DATA_COMPL |","%s" %(self.info_strucFactor.get_data_compl()+"%").center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| PSEUDO_TRANS |","%s" %t_psudo_trans.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| ALPHA_TWIN |","%s" %t_twin.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" # To file self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Information about the structure to be solved\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| SPACE GROUP |%s|\n"% self.info_strucFactor.get_space_group().center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| CELL LENGTH |%s|\n" %self.info_strucFactor.cell_len.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| CELL ANGLE |%s|\n" %self.info_strucFactor.cell_ang.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| RESOLUTIN_MAX |%s|\n" %self.info_strucFactor.get_resmax().center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| RESOLUTIN_MIN |%s|\n" %self.info_strucFactor.get_resmin().center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| DATA_COMPL |%s|\n" %(self.info_strucFactor.get_data_compl()+"%").center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| PSEUDO_TRANS |%s|\n" %t_psudo_trans.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| ALPHA_TWIN |%s|\n" %t_twin.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" if idx_stage == 2: n_chains = 0 n_chain_m = 0 t_model.found_chains = [ ] for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": t_model.set_err_level(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if t_model.get_err_level(): self.idx_err = 1 elif node.nodeName == "err_message": t_model.set_err_message(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if t_model.get_err_level(): print "ERROR MESSAGE: %s" % t_model.get_err_message() self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "ERROR MESSAGE: %s\n" % t_model.get_err_message() elif node.nodeName == "scoreD": t_model.set_scoresD(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "scoreC": t_model.set_scoresC(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "corr": t_model.set_corr(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "rfac": t_model.set_rfac(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "nchain": t_model.set_nchains(node.firstChild.nodeValue) n_chain_m = t_model.get_nchains() print "Number of chains in the model is %d " % n_chain_m self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Number of chains in the model is %d\n" % n_chain_m elif node.nodeName == "chain": a_chain = Chain() n_chains = n_chains + 1 for node_child in node.childNodes: if node_child.nodeName == "Chain_ID": a_chain.set_chainID(node_child.firstChild.nodeValue) if node_child.nodeName == "scoreC": a_chain.set_scoreC(node_child.firstChild.nodeValue) t_model.found_chains.append(a_chain) if n_chains != t_model.get_nchains(): print "n_chains is ", n_chains print "Check number of chains in the xml file !!! " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "n_chains is \n", n_chains self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Check number of chains in the xml file !!! \n" self.idx_err = 1 if n_chain_m and not self.idx_err: print "|--------------------------|" print "| Chain | ID | ScoreC |" print "|-------|------|-----------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|--------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Chain | ID | ScoreC |\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|------|-----------|\n" for i in range(n_chain_m): print "|%s|%s|%s|"% (str(i+1).center(7),\ t_model.found_chains[i].get_chainID().center(6),\ str(t_model.found_chains[i].get_scoreC()).center(11)) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|%s|\n"% (str(i+1).center(7),\ t_model.found_chains[i].get_chainID().center(6),\ str(t_model.found_chains[i].get_scoreC()).center(11)) print "|-------|------|-----------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|------|-----------|\n" else: print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Structure factor data analysis stoped because of errors! #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Structure factor data analysis stoped because of errors! #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" ########################################################### class SEQ_Analysis : """ A class that manages sequence analysis by selectively runing different programs such as search_DB (current default) and other codes (future) according to their feedback""" def __init__( self, manager_obj): # set the default code to be 'search_DB' and other codes to be plugged in if # the former fails self.__code_dict= {} self.idx_err = 0 self.setExeCode("search_DB") # create an object of the search_DB class as default self.SearchDB = CSEARCH_DB(manager_obj) def setExeCode(self, name = None): if name: self.__code_dict["exeCode"] = name else : # temporarily print " which code you want to run ? " self.idx_err = 0 def execute( self, t_cell, t_spaceGroup, t_volume, t_nsym, t_resmax, t_remin, t_opt_res, t_b_overall): # If searchDB key is not disabled, run it first if self.__code_dict["exeCode"] == "search_DB" and \ not self.SearchDB.idx_err: self.SearchDB.SetSfparas(t_cell, t_spaceGroup, t_volume, t_nsym, t_resmax, t_remin, t_opt_res, t_b_overall) self.SearchDB.controller() # If seach_DB doesn't work, disabled its key # and enabble the key of alternate codes #if self.Search_DB.error_index_seq : # self.setExeCode("virtualCode") class CSEARCH_DB (CExeCode) : """ A class that performs sequence database search, using the program 'search_DB'. The class is inheritted from CExeCode """ def __init__( self, manager_obj ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, manager_obj.pathDict) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "search_DB") self.mode = manager_obj.mode self.idx_err = 0 print "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Model Database Analysis #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = \ "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Model Database Analysis #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" if self._path_dict.has_key("infile_seq"): self.seq_name = self._path_dict["infile_seq"] if not glob.glob(self.seq_name): print "The file %s does not exist \n " % self.seq_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The file %s does not exist \n " % self.seq_name self.idx_err = 1 self.seq_log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "search_DB_seq.log") self.seq_xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], "search_DB_seq.xml") self.structDB_log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "get_structure_DB_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".log") self.structDB_xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], "get_structure_DB_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".xml") self.output_dict = {} self.best_mod_sim = 0.0 def SetSfparas(self, t_cell, t_spaceGroup, t_volume, t_nsym, t_resmax, t_resmin, t_opt_res, t_b_overall): """Set the parameters values acoording to the previous sf analysis""" self.info_strucFactor = SF_info() self.info_strucFactor.set_cell(t_cell) self.info_strucFactor.set_space_group(t_spaceGroup) self.info_strucFactor.set_volume(t_volume) self.info_strucFactor.set_nsym(t_nsym) self.info_strucFactor.set_resmax(t_resmax) self.info_strucFactor.set_resmin(t_resmin) self.info_strucFactor.set_opt_res(t_opt_res) self.info_strucFactor.set_b_overall(t_b_overall) # Sequence search def setCmdLineAndFile (self ) : """ set the command lines for the code 'search_DB', each code has an unique one, which overrides the corresponding method in the base class """ self.seq_log = open(self.seq_log_name, "w") # creat the batch file self.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "search_DB_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".bat") try: search_DB_bat = open(self.batch_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write \n" %self.batch_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else: os.putenv("MOLREP_DB", self._path_dict["sys_path"]) os.putenv("MOLREP_DB_rep", self.seq_log_name) print >> search_DB_bat, self.__exeCode, " << stop >>$MOLREP_DB_rep" print >> search_DB_bat, "_DOC Y>%s " % (self._path_dict["doc_path"] + "/") print >> search_DB_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s " % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/" ) print >> search_DB_bat, "_FILE_S %s " % self.seq_name if self.mode == 2 : print >> search_DB_bat, "_USER_D %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb_lib"] print >> search_DB_bat, "_USER_L %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb_list"] print >> search_DB_bat, "_SIM_LIM 0.15 " print >> search_DB_bat, "_NSEQ_MAX 20 " print >> search_DB_bat, "_END " print >> search_DB_bat, "stop \n\n" search_DB_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s < %s \n' % (self.__exeCode, self.batch_name) def seqDB_run(self): """ write and execute a batch file to run 'search_DB' """ # creat the batch file self.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "search_DB_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".bat") try: search_DB_bat = open(self.batch_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write \n" %self.batch_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else: os.putenv("MOLREP_DB", self._path_dict["sys_path"]) # os.putenv("MOLREP_DB_rep", self.seq_log_name) #print >> search_DB_bat, "# -------------------------------- " #print >> search_DB_bat, self.__exeCode, " << stop >> $MOLREP_DB_rep" print >> search_DB_bat, "_DOC Y>%s" % (self._path_dict["doc_path"] + "/" ) print >> search_DB_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s " % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/") print >> search_DB_bat, "_FILE_S %s" % self.seq_name if self.mode == 2 : print >> search_DB_bat, "_USER_D %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb_lib"] print >> search_DB_bat, "_USER_L %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb_list"] print >> search_DB_bat, "_SIM_LIM 0.15 " # NEED CONSIDER HERE print >> search_DB_bat, "_NSEQ_MAX 20 " # NEED CONSIDER HRER print >> search_DB_bat, "_END " # print >> search_DB_bat, "stop \n\n" search_DB_bat.close() #os.chmod(self.batch_name, 0755) time.sleep(2) #os.system(self.batch_name) self.log_name = self.seq_log_name self._cmdline = ' %s < %s \n' % (self.__exeCode, self.batch_name) self.execute() # This part should be done within "search_DB" code t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "search_DB.xml") if not glob.glob(t_xml): print "no search_DB.xml is generated " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "no search_DB.xml is generated " WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else : shutil.move(t_xml, self.seq_xml_name) def seqDB_info_analysis(self): """Extract information from the XML file created by search_DB """ if not self.idx_err: # print "\nSequence search finished " # Open XML file try: search_DB_xml = open(self.seq_xml_name,"r") except IOError: print self.xml_name , " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading " %self.xml_name self.idx_err = 1 # Parse contents of XML file try: seqDB_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() seqDB_xml_document = seqDB_xml_reader.fromStream(search_DB_xml) search_DB_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "Can not create a reader object for XML file ", self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s Can not create a reader object for XML file " %self.xml_name self.idx_err = 1 if not self.idx_err: rootElement = StripXml(seqDB_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"] = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]: self.idx_err = 1 # print "index of ERROR: %d " % self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"] elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.output_dict["seqDB_err_message"] = node.firstChild.nodeValue if int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]) == 1: print "Error message : no memory for alignement" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : no memory for alignement\n" elif int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]) == 2: print "Error message : input sequence file : open/read" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : input sequence file : open/read\n" elif int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]) == 3: print "Error message : chain_list_DB: open/read" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : chain_list_DB: open/read\n" elif int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]) == 4: print "Error message : wrong setenv MOLREP_DB" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : wrong setenv MOLREP_DB\n" elif int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]) == 5: print "The closest homologue found is less than 20%. " print "The likelihood of finding a solution is too low." self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The closest homologue found is less than 20%. \n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The likelihood of finding a solution is too low.\n" elif int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]) == 6: print "Error message : output file-temp_chain_list.txt: open/write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : output file-temp_chain_list.txt: open/write\n" else : # all the rest cases alexei probably will add if int(self.output_dict["seqDB_err_level"]): print self.output_dict["seqDB_err_message"] self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ (self.output_dict["seqDB_err_message"] + "\n") elif node.nodeName == "job": self.output_dict["exe_code_seqDB"] = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "n_structure": self.output_dict["n_structure_seqDB"] = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) print self.output_dict["n_structure_seqDB"],\ " structures found to be above 15% identity with the given sequence," self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%d structures found to be above 15%s identity with the given sequence, \n" \ %(self.output_dict["n_structure_seqDB"],"%") elif node.nodeName == "identity_best": self.output_dict["identity_best"] = float(node.firstChild.nodeValue) #print "of which the best identity is ", self.output_dict["identity_best"] #self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ # "of which the best identity is %3.1f \n" %self.output_dict["identity_best"] elif node.nodeName == "chain_list": # wait for alexei to make corrections self.output_dict["chain_list"] = node.getAttribute("temp_chain_list") WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def structDB_run(self): """ write and execute a batch file to run 'search_DB' """ # creat the batch file self.structDB_bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "get_structure_DB_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".bat") try: structDB_bat = open(self.structDB_bat_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write" %self.batch_name, WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 if not self.idx_err: os.putenv("MOLREP_DB", self._path_dict["sys_path"]) # os.putenv("MOLREP_DB_rep", self.structDB_log_name) # print >> structDB_bat, "# -------------------------------- " # print >> structDB_bat, self._path_dict["bin_path"] + "/get_structure_DB << stop >> $MOLREP_DB_rep" print >> structDB_bat, "_DOC Y>%s " %(self._path_dict["doc_path"] +"/") print >> structDB_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s " % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] +"/") if self._path_dict.has_key("infile_seq"): print >> structDB_bat, "_FILE_S %s" % self.seq_name if self.mode != 1: print >> structDB_bat, "_FILE_L %s" % self.output_dict["chain_list"] if self.mode == 1: print >> structDB_bat, "_FILE_PDB %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb"] if self.mode == 2: print >> structDB_bat, "_USER_D %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb_lib"] print >> structDB_bat, "_USER_L %s " % self._path_dict["infile_pdb_list"] if self.mode == 4: print >> structDB_bat, "file_mx %s " % self._path_dict["fixed_mod"] if self.mode != 3: print >> structDB_bat, "_CELL ", self.info_strucFactor.get_cell() print >> structDB_bat, "_SPACE_GR ", self.info_strucFactor.get_space_group() print >> structDB_bat, "_NSYM ", self.info_strucFactor.get_nsym() # print >> structDB_bat, "_VOLUME %9.2f " % self.info_strucFactor.get_volume() # print "volume ", self.info_strucFactor.get_volume() print >> structDB_bat, "_RESMAX ", self.info_strucFactor.get_resmax() print >> structDB_bat, "_RESMIN ", self.info_strucFactor.get_resmin() print >> structDB_bat, "_OPT_RESOL", self.info_strucFactor.get_opt_res() print >> structDB_bat, "_BOVERALL ", self.info_strucFactor.get_b_overall() print >> structDB_bat, "_NSEQ_MAX 5" # NEED CONSIDER HRER if self.mode == 3: print >> structDB_bat, "_NSEQ_MAX " , " 10 " # NEED CONSIDER HRER print >> structDB_bat, "_END \n" structDB_bat.close() # execmd = "csh " + self.structDB_bat_name # os.system(execmd) #os.chmod(self.structDB_bat_name, 0755) time.sleep(2) #os.system(self.structDB_bat_name) self.log_name = self.structDB_log_name self.__exeCode = self._path_dict["bin_path"] + "/get_structure_DB" self._cmdline = '%s < %s'% (self.__exeCode, self.structDB_bat_name) self.execute() # This part should be done within "get_structure_DB" code t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "get_structure_DB.xml") if not glob.glob(t_xml): print "no get_structure_DB.xml is generated " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "no get_structure_DB.xml is generated " self.idx_err = 1 else : shutil.move(t_xml, self.structDB_xml_name) t_doc = os.path.join(self._path_dict["cur_path"], "get_structure_DB.doc") if glob.glob(t_doc): shutil.move(t_doc, self._path_dict['doc_path']) t_bat = os.path.join(self._path_dict["cur_path"], "get_structure_DB.bat") if glob.glob(t_bat): shutil.move(t_bat, self._path_dict['scr_path']) def structDB_info_analysis(self): """Extract information from the XML file created by search_DB """ if not self.idx_err: # print "\nModel search finished " # Open XML file try: struct_DB_xml = open(self.structDB_xml_name,"r") except IOError: print self.structDB_xml_name, " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading" %s self.idx_err = 1 # Parse contents of XML file try: struct_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() struct_xml_document = struct_xml_reader.fromStream(struct_DB_xml) struct_DB_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "can not create a reader object for XML file for ", self.structDB_xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s can not create a reader object for XML file for "%self.structDB_xml_name self.idx_err = 1 rootElement = StripXml(struct_xml_document.documentElement) # print "here is the root element of the get_structure_DB.xml: %s " \ # % rootElement.nodeName if not self.idx_err: self.allMODELS = {} self.allMODELS['seqs'] = [] idx_seq = 0 idx_asm = 0 for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"] = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]: self.idx_err = 1 elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.output_dict["structDB_err_message"] = node.firstChild.nodeValue if int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 1: print "Error message : no memory for alignement" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : no memory for alignement" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 2: print "Error message : input sequence file : open/read" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : input sequence file : open/read" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 3: print "Error message : chain_list_DB: open/read" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : chain_list_DB: open/read" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 4: print "Error message : wrong setenv MOLREP_DB" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : wrong setenv MOLREP_DB" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 5: print "Error message : no PDB structure was found" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : no PDB structure was found" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 6: print "Error message : output file-temp_chain_list.txt: open/write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : output file-temp_chain_list.txt: open/write" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 7: print "Error message : there is no file of seq_list or pdb" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : there is no file of seq_list or pdb" elif int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]) == 8: print "Error message : no structure was found " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Error message : no structure was found " else : # all the rest cases alexei probably will add if int(self.output_dict["structDB_err_level"]): print self.output_dict["structDB_err_message"] self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ (self.output_dict["structDB_err_message"] + "\n") elif node.nodeName == "job": self.output_dict["exe_code_structDB"] = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "sequence": # get a sequence seq_tm = Sequence() idx_seq +=1 seq_tm.set_index(idx_seq) idx_str = 0 for prop_of_seq in node.childNodes: if prop_of_seq.nodeName == "n_structure": num_structures_t = int(prop_of_seq.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_seq.nodeName == "structure": # create a structure struct_t = Structure() idx_str +=1 struct_t.set_index(idx_seq, idx_str) idx_mod = 0 for prop_of_struct in prop_of_seq.childNodes: if prop_of_struct.nodeName == "PDB_code": pdb_t = prop_of_struct.firstChild.nodeValue.lstrip() pdb_t = pdb_t.rstrip() struct_t.set_PDB_code(pdb_t) if prop_of_struct.nodeName == "model": # get a model in that structure model_t = Model() if self.mode != 3: model_t.sfInfo.set_space_group(self.info_strucFactor.get_space_group()) idx_mod +=1 model_t.set_index(idx_seq, idx_str, idx_mod) model_t.name_tag = "sq" + str(idx_seq) + "st" + str(idx_str) + "m" + str(idx_mod) model_t.set_pdb_code(pdb_t) if self._path_dict.has_key("infile_mtz"): model_t.mr_in_hkl = self._path_dict["infile_mtz"] model_t.refi_in_hkl = self._path_dict["infile_mtz"] # set the properties for the newly found model for prop_of_model in prop_of_struct.childNodes: if prop_of_model.nodeName == "complex": model_t.set_complex(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) model_t.set_numCopies() if prop_of_model.nodeName == "chain": model_t.set_chain(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "domain": model_t.set_domain(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "domain_code": model_t.set_domain_PDB_code(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "radius": model_t.set_radius(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "volume": model_t.set_volume(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "nres": model_t.set_nres(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "similarity": model_t.set_similarity(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) cur_mod_sim = model_t.get_similarity() if cur_mod_sim > self.best_mod_sim: self.best_mod_sim = cur_mod_sim if prop_of_model.nodeName == "similarity_ens": model_t.set_sim_ens(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "mod_compl": model_t.set_mol_compl(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "resmax_used": model_t.set_resmax(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "nmon": model_t.set_nmon(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "surf": model_t.set_surface(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "coordinates": if not model_t.mr_in_xyz: model_t.mr_in_xyz = prop_of_model.getAttribute("file_crd") if not model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens: model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens = prop_of_model.getAttribute("file_ens").strip() if model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens != "null" and model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens != "": model_t.ens_enable ="YES" if prop_of_model.nodeName == "sequence": model_t.infile_seq = prop_of_model.getAttribute("file_seq") # add this model to the current structure if struct_t.get_PDB_code() != "MDOM": if model_t.get_multimer() != "Monomer": struct_t.multimers.append(model_t) else : struct_t.monomers.append(model_t) if model_t.get_domain() == "Yes": struct_t.domains.append(model_t) struct_t.add_model(model_t) # add this structure to the current sequence if len(struct_t.multimers) > 1: struct_t.multimers.sort(ModelCmp) if len(struct_t.domains) > 1: struct_t.domains.sort(ModelCmp) if struct_t.get_PDB_code() == "MDOM": struct_t.get_all_models().sort(ModelCmp) seq_tm.add_structure(struct_t) # add this sequence to the sequence list if seq_tm.get_num_structures() != num_structures_t: print "the number of structures in this sequence is not right! " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "the number of structures in this sequence is not right! " self.idx_err =1 if not self.idx_err: self.allMODELS['seqs'].append(seq_tm) elif node.nodeName == "assembly": self.allMODELS['asms'] = [] # begin of all assemblies section # note: different from "sequence" idx_asm = 0 for prop_of_asm in node.childNodes: if prop_of_asm.nodeName == "structure": # create an assembly asm_tm = Assembly() idx_asm +=1 asm_tm.set_index(idx_asm) idx_mod = 0 for prop_of_a_asm in prop_of_asm.childNodes: if prop_of_a_asm.nodeName == "PDB_code": pdb_t = prop_of_a_asm.firstChild.nodeValue.lstrip() pdb_t = pdb_t.rstrip() asm_tm.name = pdb_t if prop_of_a_asm.nodeName == "model": # get a model in that assembly model_t = Model() if self.mode != 3: model_t.sfInfo.set_space_group(self.info_strucFactor.get_space_group()) model_t.asm = 1 idx_mod +=1 model_t.set_index_asm(idx_asm, idx_mod) model_t.name_tag = "as" + str(idx_asm) + "m" + str(idx_mod) model_t.set_pdb_code(pdb_t) if self._path_dict.has_key('infile_mtz'): model_t.mr_in_hkl = self._path_dict["infile_mtz"] model_t.refi_in_hkl = self._path_dict["infile_mtz"] # set the properties for the newly found model for prop_of_model in prop_of_a_asm.childNodes: if prop_of_model.nodeName == "complex": model_t.set_complex(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) model_t.set_numCopies() if prop_of_model.nodeName == "chain": model_t.set_chain(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "domain": model_t.set_domain(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "domain_code": model_t.set_domain_PDB_code(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "Nseq": model_t.num_seqs = int(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "Iseq": model_t.seqs.append(int(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue)) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "str_code": model_t.seqs_name.append(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue.strip()) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "radius": model_t.set_MOLREP_RAD2(float(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue)) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "volume": model_t.set_volume(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "nres": model_t.set_nres(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "similarity": model_t.set_similarity(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) cur_mod_sim = model_t.get_similarity() if cur_mod_sim > self.best_mod_sim: self.best_mod_sim = cur_mod_sim if prop_of_model.nodeName == "similarity_ens": model_t.set_sim_ens(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "mod_compl": model_t.set_mol_compl(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "resmax_used": model_t.set_resmax(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "nmon": model_t.set_nmon(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "surf": model_t.set_surface(prop_of_model.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_of_model.nodeName == "coordinates": if not model_t.mr_in_xyz: model_t.mr_in_xyz = prop_of_model.getAttribute("file_crd") if not model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens: model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens = prop_of_model.getAttribute("file_ens").strip() if model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens != "null" and model_t.mr_in_xyz_ens != "": model_t.ens_enable ="YES" if prop_of_model.nodeName == "sequence": model_t.infile_seq = prop_of_model.getAttribute("file_seq") t_str = "" for a_name in model_t.seqs_name: if t_str : t_str = t_str + "+" + a_name else : t_str = t_str + a_name model_t.set_pdb_code(t_str) # add this model to the current structure asm_tm.add_model(model_t) asm_tm.name = asm_tm.name + "(" + model_t.get_pdb_code() + ")" # add this assembly to the assemblies asm_tm.models_sort() self.allMODELS['asms'].append(asm_tm) # Show hierachy and relationships between assemblies, # structures and models print "The best identity found is %4.3f " %self.best_mod_sim self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The best identity found is %4.3f \n" %self.best_mod_sim if not self.idx_err and self.allMODELS.has_key('asms'): n_asms = len(self.allMODELS['asms']) if n_asms: print "\nTotal number of assemblies found is %d \n" \ %n_asms self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\nTotal number of assemblies found is %d \n\n" \ %n_asms # loop over asm_i all assemblies i_asm = 0 for the_asm in self.allMODELS['asms']: n_mods = the_asm.get_num_models() if n_mods: i_asm = i_asm + 1 print "BALBES uses %d models associated with assembly %d " \ %( n_mods, i_asm ) print "The following are details of them " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " \nBALBES uses %d models associated with assembly %d \n" \ %( n_mods, i_asm ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The following are details of them \n" # loop over all models in the assembly the_asm print "|-------------|-------------------------------------------------|" print "| Name |","%s"%the_asm.name.center(47),"|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------|------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Name |%s|\n" %the_asm.name.center(48) print "|-------------|-------------------------------------------------|" print "| NO. of MODEL|","%s"%str(the_asm.get_num_models()).center(47),"|" print "|-------------|-------------------------------------------------|" print "| Model | Seq used | Similarity | Residues | Monomers(expected)|" print "|-------|----------|------------|----------|--------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------|------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| NO. of MODEL|%s|\n"%str(the_asm.get_num_models()).center(48) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------|------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Model | Seq used | Similarity | Residues | Monomers(expected)|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-------------------|\n" for a_model in the_asm.get_models(): a_model_index = a_model.get_index() if a_model.ens_enable == "YES": a_model_sim = str(a_model.get_similarity()) + "(ENS)" else : a_model_sim = str(a_model.get_similarity()) t_seqs = "" for t_idx in a_model.seqs: t_seqs +=(str(t_idx)+",") print "|",str(a_model_index[1]).center(5),\ "|",t_seqs.center(8),\ "|",str(a_model_sim).center(10),\ "|",str(a_model.get_nres()).center(8),\ "|",str(a_model.get_nmon()).center(18),"|" print "|-------|----------|------------|----------|--------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n" %(str(a_model_index[1]).center(7),\ t_seqs.center(10),\ str(a_model_sim).center(12),\ str(a_model.get_nres()).center(10),\ str(a_model.get_nmon()).center(19) ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-------------------|\n" CopyFile(a_model.mr_in_xyz,self._path_dict['ser_path']) # confirm hierachy and relationships between sequences, # structures and models if not self.idx_err: n_seqs = len(self.allMODELS['seqs']) if n_seqs and self._path_dict.has_key("infile_seq"): print "\nTotal number of sequences input by the user is %d \n" \ %n_seqs self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\nTotal number of sequences input by the user is %d \n\n" \ %n_seqs # loop over seq_i all sequences i_seq = 0 for the_seq in self.allMODELS['seqs']: if the_seq.get_num_structures(): i_seq = i_seq + 1 print " \nBALBES uses %d structures associated with sequence %d " \ %( the_seq.get_num_structures(), i_seq ) print "The following are details of them " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " \nBALBES uses %d structures associated with sequence %d \n" \ %( the_seq.get_num_structures(), i_seq ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The following are details of them \n" # loop over all structures in the sequence the_seq # to show all the infomation is correctlly exetracted and to # organise models in a structure according to their complex # numbers and domain indexs (if multuiple domains exist) for struct in the_seq.get_structures(): print "\nFor the structure %d in sequence %d" \ % ( struct.get_index()[1], i_seq) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\nFor the structure %d in sequence %d \n" \ %(struct.get_index()[1], i_seq) t_pdbcode = struct.get_PDB_code() struct.set_c_radius() if struct.get_c_radius() or t_pdbcode == "MDOM": struct.set_molrep_rad() else : print "No model of complex vaule 100 in this structure ?" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "No model of complex vaule 100 in this structure ?" sys.exit() if self.mode == 2: t_pdbcode = self.getUserInputPdbCode(struct.get_PDB_code()) if t_pdbcode != "MDOM": print "|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" print "| PDB_CODE |","%s"%t_pdbcode.center(68),"|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| PDB_CODE |%s|\n" %t_pdbcode.center(70) else : print "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" print "| %s | " % "Multiple Domain Models From Different PDBs".center(82) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| %s |\n" % "Multiple Domain Models From Different PDBs".center(82) if struct.get_num_models(): if t_pdbcode != "MDOM": print "|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|" print "| NO. of MODEL|","%s"%str(struct.get_num_models()).center(68),"|" print "|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|" print "| Model | Chain ID | Similarity | Residues | Multimer? | Domain? | Monomers(expected)|" print "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-----------|---------|-------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| NO. of MODEL|%s|\n"%str(struct.get_num_models()).center(70) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Model | Chain ID | Similarity | Residues | Multimer? | Domain? | Monomers(expected)|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-----------|---------|-------------------|\n" else : print "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" print "| NO. of MODEL |","%s"%str(struct.get_num_models()).center(63),"|" print "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" print "| Model | PDB_CODE | Similarity | Residues | Multimer? | Domain? | Monomers(expected)|" print "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-----------|---------|-------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| NO. of MODEL |%s|\n"%str(struct.get_num_models()).center(65) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Model | PDB_CODE | Similarity | Residues | Multimer? | Domain? | Monomers(expected)|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-----------|---------|-------------------|\n" for a_model in struct.get_all_models(): a_model_index = a_model.get_index() if a_model.ens_enable == "YES": a_model_sim = str(a_model.get_similarity()) + "(ENS)" else : a_model_sim = str(a_model.get_similarity()) if t_pdbcode != "MDOM": print "|",str(a_model_index[2]).center(5),\ "|",a_model.get_index_chain().center(8),\ "|",str(a_model_sim).center(10),\ "|",str(a_model.get_nres()).center(8),\ "|",a_model.get_multimer().center(9),\ "|",a_model.get_domain().center(7),\ "|",str(a_model.get_nmon()).center(17),"|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n" %(str(a_model_index[2]).center(7),\ a_model.get_index_chain().center(10),\ str(a_model_sim).center(12),\ str(a_model.get_nres()).center(10),\ a_model.get_multimer().center(11),\ a_model.get_domain().center(9),\ str(a_model.get_nmon()).center(19) ) else : print "|",str(a_model_index[2]).center(5),\ "|",a_model.get_domain_pdb_code().center(8),\ "|",str(a_model_sim).center(10),\ "|",str(a_model.get_nres()).center(8),\ "|",a_model.get_multimer().center(9),\ "|",a_model.get_domain().center(7),\ "|",str(a_model.get_nmon()).center(17),"|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n" %(str(a_model_index[2]).center(7),\ a_model.get_domain_pdb_code().center(10),\ str(a_model_sim).center(12),\ str(a_model.get_nres()).center(10),\ a_model.get_multimer().center(11),\ a_model.get_domain().center(9),\ str(a_model.get_nmon()).center(19) ) print "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-----------|---------|-------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------|----------|------------|----------|-----------|---------|-------------------|\n" CopyFile(a_model.mr_in_xyz,self._path_dict['ser_path']) struct_xml_reader.releaseNode(struct_xml_document) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def getUserInputPdbCode(self, in_code): t_code = in_code aNumStr = "" if in_code : for aChar in in_code: if aChar.isdigit(): aNumStr = aNumStr + aChar if aNumStr: t_num = int(aNumStr) else : print "Could not decide the pdb code in user's lib" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += "Could not decide the pdb code in user's lib\n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" sys.exit() if self._path_dict.has_key('infile_pdb_list'): if glob.glob(self._path_dict['infile_pdb_list']): t_file = open(self._path_dict['infile_pdb_list'], "r") lines = t_file.readlines() t_file.close() if len(lines) >= t_num and t_num >= 1: t_code = lines[t_num-1].split(".")[0] if t_code: t_code = t_code.upper() return t_code def controller(self): if not self.idx_err and self._path_dict.has_key("infile_seq") : try: file_seq = open(self.seq_name,"r") except IOError: print "can not find %s for reading " %self.seq_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "can not find %s for reading " %self.seq_name self.idx_err = 1 else : t_seq = "" for aline in file_seq.readlines(): aline = aline.rstrip().lstrip() if aline: if aline[0] != ">": t_seq = t_seq + aline print "number of amino acids in the input sequence file is %d " %len(t_seq) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "number of amino acids in the input sequence file is %d \n" %len(t_seq) if len(t_seq) < 20 : print "It is a small fragment (<20) that current version of BALBES can not deal with" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "It is a small fragment (<20) that current version of BALBES can not deal with" self.idx_err = 1 WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" # run seq_DB if self.mode != 1: if not self.idx_err: self.seqDB_run() #self.setCmdLineAndFile() # self.execute() if not self.idx_err: self.seqDB_info_analysis() # run get_structure_DB if not self.idx_err: self.structDB_run() if not self.idx_err: self.structDB_info_analysis() ################################################################## class CMOLREP (CExeCode): def __init__( self, path_obj ): CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.idx_err = 0 self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "molrep") self.mod_1 = None self.mod_2 = None self.input_phase = "N" # repeatly with mod_2 self.found = 0 def setCmdLineAndFile (self) : # Generate a batch file (can be changed to cmdline once we do not want # to have a look at the batch file self.bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self.name_tag + ".bat" ) try: molrep_bat = open(self.bat_name,"w") except IOError: print self.bat_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for writing \n" %self.bat_name self.idx_err = 1 WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" else: print >> molrep_bat, "_DOC Y>%s "% (self._path_dict["doc_path"] + "/") if not self.mod_2: print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_F %s" % self.mod_1.mr_in_hkl if self.mod_1.ens_enable =="YES": print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_M %s" % self.mod_1.mr_in_xyz_ens else: print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_M %s" % self.mod_1.mr_in_xyz print >> molrep_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s" % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] +"/") if not (self.mod_1.infile_seq == "null"): str_temp = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self._path_dict["name_root"]+ "_" + self.mod_1.get_index_chain()+".seq") print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_S ", str_temp #print >> molrep_bat, "_compl " , self.mod_1.get_mol_compl() if self.mod_1.ens_enable == "YES": print >> molrep_bat, "_sim ", self.mod_1.get_sim_ens() else: print >> molrep_bat, "_sim ", self.mod_1.get_similarity() print >> molrep_bat, "_rad %5.2f " % self.mod_1.get_MOLREP_RAD() print >> molrep_bat, "_DB Y " print >> molrep_bat, "_NCSM %d " % self.mod_1.get_numCopies() if self.mod_1.get_nmon() <= 30: print >> molrep_bat, "_nmon %d " % self.mod_1.get_nmon() else : # calculation with tge input fixed model if glob.glob(self.mod_2.refi_sol_hkl): print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_F %s" % self.mod_2.refi_sol_hkl else : print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_F %s" % self.mod_1.mr_in_hkl if self.mod_1.ens_enable =="YES": print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_M %s" % self.mod_1.mr_in_xyz_ens else: print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_M %s" % self.mod_1.mr_in_xyz print >> molrep_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s" % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/") if not (self.mod_1.infile_seq == "null"): str_temp = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self._path_dict["name_root"] + "_" + self.mod_1.get_index_chain()+".seq") print >> molrep_bat, "_FILE_S ", str_temp # print >> molrep_bat, "_compl " , self.mod_1.get_mol_compl() if self.mod_1.get_domain().strip() =="Yes": # the model is a domainmodel print >> molrep_bat, "_badd 1" else: if self.mod_1.ens_enable == "YES": print >> molrep_bat, "_sim ", self.mod_1.get_sim_ens() else: print >> molrep_bat, "_sim ", self.mod_1.get_similarity() print >> molrep_bat, "_rad %5.2f " % self.mod_1.get_MOLREP_RAD() print >> molrep_bat, "_DB Y " print >> molrep_bat, "_MODEL_2 %s" % self.mod_2.refi_sol_xyz if self.mod_1.use_phase == "Y": print >> molrep_bat, "_LABIN F=FWT PH=PHWT" print >> molrep_bat, "_diff M" print >> molrep_bat, "_nmon %d " % self.mod_1.get_nmon() print >> molrep_bat, "_np 40 " molrep_bat.close() # Set command line self._cmdline = '' self._cmdline += ' %s <%s ' % (self.__exeCode, self.bat_name) # log file name def info_analysis(self): """Extract information from the XML file associated with the input moldel on which molrep has executed """ # set the mr_score to the zero self.mod_1.set_mr_score(0.0) # Organise the file path and name if not glob.glob(self._path_dict["doc_path"] +"/molrep.xml"): print "no molrep.xml is found for the self.mod_1, molrep running time fault!" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "no molrep.xml is found for the self.mod_1, molrep running time fault!" self.idx_err = 1 else: xml_name_pre = self._path_dict["doc_path"] + "/molrep.xml" # Open xml file if not self.idx_err: try: molrep_xml = open(xml_name_pre,"r") except IOError: print xml_name_pre , " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading " %xml_name_pre self.idx_err = 1 # Handle with xml file try: molrep_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() molrep_xml_document = molrep_xml_reader.fromStream(molrep_xml) molrep_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "can not create a reader object for xml file, xml format errors" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "can not create a reader object for xml file, xml format errors" self.idx_err =1 if not self.idx_err: rootElement = StripXml(molrep_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.mod_1.set_err_level(int(node.firstChild.nodeValue)) if self.mod_1.get_err_level() > 1: self.idx_err = 1 elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.mod_1.set_err_message(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if self.idx_err == 1: print "ERROR MESSAGE: ", self.mod_1.get_err_message() self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "ERROR MESSAGE: %s\n", self.mod_1.get_err_message() elif node.nodeName == "n_solution": self.mod_1.set_nmon_solution(int(node.firstChild.nodeValue)) print "| Monomers expected |","%s"% str(self.mod_1.get_nmon()).center(15),"|" print "|-------------------|-----------------|" print "| Monomers found |","%s"% str(self.mod_1.get_nmon_solution()).center(15),"|" print "|-------------------|-----------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Monomers expected |%s|\n"% str(self.mod_1.get_nmon()).center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Monomers found |%s|\n"% str(self.mod_1.get_nmon_solution()).center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" elif node.nodeName == "mr_score": self.mod_1.set_mr_score(node.firstChild.nodeValue) print "The MR score is %4.2f" % self.mod_1.get_mr_score() self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The MR score is %4.2f \n" % self.mod_1.get_mr_score() elif node.nodeName == "mr_score_previous": self.mod_1.set_mr_score_prev(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "solution": file_sol_pdb = node.getAttribute("sol_file") if not glob.glob(file_sol_pdb): print "MR failed to produce a solution on this model " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "MR failed to produce a solution on this model \n" self.mod_1.mr_sol_xyz = "" else: self.mod_1.mr_sol_xyz = os.path.join(self._path_dict["tem_path"], self.name_tag +".pdb") shutil.move(file_sol_pdb, self.mod_1.mr_sol_xyz) elif node.nodeName == "found": file_sol_dimer = node.getAttribute("dimer_file") if file_sol_dimer == "none" : self.mod_1.file_sol_dimer = None elif glob.glob(file_sol_dimer): self.mod_1.file_sol_dimer = os.path.join(self._path_dict["tem_path"], self.name_tag + "_dimer.pdb") shutil.move(file_sol_dimer, self.mod_1.file_sol_dimer) if glob.glob(self.mod_1.file_sol_dimer): print "A dimer solution has been found \n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "A dimer solution has been found\n" else : print "where did I put the solution dimer file of this model" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "where did I put the solution dimer file of this model \n" self.idx_err = 1 else : print "molrep has found dimer, but failed to produce the dimer pdb! " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "molrep has found dimer, but failed to produce the dimer pdb! \n" self.idx_err = 1 molrep_xml_reader.releaseNode(molrep_xml_document) shutil.move(xml_name_pre, self.xml_name) print "Job finished at %s " % time.ctime( time.time() ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Job finished at %s \n" % time.ctime( time.time() ) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" # The dimer file process def dimer_exe(self, model): """ running 'molrep' on the input model using the found dimer pdb """ print "Found dimer in the model, work on it " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Found dimer in the model, work on it " model.mr_in_xyz = model.file_sol_dimer print "The input pdb file for is now ", model.mr_in_xyz self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The input pdb file for is now %s \n" %model.mr_in_xyz model.set_numCopies(2) print "The number of copies is now %d " % model.get_numCopies() self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The number of copies is now %d \n" % model.get_numCopies() model.set_nmon(model.get_nmon()/2) print "The number of monomers is now %d " % model.get_nmon() self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The number of monomers is now %d \n" % model.get_nmon() self.setCmdLineAndFile (moldel_t) self.execute() self.info_analysis(model) print "Job on dimer done \n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Job on dimer done \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def solution_check_one_model(self, t_model): """ run solution-check on one selected model """ if glob.glob(t_model.solution_xyz): self.SolCheck.set_keypair("in_xyz", t_model.solution_xyz) self.SolCheck.controller() if self.SolCheck.err_level == 0: self.found = 1 self.chain_expect = self.SolCheck.chain_exp if self.SolCheck.chain_found: self.chain_found = self.SolCheck.chain_found self.found = 2 self.solved_model = t_model def controller(self, t_mod_1, t_mod_2 = None ): if not self.idx_err: print "\n#-------------------------------------#" print "# Molecular Replacement #" print "#-------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\n#-------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Molecular Replacement #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-------------------------------------#\n" self.mod_1 = t_mod_1 if t_mod_2: self.mod_2 = t_mod_2 self.mod_1.use_phase = "Y" else: self.mod_2 = None # Play safely index_mod_n = self.mod_1.get_index() index_dom = self.mod_1.get_index_domain() self.name_tag = "molrep_%s" % self.mod_1.name_tag if self.mod_2: index_mod_2 = self.mod_2.get_index() index_dom = self.mod_2.get_index_domain() # if self.mod_2.asm : # name2_tag = "assem%s_model%s_dom%s" \ # %(str(index_mod_2[0]), str(index_mod_2[1]),str(index_dom)) # else: # name2_tag = "seq%s_struct%s_model%s_dom%s" \ # %(str(index_mod_2[0]), str(index_mod_2[1]), str(index_mod_2[2]), str(index_dom)) # self.name_tag = self.name_tag + "fixed_" + name2_tag # log file name self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], self.name_tag + ".log") self.mod_1.mr_log = self.log_name # xml file name self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], self.name_tag + ".xml") print "Job started at %s " % time.ctime( time.time() ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Job started at %s \n" % time.ctime( time.time() ) print "|-------------------------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" if self.mod_1.mix =="N" : if self.mod_1.asm : print "| Assembly |","%s"% str(index_mod_n[0]).center(15),"|" print "|-------------------|-----------------|" print "| Structure |","%s"% self.mod_1.get_pdb_code().center(15),"|" print "|-------------------------------------|" print "| Model |","%s" %str(index_mod_n[1]).center(15),"|" print "|-------------------|-----------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Assembly |%s|\n"% str(index_mod_n[0]).center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Structure |%s|\n"% self.mod_1.get_pdb_code().center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Model |%s|\n" %str(index_mod_n[1]).center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" else: t_code = str(index_mod_n[1]) + "," + self.mod_1.get_pdb_code() print "| Sequence |","%s"% str(index_mod_n[0]).center(15),"|" print "|-------------------------------------|" print "| Structure |","%s"% t_code.center(15),"|" print "|-------------------|-----------------|" print "| Model |","%s" %str(index_mod_n[2]).center(15),"|" print "|-------------------|-----------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Sequence |%s|\n"% str(index_mod_n[0]).center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Structure |%s|\n"% t_code.center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Model |%s|\n" %str(index_mod_n[2]).center(17) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|-------------------|-----------------|\n" else: print "Current model index : %s"%self.mod_1.name_tag.ljust(40) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Current model index : %s\n"%self.mod_1.name_tag.ljust(40) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" if self.mod_1.get_nmon() >= 30: t = 30 self.mod_1.set_nmon(t) self.setCmdLineAndFile() #print "The number of monomers expected in this model is larger than 30" #print "BALBES will not solve this model" #self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ # "The number of monomers expected in this model is larger than 30 \n" #self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ # "BALBES will not solve this model\n" #WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) #self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" #self.idx_err = 1 if not self.idx_err: self.execute() if not self.idx_err: self.info_analysis() t_mod_1 = self.mod_1 ################################################################## class Refinement : """ A class that manages molecule replacement by selectively runing different programs such as refmac (current default) and other codes (future) according to their feedback""" def __init__( self, path_obj = None ): # set the default code to be refmac and other codes to be plugged in if # the former fails self.__code_dict= {} self.setExeCode("refmac") # create a object of the refmac class self.Refmac = CREFMAC(path_obj) def setExeCode(self, name = None): if name: self.__code_dict["exeCode"] = name else : # temporarily print " which code you want to run ? " sys.exit(1) def execute(self) : # If refmac key is not disabled, run it first if self.__code_dict["exeCode"]== "refmac" : self.Refmac.controller() # check if the program produce lower R factor class CREFMAC (CExeCode): """ Class that carries out refinement by running 'refmac'. The class is a descendent of the base classs 'CExeCode' """ def __init__( self, path_obj): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"],"refmac5") self.xml_name = "" self.log_name = "" self.scr_name = "" # default keywords, some will be decided on-fly such as LABIn.... self.NCYCLE = 40 # default value self.keywords = {} self.keywords['rb'] = ["mode rigid", "rigid ncyc %d "%self.NCYCLE, "MAKE NEWLIGAND CONTINUE"] self.keywords['ocp'] = ["refi type occup", "MAKE HYDR N", "MAKE NEWLIGAND CONTINUE", "BFAC SET 20", "NCYCLE %d"%self.NCYCLE] self.keywords['default'] = ["MAKE HYDR NO", "MAKE NEWLIGAND CONTINUE", "WEIGHT AUTO ", "NCSR LOCAL", "RIDGE DIST SIGMA 0.05", "NCYCLE %d"%self.NCYCLE] self.keywords['direct'] = ["MAKE HYDR NO", "MAKE NEWLIGAND CONTINUE", "WEIGHT AUTO ", "TWIN RMER 1.0", "TWIN TRANSFORM DATA", "NCYCLE %d"%self.NCYCLE] self.FP = "" self.SIGFP = "" self.FREE = "" self.output_dict = {} self.output_dict['err_level'] = 0 self.idx_err = 0 self.found = 0 self.OneChainPDB = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self._path_dict["name_root"] + "_OneChain.pdb") # temp using internal ligand dic for refmac # os.putenv("LIB_BALBES", self._path_dict["lig_path"]) def Para_mtzdump(self, t_model = None): """ Deduce parametes for Refmac from the relavent mtz file """ self.mtzdump_bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "mtzdump_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".bat") try: mtzdump_bat = open(self.mtzdump_bat_name, "w") except IOError: print self.mtzdump_bat_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write\n" %self.mtzdump_bat_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else : print >> mtzdump_bat, "RUN " mtzdump_bat.close() self.mtzdump_log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "mtzdump_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".log") if t_model: mtzdump_cmdline = "mtzdump HKLin " + t_model.refi_in_hkl \ + " <" + self.mtzdump_bat_name + " > " + self.mtzdump_log_name else : mtzdump_cmdline = "mtzdump HKLin " + self._path_dict['infile_mtz'] \ + " <" + self.mtzdump_bat_name + " > " + self.mtzdump_log_name os.system(mtzdump_cmdline) def Para_freerflag(self, t_model): """ append free_R flag in the input mtz file """ self.freerflag_bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "freerflag_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".bat") try: freerflag_bat = open(self.freerflag_bat_name, "w") except IOError: print self.freerflag_bat_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write\n" %self.freerflag_bat_name self.idx_err = 1 else : print >> freerflag_bat, "FREERFRAC 0.05" # use the default one temperarily print >> freerflag_bat, "END " freerflag_bat.close() self.freerflag_log = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "freerflag_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".log") self.freerflag_mtz = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"] , "freerflag_" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".mtz") if t_model: freerflag_cmdline = "freerflag hklin " + t_model.refi_in_hkl \ + " hklout " + self.freerflag_mtz + " <" \ + self.freerflag_bat_name + " >" + self.freerflag_log else : freerflag_cmdline = "freerflag hklin " + self._path_dict['infile_mtz'] \ + " hklout " + self.freerflag_mtz + " <" \ + self.freerflag_bat_name + " >" + self.freerflag_log os.system(freerflag_cmdline) if glob.glob(self.freerflag_mtz): t_model.refi_in_hkl = self.freerflag_mtz else: print "Problem in appending freeR_flag to the mtz file ?" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Problem in appending freeR_flag to the mtz file ?\n" self.idx_err = 1 WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def setCmdLineAndFile (self, t_model, t_mode = None) : # Deduce parameters from *.mtz file self.Para_mtzdump(t_model) try: mtzdump_log = open(self.mtzdump_log_name, "r") except IOError : print self.mtzdump_log_name, " could not be opened for reading" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading \n" % self.mtzdump_log_name self.idx_err = 1 else : i_end = 0 FP_done = 0 while 1: line_mtz1 = mtzdump_log.readline() if line_mtz1.find("order") != -1: while 1: line_mtz2 = mtzdump_log.readline() strs_line_mtz2 = line_mtz2.split() if len(strs_line_mtz2) == 12: if strs_line_mtz2[10] == "F" and not FP_done: line_mtz3 = mtzdump_log.readline() strs_line_mtz3 = line_mtz3.split() if strs_line_mtz3[-2] == "Q": self.SIGFP = strs_line_mtz3[-1] self.FP = strs_line_mtz2[-1] FP_done = 1 elif strs_line_mtz2[11] == "FreeR_flag": self.FREE = strs_line_mtz2[11] elif len(strs_line_mtz2) == 11: if strs_line_mtz2[9] == "F" and not FP_done: self.FP = strs_line_mtz2[10] line_mtz3 = mtzdump_log.readline() strs_line_mtz3 = line_mtz3.split() if len(strs_line_mtz3) == 12: if strs_line_mtz3[10] == "Q": self.SIGFP = strs_line_mtz3[11] elif len(strs_line_mtz3) == 11: if strs_line_mtz3[9] == "Q": self.SIGFP = strs_line_mtz3[10] elif strs_line_mtz2[10] == "FreeR_flag": self.FREE = strs_line_mtz2[10] elif line_mtz2.find("No. of reflections used in FILE STATISTICS") != -1: i_end = 1 break if i_end == 1: break # Check if FreeR_flag is activated if not self.FREE: self.FREE = "FreeR_flag" self.Para_freerflag(t_model) if not self.FP or not self.SIGFP: print "can not find FP or SIGFP parameter after running mtzdump" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "can not find FP or SIGFP parameter after running mtzdump\n" self.idx_err = 1 if not self.bat_name : print "no batch file 'refmac', why " self.idx_err = 1 if not self.idx_err: tmp_cmdline = '' tmp_cmdline += ' HKLIN %s ' % t_model.refi_in_hkl tmp_cmdline += ' XYZIN %s ' % t_model.refi_in_xyz tmp_cmdline += ' XYZOUT %s ' % t_model.refi_sol_xyz tmp_cmdline += ' HKLOUT %s ' % t_model.refi_sol_hkl tmp_cmdline += ' XMLOUT %s ' % self.xml_name tmp_cmdline += ' scrref %s ' % self.scr_name try: refmac_bat = open(self.bat_name,"w") except IOError: print "%s could not be opened for write"%self.bat_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write" %self.bat_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) if self.mode == "Rigid Body Refinement" : a_newline = "LABIn FP=" + self.FP + " SIGFP=" + self.SIGFP +" FREE=FreeR_flag" print >> refmac_bat, a_newline for item in self.keywords['rb'] : print >> refmac_bat, item elif self.mode == "Occupancy Refinement" : for item in self.keywords['ocp'] : print >> refmac_bat, item elif self.mode == "Direct Refinement" : a_newline = "LABIn FP=" + self.FP + " SIGFP=" + self.SIGFP +" FREE=FreeR_flag" print >> refmac_bat, a_newline for item in self.keywords['direct'] : print >> refmac_bat, item else : # Use default keywords a_newline = "LABIn FP=" + self.FP + " SIGFP=" + self.SIGFP +" FREE=FreeR_flag" print >> refmac_bat, a_newline for item in self.keywords['default'] : print >> refmac_bat, item refmac_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s %s <%s' %(self.__exeCode, tmp_cmdline, self.bat_name ) def info_analysis(self, t_model): """Extract information from the XML file generated by 'refmac' """ # Organise the file path and name if not glob.glob(self.xml_name): print "BUG, No xml is generated by refinement" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "BUG, No xml is generated by refinement" self.idx_err = 1 sys.exit(1) else: # Open xml file try: refmac_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print self.xml_name, " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading \n"%self.xml_name self.idx_err = 1 # Handle with xml file try: refmac_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() refmac_xml_document = refmac_xml_reader.fromStream(refmac_xml) refmac_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "can not create a reader object for xml file, xml format fault" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "can not create a reader object for xml file, xml format fault \n" sys.exit(1) self.idx_err = 1 rootElement = StripXml(refmac_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.output_dict['err_level'] = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue.strip()) if self.output_dict['err_level']: print "Refinement errors. check xml file. The calculation stoped " sys.exit(1) elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.output_dict['err_message'] = node.firstChild.nodeValue if self.output_dict['err_message'].find("reindex") != -1: self.output_dict['reindex'] = True print "| Twin data: need to reindex |" print "| Refinement stopped |" print "|----------------------------------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Twin data: need to reindex |\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Refinement stopped |\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------------------------------|\n" elif node.nodeName == "job": self.output_dict['job_type'] = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "Overall_stats" and not self.output_dict['reindex']: self.output_dict['all_cyc'] = {} for overall in node.childNodes: if overall.nodeName == "n_cycle": self.output_dict['all_cyc']['num_cyc'] = int(overall.firstChild.nodeValue) t_cyc = self.output_dict['all_cyc']['num_cyc'] print "| Number of cycle used |","%s"\ % str(t_cyc).center(21),"|" print "|----------------------|-----------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Number of cycle used |%s|\n"\ % str(t_cyc).center(23) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|-----------------------|\n" elif overall.nodeName == "stats_vs_cycle": self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"] = [] for s_vs_c in overall.childNodes: if s_vs_c.nodeName == "new_cycle": a_cyc = RefCycle() for cyc in s_vs_c.childNodes: if cyc.nodeName == "cycle": a_cyc.cyc_id = int(cyc.firstChild.nodeValue) elif cyc.nodeName == "r_factor": a_cyc.r_fact = float(cyc.firstChild.nodeValue) elif cyc.nodeName == "r_free": a_cyc.r_free = float(cyc.firstChild.nodeValue) elif cyc.nodeName == "rmsBOND": a_cyc.rmsBOND = float(cyc.firstChild.nodeValue) elif cyc.nodeName == "rmsANGLE": a_cyc.rmsANGLE = float(cyc.firstChild.nodeValue) elif cyc.nodeName == "rmsCHIRAL": a_cyc.rmsCHIRAL = float(cyc.firstChild.nodeValue) self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"].append(a_cyc) # check if self.output_dict['all_cyc']['num_cyc'] != len(self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"]): print "number of cycles in refmac xml file is not right " sys.exit() elif len(self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"]) != 0 : t_model.R_ini = \ self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"][0].r_fact t_model.R_free_ini = \ self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"][0].r_free t_cyc = self.output_dict['all_cyc']['num_cyc'] - 1 t_model.R_fin = \ self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"][t_cyc].r_fact t_model.R_free_fin = \ self.output_dict['all_cyc']["cycs"][t_cyc].r_free if t_model.R_ini and t_model.R_free_ini : print "| R_ini/R_free_ini |","%10.4f/%-10.4f" \ %(t_model.R_ini, t_model.R_free_ini ),"|" print "|----------------------|-----------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| R_ini/R_free_ini |%10.4f/%-10.4f |\n" \ %(t_model.R_ini, t_model.R_free_ini ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|-----------------------|\n" if t_model.R_fin and t_model.R_free_fin : print "| R/R_free |","%10.4f/%-10.4f" \ %(t_model.R_fin, t_model.R_free_fin),"|" print "|----------------------|-----------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| R/R_free |%10.4f/%-10.4f |\n" \ %(t_model.R_fin, t_model.R_free_fin) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|-----------------------|\n" elif overall.nodeName == "bvalue_stats": self.output_dict['BFactores'] = CBOStrucDict() for bs in overall.childNodes: if bs.nodeName == "overall": for bs_prop in bs.childNodes: if bs_prop.nodeName == "all": self.output_dict['BFactores']['overall']['all'].SetBOStruc(bs_prop) if bs_prop.nodeName == "main_chain": self.output_dict['BFactores']['overall']['main'].SetBOStruc(bs_prop) if bs_prop.nodeName == "side_chain": self.output_dict['BFactores']['overall']['side'].SetBOStruc(bs_prop) elif bs.nodeName == "chain_by_chain": for bs_prop in bs.childNodes: if bs_prop.nodeName == "new_chain": a_chain = Chain() for c_prop in bs_prop.childNodes: if c_prop.nodeName == "chain_name": a_chain.set_chainID(c_prop.firstChild.nodeValue) elif c_prop.nodeName == "all": a_chain.b_all.SetBOStruc(c_prop) elif c_prop.nodeName == "main_chain": a_chain.b_main.SetBOStruc(c_prop) elif c_prop.nodeName == "side_chain": a_chain.b_side.SetBOStruc(c_prop) self.output_dict['BFactores']['chains'].append(a_chain) # print out #for t_chain in self.output_dict['BFactores']['chains']: # print "Chain name: ", t_chain.get_chainID() # print "Chain overall B factors " # print "\tB overall all number", t_chain.b_all.number # print "\tB overall all average",t_chain.b_all.average # print "\tB overall all sigma", t_chain.b_all.sigma # print "Main chain B factors " # print "\tB main chain number", t_chain.b_main.number # print "\tB main chain average",t_chain.b_main.average # print "\tB main chain sigma", t_chain.b_main.sigma # print "Side chain B factors " # print "\tB side chain number", t_chain.b_side.number # print "\tB side chain average",t_chain.b_side.average # print "\tB side chain sigma", t_chain.b_side.sigma elif overall.nodeName == "occupancy_stats": self.output_dict['Occupancy'] = CBOStrucDict() for oc in overall.childNodes: if oc.nodeName == "overall": for oc_prop in oc.childNodes: if oc_prop.nodeName == "all": self.output_dict['Occupancy']['overall']['all'].SetBOStruc(oc_prop) elif oc_prop.nodeName == "main_chain": self.output_dict['Occupancy']['overall']['main'].SetBOStruc(oc_prop) elif oc_prop.nodeName == "side_chain": self.output_dict['Occupancy']['overall']['side'].SetBOStruc(oc_prop) #print "Occup main number= %d "%self.output_dict['Occupancy']['overall']['main'].number #print "Occup main average= %6.3f "%self.output_dict['Occupancy']['overall']['main'].average #print "Occup main sigma= %6.3f "%self.output_dict['Occupancy']['overall']['main'].sigma elif oc.nodeName == "chain_by_chain": for oc_prop in oc.childNodes: if oc_prop.nodeName == "new_chain": a_chain = Chain() for c_prop in oc_prop.childNodes: if c_prop.nodeName == "chain_name": a_chain.set_chainID(c_prop.firstChild.nodeValue) elif c_prop.nodeName == "all": a_chain.o_all.SetBOStruc(c_prop) elif c_prop.nodeName == "main_chain": a_chain.o_main.SetBOStruc(c_prop) elif c_prop.nodeName == "side_chain": a_chain.o_side.SetBOStruc(c_prop) self.output_dict['Occupancy']['chains'].append(a_chain) # print out #for t_chain in self.output_dict['Occupancy']['chains']: # print "Chain name: ", t_chain.get_chainID() # print "Chain overall Occupancy " # print "\tO overall all number", t_chain.o_all.number # print "\tO overall all average",t_chain.o_all.average # print "\tO overall all sigma", t_chain.o_all.sigma # print "Chain main chain Occupancy " # print "\tO main chain number", t_chain.o_main.number # print "\tO main chain average",t_chain.o_main.average # print "\tO main chain sigma", t_chain.o_main.sigma # print "Chain side chain Occupancy " # print "\tO side chain number", t_chain.o_side.number # print "\tO side chain average",t_chain.o_side.average # print "\tO side chain sigma", t_chain.o_side.sigma elif node.nodeName == "solution_file": file_sol_xyz = node.firstChild.nodeValue file_sol_xyz = file_sol_xyz.rstrip() file_sol_xyz = file_sol_xyz.lstrip() #if not glob.glob(file_sol_xyz): # print " No output pdb file is produced by refinement" # self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ # " No output pdb file is produced by refinement\n" #else: # print "The solution pdb file is in: \n%s " \ # % file_sol_xyz # self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ # "The solution pdb file is in: \n%s\n " % file_sol_xyz elif node.nodeName == "mtz_file": file_sol_mtz = node.firstChild.nodeValue file_sol_mtz = file_sol_mtz.rstrip() file_sol_mtz = file_sol_mtz.lstrip() #if not glob.glob(file_sol_mtz): # print " No output structural factor file is produce by refinement" # self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \\ # " No output structural factor file is produce by refinement\n" #else: # print "The solution mtz file is in: \n%s " % file_sol_mtz # self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ # "The solution mtz file is in: \n%s\n " % file_sol_mtz elif node.nodeName == "twin_info": for a_twProp in node.childNodes: if a_twProp.nodeName == "ntwin_domain": t_model.twinInfo.numDomains = int(a_twProp.firstChild.nodeValue) elif a_twProp.nodeName == "new_domain": t_newDomain = TwinDomain() for a_domain in a_twProp.childNodes: if a_domain.nodeName == "domain": t_newDomain.idx = int(a_domain.firstChild.nodeValue) elif a_domain.nodeName == "operator": t_newDomain.operator = a_domain.firstChild.nodeValue.strip() elif a_domain.nodeName == "fraction": t_newDomain.fraction = float(a_domain.firstChild.nodeValue.strip()) t_model.twinInfo.newDomains.append(t_newDomain) elif a_twProp.nodeName == "reindex": for a_reindexOP in a_twProp.childNodes: if a_reindexOP.nodeName == "action": if a_reindexOP.firstChild.nodeValue.strip() != "none": t_model.twinInfo.reindexAction = True else : t_model.twinInfo.reindexAction = False elif a_reindexOP.nodeName == "operator": t_model.twinInfo.reindexOperator = a_reindexOP.firstChild.nodeValue.strip() self.output_dict['reindex'] = node.firstChild.nodeValue refmac_xml_reader.releaseNode(refmac_xml_document) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def controller(self,t_model, t_mode = None): self.FP = "" self.SIGFP = "" self.FREE = "" self.output_dict['err_level'] = 0 self.output_dict['reindex'] = False self.idx_err = 0 print "\n#----------------------------------------------#" print "# Refinement #" print "#----------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\n#----------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Refinement #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#----------------------------------------------#\n" print "Refinement started at %s " % time.ctime( time.time() ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Refinement started at %s \n" % time.ctime( time.time() ) t_s = "" if t_mode : if t_mode == "Rigid" : self.mode = "Rigid Body Refinement" t_s = "r" elif t_mode == "Ocp" : self.mode = "Occupancy Refinement" t_s = "o" elif t_mode == "Direct" : self.mode = "Direct Refinement" t_s = "n" else : self.mode = "Normal Refinement" t_s = "n" else : self.mode = "Normal Refinement" t_s = "n" # Set name tag index_mod_n = t_model.get_index() index_dom = t_model.get_index_domain() mod_tag = "refmac_%s" %t_model.name_tag if t_mode == "Rigid" : mod_tag += "_r" else: mod_tag += "_n" name_tag1 = os.path.join(self._path_dict["tem_path"], mod_tag) name_tag2 = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], mod_tag) name_tag3 = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], mod_tag) name_tag4 = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], mod_tag) self.xml_name = name_tag4 + ".xml" self.log_name = name_tag2 + ".log" if t_mode == "Rigid" : t_model.refi_rigid_log = self.log_name else: t_model.refi_log = self.log_name self.scr_name = name_tag3 + ".tmp" self.bat_name = name_tag3 + ".bat" t_model.refi_sol_xyz = name_tag1 + ".pdb" t_model.refi_sol_hkl = name_tag1 + ".mtz" print "|----------------------------------------------|" print "| Mode |","%s"% self.mode.center(21),"|" print "|----------------------|-----------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| Mode |%s|\n"% self.mode.center(23) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|-----------------------|\n" self.setCmdLineAndFile(t_model) self.execute() if not self.idx_err: self.info_analysis(t_model) print "Refinement finished at %s " % time.ctime( time.time() ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Refinement finished at %s \n" % time.ctime( time.time() ) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" ########################################################################################### class CF2CIF (CExeCode): """ This class transfers a file of sfcheck_fob to that of cif format by running 'f2cif'. The class is inheritted from the base classs 'CExeCode' """ def __init__( self, path_obj ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "f2cif") # set the command lines and file for the code 'f2cif' # input, output, log and bat file names if self._path_dict.has_key("infile_fobs"): self.fob_name = self._path_dict["infile_fobs"] else : self.fob_name = None print " No input sf file for 'f2cif'" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " No input file for 'f2cif' \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit() self.cif_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], self._path_dict['name_root'] + ".cif") self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "f2cif.log") self.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "f2cif.bat") try: f2cif_bat = open(self.batch_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write\n" %self.batch_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) print >> f2cif_bat, "_DOC N " print >> f2cif_bat, "_FILE_F %s" % self.fob_name print >> f2cif_bat, "_FILE_O %s" % self.cif_name print >> f2cif_bat, "_FREE I " print >> f2cif_bat, "_end" f2cif_bat.close() self._cmdline = '' self._cmdline += ' %s <%s > %s' %(self.__exeCode, self.batch_name, self.log_name) os.system(self._cmdline) # self.execute() if not glob.glob(self.cif_name): print " 'f2cif' has not generate %s " % self.cif_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " 'f2cif' has not generate %s \n" % self.cif_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit() ########################################################################################### class CCIF2MTZ (CExeCode): """ This class transfers a file of cif format to that of mtz by running 'cif2mtz'. The class is inheritted from the base classs 'CExeCode' """ def __init__( self, path_obj ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["ccp4"],"cif2mtz") self.cif_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], self._path_dict['name_root'] + ".cif") self.mtz_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], self._path_dict['name_root'] + ".mtz") self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['doc_path'], "cif2mtz.log") # set the command lines for the code 'cif2mtz' tmp_cmdline = '' tmp_cmdline += ' HKLIN %s ' % self.cif_name tmp_cmdline += ' HKLOUT %s ' % self.mtz_name self.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], "cif2mtz.bat") try: cif2mtz_bat = open(self.batch_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write \n" %self.batch_name sys.exit(1) print >> cif2mtz_bat, "_end " #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK HERE self._cmdline = '' self._cmdline += ' %s %s < %s \n' % (self.__exeCode, tmp_cmdline, self.batch_name) self.execute() if not glob.glob(self.mtz_name): print " 'cif2mtz' did not generate %s " % self.mtz_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " 'cif2mtz' did not generate %s \n" % self.mtz_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) ############################################################### class CGETMTZ: """ This class generates *.mtz file by runing 'sfcheck', 'f2cif', and 'cif2mtz' """ def __init__( self, path_obj): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" # set pathes if path_obj : self._path_dict = path_obj else : # temporarily print " Error in set path variables ! " sys.exit(1) self.cif_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self._path_dict["name_root"]+ ".cif") self.mtz_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self._path_dict["name_root"]+ ".mtz") if not self._path_dict.has_key("infile_fobs"): self.fob_generator = CSFCHECK(path_obj) self.fob_generator.controller(0) self._path_dict["infile_fobs"] = self.fob_generator.fobs_name if not glob.glob(self._path_dict["infile_fobs"]): print "sfcheck can not generate sfcheck_fob.dat, why?" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "sfcheck can not generate sfcheck_fob.dat, why?\n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) #else : self.cif_generator = CF2CIF(path_obj) if not glob.glob(self.cif_name): print "f2cif does not produce the *.cif file! " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "f2cif does not produce the *.cif file! \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) else: self.mtz_generator = CCIF2MTZ(path_obj) if not glob.glob(self.mtz_name): print "cif2mtz does not produce *.mtz file" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "cif2mtz does not produce *.mtz file" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) #################################################################### class CSolutionCheck(CExeCode): """ This class that perform solution check by running 'solution_check'. The class is descendent of the base classs 'CExeCode' """ def __init__( self, path_obj ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) # check if we have the initial solution path in the path_dict if self._path_dict.has_key("infile_sol"): self._path_dict['infile_sol'] = "/data2/fei/Database_BALBES/All_pdb/All/" + self._path_dict["name_root"] + ".pdb" self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "solution_check") self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['xml_path'], self._path_dict['name_root'] + "_solution_check.xml") self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['doc_path'], "solution_check.log") self.idx_err = 0 self.chain_found = 0 self.chain_expected = 0 def set_keypair(self, key_t, value_t): if key_t: self._path_dict[key_t] = value_t def controller (self, t_model = None): print "|-----------------------------------------|" print "| Solution check aganst the deposited PDB |" print "|-----------------------------------------|" # set the command lines for the code 'solution_check' self.chain_found = 0 self.chain_expected = 0 self._cmdline = ' ' if t_model : file_in_xyz = t_model.refi_sol_xyz else : if self._path_dict.has_key("in_xyz"): file_in_xyz = self._path_dict["in_xyz"] else : file_in_xyz = None if glob.glob(file_in_xyz) and \ glob.glob(self._path_dict["infile_sol"]): self._cmdline += ' %s <<stop > %s \n' % (self.__exeCode, self.log_name) self._cmdline += ' \n' self._cmdline += ' %s \n' % file_in_xyz self._cmdline += ' %s \n' % self._path_dict["infile_sol"] self._cmdline += ' %s \n' % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/") self._cmdline += 'stop' os.system(self._cmdline) t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict["cur_path"], "solution_check.xml") if glob.glob(t_xml): shutil.move(t_xml, self.xml_name) self.info_analysis() else : print "Program 'solution_check' has failed " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Program 'solution_check' has failed \n" self.idx_err = 1 else : print "can not find either %s or %s, why? " % (self._path_dict["in_xyz"], self._path_dict["infile_sol"]) print "no solution check will be carried out" self.idx_err = 1 WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def info_analysis(self): """Extract information from the XML file generated by 'solution_check'. """ # Organise the file path and name if not glob.glob(self.xml_name): print "no xml is generated for solution check" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "no xml is generated for solution check \n" self.idx_err = 1 else: # Open xml file try: sol_check_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print self.xml_name , " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading \n" %self.xml_name self.idx_err = 1 # Handle with xml file try: sol_check_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() sol_check_xml_document = \ sol_check_xml_reader.fromStream(sol_check_xml) sol_check_xml.close() except ExpatError: print self.xml_name, "format errors" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s format errors \n" %self.xml_name self.idx_err = 1 else : rootElement = StripXml(sol_check_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.err_level = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.err_message = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "job": self.job_name = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "n_ch_str": self.chain_expected = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) print "The number of chain expected is %d " % self.chain_expected self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The number of chain expected is %d \n" % self.chain_expected elif node.nodeName == "n_ch_found": self.chain_found = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) print "The number of chain found is %d " % self.chain_found self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The number of chain found is %d \n" % self.chain_found sol_check_xml_reader.releaseNode(sol_check_xml_document) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" class CCheck_Cell_SG (CExeCode) : """ A class that performs database search a structure which has very similar for cell and space group to a input refection data file , using the program 'chech_cell_sg'. The class is inheritted from CExeCode """ def __init__( self, path_obj, t_cell, t_sg ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" self.idx_err = 0 CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "check_cell_sg") self.pdb_code = None self.n_structure = 0 self.target_cell = t_cell.strip() cell_p = self.target_cell.split() self.target_cell_len = cell_p[0] + " " + cell_p[1]+ " " +cell_p[2] self.target_cell_ang = cell_p[3] + " " + cell_p[4]+ " " +cell_p[5] self.target_sg = t_sg.strip() self.lim = 0.02 self.diff = 1.0 self.cell = "" self.cell_len = "" self.cell_ang = "" self.controller (t_cell, t_sg) def setCmdLineAndFile (self) : self.name_tag = "check_cell_sg" # log and xml file name self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], self.name_tag + ".log") self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], self.name_tag + ".xml") # creat the batch file self.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self.name_tag + ".bat") try: check_cell_sg_bat = open(self.batch_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write\n"%self.batch_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else: os.putenv("MOLREP_DB", self._path_dict["sys_path"]) os.putenv("CELL_SG_rep", self.log_name ) print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "# -------------------------------- " print >> check_cell_sg_bat, self.__exeCode + " << stop >> $CELL_SG_rep" print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "# -------------------------------- " print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "_DOC N " print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s " % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/") print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "_SG %s" % self.target_sg print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "_CELL %s " % self.target_cell print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "_LIM %.3f " % self.lim print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "_END " print >> check_cell_sg_bat, "stop\n\n " check_cell_sg_bat.close() os.chmod(self.batch_name, 0755) time.sleep(2) os.system(self.batch_name) t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict["cur_path"], "check_cell_sg.xml") t_out = MoveFile(t_xml,self.xml_name) if not t_out : self.idx_err = 1 def info_analysis(self): """Extract information from a XML file created by 'check_cell_sg ' """ # Open xml file if not self.idx_err: try: check_cell_sg_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print xml_name_pre , " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading\n"%xml_name_pre WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 # Handle with xml file try: check_cell_sg_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() check_cell_sg_xml_document = check_cell_sg_xml_reader.fromStream(check_cell_sg_xml) check_cell_sg_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "%s format errors " % xml_name_pre self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s format errors " % xml_name_pre WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err =1 else : rootElement = StripXml(check_cell_sg_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.err_level = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.err_message = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "n_structure": self.n_structure =int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "PDB_code": self.pdb_code =node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "diff": self.diff =float(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "cell": self.cell =node.firstChild.nodeValue.strip() cell_pa = self.cell.split() self.cell_len = cell_pa[0] + " " + cell_pa[1]+ " " +cell_pa[2] self.cell_ang = cell_pa[3] + " " + cell_pa[4]+ " " +cell_pa[5] check_cell_sg_xml_reader.releaseNode(check_cell_sg_xml_document) # Output the comparison between target and found sttructures if self.n_structure : print "%d structure is found" % self.n_structure for i in range(self.n_structure): print "The details of found structure %d " %(i+1) print "|--------------------------------------------|" print "| PDB_CODE |","%s"% self.pdb_code.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| SPACE GROUP |","%s"% self.target_sg.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| CELL LENGTH |","%s"% self.cell_len.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| CELL ANGLE |","%s"% self.cell_ang.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|", self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%d structure is found\n" % self.n_structure for i in range(self.n_structure): self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The details of found structure %d\n" %(i+1) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| PDB_CODE |%s|\n"% self.pdb_code.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| SPACE GROUP |%s|\n"% self.target_sg.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| CELL LENGTH |%s|\n"% self.cell_len.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| CELL ANGLE |%s|\n"% self.cell_ang.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" else : print "No structure of similar cell and space group was found " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "No structure of similar cell and space group was found \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def controller (self, t_cell, t_sg) : print "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Search for Structures with Similar Cell and Space Group #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Search for Structures with Similar Cell and Space Group #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" if not self.idx_err : self.setCmdLineAndFile () if not self.idx_err: self.info_analysis() class CGet_File (CExeCode): """This Class can be implemented to get a file from a remote or local source site provided by users and then process it locally """ def __init__( self, dict_provided = None ): self.__dict_setting = { } CExeCode.__init__(self, dict_provided) self.idx_err = 0 if dict_provided : self.__dict_setting = dict_provided self.__local_path_list = [ ] self.__remote_path_list = [ ] self.out_file = None self.log_name = self.__dict_setting["path_dist_rsf"] + "/curl.log" self.controller() else : print " A location for the file is expected from users " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " A location for the file is expected from users " WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 def Get_File_RSDB(self): """ Function to get and process a file from RCSB """ # test if RCSB could be connected HOST = "" PORT = 21 # test connection try: mySocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if sys.version_info[0] >= 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 3: mySocket.settimeout(20.0) mySocket.connect((HOST, PORT) ) except socket.error: print "Connection to RCSB can not be established" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Connection to RCSB can not be established" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) return None mySocket.close() if self.__dict_setting["file_type"] == "PDB" : remote_path = "ftp://ftp.rcsb.org/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/pdb/" file_name1 = "pdb" + self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + ".ent.Z" file_name2 = self.__dict_setting["path_dist_pdb"] + "/" + file_name1 file_name3 = self.__dict_setting["path_dist_pdb"] + "/" + \ "pdb" + self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + ".ent" file_name4 = self.__dict_setting["path_dist_pdb"] + "/" + \ self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + ".pdb" elif self.__dict_setting["file_type"] == "ENT" : remote_path = "ftp://ftp.rcsb.org/pub/pdb/data/structures/all/structure_factors/" file_name1 = "r" + self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + "sf.ent.Z" file_name2 = "r" + self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + "sf.ent" file_name3 = self.__dict_setting["path_dist_rsf"] + "/" + \ + self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + ".ent" execmd = "curl -o " + file_name2 + " " + remote_path + file_name1 + ">& " + self.log_name os.system(execmd) if glob.glob(file_name2): execmd = "gunzip " + file_name2 os.system(execmd) if glob.glob(file_name3): shutil.move(file_name3, file_name4) return file_name4 else : # for debug only print "get the new pdb file %s, but can not gunzip it, why?" \ % file_name1 return None else : print "there is no pdb file %s in RCSB, curl failed" % file_name1 self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "there is no pdb file %s in RCSB, curl failed" % file_name1 WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) return None def Get_File_local(self ): """Function to get and process a file from a local site. Three sites are used temporarily at the moment. They are : 1) SYSTEM_SITE/pdb_DB/ 2) SYSTEM_SITE/pdb_SOL 3) /y/database/brookhaven/pdb/, should be changed to user's input""" i_find = 0 if self.__dict_setting["file_type"] == "PDB": if self.__dict_setting.has_key("sys_path") : self.__local_path_list.append("/data/shared/fei/Database_BALBES/All_pdb/All") # self.__local_path_list.append(self.__dict_setting["sys_path"] + "pdb_SOL/") self.__local_path_list.append("/y/database/brookhaven/pdb") for l_pa in self.__local_path_list: if i_find : break else : t_name = self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + ".pdb" file_name1 = os.path.join(l_pa, t_name) if glob.glob(file_name1): file_name2 = os.path.join(self.__dict_setting["path_dist_pdb"], self.__dict_setting["code_name"] + ".pdb") execmd = "cp " + file_name1 + " " + file_name2 os.system(execmd) if glob.glob(file_name2): i_find = 1 if not i_find : return None else : return file_name2 # a controller function def controller(self ): self.out_file = self.Get_File_local() if not self.out_file: print "get structures of similar cell and sg from local failed, try remote sites " self.idx_err = 1 # self.out_file = self.Get_File_RSDB() #if not self.out_file : # print "Get file from the remote site failed " # self._path_dict['process_log_content']+= \ # "Get file from the remote site failed " self.idx_err = 1 class CAlign_DB(CExeCode): """This Class can be implemented to find identity between two sequences (either from pdb or sequence files) """ def __init__( self, path_obj, file_1, file_2 ): CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) # executable self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"],"align_DB") self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], "align_DB.xml") self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], "align_DB.log") self.bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], "align_DB.bat") self.idx_err = 0 self.ident = 0.0 self.controller (file_1, file_2) def setCmdLineAndFile (self, file_1, file_2) : try: align_DB_bat = open(self.bat_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self.idx_err = 1 else: print >> align_DB_bat, "_DOC N " print >> align_DB_bat, "_PATH_SCR %s " % (self._path_dict["scr_path"] + "/") print >> align_DB_bat, "_FILE_1 %s" % file_1 print >> align_DB_bat, "_FILE_2 %s" % file_2 print >> align_DB_bat, "_END " align_DB_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s <%s > %s' %(self.__exeCode, self.bat_name, self.log_name) def info_analysis(self): """Extract information from a XML file created by 'align_DB ' """ # Open xml file try: align_DB_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print self.xml_name , " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading \n" %self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 # Handle with xml file try: align_DB_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() align_DB_xml_document = align_DB_xml_reader.fromStream(align_DB_xml) align_DB_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "%s format errors " % self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s format errors \n" % self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err =1 else : rootElement = StripXml(align_DB_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.err_level = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.err_message = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "ident": self.ident =float(node.firstChild.nodeValue) align_DB_xml_reader.releaseNode(align_DB_xml_document) print "| CHAIN IDENTITY |","%s"% str(self.ident).center(25),"|" print "|--------------------------------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| CHAIN IDENTITY |%s|\n"% str(self.ident).center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|------------------------------------------|\n\n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def check_ident(self, t_diff) : go_mode = 0 if self.ident >= 90.00 : go_mode = 1 print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Alignment identity > 90 percent, go for direct refinement #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Alignment identity > 90 percent, go for direct refinement #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" else : if t_diff < 0.005: go_mode = 1 print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Alignment identity < 90 percent. #" print "# cell and space group para difference < 0.5 percent #" print "# go for direct refinement #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Alignment identity < 90 percent. #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# cell and space group para difference < 0.5 percent #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# go for direct refinement #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" else : print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# Alignment identity < 90 percent. #" print "# cell and space group para difference > 0.5 percent #" print "# go for automatic molecule replacement #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Alignment identity < 90 percent. #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# cell and space group para difference > 0.5 percent #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# go for automatic molecule replacement #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" return go_mode def controller (self, file_1, file_2) : if not self.idx_err : self.setCmdLineAndFile (file_1, file_2) if not self.idx_err : os.system(self._cmdline) t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict['cur_path'], "align_DB.xml") MoveFile(t_xml, self.xml_name) if not self.idx_err : self.info_analysis() class CPDBTOSEQ(CExeCode): """This Class can be implemented to produce a sequence file from a PDB file using code 'pdb2s' """ def __init__( self, path_obj, file_1 ): CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) # executable self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "pdb2s") # files self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['xml_path'], "pdb2s.xml") self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['doc_path'], "pdb2s.log") self.bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], "pdb2s.bat") self.in_file_name = file_1 file_s = file_1.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + ".seq" self.name = os.path.join(self._path_dict['scr_path'], file_s) self.idx_err = 0 self.controller ( ) def setCmdLineAndFile (self ) : try: pdb2s_bat = open(self.bat_name,"w") except IOError: print self.batch_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write \n" %self.batch_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else: print >> pdb2s_bat, " N " print >> pdb2s_bat, self.in_file_name print >> pdb2s_bat, self.name print >> pdb2s_bat, " ? " print >> pdb2s_bat, " " pdb2s_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s <%s > %s ' %(self.__exeCode, self.bat_name, self.log_name ) def info_analysis(self): """Extract information from a XML file created by 'align_DB ' """ # Organise the file path and name if not glob.glob(self.xml_name): print "pdb2s.xml is not found " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "pdb2s.xml is not found \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else: # Open xml file try: pdb2s_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print xml_name_pre , " could not be opened for reading " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading \n" %xml_name_pre WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 else : # Handle with xml file try: pdb2s_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() pdb2s_xml_document = \ pdb2s_xml_reader.fromStream(pdb2s_xml) pdb2s_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "can not create a reader object for XML file %s" % xml_name_pre self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "can not create a reader object for XML file %s" % xml_name_pre WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err =1 else : rootElement = StripXml(pdb2s_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.err_level = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.err_message = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "ch_id": self.ch_id = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "naa": self.n_aa = int(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "sequence": if not glob.glob(self.name): self.seq_file = node.getAttribute("file_seq") pdb2s_xml_reader.releaseNode(pdb2s_xml_document) print "\n| ALIGNED CHAIN |","%s"% self.ch_id.center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" print "| ALIGNED ACIDS |","%s"% str(self.n_aa).center(25),"|" print "|----------------|---------------------------|" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| ALIGNED CHAIN |%s|\n"% self.ch_id.center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "| ALIGNED ACIDS |%s|\n"% str(self.n_aa).center(25) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------|-------------------------|\n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def controller (self) : if not self.idx_err : self.setCmdLineAndFile () if not self.idx_err : os.system(self._cmdline) t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict['cur_path'], "pdb2s.xml") MoveFile(t_xml, self.xml_name) t_xml = os.path.join(self._path_dict['cur_path'], "temp.seq") MoveFile(t_xml, self._path_dict['scr_path']) if not self.idx_err : self.info_analysis() class CChocc(CExeCode): """ Class that accesses the quality of a solution model by running 'chocc'. The class is inheritted from the base classs 'CExeCode' """ def __init__( self, path_obj ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.idx_err = 0 self.err_message = "" self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "chocc") def controller(self, t_model, i_stage): print "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#" print "# The Model Assesment by Occupancy Analysis #" print "#-----------------------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = \ "\n#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# The Model Assesment by Occupancy Analysis #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#-----------------------------------------------------------#\n" index_mod_n = t_model.get_index() index_dom = t_model.get_index_domain() if t_model.asm: self.name_tag1 = "asm%s_struct%s_model%s_dom%s" \ %(str(index_mod_n[0]), str(index_mod_n[1]), str(index_mod_n[2]), str(index_dom)) else : self.name_tag1 = "seq%s_struct%s_model%s_dom%s" \ %(str(index_mod_n[0]), str(index_mod_n[1]), str(index_mod_n[2]), str(index_dom)) self.name_tag2 = "refmac_" + self.name_tag1 + "_ocp" self.name_tag3 = "chocc_" + self.name_tag1 # run refmac in occupancy refinement mode. self._path_dict["in_xyz"] = t_model.solution_xyz self._path_dict["in_hkl"] = t_model.solution_hkl self._path_dict["out_xyz"] = os.path.join(self._path_dict["tem_path"], self.name_tag2 + ".pdb") self._path_dict["out_hkl"] = os.path.join(self._path_dict["tem_path"], self.name_tag2 + ".mtz") self.refmac = CREFMAC(self._path_dict) self.refmac.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"],self.name_tag2 + ".log") self.refmac.batch_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"],self.name_tag2 + ".bat") self.refmac.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"],self.name_tag2 + ".xml") self.refmac.controller("ocp") if glob.glob(self._path_dict["out_xyz"]): t_model.file_ocp_crd = self._path_dict["out_xyz"] # chocc run self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], self.name_tag3 + ".log") self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], self.name_tag3 + ".xml") self.setCmdLineAndFile (t_model, i_stage) self.execute() self.info_analysis(t_model, i_stage) if glob.glob(self._path_dict["out_hkl"]): t_model.file_ocp_hkl = self._path_dict["out_xyz"] def setCmdLineAndFile(self, t_model, i_stage): # allow future change here self._cmdline = "chocc -m %s " %t_model.file_ocp_crd self._cmdline += "-xml %s " %self.xml_name self._cmdline += "-h %s " % (os.path.join(self._path_dict['data_path'],"hists.txt")) if i_stage == 1: self._cmdline += "-force all " self._cmdline += " <<stop stop\n" def info_analysis(self, t_model, i_stage ): if not self.idx_err: # Open XML file try: chocc_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print " could not find %s for reading " % self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " could not find %s for reading " % self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 sys.exit(1) # parse contents of XML file try: chocc_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() chocc_xml_document = chocc_xml_reader.fromStream(chocc_xml) chocc_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "can not create a reader object for XML file: %s" %self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ " can not create a reader object for XML file: %s " % self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" self.idx_err = 1 rootElement = StripXml(chocc_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: # Currently only pick one quantity --- quality_factor for all segments if node.nodeName == "err_level": self.idx_err = int (node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif node.nodeName == "err_message": self.err_message = node.firstChild.nodeValue elif node.nodeName == "method": for m_prop in node.childNodes: if m_prop.nodeName == "segment": for seg_prop in m_prop.childNodes: if seg_prop.nodeName == "name": a_seg_name = seg_prop.firstChild.nodeValue.strip() if seg_prop.nodeName == "quality_factor": try: t_q = float(seg_prop.firstChild.nodeValue) except: print "%s is not a number "%seg_prop.firstChild.nodeValue self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s is not a number " %seg_prop.firstChild.nodeValue WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" self.idx_err = 1 else : t_model.segments[a_seg_name] = t_q print "qualityFactor for segment %s is %7.4f "\ %(a_seg_name, t_model.segments[a_seg_name]) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "qualityFactor for segment %s is %7.4f "\ %(a_seg_name, t_model.segments[a_seg_name]) class CDoman2chains(CExeCode): def __init__(self, path_obj ): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.idx_err = 0 self.err_message = "" self.__exeCode = os.path.join(self._path_dict["bin_path"], "domain2chain") def setCmdLineAndFile (self, t_model) : self.bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"], self.name_tag + ".bat" ) try: do2ch_bat = open(self.bat_name,"w") except IOError: print self.bat_name, " could not be opened for write" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for writing \n" %self.bat_name self.idx_err = 1 WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" else: self.tmp_pdb_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["scr_path"],self.name_tag + ".pdb") print >> do2ch_bat, "_DOC Y>%s "% (self._path_dict["doc_path"] + "/") print >> do2ch_bat, "FILE_PDB %s " %t_model.refi_sol_xyz print >> do2ch_bat, "FILE_OUT %s " %self.tmp_pdb_name print >> do2ch_bat, "PATH_SCR %s " %self._path_dict["scr_path"] print >> do2ch_bat, "\n" do2ch_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s <%s ' % (self.__exeCode, self.bat_name) def controller(self, t_model = None ): self.name_tag = "domain2chains_" + t_model.name_tag if t_model: self.setCmdLineAndFile(t_model) self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"], self.name_tag + ".log") self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"], self.name_tag + ".xml") self.execute() if glob.glob(self.tmp_pdb_name): shutil.copyfile(self.tmp_pdb_name, t_model.refi_sol_xyz) else : print "Warn: could not find the output file from 'domain2chains', the process continues " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Warn: could not find the output file from 'domain2chains', the process continues \n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" tmp_xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"],"domain2chain.xml") if glob.glob(tmp_xml_name): shutil.move(tmp_xml_name,self.xml_name) class CPOINTLESS (CExeCode): """ Class that wrap-ups 'pointless'. The class is a descendent of the base classs 'CExeCode' """ def __init__( self, path_obj): """Set the pathes where we can find exe codes, input and output data""" CExeCode.__init__(self, path_obj) self.__exeCode = os.path.join(os.getenv("CBIN"), "pointless") self.xml_name = "" self.log_name = "" self.bat_name = "" self.name_tag = "" self.xyz_in = "" self.hkl_in = "" self.hkl_out = "" self.pointless_dict = {} # default keywords, some will be decided on-fly such as LABIn.... self.keywords = {} self.keywords['provided'] = [] self.keywords['default'] = [] self.mode = 0 self.idx_err = 0 def setMode (self, t_user_kws) : for a_line in t_user_kws: self.keywords['provided'].append(a_line.strip()) self.mode = 1 def setCmdLineAndFile (self) : tmp_cmdline = '' tmp_cmdline += ' HKLIN %s ' % self.hkl_in # tmp_cmdline += ' XYZIN %s ' % self.xyz_in # check the version of pointless. tmp_cmdline += ' HKLOUT %s ' % self.hkl_out tmp_cmdline += ' XMLOUT %s ' % self.xml_name try: pointless_bat = open(self.bat_name,"w") except IOError: print "%s could not be opened for write" %self.bat_name, self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for write" %self.bat_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) sys.exit(1) if self.keywords['provided'] : # special requirement for item in self.keywords['provided'] : print >> pointless_bat, item print item self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s \n"%item pointless_bat.close() self._cmdline = ' %s %s <%s' %(self.__exeCode, tmp_cmdline, self.bat_name ) else: # default. Do we need any keywords for this situation, no at the moment #for item in self.keywords['default'] : # print >> pointless_bat, item self._cmdline = ' %s %s ' %(self.__exeCode, tmp_cmdline ) print self._cmdline def info_analysis (self, t_model) : """Extract information from the XML file generated by 'pointless' """ # Organise the file path and name if not os.path.isfile(self.xml_name) : print "BUG, No xml is generated by pointless " self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "BUG, No xml is generated by pointless" self.idx_err = 1 sys.exit(1) else: # Open xml file try: pointless_xml = open(self.xml_name,"r") except IOError: print "%s could not be opened for reading " %self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "%s could not be opened for reading \n"%self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 sys.exit(1) # Handle with xml file try: pointless_xml_reader = PyExpat.Reader() pointless_xml_document = pointless_xml_reader.fromStream(pointless_xml) pointless_xml.close() except ExpatError: print "XML format fault in %s"%self.xml_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "XML format fault in %s \n"%self.xml_name WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self.idx_err = 1 sys.exit(1) rootElement = StripXml(pointless_xml_document.documentElement) for node in rootElement.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "ReflectionFile": a_stream = node.getAttribute("stream") if a_stream == "XYZIN" : self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'] = SymmtryData() # a temp data model for prop_xyz_in in node.childNodes: if prop_xyz_in.nodeName == "cell": for prop_cell in prop_xyz_in.childNodes: if prop_cell.nodeName == "a": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].a = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "b": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].b = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "c": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].c = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "alpha": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].alpha = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "beta": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].beta = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "gamma": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].gamma = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_xyz_in.nodeName == "SpacegroupName": self.pointless_dict['xyz_in'].sg = prop_xyz_in.firstChild.nodeValue elif a_stream == "HKLIN" : self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'] = SymmtryData() # a temp data model for prop_hkl_in in node.childNodes: if prop_hkl_in.nodeName == "cell": for prop_cell in prop_hkl_in.childNodes: if prop_cell.nodeName == "a": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].a = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "b": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].b = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "c": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].c = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "alpha": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].alpha = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "beta": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].beta = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_cell.nodeName == "gamma": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].gamma = float(prop_cell.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_hkl_in.nodeName == "SpacegroupName": self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].sg = prop_hkl_in.firstChild.nodeValue if node.nodeName == "IndexScores": self.pointless_dict['info_reindex'] = {} self.pointless_dict['info_reindex'] ['operations'] = [] for prop_reindex in node.childNodes: if prop_reindex.nodeName == "ScoreCount": self.pointless_dict['info_reindex']['num_reindex'] = int(prop_reindex.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_reindex.nodeName == "Index": a_index = ReindexOp() for prop_index in prop_reindex.childNodes: if prop_index.nodeName == "number": a_index.idx = int(prop_index.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_index.nodeName == "CC": a_index.score = float(prop_index.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_index.nodeName == "NCC": a_index.ncc = int(prop_index.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_index.nodeName == "R": a_index.R = float(prop_index.firstChild.nodeValue) if prop_index.nodeName == "ReindexOperator": a_index.operator = prop_index.firstChild.nodeValue if prop_index.nodeName == "ReindexMatrix": a_index.matrix = prop_index.firstChild.nodeValue self.pointless_dict['info_reindex']['operations'].append(a_index) pointless_xml_reader.releaseNode(pointless_xml_document) # Now output some information to the users # manipulate format t_data_in_name = self.hkl_in.strip().split("/")[-1].strip() t_data_out_name = self.hkl_out.strip().split("/")[-1].strip() t_cell_len = "%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f"%(self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].a, self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].b, self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].c) t_cell_ang = "%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f"%(self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].alpha, self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].beta, self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].gamma) print "Re-index Data file: %s "%t_data_in_name print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|" print "|%s|"%("Information about re-index".center(63)) print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|" print "|%s|%s|"%("Space Group".center(22),self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].sg.center(40)) print "|----------------------|----------------------------------------|" print "|%s|%s|"%("Cell Lengths".center(22),t_cell_len.center(40)) print "|----------------------|----------------------------------------|" print "|%s|%s|"%("Cell Angles".center(22),t_cell_ang.center(40)) print "|----------------------|----------------------------------------|" print "|%s|%s|"%("Operator".center(22),self.pointless_dict['info_reindex']['operations'][0].operator.center(40)) print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|" print "The mtz file after re-index: %s"%t_data_out_name print "This file will be used for further refinement and model building" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Re-index Data file: %s \n"%t_data_in_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|\n"%("Information about re-index".center(63)) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|\n"%("Space Group".center(22),self.pointless_dict['hkl_in'].sg.center(40)) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|----------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|\n"%("Cell Lengths".center(22),t_cell_len.center(40)) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|----------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|\n"%("Cell Angles".center(22),t_cell_ang.center(40)) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|----------------------|----------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|%s|%s|\n"%("Operator".center(22),self.pointless_dict['info_reindex']['operations'][0].operator.center(40)) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "The mtz file after re-index: %s\n"%t_data_out_name self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "This file will be used for further refinement and model building\n" WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = "" def controller(self,t_model, t_kwList = None): print "\n#----------------------------------------------#" print "# Reindex using 'pointless' #" print "#----------------------------------------------#" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "\n#----------------------------------------------#\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "# Reindex using 'pointless' #\n" self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "#----------------------------------------------#\n" print "Reindex started at %s " % time.ctime( time.time() ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Reindex started at %s \n" % time.ctime( time.time() ) self.name_tag = "pointless_%s"%t_model.name_tag self.xml_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["xml_path"],self.name_tag +".xml") self.log_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"],self.name_tag +".log") self.bat_name = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"],self.name_tag +".bat") # for the test version using doc_path # once released using scr_path self.hkl_in = t_model.refi_in_hkl self.xyz_in = t_model.refi_in_xyz self.hkl_out = os.path.join(self._path_dict["doc_path"],self.name_tag +".mtz") self.keywords['provided'] = t_kwList self.setCmdLineAndFile() self.execute() if not self.idx_err: # self.info_analysis(t_model), at the moment, it is not needed print "Re-index finished at %s " % time.ctime( time.time() ) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] += \ "Re-index finished at %s \n" % time.ctime( time.time() ) WriteFile(self._path_dict['process_log_name'],self._path_dict['process_log_content']) self._path_dict['process_log_content'] = ""